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Social Communications Department
Guidelines for the Salesian Congregation
Second Edition
Rome – 2011
S.D.B Publishers
Non-commercial edition
Direzione Generale Opere Don Bosco
Via della Pisana, 1111- 00163 Roma – Bravetta
Casella Postale 18333 -

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– Acts of the General Council
– Salesian iNfo Agency
– Salesian Central Archives
Biographical Memoirs
– Constitutions
– Department of Social Communication
– Free/Libre and Open Source Software
– General Chapter
– Overall Province Plan
– Province Social Communication Plan
– Regulations
– Sector Action Plan
– Salesian Bulletin
Scritti Pedagogici e Spirituali
– Salesian Social Communication System

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Table of Contents
2.1 What is communication?
2.2 Jesus, the Perfect Communicator
2.3 Don Bosco our inspiration
2.4 Francis of Sales, zealous pastor and doctor of charity
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Don Bosco’s vision
4.3 The dynamic vision of the Congregation
4.4 The mission
4.4.1 Beliefs and values
4.4.2 Important criteria for Salesian communication
5.1 Beneficiaries/key players and their needs
5.1.1 Young people need:
5.1.2 Popular environments and missions need:
5.1.3 Salesians need:
5.1.4 The Congregation needs:
5.1.5 Lay people who share responsibility with us need:
5.1.6 The Salesian Family needs:
5.1.7 The Church and society need:
5.2 The desired results are
5.3 Parties involved
5.4 The Salesian Social Communication System - action areas
5.4.1 Animation
5.4.2 Formation
5.4.3 Information
5.4.4 Production
6.1 The Congregation’s communication policy
6.2 Action area policies
6.2.1 Animation
6.2.2 Formation

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6.2.3 Information
6.2.4 Production
33 Publishing Enterprises
33 Salesian web sites
34 Salesian Radio
6.3 Processes and their policies
6.3.1 Basic processes
6.3.2 Planning process and policies
6.3.3 Development process and policies
6.3.4 Advancement process and policies
6.3.5 Support process and policies
7.1 SSCS Organisation
7.1.1 Organisation Chart
7.2 General Councillor for Social Communication
7.2.1 Role:
42 Details of the role
7.3 Social Communication Department Team
7.3.1 Role
42 Details of the role
7.4 World Advisory Council
7.4.1 Role
43 Details of the role
7.5 Regional/national and or Conference Delegate
7.5.1 Role
43 Details of the role
7.6 The Provincial with his Council
7.6.1 Role
43 Details of the role
7.7 The Provincial Delegate for Social Communication
7.7.1 Role
44 Details of the role
7.8 The Social Communication Team
7.8.1 Role
45 Details of the role
7.9 Local SC Coordinator
7.9.1 Role
45 Details of the role
7.10 ANS (Salesian Info Agency)
7.10.1 Role
46 Function

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7.11 The Press Office
7.11.1 Role:
47 Function
7.12 Public Relations
7.12.1 Role
48 Function
7.13 The Salesian Bulletin
7.13.1 Role
48 Function
7.14 Web Portal
7.14.1 Role
49 Function
7.15 Documentation and archives
7.15.1 Role
49 Function
7.16 The Provincial Newsletter
7.16.1 Ruolo:
50 Function
7.17 Formation Centres
7.17.1 Ruolo:
50 Function
PART 2 Guidelines for the formation of Salesians in social communication
Those for whom it is intended
Formation levels
Proposals for each formation stage
APPENDIX A: From the introduction to the original edition of SSCS
APPENDIX B: Social Communication in the Congregation’s documents
APPENDIX C: Message of the Holy Father Benedict XVI for the 43rd
World Communications Day

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Part 1 SSCS
“Our publications
tend to form an ordered
system, broadly encompassing
all classes forming human
(Don Bosco, Circular Letter
on Spreading Good Books,
19th March 1885)

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1. Preface
My dear Salesian confreres,
friends of Social Communication,
Everything changes, only God remains forever. Today, in the new era of communication, that is more
apparent than ever. Not only have new technologies evolved, but they have influenced culture: how
we relate to God, other people, and with nature, how we sort out our values, produce, distribute and
acquire assets, how we make sense of life and make it fulfilling. Thus Pope Benedict XVI named his mes-
sage for World Social Communications Day, 2009: “New Technologies, New Relationships.” He
began speaking, in his Message, of a ’digital continent’. Hence the urgency of updating the Salesian
Social Communication System (SSCS), whose latest edition was released six years ago by my prede-
cessor, now Bishop, Tarcisio Scaramussa, and the communications personnel at the time, many of whom
remain committed to this sector.
The renewal task took two years of meetings, reflection and synthesis with people very much commit-
ted to the field of communication in the Congregation: members of the Congregation, the Provincial
Delegates and their teams, Directors of Publishing and Printing Houses, Radio and TV, Salesian Bulletin
and multimedia presences, webmasters and members of the World Advisory Council for Social Com-
munication. The quality of reflection, the range of participation and representation from the various Re-
gions is beyond doubt. To everyone involved, thanks for your great sense of belonging to the
Congregation and your clearly expressed responsibility for this sector, in team work with others, in
carrying forward the Salesian mission. And congratulations too, because the document reflects your
lives, beliefs, preparation and experience; this is a combined effort, and it is ’ours’.
The title has been preserved, and the basic concepts too, although the structure has changed com-
pared to the first edition. We can still call it a renewed version, though; not a revolution! However,
there are some threads that run through the entire document which, in addition to updating it, make it
look quite new, and seek to promote a new mindset in the Congregation: an approach that fosters
teamwork between the sectors of the Congregation focused on a common mission; the priority of
forming Salesians, their lay mission partners, and young people to communicate; the consistent in-
volvement of lay people in a field that is natural to them; the presentation of principles and criteria
which seek a unified approach while demanding an appropriate and flexible local implementation;
and finally, seeing and implementing SSCS as an ecosystem.
The first significant element for the document was the valuable presence of representatives of the For-
mation, Youth Ministry and Missions sectors at the World Advisory Council meeting which drafted the
final document. This fact is due to the request of GC26 in number 117:
having considered the complexity of the Salesian Mission; seeing the need for greater coordination
between the Departments for Youth Ministry, Social Communication and the Missions, especially
for animating sectors of shared activities; ...asks the Rector Major with his Council to promote inter-
departmental animation teams for these sectors and entrust the coordination to one Councillor or
another, in each case safeguarding the unique and organic nature of Salesian pastoral ministry.
The unity and coordination of the sectors in favour of the mission is a charismatic requirement which,
far from impoverishing individual sectors, enriches and enhances their identity, because we begin from
the same source and move in the same direction. This also calls for a new mindset, a new way of liv-
ing, to organise and form ourselves in communion with others, in order to fulfill a common mission.
Secondly, the SSCS has a clear conviction running through it: the formation to communication of Sale-
sians, their mission partners and young people is a priority. New vocations to consecrated life, and gen-

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1. Preface
erations of teenagers and young people to whom they are sent, belong to a new era and populate a
new continent. Whether or not we are happy about the fact, we and our mission partners inhabit this
’continent’, by understanding and using its technology and languages, with greater or less success.
Formation which is unaware of or does not sufficiently value what is so obvious runs the risk of not at-
tracting new vocations, not inculturating the gospel and not understanding those to whom it is sent. For-
mation to communication certainly goes far beyond regulating use of technology and the Web, and
goes far beyond offering casual topics and workshops for critical understanding. It is a dimension run-
ning across everything, one that includes both formators and those in formation, teachers and pupils.
For the latter, education to responsible freedom is essential; for consecrated persons, in addition to that
there is need for formation to authenticity of life, which includes love for our vocation, our mission and
those to whom we are sent. So I can assure you that we are facing the most wonderful and challeng-
ing opportunity for evangelisation and education in a very Salesian ’continent’, because it is populated
by so many teenagers and young people, and it is one which most needs an updated implementation
of the preventive system. This ’continent’ needs the manifestation of God’s love: the digital continent,
where rich and poor, believers and agnostics alike all live. And here I simply confirm the previous para-
graph: it requires a Salesian who is formed in an all-round fashion; pastoral ministry which starts out
from the needs and circumstances of those to whom it is addressed; a Salesian with renewed zeal for
the mission who does not confuse that mission with its works; a Salesian communicator with spiritual
depth who can bear witness to God amongst young people in today’s digital age.
Moreover a new mindset and a fresh and open contribution now offers something special to lay
people involved in the Salesian mission through communication. GC24 made it clear that “conse-
crated Salesians and lay people share the same spirit and the same mission.” This is a really enriching
view for the communication field. There are more and more well-prepared Provincial Delegates for
Communication, increasing numbers of specialised lay people, experts in their province teams, and the
same goes for the World Advisory Council. For the preparation of this SSCS their contribution has
been more than technical; it has had an important ecclesiological and charismatic character, thereby
continuing the momentum created in Valdocco for the evangelisation and education of young people
in need. Religious and laity have much to offer and so much to learn from each other, but always in
favor of evangelisation and education of young people living in a new reality and therefore in need
of new witnesses and new apostles to accompany them in their discernment of their calling. Signifi-
cantly, in 2010, the Italian Bishops met under the general theme of “Digital Witnesses.” Digital real-
ity and new evangelisation are a new theme running through the document. Don Bosco continues to
be our father and inspiration for all this.
The document presents unifying overall criteria that require reflection and local implementation. The
unity given by the charism respects the application of the principles and the diversity of levels and
rhythms that are the result of history, culture and capabilities. The study and implementation of SSCS,
given that the charism, mission and those in this new world for whom they exist are at its centre, are
the responsibility firstly of the provincial and his council, as well as the Delegate and his or her team.
It would be unacceptable, given the above, for this dimension to be lacking in the Province, or for there
to be a lack of someone to animate it, be that person Salesian or lay, someone who urge people to
see themselves in this new continent of young people, where they are to be faithful God, Don Bosco
and to these very same young people. It would be unacceptable also that there be little or no impor-
tance given to communication in the OPP or EPP. So it is essential to have a delegate who is the “soul”,
gives life and energy to a social and fraternal body of service such as the province is. This means de-
veloping the same mission together with other sectors and works, but from the essential point of view

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1. Preface
of communications. Broad and valid principles, along with their intelligent and passionate application
in each province, come together in favor of the mission.
Finally I note that we have intentionally focused SSCS and intend to apply it further as an “ecosystem”;
a dynamic, harmonious, and flexible understanding which provides a balanced, holistic development
directed to a clear end. Don Bosco was the creator of evangelising and educating settings, because
he was able to devise room for harmonious, balanced relationships and a great desire for transcen-
dence. This can be seen perfectly in his idea and experience of the oratory and playground. He en-
sured that every area invited an expansive sense of life, through its relationships, value proposition,
its very arrangement of space, the active role played by people in it. Those involved, teachers and
students, could freely choose to feel, hear, speak, taste, touch every moment and place he proposed.
It became a home to love and be loved, like in a family; a yard where people were happy and could
live expansively with friends; a school which educated minds to be productive, and construct a just so-
ciety; a parish which celebrated God as the ultimate purpose of life. These are the best way of ex-
pressing a communicative ecosystem where people communicate more by what they are than what
they say. This again demands that all sectors work together in favour of the Salesian mission.
I reiterate my gratitude to all those involved in updating the SSCS and I trust everyone will appreci-
ate studying and applying it in their Provinces.
Fraternally in Don Bosco,
Fr Filiberto González Plasencia sdb,
General Councillor for SC,
Rome, Italy 31.01.2011

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2. Communication
2.1 What is communication?
Communication has become a topic for study and
reflection today which has aroused deep and
considerable interest, not just because technology
has enabled communication in ways that were
unthinkable some decades ago, but also because
we have become increasingly aware that its qual-
ity is at risk. Just as we begin to understand the im-
portance of the air we breathe when it becomes
no longer breathable and we need to intervene
and do something about it, so it is for communica-
tion. Scientists and technicians, philosophers, psy-
chologists, sociologists, educators have become
deeply interested in it: thus our understanding of
what communication is has grown. We have un-
derstood at least the following “truths”:
a) Human communication cannot be re-
duced to the flow of information beginning
from a transmitter and ending up at a re-
ceiver; we have gone well beyond the lin-
ear model. A scheme of this kind might work
for machines but not for people. Authentic
communication demands mutual attention
and dialogue; it comes about when there is
cooperation amongst people to define con-
tent which is really shared, hence a circular,
dialogue model.
b) When we communicate, we do not just
develop messages but manage relation-
ships. We work on two planes contempora-
neously, content (ideas, statements…) and
relationships (we define the type and quality
of the relationship which binds us to our in-
terlocutor). It is very important to be aware
of this because often it is not the ideas but
our belief that our interlocutor is not inter-
ested in us or our ideas, which blocks com-
c) Communication cannot be identified with
any specific activity. Certainly, I seek to com-
municate through the words I use with my in-
terlocutor, but the message cannot be re-
duced to these words. Beyond words, and
sometimes despite them, we communicate
through gesture, facial expression, visual
contact, our mode of dress, body language,
our very presence in a determined setting.
Communication, then, is a dimension of all
my actions. In this sense we can say that
everything is communication.
d) The quality of our communication is not
guaranteed solely by our respect for the syn-
tax of the language we are using. There is a
context, and range of values which move us
in a coherent direction. In the past we might
have used the image of inter-connected
beakers or glasses: by pouring water into
one beaker, I raise the level of communica-
tion between all of them in the sense that the
liquid I pour in distributes itself through all
the beakers and the level grows in a uniform
way across all of them. It is not enough to
work on just one aspect of my communica-
tion; everything has to be improved.
Today, however, we can use a more effective
metaphor: we can speak of an “ecosystem”. The
quality of communication in a determined context
is guaranteed by a plurality of interacting factors.
It follows that everyone, and also every organism,
communicates in a truly effective way if there is
consistency between the intentional message and
the messages actually sent via what is done and
what in fact is.
2.2 Jesus, the Perfect Communicator
Once we understand communication this way it
becomes even more interesting to refer to Jesus,1
not just to find out what he said directly and ex-
plicitly about the issue, but more as a reflection
on his “communicative” way of being and acting
1 The following is of particular interest: Cesare BISSOLI, ’Cristo comunicatore’ in F. LEVER – P. C.
RIVOLTELLA – A.ZANACCHI, La Comunicazione. Dizionario di scienze e tecniche, Rivoli (To)-Roma,
ELLEDICI – RaiEri – LAS 2000, 325-328

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2. Communication
with people, the disciples, children, sinners, au-
thorities, his Father. The fact that he was both Man
and God becomes important (the principle of In-
carnation). Let us read what Communio et Pro-
gressio has to say in no. 11:
While He was on earth Christ revealed Him-
self as the Perfect Communicator. Through
His “incarnation”, He utterly identified Him-
self with those who were to receive His com-
munication and He gave His message not
only in words but in the whole manner of His
life. He spoke from within, that is to say, from
out of the press of His people. He preached
the Divine message without fear or compro-
mise. He adjusted to His people’s way of talk-
ing and to their patterns of thought. And He
spoke out of the predicament of their time.
2.3 Don Bosco our inspiration
It is also productive to make reference to Don
Bosco, not just to assess his activity as writer, pub-
lisher, distributor… and reflect on his impassioned
recommendation that his sons continue his intense
activity in the field which later came to be called
“social communication”. This is but one aspect of
the teachings Don Bosco left us in the communica-
tions area.
There is much more yet to be discovered and ap-
plied to our current experience. Don Bosco is
great for the communicative quality he infused
into his presence amongst the young, for invent-
ing an educational praxis of exceptional value
(the “preventive system”, as he called it), for set-
ting up the oratory, and for his use of any re-
source at his disposal for the good of the young.
Here it is worth listening to one specialist in com-
munication studies, Umberto Eco. He attributes
Don Bosco with having brought about a “great
revolution” in the communications field, and for
having proposed, then realised through the ora-
tory structure, the utopia of “a new way of being
together”, one that can be offered as an effective
strategy in a society of mass communications no
longer characterised by certain ’dinosaurs’ (radio,
television, newspapers, cinema), but broken up
into a series of compartments (“blue-jeans, drugs,
sale of used-guitars, mobs and groups are also
part of mass communications”). In this context “the
need is not to produce more dinosaurs, but be
aware of the many channels and build up new
ways of using, changing, alternating them, bring-
ing them together”.
“Don Bosco invented [this revolution], then ex-
ported it through a network of parishes and
Catholic Action, but the core is there where this
clever reformer saw that industrial society
needed new ways of coming together, first for
young people then for adults, and so he invented
the Salesian oratory: a perfect machine where
every communication channel, from games to
music, theatre to press, is managed in its own way
in its simplest fundamentals then re-used and dis-
cussed when communication results. We recall
that by the 1950’s a network of twelve thousand
small parish halls had succeeded in influencing
film producers”.
“The cleverness of the oratory is that it lays down
a moral and religious code for those who attend,
but also accepts those who don’t follow it! In this
sense Don Bosco’s project influenced all of Italian
society in the industrial era”. And so that “Don
Bosco’s project” may continue to be effective, Eco
goes on, we need “someone or some group with
the same sociological imagination, the same
alertness to our times, the same organised inven-
tiveness. Outside this framework no ideological
force can draw up a global policy of mass com-
munication, and will be limited to dealing with
(uselessly for the most part and often in a damag-
ing way) those who run the big dinosaurs, where
there is less value than we are led to believe”.2
2 Eco U., ’A lezione da don Bosco’, in “L’Espresso”, 15.11.1981, p. 105. The passage is taken up by F. LEVER –
P. C. RIVOLTELLA – A. ZANACCHI, ’La Comunicazione’, p. 114.

