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Salesian Community Prayers for FIN - 2010
Salesian Community Prayers - FIN 2010

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January 31, 2010
Feast of St. John Bosco
Dear Confreres,
Here are the updated prayers we say each
day for each of our communi es in the Province as
suggested. We express our love for our confreres and
the people in our works when we desire for them
far more than it is in our power to give them, which
leads us at the start or the end of the day to prayer.
This me, however, the prayers are not only
intercessory but instruc ve. To pray for one another is
not only a biblical doctrine (Ephesians 6:18; James 5:16)
but also an act of charity and connec vity to our
confreres. But how do we pray for one another
when we do not know each other’s concerns? That
is why these prayers are instruc ve of the vision and
mission of our se ngs, as well as of the areas of
good things and the things needing growth in the
par cular se ngs.
This me, too, we have included prayers for the
present concerns of the Province: to “walk the talk”

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of General Chapter 26 and to “pay a premium” to
ini al and ongoing forma on. And so we describe
these prayers as “talking to God about what we are
doing together.”
In doing God’s work there is no subs tute for
praying. By not praying we truly misrepresent God’s
will. We pray that by becoming men of prayer we can
truly represent God’s plan before our people.
Your brother in Christ,
Fr. Eli Cruz, SDB
Provincial Superior - FIN

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Foreword .............................................. 3
Table of Contents.................................. 6
MeditaƟon Prayers .............................. 7
Prayers to the Holy Spirit ................... 8
Prayers of Commitment................... 18
FIN Prayers ......................................... 23
Prayer for every FIN Community ..... 24
Prayer for Salesian Voca ons........... 56
Spiritual Reading................................ 57
Prayer to the Holy Spirit................... 58
Concluding Prayers .......................... 59

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Come, Holy Spirit,
Creator of all things;
Come, visit our hearts with your power.
Fill with grace, friendly Guest,
The hearts which you have created.
You are called the Consoler,
Gi from the hand of God,
Source of life, light, love
and ame, highest good.
You are the pledge of sevenfold grace,
Finger of the Father’s hand,
Promised us by him,
And you make our tongues speak the truth.
Cast light on our senses,
Pour love into our hearts.
Grant our weak bodies strength
That they may never grow weary of doing good.
Keep the enemy far from us,
Give us peace always,
Let us willingly follow in your footsteps
That we may be far removed from sin.

