Volunteer Magazine Online

Volunteer Magazine Online

1 Pages 1-10

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VC roo slsui nng Ftreo netri esr s
of Don Bosco

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VC roo slsui nng Ftreo netri esr s
Issue # 1
Table of contents
Pg. 3 Gospel Roads III - An Experience that Changed my life!
Pg. 6 I want to become a Volunteer
Pg. 8 Service a way to promote vocations
Pg. 10 Volunteer at Richmond
Pg. 12 Letter from India
Pg. 13 The Missionary Reflection-Prayer
Katrina Frank and Catarina Florio, participants of our winter Mission
trip 2011 Gospel Roads II in Tijuana Mexico, with two children from
“La Lupita” Oratory; they had finished painting and were having a little
bit of fun with the camera!
Salesian Missionary Animation
Fr. Leo Beysinger
Ms. Pat Rico
Salesian Volunteers - making the difference!

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Dear Salesian Family,
This is our first attempt to create
our Salesian Volunteer Magazine
“Crossing Frontiers”; God will-
ing we will publish this magazine
two times each year. The main
goal is to promote the volunteer
program among our communities
and to empower young people to
say, “Yes”, to join Don Bosco’s
mission “Da Mihi Animas, Cetera
Tolle”. "Give me souls take away
everything else!"
This year the Salesian congrega-
tion has dedicated all the mission-
ary efforts to promote the volun-
teer programs at the world wide
level. This is a blessing for us,
because our province has chosen
the same goal of promoting the
volunteer program.
In this edition you will find really in-
teresting articles written by our own
young people. Please use the articles
as resources and share this magazine
with all the youth who are part of
your oratory. We hope that this sto-
ries will move those who read them
to get closer to God, and to give
themselves to serve him.
I hope you enjoy this magazine!
In Don Bosco
Juan Carlos Montenegro
Salesian Mission Delegate
Presently we have six young peo-
ple who are working in our prov-
ince as a volunteers. Keep them in
your prayers so they persevere in
their apostolic work, and let’s also
pray that God may bless us with
more volunteers for our province.

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Gospel Roads III
Gospel Roads Missionaries
enjoining a field trip
By Marc Meehan
Today is the day after returning
from Tijuana. I am fighting off a
cold, still very tired, but happy to
be back with my community. Each
of the past ten days are ones I will
never forget. They have been for
me an experience of incredible
learning and closeness with God.
In this trip I have grown in my own
spirituality and views of the world
in incredible ways. Ways like the
inspiration I found in the Austrian
missionaries, finding God in places
I would not have looked before and
having my eyes opened to issues
of social justice. This has been my
first missionary experience and this
is what I take back home with me.
My missionary experience started
out right as I arrived to the Salesian
residence in Tijuana, late Sunday
night around midnight. As we ar-
rived we were met by the Austrian
missionaries who have volun-
teered a year of their life to the
mission in Tijuana. While getting
to know these missionaries, Dan,
Dominic, Fanny, and Cristoph,
I discovered that as they turned
eighteen they were given a year
to decide whether they would join
the Austrian Armed Services for
six months or join a missionary
service for one year. Going against
the popular choice of joining the
military, they instead are giving a
full year of their lives’ in the ser-
vice of others. Later I found out
that if they had joined the military,
they would have been paid a great
deal. Instead by joining a mission
service they only have their bare
essentials paid for. From their ex-
ample alone, of trusting God with
their lives’ and work for a year, I
was inspired.
Even though I had researched the
place I was going, I had many
fears. As we explored Tijuana, I
came to see that any danger was no
different than the danger I would
have encountered on the streets
of my own city of Los Angeles.
This fact particularly hit me as we
served 700 meals to the homeless
on the third day of the trip. I was
going around a line of hundreds of
people, saying, "Hola” and “Como