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2. Communication
2.4 Francis of Sales, zealous pastor and
doctor of charity
We could hardly leave such a utopian description
of Don Bosco’s “great revolution” without a refer-
ence to someone whom we know to be Don
Bosco’s inspiration at a profound level: St Francis
of Sales. While we might think of the saintly
Bishop of Geneva as a communicator par excel-
lence in almost every respect (he was a creative
journalist, amongst many other aspects of the
communicator’s ’trade’), we only need look at the
incipient oratory at Valdocco to realise what it
was about Francis that had so deeply inspired
Don Bosco. We can let the Salesian historian Fr
Peter Stella tell us about it: Right from the outset,
Don Bosco’s rooms and the chapel were at
the heart and centre of the oratory at Val-
docco; both can be considered places hold-
ing a range of messages which Don Bosco
addressed to his interlocutors. Young people
and adults who entered his room saw a
plaque on the wall which read: Da mihi ani-
mnas, coetera tolle, which as well as being
a motto was also a brief prayer addressed
to God. It is significant that the chapel, later
replaced by a more spacious church, was
dedicated to St Francis of Sales to indicate,
according to Don Bosco’s own explicit claim,
his educational style: no severe arrange-
ments, but the kindliness of the educator;
cheerfulness displaying the intimate corre-
spondence with divine grace which young
people needed to achieve and express...3
Don Bosco, we could be fairly certain, did not
look to Francis of Sales to inspire him in some par-
ticular aspect of communication activity, but what
characterises both ’Francis and John’, in reality, is
the creative, optimistic, gentle but insistent way
they overcame all obstacles to spread the Gospel
of salvation. They were, at different times and in
different places (though not too different, geo-
graphically and culturally speaking; after all, they
shared the beauty of the Alps and lakes and
’Piedmont’ plains), true communicators of God’s
love, and constructors of His Kingdom.
3 P. Stella, ’Don Bosco e la comunicazione’ in Salesianum, Annus LXXI-N.4 pp 635-650.

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3. A useful glossary of terms
A characteristic style of Salesian leadership draw-
ing from the fundamental meaning of ’animate’
which is to give life or soul to something or some-
one, that is to say, to motivate.
Animation and Governance Programme of
the Rector Major and his Council:
The planning process, initiated by the Rector
Major but developed with the help of his Council,
which takes place at the beginning of a six year
period, i.e. immediately after a General Chapter,
and which guides the following six years. (Cf Gen-
eral Council Vademecum, 2003).
A website or part of a website usually maintained
by an individual, often with entries in reverse
chronological order. It may be commentary or
personal reflection. The term is a blend of two
English words: ’web’ and ’log’.
communications ecosystem:
The gamut of involvement and personal attitudes
of those who agree to create an environment
which is a real community of sharing ideals, val-
ues, relationships at the level of daily living in a
community and a neighbourhood. (From a foot-
note in the original edition of SSCS)
communications resources:
The term is found frequently in these pages and
refers in the broadest sense to what is usable,
available and could be considered as means to
achieve an end. These means may be physical (a
particular quantifiable resource) or personal (e.g.
intellectual resources to confront an issue), or
technical. In some instances they are specified as
being ’educational’ or ’financial’ or other.
convergent media:
Multiple products coming together to form a sin-
gle product that does many things. (European
Union definition).
Instant messaging system which allows users to
communicate via a keyboard, principally, send-
ing text messages in real time. User is usually re-
quired to use a ’nick’ or nickname. Chats are
organised into ’rooms’ according to topic.
The term ’communication’ refers to people in the
process of interpersonal and group relationships,
but also to a cultural and social environment that
involves everyone in a network, with consider-
able mediation of tools and technologies. Intrinsic
to the sense of the word communication are val-
ues like reciprocity, participation in giving and tak-
ing. This is why we can say that everyone
involved in the communication process is a sub-
ject of ’social’ communication.
Term coined by William Gibson in his novel NEU-
ROMANCER (1984) to refer to a notional space, a
kind of collective hallucination created by pow-
erful computers interacting with human beings.
Now the term has a broader reference to the vir-
tual environment created by all kinds of instru-
ments connected to the Web, resulting in a sort of
parallel universe.
departments of the mission:
A directive of GC26 in view of the need for
greater coordination between the Departments
for Youth Ministry, Social Communication and the
Missions, especially for animating sectors of
shared activities ... in each case safeguarding the
unique and organic nature of Salesian pastoral

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3. A useful glossary of terms
(and by extension, ’digital generation’, ’digital
media’, ’digital divide’, ’digital inclusion’ etc.) Dig-
ital information is stored using a series of ones
and zeros. Computers are digital machines be-
cause they can only read information as ’on’ or
’off’ – 1 or 0. This method of computation, also
known as the binary system, may seem rather sim-
plistic, but can be used to represent incredible
amounts of data. CDs and DVDs can be used to
store and play back high-quality sound and video
even though they consist entirely of ones and
Unlike computers, humans perceive information in
analog. We capture signals as a continuous stream
through all the senses. Human beings draw infor-
mation from all the senses. Digital devices, on the
other hand, estimate this information using ones
and zeros. The rate of this estimation, called the
“sampling rate,” combined with how much informa-
tion is included in each sample (the bit depth), de-
termines how accurate the digital estimation is.
One issue has not appeared in the document, that
of the so-called ’digital divide’. There is still much
debate about what this means and what it might
mean for Salesians, beyond merely superficial ac-
ceptance of a term that is not universally ac-
cepted anyway. But it must be assumed from the
overall attitudes and practices indicated in the
current document that the SSCS supports digital
inclusion and rejects any form of digital exclusion.
digital continent:
The term was coined by Pope Benedict XVI for his
2009 World Communications Day Message. He
did not define it but used it as a spatial metaphor
directed to the ’digital generation’, asking them to
“take on responsibility for the evangelisation of
the ’digital continent’”
The complex of policies and activities inherent in
the planning, putting into practice and evaluation
of processes and products aimed at creating and
strengthening communications ecosystems in ed-
ucational settings, be they face to face or virtual.
The bringing of the Good News into all the strata
of humanity, and through its influence transform-
ing humanity from within and making it new ... the
Church evangelises when she seeks to convert,
solely through the divine power of the message
she proclaims, both the personal and collective
consciences of people, the activities in which they
engage, and the lives and concrete milieu which
are theirs (EN 18).
Free/Libre Open Source Software. Software that
is liberally licensed to grant the right of users to
use, study, change and improve its design through
the availability of its source code.
frame of reference:
A system of assumptions and standards that sanc-
tion behaviour and give it meaning.
The distinction between the French words, langue
(language or tongue) and parole (speech), enters
the vocabulary of theoretical linguistics with Fer-
dinand de Saussure’s COURSE IN GENERAL LINGUIS-
TICS, published posthumously in 1915 after
having been collated from student notes. Then
there is langage.
language in the sense of parole is a local
example of speech, an utterance.
language in the sense of langue is what
we might normally understand as a ’lan-
guage’, a system of signs.
language in the sense of langage is a com-
petence for language, or the abstract notion
of language and could apply to animals, hu-
mans, cinema, theatre ...

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3. A useful glossary of terms
network, networking:
While the two terms are not identical, as used in
SSCS they refer chiefly to the concept of human
beings working together, establishing contacts, ei-
ther as individuals or as groups. However it is im-
portant to be aware that the exchange or growth
of ideas in a network, or networking activity un-
derstood in this ’social’ sense, are not to be re-
duced to an image of nodes with connections, as
often seems implied by descriptions of networks.
Social networks are now the object of profound
study, study which indicates new ’laws’ and dy-
namics at work which have implications for how
we engage in this process.
tal choices that ought guide its organisation.
personal media:
An emerging digital communications media “in-
corporating interactivity in its design, and allow-
ing users not only to consume media products
but also to create them” (Shiregu Miyagawa,
professor of linguistics and communication at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology).
The preparation and issuing of (printed, but now
including digital) materials for public distribution
or sale.
new frontiers:
“It is a question of frontiers not only geographical
but also economic, social, cultural and religious”
(Fr Chávez at the conclusion of GC26).
new technologies:
Any set of productive techniques which offers a
significant improvement (whether measured in
terms of increased output or savings in costs) over
the established technology for a given process in
a specific historical context. Defined thus, what is
seen as ’new’ is obviously subject to continual re-
definition, as successive changes in technology
are undertaken. (Gordon Marshall. “new technol-
ongoing formation:
The natural and essential continuation of the
process experienced in initial formation (RATIO,
2000 edition, no. 520).
Practical guide for formation of Salesians of
NIS ET STUDIORUM as it is known in its complete
title (also known as FORMATION OF THE SALESIANS
OF DON BOSCO or FSDB), “sets out in an organic
and instructive way the complexus of principles
and norms concerning formation which are
found in the Constitutions, General Regulations
and other documents of the Church and of the
Congregation” (R. 87).
Salesian Bulletin:
A magazine in function of the (Salesian) mission,
founded by Don Bosco, addressed to public
opinion more than to the institution, meaning by
this that it is sensitive to being a part of the cir-
cumstances that human beings and the Church
experience today, and offers a Salesian reading
of these facts, especially regarding youth and
Overall Provincial Plan
(Alternative form: Organic Provincial Plan) OPP:
The strategic plan for the animation and govern-
ment of the province, which takes an overall view
of its life and mission and presents the fundamen-
Salesian Social Communication System (SSCS):
Other than the title of this work, “an integrated
and unified communication project” (Fr Martinelli
to Salesian Bulletin editors, 1998).

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3. A useful glossary of terms
social communication:
“Among the wonderful technological discoveries
which men of talent, especially in the present era,
have made with God’s help, the Church welcomes
and promotes with special interest those which
have a most direct relation to men’s minds and
which have uncovered new avenues of communi-
cating most readily news, views and teachings of
every sort. The most important of these inventions
are those media which, such as the press, movies,
radio, television and the like, can, of their very na-
ture, reach and influence, not only individuals, but
the very masses and the whole of human society,
and thus can rightly be called the media of social
communication” (INTER MIRIFICA, Vatican II, in-
troductory paragraph).
translation memory TM:
Repository of “source texts segments explicitly
aligned with their target texts counterparts”. It
can, in fact, be considered as a data bank from
which translators can retrieve already translated
segments that match a current segment to be
translated (Bowker, L., 2002. COMPUTER-AIDED
TION. Canada: University of Ottawa Press).
Web 2.0 and 3.0:
If we consider the traditional Web as Web 1.0,
we note that it is largely static, in the sense that
we can read a web page but do little else than
click its hyperlinks and cause something to play
(video or sound). In Web 2.0 we shift from ’Read’
to ’Read-Write’; from html only to AJAX (Asyn-
chronous Java and XML) technologies;from static
to interactive, including blogs, social networking.
And while there is no formal definition of Web
2.0 (it is a term which simply grew up along the
way), it is actually the kind of ’Web’ that Tim Bern-
ers Lee, its ’inventor’, initially envisaged, though
what he envisaged really is what we are now
calling Web 3.0, the semantic Web, where every-
thing is connected to everything else in a way (in
a language called OWL or Web Ontology Lan-
guage) that enables machines to read and inter-
pret knowledge for the benefit of human readers.

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4. Vision and Mission
4.1 Introduction
This material brings together the key elements of
a framework for communication, and guidelines
and policies for SSCS in action, such as they ap-
pear in the documents of the Salesian Congrega-
tion after GC20 (1971-2) and over recent years.
As such, it is a working tool for those who have
particular responsibilities for fostering communi-
cations at global, regional and local levels. It
should be read in conjunction with the “Guide-
lines for the Formation of Salesians in Social Com-
munication”, addressed specifically to Salesians.
The material comes in three parts:
(a) SSCS
(c) Appendices
A fourth part, the handbook, which bears the title
SALESIAN, COMMUNICATOR, is currently under revi-
sion and thus not included in this collection.
The first section, SSCS, contains: a preface; state-
ments about key concepts; a glossary; vision and
mission; strategic objectives; policies; organisa-
tion, roles, functions; appendices.
4.2 Don Bosco’s vision
Don Bosco had a broad understanding of com-
munication. The letter he wrote on the dissemina-
tion of good books is like a magna carta
expressing his apostolic heart, faith and entrepre-
neurial vision.
Communication was a priority mission area for
him: “This dissemination of good books is one of
the principle ends of our Congregation… I beg
and plead with you, then, not to neglect this most
important part of our mission”.4 It is also of inter-
est that in his very first encounter with Pope Pius
IX as written up by the cleric Rua who accompa-
nied him, Don Bosco responded to the Pontiff’s
question as to what he did in Turin, in these words:
“Your Holiness, I am involved in educating youth
and with the Catholic Readings” (BM Book 5)
Besides the press and the “dissemination of good
books,” Don Bosco used all available communi-
cation tools and languages for education avail-
able in his time: the theatre, academies, music ...
Don Bosco employed a range of communication
strategies to reach young people, some of whom
were uneducated and even illiterate. The use of
narrative forms, illustration, his sacramental ap-
preciation were all equally important for an ef-
fective communicator, with games, ’good nights’,
a lively narration of dreams, stories, and through
Don Bosco had seen the power of information for
the animation of his spiritual family, and for the
mobilisation of society for his mission. The cre-
ation of the “Salesian Bulletin” addresses pre-
cisely such purposes as these. Today the
possibilities for providing information and creat-
ing community are enormous, following in the
footsteps of Don Bosco in this regard. They in-
clude ANS, provincial and digital newsletters, the
various web sites, social networks and so on.
His vision was aimed at the education and evange-
lisation of youth and popular environments. He
4 Don Bosco, Circular Letter on the dissemination of good books, 19 March 1885. In EPISTOLARIO, vol. 4,
pp. 318-321

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4. Vision and Mission
thought, then, of communication as a real system
involving everyone and everything: “Our publica-
tions tend to form an ordered system, which
broadly encompasses all the classes that make up
human society”.5 In fact the word ’system’ is dear to
Don Bosco, who used it especially to indicate the
relationship between the elements that charac-
terise his style of education: the preventive system.6
4.3 The dynamic vision of the Congregation
Don Bosco’s vision was carried forward dynami-
cally by his successors, as can be shown espe-
cially in the writings of all the Rectors Major, from
General Chapters and other documentation in
the Congregation.7
It is true that it was often necessary to draw atten-
tion to our growth in commitment to this charis-
matic aspect, and move to a positive attitude and
entrepreneurial position rather than a defensive
one before the media. Fr Ricaldone said as much
when he indicated: “We cannot be content with
just the negative side; we have to shore up against
evil in print by disseminating good books”.8
In tune with the changing times, the development
of new technologies and their impact on society
and culture, especially after the Special General
Chapter (1971-2), a broader and more complete
view of the communications area and its manifold
meanings has matured, as well as a common and
coordinated development and organisation. In
fact, the Chapter had cited the report by Fr Ricceri
which recognised that “a systematic, coordinated
approach appropriate to the importance and rel-
evance of the instruments of social communica-
tion, has not been fostered”.9
12. General Chapters and documents which fol-
lowed them further reveal the consolidation of
convictions and the new more systemic activity of
the Salesians in the communications field, where
we note:
an awareness of the importance of com-
munication as “mass education, producer of
culture, an alternative school”;10
the priority of this area for education and
a broader view of communication as a
human dimension that has communion and
the advancement of human society as its pri-
mary purpose;12
5 Idem
6 ACG 290, p. 10.
Cf. Social Communication Department. THE SALESIANS AND COMMUNICATION. Rome, Editrice SDB,
1989, p. 9-32.
8 ACS 287, n. 143, p.52.
9 CG20, 453.
10 “Social Communication is ever more becoming a mass educational presence, a shaper of thinking and creator
of culture. Through it are drawn up and disseminated collective evidence which underlies new models of life
and new criteria for judgment. Its incisive effect and its ever more mass presence make Social Communication a
real and authentic alternative school for very large sectors of the world’s population, especially for young people
and popular sectors” (GC21, 148).
11 This is a significant field of activity which constitutes one of the apostolic priorities of the Salesian mission.
Our founder had an instinctive grasp of the value of this means of mass education, which spreads culture and
creates patterns of life; he showed great originality in the apostolic undertakings which he initiated to defend
and sustain the faith of the people. Following his example we utilise as God’s gift the great possibilities which
social communication offers us for education and evangelisation. (C. 43).
12 ACG 302, p. 16