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Grant that through you we may grow
In knowledge of the Father and of the Son,
And that we may ever strongly
Believe in you, the Spirit of both.
Praise and honor be forever
To the Father on the highest throne,
To the risen Son of God,
To the Consoler. Amen.
Let us pray.
God our Father,
No secret is hidden from you,
for every heart is open to you
and every wish is known.
Fill our hearts
With the light of your Holy Spirit
To free our thoughts from sin,
That we may perfectly love you
And ngly praise you.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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Come, Holy Spirit, Creator, come!
From thy bright heavenly throne,
Come, take possession of our souls.
And make them all thy own.
Thou who art called the Paraclete,
Best gi of God above,
The living spring, the living re,
Sweet unc on and true love.
Thou who art sev’nfold in thy grace,
Finger of God’s right hand;
His promise, teaching li le ones
To speak and understand.
O guide our mind with thy blest light,
With love our hearts iname;
And with thy strength which ne’er decays,
Conrm our mortal frame.
Far from us drive our deadly foe;
True peace unto us bring.
And through all perils lead us safe
Beneath thy sacred wing.
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Through thee may we the Father know,
Through thee th’eternal Son,
And thee the Spirit of them both,
Thrice-blessed Three in One.
All glory to the Father be,
With his coequal Son;
The same to thee, great Paraclete,
While endless ages run.
Let us pray.
Almighty God,
Let the splendor of your glory
Shine upon us.
May Christ,
Who is light from your light,
Strengthen by the illumina on
of the Holy Spirit,
the hearts of those who have been reborn by grace.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Come, O Creator, Spirit blest,
And in our souls take up thy rest.
Come with the grace and heavenly aid
To ll the hearts which thou hast made.
Great Paraclete, to thee we cry,
O highest gi of God most high,
O fount of life, O re of love,
And sweet anoin ng from above.
Thou in they sev’nfold gi s art known;
The nger of God’s hand we own;
The promise of the Father thou,
Who dost the tongue with re endow.
Our senses kindle from above,
And make our hearts o’erow with love;
With pa ence rm and virtue high,
The weakness of our esh supply.
Drive far from us the foe we dread,
And grant us thy true peace instead;
So shall we not, with thee for guide,
Turn from the path of life aside.
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O may thy grace on us bestow
The Father and the Son to know,
And thee thro’ endless mes confess’d
Of both the eternal Spirit blest.
All glory while the ages run
Be to the Father and the Son,
Who rose from death; the same to thee,
O Holy Spirit, eternally. Amen.
Let us pray.
Spirit of the Living God,
Enter our soul
And make our hearts ready.
By your light
Illumine the darkness of our minds,
By your re warm our cold hearts,
By your grace ll us with your power.
May we see what is right,
Do what is good,
Persevere in what is holy
And live in your love, your peace and your joy.
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Come, Holy Spirit, live in us
With God the Father and the Son,
And grant us your abundant grace
To sanc fy and make us one.
May mind and tongue made strong in love,
Your praise throughout the world proclaim,
And may that love within our hearts
Set re to others with its ame.
Most blessed Trinity of love,
For whom the heart of man was made,
To you be praise in meless song,
And everlas ng homage paid.
Let us pray.
May the Spirit who dwells in our hearts
Be the voice of our prayer.
May he guide us in our colloquy with you
To discover the riches of your love
And transform our life with his grace.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Come, Holy Spirit,
ll the hearts of your faithful
And kindle in them the re of your love.
Send forth your Spirit
And they shall be created.
And you shall renew
The face of the earth.
Let us pray.
O God,
You have instructed the hearts
Of your faithful
By the light of the Holy Spirit:
Grant that through the same Holy Spirit
We may always be truly wise
And rejoice in his consola on.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Let us place ourselves
In the presence of God,
Ask pardon for our sins
And the grace to make this medita on well.
My God,
Prostrate in your presence
I adore you and I love you
As my Creator, my Redeemer
And my sovereign Good.
I am sorry with all my heart
For having oended you;
Give me the grace to understand well
The truths on which I am about to meditate,
And enkindle my heart with love of you.
Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus,
My Guardian Angel, Saint John Bosco,
And all you Saints of heaven,
Pray for me.
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Veni, Creator Spiritus,
mentes tuorum visita,
imple superna gra a
quae tu creas pectora.
Qui diceris Paraclitus,
al ssimi donum Dei,
fons vivus, ignis, caritas,
et spiritalis unc o.
Per te sciamus da Patrem,
noscamus atque Filium;
Teque utriusque Spiritum
credamus omni tempore.
Tu, sep formis munere,
digitus paternae dexterae,
Tu rite promissum Patris,
sermone ditans gu ura.
Accende lumen sensibus:
infunde amorem cordibus:
inrma nostri corporis
virtute rmans perpe .
Deo Patri sit gloria,
et Filio, qui a mortuis
surrexit, ac Paraclito,
in saeculorum saecula.
Hostem repellas longius,
pacemque dones pro nus:
ductore sic te praevio
vitemus omne noxium.
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Blessed are those
who hear the word of God
And live it day a er day [cf Lk 11:28]
Let us entrust ourselves to God and renew our dedica on
to our mission on behalf of young people. Let us call on
Mary for the gi of delity.
Most Holy and immaculate Virgin Help of Chris ans
Mother of the Church,
you inspired the founding of our Congrega on,
and you remain their support.
We place ourselves under your motherly protec on,
and faithful to our Salesian voca on
we promise to work always for the greater glory of God
and the salva on of the world.
With trust in your intercession,
We pray for the Church,
for our community and for the whole Salesian Family,
for all young people especially those in most need,
and for all redeemed by Christ.
You were Don Bosco’s teacher,
Show us how to imitate his virtues:
especially his union with God,
his purity, humility, and poverty,
his love for work and for temperance,
his kindness and wholehearted service of others,
his loyalty to the Pope and to the bishops of the Church.
Pray for us, O Mary Help of Chris ans,
That we may serve God with fidelity and generosity until death.
Help us to come at last to the endless joy of life together
in our Father’s home in heaven. Amen.
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Your Word, O God,
is a lamp to my feet,
And a light to my path [Ps. 119:103]
Let us entrust our delity to our voca on to Mary, our
Mother and our Help
Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus, and our Mother
we entrust ourselves to you
that we may live in total availability to God
for the redemp on of the world.
You are the Mother and Help of the Church
Protect our Holy Father, Pope Benedict,
all bishops, priests and religious;
Open the hearts of the young to the Lord’s call,
and help them to follow him with courage and delity.
Watch over our community and the en re Salesian Family,
our rela ves and benefactors, our past pupils,
and all the young entrusted to our care.
Mother and Model of the Church,
Teach us to live, like you,
in pa ent charity, joyful humility,
and purity of heart,
that we may be signs
of your presence in the world.
O Mary, Help of Chris ans
Make us faithful to our voca on
and give us the certainty of your protec on
in every circumstance of life
and at the moment of death.
Help us to overcome every form of evil and sin
so that, with you and like you,
we may glorify the Lord now and forever.
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Itake delight
in your statutes
I will not forget your word [Ps 119:16]
Mary, our Mother and Help of Chris ans guided and as-
sisted Don Bosco in his mission on behalf of youth. Let us
ask her to protect each one of us, to assist our community
and to guide the en re Salesian Family.
Most holy and Immaculate Virgin Mary,
we look up to you, humble servant of the Lord,
and with you thank the Father
for having worked in us the marvels of his love.
We renew our “yes” to his plan of salva on
for which he has consecrated us
with a Salesian voca on,
to be signs and bearers of God’s love for the young,
especially for the poorest and most in need.
Teach us to be faithful to the Holy Spirit
and to follow the example of Saint John Bosco
in leading a life of simplicity and poverty,
of work and temperance,
of fraternal love and dialogue,
of dedica on and prayer.
Pray for us, Helper of the Church.
You have walked in faith and in love
and now you live in the glory of your Son.
Grant that we may serve
with delity and generosity
and reach the joy for full communion
in our Father’s home. Amen.
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In the morning
let us know your love
And we shall praise you with joy throughout the day.
Let us address our prayer to Mary our Mother,
who desires the spiritual and apostolic renewal
of all her sons and daughters in a response of love
and complete dedica on to Christ.
Virgin of the Visita on, we entrust ourselves to you
that we may go forth to meet human needs,
to bring help, and above all, to bring Jesus.
Teach us to proclaim the mighty things
which the Lord accomplishes in the world,
that all peoples may extol the greatness of his name.
Support us in our work for the poor,
the hungry, those without hope, the li le ones
and all who seek your Son with a sincere heart.
Mary our Mother, you did the will of the Father,
ever ready in obedience,
courageous in poverty
and recep ve in frui ul virginity.
Obtain from your divine Son that all who have received
the gi of following him in the consecrated life
may bear witness with their lives,
as they joyfully make their way with all
their brothers and sisters towards our heavenly homeland
and the light which shall never grow dim.
We ask you this, that in everyone and in everything
glory, adora on and love may be given
to the Most High Lord of all things,
who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
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Loving Father,
you have called the EPC of Don Bosco Technical
Ins tute-Tarlac / to form the youth to become
servant-leaders / who are men of prayer / and who
contribute to social transforma on.
Assist them as they commit themselves / to a holis c
educa on in the context of the Preven ve System. /
Inspire them to develop their gi edness and power of
choice. / Rouse them to work within a culture of
excellence / and a spirit of collabora on. / Give them
the passion and the resources / to break new grounds
as they surmount setbacks / and respond to the new
reali es of the mes.
Help the confreres to live the grace of unity / as you
enable them to integrate / their diligence in daily
prayer and their dynamism in the apostolate / with
their human rela onships in community life.
Make this communion of heart and ac on among
confreres always percep ble / so as to inspire
collabora on in the mission / and condence in their
capacity to leap for their vision.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Loving Father,
you have called the Parish of San Ildefonso-Maka
/ to be a community of Christ’s disciples.
Strengthen them so that they may be commi ed / to
their preferen al op on for the poor, / their
partnership with the youth, / their purpose for the
building of the basic ecclesial communi es, / and their
passion in responding to the challenges of the mes.
Sustain the confreres in their desire for ongoing
forma on / so that they in turn con nue to integrate
