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The Founding and Early Expansion of the
Salesian Work in the San Francisco Area
from Archival Documents
Part II: Early Expansion (1897-1910)
by Arthur J. Lenti, SDB
n his Mission Memoir, Father Raphael Piperni, after describing the found-
ing of the Salesian work in San Francisco at the church of SS. Peter and
Paul in the North Beach district, gives the following compressed account
of the first enlarging of the circle of Salesian activity.
At the so-called "farmers' gardens" of Mission Street, out of the city, on the way
to San Mateo, Jived numerous Italian immigrants almost totally deprived of pas-
toral care. Toward the end of 1897, with the archbishop's consent and on land
donated by him, work began on a church for them. It was located on Croke Street,
as it was then called, and it was named Corpus Christi by the archbishop [Richard
P. Riordan].1
1 Piperni, Mission Memoir, p. 2. The Archive of the Salesian Province of San
Francisco holds three typewritten memoirs authored by Father Piperni. The first
memoir ( 12 pages) describes his career by stages up to 1906. The second memoir (7
pages) describes the beginning of the Salesian work in San Francisco, the earthquake
and the reconstruction. [Mission Memoir] This memoir was written no earlier
than 1914, the date of the last entry. He authored a third and longer memoir, also bio-
graphical in character, in which he describes his activities (chiefly fund raising) , as a
priest of the Work of the Holy Family of Nazareth.
William Patrick Riordan, born in 1841 in New Brunswick, Canada, attended No-
tre Dame University, the North American College in Rome, and the University of
Louvain, where he earned a Master of Theology degree and was ordained in 1865. Af-
ter serving as professor of theology at the seminary of St. Mary of the Lake, Chi-
cago, and as pastor at Woodstock, Joliet and Chicago, Illinois, in 1883 he was named
coadjutor bishop of San Francisco with right of succession. He succeeded Archbishop
Joseph Sadoc Alemany in 1885. Archbishop Riordan's achievements as leader of the
Catholic Church in northern California are too numerous to mention. Among them,
the founding of St. Patrick's Seminary in Menlo Park and of Newman Clubs on Cali-
fornia's university campuses testify to his pastoral concern, as does his abiding
commitmen t to the care of immigrants. Archbishop Riordan died in 1914 and was

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This is how pioneer Father Piperni describes the first development of the
Salesian work. Barely a year had elapsed since its founding at SS. Peter and Paul
in early 1897 before the first expansion took place, Corpus Christi church on the
city's southern outskirts. A few years later, in 1902, a longer step was taken
with the establishment of a Salesian community in the East Bay, to undertake
the spiritual care of Portuguese and other immigrants at St. Joseph's Church in
Oakland. Father Michael Rua, the Salesian Rector Major, in response to Arch-
bishop Riordan 's repeated requests wrote:
The group of Salesian missionaries assigned to [St. Joseph's Portuguese Church
in] Oakland is on its way at long last. Great difficulties were experienced in the
process [of assembling a suitable team], but they were overcome with God's
help. The bearer of the present letter, the Very Rev. Father Michael Borghino,
will be the superior. He is one of our veteran missionaries and can speak Portu-
guese, having served in Brazil for a number of years. The Rev. Father Joseph
Galli, lately from Portugal, is also in the group. He should be very valuable to
the mission.2
Thus another chapter in the story began to be written.
In an earlier article,3 I have attempted to tell the story of the first founding
by transcribing and translating pertinent documents (chiefly correspondence) from
the Central Salesian Archive. In this second article (Part II. Early Expansion) I
propose to pursue the same course. As I mentioned in Part I , the Central
Salesian Archives have recently released the fi les of the Rua rectorate (1888-
1910) on some 1,750 microfiches.4 These files were drawn upon for the earlier
article; they will also serve as the chief source for the present essay. I will also
make use of documents held in the archives of the Salesian Province. The docu-
ments from the San Francisco Archdiocese are quoted from copies in the San
Francisco Province archives. Among them are some interesting historica l sum-
maries and chronicles which shall be put to use. T hey are as follows. ( 1) A brief
historical sketch of the founding and early development of Corpus Christi parish
compiled from official parish and diocesan records and signed by Father Patrick
succeeded by Archbishop Edward J. Hanna. [Cf. J. T. Foudy, "San Francisco," in New
Catholic Encycopedia, vol. XII, pp. 1022-1028]
2 Father Michael Rua to Archbishop Patrick Riordan, August 5, 1902. Archive of
the San Francisco Province, from the Archive of the Archdiocese of San Francisco.
3 A. Lenti, "The Founding and Early Expansion of the Salesian Work in the San
Francisco Area from Archival Documents, Part I. The Founding Era," Journal of
Salesian Studies 7:2 (1996), pp. 1-53. [Lenti, Fou11di11g]
4 Archivio Salesiano Centrale [ASC], Fondo Don Rua con annessi Don Bosco
(Comp leme11ti), Maria Domenica Mazzarello. Microschede-Descrizione (Roma:
[SDB], 1996. [FDR]

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Diamond.5 (2) A substantial history of St. Joseph's parish by Father Henry Fer-
reira who served as associate from 1907 to the fifties.6 (3) A summary chronicle
of the Salesian Community of St. Joseph's Church from 1890 to 1897.7 (4) A
summary chronicle of the Salesian Community of SS. Peter and Paul from 1897
to 1937.8
Finally, I have at my disposal a database of Salesian personnel created by
Father Ralph J. Murphy of this Institute. Compiled from official Salesian direc-
tories (Elenco Generale) and other sources, this database records all personnel for
all Salesian houses in the United States and Canada, from the establishment of
the Salesian work in 1897 to the present. I wi ll use both of these statistical re-
sources (the database and the directories) as needed without any further reference.9
As in the earlier article, so also in the present one, besides transcribing and
translating pertinent archival documents (chiefly letters), I will try to provide an
essential historical framework designed to make the sequence intelligible. Beyond
this, my main concern is simply to bring to my readers' attention this body of
original archival material pertaining to the beginnings of the Salesian work in
the United States while the celebrations of the centenary of the fo unding proceed
apace toward their solemn conclusion in March 1998.
In this article, then, I will first present available documentation relating to
the beginning of the Salesian work at Corpus Christi Church in San Francisco.
Next, I will describe the beginnings of the work in Oakland. Finally I will return
to SS. Peter and Paul with brief comments and documentation about develop-
5 This is a 2-page single-spaced typescript dated January I, 1935 and signed by
the then pastor, SaJesian Father Patrick J. Diamond. To this summary is attached a
record of sacramental administration in the parish from its founding in 1898 to 1963.
[Diamond, Corpus Christi]
6 History of St. Joseph 's Portuguese Church[. .. ]. Second Corrected and Ampli-
fied Edition Supplemented with Very Valuable Information from the Archives of San
Francisco Archdiocese and Our Own. The work, subscribed by Father Henry J. Ferreira
is a 47-page single-spaced typescript which may be dated (on internal evidence) to
1935. [Ferreira, St. Jos eph 's Hist.] With regard to his sources, Ferreira adds:
"This history of St. Joseph 's Portuguese Church [...] was taken from the Baptismal
and Census records, the secular and diocesan papers, 'The Monitor.' I also availed
myself of the diaries and account books of the Parish, and of information acquired
through my experience of 27 years here." [p. 21]
7 This 11-page typewritten chronicle was excerpted and compiled by Father
Henry Ferreira from the house records of the Salesian community. [Ferreira, St.
Jos eph's Chron.]
8 This 35-page typewritten chronicle was excerpted and compiled fro m house re-
cords by Father Bartholomew Pe llegrino, who was associate pastor from 1930 to
1952 and beyond. [Pe lle grino, SS. P. & Paul's Chron.]
9 The Salesian Directories (Elenchi) for each year of the Rua rectorate ( 1889-
1910) are available in FDR 4,083 B7 - 4,156 Cl l.

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ments after the founding and about the reconstruction after the great earthquake
and fire of 1906.
Preliminary Comment: The Salesian Province of St.
Philip the Apostle for North America
Before discussing the circumstances of the founding of the Church of Corpus
Christi, a word on the origin of the Salesian Province in North America seems
appropriate. It will make certain references in the correspondence below more
understandable, as well as provide a larger framework within which to view our
small beginnings.
The Salesian community of SS. Peter and Paul in San Francisco, first es-
tablished in 1897, was attached to the nearest existing Salesian province, the
Province of Mexico and Venezuela. This province comprised two houses in
Mexico, two in Venezuela, one in Northern Brazil, and one in San Francisco.
Father Joseph Lazzero, while still a member of the Superior Chapter in Turin,
held the post of provinciaJ.10
In 1898 and 1899 the situation remained unchanged, though the number of
fou ndations increased. For example, in 1898 two new foundations were estab-
lished in the United States: Corpus Christi in San Francisco and the Salesian
work for Italian immigrants in the basement of St. Brigid Parish in New York.11
In 1900, Mexico was detached from the mother province and made first into
a separate vice-province and subsequently into a province. The mother province
took the name of Province ofVenezuela and Northern Brazil under the same pro-
vincial, and the United States with its three foundations remained part of it.
In 1901, the situation remaining the same, the province was placed under
the patronage of St. Luke the Evangelist and renamed Province of St. Luke for
Venezuela, Northern Brazil and North America.
In 1902 Father Michael Rua applied to the Congregation of Bishops and
Regulars for a validation of all preceding official acts (sanatio), and the provinces
were re-organized throughout the congregation. This explains why the provinces
established up to that year all bear the official date of 1902. At this point in
time, the mother province to which the United States belonged was divided, and
the foundations in North America were erected into a separate vice-province under
IO For a biographical sketch of Father Joseph Lazzero and of all the Salesians
who worked in the three Bay Area foundations from 1897 to 1910, see Appendix II.
11 For the story of establishment of the Salesian work in New York, first in the
basement of St. Brigid Parish Church (December 1898) and subsequently at Transfigu-
ration Church (1902), cf. Philip Pascucci, "Once upon a Time in Old New York, "
Journal of Salesian Studies 3: 1 (1992) pp. 1-25, esp., pp. 18-20.