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4. Vision and Mission
the “exploitation of all forms and expres-
sions of communication: interpersonal com-
munication, group production of messages,
and critical use of the educational resources
of communication”;13
the value of communication as a new
meeting place for young people;14 the for-
malisation of services, leadership and coor-
dination of policies, structures: the General
Councillor for Social Communication15 and
the Provincial Delegate;16 the role of the
Provincial and his Council;17 The involve-
ment of every confrere;18 information chan-
nels and production centres;19 The duties of
Provincial Conferences;20
the qualification and training of personnel.21
The period from 1990 onwards has been domi-
nated by new and prodigious development espe-
cially in the digital media world. It was marked
out as a ’new frontier’ in 2008 by GC26, where
“we also feel questioned by new technologies
and the educational challenges they pose”.22 The
Chapter recognised that there are “many virtual
worlds inhabited by young people ... and that we
are not always able to share with them and ani-
mate them through lack of formation, time and
sensitivity” (no. 102) and has proposed, inter alia,
“responsible use, and more effective educational
animation and evangelisation” (no. 104) and that
the communities “use communications technolo-
gies to provide greater visibility for their presence
and to spread the charism” (n. 109)
4.4 The mission
The SSCS aims to foster a Salesian communica-
tive environment which is a communion of indi-
viduals, works, projects and activities. It aims to
set in place the development and application of
communication resources for the education and
evangelisation of young people, especially those
who are poor, and of society. It does not do this
alone, but works with other sectors responsible
for the Salesian mission.
4.4.1 Beliefs and values
Beliefs and values are the ideas that identify, de-
fine and guide the activities of the Salesian Con-
gregation in the communication field.
The term communication refers to people in-
volved in interpersonal and group relationships,
but also to a cultural and social environment that
involves everyone in a network, with consider-
able mediation of tools and technologies. Intrinsic
to the sense of the word communication are val-
ues like reciprocity, participation, giving and tak-
ing. This is why we can say that everyone
involved in the communication process is a sub-
ject of ’social’ communication.
The human person is a being in communication,
13 CG24, 129
14 CG25, n. 47
15 C 137
16 CG23, 259
17 R 31
18 R 32
19 R 33
20 R 142
21 R 31, 82; Ratio

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4. Vision and Mission
dialogue, a being for others, a condition and pos-
sibility for each and every act of communication.
We are all communicators although we are not
all professional communicators.
18. True and effective human communication is a
process of human relationships which, in addition
to passing on clear messages, is able to generate:
mutual enrichment;
improvement of human relations;
living together in fellowship.
The most important content of communication is
the gift that God makes of himself to humanity in
the Risen Jesus. The most important conviction
Salesians have concerning this is that they bear
witness to the love of God revealed in Christ and
communicate this through the various signs, sym-
bols and languages of communication.
Evangelisation, catechesis and education do not
operate without an adequate human and com-
munication process.
The media are a gift from God and are of funda-
mental importance for education and evangelisa-
tion in our times.
Communication is a broad field of meaningful ac-
tion that falls within the apostolic priorities of the
Salesian mission.
The Salesian charism has innovative potential in
the communications area.
Don Bosco’s preventive system sums up the Sale-
sian style of communication.
This is why the Salesian Congregation’s communi-
cation policy is based on criteria that are the hall-
mark of well-differentiated Salesian activity. These
criteria indicate the major decisions and their
manner of implementation in this area:
4.4.2 Important criteria for Salesian communication
The youthful and popular charism of Salesian life
guides the communications efforts of both com-
munity and individuals. This results in communica-
tion that seeks to establish a positive relationship
of openness and solidarity with young people
and with people generally, and in this way our
communication also presents works and activities
in various contexts around the Salesian world. As
well as real life situations, we need to offer an up-
dated interpretation of world events and situa-
tions from the inculturated viewpoint of
evangelisation and education.
Vocational testimony:
The SSCS needs to develop efforts to ensure that
the institution’s image for young people is testi-
mony to Christian engagement in social transfor-
mation. We are aware that “the first educational
service that young people expect from us is the
testimony of a fraternal life that becomes a re-
sponse to their deep need for communication, the
proposal of humanisation, prophecy of the King-
dom, invitation to accept the gift of God” (GC25,
7). To widen the circle of friends and those who
are jointly responsible for youthful and popular
activity, we are committed to stirring up interest in
the situation of young people and their needs, in
Don Bosco’s mission, his work for human develop-

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4. Vision and Mission
ment and evangelisation, activities to liberate
young people and people generally from imme-
diate difficulties, in view of their growth as human
beings. We think of ’selling’ as awakening new
Salesian vocations: building up a vast movement
in the style of Don Bosco.
family spirit, optimism and joy, a practical sense of
things, creativity and flexibility, work and temper-
ance, and the practice of the preventive system - a
form of ’assistance’ made up of reason, religion,
kindness. These features together portray the ideal
and enviable profile of the Salesian educator.
Evangelisation and Education:
The Salesian charism is an educative charism. To
evangelise by educating and to educate by evan-
gelising sums up Salesian activity in the communi-
cations area. For us spiritual sons of Don Bosco
and St Francis of Sales, such activity is in perfect
harmony with the choices made by our founder
and patron. Salesian communication, therefore,
has this educational side to it, and expresses it as
a commitment to the cause of culture and educa-
tion, as a safeguarding of Salesian cultural tradi-
tion, a response to the question of communication
and the skills of educators and young people in
this area, and as communication content and
form. We believe that our commitment to educa-
tion is “our most important contribution to chang-
ing the world for the coming of the Kingdom”
(GC24, 99).
Preventive System:
“The original contribution that we can offer to the
cause of education is called the preventive sys-
tem” (GC24, 99), which is at the core of the com-
municative environment. “In Don Bosco’s way of
thinking and in Salesian tradition, the preventive
system continues to be identified with the Sale-
sian spirit: it is teaching, pastoral care, spirituality,
combined into one dynamic experience bringing
together teachers (as individuals and communi-
ties) and students, content and methods, attitudes
and clearly identifiable behaviours” (GC21, 96).
Salesian communication is characterised by the
preventive system ... ... it spreads the values of the
Salesian spirit as apostolic impulse, a sense of
God and the Church, predilection for the young,
Ethics and Professionalism:
As with all human activities, Salesian activity in the
communication dimension implies ethical and pro-
fessional criteria guided, in this case, by the educa-
tional and evangelical nature of this activity. Ethics
expresses the professional honesty of the commu-
nicator in a state of permanent search for truth, in
an attitude of institutional consistency, neither tri-
umphalist nor self-referential, with a democratic
attitude of deep respect for facts and the recipi-
ents whom he or she serves without deception,
cheating or manipulation; with respect for copy-
right, image, privacy, law. Professionalism involves
a rigorous way of doing things, appropriate to the
nature of the reality we are dealing with. For com-
munication this means: systematic, critical and con-
tinuous assessment of data; identification of
recipients to differentiate interaction and informa-
tion; quality of form and content, adapted to the
recipient according to his or her its capabilities,
and to the type of media with its demands.
To be effective in mission, we look to Don Bosco
who encouraged numerous initiatives and forms
of communication with various media such as the-
atre, music, art, literature ... trying every means
possible to communicate without ever losing the
communal feel of our mission to education. Inter-
disciplinary communication is a requirement of
the Salesian charism: a tool for communion in the
global expression of the Salesian mission; a re-
sponse to the needs of a rounded education
which implies sharing of knowledge and diversity
of languages; an expression of leadership and

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4. Vision and Mission
the involvement characteristic of the Salesian ed-
ucational process.
Human rights:
One of these rights (a third generation right) is the
right to communicate. This right is very appropri-
ate for the poor and is therefore a right to be ad-
vanced and supported by the Salesian Family,
which can become the voice for the voiceless,
helping those who cannot make themselves
To work systematically means working with a
shared vision, in alignment with the Church and
the Congregation, with integrated policies and
projects at various levels, sectors well-articulated;
it means certain work approaches, involving peo-
ple, networking among ourselves and with other
institutions in society who share the same mission.
Openness to teamwork and partnership is a
guideline for life inherent to our project and or-
ganisation as a Congregation, a Family and a
Salesian Movement. Today we have no hesitation
in describing this as an ecosystem.
Networking amongst individuals and groups calls
for qualities of authenticity and genuineness, and
the capacity to build trust and sustain relation-
ships. It also means acknowledging that people
look for guidance or consider ’witness’ when they
make decisions, and that this dynamic actually
comes into play in networking amongst human

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5. Strategic Objectives
5.1 Beneficiaries/key players and their
sites), as well as by youthful and popular
forms of expression.
The priority target of action for the Salesian Con-
gregation in the Social Communications Sector,
as also for every Salesian, is young people, espe-
cially the poorest amongst them. Popular environ-
ments and the missions are another priority target.
Given that all these are beneficiaries of the mis-
sion, all communication is geared to meet their
needs for education and evangelisation. Having
said that, both in Don Bosco’s approach and in our
contemporary understanding of ’ecosystem’ as
applied to the field individuals and groups are not
only beneficiaries but also key players in their
own right.
5.1.1 Young people need:
to be creative, play an active part in their
own growth, in society, and with us in our
to understand, be familiar with and use re-
sources and processes of communication for
their education, and their relationship with
God, people, nature, and society;
to be critically aware of how to interact
with the media and live in the intercon-
nected world which they are part of;
information that will assist their growth in
society, their life project, and their relation-
ship to the world;
information on the Congregation, the
Church, Religious Life.
to be formed for the digital generation that
they are, and also to responsible use of var-
ious types of media (mass, folk, personal,
convergent etc.) for competent, active en-
gagement as creators in opportunities of-
fered by social media (social networks, web
5.1.2 Popular environments and missions need:
communication resources appropriate for
the work of formation and the socio-politi-
cal, cultural and religious development of or-
dinary people;
data sources and research on youth;
to network to exchange and consolidate
to foster human rights, including the right
to communicate.
critical awareness of how to interact with
the media and live in the interconnected
world which they are part of.
Other beneficiaries/key players are the Sale-
sians, lay people who share responsibility with us,
the Salesian Family, supporters of Don Bosco, so-
ciety (media, government, civil, non-government
and church organisations, other specific sectors).
Activity in the communication dimension re-
sponds to their needs, ensuring that these serv-
ices benefit their priority targets.
5.1.3 Salesians need:
a clear awareness that they are to “dis-
cover the presence of God [in the young]
and invite them to be open to his mystery of
love” (GC26 2)
to know the language of young people;
to know appropriate forms of non-linear
logic, non-linear ways of representing the
truth (the language of images, multimedia
design, narrative presentation...);
to be ready for a positive attitude towards

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5. Strategic Objectives
and critical reception and mastery of the use
of tools and their languages;
to be prepared as cultural animators;
ongoing formation for working profession-
ally in communication;
materials to help carry out the educational
and pastoral mission;
information on the life of the Congregation,
the Salesian Family, youth and education;
mental preparation for growth of and in a
sense of community and belonging (corpo-
rate synergy);
expertise in integrating the message of ed-
ucation and evangelisation in today’s media
to disseminate Salesian principles and val-
a willingness to use the tools in the right
way in the context of the mission and in ac-
cordance with religious directives.
to be prepared for networking.
5.1.4 The Congregation needs:
Salesians who are formed to be evangelis-
ers, educators and communicators;
a professional, stable and flexible commu-
nication system (integrated strategic plan,
network, structures and appropriate tools,
communication with society, ecosystem,
qualified personnel;
information on and mental preparation for
animation projects;
a mindset which sees the importance of
sharing responsibility with lay people in this
field (cf. GC24);
formation and production centres (facilities
and resources - businesses);
formation and consolidation, in terms of so-
ciety, of the Congregation’s image as an ed-
ucational and evangelising institution
working in the service of poor youth and
popular environments;
movement of information between the
General Administration and the Provinces.
5.1.5 Lay people who share responsibility with
us need:
to see themselves as true partners with us
in the Salesian mission;
to understand the language of young
to know the Salesian system;
to be formed as cultural animators and
to be formed in the use of communication
resources in education;
to be prepared for networking;
documentation and training materials for
education and pastoral work;
innovative communications resources.
5.1.6 The Salesian Family needs:
documentation and training materials for
education and pastoral work;
communication resources for the mission;
to network amongst the Salesian Family
and with other Church and civic bodies.
to preserve its heritage;
access to sources of the history of the
Salesian Family;
updated information on events in the Sale-
sian world;

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5. Strategic Objectives
5.1.7 The Church and society need:
information which keeps the world of com-
munications alert, and also keeps alive the
formation of critical awareness;
correct information and good news about
youth, education, the Church, religion, soci-
ety ...;
the diffusion of values for a culture of jus-
tice, peace, solidarity and communion;
new spiritual offerings presented through
new media;
an appeal to people of good will to help us
promote our mission to youth.
5.2 The desired results are:
that young people, especially those who are
poor, may understand, master and make critical
use of processes, language and communication
resources in their relationship with God, people,
nature, society, and be informed of developments
in evangelisation, the Church, Religious Life, the
Congregation, the Province.
that popular environments and missions be
served by adequate communication resources for
the work of formation and for socio-political, cul-
tural, religious development, and by information
and research on youth.
that Salesians be readied for the role of cultural
animator and be able to understand and master
the new languages of communication, with the
support of communication resources for their ed-
ucational mission, and that they may receive in-
formation on the life of the Congregation, the
Salesian Family, youth and education, and be re-
solved to disseminate Salesian beliefs and val-
that the Congregation, with its ecosystem of pro-
fessional communication be at the service of com-
munion and mission with motivated, stable, and
qualified people who have vision and a shared
approach; formation and production centres, ap-
propriate tools for information, and an estab-
lished image as an evangelising and educating
institution working in the service of poor youth
and the working class, networking with other insti-
tutions and groups with similar concerns for
young people.
that lay people who share responsibility with
Salesians may understand the language of youth,
know the preventive system, be formed as cultural
animators, and be supported with communication
resources for their educational and pastoral work,
and be informed about the reality of young peo-
ple and education.
that the Salesian Family be informed about Sale-
sian history and events and this heritage be pre-
served; and that its members be supported by
communication resources for their educational
and pastoral activity.
that Church and society be served by information
which keeps the communications world alert (in-
cluding correct information on youth and educa-
tion, the Church and religion), and by formation
to critical awareness and a culture of peace.
5.3 Parties involved
In order to foster the Salesian Social Communica-
tion System or ecosystem, certain parties with par-
ticular qualities need to be considered:
EDUCATORS interested first and foremost in interper-
sonal communication between old and young,
lay and religious. In the spirit of the preventive sys-
tem, everyone is committed to developing com-

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5. Strategic Objectives
munication skills, confident and friendly co-exis-
tence, relations and cooperation of all kinds.
despite the diversity of roles and responsibilities,
are together responsible for the development of
PROFESSIONALS with specific roles and responsibil-
ities of communication defined by the organisa-
tion, both inside and outside the community.
MANAGERS AND LEADERS at their respective levels
and with their respective responsibilities:
At the general level of the Congregation,
At the national and/or regional level, the
At provincial level the PROVINCIAL WITH HIS
Locally, the RECTOR AND HIS COUNCIL and the
Given that we consider the system to be a true
communications ecosystem, and given that enter-
prises such as radio, television and the humble
website are open to the world by nature, we in-
clude society as a whole in this list, but more espe-
cially society as represented by the outreach
(which may be virtual in addition to physical or
geographical) of the local Salesian community
and its work.
the “Guidelines for the Formation of the Salesians
in Social Communication,” and for the manage-
ment of communication in educational processes
and in internal and external relationships.
5.4.2 Formation
Formation enables peoples’ communication skills
and the management of communication in edu-
cational processes and in internal and external
relations of the Congregation.
5.4.3 Information
Salesian information fosters a sense of belonging
and communion, education and evangelisation
of youth, creating awareness among and mobil-
ising people for Don Bosco’s mission; it also pres-
ents an adequate image of the Congregation.
5.4.4 Production
Production aims to produce and support pro-
grams, resources, communications enterprises
and works, web sites, which serve the educational
and pastoral mission to the young. That said, we
need to distinguish between the more general ac-
tivity of production at many levels of communica-
tion, and the more particular demands of
production at enterprise level.
5.4 The Salesian Social Communication
System - action areas
5.4.1 Animation
Animation is a fundamental Salesian way of
thinking and acting which, among other things,
sees application of the measures provided for in

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6.1 The Congregation’s communication
Communication is developed within the frame-
work of the Salesian mission to youth, a dimen-
sion that runs across all educational and pastoral
action, as an activity considered at the same level
as other Salesian works, and as a field of activity
of the mission; it is the management of processes
and products that aim to create and enhance
Salesian communication environments. Because
of the centrality and uniqueness of the mission,
Salesian communication also seeks to coordinate
with, be in tune with all other sectors of the Sale-
sian mission.
SSCS activities are geared to generating results
consistent with Salesian beliefs and values, as
well as solidarity and peace in society at large,
as a service to charismatic communion in the Con-
gregation and amongst the Salesian Family.
The Congregation’s activity in communication is
entirely at the service of the Church’s mission, fo-
cused on the education and evangelisation of
youth, especially those who are poor, and on the
faith of people in popular settings. (cf C. 6)
Advancing communication is everyone’s responsi-
bility, under the leadership and coordination of
the Councillor for Social Communication at world
level, and Provincials and Delegates at province
level. It implies systematic activity, with common
and integrated policies and plans as part of the
Animation Programme of the Rector Major and
his Council and the Overall Province Plan (OPP).
“Social Communication goes beyond the nar-
row confines of a province. It should therefore
be thought of as a network. What can not be
done with the efforts of a single Province can be
realised with the involvement of several “(AGC
370 41).
“There should be liaison and cooperation (regard-
ing these services) between those in charge of
them and the Councillor General for Social Com-
munication” (R. 31). “Publishing houses in the
same country or region should devise suitable
methods of collaboration, so as to adopt a uni-
fied plan” (R. 33).
Along these lines, where there are opportunities
and where it is convenient countries, regions, can
organise conferences, teams, facilities, or shared
services, consultancy and liaison for communica-
tion to serve the provinces. These facilities and
services are governed by specific statutes or con-
ventions agreed between provinces, with the par-
ticipation of the Regional Councillor after
consultation with the General Councillor for So-
cial Communication.
Communication is advanced when the commu-
nicative competencies of individuals and the in-
stitution are improved. Competencies (a term
much in use amongst educators today) can be
objectively assessed. This assessment is guided
by parameters or objective indicators to meas-
ure the index of achievement of desired out-
comes and implementation according to the
criteria listed. It all takes place through partici-
pation of the people involved, to evaluate the
effectiveness of plans and processes begun, and
to guide subsequent steps.
The unique character and organic structure of the
Salesian mission indicates the possibility and the
need for interdepartmental teams (e.g. YM, SC, Mis-
sions), especially to contribute to shared activity

