
6 May




When celebrated with the rank of solemnity (because titular of a church or public oratory duly dedicated or blessed) there are three readings and the Credo is said. In this case such solemnity is not transferable to a Sunday in Paschal Time (cf Roman Missal, General norms for the liturgical year and the Calendar, nn. 5, 58, 59).

Dominic was born in 1842 at San Giovanni di Riva, near Chieri, Italy. At the time of his First Communion, which he made at the age of seven, he drew up his plan of life: "I will go to Confession frequently and receive Communion as often as my confessor allows me. I want to sanctify Sundays and feastdays. My friends shall be Jesus and Mary. Death rather than sin."

When at the age of twelve he was admitted by Don Bosco to the Oratory in Turin, he asked the saint to help him to become holy. Gentle, and always happy and serene, he was most assiduous in his duties as a student and in assisting his companions in every way, teaching them about their religion, tending the sick, pacifying contentious wranglers. One day he said to a companion who had just arrived at the Oratory: "Here we make holiness consist in being cheerful. We try only to avoid sin as the great enemy that can steal from us God's grace and peace of heart, and to be exact in fulfilling our duties."

He was most faithful to his programme, sustained by an intense sacramental life and a filial devotion to Mary; he was cheerful in his self-sacrifice, and was generously endowed by God with talents and charisms. When the dogma of the Immaculate Conception was proclaimed on 8 December 1854 by Pius IX, Dominic consecrated himself to Mary and made rapid progress in holiness. In 1856 he founded the Company of the Immaculate Conception to help his companions in this group apostolate.

He died at Mondonio on 9 March 1857. Pius XI called him the "little giant of the spirit". Pius XII proclaimed him Blessed in 1950 and canonized

him on 12 June 1954. He is the patron of the Pueri cantores.

The liturgical formulary is a hymn to the God of life and joy (II Coll.), since in Saint Dominic Savio he has given to young people a wonderful example of charity and purity (I Coll.), a tireless apostle among his companions (Sol. bless.), and a model of youthful holiness (II Coll.), characterized by joy of heart and the faithful fulfilment of daily duties (Pref.).

In celebrating with joy the triumph of Saint Dominic Savio (Entry ant.), whose light shines brightly in the festive assembly of the saints, the community of the faithful participates at the table of the Word and the Bread of life, so as to be ever more docile to the action of the Spirit (Pref.) and thus follow in the footsteps of the model towards the full stature of Christ (I Coll.).

To attain this goal the faithful — young people and educators — invoke the divine help: — to grow as children in joy and love (I Coll.); — to be transformed by the Spirit into joyful proclaimers of God's love (Sol. bless.); — to seek Christ's friendship above all other things (Sol. bless.) so as to lead their companions to live in God's friendship in joyful service; — and to conquer sin (After comm.) as a condition for travelling in a short space of time the way to holiness (Pref.).


Let us celebrate with joy

the triumph of Saint Dominic Savio:

he is among those in whom there is no stain,

and who follow the Lamb wherever he goes.

They have been chosen from the nations

to be the first fruits for God and for the Lamb (T.P. Alleluia).

The Gloria is said.


O God, the source of everything that is good,

in Saint Dominic Savio you have given to young people

a wonderful example of charity and purity;

grant that we too may grow as your children

in joy and love,

till we attain the full stature of Christ.

He is God, and lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever.

Or, for the religious Community:

Lord, God of life and happiness,

you have given Saint Dominic Savio to the Church

as a model of youthful holiness;

grant that young people may grow like him

in love and purity,

and that we who are educators

may be able to lead them to Christ

and involve them in the service of your kingdom.

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

1st Reading: 1 Thess 5,12-14 Gospel: In 6,1-15; or Lk 12,35-40


May the sacrifice of salvation

that we offer you, Father,

produce in us the ardour of your Spirit

which enlivened the heart of Saint Dominic Savio.

Grant this through Christ our Lord.


