
23 June




Born at Castelnuovo d'Asti in 1811, he studied in the schools and seminary of Chieri. After his priestly ordination he went to Turin to the "Convitto Eccelesiastico" to continue his studies in moral theology, while dedicating himself at the same time to teaching religion to young people and prisoners. He eventually became Rector of the "Convitto", and devoted himself to the formation of the young clergy, especially in the teaching of moral theology from which he expunged the rigours of Jansenism and introduced the reassuring teaching of Saint Francis de Sales and Saint Alphonsus. In this way he advocated a path to sanctity realized through daily duties, a spirit of service, a life of prayer and abandonment to God. In visiting prisons and assisting those condemned to death he inculcated the strength of Christian hope, and trust in God's mercy.

To his many charitable initiatives he added his encouragement and material support for the work of Saint John Bosco, whose confessor and spiritual director he was for many years; he assured him that God was calling him to work for youth.

This "priest of prisoners" and "shining light of the Italian clergy" (Pius XI) died on 23 June 1860. Beatified in 1925 and canonized in 1947, he was proposed by Pius XII as the patron of prisons.

The texts of the Mass give praise to God, the Father of infinite goodness (Coll.), for the outstanding gifts of charity and wisdom that he caused to shine so brightly in the life of Joseph Cafasso who led many to virtue (Entrance ant.) and trained according to Gospel principles true ministers of the word and reconciliation (Coll.).

His example and teaching provide for the assembly a powerful school of life (cf Pref.). It is in taking part in the sacred mysteries, where the faithful are reconciled in the sacrifice of the Son (Offertory) that the Church finds new strength: — to walk in holiness and justice (Coll.); — to bear living witness to God's love (Offertory) by practising mercy and pardon (Ant. comm.); — to manifest always a sense of brotherly compassion (Coll.); — and to spend herself tirelessly in counselling (her members) in their doubts and trials (After comm.)


Those who are wise will shine

as brightly as the expanse of the heavens; and those who have instructed many in uprightness as bright as stars for all eternity.


0 God, Father of infinite goodness,

you endowed your priest, Saint Joseph Cafasso,

with outstanding gifts of charity and wisdom

to train according to Gospel principles

ministers of the word and reconciliation;

grant to us, through his intercession,

a sense of brotherly compassion,

so that we may walk in holiness and justice

all the days of our life.

We make our prayer through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who is God, and lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

for ever and ever.

From the ferial leftionary, or:

1st Reading: Sir 7,31-40; or 2 Cor 5,14-21

Gospel: Mt 25, 31-40; or Mk 12,28-34a; or Lk 6,27-38



accept the gifts of your people.

May we who celebrate the love of!your Son

also follow the example of your saints

and grow in love for you and for one another.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Father, you have invited us to your table;

grant that we may follow the example of Saint Joseph Cafasso,

who dedicated himself to you with his whole heart,

and spent himself tirelessly

in counselling his brethren in their doubts and trials.

We make our prayer through Christ our Lord.


The presence of Shepherds in the Church •

V. The Lord be with you And also with you.

V. Lift up your hearts.

g. We have lifted them up to the Lord.

V. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. -. It is right to give him thanks and praise.

Father, all-powerful and ever-living God,

we do well always and everywhere to give you thanks.

You give the Church this feast in honour of St Joseph Cafasso; you inspire us by his holy life,

instruct us by his teaching,

and give us your protection in answer to his prayers.

We join the angels and the saints

as they sing their unending hymn of praise:

Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might,

heaven and earth are full of your glory.

Hosannah in the highest.

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

Hosannah in the highest.

COMMUNION ANTIPHONCf Lk 6, 36-37 a.c. 38a

Be compassionate, says the Lord,

even as your Father is compassionate.

Do not judge, and you will not be judged;

forgive, and you will be forgiven;

give, and there will be gifts for you.


God has raised up the Saints as living signs of Christ and wondrous creations of the Spirit.

Tit. Show us, Lord, your mercy.

  1. For bishops,, priests and deacons: that they may make themselves available to their brethren with kindness, patience and wisdom, for the growth of each Christian community, we pray to the Lord.

  2. For all those we meet on our pilgrimage: that they may always find in us help and understanding, we pray to the Lord.

  3. For members of the Church who have the task of teaching: that following the example of Saint Joseph Cafasso they may be able to enlighten minds and hearts, we pray to the Lord.

  4. For those preparing to be ministers of the Word and reconciliation: that they may learn to imitate Christ who came to heal hearts that are broken and those in need of pardon, we pray to the Lord.

  5. For all of us taking part in this Eucharist: that, nourished by the word and sustained by the Bread of life, we may be always available and open to the needs of our neighbour, we pray to the Lord.

  6. Other intentions.

Turn your eyes, Father, upon your Church, which celebrates in the Saints your wonders of grace and goodness; hear our prayers that we may walk in the way of the Gospel all the days of our lives. We ask you this through Christ our Lord.