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6.2 Action area policies
6.2.1 Animation
Management of animation and communication in
the EDUCATIONAL PROCESS takes into consideration:
mass communication, convergent and per-
sonal media, especially in terms of social
media as vehicles of information and devel-
opment of innovative models and new think-
ing; all this requires careful attention in
the enhancement of communication in the
educative community, respecting leadership
and participation;
the production of messages;
education with media, seen as instruments
for use in educational processes generally,
media education, which refers to the critical
understanding of media, not just as tools but
as language and culture, and education for
media aimed at training professionals;
artistic expressions, cultural activities,
music, sports and leisure in a typically Sale-
sian style;
care of the environment in its various
openness to “forms of education and evan-
gelisation which emphasise communication
as a vital new area of aggregation of young
Management of animation and communication
in INTERNAL RELATIONSHIPS takes into consideration:
the ongoing effort to build a community of
people with common vision and shared mis-
sion, Salesian spirit and planning, in a family
atmosphere which involves everyone: Sale-
sians and lay people (cf in particular GC24
in this regard), educators and their pupils;
the visibility of the Salesian community as the
animating nucleus of a welcoming presence;
incentives for all activities that promote in-
terchange, facilitate the exchange of experi-
an attitude which goes beyond sectoral ac-
tivities and works, and functional areas
(youth ministry, social communication, mis-
sions ...) at local, provincial and global level;
fostering unity in the growing diversity of
ever-changing cultures and situations, with
constant dialogue between the Centre and
provinces, so that on the one hand there is
understanding and acknowledgement of
local situations and problems and, on the
other, openness to the universality of the
proximity on the part of the General Ad-
ministration to Conferences and Provincial
groups, planning interventions in local net-
work rather than from above, involving re-
gional or provincial centres and delegates;
Management of animation and communication
in EXTERNAL RELATIONS takes into consideration:
care of the Congregation’s public relations;
care of the institutional and public image of
the Congregation;
assistance to the Rector Major and his
Council in general, to provincials and their
councils in their own area, in relationships
with people, communities, institutions, media,
public activities;
promotion of knowledge of the Congrega-
tion by ecclesiastical and civil government,
in order to assist the carrying out of the Sale-
sian mission;
working with the media for the education
of youth and dissemination of good news;
use of whatever opportunities are possible
to enter the world of media, learn about
media use and positively influence their con-
liaison and involvement with Church and

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civic organisations that operate in and coor-
dinate the communication field;
participation in events and social move-
ments in the communication field that have re-
lationship with education and pastoral
6.2.2 Formation
The FORMATION OF SALESIANS takes into considera-
Article 82 of the Regulations: “Our Salesian mis-
sion orientates and characterises at all levels the
intellectual formation of the members in a way
that is original and unique. Therefore the program
of studies must preserve a balance between seri-
ous and scientific reflection and the religious and
apostolic dimensions of our way of life. Those
branches of study shall be cultivated with special
care which deal with the education of and pas-
toral work for youth, catechesis and social com-
The guidelines of the Ratio (THE FORMATION
Awareness and preparedness of confreres
so that they can communicate in a profes-
sional manner;
The Guidelines for the FORMATION of Sale-
sians in Social Communication: content and
methods for the various stages of formation,
joint paper by the Departments for Forma-
tion and Social Communication (2006).
SIANS AND EDUCATORS considers these three levels
(cf. AGC 370, pp. 22-25):
General basic level
deeper appreciation of theological and
pastoral grounds for communication;
the study and implementation of Don
Bosco’s preventive system as one of the best
expressions of communication and as a
baseline for all formation;
formation for communication skills in edu-
cators, beginning with their needs;
preparation for teamwork and other forms
of cooperative learning;
understanding, critical evaluation of, inter-
action with media, going beyond the simple
requirement of consumers, users;
critical awareness, and being in tune with
languages that convey the culture of young
people, such as literature, theatre, music,
preparation for playing a critical part in
today’s ’digital continent’ represented espe-
cially by blogs, instant messaging, texting …
The level of animators, and educational and pas-
toral workers
the need to understand the culture of a
globalised world, but also to being able to
contribute to the creation of alternative mod-
els of a culture of solidarity;
interaction with the mass communication
system, ensuring the formation of people
who are attentive and creative ... using
media to benefit the whole community;
competence in the use of language, re-
sources and communication tools for educa-
tional and pastoral activities;
formation of media educators, edu-com-
municators, cultural leaders.
The level of specialised preparation
specific technological and professional for-
participation in programs of centres for for-
mation to communication.

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takes into account:
formation in interpersonal and group com-
municative competencies, beginning with
their needs;
formation of cultural leaders;
formation for critical understanding of
communication and expression in the var-
ious languages of theatre, music, dance, folk
forms, printing, art, film, TV, Internet ...;
competence in the use of communication
language, resources and tools.
6.2.3 Information
Information treated as a fundamental factor in
creating Salesian communicative environments
and for the necessary mobilisation of society in
view of the needs of young people.
Information differentiated and adapted to meet
the needs of any specific recipient - an individual
or group - in an appropriate and suitable lan-
guage and medium.
Information consistent with the communication
policies and criteria of the Congregation.
The exchange of information and experience en-
couraged as a growth factor in the sense of unity
and belonging to the Congregation and the Sale-
sian Family.
Information which contributes to the support and
development of the Project of Animation of the
Rector Major and his Council as well as that of
the Province and the communities.
Over and above personal contact and knowl-
edge of young people in each community or
work area, we focus on a well-documented
knowledge of the ever-evolving world of the
young. A wealth of information needs to be
brought together for a better understanding, an
increase in appreciation and a better definition
of our service. At the same time we offer this same
information to society in order to create opinion
and awareness that give rise to policies and activ-
ities for youth.
We provide a constantly updated database that
gives us rapid, precise and secure information re-
garding personnel, works and activities, to sup-
port the animation and proper functioning of the
Congregation as an organisation.
The information area of activity is also concerned
with the storage of digital information, which in-
cludes the development of policies at different
levels to ensure that digital material of value is
prepared in such a way that facilitates its preser-
vation. Various digital processes are involved in
the conservation of historical and cultural docu-
ments of the Congregation, both written and in
images (still or moving), sound, or objects, through
management of archives, libraries, museums,
Corporate, institutional image is attended to
through correct and complete information which
clearly manifests the social significance of Don
Bosco’s work. “We labour in economically de-
pressed areas and for poor youth. We collabo-
rate with them educating them to a sense of
moral, professional and social responsibility.... we
contribute to the development of both people
and environment. We share in a way appropri-
ate to religious in the witness and commitment of
the Church to justice and peace. While not get-
ting involved in ideologies or party politics, we
reject everything that encourages deprivation,
injustice and violence, and we cooperate with all

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6. Policies
who are trying to build a society more worthy of
man’s dignity. The advancement to which we ded-
icate ourselves in the spirit of the Gospel makes
tangible the love of Christ which makes men free
and is a sign that the Kingdom of God is among
us” (C. 33).
Tools, structures and information products are
constantly upgraded and professionally qualified,
Salesian iNfo Agency (ANS) with its net-
work of correspondents in the regions and
Public relations services, press offices and
official spokespersons;
Salesian Bulletins;
Portals and Web Sites;
Documentation and archival services;
Provincial newsletters and many other
Salesian information products;
The platform of tools and technological
means of communication that allow more
timely, cost and energy saving, permanent
and personal access to information.
6.2.4 Production Publishing Enterprises
Don Bosco’s educational work bears the imprint
of his work as a writer and editor. As an author
he wrote devotional, training, education and
schooling texts. To support his publishing activities
he set up the Society for the dissemination of
good press and founded the Printing Press at the
Valdocco Oratory.
The Salesian publishing enterprises are
part of the cultural, social and political life of
the people, especially young people in or-
dinary settings, and are open to the cultures
of countries where they are to understand
them and inculturate the gospel message in
them (cf. Constitutions Art. 7).
Through their activities they help the Con-
gregation play an active role in the process
of evangelisation and catechesis, in society,
school and culture; they regulate their edito-
rial policy on the relationship between faith
and culture as interpreted by the Magis-
terium; they acknowledge the authenticity of
human values, their autonomy and rele-
vance to the faith, and reject any form of fun-
They are a creative and educational pres-
ence in culture, paying particular attention
to its popular and humanistic dimension, fol-
lowing Don Bosco and the Salesian tradition
of education and pedagogy.
Salesian Publishing operates in the field of
education, evangelisation, catechesis, for-
mation and education. These publishers are
committed to facilitating the proclamation of
the Gospel, accompanying the discovery
and development of the faith, facilitating the
synthesis between faith and culture, educat-
ing to a critical, aesthetic, moral sense, and
promote openness to religion. (Cf. Constitu-
tions Art. 31 and 34, Regulations Art 32).
Entrepreneurial structure
Following the example of Don Bosco, who
gave stability to his publishing business, and
as required by the Regulations (No. 31),
Salesian Publishing houses are set up on a
secure economic and legal basis.
As for other works in the Province, the
Provincial and his Council clearly define the
legal structure of the Publishing House in ac-
cordance with applicable laws in the country,
the owners, the object of its activity, its organ-

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6. Policies
isational structure, clear roles, responsibilities
and functions. They exercise their continuing
duty to monitor and address the situation.
The owners of the Publishing House should
set out in official documentation the core
values, guidelines for decisions, policies, ac-
tions, scope: the basic reason for the exis-
tence of the publishers, the mission, the
objectives to be pursued.
The enterprise will develop a strategy to
achieve the mission that was entrusted to it
through an assessment of its strengths and
weaknesses, its financial and human re-
sources, its innovative capacity, and identify
its target market area, core business, de-
velop its strategic plan, as well as a financial
and marketing plan, and set out its tasks:
who does what, when and how. Salesian web sites
We can identify three nuclei of a Salesian web
site: identity, purpose, the nature of the medium
Vision - Identity
The identity of a Salesian website is charismatic
and institutional.
CHARISMATIC IDENTITY can be expressed in
terms of: the mission (salvation of youth), a
reference to Don Bosco and his appeal as a
figure, the term ’Salesian’, a style inspired by
the preventive system, a sense of community
and the way it creates community.
levels of institutional identity according to
the nature of the website: a site can be ’offi-
cial’ (of the Congregation, the region or
province) or of a work, a sector, a typically
Salesian activity. Things such as a logo, the
various ’links’ help express this belonging. In
an official site it would be normal to include
a link to the Congregation’s website.
A Salesian website always aims at bear-
ing witness to its Christian and evangelising
The purpose of a Salesian website may involve
at least animation, formation/education, informa-
tion (news, videos ...), storage (documents, images,
sound ...), advertising (without too much self-refer-
ence). One of these purposes will normally be the
main purpose of the site.
The nature of the medium itself
Today we talk about Web 2.0 and tomorrow it
may be Web 3.0. A website built a decade ago
will not respond to the expectations of today. It is
essential that a Salesian website continue to
There is no doubt that this development implies
aspects like design, icons, navigability, interactiv-
ity, accessibility, also an ability to manage compli-
cated sites in the simplest way, using the tools
available today.
The Salesian webmaster belongs to a broad
movement which can make its own contribution.
That is why we can speak of a ’community of
practice’ that should be developed and strength-
We want this community to be developed
through dialogue, openness and involve-
ment of all stakeholders;
The public and private feel of our websites
as well as our community of practice require
a balance between these two aspects;

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We believe that a Salesian website adds
value to what is ’Salesian’ thus helping the
broader Salesian community and its mission;
The community of practice of Salesian
webmasters is a welcoming place like a
community hall or other similar places;
Each community has its own rhythms and
to the extent to which the community of prac-
tice of Salesian webmaster has its rhythms,
it will demonstrate its vitality. This community
of practice will seek practical approaches in
this respect (information sharing, exchange
of e-mail, forums or other). Salesian Radio
We are radio institutions working with a Salesian
style: we evangelise popular and youth culture,
educating, guiding, informing and involving.
We promote the formation of associations, the
participation of young people and the working
classes; we arouse in them a critical sense of re-
ality and help human and Christian values to per-
meate society.
Practical guidelines
Implement educational, cultural and pas-
toral programs;
Disseminate specialised programs with an
identity founded on the Salesian preventive
Set up youth programs related to produc-
tion of a Salesian and educational nature
after consulting them. This encourages their
own production;
Information that offers support and con-
structive criticism of society;
Cooperate in campaigns for the protection
and promotion of human rights;
Aim at self-sustainability of radio and TV
with local support and networking projects;
Promote the Salesian vocation.
General guidelines
Inform, educate and evangelise young
people and the working classes using the
language of radio;
Promote culture, education and religion
through a ethical quality programming;
Generate and sustain programs, resources
and radio enterprises which serve the edu-
cational and pastoral mission to youth;
Prepare and train professional radio staff
in the Salesian charism on a regular basis,
to guarantee the quality of the message of
Engage in social justice and human rights
with radio messages for the purpose creat-
ing of awareness.
Disseminate religious values and Salesian
pedagogical values creatively by making
use of appropriate resources.
In all areas of the Province, and locally, en-
courage networking with the Salesian Con-
gregation and the Church.
6.3 Processes and their policies
6.3.1 Basic processes
To ensure the proper functioning of an institu-
tional system it is necessary to identify the various
processes that comprise it. These processes are a

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6. Policies
set of interrelated actions necessary for carrying
out the corporate mission of the institution.
The description of the process indicates what must
be done and how it must be realised through a
variety of activities. This is different from the or-
ganisational setup that defines functional areas
with their attributes and responsibilities.
The following processes are identified for the
Support: management and services.

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The following is a diagram of how SSCS works and a description of the processes.

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6.3.2 Planning process and policies
The planning process ensures the constant updat-
ing of SSCS in the light of the the needs of recipi-
ents, directing activity to a more effective
achievement of objectives (desired results).
The planning process is managed as a strategic
condition for promoting SSCS, to guide its devel-
opment and enhance the convergence of actions
which will achieve the desired results.
The SSCS is guided by a Sector Action Plan (SAP)
overall, integrated into the Project of Animation
of the Rector Major and his Council, and aimed
at creating synergy between the provinces and
cooperation among specific works for formation
and production.
At the provincial level SSCS is driven by a Provin-
cial Social Communication Plan (PSCP) integrated
into the Overall Province Plan (OPP), which looks
at the specific situations of each Province and
tries to apply the Congregation’s communication
policy to the Province along with application of
the general six year plan drawn up by the Rector
Major and his Council
formation and growth.
The task is to gain better understanding of the
Salesian pastoral approach to communication at
the service of the Salesian Congregation, the
Church and society.
To facilitate this, advisory councils at world and
province level are to be created. These are teams
of Salesian and lay experts in different fields or
areas, coordinated respectively by the General
Councillor for Social Communication and the
Provincial Social Communication Delegate.
Formation of Salesian and lay specialists in com-
munication is essential to the realisation of the pri-
ority assigned to it in the Salesian mission.
6.3.4 Advancement process and policies
Advancement of communication involves main-
taining and enhancing the efficiency of the
areas of activity: animation, formation, informa-
tion and production, for an effective implemen-
tation of communication in the service of the
Salesian mission.
6.3.3 Development process and policies
Development aims at fostering the vitality, dynam-
ics, and Salesian style of communication as a di-
mension running across all educational and
pastoral activity in the mission and its works, with
its own characteristics and as a specific and inte-
grated communications ecosystem.
The development of communication and the
building up of the SSCS are supported by analy-
sis, research, study and reflection activities, and
are monitored through assessment, consultation,
The advancement of communication occurs
within the following choices:
efforts aimed at the formation of people,
teams and centres dedicated to developing
messages, rather than being concerned
about acquiring instruments or managing
physical facilities;
projects aimed at creating communication
processes, to serve the Salesian Educative
and Pastoral Project (SEPP), charismatic com-
munion and mobilisation for the mission,
rather than task-oriented and isolated works.