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Start of the Salesian Work in the San Francisco Area, II 2 5
the patronage of St. Philip the Apostle, and under Father Michael Borghino as
vice-provincial with residence at SS. Peter and Paul in San Francisco.
In the same year (1902), St. Joseph's Portuguese Church in Oakland, CA,
and Transfiguration Church in New York were entrusted to the Salesians. And in
1903 the Vice-Province of St. Philip the Apostle was upgraded to province and
vice-provincial Father Michael Borghino to provincial, residing at Corpus
Christi Church in San Francisco.
In 1904, St. Joseph's College in Troy, New York, was established as a
house of formation, and in 1905 Father Michael Borghino took up residence
there. He held office as provincial until 1908, and in 1909 he was succeeded by
Father Michael Foglino. By that time the house of formation and provincial
residence had been transferred from Troy to Columbus College in Hawthorne,
New York, and the number of foundations in the United States had risen to six.
These were: SS. Peter and Paul (1896/97) and Corpus Christi Church (1898) in
San Francisco, CA; St. Brigid Church (1898) and Transfiguration Church (1902)
in New York; St. Joseph's Portuguese Church in Oakland, CA (1902); and Co-
lumbus College in Hawthorne, NY (1909).
Thus Corpus Christi Church was established while the five Salesians and
the one novice in San Francisco were under the Salesian Province of Mexico and
Venezuela, with Father Joseph Lazzero as provincial. These Salesian pioneers
(whose story was told in the earlier article) were Father Raphael Piperni, Father
Valentine Cassini, Seminarian Joseph Oreni, Lay Brother Nicholas Imielinski,
Father Charles Bernard Redahan, and twenty-year old Anselm Petazzi, who be-
came a novice and professed two years later.
I. The Church of Corpus Christi at the "Mission Street
1. Founding of Corpus Christi Church
The idea of a mission among the Italian immigrant community on the southern
outskirts of the city seems to have originated with Father Piperni himself. This
seems to be the implication of statements made in the above-mentioned histori-
cal summary.
There being a large population of Italians in the Southern part of the city, it was
considered necessary, with the permission of the Archbishop, to build another
church at the corner of Croke St. (now Santa Rosa Ave.) and Alemany Blvd. [... ]
Father Piperni had charge of this work. Land was bought and the plans [...] were
approved by the Archbishop and Father Piperni the 14th of February, 1898. The
architect was Mr. Shea and the contractor, Mr. L[o]uis Chereghino. The corner

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stone was blessed by [...] Mgr. Prendergast, Vicar General, representing the
Archbishop, the sponsors being Dr. Joseph Pescia and his wife, Anastasia. 12
T he laying of the cornerstone was no doubt attended by the local populace. The
historical summary speaks of the presence of a group o f "principals," which in-
cluded what appear to have been well known lay people. This seems to indicate
that the mission had local support from the start.1 3
The church was a simple frame structure. Although not yet completed, it
was blessed on April 3, 1898, and Mass was celebrated by Father Cassini. The
official dedication ceremony, with the blessing of the completed church and the
celebration of a "solemn high Mass," was held on June 19, 1898, Archbishop
Riordan presiding.1 4 The document adds that a festive banquet was held after the
dedication with the participation of thirty people. The participation of Franciscan
and Jesuit priests is noted for the various occasions. It may be of interest to note
that in 1898, April 3 was Palm or Passion Sunday, and June 19, Pentecost Sun-
Father Piperni adds in the above-cited memoir:
Father Cassini took charge of the church and celebrated Mass there. For a few
months, Corpus Christi functioned as a mission of SS . Peter and Paul. But I
pleaded wi th Father Rua, and as a consequence it became an independent pari sh,
and Father Cassini was named its pastor. IS
Valentine Cassini, had joined the first Salesian missionary expedition to South
America in 1875 as a newly ordained priest. He worked in Salesian schools and
churches in Argentina and Uruguay. On his revisiting Italy in 1896 to see his
aged mother and for a period of convalescence, he was recruited for the San Fran-
c isco mission, Jed by Father Piperni. After one year at SS. Peter and Paul, he
was assigned to Corpus Christi Church as curate and then as pastor. In thi s ca-
pacity he served from 1898 to 1903. He returned to Argentina, where he died in
Father Cassini continued to live at SS. Peter and Paul until a separate
community was established at Corpus Christi. A simple frame house was built
adjacent to the church to serve as priests' residence. It is described as consisting
12 Diamond, Corpus Christi, #1 , 3 and 4.
13 Cf. Diamond, Corpus Christi, #5.
14 Diamond, Corpus Christi, #6 and 7.
15 Piperni, Mission Memoir, p. 2. Father Piperni 's statement refers only to th e
Salesian part of the appointment, which was made official in 1900. [cf. note 38
and related letter below, and the Directory for 190 1] Obviously, it was the arch-
bishop's prerogative to erect the parish. Like SS. Peter and Paul, Corpus Ch risti
was a "national parish church," not a territorial one. It became territorial only in
April 1922, created out of the adjacent parishes of St. John and Epiphany.

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Start of the Salesian Work in the San Francisco Area, II 27
of "three rooms, a small dining room and a kitchen." 16 From information con-
tained in some documents the inference may be drawn that Father Cassini began
to li ve at Corpus Christi in 1900, and that he had as an assistant for the English-
language ministry the Deacon Daniel MacCarthy transferred from Venezuela.
Since MacCarthy failed to meet expectations, in 1901 Father Charles Buss was
brought in from England as associate pastor. The newly professed Lay Brother
Anselm Petazzi was added to the community.17
2. Corpus Christi Church and the Rua-Cassini
During his all too brief tenure at Corpus Christi, Father Cassini carried on a
lively correspondence with Father Rua, with whom he seems to have been on
familiar terms. Unfortunate ly, with a couple of exceptions, Father C assini' s
letters are not available to me. 18 We have only Father Rua's letters written in
reply to Father Cassini's. Although these letters deal largely with formalities,
there emerges from them nonetheless a fair picture of Father Cassini's ministry.
He seems to have been struggling with problems of a personal and social nature.
For one thing, he seems to have been in poor health all along, a condition ag-
gravated by tension and stress. He further seems to have had problems adjusting
to the new cultural situation and to have been the object of some hostility on the
part of some priests. He also seems to have suffered from certain ministerial
inadequacies. In a lette r to Father Rua (transcribed in full below), Father Piperni
With your kind indulgence, I would suggest that you seek rather to ameliorate the
condition of our Italian mission [rather than establi sh a new work in Oakland].
The work at our newly accepted church of Corpus Christi , where Father Cassini i s
vicar, is increasing by the day. Besides, Father Cassini is running with handi-
caps. In the fi rst place, he cannot preach; and secondly, although he has nearly
200 boys and girls for religious instruction, he can't say a word to them, because
the young people speak nothing but English. Catechism classes are taught by
two sisters with the willing help of a few American lay women. It is truly an em-
16 Diamond , Corpus Christi, #3.
17 The spelling Maccarthy is that given in the Di rectories. William John Dick-
son [The Dynamics of Growth [...] (Roma: LAS, 199 1), p. 114] spells the name
McCarthy, probably more accurately since he "came from Ireland."
18 They are not fou nd in the Rua microfiches (FDR), where they would have been
catalogued under the subject heading, Letters to Rua. They are probably to be found in
Cassini 's own files in the Central Archives (ASC).

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barrassing situation for poor Father Cassini. He realizes his unfortunate pre-
dicament, and that makes him more nervous than he already is by nature. 19
Father Rua's first letter to Father Cassini in FDR is dated shortly after the build-
ing of Corpus Christi Church, but it was written in answer to a letter of one
year earlier, when Father C assini was still working at SS. Peter and Paul. Father
Charles Redahan, had been recently added to the community and had already
achieved initial successes with the young people. But the question of making the
work permanent on a local bas is, through recruiting local vocations, must have
been raised in community meetings.
1. Father Michael Rua to Father Valentine Cassini, Turin, June 17, 1898
He thanks Father Cassini for an offering, and stresses the need of oratories
and of local vocations.20
Turin, June 17, 1898
Father Cassini,
Belatedly I want to acknowledge reception of the 90 francs you sent with
your letter of August 29 of last year. I thank you, and I will have the Mass offered
as requested at the time. I thank you likewise for your good wishes which I return
will all my heart. In that letter you spoke of a fist fight you witnessed, which
points up the need of estab lishing good oratories in your area. The Lord will
provide the necessary premises. Your immediate need is to develop personnel
[priestly vocations] through the Latin curriculum. Get busy then, even at the cost
of great sacrifice, and set up your Latin classes. Not unless and until you put a
Latin program into effect will Don Bosco be pleased with you; nor will yours
truly be pleased.
Affectionately yours in Jesus and Mary,
Father Michael Rua
Torino 17-VJ-[18]98
Car[issi]mo Df011 ] Cassini
Solo adesso ti accuso ricevuta difr[anchi] 90 da te spediti con lettera del 29
Ag[osto] dello scorso aimo. Te ne ringrazio e faro ora celebrare la messa che a/-
Lora ci affidavi. Ti ringrazio pure degli auguri che in essa mi facevi e te Li ricam-
bio di cuore. Inessa mi raccontavi un fatto di pugillato [sic] date veduto che fa
e hen conoscere quanta bisogno vi pur costi di buoni Oratorii. I locali ii signore
Li provvede e provvedera. Cio che dovete fare si e di preparar personale colla
scuola di Latino. Coraggio adunque alla santa impresa di fare scuola di Latino
fosse anche con sacrifizio. Finche non si fa costi tale scuo/a D[on] Bosco non e
Contento e cosi e pure.
19 Father Raphael Piperni to Father Michael Rua, San Francisco, August 11 ,
1899, ASC, Letters to Rua, FDR 3,347 ClO - DI.
20 ASC, Rua's Authentic Letters, FDR 3,881 DI I. In Rua's hand.

