Via della Pisana, 1111 – 00163 ROMA

Via della Pisana, 1111 – 00163 ROMA



1 The General Councillor for East Asia-Oceania Region

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SUMMARY – update until 2006.01.13 (9 Provinces, 1 Delegation)

Questionnaire on On-going Formation in the EAO Region

  1. The expectations from the EAO ongoing collaboration?


Precisely because we are dealing with the theme of “inculturation” it must be recognised that our region is made up of a variety of sometimes vastly different cultural and historical contexts. Not all materials prepared in one cultural context will “work” in a completely different context.

What seems to be most useful is to identify those confreres in the region who have particular expertise in various areas of Salesianity, and who are also good communicators. Depending on their other commitments, and such things as financial considerations, these people could possibly visit Provinces in the Region to offer retreats, conferences, seminars, etc.


  • Yes, the Centre and the Team could pool local experiences about the effort at inculturation.

  • Yes, but should be careful not to duplicate uselessly materials and experts already offered by the Ongoing Formation Centre in India.

  • The hope is that the regional collaboration does not add to the already heavy burden of work to be done, but somehow (miraculously?) helps to alleviate it.


  • To have a team of confreres or formators who could animate the confreres of the region in their ongoing formation. These formators will come from the various provinces of the region(Provincial)

  • To have a team of confreres that could help in the preparation of new rectors and in the regular ongoing formation of actual rectors in the region. This team could be the same one as cited above(Provincial)

  • To have a center, a place, in one of the provinces of the region for the animation of the confreres in their ongoing formation (Provincial)

  • It is high time the region gets its act together on the issue of ongoing formation. There are available resources both personnel and material. What is needed is focus, dedication, and commitment – plus a whole lot of political will – to get this off the ground (Manila – DBSC)


  • AGREE with: Foster the Inculturation process of the PSDB and sharing of Salesianity reflection – materials – experts(cfr. the Questionnaire)

  • commitment of provinces to send experts to form the EAO formation team;

  • deepening of salesian spirituality in the general and specific Asian contexts


  • Generally or theoretically speaking...they are limitless.

- For sporadic topics and few individuals…may be something can work.

But knowing and thinking in the real situation we are at the present, and also the possibilities for our near future, I prefer to move with the feet in the reality , and this is why, at least now, I prefer not to have for myself, and not to create for the my confreres as a whole in the province expectations (what we call:” illusions” ) not easy to be achieved and realized indeed as a whole.

In the meetings and sharing we have in our EAO region you can realize the

so many and big differences and gaps between the”chopsticks” using countries with their cultures, and the other ( fork-spoon-knife or hand using) countries and their cultures... All are so beautiful and attractive, but speaking in a concrete way, often so opposite, unique or very difficult to melt.

In EAO we are “regions inside the Region” with all the wonderful attractions

but also with all the painful consequences, too.


- Foster inculturation of the Preventive System

- Sharing of salesianity materials


- In the field of youth ministry: seminar or other formation chance


- Specially sharing of Salesianity reflection, materials, experts, coming from a Region Ongoing Formation Centre.


- Sharing of Salesianity reflection – material – expert

- Sharing the experience through meeting, website, magazine, book etc.


- I expect that such a collaboration is really beneficial to the inculturation of Don Bosco’s preventive system by sharing Salesian resources, materials and experiences.

  1. The needs felt in the field of ongoing formation? (if you can, specify!)


I would identify the following areas:

  • help in developing the theology and practice of Salesian prayer (cf Const 86.)

  • resources for specific dimensions of Salesian life: “mid-life crisis”; transition from one apostolate/community to another; dealing with the ageing process; dealing with the phenomenon of diminishing vocations.

  • Help in reflecting on the relationship between the Salesians and the local Church.

  • Help in reflecting on the ways in which Salesian life gives particular expression to the reality of consecrated life in the Church – to stress the fundamentals more and the “differences” between Salesians and other religious less.

  • Understanding the vocation of the Salesian brother.

  • How to deal with conflict and tension in a community. How to deal with “difficult people”.