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An experience that changed my life!
estas?" to them and some other ing to get back to the United States
words in my broken Spanish,
where his wife and two children
and I had stopped to
were waiting for him. Af-
talk to one person.
ter we said, "adios"
As we talked, an-
at the front door, I
other man, short,
could not describe
stocky, shaven
myself as feeling
bald, covered
anything more
in tattoos with
a dodger blue
than shocked. I
Florencia 13
felt such a love
shirt came up to
for life in being
me from the line
able to find and meet
and said quite con-
God in this other hu-
frontationally, "Hey
man being who back in
white boy, what are
you doing here?" For
Talia Firpo serving a
homeless person
the States I would have
gone out of my way to
those of you who do
avoid. It was an experi-
not know the gangs of Los Ange- ence I will never forget.
les, Florencia Trece is among the
most notorious. I told him that I What a great way to help young peo-
was a missionary with the Sale- ple grow in their relationship with
sians at the shelter. He then said God! What a great way to fulfill our
something along the lines of why call to serve the poor! It amazes me
am I not somewhere else working when I hear that the Salesians are the
and me being a typical smart-alec largest missionary presence in the
said "Well, it's kind of far and I am world. I can now clearly see why it
feeling a bit lazy to walk all that was beautiful for me to see how the
way." At that, this man with such other young people who attended the
a tough looking attitude began to trip grew through their work and re-
laugh. After a long while of us talk- flections, and in their relationships
ing more and him explaining some with God. This trip has helped me in
of his tattoos to me he shared his my own vocation. It has reaffirmed
experience, one similar to most of me in my faith, and strengthened my
the people in that line – an expe- call to service as a Salesian. Most
rience of being deported and try- importantly through this experience

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I met a new example of
Don Bosco in a Salesian
priest who I can truly re-
late too, and I now can see
that this life for me is pos-
sible. It would take work
but it would be worth it. I
am taking back home with
me a new confidence and
hope; the confidence to
Caterina Florio and Mark Meehan sharing time with continue being who I am
children from Tijuana
trying to be, and the hope
to continue believing it is
possible. This has been my first missionary experience. I feel that it will
not be my last. I thank God for this experience and this incredible blessing
in my life!
I want to become a Volunteer
By Reymundo Gomez
Hello, my name is Reymundo Go-
mez. I am 18 years old and I am a
member of Saint Dominic Savio’s
parish. I have been coming to the
youth group, more or less, for a
year. I recently attended SLYC,
“Salesian Youth Leadership Con-
ference”, and learned a lot of en-
riching leadership qualities along
with spiritual empowerment. I am
currently a youth leader at my par-
ish along with eight other leaders.
We plan and give talks to the youth
of all ages in our Youth Ministry.
The reason why I decided to Ti-
juana is because I felt that I can do
something to help our brothers and
sisters in across the border.
We left for Tijuana December 26,
2010. As we arrived I had some
clue of what to expect from my
past experience three weeks prior
to this trip. I was really excited to
be back among the volunteers and
the priests. I felt like I was at home,
they are so welcoming and they
make you feel a part of their com-
munity. This experience was some-
thing that I will remember for the
rest of my life.
Something that I really liked was
our lunchtime. We were invited to

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eat with the families of the neigh-
borhood. They opened their homes
and that really touched me, because
they didn’t have much, but the lit-
tle that they have they shared with
us. Having the chance to eat with
the families and talk to them about
their life was really cool, and to be
able to see how much faith they
have was really heart warming.
They had to be the nicest people
I’ve ever met.
We worked at different oratories.
Our work consisted of manual la-
bor as well as working with the
kids and their families. I really got
a sense of a strong "Salesian Sprit"
among the communities of the ora-
This experience has really changed
my view of the world. Even though
we have everything here in the U.S
we still complain, because we don’t
have the nicest car, or latest game
system. We get so consumed by
this materialistic point of view that
we truly forget how blessed we are.
This trip has made me realize how
blessed I am in my life just to have a
roof over my head, and I appreciate
everything more than I did before
my experience. During this trip I
confirmed that serving people, as a
missionary is my calling from God.
I have already started my formation
to be a volunteer. I am open to go
wherever God needs me.
Missionaries sharing the table
Group picture at
San Jose Oratory
Tacos “El Tio”- A parishioner
cooking for the missionaries
View from St. Dominic Savio
Oratory Chapel

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Service a way to promote vocations
By Juan Carlos Montenegro
To put together a pastoral activity
in any of our communities is not
that difficult. This article presents
several steps that we should take
into consideration upon putting to-
gether an apostolate activity.
Before the activity takes place it is
important to contact the program
and the people or organization that
we will be working with. While
reading this article, you will have
the opportunity to see how actual
volunteering is put into practice.
For example: Let’s say that we
want to do something for Decem-
ber 24th. The first thing that we do
is find an organization that will be
willing to welcome us on that day.
In this case, we called “His Nesting
Place” a Pro-life Christian shelter
who gives single mothers the op-
portunity to keep their babies in-
stead of having an abortion.
If the organization is willing to wel-
come the group, it is important to
set a meeting so the following top-
ics can be discussed:
• What are the organization’s ex-
• Share our expectations… and
see if they meet with the orga-
nization’s expectations
Carolina Cormack served on Christmas
at His Nesting place
• What time is the program going
to take place?
• What do we need to bring?
• How many people are involved?
Once these questions are answered,
it is time to create an internal plan.
We call the young people who will
be sharing the leadership responsi-
bilities of the project. We explain
the organization’s expectations,
and we proceed to set a goal that
can be achievable. When we have a
clear goal we move to the next step
which is "brainstorming" to see
how we can meet our goal.
When we have enough ideas we
choose one or two that will help us
to achieve the goal. Based on these