in their parish ac vi es / the depth of their pastoral
upda ng. / Preserve their ac ve par cipa on / in
the wider world of the local church and the Salesian
Increase their energy to place in their parish ac vi es /
youth ministry at the center / and voca on ministry as
its crown.
Help the confreres to always seek the right rhythms /
amidst their apostolic work / in favor of deepening
their spiritual experience with the community / and
of manifes ng to this same community / the primacy
of God in their personal lives.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Loving Father,
you have empowered the EPC of Don Bosco
Technical College-Mandaluyong / to educate and
evangelize the youth / to assert gospel and authen c
Filipino values in their daily aairs.
Enable them to form servant-leaders / who contribute to
social progress / that is based on jus ce with charity, /
prosperity with honor, and technology with a soul. /
Guide them as they journey with the youth / in an
environment permeated by the Preven ve System.
Commit them to a culture of excellence and competence,
/ higher and con nuous learning, / and networking
with all the forces that work for the good of the youth.
Sustain the synergy and support / that the confreres give
to one another / amidst the complexity of their
apostolate. / Deepen their rela onships as friends
beyond func ons, / and their prayerfulness above
ac vi es.
Intensify their eorts to honor their track and tradi on
/ as a seedbed of voca ons for priestly and religious
life, / a school for leaders in church and society, / and a
community of formed lay mission partners.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Loving Father,
you have called the EPC of Don Bosco Technical
Ins tute-Maka / to empower the youth to be
servant-leaders / in the Church and in society, / and to
be competent young men for technology-related
Animated by the spirit of Don Bosco, / inspire the members
of the EPC to provide the youth / with a dynamic
human and spiritual forma on, / to become a
powerhouse for voca ons, / and to be at the forefront
of quality educa on / that is open to new paradigms and
crea ve expressions.
Strengthen the forma on of our lay mission partners / in
roles of leadership or anima on.
Sustain the eorts of the confreres / to be profound in
their spiritual experiences, / contented in their
fraternal rela onships, / daring in their educa ve and
pastoral programs, / and generous with their
Enable the ac ve confreres to treasure the redemp ve
value / of the presence and penitence of the sick and
aging confreres / entrusted to their care and company.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Loving Father,
you have called the EPC of Don Bosco Academy-
Mabalacat / to form the youth within the context
of the Preven ve System / to be integrated persons
and servant-leaders.
Enable them to mold the youth into persons / who u lize
their power of choice / and harness their gi edness /
to become catalysts of social transforma on, / and
to equip them with technology skills / as means to
become produc ve ci zens.
Ins ll in the students / love of family, community, and
country / and in their mentors a spirit of collabora on /
with all the forces that work for the good of youth.
Sustain the good will of each confrere / to be present
together in moments of prayers and meals; / to foster an
atmosphere of camaraderie and companionship; / and to
coach and challenge each other / to diligence in one’s
du es.
Enable the confreres / to animate the other members
of the Salesian Family / and to involve the lay mission
partners / within the anima ng nucleus.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Loving Father,
you have called the Post-Novi ate House
in Canlubang / to be a forma ve community
who journey together / towards maturity and holiness
in their Salesian voca on.
Infuse in each confrere the grace to live joyfully and
faithfully / the commitments he assumed in his rst
profession / and to strike deeper roots in his Salesian
iden ty.
Grant that the formators devote their me and tranquil-
lity / to help the newly professed confreres / achieve a
progressive integra on of faith, culture and life.
Together with an adequate philosophical, pedagogical
and cateche cal prepara on / that is in tune with the
mes, / enable those in ini al forma on / to prepare
for their prac cal training phase / and to complete
their maturing process / with perpetual profession in
Ins ll in our confreres a missionary sensi vity / and to
dialogue with dierent cultural tradi ons. / Teach them
prayer habits which can guide them / to self-reec on,
gainful insights, / and personal a achment to you.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Loving Father,
you have given life to the EPC of Don Bosco Youth
Center-Tondo / with the Salesian spirit and
mission. / Inspire them to pursue the integral
forma on of the poor and abandoned youth / towards
becoming good Chris ans and honest ci zens.
Preserve and permeate in their educa ve and pastoral /
environment / our pedagogy of reason, religion, and
loving kindness / so that the members may in turn
become bearers of the gospel / and the teachings of
the Church to their peers. / Teach them to value their
contribu on towards building a community / where
God, neighbor, self, and nature are loved.
Rooted in daily communion with you in prayers, / we pray
that the confreres / con nue to appreciate one
another’s gi s, / understand one another’s limita ons,
/ and ll up whatever else is lacking / for the greater
good of their complex ministries. / Enhance their
cordial collabora on / with the other members of the
Salesian Family / and their eorts to recruit voca ons
to the priestly and religious life / as the crown of their
youth ministry.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Loving Father,
you have called the parish / of the Na onal Shrine
of Mary, Help of Chris ans-Parañaque / to
become formed and commi ed disciples / who
promote and organize basic ecclesial communi es /
as a way of being Church / and experiencing a
communion of love.
Imbue them with the Salesian spirit / and protect them
under the guidance of our Lady / so that through an
integral evangeliza on / they may journey with the
youth and the poor, / build communion among
families, / and spread devo on to Mary, Help of
Chris ans.
Preserve the spirit of cordiality, condence, and
camaraderie among the confreres. / Promote in the
confreres the sense of par cipa on / and the skills
for synergy, among themselves / and with the laity, /
in the smooth running of the house and the parish. /
Keep them rooted in their personal and communitarian
resonance with you in prayer, / so that they will always
shine forth with the depth of their zeal / and the cred-
ibility of their witness.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Loving Father,
you have built the Parish of Mary, Help of
Chris ans-Mayapa / as a dynamic evangelizing
community / centered on the Word of God / and
founded on the involvement of the laity.
We are grateful for the rst confreres / who spent fully
their energy and exper se / to take the rst steps and
ensure the growth in the faith / especially of those
living in the rural communi es.
Imbue our confreres now with the spirit of stewardship /
so that they may safeguard the patrimony of the past /
and adopt new ways of transmi ng the faith / to the
changing me and demographics of the parish. /
Intensify their cateche cal and campus ministry.
Help them discern the new paradigms of managing their
work / suited to the new families and young students
/ and workers migra ng in their area. / Keep them ever
sensi ve to the social issues of their context, / especially
the plight of the farmers.
Anchor them in a life of personal and communitarian prayer.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Loving Father,
you have called the Parish of St. John Bosco-Maka
/ to be a community of Christ-centered and
socially-commi ed families / with preferen al care for
the youth and the poor.
Assist them in their vision of establishing basic ecclesial
communi es / that priori ze the allevia on of the poor
/ and the evangeliza on of the unchurched.
Increase the passion of the confreres as a community
/ in caring for the migrant youth. / Conrm them in
their resolve / to give meaningful celebra ons of the
sacraments / to those who come to them in need. /
Strengthen them in their advocacy for good government
/ and a civil society that is in communion with the local
Infuse in them the importance of each one’s presence
in common prayers / and par cipa on in the wider life
of the church and the province. / Make their prac ce
of poverty more pronounced and percep ble / so that
they become be er witnesses / of a life fully trus ng in
the providence of God / and in the divine recompense
of a simple life.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Loving Father,
you have sent the Salesians
to Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands / as
primary animators of educa ve-pastoral communi es /
that educate and evangelize the youth, / especially
those non-selected and marginalized by the scholas c
Imbue the confreres with the heart of the Good
Shepherd, / as they journey with the lay mission
partners / to become signs and bearers of God’s love
for the youth.
Assist them in their mission of leading the youth /
towards an integral human and Chris an maturity /
through an acculturated Preven ve System and
Salesian Youth Spirituality.
Spur them to live together as brothers and friends / so
that through mutual concern and correc on / they
safeguard each other’s voca on / as men consecrated
to Christ.
Secure them in their inner resources / through a constant
life of personal and communitarian prayer. / Give them
con nuing support of material and human resources /
so that they can spread your Gospel / even to the most
remote and forgo en places.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Loving Father,
you have called the community of St. Francis
de Sales-Maka / to spread the Word of God and
the teachings of the faith / through the means of social
communica ons.
Empower the lay stawith the needed qualica ons, /
as we thank you for their personal dedica on to their
work, / so that they may exercise the exper se / and
eciency needed in the eld of media.
Look upon our confreres and preserve them in this spirit
/ as they relate to each other with gentlemanly disposi-
ons, / edify each other through their diligence and
delivery in their work, / and give and receive mutual
correc ons with forbearance. / Bless them in their
op mism, / that though some problems may not have
immediate solu ons, / they take the pa ent strides
towards the ideal situa on / they want to happen.
/ Gather them under the shadow of your wings, / in
personal and community prayers, / fully aware of your
constant presence and providence.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Loving Father,
you have given our confreres in Don Bosco-
Batulao / a place where people in need of
renewal and healing / can nd a sacred space.
Provide through these our confreres / a Salesian
atmosphere rich with welcome and wisdom, / so that
by way of psycho-spiritual and voca onal guidance, /
people who come to them, especially the youth, /
in moments scheduled or unannounced, / will nd a
place of acceptance and accompaniment.
Give to young couples / who come to our
Chapel-on-the-Hill for wedding ceremonies /
a Christ-centered founda on in building a new family.
Give to the poor young scholars / who frequent our
Sunday oratory from the nearby barrios / the resources
to bring their studies to comple on / and their place in
the eld of work a secure advantage.
Bless our confreres with a fraternal love / that is
anchored in daily prayer / and armed by each one’s
desire to be inserted and involved.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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4.7 Page 37