  • Yes, to help the new rectors’ formation in the region.

  • Yes, to hold a triennial (!) regular course for rectors in the region.

  • Yes, to help the formation of formators.

  • Yes, to help the quinquennium encounter of young priests and brothers.

  • Yes, to help the formation delegate reflect on the initial formation process.

  • Yes, to produce syllabuses and course notes for the Salesianity Courses.


  • One need is the updating in the field of Salesianity. Another one is the formation of rectors, Economers, and spiritual moderators. Lastly, the specific formation of our salesian brothers (Provincial)

  • I personally believe that materials abound in and outside the congregation. What we need is a central “processing” and “integrating” office that would facilitate collation, editing, and eventual propagation of said materials. Bosconet has been doing that service to a large extent. But it has limited itself to mostly Salesianity-related issues. We need to do a similar thing in the areas of theology and the human and social sciences.

  • Formation of new rectors over the past years has been limited also to salesianity-related issues. What is sorely lacking is an integrated approach to ongoing formation. For example, there is a lacuna on the area of human relationships, on the psycho-social, spiritual dynamics of community living, on the emerging challenges that arise from the onslaught of postmodernism, and the consequent problems of moral relativism and subjectivism. I have the personal impression that in our ongoing formation sessions, all we do is rehash old concepts, repeat old paradigms, and perpetuate old misconceptions and myths, the most egregious of which is the false belief that theoretical inputs alone can answer for a multiplicity of problems in our communities. One issue that is well worth repeating here is what Australia mentions … How does one deal with so-called “difficult people?” As far as I can tell, no one has courageously dealt with the issue of “narcissism” and other potentially pathological issues in religious life both in and out of our congregation.


  • Agree with all suggestions + additional: renewal programs for the three stages of ongoing formation:

  • Second Novitiate for 20 or 25 years of religious profession;

  • Organized and directed Pilgrimages to Salesian Holy Places and/or the Holy Land;

  • Formation of Confessors and Spiritual Directors;

  • Preparation and updating of missionaries


- Almost all those said by the other and veteran provincials. Do we need to repeat what they have already said?


  • We need to help the Rectors and the formators...but rather than sending them abroad, it would easier and cheaper to bring someone from out side here. I can send two, three at most at any time... But, if done here, ALL could attend.


  • to help the bi-annual (?) regular course for the rectors in the region

  • to help the formation of the formators (of different stage of formation)

  • to help the formation delegation reflection in the initial formation process

  • to produce other useful formation materials

  • some help for the youth ministry


  • To help rectors especially at the beginning of their office

  • To help to prepare animators of spiritual retreats

  • To help Salesians involved in animation of initial formation


  • To help the new rectors formation

  • To help regular cause for the rectors in the provinces / in the region

  • To help the provincial seminars / retreat

  • To produce other useful formation materials


  • to help the (new) rectors’ formation in the provinces;

  • to update the rectors in the region;

  • to advance the formation of the EAO regional formators;

  • to renew the lay brothers in particular through the quinquennium encounters

  1. The material resources you can share with the other EAO Provinces?


In the Australian Province, the “Pastoral Animation Team”(PAT) has produced resources regarding the Strenna for 2006. The contact person is Fr Elio Capra.

The “Pastoral Animation Team” has produced other resources in recent years – on St Dominic Savio and on Youth Leadership.

The Formation Commission has updated the “scrutiny forms” used in vocational


The Provincial recently organised for an “unofficial” translation of a book by Vincent Mercante on the virtue of “meekness” (mansuetudine) in St Francis de Sales. It may be possible to make it available.


  • Everything is in Chinese and so not shareable, unless translated, but this is out of the question.

  • Local syllabus of Salesianity Courses for the various stages of formation


  • The school (Don Bosco Center of Studies) and residence as the center for ongoing formation in Manila (Provincial)

  • I personally believe that resources will arise when enough talented and motivated individuals are given the challenge, the time, the space, and the wherewithal to be able to produce. Now, if all we do is to allow ourselves to get caught in the rut of activity upon frenetic activity, in the false belief that unless one is “busy” with something, one is not being productive, resources won’t materialize. A team dedicated for the purpose ought to be made.