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ideas we create action steps.
When everybody knew what they
Example, in His Nesting Place proj- were doing, it was easy to have ev-
ect we called some young adults erything prepared before December
who could be involved with the 24th, the scheduled day to visit His
project, some of the ideas that came Nesting Place.
out of the brainstorming were:
Up to this point, this technique is
• Create an oratory evening at the the same that any organization uses
to create an "activity". Now how
• Bring Pan-dulce for the little can we make it Salesian?
• Bring Piñatas
On December 24th we met the
• Have trivia contest with the young people who would be par-
mothers and children
ticipating in this Pastoral Event.
• Buy pizza for everybody
We studied the word of God, we
• Bring arts and crafts for the prayed and we shared our feelings
before going to the event. We made
• Bring gifts for the children
sure that young people understood
that what they were doing was our
Once we have all these ideas we Christian responsibility. We were
strategies them and created action going to visit Jesus in the most
steps which were assigned among needy.
our young person so they
were responsible to make
them happened. Next we
set an activities chronogram
stating times and due dates
to have everything com-
pleted and prepared. Once
this was cleared, we set an-
other meeting to check how
things were going and see if
the youth, needed helping
planning or completing the
Mothers holding their Nativity craft

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While in the activity, we
the youth ministers, try
to be present to them. We
accompany them while
they are sharing time with
the children and mothers.
Once the activity is ended,
we gather again and we ask
the them to express their
feelings. We ask them to
share with us where they
Free to clown with Salesian friends
saw Christ. This last re-
flection is the most impor-
tant, because here we give
them the opportunity to think, reflect, and learn from what they just did. If
we don’t have these reflections, it becomes a nice activity that made them
feel good, but has no connections with God and who they are.
These short missionary experiences will help our young people to culti-
vate a missionary heart that will make the difference in our community
and eventually in our society. This is how St. John Bosco worked, he
engaged young people in his dreams, and he empowered them to become
agents of change…
What's a party without a "Piñata"?

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Volunteer at Richmond!
By Roberto Rios
pensation. So, a person does not
look for any payment or reward but
At the time when I finally decided does it for the love of God and love
to do some type of volunteering, I or their neighbor.
had a wonderful job, some pretty
good friends, and a very support- Currently, I am working at the
ive family. Everything was going Salesian High School in Rich-
good with my life, and I felt that mond, California and living with
God had given me many incredible the Salesian Religious Community
gifts of which I had become very that oversees the operation of their
grateful for. So, I started thinking High School, and the Boys and
of some way in which I could try to Girls Club. I have felt very com-
pay God back for all the talents and fortable and welcomed by the Sale-
abilities he has bestowed upon me sians here. I share in the Commu-
(although I know that I could never nity prayer life as well as the social
repay all the caring and deep love life and the meals. The Salesians
God has given to me).
who live in the community are very
good examples of how happy one
By doing some volunteering I got could be in sharing in the minis-
some good experience which has try of working with youth, and of
made me more conscious regarding those young people who are very
the love of God, which is infinite as much in need of help and guidance.
well as always free. God is always By sharing in this youth ministry
giving you his love no
matter what you do and
no matter where you are.
It is always totally free;
It does not cost you any-
thing. You just receive
his love and that is all you
have to do. Therefore, I
really believe that people
should do something for
somebody without any
expectations, without
getting any kind of com-
Bro. Ricardo Ramos and Roberto Rios tutoring
children after school

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every day I have come to realize
that working with youth can be a
blessing because you are given the
chance to give them both physical,
mental as well as moral support.
You can show by your good exam-
ple, your advice and your cheerful-
ness how much you care for them
and support them. By talking to the
Salesian here I have found out that
serving others is not difficult at all,
as people might think. It becomes a
pleasure in so many ways.
The volunteer program has also
given me the time and the space
to think about my own life. It has
given me the time to meditate about
my own future, and the aspects in
my own life that might need chang-
ing, or the decisions I need to make
in order to improve myself and be-
come a better person, and a more
dedicated Christian.
My duties as a Salesian volunteer
at the Salesian High School calls
me to collaborate with the Campus
Ministry to plan activities for the
students. This also includes stu-
dent retreats. I also act as a student
service liaison with the
Boys and Girls Club, pro-
moting and facilitating
the students tutoring and
coaching services at the
Boys and Girls Club.
Having fun after doing
Fr. Chris Woerz tutoring a children in math