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Loving Father,
you have reinvented the Don Bosco Tabor House
in Pansol / as a community of formators dedicated
to research and renewal / in the interest of the ongoing
forma on of the confreres.
With them, we pray for those among us / in need of
integra ng or reclaiming their personhood, / so that
we may not be eaten up by our ministry / and redirect
ourselves to Christ / who has consecrated us to himself.
Give to the confreres of the house / the spirit of
reverence and respect / for the inner transi ons in
the life of our confreres. / Provide them with human
resources needed / for the renewal programs
customized for confreres who need them.
Give to the confreres / who avail of the place and the
experience / the opportunity to go back to the sources
/ and spring me of every Salesian’s commitment to
Christ / who called us to be apostles to the young. /
Renew our fascina on for Christ to the point of
following him / on the mountain of transgura on and
the hill of the cross.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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4.8 Page 38

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Loving Father,
you have called the Salesians and lay mission
partners / of Don Bosco Training Center in San Jose
/ to train the youth in the rural areas / to be
servant-leaders of their peers, / among their people, in
their parishes.
Be present to them as they teach the youth / to value
their own self-worth, / respect their family, / protect
their natural environment, and deepen their faith. /
Inculcate in them the proper work a tudes, / the right
leadership skills, / and the needed resources towards
agro-technical excellence. / Inspire them to invest
sucient energies / on behalf of their family ministry.
Preserve the sense of brotherhood of the confreres, /
shield them from the snares of isola on, / and reward
their spirit of joy and op mism. / Encourage them in
their involvement in the works of the local church. /
Defend their integrity and credibility / as signs and
bearers of your love / through a personal and common
life rooted in prayer.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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4.9 Page 39

