Salesian School Charter

Charter for Salesian Schools in Australia


In keeping with the spirit of Saint John Bosco, whereby “education is largely a matter of the heart” that leads young people to “know that they are loved”, the Salesian school community of today is challenged to be:

  • A home that welcomes

  • A parish that evangelises

  • A school that prepares for life

  • A playground where friends meet and enjoy themselves

A home that welcomes by:

  • Being committed to the care and support of all young people, especially the poor and marginalised

  • Cultivating relationships based on genuine affection, openness and acceptance of others

  • Fostering a spirit of joy and hope, based on the ‘Good News’ of Jesus Christ

  • Encouraging an attitude of optimism and a conviction that life is fundamentally worthwhile

A parish that evangelises by:

  • Having a strong and vibrant programme of religious education, liturgical celebration and sacramental encounter

  • Addressing the spiritual yearnings of young people and adults

  • Giving priority to the faith development and formation of staff

  • Providing students with significant experiences of faith in action and apostolic involvement

A school that prepares for life by:

  • Encouraging a passion for life-long learning and a quest for excellence

  • Developing a sense of meaning and purpose, which expresses itself in a spirit of service and self-giving

  • Proclaiming the challenge of community building, commitment to others and responsible decision-making

  • Cultivating resilience, resourcefulness and adaptability as important skills for life

A playground where friends meet and enjoy themselves by:

  • Being present to each other in an active, engaging and constructive manner, in fidelity to the Salesian Preventive System

  • Building positive and inclusive relationships between each other

  • Having a rich experience of interaction and sharing, especially between students and staff

  • Creating occasions for celebration and festivity

Faithful to the tradition of Saint John Bosco, the Salesian school community is constantly challenged to re-interpret and re-enliven his educational vision in every generation and circumstance, according to the requirements of the contemporary situation and the needs of young people, to whom he once said: “I have only one wish: that you be happy in this world and the next.

Formulated at the Salesian Leaders Conference

Melbourne, Australia

March 2003