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l l tuo Aff{ezionatissimo] in G[esu] e M[aria][, }
Sac[erdote] Michele Rua
The letters that follow, dated from 1898 to 1902, testify to Father Cassini's per-
sona l dedication in the priestly ministry and to good progress in re ligious life
and practice in the parish of Corpus Christi. The people were clearly supportive
and generous, and they seem to have responded to his pastoral care.
2. Father Michael Rua to Father Valentine Cassini, lvrea, September 28, 1898
He praises Father Cassini for good work at his " new churc h," stresses the
necessity of keeping in good health, and urges patience and prudence in the face
of " persecuti on" from other priests. 21
lvrea, September 28, 1898
Dear Son in Jesus Christ,
Father Valentine Cassinis [sic],
San Francisco, California.
The good news you shared with me by your welcome Jetter of the 7th of thi s
month fi lled my heart with joy and consolation. Your report is clear proof that
the hand, rather than just the finger, of God is at work with you in your mis sion.
For on last April 3,22 due to your zeal, God has begun to reign over that vast re-
gion fro m the Tabernacle. May God's reign take hold with ever greater force, and
may it soon pass from the Tabernacle into the hearts [of your people]. This, my
dear Father Valentine, is my fond hope and the wish I offer you from the bottom
of my heart.
r am overjoyed to hear that you have celebrated the months of Mary and of
the Sacred Heart, and that these devotion s have already borne fruit. You have
likewise erected the Association of the Apostleship of Prayer in your Church
with good success. You can now do no better that to move toward the establish-
ment of our own Confraternity of Mary Help of Christians. You are to be con-
gratul ated for organizing Sunday school, and you are fortunate to have been able
to enlist the help of good young men and young women [for the classes]. I am
sure you will see to it that propriety is observed at every step. Let us hope that,
with God's help, you will soon have the much needed help of our Sisters for your
I realize how heavy Sundays and holy days must be for you in your uncertain
health conditi on. The celebration of Masses with two, sometimes three, ser-
mons, without menti oning the hours in the confessional , must be very tiring.
You must make every effort not only to maintain but, if possible, to improve
your heath .
21 ASC, Rua's Authentic Letters, FDR 3,88 1 Dl 2 - E2. In secretary's hand and
rhetorical style; signature and postscript in Rua's hand.
22 On April 3, 1898, the church was blessed and the first Mass celebrated there
by Father Cassini. [Cf. note 12 and related text above]

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Your work, being God's work, could not be lacking the marks characteristic
of all divine works, namely trials and persecution. As you state in your letter, the
persecution you are subjected to is of the most painful and demoralizing kind, for
whereas people, even people of other denominations, admire and praise your
work, it is your very brother priests who show hostility. However, dear Father
Valentine, you must press forward with courage and constancy, for God is with
you. Only see to it that you act with care and prudence so as not to give, as you
express it so well, a pretext for persecution. Deus patiens redditor [God requites
in God's good time].23
Your church is poor and is in addition burdened with a large debt;24 but the
Lord, better than in Paul the Hermit's case, sends you what is needful for life
through the ministry of your good people. What more can you ask? Only take
proper care of that stomach of yours. To hear that you are happy with your situa-
tion makes me very happy. Try to learn the Engli sh language little by littl e so
that your ministry may be even more fruitful.
I gratefully accept your congratulations, your good wishes, your prayers,
and even more the Mass which you promise to offer for my intention.25 In re-
turn, I pray with all my heart that the Lord may bless you and your work abun-
Affectionately yours in Jesus and Mary,
Father Michael Rua.
[In Rua's hand:] P. S. Enclosed please fi nd the ticket which you people sent
to us last year for one passage to the United States. It is returned because we can-
not send anyone to San Francisco this year. We can only spare someone for New
York, where likewise he will take on a parish to care for Italian immigrants.26
[Still in Rua's hand but clearly in a different ink:] Sorry, I already returned
the ticket in my earlier letter of September 11 , 1898.
Carissimo figlio in Gesu Cristo[,]
D[on] Valentino Cassinis,
S[an] Francisco di California.
Oh di quale e quanta consolazione hanno riempiuto ii mio cuore le si belle
notizie che mi hai comunicate colla gradita tua lettera del 7 corrente! Troppo
chiaro mifai vedere che piucche il dito /a vora teco nella tua Missione la mano di
23 Who these priests may have been or why they were hostile to Father Cassini
must remain a matter for conjecture. The allusion cannot be to the only other two
Salesian priests, Father Piperni and Father Redahan.
24 The estimated cost of the projected buildings had been of $4,700, but the real
cost came to $7,227. Obviously , a bank loan had to be obtained. [Cf. Diamond, Cor-
pus Christi, # I]
25 Father Cassini's congratulations and best wishes may have been intended for
Father Rua's name day, Feast of St. Michael, September 29.
26 Father Redahan had already joined the SS. Peter and Paul community in Febru-
ary 1898. The ticket mentioned would have been for an additional Salesian priest. The
foundation in New York would be the work at St. Brigid Church, and the priest, Father
Ernest Coppo.

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Start of the Salesian Work in the San Francisco Area, II 31
Dio. Dunque, merce it tuo zelo, dl 3 Aprite pp. comincio a regnare in quella
vastissima regione il Dio del Tabernacolo; che possa raffermarsi ognor piu ivi il
suo regno, e che dal Tabernacolo passi presto a regnare nei cuori, ecco, caro
D[on} Valentin, gli ardenti voti del mio cuore. Benissimo hai fatto a celebrare i
mesi di Maria e del S. Cuore, che gia hanno dato il loro fruttto. Dopo di avere con
si bell'esito stabilito nella tua Chiesa l"Apostolato delta Preghiera, no11 puoi far
meglio che preparare it terreno alla nostra Confraternita di Maria Ausiliatrice.
Ma benissimo coll'impia1110 della scuola Domenicale; e fortunato in aver trovato
l'ajuto di buoni giovani e di zelanti Signorine; e tu 11011 mancherai certo di vigi-
lare perche tutto riesca a modo. Piaccia a Dio che presto possa pure I aver le sos-
pirate Suore pel tuo Oratorio festivo. Veramente pesa11ti sono per te, delicato di
salute, i giorni festivi, co11 dire Messa, co11 due e alle volte Ire prediche, senza
contare it Confessionario; procura di saperti non solo conservare, ma migliorare
in salute. La tua opera, perche opera di Dio, non poteva mancare del carattere
proprio delle opere divine, cioe la prova, la persecuzione e non qualunque per-
secuzione, ma la piu dolorosa, la piiu triste, qual e, come mi scrivi, quella che ti
fanno Li stessi sacri Ministri, mentre la genie, anche di altre credenze, ti ammira
e Loda. Avanti, e Costanza. D[on] Valentino, Jddio e COil te; avvedutezza e pru-
denza per non dare, come dici bene, motivi, e pretesti alla persecuzione. /&.J:!1. Jlik.
J.inu. ~- La tua Chiesa e povera ed inoltre aggravata di debiti; ma intanto i l
Signore, meglio che a Paolo eremita, per mezw delta buona genie ti manda il ne-
cessario per la vita: che vuoi di pil~? Attento solo calla digestione. Jo pure sono
assai contento che tu ti trovi contentissimo della tua posizione, e a poco a poco
fa di impratichirti dell'Inglese, per pater lavorare con sempre maggior frutto.
Accetta assai volentieri le felicitazioni[,} gli auguri, le preghiere e piu la seconda
Messa, che prometti applicare per me; ed in cambio ricevi la benedizione che a le
e alle opere tue to manda di tutto cuore.
lvrea, Li 28191 [18)98
[Jn Rua 's hand:] fl tuo Aff[ezionatissi]mo in G[esu} e M[aria}(.}
Sac[erdote} Michele Rua
[in Rua's hand:} P. S. Ti unisco il biglietto che mi avete mandato lo scorso
anno pel viaggio a codesti paesi, non potendo quest'anno mandare alcuno a Sfan]
Francisco, bensl solo a Nuova York per assumere anche cola una parrocchia fra
gl 'Italiani.
[Still in Rua's hand but clearly in a different ink:} L'ho gia spedito in altra
mia, 1119 - [18)98[.}
3 . Father Michael Rua to Father Valentine Cassini, T urin , January 13, 1899
He gives thanks to God for Father Cassini's good work at the Church of
Corpus Christi, and regrets that he cannot immediately meet Father Cassini 's
request for an assistant.27
Turin, January 13, 1899 [in Rua's hand:] Posted on January 30, 1899.
Dear Father Cassini [in Rua's hand:] (San Francisco, Cal.)
27 ASC, Rua's Authentic Letters, FDR 3, 881 E3. In secretary's hand, with signa-
ture and some words in Rua's hand, as noted.

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Journal of Salesian Studies
I was overjoyed at hearing the good news which you shared with me in your
letter of this past December. It is a clear sign that the Lord loves us very much
and wishes to make use of our service in order to spread His kingdom. I rejoice
over the good you are doing in your area and I join you in givi ng thanks to th e
Lord. I liked very much your idea of having the people chant the prophecies of
the Christmas novena. If this innovation has been well received, it might be
continued in future years. Only too gladly would I send you the help you request,
but I can ' t spare any one at all. Renew your petition in July, and hopefully we
shall be able to provide. Thank you for the congratulations you offer on my re-
election, for your good wishes, and for the good feelings you express in your let-
May the Lord bless you and give you success in everything. Pray for me.
Affectionately yours in Jesus and Mary,
[in Rua hand:] Father Michael Rua
Torino, 13. 1. [1 8)99. [in Rua's hand:] Spedita il 3011-(18)99
Caro D[on] Cassini [i11 Rua's hand:] (S. Fra11cisco Cal.)
Sono molte conlento delle buone notizie che mi dai nella gradita tua del pp.
[prossimo passato] Xbre {Dicembre]. Si vede che il Signore ci vuol molto bene
ed ama servirsi di noi per dilatare il suo regno. Godo del bene che vai facendo
costl e mi unisco di cuore a le per ringraziare il Signore. Mi piace /'idea che hai
avuto di far cantare le profezie nella novena del Sfa1110] Natale. Se la novita e
piacciuta, si potra continuare negli anni avvenire. Ti manderei troppo volen tieri
l'aiuto che mi domandi, ma non ho proprio nessuno. Rinnova la domanda a
Luglio e speriamo porer provvedere. Tante grazie delle congratulazioni che mi
mandi per la mia rielezione e pei voti che fai per me e per le buone intenzioni che
dimostri nella tua.
JI Signore ti benedica e ti prosperi in tulle le cose. Prega per me e credimi
tuo aff[eezionatissi]mo ill G[esu] e M[aria][,]
fin Rua's hand:] Sac[erdote] Michele Rua
4. Father Michael Rua to Father Valentine Cassini, Lanzo, June 29, 1899
He expresses satisfaction over Father Cassini's work in the parish, and 00-
vises him to ignore a disreputable man who has moved in next door.29
[printed letterhead: ] Collegio-Convitto I S. Filippo Neri I in Lanzo Torinese
28 In 1884 Pope Leo XI11 appointed Father Rua Don Bosco's vicar with right of
succession. After completing a term of ten years as Don Bosco' s appointed successor,
Father Rua was elected to a second term by General Chapter VIII (on August 30,
29 ASC, Rua's Authentic Letters, FDR 3,881 E4. In secretary's hand, with words
and signature in Rua' s hand, as noted.