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Loving Father,
you have formed the confreres of the Provincial
House in Maka / as a community of disciples /
for the work of service, solidarity and synergy of the
whole Province.
Imbue them always with the spirit of a en on and
availability / to every confrere and collaborator in
the mission. / Strengthen the bond of their unity / as
they strive to be present to each other / in moments
of meals and mee ngs, work and prayer, leisure and
Enlarge this sense of communion with the other
members of the Salesian Family / and with the local
Church / through their service of anima on and
coordina on.
Keep the lay mission partners serene in their service, /
reserved with the condences that go with their jobs, /
and ecient especially in ma ers with greater
importance and consequences / to the other confreres
and houses of the province.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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4.10 Page 40

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Loving Father,
you have ordained that the Pre-Novi ate House
in Canlubang / oer to those who seek to discern
their voca on to the Salesian life / an environment and
suitable programs / to enable the aspirants to mature in
their voca onal choice.
Empower our aspirants to adopt / a clear a tude of
commitment to their own forma on, / while being
guided by their formators. / Free them from internal
and external pressures. / Give them physical wellbeing
/ required by the rigors of the Salesian mission. / Equip
them with the ability of knowing oneself and mak-
ing oneself known, / a serene aec vity, the capacity
for rela onship, / a sense of responsibility, an upright
conscience and openness to situa ons, / and a solid
intellectual and spiritual life.
Commit the formators to that ready availability / for
personal contact and voca on dialogue. / Bestow
upon them the kind of fatherliness / that loves from
the heart and exacts from behavior. / Cul vate in the
forma on team a constant a en on / on how the
circumstances of young people are evolving / so as to
respond courageously and crea vely.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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5 Pages 41-50

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5.1 Page 41

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Loving Father,
you have gathered together a community of
disciples / in Don Bosco Center of Studies – Parañaque
/ to form youth ministers and educators in the faith /
who are faithful to the Magisterium of the Church /
and enriched by the Salesian spirit.
We thank you for blessing them with a rich diversity of
charisms, cultures and competencies, /for which they
experience communion / in a genuine family spirit.
Enable the Salesian stato transcend their diering
voices, / bend their minds to forestall resentments, /
extend their understanding to preserve the fraternal
rela onship, / and bring to their meals the gi of
laughter and leisure. / Update con nuously their
academic prepara ons with new paradigms and
pedagogies / so as not only to communicate God / but
to communicate like God in the changing contexts.
Make them treasure a rhythm of life / that is rooted in
personal and communitarian prayer / so as to increase
their spiritual buoyancy and moral stamina, / and
deepen their intellectual vigor and human
rela onships.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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5.2 Page 42

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Loving Father,
you have willed that the Parish of St. John Bosco
– Sta. Rosa / become a Christ-centered community.
Keep the families commi ed to their Chris an life /and
united in love and service.
Teach the youth to be faithful to Christ / and to be
formed into servant-leaders. / Invite the young workers
to receive forma on in their faith.
Enable the parish community to establish basic ecclesial
communi es; / celebrate the sacraments meaningfully;
/ prac ce the spirit and system of St. John Bosco; / and
promote devo on to Mary, Help of Chris ans.
Preserve in the confreres / the spirit of collabora on with
all the forces / that seek to improve the quality of life /
in the sprou ng residen al and educa onal areas.
Give to the confreres a discerning heart and crea ve
exibility / as they face the fast-paced urbaniza on
/ and migra on in their locality. / Infuse in them the
passion / to seek out those marginalized by develop-
ment / and to stand for the rights of those / who may
be unjustly displaced. / Keep them centered in Christ /
adored in the Blessed Sacrament.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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5.3 Page 43

