


5 October

Blessed Albert Marvelli

Optional Memorial

Albert Marvelli was born at Ferrara on 21 March 1918, into a family which was a true domestic church; he lived and grew up in Rimini, where his family had moved to. He made a constant effort to lead his life according to Christian values.    In this he was greatly helped by the Salesian Oratory especially after his father died and the heavy responsibility of caring for his family fell on his shoulders, as he became almost a second father for his brothers and sister.

His    Diary written between 1933 and 1946, shows us the deepest motivations for his work of evangelisation especially since we can directly enter into his most intimate relationship with God    In fact the diary begins with a profound encounter with the Lord, the result of an unexpected illumination which was to colour hi short life: “The way of perfection is difficult, I know, but with the help of Jesus nothing is impossible” (Diary 1935).

Albert was a strong and active man who meditated on how to become    holy in the practical circumstances of everyday life. In 1941 he writes: “I want my life to be a continuous act of love    (…). Love which is faith, love which is charity, apostolate, sense of duty, the desire to become a saint.” It was the Eucharist that nourished this energy. “My whole being,” he writes in his notes, “is filled with the love of God, in so far as He comes to me with his body, with his soul and makes divine all my body, my thoughts, my actions, my words..”

This intimacy with God, reached precisely through the Eucharist, makes Albert open up to others, recognising the deep injustices, the sins, the miseries of his own times. His commitment is extraordinary and never ceases. The fervour of his charity is apparent and is seen in the careful attention he gives to peoples’ problems. During the second world war Marvelli was always the first to help the troops, those in need, the refugees.

He was an active force in the ecclesiastical, social and    political life of the city. He served Christ in the poor with fervent love. In his apostolate he was active on many fronts.

Knocked down by a military vehicle he died on October 1956.

He was beatified by John Paul II on 5 September 2004, at Loreto, on the occasion of a great Congress of Italian Catholic Action.


From the Common of saints: for a saint noted for works of mercy. Psalms of the day as in the Ordinary.

Office of Readings

Second Read ing

From the Diary of Blessed Albert Marvelli

(Diary and Letters. The    spirituality of a Catholic lay man,

ed. F. Lanfranchi, San Paolo, Cinisello B. (MI) 2005, passim)

Becoming saints being truly sensitive to the spiritual, political, social, religious circumstances

I have set myself a goal today to be reached at all costs with the help of God. A high, sublime, radiant, precious, long desired goal, but so far never reached. To be a saint, an apostle, charitable, studious, pure, strong. Never a moment’s idleness. It this presumptuous perhaps? Perhaps I believe I am strong enough to succeed? You know O Lord, I can do nothing by myself.

Whenever I go to Holy Communion, whenever Jesus in his Divinity and Humanity enters into me, comes in contact with my soul,    there is a kindling of holy resolutions, it is like a fire that burns, which enters into my heart, a flame that burns and consumes but which makes me so happy. Then I give myself up totally to an intimate conversation with Jesus; my human nature disappears I might say, there close to him. Jesus lives in me, Jesus is in my heart; Jesus leaves heaven to enter my most unworthy body. Jesus, give me your a will, your firmness of resolution, your immense love for men and their miseries, your total and supernatural sense of the apostolate. Jesus has wrapped me in his light, he has surrounded me, I see only Him, I think only of Him; the whole surrounding world disappears, one is alone with Him, one asks Him to make those moments last longer, that we may never lose sight of Him, that H e may always be present to us to remind us of our duty.

It’s useless pretending to want to be saints, to want to be apostles, to appear to be active workers if one does not meditate, if one chases after every thought, even frivolous ones, if one is not capable of being more truly recollected, with a good critical sense of observation, a capacity for personal reflection in examining problems, being    really    sensitive to all the spiritual, political, social, religious phenomena taking place round about us.

How have these years passed by for me? What progress have I made in the spiritual life? Have the events, the sorrows, the sufferings, the sacrifices, the joys been able to teach me anything, enabled my faith, hope and charity    to grow? In other words have I made progress or have I stayed were I was, or worse, have    I become worse? I want to examine to the depths my life in these years, its current spiritual state, I want to make a careful and meticulous examination of conscience, so necessary after all this time. I want to get used again to reflecting, thinking, meditating, since unfortunately I feel that the intense activity of these last years has been at the expense of my interior life.