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Start of the Salesian Work in the San Francisco Area, II 33
June 29, 1899
Dear Father Cassini, [in Rua's hand:] (San Francisco)
I received your welcome letter of May 12 past, and am overjoyed to learn
from it that you are doing much good in that area with the visible help of the
Lord. Please accept my congratulations for what you have achieved, and my good
wishes fo r all you hope yet to accomplish to the greater advantage of your peo-
ple, for they are in such dire need of religious instruction. I am overjoyed at hear-
ing that you are in good health, and that you have secured the good will of every
kind of people. Disregard the miserable rascal who has moved in next door to
you. Pray for him and just go forward in the Lord. The Lord may have brought
him to your door step for His holy purposes.
When you happen to visit the confreres, please extend to them our cordial
greeti ngs, mine, and those of the superiors and of all the confreres here in Turin.
God be with you, keep well, and pray for me.
Affectionately yours in Jesus and Mary,
[In Rua's hand:] Father Michael Rua.
{printed leuerhead:] Collegio-Convitto IS. Filippo Neri I in Lanzo Torinese
Li 29 Giugno 1899
Caro D[On] Cassini, {in Rua's hand:] (S. Francisco)
Ho ricevuto la gradita tua del 12 u[ltimo] s{corso] Maggio, da cui ho rilevato
con grande mia consolazione quanto bene vai facendo costi coll'aiuto veramente
visibile de[ Signore. Ti presento percio i miei rallegramenti per quanto hai fatto
e ti auguro di poter fare tutto quello che desideri per viepitt giovare a coteste
popolazioni che hanno un grandissimo bisogno di istruzione religiosa. Sono
contento che goda buona salute e che incontri la simpatia di tutti. Non ti curar del
disgraziato che e venuto ad abitare vicino a te: prega per Lui e tira avanti in Dom-
ino. Chi sa che il Signore non te l'abbia condotto vicino per i suoi santi fini!
Recandoti a visitare i conj{rate]lli presenterai loro i cordiali saluti miei, dei
superiori, e dei conj{rate]lli tutti di Torino.
Addio, sta bene, prega per me e credimi
Tuo aff{ezionatissi]mo in G[esit] e M[aria][,]
[in Rua 's hand:] Sac{erdote] Michele Rua
5. Father Michael Rua to Father Valentine Cassini, Turin, January 22, 1900
He thanks Father Cassini for a recent letter, and the St. Aloysius Sodality
for their offering.30
Dear Father Cassini,
I received your short letter and I was exceedingly pleased with the gentl e
thoughts you express. Accept my thanks and the assurance of my continued
prayer for you. May you do a Jot of good in this our house in San Francisco.
30 ASC Rua's authentic Letters, FDR 3,88 1 E5-6. In secretary's hand, signature
in Rua's hand.

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Journal of Salesian Studies
Convey my grateful thanks to the members of the St. Aloysius sociality for
their generous offering of 100 lire to help those who suffered loss in Patago-
ni a.31 The Lord will know how to repay them generously for the goodness of
their hearts.
I have passed on to the office of the Salesian Bulletin the report on the grace
obtained by Mr. Joseph Piola from Fossano, together with his offering of one
dollar. Its publication will help promote the devotion to Mary Help of C hris-
ti a ns.
I wish you and the confreres of your house the continued blessings of the
Holy Year.32 Please commend me to the Lord in your prayers.
Affectionately yours in Jesus and Mary
Turin, January 22, 1900[,]
{In Rua's hand:] Father Michael Rua.
Carissimo D[on] Cassini,
Ricevetti la tua letterina che mi torno oltremodo gradita pe' tuoi buoni sen-
timenti. lo ti ringrazio, e t'assicuro che sempre prego per te affinche possa far
molto bene in codesta nostra Casa di S[an] Francisco.
Ringrazia a nome mio i carissimi Soci della Compagnia di S[an] Luigi per la
loro generosa ojferta di L[ire] 100 in favore dei dam1eggiati della Patagonia. fl
Signore sapra ricompensare largamente il loro buon cuore. Ho trasmesso ~
all'ujficio del Bollettino la grazia ottenuta dal Sig[nor} Piola Giuseppe da Fos-
sano coll'ojferta di un dollaro affinche sia pubblicata ad aumentare sempre piu la
divozione verso di Maria SS. [Santissima] Ausiliatrice.
Augurando ate e ai Confratelli di codes/a casa buon proseguimento d'Anno
Santo, raccomanda al Signore.
fl Tuo ajfez[ionatissimo] in G[esu] M[aria][,]
Torino, 22 Genn[aio] 1900{,]
[Jn Rua 's hand] Sac[erdote] Michele Rua
3I In the winter of 1899-1900 devastating floods destroyed or damaged Salesian
mission establishments in Patagonia, especially those on the Rio Negro. [Cf. E.
Ceria, Annali III, pp. 59-72)
32 On May 1l , 1899 Pope Leo XIII by the Bull Properante ad exitum proclaimed
the holy year for the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth cen-
tury. This proclamation was followed by the Encyclical Annum sacrum (May 25), in
which, as a preparation for the great jubilee, the pope called for the consecration of
the whole human race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. On June 11, 1899, in solemn serv-
ices the pope consecrated the whole world to the Sacred Heart, and bishops did the
same in their own dioceses. In Rome, in the Salesian Church of the Sacred Heart, a
solemn consecration of Latin America was held by 53 archbishops and bishops gath-
ered in synod from those countries. By the circular letter of November 21, 1900, Fa-
ther Rua called for the consecration of the whole Salesian Society to the Sacred Heart
to inaugurate the twentieth century. A preparatory triduum was to be held in each
house beginning on December 28, and the act of consecration was to be made at mid-
night of December 31, 1899. [Ceria, Annali III , pp. 92- 103; Lettere Circolari di Don
Michele Rua ai Salesiani (Paul Albera, ed. Turin: S.A.I.D., 1910), pp. 222-257]

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Start of the Salesian Work in the San Francisco Area, II 3 5
6. Father Michael Rua to Father Valentine Cassini, February 6, 1900
He acknowledges offerings received, praises Father Cassini's intention to
help the devastated Patagonian missions, and speaks of Deacon MacCarthy.33
[Printed letterhead:] Ospizio I del I S[acro] Cuore di Gesu I Roma I Via Porta S[an]
Lorenzo, 44 /(Opera di D. Bosco)
February 6, 1900
Dear Father Cassini, San Francisco, Calif.
Thank you for your welcome letter of January 16 past and for the news it
brings. Please convey my thanks to the good lady Cooperator who sent five dol-
lars for the celebration of a Mass at the altar of Mary Help of Christians. Assure
her that the Mass wi ll be celebrated as soon as possible for her intention. My
thanks also go to all the Cooperators, both women and men , for the offerings
they have given or will give. Assure them that we will pray for their intentions.
I applaud your desire to help the confreres [in Patagonia] who have suffered
losses on account of the flood. If you can do something in practice, you will
have recompense in heaven.34
I hope that the seminarian [Deacon Daniel] Maccarthy has arrived, and that
he will be a great help to you.35
I received the check for 65 francs, and I thank the Lord for all the good Co-
operators in your area.
Go forward with courage and do what you can. The Lord will do the rest and
will not fail to help you. With his help, you will be able to do much good to the
souls entrusted to you.
Give my regards to all the confreres and pray for me.
Affectionately yours in Jesus and Mary,
[In Rua's hand:] Father Michael Rua.
[Printed letterhead:] Ospiziol dell S[acro] Cuore di Gesul Roma/ Via Porta S[an]
Lorenza, 44 I (Opera di D. Bosco)
Li 6 Febbraio 1900
mio caro D. Cassini, San Francisco Calif.
Ti ringrazio della gradita tua de/ 16 u{ltimo] s{scorso] Gennaio e delle no-
tizie che mi hai mandato. Ringrazia la buona cooperatrice che per mezzo tuo mi
33 ASC, Rua's Authentic Letters, FDR 3,88 1 E7-8. In secretary 's hand, signature
in Rua's hand.
34 For this disastrous flood, cf. note 31 and related text above.
35 The need was felt for English-speaking Salesians, especially priests , for
youth ministry and confessions. Father Piperni repeatedly makes the point in hi s
letters to Father Rua. Father Charles Bernard Redahan was the first such priest to be
added to the Salesian community in San Francisco (1898). Daniel Maccarthy is the
second such person mentioned in the sources. Maccarthy turned out to be a disap-
pointment. [Cf. note 37 and related text below, and Appendix 11.)