  • As mentioned: community day/recollection materials/conferences and local production of Salesianity formation materials (Don Bosco CLAY)

- Formation materials for initial formation

- YM materials on missionary contexts of evangelization and education


- I agree, what other “chopsticks” using provincials said on this topic.


- We are translating from other languages to ours. I myself am translating conferences for the Practical trainees and for the young Salesians (priests and brothers) in quinquennium (two every month). Of course, sometimes I add something to the translation to make it more contextual.

- We must translate to two languages; Tetum and Bahasa Indonesia.

- Locally made (Regionally made!) animation notes would be very useful.


- Sorry, no material resources available


- We can share only informal experiences, not yet materials


  • Local production of Salesianity formation and youth pastoral materials


The problem we face is that of language barrier. All material resources we have are in Vietnamese. We don’t prepare formation notes in other languages.

  1. The human resources you can share with the other EAO Provinces?


While I cannot speak about the availability of the following people at any particular time, they all have expertise which could be of value to the region:

  • Our new Provincial, Fr Frank Moloney, is a world-recognised Scripture Scholar.

  • Our previous Provincial, Fr Ian Murdoch, has specialised in Salesian studies.

  • Fr Elio Capra is a gifted presenter in the fields of liturgy and sacraments.

  • Fr Michael Court has extensive experience in Youth Retreats and in formation of educators.

  • Fr Frank Freeman has preached a number of Salesian retreats in the region and also in the United States, in recent years.

  • Fr Tim Costelloe has expertise in systematic theology, particularly the theology of the priesthood and the theology of Mary, and has also preached a number of retreats to religious in recent years.

  • A number of people have experience in forming lay collaborators, especially in the field of education: Fr John Papworth, Fr John Prest, Fr Michael Court.


- Sharing of personnel is hampered by the fact that this personnel holds posts of responsibility (Provincial, Rector, etc.) and so one cannot leave one’s post even for a short time without giving the impression of “irresponsibility”.

- Strictly speaking, we have no expert in Salesianity, unless one-year course (at Berkeley, for example), makes one an expert.

- Three or four preachers of Spiritual Retreats, but in broken English, not in Queen’s English…


  • Professors and formators who are qualified in catechetics, youth ministry, psychology and education(Provincial)


  • Each province commits to send confreres for special studies on Salesianity, spiritual direction, crisis intervention other relevant fields in on-going formation: to continuously create a pool of competent confreres for the province and for the region.


  • May be several confreres for “short period” services or collaborations. All of them are veteran missionaries.


- No experts in salesianity.

- No preachers. Every year we have to look for preachers around the world

- No one really specialized in any field: Bible, Morals, History...

- Our best people are the brothers with engineering and a Masters in Education (Marcal and Ephrem)


- Preachers of the Retreat,some other resource persons: Fr. Henry Bonetti (Vicar)


- We are not yet in a position to offer experts to other provinces being the Delegation very short of personnel


  • Salesianity:Fr. Joseph Banchong; Fr. Peter Niphon

    • The preachers of the Spiritual Retreat in English(Fr. Francis Cais;Fr. Ceferino Ledesma;Fr. Joseph Banchong)

    • Other resource persons for ongoing formation

Consecrated life: Fr. Patrick Maccioni

Youth ministry: Fr. Leo Ochoa

Theology: Fr. Francis Cais

Moral: Fr. Joseph Banchong


  • At this moment, the provincial list of “experts” in spirituality in Vietnam is very, very short. It is not easy for me to find among the Vietnamese Salesians a preacher with a language skill for the spiritual retreats. On the other respects such as catechesis, philosophy or theology, the province has to face with the scarcity of personnel. At the same time, those who are qualified are overloaded with many responsibilities and tasks.