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Letter from India...
By Minh Mai
Things are harder now than when I
had last written to you. Things are
harder because I am currently not at
the school, and not with my children
right now. The school is on winter
holiday so all the kids went home,
and Kristina (my site partner) and
I are traveling through India. The
traveling has been great. We have
been to Calcutta and saw Mother
Teresa’s tomb, Chennai, where we
saw the tomb of St. Thomas the
Apostle, Kerala the land of coconut
trees and Bangalore a very west-
ernized city. Not being with my
children makes being in India and
being so far from my family and
friends a lot harder to bear. Also,
just being far from family during
the holidays is hard….Not going
to midnight mass with my fam-
ily on Christmas, not being able to
be there when everyone open their
presents on Christmas morning,
and not counting down the New
Year with my family are all hard.
And there are moments when I feel
like, "why am I here in India and
not with my family right now?" But
then, those are also the moments
when I can feel God there with me,
comforting me, and reminding me
that the kids are the reason why I
am here, the reason why He called
me to be here. And, if He wanted
me to be here, then this is where I
need to be…..There are moments
of doubt—self-doubt— moments
of weakness, but God has always
been there to be the strength that I
need to get past those moments of
doubt and reaffirm His calling in
my heart.
Every day, even though I get more
sleep, I miss the children, and I feel
like not using sign language for the
past couple of weeks, I’m getting
rusty! I hope the children can still
understand me when I get back….I
miss the way some of the kids will
just jump on my back and slowly
slide down to my lap until they’re
sitting or lying comfortably on my
lap, or the way some of the kids will
fall asleep on my lap while watch-
ing T.V. after a long day of study-
ing and playing, or the way they
run to hold my hands after school
because they haven’t seen me in a
couple of hours.
Children from Ferrando Speech &
Hearing Centre in India

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At the beginning of September
I felt like this was going to be a
long year of hard work, and now
after completing 4 months I can’t
believe how fast time has passed.
Now, I can’t imagine having to say
goodbye to my children and get on
that plane home. I can only hope
and pray that everyone is doing
well there.
I leave you with these words of Don
Bosco, “It is not enough to love the
young, they must know that they
are loved.” That is what I’m trying
to do here, and I hope you will do
the same wherever you are!
The Missionary Reflection-
By Fr. Steve Ryan, SDB
“One day at a time” is such a trite
phrase that we can hear as a spiritu-
al “practice” or motto in a sermon
or good night. The fact of the mat-
ter is: we really have trouble living
only one day at a time in the pres-
ent moment. That’s because we
are too full of our own ideas, plans,
schemes, and too preoccupied with
our own agenda.
But, our Lord is there to help us
to really take JUST one day at the
time and to make it a day to love
and serve. It’s really the only day
we’ve got, because tomorrow is a
gift that is not guaranteed and yes-
terday does not exist anymore. To-
day we woke up so let’s do it!
How does this relate to our present
life situation?. We are somewhat
spinning out of control with work
and problems, and even our own
fears of the future and self-doubts.
What can we do?
• Live in the present moment
• Be calm-go with the flow
• Do the next loving thing (St.
Francis de Sales)
• Focus on the person in front of
you. Don’t get too far ahead of
• And pray! Pray like mad!
Feeling insecure about the future
and somewhat helpless and desper-
ate about where God is leading us
is completely normal. It is the hu-
man experience.
My Lord, we ask you to help us to
understand what we celebrate at
Christmas-to make God’s love in-
carnate. We ask you to help us to
be humble, to live a life of service
knowing that in the uncertainty and
insecurity you are always there for
us, to make our life a witness that

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you are the #1 thing!
So now, what the heck are we get-
ting worked up about the future.
We’ve chosen only you as our fu-
ture. Nothing else but you. Why
are we worried all of a sudden about
things we can’t control?
leave everything in God’s hands!
Stop worrying. All will be well!
Jesus, only you, only you, only
you, only you. You are our secu-
rity our strength and our future.
Help us to let the rest go! Give
us the streght to give ourselves to
So, please, let’s do our best and Amen.
Summer Volunteer Opportunities
arround the province...
We are looking for camp counselors in the following locations, for more
information, please contact us.
Salesian Boys & Girls Club -- San Francisco, CA
Corpus Christi Summer Camp -- San Francisco, CA
Camp St. Francis - Aptos, CA -- Overnight Camp
Salesian Youth Center Camp -- Los Angeles, CA
Camp Savio -- Bellflower, CA
San Luis Rey Camp -- Laredo, TX

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For more information please visit our web site at