
May our economers be strengthened by the collaboration and gratitude of all confreres and be encouraged as ministers of Divine Providence. May they and their collaborators be able to link a spirit of evangelical poverty with solicitous concern for the needs of their confreres and the young. May they be shrewd administrators who inspire trust in us and arouse the charity of benefactors. [Art. 190]

Almighty God, Your law is our Word of Life; grant that we may accept as gifts from Your Hands the precepts by which You indicate the path we are to follow, and that we may fulfil them with fidelity as a response of love. Like Your Son may we fully correspond with Your Plans in our regard and be able to be called Your Sons as well. Through>>>>>

[Art. 191]

Lord, grant us understanding hearts to discover in our Rule of Life the sure sign of Your Will for us. Help us to understand and love the spiritual riches of our Salesian traditions, so that we may be zealous followers of the Gospel Way of Life and be for Your People in our life and works true witnesses to holiness.

[Art. 192]

Lord, our God, free us from the foolishness of those who in this world accumulate goods with the sole thought of enjoying them in this life. Grant that the example and exhortations of Don Bosco prompt us to place all our trust in the Providence which has always come to our aid in a wonderful and miraculous way. We may this prayer through Christ our Lord.

[Art. 187]

Lord, our God, grant that in our dealings with those responsible for financial matters, we may act with delicacy of conscience, without concealment or deception, not keeping back what is due to others in the certainty that sincerity and clarity in the affairs of the world is a reflection of our awareness of being attentive and faithful stewards. Through Christ our Lord. [Art. 188]

Lord, my God, when I am asked here on earth to give an account of my stewardship, grant that I may be able to respond with the openness you will one day demand of me when I come before you. Grant this spirit of transparency to all those in charge of financial matters at the global, provincial, and community level, and to each individual Salesian. [Art. 189]

Lord, we pray for our province. May all be inspired and sustained by fidelity to Don Bosco. May the provincial and his council be effective witnesses of the fatherliness of Don Bosco and help to create bonds of unity. May those in formation fulfil their mission with zeal and may our young confrere find elder brothers who are ready to help and understand them. [Art. 156 - 169]

Lord, may the light of the Holy Spirit enlighten and guide the members of the provincial chapter and sustain them in the decisions they must make to increase the fraternal life of the communities and render their work more effective. May it be an occasion of deep reflection and revive in us the search for fidelity, and enthusiasm for our life and mission. [Art. 170 - 174]

Lord, may our community live its gospel witness with a family spirit. Assist our rector and give him the light of the Spirit in rendering incarnate the fatherliness of Don Bosco. May the members of the community council effectively organise and direct the work of all. May younger confrere continue to develop and the elderly and sick confrere find support in all they need. [Art. 175 - 186]

God, our Father, in his life and activity may the Rector Major be enabled to continue in our midst the fatherly presence of Don Bosco. May he, with the general council, have the light of wisdom and richness of faith to guide the Society with courage and security along the path traced out by Don Bosco. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord.

[Art. 126 - 129]

Father, may the members of the general council be able to collaborate with the Rector Major and each other, seeking in everything the good of our Society and guiding it in ever more incisive apostolic activity for the young. May they all be promoters of constant dialogue with all the communities worldwide carried out with respect and courage.

Through Christ>>>>>[Art. 130 – 145, 154 - 155]

Lord, may the general chapter be docile to the Spirit and be an instrument for extending and propagating its work in the course of time and changing events. May each member seek in a constant atmosphere of prayer the will of God and be enlightened in all the choices they have to make especially in electing the Rector Major and his collaborators.

[Art. 146 - 153]

God, our Father, grant to all Salesians of Don Bosco zeal, generosity and the ability to work together, so as to take part with a sense of shared responsibility in al the phases of study and realisation of the apostolic work You entrust to the community, working actively and with humility for this purpose in charity and peace. Through Christ, our Lord.

[Art. 123]

Lord, our God, may the unconditional seeking of Your Glory guide in their service those to whom you have given authority among us, so that the development of each individual may be fostered and the participation of all my be directed in line with their ability and competence, to respond to the designs you make known for our communities and our young people. Through>>>> [Art. 124]

Lord Jesus, grant to all of us, after the example of Don Bosco, a filial love and convinced submission to Peter’s Successor. Make us able to cultivate in young people a living sense of membership of the Church, which will encourage them to collaborate generously in the work of evangelisation and the advancement of those most in need.

[Art. 125]