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Processes and structures are to be created with
adequate personnel and resources to carry out
animation, formation, information and produc-
tion, at a general and provincial level.
The coordination of communication promotion is
to be carried out by the Councillor for Social
Communication in general and the Delegate for
Social Communication at provincial level.
The Provincial, according to instructions from
General Chapter 23, must appoint the Social
Communications Delegate, who “will help each
community promote communication, will lend his
services to various sectors, and will maintain re-
lationships with local Church and civil bodies”
(GC23, 259).
6.3.5 Support process and policies
The support process ensures the availability and
proper management of adequate staff, resources
and services needed for SSCS to operate.
The management of this process of support is to
be carried out in agreement with the Economer
General and/or Provincial Economer.
The management of personnel takes into consid-
alignment with the beliefs and values of
the Congregation, and commitment to exer-
cising the Salesian mission;
support and development of a human re-
sources policy that allows the SSCS to rely
on a framework of qualified, stable and mo-
tivated personnel;
ongoing formation of people for develop-
ment of its potential and for their proper
placement in the work structure;
implementation in accordance with legal
requirements and regulations.
The management of economic resources and as-
sets takes into consideration:
availability, appropriate implementation
and control of resources needed to achieve
the role of SSCS in the Congregation;
implementation in accordance with exist-
ing legal regulations and legal requirements
of civil society and the Congregation;
professionalism in procedures;
a budget which corresponds to each of the
The management of services takes into consider-
the organisation and its working ap-
proaches, so that organisational structures
are constantly updated and adapted to the
desired results within the framework of the
Constitutions and Regulations of the Con-
gregation and so that improvements
achieved in a given sector or area of the
Congregation are shared with others;
proper operation of computerised systems
to guarantee a fast and secure basis on
which to make the management decisions
needed to achieve the desired results;
availability of legal support to guide the
implementation of SSCS and defend the in-
terests of the Congregation in this area.
The management of language resources and
translation takes into consideration:
Ensure the terminological consistency of Salesian
discourse both internally and as addressed to oth-
ers; see to the faithful, communicative translation
of messages and communications from the Rec-
tor Major and his Council, and other bodies of an-

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imation, formation and information; ’faithful’ here
means fidelity to the original language and con-
text, ’communicative’ here means understandable
to readers in their cultural context; promoting stan-
dards, especially in textual products of the Gen-
eral Administration.
The DSC supports the management of the Con-
gregation’s linguistic data in collaboration with the
Salesian Central Archives, through the digitisation
of text, text memory (TM), etc.. The DSC offers its
skills and advice to the Salesian Central Archives
and others responsible for the management of lin-
guistic data of the Congregation
The DSC in collaboration with the Secretary-Gen-
eral and/or the Vicar of the Rector Major sees to
co-ordination of the ’pool’ of translators and of-
fers support services for their task.
The DSC draws up style guides for different situ-
ations, for example, the General Administration,
for translators in different languages.

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7. Organisation, roles and functions
7.1 SSCS Organisation
Organisation involves the process of identifying and grouping the work to be accomplished: defining
and assigning tasks, delegating authority, establishing adequate relationships to enable people to
work in teams, seeking the desired results.
7.1.1 Organisation Chart

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7. Organisation, roles and functions
7.2 General Councillor for Social Com- 7.3 Social Communication Department
7.2.1 Role:
The General Councillor:
The General Councillor animates the Congrega-
tion in the communications area: encourages ac-
tion in the communication field and coordinates
in particular, at global level, the centres and facil-
ities that the Congregation operates in this field. Details of the role
The General Councillor:
- raises awareness of the significance of commu-
nication and the effectiveness of the communica-
tions educational apostolate in the Congregation.
- accompanies and supports Provincials in the
task entrusted to them by Article 31 of the Regu-
lations for advancing social communication.
- maintains the quality of Salesian intervention in
the communications area.
- coordinates the various areas that make up the
Social Communication Department.
- coordinates at a worldwide level the centres
and facilities that the Congregation operates in
the communications field.
- sees to application of general planning and in-
tegration of the team with all its functions, as well
as integration with the Rector Major and his
Council and other departments.
7.3.1 Role
The Social Communication Team:
- contributes along with the General Councillor to
the advancement of social communication. Details of the role
The Social Communication Team:
- collaborates constantly with everything con-
cerning the Social Communication Department’s
- carries out tasks assigned by the Councillor for
the conduct of services of the department, such as:
Press office;
The Italian Salesian Bulletin;
Salesian Bulletins;
Web Portal;
Documentation and archives;
Photographic services.
- carries out tasks assigned by the Councillor to
conduct the planning process over the six year
periods. such as:
participating in communication events and
organisations internal to the Congregation
or outside
coordinating and cooperating with the
processes involved in events organised by the
Department. Maintaining and developing the
website of the Congregation, located at the
General Administration, which is characterised
as a portal in the sense of being a niche

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7. Organisation, roles and functions
provider of information and services in the
Salesian area. What was said in the ’Produc-
tion’ section about a Salesian website applies
a fortiori to the Congregation’s own website.
7.4 World Advisory Council
7.4.1 Role:
The World Advisory Council:
- accompanies the development of the Congre-
gation’s communication, makes assessments, car-
ries out research, studies,draws up guidelines and
offers materials for constant updating. Details of the role
The World Advisory Council:
- gives ongoing advice on communication in the
Congregation, particularly to the Social Commu-
nication Department.
The various Salesian and lay team members, ex-
perts in different areas of animation, formation,
information and entrepreneurial activity, collab-
orate constantly with the Department through
their studies and suggestions in response to re-
quests, but also by offering positive suggestions
of a spontaneous and personal kind.
The sharing and offering of personal contributions
occurs preferably via the Internet. Depending on
needs, consultations and meetings may be con-
vened at a regional or world level, with partici-
pation of experts in specific areas or with the
participation of the whole team.
7.5 Regional/national and or Confer-
ence Delegate
7.5.1 Role:
The Delegate:
- encourages teamwork and cooperation among
the provinces in the field of communication and
joint action, with the broad strategic vision of the
mission and of the Congregation. Details of the role
The Delegate:
- accomplishes the task entrusted to him or her by
statute or conventions of the regional or confer-
ence delegation.
- maintains close liaison and cooperation with the
General Councillor for Social Communication
and the Department.
- encourages the development and implementa-
tion of a common plan of action, and cooperating
in the communication area, overseeing the imple-
mentation of overall planning in the region or
7.6 The Provincial with his Council
7.6.1 Role:
The Provincial with his Council:
- promotes communication in the province. Details of the role
The Provincial with his Council:
- deals with and monitors the quality of communi-
cation within and outside the Province, among the

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7. Organisation, roles and functions
confreres, with the groups of the Salesian Family,
the Church and communities and civic and social
institutions and groups, among provinces and
with the General Council .
- appoints the Provincial Social Communication
Delegate, and the Communication Commission or
- prepares confreres to be active in press, cinema,
radio and television circles.
- establishes and strengthens publishing centres
for the production and dissemination of books,
periodicals and other materials, and centres of
production and broadcasting of audiovisual,
radio, television programmes.
- establishes reviewers for publications that re-
quire Church review.
7.7 The Provincial Delegate for Social
7.7.1 Role:
The Delegate:
- can be a Salesian or lay person and fosters com-
munication in the Province on the Provincial’s be-
half. The preference is for the person to be full time. Details of the role
The Delegate:
- collaborates with different teams (depending on
the structure that exists on behalf of the Salesian
mission to the young in the Province) for an inte-
grated implementation, working in particular in a
coordinated way with delegates for other sectors. In
the case of Province business operations, enter-
prises, the delegate ought find appropriate repre-
sentation, in agreement with the provincial
economer, on the board or other management
- collaborates in drawing up and applying the
Provincial Social Communication Plan.
- accompanies and animates, to the extent that it
is possible, all that relates to communication in the
the Provincial Council;
Salesian communities;
local contacts for communication;
different areas of communication activities;
ongoing formation of Salesian confreres in
the communications area;
- networks with people responsible for each level
in the Province, to coordinate the activities of the
SSCS, emphasising the Salesian criteria outlined
in an earlier part of this section:
Development and execution of plans at
the various provincial and local levels;
Advancement process and implementa-
tion of activities and programs in formation,
information and production.
Integration into the YM Team/Provincial
Presence in leadership teams involved with
Communications production.
- needs an overall perspective that allows him or
her to make well-targeted interventions to ensure
a balance between the local Salesian informa-
tion centre and the world centre, in the following

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7. Organisation, roles and functions
ANS (Salesian Info Agency): local informa-
tion (correspondents);
the production and dissemination of infor-
mation within the Province and the Salesian
Family, tools such as the Provincial Newsletter,
the Salesian Bulletin, other local products;
the operation of the website;
the functioning of the press office;
an active and positive contact with struc-
tures, people and media in the area;
Salesian image, in terms of quality and
the significance of our presence in the
media and the press.
- attends communications (SSCS) meetings at dif-
ferent levels (Conference, Region, World), con-
tributing to action in synergy in the Congregation.
- works with Church, religious, governmental and
civilian groups involved in communication.
7.8 The Social Communication Team
(Provincial Commission or otherwise named)
- contributes to the drafting and implementation
of provincial plans for animation, formation, con-
sultation in the communication field.
- contributes to the Delegate’s work with informa-
tion, study, sharing, planning and experimentation.
- assumes the tasks assigned by the Provincial or
the Delegate for the conduct and support of
works or activities, or participation in events and
communication organisations.
- encourages communication for education and
evangelisation of youth and popular environments.
7.9 Local SC Coordinator
7.9.1 Role:
The local Coordinator:
- fosters communication in the local Community
and its work.
7.8.1 Role:
The Social Communication Team:
- contributes, with the Delegate and Province, in
the task of advancing communication. Details of the role
The local Coordinator:
- works with the youth ministry team in all that
concerns the education of young people, and in-
teracts with representatives of other sectors for in-
tegrated implementation in the local work. Details of the role
The Social Communication Team:
- works as a team within the system, and work
constantly with everything concerning the mission
in the communication field.
- cooperates in drafting and applying the local
Social Communication Plan.
- provides leadership in everything concerning
communication in the work:

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7. Organisation, roles and functions
the Educative Community Council;
Salesian community;
local communication commission;
different communication activities.
- coordinates SSCS activities, through effective
participation of people holding responsibilities in
the area, ensuring that the system works effec-
tively in that it responds to the needs of its bene-
ficiaries and key players, using Salesian criteria:
drafts and applies plans;
the advancement process and implemen-
tation of activities and programs in forma-
tion, information and production.
- activates the local side of Salesian information:
promotes production and diffusion of infor-
mation in the work and within the Salesian
Family, and sees to instruments like the local
newsletters and other typical products;
accompanies the activities of locals who
share responsibility with him or her;
guides the local website in its operation;
guides the workings of the press office;
maintains active and positive contact with
structures, people and media in the local
promotes the Salesian image, and in terms
of quality and quantity, aims for maximum
presence in mass media and press.
provides ANS (Salesian Info Agency ) - in
the Province and in Rome - with local infor-
mation and then disseminates this informa-
tion locally, in an intelligent way;
- takes part in Province SSCS meetings, contribut-
ing constantly to teamwork.
- works in with Church, religious, governmental,
civic groups involved in communication.
7.10 ANS (Salesian Info Agency)
7.10.1 Role
- produces Salesian information to feed Salesian
media and disseminates its products amongst
media, in the service of the Salesian mission. Function
- is at the disposition of the various bodies in the
Congregation (Rector Major, General Council,
Departments, Provinces, etc.) to help them make
effective use of information and communication
as a way of pursuing their objectives of anima-
tion and government.
- encourages contact, via information on their var-
ious circumstances, between members of the Con-
gregation around the world, as also the member
groups of the Salesian Family.
- gathers up the various issues around us and
helps the Congregation, Salesian Family and so-
ciety to read and interpret them according to the
Salesian mission.
- contributes to the quality of the Congregation’s
information media and media belonging to the
Salesian Family member groups. The Agency aims
to offer a service to these media to help them give
energy to the content and its presentation.
- sees that the Congregation and the Salesian
Family is known throughout the world, providing
information on relevant factors disseminated to the
local Church, and to information media generally.

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7. Organisation, roles and functions
- highlights the youth and education problems in
the world, developing and distributing informa-
tion products around the world which refer to the
situation with youth and education, and which
have a Salesian perspective.
- organises and coordinates the network of corre-
spondents in every Salesian geographical area.
- prepares correspondents for professional activ-
ity in the information field.
- works in accordance with policies and criteria
guiding Salesian communication.
- acts at two levels:
World: in Rome, and in close collaboration with
governing groups in the Congregation and the
Saleisan Family, the Agency’s Centre establishes
the necessary contacts with International Agen-
cies, worldwide databases, the Vatican and all
Salesian communities. Products of a global na-
ture, be they internal or for external consumption,
are managed by the centre, then distributed di-
rectly to clients or sent out to Provincial Delegates
to be then placed with national media.
Province: The Provincial Delegate (province cor-
respondent) for Social Communication, working
closely with the Province’s governing bodies, es-
tablished contacts with information media and
agencies at national level, with the Bishops Con-
ference Press Office and with Salesian communi-
ties in the Province. The Delegate (personally or
through another correspondent) passes on to the
Agency’s centre in Rome all information on the
Province which may be of interest, and in accor-
dance with criteria and policies already estab-
lished, distributes information products from the
Agency centre to national agencies and informa-
tion media . The Delegate, who also has respon-
sibilities towards the Agency, drafts and
distributes Salesian information of relevance to
the local area to local media. Local correspon-
dents, Salesians or members of the Salesian Fam-
ily in various presences, cooperate in this.
- sees to the production and shipping of ANS
products, such as:
ANSfoto: printed monthly
ANS website
Other products as needed
7.11 The Press Office
7.11.1 Role
The Press Office:
- maintains contacts with information agencies,
media and the broader public, to draw attention
to youth or educational problems and to look
after and defend the image of the Congregation
and Salesian activities. Function
The Press Office:
- is a service operating within ANS.
- organises and updates a databank on the Sale-
sian, youth and education situation.
- accompanies information current in the media
regarding the Salesian mission, informing those
with immediate need to know about this informa-
tion in the Congregation and interact with the
media in this regard.
- establishes contacts with agencies and espe-
cially with journalists to provide information on

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7. Organisation, roles and functions
the Salesian mission and mobilise them for the
cause of educating youth.
- manages a communication and marketing plan
for the Congregation’s (or Province’s) image.
- organises reports from governing individuals in
the Congregation for various media levels, and
7.12 Public Relations
7.12.1 Role
Public Relations:
- manages official relations of the Rector Major
and his Council with the Congregation, and of the
Congregation for external consumption, at the
general level, and for the Provincial and his Coun-
cil at Province level. Function
Public Relations:
The Rector Major has responsibility – which in
particular cases he delegates to his Vicar, the Sec-
retary General, official spokesperson or others –
for the official relations between the Council and
the Congregation and between the Congrega-
tion and the outside world, especially in the case
of the Apostolic See, the Union of Superiors Gen-
eral (USG), other Institutes and Congregations,
other institutions and bodies either Church or
civic, especially for making statements or taking
a position on behalf of the Congregation.
The Provincial and his Council define how this
works at Province level, in agreement with the
press office.
7.13 The Salesian Bulletin
7.13.1 Role
The Salesian Bulletin:
- spreads Don Bosco’s spirit, makes Salesian work
and its needs known, links and encourages differ-
ent groups in the Family, foster vocations helping
the Salesian movement grow, and encouraging
collaboration in the mission. Function
The Salesian Bulletin:
- is produced according to directives from the Rec-
tor Major and his Council, and appears in various
editions and languages as a general organ of
Salesian work, and not as a particular one for
each region.
- has as its purpose to incarnate the values of the
unique Salesian vocation in different cultural areas.
- is a magazine in function of the mission, ad-
dressed to public opinion more than the institution.
this means sensitivity to locating itself in the world
that people and the Church experience today,
and offering a Salesian ’reading’ of this, especially
where youth and education are concerned.
The Social Communication Department sets up a
central coordinating service to:
coordinate the renewal process (accompa-
niment, animation and articulation);
guide the information policy and planning
over the six year period;
set up plans for accompaniment, formation
and support for management, and to extend
its dissemination;
link the various SBs through the web site.

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7. Organisation, roles and functions
This service has an advisory council made up of
specialists in the area.
7.14 Web Portal
7.14.1 Role
The Web Portal:
- manages Internet resources for information, forma-
tion, sharing, in service of the project of animation
and government of the Congregation, as a source of
information on the Salesian charism and as a tool
for mobilising society for the cause of youth. Function
The Web Portal:
- is a navigation platform for the Internet which
offers a niche opportunity, tools and services, such
as: language choice, search engine, Intranet, links,
chat… and specialised information on education
and evangelisation of the young.
The DSC manages the General Administration’s
facilitating interaction between the Centre
and the Provinces, and maintains an up-
dated list of Salesian websites;
maintaining an adequate structure of peo-
ple and technological means for this interac-
tive function;
forming people for this interaction;
playing an animating role with other Sale-
sian webmasters around the world.
The Delegate, at Province level, provides Salesian
guidance and a professional orientation for the
websites in the Province, in conformity with the
Congregation’s general communication policy.
7.15 Documentation and archives
7.15.1 Role
Documentation and archives:
- gather, preserve and make available documenta-
tion on the Salesian charism, experience and work. Function
Documentation and archives:
At a general level responsibility for the Salesian
Central Archives (ASC) belongs to the Secretary
General; it functions in accordance with the “Cen-
tral Archives Regulations”.
The Archives bring together historical records, i.e.
material no longer in use or for current consulta-
tion, but available however when requested.
Another section is the photographic archives,
which keeps photographs and film/video of a his-
torical or current nature. The one in charge of this
archives makes available materials for communi-
cation publication and for various other docu-
mentation purposes.
The Social Communication Department also man-
ages the Department’s archives and archives of
its various services (ANS, SB, Portal), as well as
databases and documentation for current consul-
tation purposes.
The Social Communication Department may offer
specific competencies to the Secretary General
or those in charge of the various sections of the
ASC regarding preservation policies and strate-
gies, especially those involving technical and dig-
ital aspects.

