
Father, pour out in us Your Spirit and give us a heart generous in detachment and burning with love, so that our practice of poverty may never be a mere external observance, but in seeking You, the one true Good, may become a trusting abandonment to Your Fatherhood, and free us from all created bonds in the service of all. Through Christ our Lord.

[Art. 74]

My each of us feel a personal responsibility to the generous daily living of detachment from material things. May the love of God and neighbour enable us to see the need for interdependence. May we be able to accept together the renunciations and sacrifices that not always having what we need is an adherence to the beatitude of being poor for the Kingdom. [Art. 75]

May our practice of evangelical poverty be an effective means for making us a true family and for being in the world a sign of the Kingdom. May we be able to share with generosity in our communities with the Church and with the poorest of people the gifts of nature and grace and all the spiritual and material goods provided us by Your goodness.

[Art. 76]

Lord, You want our communities to be practical witnesses of the blessing of poverty. Help us to provide a credible sign by our plain and frugal life and the simplicity of our dwellings. Grant that we always remember that we are only administrators of all Your gifts and use them as instruments for the service of youth. Grant us detachment towards all we utilise in that service. [Art. 77]

Lord Jesus, time is a great gift of Your love. Help us to use it well in unremitting and self-sacrificing work in Don Bosco’s memory. In this way may we share in the lot of the poor who gain their living by daily work, and bear witness to the world, especially for young people of the value of hard work in bringing about a society where justice and peace prevail. [Art. 78]

God, our Father, You have asked us to live our lives in solidarity with the poor, and have opened to us the royal way of the imitation of Christ. Enliven our practice of poverty by the conviction that what we have is not our own but belongs to all, especially the poor, and help us to be among them a sign how to depend on your Goodness alone.

[Art. 79]

God, our Father, we give You thanks for the precious gifts of life and love that You make available to all. May we always appreciate that You call us to follow Jesus, Your Son, more closely in the way of celilbacy for the Kingdom through the choice of a deeply evangelical way of loving You and our neighbour with undivided hearts and in this way to share in the mystery and mission of the Church. [Art. 80]

Lord Jesus, grant to us as You did to Don Bosco an enthusiastic and resplendent chastity, sustained by Your grace and our own efforts at perseverance. Unite us closely to Yourself so that we may be bearers of Your Love. Make us able to guide young people in the difficult way of purity. Allow us to love them with a true and sincere affection that opens their eyes to truth. [Art. 81]

Father of light, You know of what we are made. Kindle in us the fire and strength of Your Spirit, so that with the love that binds us to You as our One Secure Foundation, we may make of our lives a pure and total act of self-giving for the good of the young and all those who are searching for the values by which life is fruitfully lived.

[Art. 82]

Lord, our God, may we live our consecrated chastity in all its fruitfulness; a full and unselfish openness to you and each other. May it cause a true family spirit to flourish in our communities and may true and sincere friendship help us to walk together in joy towards you, our Highest Good and strengthen us in moments of weakness and temptation.

[ Art. 83]

May the awareness of our fragility not cause us fear and discouragement but lead us to trust in You. May we be faithful in using the means given by Don Bosco to protect our chastity; prayer, mortification, work and temperance. May the Word of God, the Body and Blood of Christ, the sacrament of Reconciliation and the intercession of the Blessed Virgin keep us faithful. [Art. 84]

God, our Father, in the power of the Risen Christ You bring our communities together in unity and keep them united by Your Word and Your Love. Make the awareness of our bond with you living and effective in us, and grant that by following the example of Don Bosco we may ask of You every day; “Give me souls; take all the rest away.”

Art. 85]

Lord Jesus, You taught Your disciples to pray. Teach us also to pray as Don Bosco prayed, with the simplicity and trust of children, with the joy and creativity of the young and with the burning zeal of apostles. Help us to prolong our prayer into the whole of our life, so that we may cooperate with your designs of grace for young people and in union with you contribute to their salvation. [Art. 86]

God, our Father, grant us the gift of attentiveness to Your Word and submission to Your will. May they be for us the source and food of life, strength in fidelity and light for our path, so that by daily meditation on them, we may life Mary draw fruit for ourselves and proclaim your Word effectively to all whom we encounter. Through Christ our Lord.

[Art. 87]

God, our Father, in the Eucharist You enable us to live the Paschal Mystery of Your Son by our communion with his Body and Blood. By this sacrament consolidate our unity as brothers and give fresh life to our dedication as apostles. May our daily encounter with Your Son in this sacrament provide us with constant energy for our mission to the young.

Through Christ our Lord. [Art. 88]

God, our Father, may the praise of Your Holy Name fill our day and mark the rhythm of our existence, in union with Your Holy Church spread throughout time and space. Grant that as seasons go by we may relive with the Church the mysteries of our salvation and become effective disseminators of the joy of the Holy Spirit. Through Christ our Lord.

[Art. 89]

God, our Father, we carry the inestimable treasure of Your Life in earthenware vessels, marked as we are by weakness and sin. Help us to hear Your voice calling us to continual conversion and grant that we may respond with vigilance, sincere repentance and generous brotherly forgiveness. By means of the Sacrament of Reconciliation may we grow in purity of heart and holiness. [Art. 90]

In Your mercy, Father, You continually provide us with times and moments in which to meet Your Word and Love. Help us to accept them as times of grace, for deepening our contact with You, for a better discernment of Your Will and to purify our hearts and minds as we await the return of Christ, Your Son, our Brother and Model of Life and Love, through whom we make this prayer. [Art. 91]