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Journal of Salesian Studies
ha mandato cinque scudi per la celebrazione di WUl messa all'altare di Maria
Ausiliatrice ed assicurala cite sara celebrata al piu presto e secondo le sue pie in-
tenzioni. Con lei ringrazia tulle le cooperatrici ed i cooperatori che ti han fatto o
ti faranno qualche offerta assicurandoli cite si preghera secondo le loro pie in-
Sono ottimi i tuoi sentimenti di venire in soccorso ai conf[rate]lli danneg-
giati dall'inondazione e se puoi metterli in pratica ti acquisterai molti meriti pet
I Spero sara gia arrivato ii Ch[ierico] MacKarty [sic] cite ti sara di molto ai-
Ho ricevuto la cambiale di 65 franchi, e ne rendo grazie al Signore ed a
codesti buoni cooperatori.
Fatti coraggio, continua a fare quello che puoi, che ii Signore Jara egli il re-
sto e ti aiutera a fare del gran bene alle anime che ti sono affidate.
Saluta tutti, prega per me e credimi.
Tuo aff{ezionatissi]mo in G[esu] M[aria][,}
[In Rua 's hand:] Sac[erdote] Michele Rua
7. Father Michael Rua to Father Valentine Cassini, Turin, October 9, 1900
Apologizing for the delay, he gives Father Cassini permission to travel to
Buenos Aires, expresses regret over Deacon MacCarthy's conduct, and offers
congratulation on Father Cassini's silver jubilee.36
Turin, October 9, 1900
My dear Father Cassini, S. Francisco,
Numerous commitments for the spiritual retreats in the past two month s
prevented me from replying sooner to your welcome Jetter of August 4. Now it's
too late to make arrangements for the October retreat. I gladly give you permis-
sion to travel to Buenos Aires if you can arrange things in such a way that your
people won't suffer harm.
I'm greatly distressed at the report of Seminarian MacCarthy 's way of act-
ing. See if you and the other confreres can bring him to his senses and set him on
the right path again. I am sorry that he has so often neglected his duty of helping
with church services. We hoped that MacCarthy would be a good helper in church
and other areas. We will look for someone to replace him. May the Lord help us
find a good one.37
Please accept my sincere and heartfelt good wishes for your silver anniver-
sary of priesthood. May you reach your golden jubilee as well. Have courage. We
shall have a great celebration, if we' re still around.
Keep in good health. Give my regards to everybody, and please pray for me.
Sincerely and affectionately yours,
Father Michael Rua.
36 ASC, Rua' s Authentic Letters, FDR 3,881 E9-10. In secretary's hand, signa-
ture in Rua's hand.
37 For Daniel Maccarthy note 35 and Appendix II.

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Start of the Sales ian Work in the San Francisco Area, II 3 7
Torino, 9. JO. [ 1}900
Mio caro D. Cassini, S[an] Francisco[.}
Le moltiplici mie occupazioni di oltre due mesi per Santi esercizi mi impedi-
rono di rispondere prima d'ora alla gradita tua del 4 agosto e percio non siamo
piu a tempo per gli esercizi di ottobre. Ti pennetto di buon grado l'andata a Bue-
nos Ayres, quando possa disporre le case di costi in modo che la popolazione
non ne abbia a soffrire.
Mi fa molto pena il contegno del Ch[ierico} McKarty [sic]: procurate tra
tutti di ridurlo a buoni sentimenti e rimetterlo sulla buona Strada. Mi rincresce
che ti abbiano lasciato tante volte senza l'aiuto necessario per provvedere al
decoro delle sacre funzioni. Noi speravamo che McKarty ti sarebbe stato di
grande aiuto per le fu nzioni della Chiesa e per tutto. Cercheremo un altro. Ci aiuti
il Signore a fare una buona scelta.
Sinceri e cordiali augurii per le tue nozze I d'argento. Speriamo di festeg-
giare solennemente le nozze d'oro - fatti coraggio - se ci saremo, Jarema una
bella festa.
Sta bene, salwa tutti prega per me e credimi di cuore.
Tuo aff[ezionatissi}mo in G[esu} e M[aria}
[In Rua's hand:} Sac[erdote} Michele Rua
8. Father Michael Rua to Father Valentine Cassini, October 25, 1900
He congratulates Father Cassini for making the news on the occasion of his
silver jubilee and for being accepted as pastor, comments on the debt which is
due on the church, and promises to send an English-speaking Salesian to Corpus
Turin, October 25, 1900
Dear Father Cassini,
We have seen your picture in the papers . Lord, how important you ' ve be-
come! Congratulations to you [for this achievement], and congratulations also
for your silver anniversary. May your fervor increase until your Mass turns
golden. I am happy to see that you are accepted as pastor by your parishioners. It
has al ways been our intention, since you were installed in that church, that you
should be regarded as pastor, as it is also the archbi shop's intention , I'm sure. I
will see to it that you be designated as pastor in the next issue of our directory.39
The time is close at hand when the first installment of the debt on the church
and on the house is due. I believe it amounts to 1,000 dollars a year for 7 years,
right? Have courage, and see that you give a good account of yourself as pastor.
The confreres of SS. Peter and Paul should not have to take this added burden o n
themselves to bail you out. If you don't have the fu ll sum, get after. your parish-
ioners until you have made up the difference. Make the payment to the proper
agency through Father Piperni for, if I am not mistaken, the debt is in his name.
Let me know how things turn out.
38 ASC, Rua' s Authentic Letters , FDR 3,88 1 E9-10. All in Rua's hand.
39 Cf. note 15 and related text above.

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Journal of Salesian Studies
We are looking for a priest or a seminarian [to replace MacCarthy] for your
children 's religious instruction program in English. Pray that we may come up
with someone.
May the Lord always live in your heart to make you holy and to help you
save the people entrusted to your care.
Best regards to our dear [Brother] Petazzi.
Affectionately yours in Jesus and Mary,
Father Michael Rua
Torino 25 - X - 1900
Car.mo D. Cassini
Abbiam veduto il tuo ritratto riprodotto sui giornali. Ohi! che uomo
d'importanza! Ci rallegriamo con te, come ci rallegriamo della tua messa
d'argento. Facciamo voti che vada crescendo ii tuo fervore nel celebrar la messa
fino a diventar d'oro. Vedo che i Parrocchiani ti riconoscono per loro parroco ed
io ne sono contento; giacche dal momenta che ti sei installato in codesto pres-
bitero nostra intenzione Ju sempre che Jungessi come Parroco. Come tale, credo,
ti riconosca anche l'Arcivescovo. Staro attento che nel Catalogo pure, se 11011 si
fece ancora in passato, si noti la tua qualifica di Parroco.
Si avvicina ii tempo di pagare la prima rata del debito per la fabbrica della
Chiesa e casa che se non erro dev'essere di mille scudi all'anno per 7 anni. Fa
coraggio e procurafarti onore come Parroco. Non permettere che i Confratelli dei
SS. Pietro e Paolo abbiano a sobbarcarsi a tale spesa in vece tua. Se non hai tutta
la somma, scuoti la borsa dei Parrocchiani e compisci la somma occorrente, con-
segnandola a chi di ragione per mezzo di D. Piperni che, se non erro, comparisce
come debitore. Sentiro volontieri notizie in proposito. - Stiamo cercando un
prete od almeno un cherico che I insegni a['} fanciulli il catechismo in inglese.
Prega anche tu che possiamo trovartelo.
IL Signore viva sempre nel tuo cuore per santificarti ed aiutarti a salvare
codesta popolazione affidata alle tue cure.
Saluta il caro Petazzi e credimi
Tuo aff[ezionatissimo] in G[esu] e M[aria][,}
Sac[erdote} Michele Rua
9. Father Michael Rua to Father Valentine Cassini. Turin, December 20, 1900
He urges Father Cassini to be reconciled with being pastor, and to work in
harmony with Father Piperni. He hopes to be able to send an English-speaking
priest soon.40
Turin, December 20, 1900
Dear Father Cassini, San Francisco
I read your letter of November 20 past with great pleasure, and I thank you
for the news you had for me. You tell me that you don't like holding the office of
40 ASC, Rua 's Authentic Letters, FDR 3,882 Al. In secretary's hand, signature in
Rua' s hand.

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Start of the Salesian Work in the San Francisco Area, II 3 9
pastor, and that you would gladly surrender it to the priest whom we are sending
over to help you. I admire you for this act of humility, but I should remind you
that we must always and willingly accept the superiors' disposition in our regard
in a spirit of holy obedience. I hope to be able to send you a good English [added
above the line:] or Polish priest who will work with you and under your direc-
tion, especially by preaching, teaching catechism, and hearing the confessions
of your English-speaking young people.
Try to come to an understanding with Father Piperni about the people whom
each of you should visit for the purpose of seeking financial help. Divide up the
territory between the two of you, and work together in perfect harmony ad ma-
jorem Dei gloriam [for God's greater glory]. If you go and solicit offerings from
benefactors of Father Piperni's house, he cannot possibly be pleased. So come
to an agreement among yourselves like good brothers, and go forward in Domi110
[in the Lord]. Happy Holidays!
Affectionately yours in Jesus and Mary,
Father Michael Rua
Tori110 20. 12. {1]900
Caro Df011] Cassi11i, S[an] Francisco
Ho letto la gradita tua del 20 u[ltimO] s{corso] novembre e ti ri11grazio delle
notizie che mi hai mandato. Jn essa mi dici che non ami avere ii nome di parroco
che cederesti volentieri ad un altro che venisse costi in tuo aiuto. Sano contento
del tuo alto di umilta, ma nel tempo stesso ti ricordo che bisogna che ci mettiamo
nelle mani de ' Superiori e facciamo volentieri sempre la santa obbedienza. Spero
poterti mandare un buon prete inglese {inserted above the line:] o polacco che si
mettera a' tuoi ordini e ti aiutera specialmente nel santo ministero predicando,
catechizzando e confessando codesti inglesi. Procura di metterti d'accordo con
D{on] Piperni circa le visite dafarsi sopratutto a scopo di cercare offerte: divide-
tevi nettamente ii territorio e con peifetta armonia attendete a lavorare ad
maiorem Dei gloriam. Cerro che se vai a cercare offerte presso i benefattori della
casa di D{on] Piperni, egli ne pub soffrire e percio sentirne rincrescimento. Ac-
cordatevi adunque da buoni fratelli e sempre avanti in Domino. Buone feste.
Tuo aff[ezionatissi]mo in G[esu] e M{aria][,]
{In Rua's hand:] Sac{erdote] Michele Rua
10. Father Michael Rua to Father Velentine Cassini, February 17, 1901
He notifies Father Cassini that an English-speaking priest is ready to leave
for San Francisco and Corpus Christi. He asks Father Cassini to provide the
ticket for the joumey.41
[Printed letterhead:] Oratorio I San Francesco di Sales I Via Cottolengo 32 I
41 ASC, Rua's Authentic Letters, FDR 3,882 A2. All in Rua's hand.