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7. Organisation, roles and functions
7.16 The Provincial Newsletter
7.17 Formation Centres
7.16.1 Role
The Provincial Newsletter:
- sees to the circulation of current Salesian infor-
mation amongst Salesian communities, Educative
communities and the Salesian Family. This serves
communion, shared experiences, growth in a
sense of belonging, and creative renewal.
7.17.1 Role:
Formation Centres:
- contribute to the Salesian mission by forming
teachers, researchers, experts and other workers
in the communications field, keeping a balance be-
tween theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Function
The Provincial Newsletter:
- produces information at the service of the
Province Animation Plan for the various sectors
in their educational and pastoral organisation.
- offers information, within the details of this plan
at Province level, on:
the Province’s history;
history of the Salesian charism: offering a
re-reading of the Salesian charism in the
Province, without just being a chronology of
events past, present or to come;
- proposes collaboration and vocational commit-
ment (in its broad sense) to lay people who share
Don Bosco’s style.
- offers information on the vitality of the communi-
ties and works in the Province. It should not be just
an historical collection, or a press review, nor just
a list of Salesian or Church documents.
- offers the more relevant items of interest to the
Salesian world. Function
Formation Centres:
- have various profiles: universities (therefore ac-
ademic) or informal education (with various kinds
of programmes and timetables).
How each centre is to function is guided by a spe-
cific Salesian educative and pastoral plan and by
action plans which respond to the concrete needs
of all those involved, integrated into the Overall
Province Plan (OPP).
The DSC fosters mutual collaboration between
centres for formation to communication using the
following guidelines, activities or strategies:
works in tune with the Formation and Youth
Ministry Departments;
researches elements of understanding and
cooperation amongst faculties of communi-
cation belonging to IUS and various forma-
tion centres;
gives a formation response to the ques-
tion of edu-communication and profes-
sional formation.

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Part 2
“Guidelines for the
formation of Salesians
in social communication”
Content and method for the
various formation stages
General Councillor for formation
General Councillor for Social Communication
Rome, 24 May 2006

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6 Pages 51-60

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6.1 Page 51

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Social communication has always been seen as
an urgent and necessary field of formation in the
Congregation. Given its importance for Salesian
life and mission, from the 90’s onwards there have
been efforts to offer a formation programme for
the different stages, especially for those in initial
The impetus for these Guidelines results from a
range of factors coming together: the promulga-
tion of the new Ratio in 2000, GC25’s practical
choice in 2002 to have a General Councillor ex-
clusively for the Social Communications Depart-
ment, indications in the Rector Major and
Council’s Plan, that a formation curriculum for so-
cial communication be drawn up, the request by
the World Advisory Council for Social Communi-
cation in 2004, the publication of the “Salesian
Social Communication System” guidelines at the
beginning of 2005, and finally the Rector Major’s
Letter published in AGC 2005.
The Guidelines which you now have in hand are
the result of collaboration between the Depart-
ments of Social Communications and the fruit of a
Congregation-wide consultation, especially
amongst those with competence in social commu-
nications, and amongst formators. Their inspira-
tion is based on Church documents relevant to
social communication, on our Constitutions and
Regulations, and on interventions in the shape of
Letters of Rectors Major: Fr Viganò (AGC 289),
Fr Vecchi (AGC 370 and 366), Fr Chavez (AGC
387 and 390). Finally, they take account of expe-
riences which have matured in various Provinces
and areas of the Congregation.
Those for whom it is intended
SOCIAL COMMUNICATION are meant for the same
people and groups who were given the RATIO,
namely: All Salesians, but especially Provincials
and their Councils, Delegates and members of
Formation and Social Communication Commis-
sions, formators and those being formed, all those
responsible for initial and ongoing formation of
The purpose of these “Guidelines” is the forma-
tion of the Salesian to becoming a “good commu-
nicator” (FSDB 252) with special reference to the
area of social communication.
To be a good communicator requires a capacity
for critical reception and creative production of
information and messages; at the same time it de-
mands a capacity for animation and manage-
ment of social communication in educational and
pastoral processes; it demands a capacity for in-
teraction and relationships in social communica-
tion within and beyond the Congregation.
The area of social communication concerns the
various mass and personal media, such as press,
cinema, radio, television, internet, DVD, mobile
phones, … ; it includes all interactions in society or
in a cultural grouping, such as theatre, music, ad-
vertising, public relations; it extends to a consider-
ation of culture and especially the anthropological
model created and spread by the media.
Formation levels
It is to be noted that these Guidelines focus on for-
mation and not mainly on “training”, because
they are meant not only to achieve a degree of
ability and technical understanding in the one
being formed, but his transformation as a person,
including his attitudes and critical sense.
It is appropriate also to recall two paragraphs
here (no. 56 and no. 68) from the “Salesian So-
cial Communications System” guidelines which re-
flect on aspects to do with formation: where it
says that social communication is developed
within the framework of the Salesian mission to
youth, a dimension that runs across all educa-
tional and pastoral action (no. 56), and, where it
speaks of formation references in social commu-
nication (no. 68).
Following what the Magisterium of the Church
and the documents of the Congregation say, the
“Salesian Social Communication System” in no.
69 specifies what the three formation levels are.

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The first level, basic, focuses on formation of the
This deals with:
educating the Salesian to a critical sense
and forming his awareness so he can be
freed from the subtle suggestions and ma-
nipulations of the media;
equipping him to make free and responsi-
ble choices, using mass media not only for
enjoyment, but especially for information
and formation, for an harmonious cultural
and social growth;
teaching the technical details of individual
media, necessary for a correct “reading”
and an objective understanding of their
creating an awareness of the social, cul-
tural, political and economic implications
which lie behind the messages and values
proposed by the media, giving special atten-
tion to the relationship between media and
advertising, ideology and political power;
seeing to the aesthetics of communication
by taking up art, literature and music in a
communicative key; this means developing
an interest in cultural presentation in gen-
eral; competence in and appreciation of fine
arts; a study of the music of the young in
order to understand their problems, their lan-
guage, their dreams, and to be able to dia-
logue with them and search with them;
reading at least some pages of modern lit-
The second level focuses on the preparation of
educational and pastoral workers.
This deals with:
equipping the Salesian for the correct use
of the various social communication media
in educational and pastoral activity;
forming Salesians and laity in the use of so-
cial communication for teaching and in edu-
cation, in catechesis and preaching, in the
fostering of peace and development and in
giving a voice to the needs of the poor;
sensitising and preparing the Salesian to
integrate the Gospel with the “new culture”
created by modern social communication.
The third level concerns the preparation of spe-
cialists in social communication whose task is on
behalf of the entire provincial community which
needs to:
prepare some confreres who show a spe-
cial inclination, so they can be experts in
teaching this social communications;
prepare some people for working in pro-
duction in this media field and for exercising
their competence in the management and
animation of province enterprises in this
Initial formation is aimed at the first and second
levels; these are brought up to date in ongoing
formation and for some it includes achieving the
third level.
Proposals for each formation stage
For each stage of initial or ongoing formation,
these guidelines offer a brief summary of what
the Ratio says concerning the nature and scope
of that stage.
Then it highlights certain formation aspects in the
stage, which are particularly relevant to social
communication at this stage.
It deals with the aims of formation to social com-
munication, presented not in an abstract way but
by way of directions to be taken up.
This is followed by proposed study topics to en-
courage a theoretical reflection on the signifi-
cance of the media, its social role, its languages
and a critical use. The contents involved in the
study can be better organised once one has
taken into consideration what the RATIO STUDIO-
RUM says about the different stages.
Finally, experiences to exercise and some com-
petencies to acquire, to help the following up of
aims indicated. Obviously these experiences are
not to be restricted to just the stage under consid-
eration, but are something to be continued and

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looked into more thoroughly in the stages that fol-
low, as indeed are the competencies needing to
be gradually acquired. This part - experiences
and competencies – will need to be understood in
greater depth and above all exercised. It requires,
then, that support materials be offered; these will
be offered in due course.
For each formation stage then, we find: a sum-
mary of the nature and scope of that stage, its
aims concerning social communication, study and
reflection topics, experiences and competencies.
Our thanks go to everyone who has helped in put-
ting these Guidelines together. It is our hope that
they can be of real help in forming Salesians, that
they can be a common departure point for fruitful
experience, and that they contribute to coopera-
tion between the Province Delegates and Com-
missions for Formation and Social Communication.
Fr Francesco Cereda, General Councillor for
Formation (2006)
Fr Tarcísio Scaramussa, General Councillor for
Social Communication (2006)

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1. Prenovitiate
1.1. The prenovitiate is that stage of formation in
which the candidate to Salesian life deepens his
vocational choice, maturing especially in his
human and Christian aspects, so as to be suitable
to begin the novitiate.
1.2. As part of this Christian and human growth,
the candidate needs to:
be open to the social and cultural reality
in his setting and in the world of social com-
be especially sensitive to the problems of
poor and marginalised youngsters, situa-
tions of poverty, injustice and exclusion;
be mature concerning the reality of life,
and grow in a sense of compassion and sol-
idarity which shows itself through a simple
lifestyle (cf. FSDB 338);
begin to develop a serious critical capac-
ity which makes him capable of respectful
and objective judgments about people and
events and which enables him to take a po-
sition on the cultural models offered by the
(then he will) know how to critically read
and responsibly use the social communica-
tion media (cf. FSDB 69);
mature in a calm affectivity and exercise
vigilance in his own life, practising custody
of the senses and making discreet and pru-
dent use of social communication media (cf.
FSDB 65);
1.3. Certain study topics are recommended to
the candidate as an introduction to social com-
what is communication;
forms of communication;
models of communication;
language of sign and symbol;
social communication;
audio-visual culture;
history of social communication.
1.4. The following experiences to be exercised
and competencies to acquire, finally, are sug-
gested for the candidate:
developing proper attitudes and commu-
nicative competencies: listening, speaking,
writing, reading in public, receiving feed-
acquiring according to each one’s capacity,
artistic, dramatic, musical ability;
learning to make good use of the com-
puter and the internet, if not already able to
do so;
being interested in media such as press,
magazines, newspapers;
educating oneself to the appropriate use
of free time and to responsible choice of tel-
evision programmes and internet;
knowing how to appreciate and to criti-
cally evaluate media and social communica-
tion products;
accustoming oneself to making good use
of newspapers, radio, tv, newsletters, bul-
undertaking analysis and discussion of
news, especially of matters concerning
youth and ordinary people, and today’s cul-
tural and multicultural challenges for the
Church, especially in fields of peace, justice,
solidarity, work, the family.

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2. Novitiate
2.1. The novitiate is the beginning of the Salesian
religious experience as a follower of Christ. The
novice begins to live consecrated and apostolic
life, interiorising Salesian values.
2.2. As part of this practical exercising of Sale-
sian life, the novice:
continues to cultivate self-control and tem-
perance, and to strengthen the motivations
for his choices (cf. FSDB 359);
adopts such attitudes with regard to social
communications media;
develops a strong attachment to Don
Bosco, to the Congregation, to the Salesian
Family and to the Salesian Movement (cf.
FSDB 362);
discovers a meaningful field of action in so-
cial communication that forms part of the
apostolic priorities of the Salesian mission;
grows in a strong sensitivity towards the
Salesian mission amongst poor young peo-
ple, and keeps himself informed about this;
nurtures an attentiveness to the world’s
needs, a lively sense of Church;
therefore nurtures a true missionary atti-
tude in himself (cf. FSDB 366);
2.3. The development of some of the following
study themes forms part of his education to social
Don Bosco teacher of communication;
references in the Constitutions and Regula-
tions to social communication;
the Congregation’s developments in the
field of social communication from the SGC
to our own time.
2.4. The following experiences to be exercised
and competencies to acquire are suggested for
the novice:
using the “space” for his freedom and re-
sponsibility provided in the novitiate in ref-
erence to to social communication media,
for measuring himself, exercising his per-
sonal autonomy, making discreet and pru-
dent use of the media with a critical attitude,
reflecting on the choices he has made;
developing appropriate attitudes for com-
munication: photos, video, theatre, music,
news sheets, internet, drawing;
using the media for listening to and medi-
tating on the Word of God, in the sharing of
faith and prayer in the group and in liturgy,
in novitiate apostolic experiences;
taking active part in forums and other sim-
ilar exercises for analysing, discussing and
critically judging shows and messages, es-
pecially those with marked or controversial
views about the mission of the Church and
the Congregation towards the young;
being in touch with social communication
in the Congregation and the Salesian Fam-
ily: The Salesian Bulletin, ANS, the site in Rome, newsletters, etc.;
developing the sense of belonging to the
Congregation through a reading of Salesian

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3. Postnovitiate
3.1. The postnovitiate is the stage where the
newly professed Salesian strengthens his own vo-
cational growth and gets ready for practical train-
ing, gradually integrating faith, culture and life
through a deeper understanding of the experi-
ence of religious life and Don Bosco’s spirit, and
an appropriate philosophical, pedagogical and
catechetical preparation in dialogue with culture
(cf. C 114).
3.2. A part of the postnovitiate formation, then, is
the fact that he:
gains a capacity for a serious relationship
with culture, with the world of young people,
with problems of education, with the Chris-
tian viewpoint (cf. FSDB 401);
acquires a broad and at the same time crit-
ical understanding of social communication,
knowing how to read, critically evaluate and
interact with media, information and mod-
ern advertising, and is able to grasp its so-
cial and psychological effects in ordinary
settings, and on the young;
achieves a certain competence in the tech-
niques of various kinds of social communica-
tion, with a view to knowing how to use
these for educating and evangelising the
young (cf. FSDB 410);
3.3. Since intellectual formation is the character-
istic aspect of this stage, the postnovice takes on
studies in the social communication field:
theory of communication and social and
psychological problems of social communi-
kinds of communication, in particular, new
technologies: press, radio, TV, internet;
the culture produced by social communi-
media education;
applications of social communication to
the different areas of catechesis, liturgy, pas-
toral activity in general, teaching and cul-
tural animation.
3.4. These studies are accompanied by different
experiences to be exercised and competencies
to acquire which serve to put what is learned at
school into practice:
developing attitudes for social communi-
cation in regard to photographs, video, the-
atre, journalism, computer programmes,
drawing, posters, noticeboards, music, au-
taking part in analysis and discussion
groups which evaluate products offered by
mass media with a Christian and critical
sense, especially with regard to content and
language of news, advertising, newspapers,
film, video and internet and video games,
and that reflect on the globalisation of infor-
knowing the language and jargon of the
young; bringing to life amongst themselves
the Salesian approaches to theatre, feasts,
academies, courses, …;
involvement in producing information serv-
ices whether they be at local or province

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4. Practical Training
4.1. Practical Training is the stage of vital and in-
tense coming to grips with Salesian activity,
brought about within pastoral and educative ex-
perience, which helps the confrere to mature in
his Salesian vocation and to ascertain his voca-
tional suitability for perpetual profession. (cf. FSDB
4.2. Because of its nature, practical training has
no real curriculum of studies. It is an experience,
or better, the whole set of different experiences of
Salesian life and activity, amongst which the re-
sponsible use of social communication and its em-
ployment for the formation, education and
evangelisation of young people. In particular the
practical trainee can take into consideration and
check what the “Salesian Social Communication
System” has to say in no. 51 with reference to
those responsible for social communication and
the animation of social communication in educa-
tional processes.
4.3. It calls for a reflection or practical trainees
sharing their experiences and, when possible,
some short programmes dealing with social com-
munication within the framework of a pedagogi-
cal, methodological, educational or catechetical
formation. FSDB 433). For example some reflec-
tion could be useful on aspects such as: presence
amongst the young from the point of view that
McLuhan offers in his “Medium as message”; edu-
communication in pastoral and educative expe-
rience; globalisation of the media and its
influence on the choices and the style of religious

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5. Specific Formation
5.1. Specific formation is the formation stage
which completes the basic formation of the Sale-
sian pastor and educator along the lines of his
specific vocation as brother or priest.
5.2. It is, then, a part of this formation for the Sale-
sian to:
have a solid basis of convictions concern-
ing the social communication field;
be ready to be the educator, teacher and
guide for others, teaching how to use critical
tools for reading, understanding and evalu-
ating texts and messages offered and often
imposed by the mass media;
be able to be a pastor in the social com-
munication field, wisely and professionally
employing the techniques and processes of
modern communication at small and large
group level, and integrating the Gospel with
the culture of the media.
5.3. On the one hand, then, some studies are
needed to offer a theoretical frame of reference:
theology of communication;
Church documents on social communica-
social communication ministry with atten-
tion to ethics in communication and pastoral
problems associated with youth cultures (cf.
FSDB 468);
5.4. On the other hand, the one in formation is in-
vited to avail himself of certain experiences to be
exercised and competencies to acquire:
involvement in the use of information tech-
nologies and the internet;
using the techniques of social communica-
tion in homiletics, liturgical praxis, ministry,
catechesis, and in general in the world of
work and in ministerial service, and being in-
volved in making “media education” pro-
grammes for the young;
learning to speak to local radio and TV, to
prepare a press conference, to give an inter-
view or interview someone, to prepare a
homepage or web site, to write articles and
various other publications; it is not essential
for the one being formed to have all these
abilities; it is enough for him to command
one or two of the techniques, to be able to
better understand, from a particular point of
view, the rules of audiovisual language,
which are, in reality, the same techniques for
all the media; it is enough to give serious at-
tention to one or two of these techniques;
using some of the instruments and lan-
guages of modern social communications
media for proclaiming the Gospel, but also
for passing on the Gospel message in the
culture of modern media itself; this approach
means that the Gospel becomes easier to
understand for today’s young people and
becomes part of their culture (cf. FSDB 466);
choosing dialogue with media profession-
als, for example on the occasion of World
Social Communication Day; this provides the
opportunity to directly appreciate the diffi-
culties which the professionals come up
against, their ideals and limitations, ethical
problems, and the questions they pose for
people of the Church.

