Rectors formation|The Courage to Lead: Inner Landscape of Salesian Rector's Spiritual Mission

The Courage to Lead: Inner Landscape of Salesian Rector's Spiritual Mission

| what we mean by

| courage

| | from L thru Fr

| | 'coeur' heart

| | | cf.

| | | Don Bosco

| | | | expressed in

| | | | MO

| | | | | showing

| | | | | models: mother, Calosso, Cafasso...

| | | | | | which find expression in

| | | | | | The Oratory

| | | | | | | through which he develops

| | | | | | | a distinctive style of spiritual accompaniment: not the classical model of disciple seeking master but the Good Shepherd seeking his sheep

| | | | visible in

| | | | The Oratory

| | | cf. Fr. Chavez

| | | 'taking heart'

| | | |

| inner landscape: making space for the soul

| | | | inner work focused on

| | | Rector's 3-fold task: charismatic, pastoral, fraternal

| | | | | | inner work

| | | | | | inner landscape

| | | | | | expressed in

| | | | | | a personal rule of life

| lead

| | from L thru Fr

| | 'conducteur' guide of souls

| | | cf.

| | | Francis de Sales

| | | | use of word 'assistance' in

| | | | Philothea

| | | | | +

| | | | | Intro to DL

| | | | (The Oratory, cf Don Bosco)

| | | | visible in

| | | | spiritual guidance of souls