Docile to the Holy Spirit in joyful holiness

Y. The Lord be with you And also with you.

V. Lift up your hearts.

g. We lift them up to the Lord.

Y. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. g. It is right to give him thanks and praise.

Father, all-powerful and ever-living God,

we do well always and everywhere to give you thanks through Jesus Christ our Lord.

In the festive assembly of your saints

you make the young Dominic Savio

a shining light.

Docile to the action of your Spirit,

he was able to travel in a short space of time

a sure and simple way to holiness

in joy of heart and faithful fulfilment

of his daily duties.

In the company of the angels and saints we raise our humble voices in a hymn of praise as we proclaim your glory:

Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might,

heaven and earth are full of your glory.

Hosannah in the highest.

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

Hosannah in the highest.


I am the living bread

which has come down from heaven,

says the Lord.

Anyone who eats this bread will live for ever;

and the bread that I shall give

is my flesh for the life of the world (T.P. Alleluia).


May our sharing in this Eucharist

help us, Father, to overcome sin;

as we follow the example of Saint Dominic Savio,

strengthen in us the commitment

to lead our brothers and sisters

to a life of joyful service

in your friendship.

Grant this through Christ our Lord.


May God our Father,

who has brought us together to celebrate the feast of Saint Dominic Savio,

grant you the abundance of his grace and let you savour the fullness of his love. I. Amen.

May Christ Jesus,

who has freed us from sin by his death on the cross,

give you the courage to seek his friendship

above all else.

g. Amen.

May the Holy Spirit,

who made Dominic Savio

a tireless apostle among his companions make you joyful proclaimers of his love. g. Amen.

And may the blessing of almighty God,

Father, Son + and Holy Spirit,

come down on you, and remain with you for ever. I. Amen.

6 May


Enlightened by the word of God who points out to us a particular path to holiness by sending us among young people, let us invoke God our Father from whom all good things come.

I. Lord, hear our prayer.

  1. For those who are called to proclaim and nourish the faith of the Christian community: that, like Dominic Savio, their chief aim may be the good of souls, we pray to the Lord.

  2. For parents and educators: that following the example of Saint Joihn Bosco, they may be able to help young people in their human and Christian development, we pray to the Lord.

  3. For adolescents: that they may live the years of their youth in tranquility and joy of spirit, and in commitment to their companions, we pray to the Lord.

  4. For all of us taking part in this Eucharist: that being encouraged and animated by the witness of Saint Dominic Savio, we may strive to avoid sin and grow in God's love, we pray to the Lord.

  5. For all here present: that in a spirit of initiative we may commit ourselves generously to the apostolate of our local Church and be of one accord in action and sustained by Christian hope, we pray to the Lord.

  6. Other intentions.

Lord our God, in your Saints you show us the strength and power of the Gospel; grant that your Church may faithfully follow their teachings in this life, and so be admitted one day to share their crown of glory. We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Let us make our petitions in faith to God our Father, who in his merciful goodness has brought us to new life through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

I. Father, strengthen us in the faith.

  1. For the pastors of the Church; that in their ministry they may give priority to the task of the sanctification of Christian people, we pray to the Lord.

  2. For Salesian educators: that with wise creativity and patient persistence they may dedicate themselves to the human and Christian formation of the young, we pray to the Lord.

  3. For adolescents: that being educated to fulfil their own daily duties, they may prepare themselves to shoulder the responsibilities they must accept in later life, we pray to the Lord.

  4. For young adults: that in discovering the values of healthy friendship, they may resist the temptation to withdraw into themselves and thus be generously open to the needs of others, we pray to the Lord.

  5. For all of us gathered in this holy assembly: that in imitation of Saint Dominic Savio, we may exercise wise self-control in the use of the precious gifts God has given to each one, we pray to the Lord.

  6. Other intentions.

O God, the source of joy for all who love you, receive the humble prayer of your Church; grant us your continual help, that our lives may be a constant hymn of praise to your glory. Grant this through Christ our Lord.