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Loving Father,
you have ordained that the Salesians work / in the
Parish of Mt. Carmel and the Don Bosco Training
Center in Naga / to train the youth and our
parishioners / to be agents of change in the Bicol region.
Enable the Salesians and their lay mission partners / to
contribute to the allevia on of poverty, / the
integra on of the faith with life and culture, / and the
forma on into servant-leaders of the youth.
Impart to these young people of the rural areas / the
right values and a tudes / and develop in them the
appropriate skills / to become benchmarks in the eld
of technology / and catalysts of social transforma on.
Shower upon these our se ngs / the human and
material resources that will ensure / the development
and sustainability of our works.
Reward our confreres with that contentment and
consola on / which come only from you / for a daily
life of simplicity and frugality. / Keep sacred their mo-
ments of prayers and meals together. / Assist them as
they invite, accompany, discern and support / voca-
ons to the Salesian life from the place.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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5.4 Page 44

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Loving Father,
you have placed the work of the Don Bosco
Agro-Mechanical Technology Center in Legazpi /
among the rural folks of the Bicol region.
Empower the lay mission partners / as they work with
the Salesians in forming the youth / into produc ve
ci zens and apostolic Chris ans.
Nourish with your love their dedica on to live the system
and spirituality of Don Bosco / as they train the youth
of the farms / towards an independent and produc ve
management of their lives.
Shower them with the needed human and material
resources / to enable the work to sustain itself. / Assist
them as they reach out to the families of our students.
Invite more of our young people / to work in your
vineyard as priests and religious.
Grant to our confreres serenity and harmony. / Bestow
your providence in the midst of their frugal life. / Be
their consola on in moments of fa gue and isola on.
/ Keep their voca on secure / and their spiritual life
nourished in prayer.
Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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5.5 Page 45

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Loving Father,
you have shown to us in these our new mes /
the marvels of your divine providence / and of
St. John Bosco’s spirit and system / in our work for
street children in Tuloy sa Don Bosco-Alabang.
You reveal to us a new form of community life / as
recognized by our congrega on, / where Salesians are
present with the Franciscan Missionaries of the Infant
Jesus / and the many commi ed lay volunteers.
Sustain with your grace and the graciousness of
benefactors / the compelling vision of this community /
for the street children to be redeemed from
helplessness / and empowered to choose right.
Shower upon them the best gi s from heaven and earth /
so that they con nue to be an excellent center / in the
reintegra on of street children into mainstream society
/ through a comprehensive program of caring, healing
and teaching.
Preserve the serene and safe atmosphere.
Nourish the cordial camaraderie, the laborious lifestyle, /
and the daily dedica on of the community to their
voca on / to render present the love of Christ to the
last and the least of the li le ones.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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5.6 Page 46

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Loving Father,
you have embarked the EPC of Don Bosco College
in Canlubang / on a quest for the greater things /
with the rm convic on that every person is a child of God.
Permeate with your grace all the members / with an
environment enriched by the family spirit of Don Bosco
/ and founded on reason, religion and loving kindness.
Commit them to the integral forma on of servant-leaders
/ capable of contribu ng to social transforma on.
Form them towards becoming a respected ins tu on /
especially of higher educa on / and a resource center
in the elds of philosophy, educa on and technology.
Involve the lay mission partners / to a larger par cipa on
and anima on.
Preserve in the confreres / their regularity in common
prayers, meals, / and moments of unstructured
Give them the joy of return to common life a er their
apostolic work.
Ins ll in them an acute sense of apprecia on and
responsibility / for their privileged situa on with
voca ons promo on.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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5.7 Page 47

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Loving Father,
you have called the Parish of St. Dominic Savio in
Mandaluyong / to be a community centered in
Christ / and united to each other.
Make straight the path of truth / as they spread the
gospel of Christ. / Lead the youth to the way that
leads to the fullness of life. / Help married couples / to
strengthen the bonds of their family life.
Con nue to enable our confreres /to appreciate each
other’s contribu on in the ministries / and work
together with crea vity / in mee ng the challenges
of the new mes. / Strengthen them in their campus
ministry / and seminary recruitment.
Sustain their passion for their work in the youth center.
/ Support them as they form youth leaders and adult
volunteers / who ac vely animate the socio-pastoral
projects / especially for those who are disadvantaged
and marginalized.
Make sacred the me reserved by them for common
prayers / to strengthen their life of faith / and their
moments when they can step back from the cares of
their work / to nourish their life of friendship.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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5.8 Page 48

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Loving Father,
you have opened to the Salesians the educa ve
and pastoral work / in the Fr. Dueñas Memorial
School in Mangilao, Guam.
Give to all the sta, students, and stakeholders in this
school / the delity to preserve the Catholic faith / and
the zeal to live the Church’s values / in an increasingly
secular and cross-cultural society.
Open the minds and hearts of the lay people / to the
changes appropriate to the new mes.
Give to our confreres the competence and cordiality / to
bring our lay people to collaborate as mission partners.
Enable the young people to cooperate in their forma on
/ towards becoming produc ve ci zens / and gospel-
centered leaders of society.
Give to our confreres the passion for the salva on of
souls, / the prudence whenever discipline or
direc on is demanded, / and the presence that bridges
the distance / and breeds the condence of these
young people.
Give to our confreres the consola on of your presence in
their life of prayer / and the joy of return to their
common life.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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5.9 Page 49

