
Father, we give thanks for the gift of Your Spirit, and for sending us to the young as bearers of the Good News. With the day of our profession in mind we renew the complete offering of ourselves to You so that we may follow Christ and work with him for the coming of the Kingdom. May our daily life be a single movement of love as we seek Your glory and the salvation of others. Through >>[Art.3]

Father, attentive to the voice of Your Spirit, we want to be in the Church, like our founder, signs and bearers of Your love for the young, and especially for the more marginalized amongst them. Grant that in the fulfillment of this mission we may find our own sure path to holiness for the glory of Your Name. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord.


Father, we thank You for raising up Don Bosco; You gave him the heart of a father and apostle and guided him through the motherly assistance of Mary in the foundation of our Society. Grant that we may have the same strength and joy of the Holy Spirit, so that like Don Bosco we may be able to give ourselves entirely to young people and to you. Through Christ our Lord. [Art. 1]

Lord, our God, in the personal vocation of each of our confreres You manifest Your love for the Congregation, which You want to see alive for the good of Your Church. Grant to our communities the ability to welcome each confrere as Your gift; increase our gratitude for Your call, and make us generous in responding to it. Through Christ our Lord.

[Art. 22]

Lord Jesus, on the day of my profession, you brought together my love with Your own which is infinite, and You called me to give myself fully and generously to You. Grant that that the Pact of the Covenant which by Your grace I have made with You may be the constant expression of a new life in the service of Your Church and in my lasting dedication to the young. [Art. 23]

Grant us, O Lord, through the strength of the Spirit, who has consecrated us to You, the grace to persevere in fidelity and to progress every day in love after the example of our brothers who have travelled the same road to holiness. Grant that, like them, we may be witnesses in our world, especially among the young of the divine value of the Beatitudes.

Through Christ our Lord [Art. 25]

Lord, our God, You showed our father by unmistakable signs that our mission is first and foremost to the young. Grant that we too who are called to the same work of salvation may reaffirm the same predilection by heart and deed, and so become the ready and attentive educators of youth, helping them to discover in their own existence Your saving presence. Through Christ>>>>> [Art. 26]

Lord Jesus, in the years of Your hidden life at Nazareth, You were a carpenter and experienced the hardship of a workers life. Teach us to understand and to love the world of work in which young people are involved, so as to guide them in their preparation for life, and that they, in turn, may become faithful witnesses to their companions of Your Good News. [Art. 27]

Lord, You sow the seed of Your Word in our hearts and lavishly distribute the gifts of Your Spirit. Make us sensitive to the presence of these gifts in the young, so that we may be able to discern in them the seed of Your call and collaborate with You in forming new apostles who will help others to grow as members of your Mystical Body. Through Christ our Lord. [Art. 28]

Jesus, give us compassionate hearts so that we may be able to detect in Your poor ones the gospel values of which You make them the bearers; that we may sustain their efforts to grow; that we give special attention to families and give special support to all who are involved in the evangelisation and advancement of Your people.

[Art. 29]

Lord, may we work with faith, courage, love and humility among the people to whom we are sent: especially those young people who have not yet heard your messgge of love. Following Your example, where you made yourself like others in every respect, may we make our own the values of the people we evangelise and share their hopes and anxieties.

[Art. 30]

Father, in Christ, You have revealed to us Your countenance and the image of the perfect man. Make us able to cooperate with You through our work of education and evangelisation according to Your plan. Keep us faithful to Don Bosco’s teachings in forming young people as good Christians and upright citizens. Through Christ our Lord.

[Art. 31]

Loving Father, may we be able to offer to young people, with competence and generosity, the bread of body and spirit; to help them to open themselves to truth and to build true freedom within themselves by cultivating a deep taste for authentic human and Christian values within ourselves, to pass them on to others and show that true freedom is realised in the service of others. Through>>>>>[Art. 32]

Father, may we work with complete dedication to those in our care, inculcate in them a sense of the common good and form them for their personal and social responsibilities. Faithful to the Church and the Risen Christ, may we reject all injustice and violence and be able to collaborate with all who work for justice and peace. Through Christ our Lord. [Art. 33]

Father, evangelisation and catechesis are at the centre of our work. May we, in every circumstance, open the minds of the young to the Risen Lord. May our deepest joy be to communicate the riches of His mystery. May we help all to discover Christ in the midst of their existence and find Mary as our Mother, Helper and model of Hope. Through Christ our Lord. [Art. 34]

Good Shepherd, may we be able to lead young people to an uplifting experience of ecclesial life. Through groups and movements, may we lead them to give their own flavour to the transformation of the world and history. May we inspire and enable young people to become apostles to their peers; for it is they who best can reach the seed of the Word of God in each young person’s heart. [Art. 35]

Together with young people, may we celebrate with joy and gratitude the encounter with Jesus in listening to his Word, in fervent prayer and in sacramental life. May they learn from us the importance of a living and committed participation in the sacraments of Penance and the Eucharist and may we always place the sacramental life at the foundation of all our educational activity. [Art. 36]

May we be sensitive but efficacious instruments for the discovery and development of the Gifts of the Spirit in the young. May our communities be places of welcome where the young are made to feel at home and enabled to discover their human and divine callings. May each one of us have confidence that our personal contact with the young will lead them to God. [Art. 37]