Daily Plan

Daily Plan

Personal plan of life: East Asia – Oceania region

1. Don Bosco

Souvenir of the spiritual retreat, prior to the celebration of my first Mass. The priest does not go to heaven or to hell alone. If he does God’s work he will go to heaven with the souls he has saved by his good example. If he has been a cause of scandal, he will go to perdition along with the souls that were damned through his scandal. Therefore I pledge myself to keep the following resolutions:

  1. Never go for a stroll unless for grave reasons like visiting the sick etc.

  2. To be very rigorous in the use of my time

  3. To suffer, work, humble myself in all things whenever it is a question of saving souls

  4. The charity and gentleness of Saint Francis de Sales are to be my guide

  5. I will always be satisfied with whatever food is presented to me, if not harmful to my health.

  6. I shall drink my wine always mixed with water, and then only to the extent that it will benefit my health

  7. Work is a powerful weapon against the enemies of the soul. Hence I shall no take more than five of six hours of sleep. I shall take no rest during the day, particularly after lunch. On in case of illness shall I make an exception to this rule.

  8. I shall set aside some time every day for meditation and spiritual reading. During the day I shall pay a brief visit to the Blessed Sacrament, or at least raise my heart in prayer. I shall spend at lest a quarter of an hour in preparation for Mass and another quarter of an hour in thanksgiving.

  9. I shall never indulge in conversations with women, except to hear their confession or when it is necessary for their spiritual welfare.

(BM I,385: Memoirs of the Oratory, English version; 1989 - p.171-172)

2. Dominic Savio

“Promises made by me, Dominic Savio, when I made my First Communion at the age of seven years:

  1. I will go often to Confession and I will go to Holy Communion as often as I am allowed.

  2. I will try to give the Sundays and Feast-days completely to God.

  3. My best friends will be Jesus and Mary

  4. Death, but not sin”.

These promises were the guiding light of his life until he died.

(Life of Dominic Savio, by Fr. John Bosco; 1857 – Chapter 3)


  • A tool of personal spiritual direction, to guarantee the continuity of growth

  • A tool of ongoing conversion: daily examination of conscience - confession – recollection – spiritual retreat) – to use it as an evaluation/assessment tool

  • Put it in my breviary, in my Bible ; friendly talk to the Rector (esp. Formandi)

  • Community building – sharing of my personal plan with my fellow confreres

4. Australia (AUL) – example of personal project of life

1. Human Formation


(*) Develop a healthy self-image, acknowledge personal gifts and accomplishments

(*) Develop communication and relational skills


(*) Create an environment that encourages openness to receive others, to hear and listen to one another

(*) Encourage a greater appreciation for personal and cultural diversity with gentleness, patience and firmness.

(*) Acknowledge and affirm the gifts and good qualities of others

2. Spiritual Formation


(*) Make sure there are quiet moments for personal reflection and reading each day

(*) See Spiritual Director and Counsellor regularly

(*) Rediscover our Salesian Spirituality


(*) Be at community prayer even if at times others are unable to be there

(*) Prepare well for opportunities to share reflections at the Community Eucharist and Days of Recollection

3. Intellectual Formation


(*) Make time to keep up to date in areas of interest (Scripture, Theology, Liturgy…)

(*) Prepare well and update classes and communications for staff especially the RE teachers


(*) Make others aware of workshops, seminars, literature for personal /professional updating

(*) Initiate conversations that encourage mutual sharing of social, political, theological issues

4. Pastoral-Educative Formation


(*) Visit others (especially the sick and elderly)

(*) Make time to be with young people and the staff


(*) Faithfully keep the days for Community Eucharist and Days of Recollection as opportunities to help keep our ministries in perspective

(*) Take special interest and care in confreres in formation and in the missions


(*) Begin and end each day in prayer and meditation

(*) Review and fulfil the plan and commitments of the day

(*) Seek and acknowledge something positive in others and in myself

(*) Clean my desk before retiring

(*) Make time for exercise and relaxation

1 Weekly Plan

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(*) Make a plan for the week

(*) Keep in touch with confreres in other communities, especially those in the missions

(*) Make time for relaxation, socialise, visit some one

(*) Answer any mail

(*) Prepare the homily for Sunday

(*) Clean my desk

2 Monthly Plan

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(*) Reconcile all personal finances and accounts for the bursar

(*) Check the monthly community calendar of events and personal commitments

(*) Clear my study and bed rooms of any “superfluities”

(*) Share by writing and being available

3 Plan for the Year

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(*) 2003 will focus on renewal and updating on Salesianity (PC15, Ratio, Preventive System, Salesian publications)

(*) 2004 - Liturgy

4 Three-Year Plan

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(*) Seek opportunities to attend short courses/seminars for personal formation (e.g., leadership, management, Biblical Studies, Salesianity, Theology)

(*) Get to know the confreres in the Province and the priests in the diocese

(*) Share by writing and being available

(*) Learn a skill (carpentry, wood carving, gardening)

4.1 Five-Year Plan

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(*) Learn another language (Italian or Spanish)

(*) Take opportunities for personal and community formation

(*) Share what has been given by contributing through writing and availing myself for others

5. Japan - (GIA) – example of personal plan of life

Life Motto:

FaithHopeLove (in God/with people) Asking God: What shall I do?