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6. Continuing Formation
6.1. Continuing formation is the continuation, the
completion and the updating of initial formation:
it has as its scope the living of the Salesian apos-
tolic project with an energy which is both joyful
and creatively faithful.
6.2. This demands, amongst other things, that the
experience his encounter with the reality
of social communication with openness and
becomes capable in the new languages
and in a more attentive listening to the world
and to youth culture;
possesses solid criteria of discernment
which are consistent with a Christian view-
point, with ecclesial and Salesian guidelines,
and with the Salesian charism (cf. FSDB
even at an advanced age, seeks to keep
up to date in the social communications field
and with new technologies;
is prepared and up-to-date in the social
communication field to the level required for
adequately facing up to his educational and
pastoral service, and that he achieve this
with a capacity for animation and guidance
of people, projects, works (cf. FSDB 523,
be able to form the laity and also to form
himself together with them (cf. FSDB 529,
accepts his superiors’ request and spe-
cialises in social communication to render a
competent service to the Province and to the
Congregation (cf. FSDB 542, 556) in the
case where he has the necessary gifts and
where it also corresponds with the needs of
the Province.
6.3. During this period (of continuing formation)
there are no formal courses, except in the case of
those asked to qualify themselves in social com-
munication. Salesians may take part in study and
reflection days together with the Salesian Family
and lay helpers. These would be on the Universal
or Local Church’s guidelines, or guidelines of the
Congregation concerning social communication,
and on important or emerging topics in this field;
amongst these we indicate those regarding new
educational technologies; forming public opinion;
catechesis, evangelisation and new languages;
psychology and sociology of social communica-
tion; institutional communication and public rela-
6.4. Apostolic initiatives in the social communica-
tion field are themselves formative experiences
for the Salesian confrere, especially when they
include reflection on activities already carried
out. Here are some of the more important items:
taking part, together with lay people in the
EPC or the Salesian Family, in initiatives
aimed at reflection and a deeper under-
standing of certain aspects of social commu-
nication, dealing with experiences;
being engaged in the specific formation of
leaders and animators, especially amongst
the Salesian Family, in the field of social com-
munication for school, free time and associ-
ations, by organising reflection groups, study
days and specific activities for helping them
to have a reading and critical appreciation
of social communication media;
being directly involved professionally, ac-
cording to one’s own competence and the
Provincial’s request, in the world of the mass
media, by creating, enabling and animating
our production and distribution centres for
books and magazines, or by managing so-
cial communication media which belong to
the Congregation: Radio stations, television
channels, “video clubs” with special atten-
tion to families and to ministry.

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7 Pages 61-70

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7.1 Page 61

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Part 3

7.2 Page 62

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7.3 Page 63

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From the introduction to the original edi-
tion of SSCS
Note: In the first edition of SSCS prepared by the
then General Councillor for Social Communica-
tion, Fr Tarcisio Scaramussa, the section below
formed part of the introduction. Its contents are of
particular historical value. The numbering has al-
tered (in the original it began with no. 13) be-
cause some items have been pulled out and
relocated in the new SSCS text.
This comprehensive overview demonstrates that
the Congregation has built up a true SYSTEM of
Social Communication
The term Communication System gained its first
use through Fr Antonio Martinelli in preparation
for the World Gathering of Salesian Bulletin di-
rectors (1998).23 He defines it as an “integrated
and unified communication project”.
The term system was used by Fr Vecchi (2000) to
call attention to the pervasive aspect of Social
Communication throughout Salesian presence:
“Our communities, works and activities, to which
we give rise like every institution, become part of
a much wider system of communication, within
which they are compared and interact. They seem
silent, physical realities; but in fact they are send-
ing out messages even before we have put pen to
paper or taken a microphone to say who we are
or talk about ourselves. It is indispensable, there-
fore, to attend not only to what is realised within
the work; We must keep in mind the image it cre-
ates, the reflection our action produces outside
the work. Building materials speak through their
sober appearance and good taste; the kind of
young person prevailing in the work is already
saying something; so is the programme and edu-
cational style; the environment experienced di-
rectly or by other means, is already speaking.
And as a result of our communication in and with
the context, what we are doing can be expanded
or be negatively conditioned”.24 He then adds: “It
is absolutely essential to consider our presence,
community and Salesian work as a network of
inter-connected communication”.25
“Building a unified and integrated communication
system” is a primary task indicated in the Dele-
gate’s Handbook,26 which insists on the integra-
tion of Social Communication within the dynamics
of provincial organisation.
Finally, ‘The Project of Animation and Govern-
ment of the Rector Major and his Council for the
Six year period 2002-2008’ outlines the gen-
eral aim of “building and gradually setting up a
system of communication of the Salesian Congre-
22 CG26 n.99
23 He made reference then to two documents of the Department for Social Communication: POLITICA INFOR-
nazionale di informazione salesiana 1993
24 ACG 370, pp.12-13
25 Idem, p. 17
26 Department for Social Communication. Book of the Provincial Delegate for Social Communication. Rome, 2001.
The book gathers together reflections and aids from the World Meeting of Provincial Delegates for Social Com-
munication (Rome, Pisana, 10-20 December 2000). The document refers to the work of the Delegate in “devel-
opment and strengthening of the Salesian communication and information system”, and to the network of
correspondents. (p.64 and 69). “In examining a complete project of presence in the social communications sec-
tor, the provincial Delegate will help the provincial and his council in planning a communications system that, by
building unity within the sector, also builds relations with all other pastoral sectors of the Province” (p. 108).

7.4 Page 64

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gation that is professional, stable but flexible”:27
to stimulate the creation of a “communica-
tions ecosystem”28 involving everyone (Sale-
sians SDB, Salesian Family, teachers,
students) in the Salesian spirit and mission,
at Congregational, Provincial and commu-
nity level;
to direct and guide the relationships of
communication and sharing amongst those
who make up the General Administration,
and between them and the Provinces;
to stimulate charismatic communion within
– with a sense of belonging primarily to the
Congregation, beyond one’s own province
– and with the Salesian Family, by means of
accurate information;
to ready Salesians and lay partners to be
cultural workers, with a positive and accept-
ing approach to and a familiarity with the
use of instruments and techniques of com-
munication ordered to the carrying out of
the educative and pastoral mission;
to offer a response to the demand for com-
munication and the preparation of the
young in this field;
to develop in the Congregation a sense of
Social Communication as a mission field and
a space where young people gather
(GC25, 47), sustaining the belief that mass
communication and the development of in-
formation technology are vehicles for inno-
vative models and new mentalities (GC25,
3) – cultural models;
to see to specialised services of communi-
cation and information tied to the Salesian
mission, giving impetus to a strong mobilisa-
tion of society;
to present the Congregation to public opin-
ion more effectively.
The Salesian Social Communication System of the
Congregation aims to respond to the complexity
as well as the energy of Social Communication in
its many expressions and meanings. The simple
creation of a communications sector does not
serve such a vision. The communication system is
placed at the service of the institution’s entire proj-
ect, with the objective of involving everyone in a
shared vision of values and mission.
The Salesian Social Communication System is con-
ceived of as a unified and integrated project, with
a shared vision of values and mission which is dis-
tinctly Salesian, with planned policies and actions
in the areas of animation, formation, information
and production, and with a management of or-
ganisational structures and communication
processes networked with the various sectors
within the Congregation and the Salesian Family,
and externally, with Church organisations and
those locally and in society, taken broadly.
The functions of animation and formation in the
System are aimed at enabling and forming com-
municative competence in people, and at manag-
ing Social Communication in educational
processes as well as in the internal and external
relations of the Congregation, using the criteria of
Don Bosco’s Preventive System; awareness of the
value of Social Communication as something that
begets culture, and leads us to the priority of
choosing to form personnel. The personnel policy
considers the need to form cultural educators and
communicators, and is also concerned with
preparing people professionally, Salesians and
27 Cf. AGC 380, p. 46-47
28 “Communications ecosystem” translates the range of involvement and personal attitudes of those who agree
to create an environment which is a real community of sharing ideals, values, relationships at the level of daily
living in a community and a neighbourhood, understood either as ‘real’ or ‘virtual’.

7.5 Page 65

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laity, for the Social Communication task. For those
being educated, the project foresees the develop-
ment of interpersonal and group communicative
competence starting from their needs; formation
for a critical understanding of the media; commu-
nication and expression in the various ‘languages’
of theatre, music, dance, printed material, art, cin-
ema and TV, Internet; competence in the use of
language, and of the resources and instruments of
Social Communication. The Congregation devel-
ops formation programmes, but also sets out ad
hoc structures, such as specific courses in Salesian
University Institutions (IUS), in Technical Schools
and in Social Communication Centres.
The information function of the System is directed
to the production of Salesian information which
promotes communion and a sense of belonging;
education and evangelisation of the young; de-
veloping a mentality and mobilising for Don
Bosco’s mission, forming Salesian opinion on
youth and educational questions. It is also di-
rected to presenting an adequate image of the
Congregation. To achieve these purposes certain
regular operational channels have been devel-
oped, amongst which:
The Salesian International Information
Agency (ANS), with its network of corre-
spondents and many information products
for world, provincial and local communities;
the press offices;
The Salesian Bulletin is a magazine full of
vitality still, more than a century after it was
Province Newsletters, portals, web sites
now seen everywhere, consolidating the
network and making Salesian information
The production function of the System sees to pro-
duction and support of programmes, resources,
archives and Social Communication enterprises
at the service of the educative and pastoral mis-
sion to the young. Promoting mutual collaboration
and networking between business enterprises
forms part of this function. This is a much devel-
oped field in the Congregation, which can count
more than 300 such enterprises (between book-
shops, publishers, theatre and cinema halls, print-
works, radio and TV broadcasting, audiovisual
centres), as well as production centres for local
media programmes.
A new call has come from the Rector Major Fr
Pascual Chávez: “Dear confreres, we must un-
dergo a ‘pastoral conversion’. In these past ten
years we have worked much, but now the Church
and history are asking us for an even greater im-
pulse in understanding of our times and for an
even wiser and more courageous vision of our
apostolate. May Don Bosco give us light and
courage to be able to be competent and credi-
ble educators, evangelisers and communicators,
as required by the mission today.”29
29 Message to the World Advisory Council for Social Communication, Rome, July 2004, Cf. Departments/Social
Communication/Documents on

7.6 Page 66

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Social Communication in the Congrega-
tion’s documents
06 – “We are educators of the faith for the work-
ing classes, particularly by means of social com-
munication” 43 – “We work in the Social
Communication sector. This is a significant field of
activity which constitutes one of the apostolic pri-
orities of the Salesian mission. Our Founder had
an instinctive grasp of the value of this means of
mass education, which creates culture and
spreads patterns of life; he showed great original-
ity in the apostolic undertakings which he initiated
to defend and sustain the faith of the people. Fol-
lowing his example we utilise as God’s gift the
great possibilities which social communication of-
fers us for education and evangelisation.”
84 – (Chastity) discreet and prudent use of the
means of Social Communication.
59 - …communication and exchange of informa-
tion about the work of the confreres, all increase
this communion, deepen the sense of belonging
and dispose us to give our service to the world
137 – the General Councillor for social commu-
nication has the duty of animating the Congrega-
tion in this sector. He promotes Salesian activity
in the Social Communication sector and in partic-
ular coordinates at world level the structures and
centres for which the Congregation has responsi-
bility in this field.
06 – Communication in our pastoral service.
31 – Role and duty of the Provincial with his
32 – Educating the young to Social Communi-
33 – Enabling information channels in the Con-
gregation and the Salesian Family.
34 – Ecclesiastical revision of publications.
44 – In communities, vigilance with Social Com-
munication media
66 – Prudence in use of media as regards
82 - Social Communication in integral formation
of the Salesian
142 – Tasks of the Provincial Conference in
preparing Salesians in Social Communication.
General Chapters
Observation: besides numbers indicated there
are others listed in the alphabetical indexes of the
GC20 – 1971/72 (Doc. 6: nos. 442 a 462)
Cultural and educational realities of primary im-
portance: Basis for art. 43 of the Constitutions.
GC21 – 1978 (nos. 148-153) Signalling: need
for a leap forward! Social Communication: a way
to evangelise.
GC22 – 1984 (nos. 73-75) Strengthening of
identity and of practical orientation: the renewed
Constitutions of SGC in their final version and ap-
proval from the Holy See, The Department for So-
cial Communication with its own Councillor is
GC23 – 1990 (nos. 254-260) The journey of
faith of the young requires of the community a
new form of communication. The provincial ap-
points the province person responsible (Dele-
GC24 – 1996 (nos. 128-137) One of the areas
of Salesian commitment for the future: Re-reading
the Salesian commitment in the light of communi-
cation; maturing and adequate cultural and spir-
itual attitudes for those who wish to communicate;
at province level and local level animation to be
re-enforced through the Delegate’s service; eval-
uation of quality of communications.
GC25 – 2002 - new and vital gathering space
for the young (n. 47). Putting in place the Council-
lor for Social Communication (n. 133). A reading
of the Chapter from the point of view of commu-
nication helps us see many aspects: the authentic
image of the community: witness of fraternal life

7.7 Page 67

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which is a response to the deep need for commu-
nication on the part of the young (7) Interpersonal
relations in the community (nos. 13-15) communi-
cational presence amongst the young in the local
area (nos. 37-48) communication in society –
new demands of the mission: acting in defence
and for promotion of youth (nos. 103, 140) Com-
munication in institutional relations at province
and world level (nos. 111, 159)
GC26 - 2008 - We also feel questioned by the
new technologies of social communication and
the educational challenges they pose. Today’s
communication opportunities have become an
habitual way for young people to meet, ex-
change ideas, and get involved quickly and with
great mobility, but also in an impersonal and vir-
tual way. The culture of personal media can com-
promise one’s ability to mature in personal
relationships and exposes young people espe-
cially to the danger of very negative encounters
and dependencies; this is the “playground”
where we need to be present in order to listen,
enlighten, guide. (no. 99); Sensitivity to and in-
volvement on the part of the Congregation in So-
cial Communications has grown. Signs of this are,
for example, the setting up of the Faculty of Com-
munication Sciences at the UPS, the putting into
place of various projects of education to critical
use of media, the growing presence of our web-
sites on the internet, the greater familiarity we
have with computer networks whether for per-
sonal exchanges or for distance education, and
the new arrangements for the Department of So-
cial Communication. We are nevertheless aware
that there are very many virtual worlds inhabited
by the young and that we are not always capa-
ble of sharing and animating them because of our
lack of formation, time and sensitivity. (no. 102);
moving from: a timid attitude and sporadic pres-
ence in media, to one of responsible use and a
more incisive educative and evangelising anima-
tion;(no. 104); Let the community: plan educative
projects to help young people to a critical and re-
sponsible use of various kinds of media (mass, folk,
personal, convergent etc.) and encourage their
active involvement in the social communication
field and in youthful and popular forms of expres-
sion; use the technologies of social communica-
tion to give greater visibility to their presence in
order to spread the charism. (no. 109); Let the
province: lay down a realistic strategy which
favours a more incisive presence in the media
world, as well as youthful and popular artistic ex-
pression, and prepare qualified personnel in this
area; Let the Rector Major with his Council: reflect,
through the Departments for Social Communica-
tion, Formation and Youth Ministry, on the new
challenges of the culture of personal media for
formation of Salesians, the preparation of the
laity, and to help the young; (no. 109).
COUNCIL - 1977-2005
Letters of the Rector Major:
1977, AGC 287 (p. 3-33): Fr Luigi Ricceri: “Fam-
ily news” – on Salesian information, commemo-
rating the centenary of the Salesian Bulletin.
1981, - AGC 302 (p. 3-30): Fr Egidio Viganò:
“Social Communication challenges us”. SC in the
mission, as a novel presence. Formation to SC.
Promoting information.
2000, AGC 370 (p. 3-44): Fr Juan Vecchi: “Com-
munication in the Salesian mission”.
2005, AGC 390 (p. 3-46): Fr Pascual Chávez:
“With the courage of Don Bosco on the new fron-
tiers of social communication”.
Guidelines and Directives:
1981, AGC 302 (p. 31-50): Fr Giovanni Raineri:
“Don Bosco’s thinking as a programme for Sale-
sian Publishing”.
1985, - AGC 315 (p. 50-59): Fr Sergio Cuevas:
“The Salesian Bulletin”.
1989, - AGC 329 (p. 28-38): Fr Sergio Cuevas:
“Salesians: communication and education.
1991 - AGC 338 (p. 55-64): Fr Antonio Mar-
tinelli: “Social Communication: deliberation n. 6
of GC23”. “The journey of faith of the young de-
mands from the community a new form of com-
munication” (254). “The Provincial appoints the

7.8 Page 68

▲back to top
province person responsible for Social Commu-
nication” (259).
1993, - AGC 346 (P. Fr Antonio Martinelli: “The
province’s commitment to organising the Social
Communication sector”.
1996 – AGC 358 – special number (p.. 29-32):
Planning for the six year period.
1997 - AGC 361 (p. 50-59): Fr Antonio Mar-
tinelli: “An eloquent Salesian presence: The Sale-
sian Bulletin”.
1999 - AGC 366 (p. 100-118): Fr Juan Vecchi:
Planning intervention for directors of the Salesian
Bulletin (Rome)
2000 - AGC 370 Fr Antonio Martinelli: “Discov-
ering the urgency of Communication” (SC in Gen-
eral Chapters – from GC 19 to GC 24).
2002 – AGC 380 – special number (p. 46-51) –
Planning for the six year period
2004 – AGC 387 – Fr Pascual Chávez, Mes-
sage to members of the Salesian World Advisory
Body for Social Communications Rome, 25 July
2005 - AGC 390 (p. 47-56): Fr Tarcisio Scara-
mussa: “Guidelines for Salesian Publishing”. Doc-
uments and notices.
2005 - AGC 390 (p. 3-56): Fr Pascual Chávez:
“With the Courage of Don Bosco on the New
Frontiers of Social Communication”.
2008 - AGC 402 (p. 35-38): Planning for the six
year period 2008 - 2014.
RATIO – 2000
Delegate’s handbook, now known as “The Sale-
sian, Communicator” but under revision.