  1. Some small projects – experiences within the EAO – already realized?


We have been running for a number of years an annual Rectors’ Conference. It normally lasts two days. This year’s theme was “The Role of the Rector” with input given by local Salesians. Last year the Rector Major conducted the Conference, following a similar theme. Previously we have focussed on such themes as “The New Ratio”, dealing with difficult people in community, preparing for the next Provincial Chapter.

In response to the issue of sexual abuse, a series of seminar days was organised with input from experts in the area.


- Invitation of speakers/preachers for provincial seminars/retreats, in the past normally from India (Fr. Chrys), now from the Philippines (Fr. Gustilo) and Thailand (Bishop Prathan, another Father).

- Celebration of CIN centennial anniversary together with Confrere past-pupils from other provinces.


  • Specific formation of salesian brothers(Provincial)

  • The Don Bosco Center of Studies in Paranaque, Philippines has a lot of potentials. Even if the resident professors are not always in a position to offer the needed expertise, there is a lot of possibilities in terms of networking with available resources, both local and foreign, for certain topics and areas, principally on the area of theology, spirituality, and pastoral ministry (DBCS)


- “The Spirituality week” for all Salesian Family members.

- As this year will be the “know, love, make Don Bosco known” year, we invited

a specialist on Don Bosco from the UPS(Fr.Aldo Giraudo) to preach in the spiritual retreat and to give all the Salesians and family members some short courses on Don Bosco(Sept 15-28).

- Since this year, we are trying to get that all the Salesians, individually but under the “coertion-control” of the Rector, have a “two-days-research period” on certain themes proposed by the provincial with the formation commission.

It must be done outside the own community, the date is chosen in dialogue with the Rector and every salesian must spend 2 nights 3 days if possible in a formation house, and prepare and present a report to be put on the internet.


I am inviting for this year from Australia but also from Portugal....

Because the new language challenge in East Timor: Portugues!.

Before, we have had from the Philippines, Japan.


- Biannual meeting of young priest in quinquennium of GIA/ KOR Provinces

- Invitation of speakers/ preachers for the provincial seminars/retreats


- English language studies in Manila-Paranaque (FIN) since 1998 until now


- We received good number of times Salesians from FIN for youth ministry seminars and animation of Annual Spiritual Retreat


- Invitation to Fr. Freeman (AUL)as a preacher for annual retreat on April, 2006

- AUL province has sent volunteers to teach English for Aspirants, Prenovices and Postnovices (January – March, 2006)


  • I hope the summer English schools for the postnovices in Vietnam to be continued with more improvements (Annual monthly intensive English course held in Dalat since 2003 every June – with help of FIN, FIS confreres)

  1. Some useful ways of sharing the experience/ materials within EAO?


  • Make full use of electronic means of communication: eg. making “powerpoint” presentations available.

  • Sharing of Province magazines: eg. the Australian “Link” magazine.

  • Structure the Formation Delegates’ Meetings in such a way as to facilitate this kind of sharing of resources.

  • Appoint someone in the region with both the time and the expertise to act as a “gathering and disseminating” person for material, particularly electronically.


- Through the bi-annual (!) meeting of Provincial Delegates of Formation, pooling all local material that is deemed useful also for other provinces.


  • Newsletter and website (Provincial)


  • On-line sharing: already started through the regional resource website BOSCONET ( - agree

  • Exchange of local materials: community level, provincial level – agree

  • Through the annual meeting of Provincial Delegates on Formation - agree


  • May be through regular meetings of those specialized in certain topics.

  • Our sharing is not so much done with the Region, because of the language.

But it is frequently done with the members of the SF in this country


- We are still far! We are still trying to create the communication.

- This year we have started among us with the Newsletter. (=Link) We have a printed already the firts edition/...Very poor, by the way, and hoping to improve.


  • Especially through online sharing and frequent meeting of Delegates of Ongoing formation


  • On – line sharing: through the regional resource website BOSCONET.

  • Through the annual meeting of Provincial Delegates on Formation.

  • Exchange of local materials – translated into English.


I highly appreciate the regional website BOSCONET. It offers a lot of useful materials. It advances the sense of belonging. Nevertheless, my exchange of local materials for the benefits of others is largely hindered by the language barrier.