Honest Citizen & Human growth

  • Relate with people actively: everyday greetings, relationship with neighbors

  • Observe rules of our society : garbage, traffic lights, when driving

  • Environmental & social issues: Take interest, read & talk to people about them

  • Participate in the local social community – territory

  • Work and private time (Make a time table and observe it.)

  • Read books for knowledge. (Keep some time for reading.)

  • Health (Find time for exercise.)

Good Christian

  • Make my own the basic thought of Catholic Church: Value the teachings and traditions of the Church

  • Sacrament of reconciliation : to hear confession and to confess

  • Get to know Christ better : deepen the reading of the Bible

Good Salesian ( also as Rector)

 In conduct, be in union with my confreres. Guide towards pastoral discernment

(C 44: Salesian mission is entrusted to the community)

  • Deepen the reading of RM Letters: read & discuss RM lett - with the confreres.

  • Salesian news - be interested: Look into the www.sdb.org regularly; Invite the confreres to look into it.

  • Study the lives of Salesian Family saints, talk to the confreres about them.

  • Communication with confreres of the community. (good night talk or good-morning talk, fix a meeting of the confreres)

  • Be willing to meet with the confreres, to converse with them. (Participate in events of the province, invite others to participate.)

  • Keep a chronicle - journal of the local community (at least once a week).

Good Shepherd

You give them something to eat. (Mark 6,37)

  • Documents of the Church: read them , communicate them to the others.

  • Be willing to serve for others’ needs: especially sacraments, counseling.

  • Don’t make any preferences among people: Everyone is loved by God

  • Find more chance to be involved with the youth: chance for deeper conversation

  • Take the first step from myself to serve those in my charge.

6. Philippines - (FIN) – example of personal plan of life

Motto of salesian life:

Hoc fac et vives“ YES, LORD … until the end (Fidelity & Sanctity)




(Jesus- Mary Help of Christians – Don Bosco)

DUTY (Study, work, apostolate)

  1. Diligence and attention

  2. Keep the time well

  3. Punctuality

  4. Pray while working/ studying

  5. Efficiency & Responsibility

  6. Put the right intention

  7. Be a real contemplative in action

  8. Seek the spirituality not only the materiality of duty & studies


  1. Supportive and not make support himself

  2. Accept everyone as he is

  3. Be open to all

  4. Be joyful always

  5. Think always where you can give

  6. Set good example

  7. Avoid holding grudges

  8. Parlare bene di tutti, pensare bene di tutti, fare del bene a tutti, i

del male a nessuno“

PRAYER LIFE (piety, devotion)

  1. Maintain the presence of God

  2. Frequent visits to the Blessed Sacrament

  3. Fervent devotion to Mary

  4. Eucharist – the center of my day

  5. Confession – the center of my week

  6. Well worked meditation

  7. Personal recollection & silence in due moments

  8. Well prepared manifestation (friendly talk)

Before the first profession: program of sanctity (1975)

7. Regional Councilor – example of personal project

Year: 2007-2008 Focus of life: DA MIHI ANIMAS, COETERA TOLLE

Tutto a Gesù, Gesù a tutti! – Fr. Luigi Yeh (China + 1978)

The sources of my life energy-passion for Christ & compassion for the youth:

  • Answer to the call of Jesus: “Do you love me more than these other do?” (Jn 21,15)

  • Fixing my eyes on Don Bosco: prayer to Don Bosco and with Don Bosco: ‘Da mihi animas!’

  • Thanksgiving as the life-attitude with Mary – Mother (everybody and everything is a gift)

What takes away the energy – passion for Christ and compassion for the youth:

  • Lack of humility expressed in avoiding difficult tasks, persons or delaying actions, decisions

  • Lack of consistency & disorder in my work, reflection, effort, in following the project of RM


Growth in my answer to God’s call: consecrated for an evangelizing mission (LIGHT)

  1. Human growth – to become better instrument in His hands(1 Cor 3,6)

  • care about the physical health to serve better (ordinary sleep, basket, drink)

  • deepen the interest and human relationship before any ‘task oriented’ drive

  • answer faithfully to every call, card, Email, letter, wishes with care

  1. Spiritual growth – to become more united with my Master (John 15,5)

  • Be faithful to the Lectio divina according the Gospel of Luke, the Acts (Sunday journey )

  • Be faithful to the daily exam of conscience in the evening (thanksgiving; RM&council,…)

  • Be faithful to the biweekly confession and monthly recollection (pure in heart)

  1. Intellectual growth of the missionary awareness – educator to the faith (C 34)

  • Understand better our Charism (Memoirs of the Oratory; Savio-Magone-Besucco biography)

  • Understand better the cultures of EAO region (Chinese characters; Readings)

  • Understand more the evangelization – missiology (EAO regional project – event - animation)

  1. Missionary (educative-pastoral) growth – to become the light of the world (Mt 5,13-14)

  • Animate the Provincials, Rectors, Formators in the EAO region (especially care of Paranaque) with regular prayer, communications, sharing – embrace the diversity, remove biases!

  • Motivate ‘Da mihi animas’ centered life as the golden growth - conversion journey (Spend time on deepening the GC26 themes – Evangelization – Vocations – Poverty; FIRE – LIGHT)