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Loving Father,
you ask us to return to Don Bosco and to the
Move us from a supercial knowledge of Don Bosco,
/ to a serious and commi ed study of the history,
pedagogy, ministry and spirituality / of our Father and
Founder, and of the reec on of the Congrega on.
Move us from a ministry focused on ac vi es to be
carried out, / to a ministry more a en ve to
encountering the young / where they are to be found.
Encourage our confreres, together with our lay mission
partners / and the members of the Salesian Family, /
to update ourselves in Salesian studies / and to keep
ourselves deeply rooted / in the sources of our Salesian
Help us to imitate Don Bosco as we invoke him, / and
make him known as we study him.
Cul vate in us a constant and more focused a en on /
on how the circumstances of young people / are
evolving in their own area.
Protect the Salesians from feeling that the world of our
youth is dicult and distant, / and never let this result
in physical and aec ve distance from them.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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5.10 Page 50

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Loving Father,
you call us to propose to the young / the joy and
courage that they live their lives / in the way your
Son Jesus Christ lived his.
Move us from an individualist mentality, /to a
communal style which involves / the young, families
and lay people / in proclaiming Jesus Christ.
Move us from an evangeliza on / made up of events
lacking con nuity, to a systema c and integrated
evangeliza on program.
Move us from a model of evangeliza on / aimed only at
transforma on of the person, / to an evangeliza on
which also looks / to transforming social and poli cal
Strengthen the prepara on of our confreres / and our
lay mission partners / par cularly in the areas of youth
ministry, /cateche cs, liturgy, missiology, and social
communica ons.
Enlighten us to accompany and assess / the quality of
teaching of religion and cateche cs in our se ngs.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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6 Pages 51-60

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6.1 Page 51

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Loving Father,
you challenge us to witness with courage and joy /
to the beauty of a consecrated life / dedicated
totally to God in the mission to the young.
Move us from a vague and occasional voca onal invita on,
/ to one of focused and a en ve planning / that
creates a voca onal culture.
Move us from a voca on ministry which we conduct alone,
/ to projects shared with groups in the Salesian Family
and with the local Church.
Foster among our confreres a strong sense of belong-
ing / in order to witness to the value of living and working
Move us from se ng up voca on ministry / as a
response to the problem of a lack of voca ons, / to one
where we rediscover the joy / of helping young people
nd out God’s plan for them.
Move us from a voca on ministry /which is separate from
youth ministry, /to one understood and experienced /
as the very crown of youth ministry.
Enlighten us as we study the possibili es / for new forms
of aspirantate / in order to have one of more
communi es / where voca onal accompaniment of
young candidates can take place.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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6.2 Page 52

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Loving Father,
you ask us to give credible / and courageous
witness to evangelical poverty, / lived personally
and as a community / in the spirit of Don Bosco’s
da mihi animas, cetera tolle.”
Move us from a local mindset which is closed in on itself,
/ to a provincial and global spirit of solidarity.
Ensure among us an equitable distribu on of resources /
and a tenor of life which is common for all communi es.
Move us from our inadequate skills, / to a more profes-
sional approach in administra on.
Move us from the management of resources from a
proprietary mindset, / to an awareness that we are
stewards of the goods entrusted to us.
Guide our province as it accompanies the nancial
management of individual houses / with the help of
competent lay people.
Educate our communi es to be ecologically sensi ve, /
and guide the province as it supports ini a ves /
concerning respect for the environment, / use of
alterna ve energy, and economical use of resources.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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6.3 Page 53

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Loving Father,
you call us to put courageous choices into place /
on behalf of poor young people and those at risk.
Move us from an occasional a en on to poor young peo-
ple, / to las ng and focused projects in their service.
Send more qualied confreres and lay personnel / who
can involve young people who are poor and at risk /to
become themselves ac ve agents of their own
personal development / and the transforma on of the
social and poli cal eld.
Move us from a youth ministry insuciently a en ve to
family contexts, / to one of greater investment of
energies on behalf of the family.
Assist the confreres in fostering family ministry projects /
together with lay people and the Salesian Family.
Move us from a mid a tude and sporadic presence in
media, / to one of responsible use and a more incisive
educa ve and evangelizing anima on, / par cularly in
the eld of the “new digital con nent.”
Enlighten the confreres in laying down a realis c strategy
/ which favors a more incisive presence in the media
world, / as well as youthful and popular ar s c expres-
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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6.4 Page 54

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Loving Father,
you give us the gi of our Salesian voca on, /
calling us to be disciples of Jesus Christ, / with
the spirit and mission of Don Bosco, / in
communi es formed to bear witness together / to the
Good Shepherd’s love for the young.
Help us to respond to this call and way of holiness / by
commi ng ourselves to an adequate forma on, / for
which the Lord Jesus Christ gives us his daily grace.
Send us more formators capable of handling / the new
reali es in ini al forma on.
Enlighten them as they con nually search / for new and
eec ve ways of communica on, / so as to remain
alongside young people / in their development and
journey of faith / and to enter into harmony with them.
Assist those who have made their perpetual vows / as
they personalize their own forma on growth.
Help them to integrate the challenges and contribu ons
of each transi on period, / confront their manifesta ons
of voca onal fragility, / and revitalize their commitment
/ to an integral forma on.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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6.5 Page 55