All the ideas come from others, it would appear that I am doing everything, and I’m doing nothing, I give the impression of being active, worthy of imitation, and I go about pointlessly, going around here and there like a wind-mill without getting anywhere. I don’t give quality to my activities, I seem detached from them, even though I want to live for them. Perhaps I have too much professional work, material worries for the present and the future? I have to get used to looking carefully at everything, to studying, meditating, rethinking. The Lord has given me an intelligence, a will, a reason: well then, I have to use them, exercise them, make them function. If they are not used they    get rusty and they end up being of no use.

Responsory       Prov 23,26; 1,9; 5,1

R/. My son give me your heart, and let your heart delight in my ways: * you will become a perfect man.

V/. Pay attention to my wisdom,    turn your ear to my words of insight

R/. you will become a perfect man.

Concluding prayer as at Morning Prayer.

Morning Prayer

Scripture Reading                Rm 12, 1-2

My brothers, I implore you by God’s mercy to offer your very selves to him: a living sacrifice, dedicated and fit for his acceptance; the worship offered by mind and heart. Adapt yourselves no longer to the pattern of this present world, but let your minds be remade, and you whole nature thus transformed. Then you will be able to discern the will of God, what is good, acceptable and perfect.


Short Responsory

R/. The law of God guides him, * his mind is fixed on God.

The law of God guides him, his mind is fixed on God.

V/. His steps will never falter

*. his mind is fixed on God.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

The law of God guides him, his mind is fixed on God.

Ant. At the Ben. If there is love among you, then all will know that you are my disciples.



The liturgy of morning prayer invites us to offer to God, the source of all blessings, that song which rises to the Trinity through our life. Supported by the intercession of Blessed Albert Marvelli, we present our invocations:

Your are holy Lord God of life.

In every age you give to the Church men and women who are capable of living heroic lives:

support us on our daily path among the difficulties of every day.

Society needs people who, like Blessed Albert, devote themselves to the common good:

enlighten those who work in the political, social and humanitarian fields.

Being concerned for the poor, the excluded, the sick, the marginalised of every kind needs openness of heart:

bless all those to devote themselves to alleviating the trials of our brothers and sisters most in need.

The vitality of the Church is also shown in the different kinds of associations and movements:

make the good actions of those who form part of them with a spirit of service truly effective

Lay spirituality needs holy educators who know how to lead people to an evangelical life and to the reception in the sacraments:

give to your Church and to society conscientious educators and pastors who know how to celebrate the divine mysteries.

Our Father.


O God, source of life and holiness,

who gave to Blessed Albert an ardent love for the poor

and enabled him to fulfil his social responsibilities with an evangelical spirit,

through his intercession, grant that,

while appreciating wisely the good things of this world,

we may cultivate with generosity    the service of all our brothers and sisters.

Through Our Lord Jesus Christ your Son,

who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God for ever and ever.     

Evening Prayer

Scripture Reading                                                            Rm 8, 28-30

We are well assured that everything helps to secure the good of those who love God, those whom he has called in fulfilment of his design. All those who from the first were known to him, he has destined from the first to be moulded into the image of his Son, who is thus to become the eldest-born among many brethren. So predestined, he called them; so called, he justified them; so justified, he glorified them.

Short Responsory

R/. The Lord is good; * he loves good deeds.

The Lord is good; he loves good deeds..

V/. His face is turned towards the upright man.

* he loves good deeds..

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit

The Lord is good; he loves good deeds.

Ant. At the Magn. Anything you did for the least of these who are mine, you did for me. Come you blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world


At the close of this day we raise our prayers to God the Father of mercy and source of holiness so that He may grant us to live every day of our lives following the example of    Blessed Albert    Marvelli.

Hear us O Father, source of all holiness.

Holy Father, in every age you give the Church men and women generous in living their daily lives:

    grant that the Christian community may know how to profit from their example.

Holy Father, with the gift of your word and the sacraments you invite us to follow our vocation with coherence:

may our response be active and fruitful.

Holy Father, each day you    support our wavering steps with signs of your providence:

may our mission always be placed at the service of the poor and those suffering in body and in spirit.

Holy Father, it is with the gift of your word that you invite us to follow with courage the path of holiness:

    grant that by following the example of Blessed Albert, listening to and meditating on the Gospel may be our support.

Holy Father, welcome to the contemplation of your face all the dead especially those who have sought you in the needy face of their brothers and sisters:

    may they experience the smiling embrace of your infinite mercy.

Our Father.


O God, source of life and holiness,

who gave to Blessed Albert an ardent love for the poor

and enabled him to fulfil his social responsibilities with an evangelical spirit,

through his intercession, grant that,

while appreciating wisely the good things of this world,

we may cultivate with generosity    the service of all our brothers and sisters.

Through Our Lord Jesus Christ your Son,

who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God for ever and ever.