St John Bosco - Mass

31 January

Saint JOHN BOSCO, priest

Father and Teacher of Youth

Founder of the Society of Saint Francis de Sales,

The Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians

And the Salesian Cooperators


For the pastoral good of the faithful, when the solemnity falls on a weekday, its celebration may be transferred to the following Sunday, provided the latter be a Sunday in Ordinary Time. In this case the formulary may be used at all Masses in which the people take part (cf. Roman Missal, General Norms for the liturgical year and calendar, nn. 58, 59).

Born at Castelnuovo d’Asti in 1815, John was educated by his mother in the faith ad in the consistent practice of the gospel message. When only nine he learned through a dream that he was called to dedicate his life to the education of the young. While still a boy he began to entertain his companions with games to which he added prayer and religious instruction. On his ordination to the priesthood (1841) he chose as his life programme: Da mihi animas, cetera tolle (Gen 14,21), and began his apostolate among poor youth by founding the Oratory and placing it under the protection of Saint Francis de Sales.

Through his style of education and pastoral practice, based on reason, religion and loving kindness (which he called his Preventive System), he helped young lads and teenagers to think seriously about their lives, to encounter Christ, accept their companions, learn about their faith and the sacraments, and to involve themselves in apostolic and professional commitment. Among the finest fruits of his pedagogy was the 15-year old Saint Dominic Savio.

The source of his tireless and efficacious activity was a constant union with God and limitless trust in Mary Help of Christians, whom he felt to be the inspirer and support of all his work. And to his Salesian sons he left a legacy in the form of a religious life that was simple but solidly founded on Christian virtues and summed up in the phrase: work and temperance.

Among his youngsters he sought out the best collaborators for his work, giving rise to the Society of Saint Francis de Sales; together with St Mary Domenica Mazzarello he founded the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians; finally with good and diligent lay people, both men and women, he created the Salesian Cooperators to flank and sustain his work, thus anticipating new forms of apostolate in the Church.

Don Bosco died on 31 January 1888, and on the centenary of his death John Paul II proclaimed him Father and Teacher of Youth, decreeing that he should be honored and invoked under this title, especially by all who consider themselves his spiritual children.

The liturgical formulary is a hymn of praise and thanksgiving to God for having raised up Saint John Bosco in the Church as he father, brother, and friend of the young (Pref.).

The special character of ‘father and teacher of youth’ (Coll.) emerges as a sign of the providence of God who inspires every good intention (Sol. Bless.) and never leaves his Church without saints. Docile to the promptings of the Spirit and faithful to the guidance of the Virgin Mary, John was the tireless apostle who undertook his work with a prophetic vision of new times to come, and who educated the young by preparing them to face up to life with honest wisdom and industrious faith (Pref.); and all this for the good of the Church (Coll.).

The joyful and festive participation in this Eucharist is for every assembly a pledge of fidelity to baptismal promises, i.e. to walk always in faith hope and love (Sol. Bless.); a commitment to work for the salvation of our neighbor (Coll.), serving them with joy (Sol. Bless.), so that the life of each one may be a hymn to the glory of the Father (I Offertory), and that one day all may share in the everlasting feast of heaven (II After comm.). For this reason the faithful ask for the gift of apostolic charity (Coll.) carried out in tireless activity (I After comm.), so as to follow with joy the example and teachings of Saint John Bosco (II Offertory), and to continue in the Church his mission of father and teacher (Pref.).


God gave him wisdom and understanding

And a heart as vast as the sand on the seashore.

Or: Ps 34 (33), 12.6a

Come, children, and hear me:

That I may teach you the fear of the Lord.

Look towards him and be radiant.

The ‘Gloria’ is said.


Lord our God,

In your providence you have given us Saint John Bosco,

The father and teacher of youth,

Who under the guidance of the Virgin Mary

Who worked with untiring zeal

For the good of the Church;

Inspire us with that same apostolic charity,

To seek the salvation of our neighbor

And so serve you, the one and only good.

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son,

Who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,

One God, for ever and ever.

1st Reading: Ezek 24:11-12.15-16.23-24.30-31

2nd Reading: Phil 4,4-9

Gospel: Mt 18,1-6.10


Accept, holy Father,

The sacrifice we offer you

With sincere devotion;

Grant that we may love you above all else,

So that our whole life

May be a hymn to your glory.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Saint John Bosco, a gift of God to the Church

V. The Lord be with you

R. And also with you.

V. Lift up your hearts

R. We lift them up to the Lord.

V. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

R. It is right to give him thanks and praise.

Father, all-powerful and ever-living God,

We do well always and everywhere to give you thanks

Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Father of eternal love

You have raised up Saint John Bosco in the Church

As the father, brother and friend of the young,

To lead them along the way of salvation.

With a prophetic vision of new times to come,

He prepared them to face up to life

With honesty, integrity and active faith.

Under the impulse of your Spirit,

He brought into being a great Family

To continue throughout the world

His mission of father and teacher.

And we, gathered together in festive assembly,

Raise up to you, Father,

Our hymn of adoration and praise,

As together with the angels and saints in heaven

We proclaim your glory saying (singing):

Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might,

Heaven and earth are full of your glory

Hosannah in the highest.

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

Hosannah in the highest.


Anyone who welcomes one little child like this in my name

Welcomes me, says the Lord.

Or: Jn 15,12

This is my commandment:

Love one another as I have loved you.


Father, you have nourished us

With this sacrament of salvation;

Help us to imitate the tireless activity of Saint John Bosco

In brining young people to the love of Christ, your Son,

The inexhaustible source of new life.

He lives and reigns for ever and ever.


May the Lord who inspires every good intention

Protect you always by his grace

And keep you faithful to your baptismal promises.

R. Amen.

May Christ, the Good Shepherd,

Enable you to serve with joy your brothers and sisters

After the example of our (your) holy Father.

R. Amen.

May the Lord grant to you,

Who have celebrated with joy the feat of Saint John Bosco,

To walk always in faith, hope and love.

R. Amen.

And may the blessing of almighty God,

Father, Son + and Holy Spirit,

Come down on you, and remain with you for ever.

R. Amen.