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6.6 Page 56

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Loving Father,
you sow in the hearts of many young people /
the seed of a voca on to the Salesian life.
You have willed that in the Salesian Society / priests and
brothers shall live the same voca on / and mission for
the benet of youth.
You distribute ministries so that they may contribute / to
the building of the one Body of Christ.
Open the hearts of young people to discover / and
develop the gi of your call / as Salesian priests or lay
Enable the Salesians to accompany them / to discern
your divine call, / with delicacy and respect, / through
personal contact with them.
Foster in our Salesian communi es the family
atmosphere /so that many young people may nd
themselves at ease / and so be encouraged to get to
know / and to follow the same voca on.
Grant that through the witness of our personal and
community life, / in unreserved and joyful self-giving, /
these young people may nd the conrma on of their
voca on.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
- 56 -

6.7 Page 57

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6.8 Page 58

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Come, Holy Spirit,
Fill the hearts of your faithful,
And kindle in them the re of your love.
Send forth your Spirit
And they shall be created.
And you shall renew the face of the earth.
Let us pray.
O God, you have instructed the hearts
Of your faithful
By the light of the Holy Spirit.
Grant that through the same Holy Spirit
We may always be truly wise
And rejoice in his consola on.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
- 58 -

6.9 Page 59

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Let us pray God, our Father,
who in his love, assures us that he will hear our
You gave us Don Bosco as our father and teacher.
Grant us the grace to be, like him,
The signs and bearers of your love to the young.
May your grace make our apostolate frui ul.
Help us to imitate the zeal and the loving kindness of
St. Francis of Sales.
Let us pray for voca ons to the Salesian Congrega on.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, guide into the Salesian
Congrega on many good and zealous apostles,
And help them to persevere in their voca on.
Comfort our brothers who are suering,
Especially those who are suering for the faith.
Free them from all their pains and sorrows.
Let us remember our departed brothers and sisters.
Eternal Rest grant unto them, O Lord,
And let perpetual light shine upon them.
And may the souls of the faithful departed
Through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Let us pray.
O Lord, You have called us to follow you more closely
And to cooperate with you in the salva on of youth.
Grant us the grace to be faithful to our consecra on and
mission up to the end of our life.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
- 59 -

6.10 Page 60

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We pray to you, Lord,
through the intercession of
Mary, Help of Chris ans and St. John Bosco,
to bless and sanc fy the Salesian Family.
Preserve it in unity, delity and apostolic frui ulness.
We pray for the Rector Major and all the Salesians:
May they be holy and generous in their service of others.
We pray for the Daughters of Mary, Help of Chris ans:
May their fervor and generosity be an inspira on at all mes.
We pray for the Volunteers of Don Bosco and others
endowed with the Salesian consecra on:
May we nd in them constant and competent collaborators.
We pray for all the Salesian Cooperators:
May the Holy Spirit strengthen their wills to full their
mission in joy and generosity.
We pray for all the past pupils:
May they be salt of the earth and light of the world
according to the spirit of St. John Bosco.
We pray for the Salesians working for the young,
especially the poor and abandoned:
May they always be signs and bearers of your love.
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7 Pages 61-70

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7.1 Page 61

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We pray for the members dedicated to the service of
adults, especially the poor:
May they all be builders of the Church, totally at the
service of God and man.
We pray for those in mission lands:
May they be zealous agents of development and
evangeliza on.
We pray for those in responsibility for their brothers and
May they be wise guides who inspire truth and condence.
We pray for the deceased members of the Salesian Family:
May the Lord reward them and admit them to the joys of
eternal life.
Let us pray.
Heavenly Father,
Enrich with your love the en re Salesian Family.
By ge ng involved
In the throes and hopes of this world,
Especially those of the young,
May this Family generously contribute
To build up a community of love.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
- 61 -

7.2 Page 62

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Lord, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for the Salesian family.
Holy Mary, Don Bosco’s teacher and Madonna,
Pray for the Salesian family.
Holy Mary, foundress and support of our congrega on,
Pray for the Salesian family.
Holy Mary, Immaculate Help of Chris ans,
Pray for the Salesian family.
St. Joseph, our patron and model in un ring work,
Pray for the Salesian family.
St. John Bosco, our founder, and apostle of youth,
Pray for the Salesian family.
St. Joseph Cafasso, Don Bosco’s trusted spiritual guide,
Pray for the Salesian family.
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7.3 Page 63

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St. Dominic Savio, crown of the Salesian educa onal system,
Pray for the Salesian family.
St. Mary Mazzarello, cofoundress and Don Bosco’s trusted
Pray for the Salesian family.
Blessed Michael Rua, Don Bosco’s right hand and rock of
Salesian delity,
Pray for the Salesian family.
St. Leonard Murialdo and Blessed Guanella, true imitators
to Don Bosco’s apostolic zeal,
Pray for the Salesian family.
Holy Salesians, Sisters, and Cooperators, our advocates
before the Father and the Lamb,
Pray for the Salesian family.
Let us pray.
God, our Father,
It has pleased you to make sanc ty
Flourish in the Salesian family.
We thank you for so many saintly brothers and sisters
You have given us.
Send us your Spirit
That we may feel his presence in our lives
And walk with joy and perseverance
Along the path of Salesian sanc ty.
This we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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7.4 Page 64

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Don Bosco Provincial House
MakaƟ City
January 2010