7.9 Page 69

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Message of the Holy Father Benedict XVI for the 43rd World Communications Day
“New Technologies, New Relationships. Promoting a Culture of Respect, Dialogue and Friendship.”
[Sunday, 24 May 2009 ]
Dear Brothers and Sisters!
In anticipation of the forthcoming World Communications Day, I would like to address to you some re-
flections on the theme chosen for this year - New Technologies, New Relationships: Promoting a cul-
ture of Respect, Dialogue and Friendship. The new digital technologies are, indeed, bringing about
fundamental shifts in patterns of communication and human relationships. These changes are partic-
ularly evident among those young people who have grown up with the new technologies and are at
home in a digital world that often seems quite foreign to those of us who, as adults, have had to learn
to understand and appreciate the opportunities it has to offer for communications. In this year’s mes-
sage, I am conscious of those who constitute the so-called digital generation and I would like to share
with them, in particular, some ideas concerning the extraordinary potential of the new technologies,
if they are used to promote human understanding and solidarity. These technologies are truly a gift to
humanity and we must endeavour to ensure that the benefits they offer are put at the service of all
human individuals and communities, especially those who are most disadvantaged and vulnerable.
The accessibility of mobile telephones and computers, combined with the global reach and penetra-
tion of the internet, has opened up a range of means of communication that permit the almost instan-
taneous communication of words and images across enormous distances and to some of the most
isolated corners of the world; something that would have been unthinkable for previous generations.
Young people, in particular, have grasped the enormous capacity of the new media to foster connect-
edness, communication and understanding between individuals and communities, and they are turn-
ing to them as means of communicating with existing friends, of meeting new friends, of forming
communities and networks, of seeking information and news, and of sharing their ideas and opinions.
Many benefits flow from this new culture of communication: families are able to maintain contact across
great distances; students and researchers have more immediate and easier access to documents,
sources and scientific discoveries, hence they can work collaboratively from different locations; more-
over, the interactive nature of many of the new media facilitates more dynamic forms of learning and
communication, thereby contributing to social progress.
While the speed with which the new technologies have evolved in terms of their efficiency and relia-
bility is rightly a source of wonder, their popularity with users should not surprise us, as they respond
to a fundamental desire of people to communicate and to relate to each other. This desire for commu-
nication and friendship is rooted in our very nature as human beings and cannot be adequately un-
derstood as a response to technical innovations. In the light of the biblical message, it should be seen
primarily as a reflection of our participation in the communicative and unifying Love of God, who de-
sires to make of all humanity one family. When we find ourselves drawn towards other people, when
we want to know more about them and make ourselves known to them, we are responding to God’s
call - a call that is imprinted in our nature as beings created in the image and likeness of God, the God
of communication and communion.
The desire for connectedness and the instinct for communication that are so obvious in contemporary
culture are best understood as modern manifestations of the basic and enduring propensity of hu-
mans to reach beyond themselves and to seek communion with others. In reality, when we open our-
selves to others, we are fulfilling our deepest need and becoming more fully human. Loving is, in fact,
what we are designed for by our Creator. Naturally, I am not talking about fleeting, shallow relation-
ships, I am talking about the real love that is at the very heart of Jesus’ moral teaching: “You must love

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the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength”
and “You must love your neighbour as yourself” (cf. Mk 12:30-31). In this light, reflecting on the signif-
icance of the new technologies, it is important to focus not just on their undoubted capacity to foster
contact between people, but on the quality of the content that is put into circulation using these means.
I would encourage all people of good will who are active in the emerging environment of digital com-
munication to commit themselves to promoting a culture of respect, dialogue and friendship.
Those who are active in the production and dissemination of new media content, therefore, should
strive to respect the dignity and worth of the human person. If the new technologies are to serve the
good of individuals and of society, all users will avoid the sharing of words and images that are de-
grading of human beings, that promote hatred and intolerance, that debase the goodness and intimacy
of human sexuality or that exploit the weak and vulnerable.
The new technologies have also opened the way for dialogue between people from different coun-
tries, cultures and religions. The new digital arena, the so-called cyberspace, allows them to encounter
and to know each other’s traditions and values. Such encounters, if they are to be fruitful, require hon-
est and appropriate forms of expression together with attentive and respectful listening. The dialogue
must be rooted in a genuine and mutual searching for truth if it is to realize its potential to promote
growth in understanding and tolerance. Life is not just a succession of events or experiences: it is a
search for the true, the good and the beautiful. It is to this end that we make our choices; it is for this
that we exercise our freedom; it is in this - in truth, in goodness, and in beauty - that we find happiness
and joy. We must not allow ourselves to be deceived by those who see us merely as consumers in a
market of undifferentiated possibilities, where choice itself becomes the good, novelty usurps beauty,
and subjective experience displaces truth.
The concept of friendship has enjoyed a renewed prominence in the vocabulary of the new digital so-
cial networks that have emerged in the last few years. The concept is one of the noblest achievements
of human culture. It is in and through our friendships that we grow and develop as humans. For this rea-
son, true friendship has always been seen as one of the greatest goods any human person can expe-
rience. We should be careful, therefore, never to trivialize the concept or the experience of friendship.
It would be sad if our desire to sustain and develop on-line friendships were to be at the cost of our
availability to engage with our families, our neighbours and those we meet in the daily reality of our
places of work, education and recreation. If the desire for virtual connectedness becomes obsessive,
it may in fact function to isolate individuals from real social interaction while also disrupting the pat-
terns of rest, silence and reflection that are necessary for healthy human development.
Friendship is a great human good, but it would be emptied of its ultimate value if it were to be under-
stood as an end in itself. Friends should support and encourage each other in developing their gifts and
talents and in putting them at the service of the human community. In this context, it is gratifying to note
the emergence of new digital networks that seek to promote human solidarity, peace and justice,
human rights and respect for human life and the good of creation. These networks can facilitate forms
of co-operation between people from different geographical and cultural contexts that enable them
to deepen their common humanity and their sense of shared responsibility for the good of all. We
must, therefore, strive to ensure that the digital world, where such networks can be established, is a
world that is truly open to all. It would be a tragedy for the future of humanity if the new instruments
of communication, which permit the sharing of knowledge and information in a more rapid and effec-
tive manner, were not made accessible to those who are already economically and socially margin-
alized, or if it should contribute only to increasing the gap separating the poor from the new networks
that are developing at the service of human socialization and information.
I would like to conclude this message by addressing myself, in particular, to young Catholic believers:

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to encourage them to bring the witness of their faith to the digital world. Dear Brothers and Sisters, I
ask you to introduce into the culture of this new environment of communications and information tech-
nology the values on which you have built your lives. In the early life of the Church, the great Apos-
tles and their disciples brought the Good News of Jesus to the Greek and Roman world. Just as, at that
time, a fruitful evangelization required that careful attention be given to understanding the culture and
customs of those pagan peoples so that the truth of the gospel would touch their hearts and minds, so
also today, the proclamation of Christ in the world of new technologies requires a profound knowledge
of this world if the technologies are to serve our mission adequately. It falls, in particular, to young peo-
ple, who have an almost spontaneous affinity for the new means of communication, to take on the re-
sponsibility for the evangelization of this “digital continent”. Be sure to announce the Gospel to your
contemporaries with enthusiasm. You know their fears and their hopes, their aspirations and their dis-
appointments: the greatest gift you can give to them is to share with them the “Good News” of a God
who became man, who suffered, died and rose again to save all people. Human hearts are yearning
for a world where love endures, where gifts are shared, where unity is built, where freedom finds mean-
ing in truth, and where identity is found in respectful communion. Our faith can respond to these expec-
tations: may you become its heralds! The Pope accompanies you with his prayers and his blessing.
From the Vatican, 24 January 2009, Feast of Saint Francis de Sales.

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20, 33, 36, 38, 46
9, 19, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 38, 43, 45, 48, 53, 58, 61, 66, 68
Animation & Governance
15, 17, 29, 32, 38, 49
32, 40, 42, 49, 67
42, 49
20, 28,
25, 27, 31, 32, 35, 42, 54, 66
Benedict XVI
9, 16, 71
15, 18, 31
Bulletin, Salesian
9, 17, 19, 33, 42, 45, 48, 57, 65, 69, 70
22, 31, 33, 54, 58, 60
Catholic Readings
61, 26, 31, 50
21, 26
9, 21, 22, 23, 34, 35, 49, 50, 61, 69
15, 49
Church 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30, 32, 35, 38, 44, 45, 46, 48, 50, 53, 56, 60, 73
28, 44, 45, 46
9 ff, 12ff
definition of
Communio et Progressio
9, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 50, 66, 68, 71, 73
5, 19, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 35, 39, 45, 46, 54, 65, 68, 72
community of practice
consecrated life, persons
9,10, 57
17, 38, 45, 63, 67
convergent media
15, 25, 30, 69
9, 15, 29, 39,

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28, 45,
9, 10, 20 (fn 10), 22 ff, 29, 32, 44, 46, 61, 66
cultural animators
26, 27, 31, 32, 66
culture, cultural 9, 20, 23, 26, 27, 30, 32, 33, 35, 53, 54, 56, 58, 60, 61, 66, 68. 69. 71ff
15, 72
Da mihi animnas
18, 25
28, 43
10, 21, 44, 47,
28, 43
20, 21, 25, 28, 32, 38-39, 43, 44, 54, 57, 66
digital (definition)
9, 71ff
10, 16, 25
21, 32
20, 26, 33, 34, 42, 49
Don Bosco
10ff, 13-14, 17, 19, 19-25, 28, 33, 48, 50, 57, 58, 66 ff
Eco, Umberto
Economer General
9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 38, 66
10, 14, 17, 19-23, 25-35, 38, 42, 45, 47-50, 53, 57, 59-61, 66
Educative Community
28, 30, 38, 46, 50
28, 33 ff, 67
10, 38
23, 60
10 ff, 16, 20, 21-26, 33, 35, 45, 49, 59, 61, 67, 68
9, 21, 25, 26, 28, 31, 34, 38, 39, 43, 45, 48, 53 ff
26, 44

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frame of reference, framework
16, 19, 29, 39, 53, 59, 60
39, 68, 69
10, 23, 26, 30, 68
22, 53, 66, 68
9, 15, 17, 21, 25, 69
General Administration
26, 40, 42, 49, 66
General Councillor
29, 42, 43, 53, 55, 65, 68
González, Filiberto
19, 28, 31, 34, 35-36, 53, 50, 51 ff
human relations
22, 71
human rights
24, 25, 35, 72
9, 34, 35, 68, 73
32, 43, 49, 53, 56-60, 67, 69, 71
image, language of
25, 32, 34, 71
Salesian, institution
22, 23, 26, 28, 30, 32, 45, 46, 47, 48, 65, 67, 68
13, 22
information 12, 16, 19, 21, 25, 26-30, 32-36, 43, 44-49, 50, 53, 58, 60, 66-67, 68, 69, 71
12, 22, 71
language 10, 12, 16, 18, 19, 22, , 25, 27, 30, 31, 32, 35, 40, 48, 49, 54, 56, 58, 60, 61, 67
32, 39
lay people
9 ff, 26, 27, 30, 38, 43, 44, 50, 61, 66
leader, leadership
15, 21, 23, 26, 28, 29-31, 44, 45, 61
19, 57, 58
28-31, 32, 36, 39, 40, 44, 48, 54,
16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31, 45, 46, 47, 53 ff
15, 30
17, 30
media education
30, 58, 60,
mission, Salesian
9 ff, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30, 34, 35, 38, 39, 43-48, 53, 57, 66, 68
mission (and vision)
19 ff
departments of

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9, 25, 27
network, networking 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 35, 44, 47, 65, 66, 67, 69, 71 ff
new technologies
9, 15, 17, 20, 21, 58, 61, 69, 71 ff
new frontiers
17, 70
19, 33, 45, 46, 50, 56, 57, 67
57 ff
10, 16
11, 13, 33
17, 20, 25, 30, 32, 39, 41 ff, 65, 66
9, 15, 21, 22, 30, 31, 35, 43, 45, 46, 71
pastoral care
Pius IX
15, 16, 30, 36, 38 ff, 42, 43, 45, 48, 70
11, 69
22, 33, 39, 48, 66
22, 29, 38, 49
popular environments
19, 25, 26, 27, 45
33, 42, 49, 67
58 ff
Practical Training
59 ff
56 ff
13, 18, 19, 33, 44-46, 50, 53, 56, 58, 60
press office
33, 42, 45, 46, 47, 48, 67
preventive system
10, 13, 20, 22, 23, 27, 31, 34, 66
9 ff, 17, 26, 31
9, 17, 20, 32, 33, 67
process, processes
15, 16, 17, 21, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 35 ff,
41, 42, 44, 46, 48, 53, 59, 60, 66
21, 26, 27, 28, 33, 35, 38, 43, 44, 46, 53, 61, 66, 67
23, 39
provincial and Council
10, 21, 28, 29, 30, 33, 39, 42, 43, 44, 45, 48, 53, 61, 68

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provincial delegate
provincial economer
Public Relations
Publisher, publishing
Rector Major
Sales, Francis of
Salesian Bulletin
Salesian Central Archives
Salesian Community
Salesian Family
Scaramussa, Tarcisio
Secretary General
social communication
Social Communication Team
Stella, Peter
target, priority
10, 21, 44, 47 ff
39, 44
30, 33, 48, 53
9, 17, 29, 33, ff, 44, 67, 69, 70
9, 13, 18, 28, 35, 44, 53, 56, 58, 60, 61, 67
17, 31, 53, 54
9, 15, 20, 28, 29, 30, 38, 40, 42, 48, 53, 65, 67, 69 ff
17, 31, 33, 39, 49, 53, 68
25, 27, 38, 43, 50, 71
20, 69
cf Bulletin, Salesian
40, 49
28, 30, 35, 46,
24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 44, 46, 50, 61, 66, 68
9, 55, 65
40, 49
57, 68
9, 13, 18, 29, 30, 39, 53-55, 56ff, 65ff
42, 45
22, 27, 29, 31, 56, 71, 72
33, 48
19, 50
21, 26, 33, 39, 46, 66, 67, 68
28, 36, 39
9, 16, 17, 20, 26, 28, 35, 45, 46, 53, 65ff
25, 34, 44

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text, memory
translation memory
Vicar of the Rector Major
(World) Advisory Council
young people
Youth Ministry
18, 40, 60
18, 40
23, 25, 72
9, 32, 35, 56, 58, 60, 67
10, 14, 33
9, 12, 21, 23, 27, 29, 33, 34, 35, 39, 48, 54, 57, 66, 72
63, 72
40, 48
53, 69
19ff, 30, 43, 66
10, 15, 18, 19, 25, 28, 33, 34ff,
9, 34
51, 54, 56
9, 38, 43, 49, 53, 70
9ff, 13, 19, 21,27 passim, 32, 35, 45, 58, 59, 60, 66, 69, 71
9, 15, 30, 45, 69

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