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February 17, 1901
Dear Father Cassini,
Journal of Salesian Studies
By now you will have learnt the we have decided to send you a priest who
knows both English and Italian as your assistant. So, get an economy-class
ticket, London-San Francisco, and send it to London without delay. The ticket
should be valid over the next several months, so that this confrere can use it
even if some unforeseen circumstance should cause a delay. Also, the ticket
should not be personal, so that should this priest for some reason not be able to
leave, another can take his place. With these arrangements, I hope you will have
a good helper and will be able to do a greater amount of good. Meanwhile be pre-
pared to receive hi m in a cordial and brotherly fash ion, and keep him happy. And
you, too, keep cheerful and pray for me.
Affectionately yours in Jesus and Mary,
Father Michael Rua.
[Primed letterhead:] Oratorio I San Francesco di Sales I Via Cottolengo N° 32 I
17 - II - 1901
Car[issi]mo D[on] Cassini
Gia saprai che abbiam detenninato mandarti in ajuto un prete che sappia in-
glese ed italiano. Percio adoperati subito per avere e spedire a Londra un biglietto
riduzione pel viaggio da Londra a S[an] Francisco. Procura sia servibile per qual-
che mese, affinche se ii sacerdote non potra partir subito per qualcl1e incaglio,
possa servirsene anche con qualche ritardo. Converra pure non sia nominativo,
affinche non potendo per caso servirsene ii designato, possa servirsene un altro.
- Cosi spero avrai buona compagnia e potrete fare maggior bene. Tu preparati a
tenerlo poi sempre allegro colla tua fra terna cordialita. - Sta allegro anche tu e
prega pel
Tuo aff[ezionatissimo] in G[esit] e M[aria][,]
Sac[erdote] Michele Rua
In previous letters (Nos. 2, 5 and 6, above) reference is made to [Deacon] Daniel
MacCarthy, the English-language assistant at Corpus Christi, and to his failure
to measure up to expectations. Subsequent letters (Nos. 7, 8 and 9 above) docu-
ment Father Rua's efforts to find an English-speaking Salesian to replace Mac-
c arthy. In the letter that follows (No. 11), the identity of this Salesian is finally
revealed. He is Father Charles Buss.
11. Father Michael Rua to Father Valentine Cassini, Turin, March 14, 190 1
He thanks Father Cassini for offerings received, and asks him to send tickets
for Father Charles Buss in London, who is to leave fo r San Francisco and Cor-

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Start of the Salesian Work in the San Francisco Area, II 41
pus Christi. He adds, however, that Father Buss would leave a little later than
originally plannect.42
Turin , March 14, 1901
Dear Father Cassini ,
I received your letters of February 22 and February 18. I want to thank you
for the offering of 330 lire. Convey my thanks to Mrs. Catherine Bonnet for her
generous offering of 300 lire for the support of a Son of Mary. Please give her
the enclosed personal note. My heartfelt thanks also to St. Anthony for the gift
of 30 lire. We need a lot of St. Anthony' s bread here, fo r we have a lot of poor
youngsters to feed.43
As for the priest you are awaiting, you must get economy-class tickets for
boat and railway trip, and send them directly to London, care of Father Macey,
for the person who is to come as your assistant is waiting there. You can have
the tickets made out in the name of Reverend Father Charles Buss.
I find your good spirit very encouraging. May the Lord bless you .
Affectionately yours in Jesus and Mary,
Father Michael Rua
P.S. I have just received a letter from dear Father Buss, with your telegram en-
closed. He is asking for permission to leave after March 23, for that is the day
when a Salesian of the house of Burwash is to be ordained a priest. I shall g ive
him an affirmative answer. God willing, he will leave on the 24th or 26th of thi s
month .
Torino 14 - Ill - 1901
Car.tno D. Cassini
In possesso delta gradite tue del 2212 e del 18, arrivata dopo, mi affretto a
risponderti. Anzitutto ti ringrazio delle L[ire] 330 che mi hai mandate. Ringrazia
per me l'ottima Sig[nor]a Catterina [sic] Bonnet delle L[ire] 300 per unfiglio di
Maria, e favorisci consegnarle l'unita lettera. Ringrazio anche S[ant'] Antonio
per la somma di L[ire]30: qui veramente abbiam gran bisogno del Pane di S[ant']
Antonio avendo tanti poverelli da mantenere.
Riguardo al Prete che aspetti converra che ci procuri ii biglietto di riduzione
sui battelli e ferrovie. Potrai mandarlo direttamente a D[on] Macey a Londra es-
sendo gia cola l'individuo che deve venire in tuo ajuto. - Puoi farlo in capo al
Rev[everendo] D[on] Carlo Buss.
Mi piacciono assai le buone disposizioni che dimostri. Voglia il Signore
benedirti col
Tuo aff[ezionatissimo] in G[esu] e M[aria][,]
Sac[erdote] Michele Rua
42 ASC, Rua's Authentic Letters, FDR 3,882 A3-4. All in Rua's hand.
43 In popular devotion the Franciscan preacher and theologian, St. Anthony of
Padua (I 195-1231 ), is venerated as the apostle of charity. A special form of devotion
is St. Anthony's Bread, which consists in alms given to the poor in his name, to
obtai n hi s protection.

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Journal of Salesian Studies
IP. S. Ricevo in questo giorno stesso lettera dal caro Df011] Buss co11te11ente
il tuo telegramma. Egli dimanda se pub aspettare a partire dopo it 23, giorno in
cui un diacono della casa di Burwash sara ordinato sacerdote. Io gli rispondero af-
fermativamente. Di modo che penso che, se Dio vuole, partira verso it 24 o 26
The next two letters refer to a sizable offering (a first installment) intended for
the support of a Son of Mary. This and future sums are to be sent to the
Salesian novitiate in London. Presumably, it was the donor's will or Father
Rua's decision that this money be used for the education of an English-speaking
12. Father Michael Rua to Father Valentine Cassini, Turin March 17, 190 I
He acknowledges offerings received, and congratulated Father Cassini for re-
ligious celebrations.44
Turin, March 17, 190 I.
Dear Father Cassini ,
I received your welcome letter of February 26, and the good news it brou ght
about yourself and your house made me very happy. Thank you.
Please convey my thanks to Mrs. Concetta Craviotti for the offering she
sent with your letter and give her assurance that the Mass will be celebrated for
her intention. We have also received the sum [Rua writes in:] of 330 francs which
you sent earlier.[+] [+] As your provincial may already have asked you to do ,45
you are to send additi onal sums given for the novitiate directly to London. Let
me congratulate you for the solemn end-of-the century celebrations held in your
church,46 and for those in honor of St. Francis de Sales. For everything we give
our heartfelt praise to the Lord.
My blessing on you and your whole house, and on all your Cooperators.
Keep fit, convey my regards to all, and pray for me.
Affectionately yours in Jesus and Mary,
Father Michael Rua
P.S. Father Lazzero's wishes to acknowledge receipt of the [Rua writes in:] the
300 lire, the first installment intended for the novitiate. May the Lord repay you
a hundredfold.
44 ASC, Rua's Authentic Letters, FDR 3,882 A5-6. In secretary's hand, with
notes and signature in Rua's hand.
45 As already indicated, the three Salesian houses in the United States at this time
(SS. Peter and Paul and Corpus Christi in San Francisco, and St. Brigid Church in New
York) were part of "Saint Luke's Province for Venezuela, Northern Brazil and North
America." The provincial was Father Joseph Lazzero, who was also a member of th e
Superior Chapter in Turin. [Cf. note 10 and related text above]
46cf. note 32 and related text above.

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Start of the Salesian Work in the San Francisco Area, II 43
[Rua's footnotes:]
[+] 300 lire from Mrs. Bonnet, intended for the support of a Son of Mary.
[+] which I have already acknowledged.
Torino, 17. 3. [1]901.
Caro D[on] Cassini[,]
Ho letto con molto piacere la gradita tua del 26 febbraio e ti ringrazio delle
buone notizie che mi hai mandato di te e di codesta casa.
Ringrazia la gentilissima Signora Concetta Craviotti dell'of!erta che ci ha
mandato per mezzo tuo ed assicurala della celebrazione della messa secondo le pie
sue intenzioni. Fu ricevuta la somma che ci hai mandato [Rua writes in:] di 3 30
franchi [+] [+]. Come avrai avuto ordine dal tuo lspettore manderai il resto pel
noviziato direttamente a Londra. Ti faccio i miei piu sinceri complimenti per le
feste solenni che hai fatto [A6] in fin di secolo ed a S Francesco e di tutto ren-
diamo le piu vive grazie al signore.
Ti benedico di tutto cuore e con te benedico codesta casa tutta e i suoi coop-
Sta bene, salwa tutti, prega per me e credimi di cuore
Tuo aff.mo in G. e M.
fin Rua 's hand:] Sac. Michele Rua
P. S. A nome del Sig[nor] D[on] Lazzero ti accuso ricevuta delle [Rua writes
in:] 300 lire come acconto quota pel noviziato. fl Signore ti renda il centuplo.
[Rua's footnotes:]
[ +] delle quali 300 erano dalla Sig[nor}a Bonnet per unfiglio di Maria[.]
[ +] come gia ti accusai ricevuta.
13. Father Michael Rua to Father Valentine Cassini, Turin , April 14, 1901
He acknowledges receipt of an offering, and promises to expedite Father
Buss' departure for San Francisco. He expresses concern over Father Cassini's
Turin, April 14, 1901
Dear Father Cassini,
Yesterday through Father Lazzero I received your check for 300 lire to send
on to the novitiate [in London].48 We will forward it without delay. We will also
tell them to expedite Father Buss' departure, if he hasn't left yet.
I am sorry to hear that you are not well. Please take care of yourself. Sleep a
little longer in the morning, and don ' t start work immediately after meals. Allow
some time for digestion.
47 ASC, Rua's Authentic Letters, FDR 3,882 A7. All in Rua's hand.
48 See Letters Nos. 11 and 12 and related comment above.

