
24 October



Aloysius Guanella was born in 1842 at Campodolcino, Italy, and from his family upbringing learned to love work and practise charity to the poor. As teacher and parish priest at Savogno, he built the school and organized Catholic Action among the young. During this time he came in contact with Don Bosco and joined him in 1875. For three years he was a Salesian, working in the San Luigi Oratory of Turin, and later as director of the Dupraz College at Trinita, Cuneo. Recalled to his diocese by his bishop, he opened a school for poor children at Traona, Sondrio, but subsequently had to close it because of the hostility of the civil authorities.

In 1886 he founded the House of Divine Providence at Como, and built the sanctuary of the Sacred Heart there. He founded the Daughters of Our Lady of Providence to educate the young and care for both juveniles and the aged. For the same purpose he instituted the Servants of Charity, and in 1913 the Pious Union of the Passing of Saint Joseph to comfort the dying.

He died at Como on 24 October 1915, and was beatified on 25 October 1964.

All his activity was sustained by a deep spirit of prayer and sincere humility. He was tender-hearted yet strong, compassionate yet tenacious, prudent yet daring. His human commitment was constant, courageous, tirelessly active, and heroically self-sacrificing. All these qualities were combined with a gentle mien and a trusting abandonment to God.

The texts of the Mass are a hymn of thanksgiving to God, the good and provident Father for having made Blessed Aloysius Guanella resplendent in the Church through his outstanding love for the poor and abandoned (Coll.).

The lives of the saints are always an eloquent sign of God's mercy towards his people; but are also an invitation to walk in charity (Comm. ant.), showing compassion for the least of one's neighbours (Entry ant.), so that the mystery of salvation may be realized in all (Pref.).

And so by taking part in the memorial of the infinite love of the Son (Offertory), the assembly asks that we may live in intense love every day of our lives (Co//.), and go forward on the way of charity (After comm.), in imitation of the complete dedication of Blessed Aloysius Guanella in the service of his neighbour (Offertory).


Coine, you whom my Father has blessed; says the Lord: take as your heritage the kingdom prepared for you.

In truth I tell you:

in so far as you did this

to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me.


0 God, good and provident Father,

you have made your priest, Blessed Aloysius Guanella,

resplendent in your Church

through his outstanding love

for the poor and abandoned;

grant that we too may live in intense love

every day of our lives.

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

The Readings are taken from the ferial lectionary.


Accept our gifts, Father,

in this memorial

of the infinite love of your Son,

and through the intercession of Blessed Aloysius Guanella,

grant that we may imitate

his complete dedication to you

in the service of our neighbour.

We ask you this through Christ our Lord.


God, our Father,

you have allowed us to taste the sweetness

of the bread of life;

grant to us your faithful children,

that following the example of Blessed Aloysius Guanella,

we may go forward on the way of charity

and so possess our eternal heritage.

We make our prayer through Christ our Lord.


The example and intercession of the saints

. The Lord be with you ];Z.. And also with you.

Y. Lift up your hearts.

g. We lift them up to the Lord.

Y. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. g. It is right to give him thanks and praise.

Father, all-powerful and ever-living God,

we do well always and everywhere to give you thanks.

You renew the Church in every age

by raising up men and women outstanding in holiness,

living witnesses of your unchanging love.

They inspire us by their heroic lives,

and help us by their constant prayers

to be the living sign of your saving power.

We praise you, Lord, with all the angels and saints in their song of joy:

Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might,

heaven and earth are full of your glory.

Hosannah in the highest.

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

Hosannah in the highest.


Let us follow Christ by loving as he loved us, giving himself up for us,

as an offering and sweet-smelling sacrifice to God.


In our world which is so divided and in need of authentic witnesses, let us make our prayers to the good and merciful God, that apostles of charity may never be lacking in the Church.

i. Father, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

  1. For the Church: that God may raise up men and women willing to spend their lives for the abandoned and those on the fringe of society, we pray to the Lord.

  2. For the governments of nations: that in a spirit of service they may promote the overall good of society and foster the initiatives of those working for the benefit of people most in need, we pray to the Lord.

  3. For the victims of hatred and violence: that in the death and resurrection of Christ they may find strength to pardon those who afflict them, and hope for a more just and humane society, we pray to the Lord.

  4. For young people: that they may willingly offer their generous and unselfish service in situations where the need is most urgent, we pray to the Lord.

  5. For Congregations dedicated to works of mercy: that, following the example of Blessed Aloysius Guanella, they may bear witness to charity in the service of the Church and the entire human family, we pray to the Lord.

  1. Other intentions.

Hear, 0 merciful Father, the prayers that we your children offer you from our hearts; on this memorial of Blessed Aloysius Guanella, the tireless apostle of charity, grant our petitions through Christ Jesus, your Son, our Lord.