I wonder how much beneficial a regular printed “magazine” with the different experiences is among the EAO regional Salesians unless they are really acquainted with English.

I think that the annual meeting of provincial delegates on formation will bring some spiritual and Salesian vitality

  1. Some concrete suggestions for the beginning of EAO collaboration?


  • Appoint a Coordinator for this purpose.

  • Make as widely available as possible information on what the various Provinces can offer within their own province to Salesians from the region. Ie. Study centres, retreat centres, etc.


  • We take advantage of Centres of Study in Manila and Melbourne


  • Memorandum of agreement (MOA) among the provincials on some decisions made during the meeting with the regional Councilor(Provincial)


  • In the beginning we need at least two confreres who are able to help within the Region (reasonable preparation and free time for reflection and journey).

  • The Don Bosco Center of Studies – Manila, Paranague is good for the beginning


  • To think and to have several possibilities without boundaries.

  • If possible, let us not create new “must”s (new obligations )for the provincials nor for the province. (collaboration vs. obligation ?)


  • We are suggesting a Centre of formation for the post-novitiate of the salesian brothers in Dili. But if the language continues to be portuguese... I see it very difficult.


  • Suggesting the YM Delegates meeting every second year


  • There is a real need to start a Salesian Ongoing Formation Center similar to those already existing in other regions. The site can be Manila and starting with very few people, maybe two, becoming little by little full time Salesians for this purpose.


  • In the beginning we propose Don Bosco Center of Studies, Manila to be the Center of EAO collaboration since it already established formation facility with well prepared staff in the formation field.


  • I myself welcome some initiatives to launch the EAO collaboration. However, I still have some hesitations. Generally, the qualified Salesians of EAO region are so heavy with tasks and responsibilities. I don’t deny that the EAO region has some already established formation centers. That sounds good. However, other aspects should be paid attention. The clearly different standard of life among the countries within the EAO region can expose some important challenges.

8. Economical solidarity to implement this collaboration?


- Long-live AUL for the wonderful low-cost and free-of-charge BOSCONET service!

Pooling of material in English should not demand special expenses, beyond the expenses of local production, re-production, and mailing (if not brought by hand at the bi-annual meeting). Solidarity in meeting these expenses is welcome.

Travel costs for the bi-annual meetings can be shouldered by the travelers themselves; travel costs of invited speakers is shouldered by the inviting province.


  • A provincial writes to the other provincials when the need arises(Provincial)

  • Money is always a sensitive issue to talk about. But we simply have to put our money where our mouth is. It is to be presupposed that all SDBs consider themselves not only stakeholders in this venture, but also stockholders. There has to be a common purse for the purpose and communal sharing for the same, if we are to advance a common dream (Manila – DBCS)


- The provincials agree on a socialized (according to capacity and generosity) yearly (quarterly) contribution for the operational expenses of the EAO group or center;

-The provinces patronizes the programs conducted (generate income through the fees collected)


  • Cooperation based on the real basis of the courses, and the rendiconto at the provincials meetings


  • We would like to contribute.


- We are open to collaborate though we are poor.


  • Provide funding from EAO Provinces.

9. Some other concrete suggestions for collaboration in this field


- Our urgent need is to be informed of time and place of quinquennium ongoing formation activities in English for new priests and brothers, so that we may send our one or two priests and brothers in this formation phase to take part.


- All prognostications and studies show that in the coming decades, only three languages will prevail all over the world: English, Chinese (Mandarin), and Spanish. I suggest that the non-English speaking provinces in the region take serious steps to make English the de facto lingua franca for everyone in the region. Vietnam has to be commended for taking that bold step with their Summer English program.

The available personnel resources ought to be given the greater possibility for mobility and exchange within the region. Provinces ought to begin to think global and think Asian. (Manila – DBCS)


- Prayers


  • To set up a mobile Team who are expert in Salesianity, Spirituality, youth ministry, catechism, teaching Social communication, moving around to organize seminar for the province / region.



On-Going Formation in EAO Region:2006-summary