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Let us hear from you soon. May the Lord speed your recovery and may he
help you in your work for his greater glory and for the salvation of souls.
Yours affectionately in Jesus and Mary,
Father Michael Rua
Torino 14 - IV - 1901
Car{issi]mo D{on/ Cassini
Per mezza del caro D{on/ Lazzero ricevetti jeri il tuo cheque di L. 300 di
spedirsi al noviziato. Lo spediremo al piu presto. Intanto scriveremo che si
mandi presto D{onj Buss, se pur none ancor partito.
Mi rincresce di saperti incomodato; abbiti riguardo. Riposa un po' piu tardi
al mattino e non lavorare subito dopa aver mangiato: lascia tempo allo stomaco
di cominciare la digestione.
Mandaci presto tue notizie. IL signore ti ridoni la salute e ti ajuti a lavorar
motto alla sua gloria e salvezza delle anime.
Credimi sempre
Tua aff{ezionatissimof in G[esuj e M[aria,J
Sac. Michele Rua
14. Father Michael Rua Rua to Father Valentine Cassini, May 27, 1901
He is happy to hear that Father Buss has anived at Corpus Christi and ac-
knowledges offerings recei ved.49
[Printed letterhead:]Oeuvres de Don Bosco I Oratoire Salesien I Rue Cottolengo,
N. 32./ Turin
May 27, 1901
Dear [Father Cassini],
I am very happy to hear that the addition to your staff of our dear confrere,
Father Charles Buss, has been a tremendous help to you in your work generally,
and especially in coordinating the activities of the Associati on of the Sacred
Heart and of the St. Aloysius Sodality.
Many thanks to you and to your Cooperators for the offering of 70 lire en-
closed with your letter. With the present I am sending you the pictures of the Sa-
cred Heart which you requested for the new members enrolled in the Association.
Please thank them for their offering of 75 lire.
My heartfelt thanks to you for the good wishes on the occasion of my name
day, and my sincere thanks to all who offered prayers for me. May the good God
reward you abundantly for your good will and charity.
Please convey respectful regards and my heartfelt thanks to our devoted Co-
operator Mrs. Geronima Ruffino de Bernal for her generous offering of I0 dol-
lars. Assure her of our prayers for her intention. The editors of the Salesian
49 ASC, Rua's Authentic Letters, FDR 3,882 A8-9. In secretary's hand, with sig-
nature in Rua's hand. T he postscript is in a third hand.

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Start of the Salesian Work in the San Francisco Area, II 4 5
Bulletin will be asked to publish the grace she received through the intercession
of Mary Help of Christians.
May God's choicest blessings be upon you.
Affectionately yours in Corde Jesu [in the Heart of Jesus],
Father Michael Rua
P.S. Father Lago and all your friends at the Oratory send their best regards to you,
to Father Buss, to Father Redahan, and to each and everyone.SO
[Printed letterhead:]Oeuvres de Don Bosco/ Oratoire Sa/esien I Rue Cottolengo,
N. 32./ Turin
Ce 2715.... 1901
Mio carissimo,
Sono ben contento di sapere, che la venuta cos/a del nso [nostro} buon con-
fratello D[on] Carlo Buss ti sia di motto aiuto nel disimpegno dei tuoi uffici, e
particolarmente pel buon avviamento delta Lega del Sacro Cuore e Compagnia di
S. Luigi.
Tanti ringraziamenti ate ed a codesti pii Coop[erato]ri per ['offer/a di L. 70,
trasmesseci per mezzo tuo: assicurali delle nostre preghiere a favor loro. Unita-
mente alla presente, ti spedisco le immagini del Sacro Cuore per codesti nuovi
ascritti alla pia opera omonima, dei quali ci haifatto tenere L'offerta di L[ire} 75.
Ti ricambio di tutto cuore gli augurii, offertimi per l'occasione del mio Di
onomastico; ringraziando tutti delle preghiere fatte in mio favore. Che il buon
Dio ve ne renda merito, e rimuneri ben largamente della benevolenza e carita
I Porgi pure, di grazia, i miei ossequiosi rispetti e cordiali ringraziamenti a
codesta nostra egregia Cooperatri]ce Sig[no]ra Geronima Ruffino de Bernal per La
generosa offerta di dieci dollari, cui [sic} ha avuto la bonta di rimetterci per
mezzo tuo; assicurandola delle nostre preghiere a favor suo. Sara dato avviso alla
Direz[io]ne del n[o}s[tr}o Boll[etti}no di far cenno nel medesimo delta grazia
speciale da Lei ricevuta ad intercessione di Maria SS. Aus[iliatri]ce.
Pregandoti da Dio le piu elette benedizioni godo intanto poler affermarmi
1110 ajf.mo in Corde Jesu
Sac. Michele Rua
P. S. D Lago e tutti gli amici dell'Oratorio mandano 1m cordiale saluto a te, a
D. Buss, a Don Redahan, atout le monde[.]
50 Angelo Lago was born in 1834 in Peveragno (Cuneo, Italy). A successful
pharmacist, he entered the Oratory after hearing a sermon on religious life by Don
Bosco, professed as a Salesian on September 19, 1873, and was ordained on Septem-
ber 22, 1877. Thereafter, until his death on March 14, 1914, he served as a member of
Father Rua's office staff and as secretary to Father Paul Albera. [Diz. Biogr., s. v.,

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Journal of Salesian Studies
15. Father Michael Rua to Father Valentine Cassini, Turin, October 16, 1901
He acknowledges offerings received and promises p rayers.SI
[Printed letterhead:] Oratorio I di I San Francesco di Sales I Via Cottolengo, N°
32 I Torino
October 16, 1901
Dear Father Cassini,
Please accept my heartfelt thanks for the generous offering of 100 lire
which came with your letter of last September 27. Of this sum, 15 lire are ear-
marked for the Pious Association of the Sacred Heart, and the balance partly fo r
the poor lepers in Colombia and partly for St. Anthony's bread.52 Please convey
my most sincere thanks to all the well deserving Cooperators who joined in
making this offering. Tell them that I will pray for all of them, especially for
those who may be in pain or distress. Tell them also that our dear little orphans
here join me in praying for them-that the good Jesus and his holy Mother take
them into their special care.
The materials you requested are being sent to you separately. Pray for me.
Devotedly yours in Jesus and Mary,
Father Michael Rua
Printed letterhead:] Oratorio I di I San Francesco di Sales I Via Cottolengo,
N° 32 I Torino
16. JO. [ 19)01
Am[amatissi]mo D[on] Cassini,
Ti ringrazio cordialmente per la graziosa offerta di L[ire] JOO che mi hai
fatto avere con tua lettera def 27 Settembre p[rossimo] p[assato}, di cui L[ire]
15,00 per la Pia Opera del S[acro] Cuore, ed ii resto per i poveri lebbrosi de/la
Colombia e pane di Sant'antonio. Favorisci estendere i miei piu vivi ringrazia-
menti a tutti i Benemeriti SignorJi Cooperatori che s'unirono per farmi avere la
delta somma e di pur Loro e specie a quelli che sono travagliati da grandi dispiac-
eri che per tutti ben volontieri prego e preghero ogni giorno coi miei cari orfan-
elli perche ii buon Gesu e la sua Cara Madre ne prendano speciale cura.
A parte riceverai quanto chiedi. Prega anche per chi gode dirsi in G[esu] e
Tutto tuo[.]
Sac[erdote] Michele Rua
51 ASC, R ua's Authentic Letters, FDR 3,882 AlO. In secretary' s hand, signature
in Rua's hand.
52 In 1891 Father Michael Rua received an appeal from government and church
authorities in Colombia for help in caring for lepers in the "leper colony" of Agua de
Dios. In 1899, in similar dire circumstances, a similar request was made for the "leper
colony" of Contrataci6n. A number of Salesians, among whom Fathers Michael Unia,
Raphael Crippa, Evasio Rabagliati, Luis Variara, and Brother Raymond Pianton i ,
volunteered for these miss ions. The Daughters of Charity and the Salesian Sisters
were also involved. [Ceria, Annali II, pp. 141- 154; III , 386-417)
For St. "Anthony's Bread" cf. note 43 and related text above.

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Start of the Salesian Work in the San Francisco Area, II 4 7
16. Father Valentine Cassini to Father Michael Rua, San Francisco, February
26, 1901
He sends a stipend for a Mass to be offered for a sick cooperator and gives
infonnation regarding celebrations held for the beginning of the century and for
the feast of St. Francis de Sales.53
[Faint oval stamp:] Church of Corpus Christi I 60 Croke St. I Near Mission
Street I San Francisco, Calif.
February 26, 190I
Very Reverend and dear Father,
Mrs. Concetta Crav iotto,54 a Salesian Cooperator, is ill with a serious
physical illness, and is in a much perturbed state of mind. She requests that in
your fatherly concern you be pleased to have a Mass offered at the altar of Mary
Help of Christians. The intention would be to obtain for her, if it be God's will ,
healing in the body, but above all to obtain patience and resignation, and peace
of soul at the hour of death. Her offering for this intention is the 5-dollar note
herewith enclosed.
I hope my letter of the 23rd of this month, with 330 francs enclosed, has al-
ready been received.
In compliance with Circular No. 22 we held the preparatory triduum and the
special exercise on the first day of the century in our church.55 According to in-
structions from our archbishop, summo mane [very early in the morning] after
we individually renewed vows, the Blessed Sacrament was exposed as is custom-
ary for the Forty Hours devotions. We likewise made our consecration to the Sa-
cred Heart of Jesus-of our parish, of our little house, and of ourselves. A great
number of people filled the church, but not too many received Communion, be-
cause I had no one to help me with confessions. The following Sunday, however,
we had general Communion, having engaged the services of a Jesuit father for
The Apostleship of Prayer and Communion of Reparation have been in ef-
fect for about a year now. We also have begun the practice of the Nine Offices and
the Guard of Honor.
I hope and pray that the Sacred Heart of Jesus, whose power I have so often
experienced during my stay in Argentina, will have pity on these poor people.
I beg you to bless me and to commend me to the Lord ne perear [sic, lest I
Affectionately yours in Jesus Christ,
Father Valentine Cassini
53 ASC, Letters to Rua, FDR 3,347 D8-9. All in Father Cassini 's hand.
54 Cf. Letter No. 12 above (Craviotti).
55 Circular Letter No. 22 by Father Rua called for the consecration of the congre-
gation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and gave specific directives. [Lettere Circolari di
Don Michele Rua (1910), pp. 222-227) For details on the Holy Year and Jubilee cf.
note 32 and related text above.

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Journal of Salesian Studies
P. S. With the help of Jesuits and Franciscans we solemnized the feast of St.
Francis de Sales. Father Oreni gave the sermon. On the 6th of this month we
celebrated a solemn Requiem Mass for Don Bosco.
[Notation in Rua's hand:] Father G[usmano] [?] Enter check in book and
thank I (then pass on to Father Barb[eris])56
[Other hand:] 5 dollars Entered I the 300 lire already recorded
[Other hand:] Replied March 17, 1901
[Faint oval stamp:] Church of Co1pus Christi 160 Croke St. I Near Mission
Street I San Francisco, Calif.
Febraio [sic] 26, 1901
Rev{erendissi]mo ed Amatissimo Padre[,]
I.A Signora Concetta Craviotto Coop[eratrice] Salesiana gravemente am-
malata di corpo e molto disturbata nello spirito, prega la p[aternita] s{ua] si
degni fare celebrare una messa all'Altare di M[aria] Ausiliatrice per ottenere la sa-
lute corporate se a Dio piace, ma specialmente la pascienza e la rassegnazione e
la pace dell'anima in punto di morte. A questo fine le manda ii q11i unito biglietto
di 5 dollari.
Spero avra ricevuta una mia del 23 corrente con 330 franchi.
In conformita alla circ{olare] 22, in questa chiesa abbiamo ii triduo di pre-
parazione ed ii primo giorno del secolo, secondo le prescrizioni di questo ar-
civescovo, summo mane, dopo avere fatta la rinnovazione dei voti in
e particolare, si fatta la Esposizione del SS. Sacr{amento] in forma di 40 ore. ab-
biamo fatta la solenne Consacrazione della parrocchia, delta I nostra piccola casa
e delle nostre persone al Sacr[atissimo} Cuore di Gesu. Nella chiesa ci Ju molta
concorrenza, non vi furono molte comunioni perche io ero solo, ma nella
Domenica seguellle vifu la Com[unione] Generate, avendo avuto un padre Gesuita
per le confessioni.
e l 'Apostolato delta preghiera e la Comunione riparatrice fiorente da un
anno circa. abbiamo ora incominciato la pratica de Nove Uffizi. e I.A Guardia
56 Julius Barberis (1847- 1927), born near Turin in 1857, became a Salesian in
1865 and was ordained in 1870. He was appointed first novice master in 1879, and in
1892 novice master general (that is, director of formation) and later spi ritual director
of the Society. He was active as a teacher, chronicler, writer, and secretary. [Alessio
Barberis, Don Giulio Barberis [. ..] (San Benigno:Scuola Tipografica Don Bosco,
1932); Also E. Ceria, Profili dei Capitolari salesiani [. .. ] (Colle Don Bosco: Libreria
Dottrina Cristiana, 1951), pp. 305-324]
Calogero Gusmano, born in Cesaro (Messina, Italy) in 1872, was received by
Don Bosco into the Oratory in 1885. He became a Salesian in 1892, and was ordained
on April 13, 1895. He served as secretary to Father Rua and Father Albera, and ac-
companied the latter on many of his j ourneys. He visited San Francisco with Father
Albera on March 3, 1903. He served as secretary of the Superior Chapter fro m 1912
unti l his sudden death in Nice (France) in 1935. [Diz. Biogr., s.v. Gusmano]

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Start of the Salesian Work in t he San Francisco Area , II 4 9
ILSacro Cuore di Gesu che mi hafatto sperimentare tante volte la sua effica-
cia nell'Argentina, spero avrii pietii di questa povera popolazione.
La prego di benedirmi e raccomandarmi al Signore ne perear {sic].
Aff[ezionatissi]mo jiglio in G[es1t] C[risto],
Sac{erdote] Valentino Cassini
s. e P. Mediante la cooperazione dei Gesuiti e Francescani si celebrato COil
e pompa la solennitii di San Francesco di Sales, avendo predicato D. Oreni, e si
fatto solennemente ilfunerale di D[on] Bo[s]co il 6 corr[ente. ]
[Notation in Rua's hand:] D. G. Reg[istrare] ringr[aziare] ass{egno?] I (poi a
D{on] Barb{eris])
{Other hand:] D{ollari] 5 Regist{rati;] giii notate le 300 L{ire]
[Other Hand:] Risp{osto] 17- 3-[1]901
Thus far the Rua-Cassini correspondence relating to Corpus C hristi and to Father
Cassini's ministry there, as given in FDR. As mentioned above, by 1903 Father
Cassini had left Corpus Christi and had returned to Argentina. By 1902 the
Salesian houses in the United States had been made a vice-province, and in 1903
a province, under the patronage of St. Philip the Apostle, with Father Michael
Borghino (from Bahfa Blanca, Argentina) as [vice-]provincial. Father Borghino at
first took up residence at SS. Peter and Paul. But when Father Cassini left for
Argentina, Father Borghino as provincial took his place as pastor at Corpus
Christi. In 1904 Father Borghino decided to establish his residence at the house
of formation, St. Joseph's Salesian College in Troy, NY, and was succeeded as
pastor of Corpus Christi by Father John Piovano, who was succeeded by Father
Charles Buss in 1908. In 1909 Father Borghino became provincial of St. Luke' s
Province in Venezuela, and the provincial of that province, Father Michael Fo-
glino, was appointed provincial in the United States, with residence at the new
house of formation, Columbus College, Hawthorne, NY.57
57 Cf. Preliminary Comment, pp. 24-25 above.

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Journal of Salesian Studies
II. St. Joseph Portuguese Church, Oakland, CA
1. Historical Notice on Portuguese Immigrants and on
St. Joseph Portuguese Church
(1) Portuguese Catholics in Oakland and in the East Bay58
Citing various sources, Father Ferreira speaks of a first influx of Portuguese
nationals into the area in the days of the gold rush. After the mines were closed
down, while some migrants returned to their homeland, others settled around the
San Francisco Bay. Ferreira avers to have met some of these old-time forty-
niners when he first arrived in Oakland in 1907. This relati vely small stream was
subsequently reinforced by a new migratory wave. The newcomers were Portu-
guese nationals from Madeira and Azores Islands, and from some provinces of
the Portuguese mainland. They had been working under contract in the sugar
cane, pineapple and coffee plantations of the Hawaiian Islands, sharing near-
inhuman conditions with native Hawaiians, Filipinos and Japanese. There was
no Portuguese priest to minister to the plantation workers in Hawaii and, in
spite of good efforts by the Picpus Fathers of the Sacred Hearts, they had little
spiritual care. In fact, a good number of them had joined fundamentalist Chris-
tian sects. Given the opportunity, these poor laborers crossed to the continental
United States, and settled mostly in the San Francisco Bay area. The largest
number of them gravitated to the East Bay, and Oakland soon acquired the largest
Portuguese community on the West Coast. The colony was strengthened by a
continued migratory influx from the Portuguese islands and mainland. By the
1890s the Portuguese-speaking population was about 10,000 strong, scattered
through the city, but found in greater concentration in West, North and East
Oakland. This is what led to the building of St. Joseph's Church in 1891-92.59
The vast majority of these immigrants were at first poor, if not destitute.
The men fo und employment as unskilled laborers. Eventually, however, their lot
improved. Quite a number went on to become sheep and cattle ranchers, dairy
farmers, fruit growers, and some were successful in various professions. But, as
did the Italians of San Francisco with respect to SS. Peter and Paul' s, so the
Portuguese of Oakland never wavered in their allegiance to St. Joseph's, no mat-
ter where they might be living .
58 For thi s section I summarize and organize the information scattered through
Ferreira, St. Joseph's Hist., pp. 2-16 and passim.
59 In San Francisco, St. Anthony's mission chapel for the Portuguese had been
established in earlier times. It was a hall located at the corner of Front and Jackson
Streets and was still in use in the 1890s, at which times it was served by a priest from

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Start of the Salesian Work in the San Francisco Area, II 51
Almost from the start, immigrants of other nationalities were served by St.
Joseph's, in particular Italians and Mexicans. Referring to the first decades of
Salesian tenure, and to the period after the establishment of the mission of Mary
Help of Christians (January 1, 1916) for the care of nationals on the east and
south sides of the city, Ferreira writes: "We still have over 400 Portuguese fami-
lies in West Oakland. There are more than 400 Italian families in the vicinity
and about 150 Mexican families. All these people belong to this church."60
(2) The Founding of St. Joseph's Church
The founder of St. Joseph's Church was Father Manuel T. Fernandes, from Pico
(Azores Islands). He came to California as a young man and worked as a sheep
herder in the San Joaquin Valley. Learning of the plight of the Portuguese peo-
ple, he entered the seminary in his natives Azores, and later came to San Fran-
cisco where Archbishop Riordan ordained him to the priesthood. He served as
pastor at the Old Mission San Jose for a number of years. He then petitioned the
archbishop for permission to build a church in Oakland for the Portuguese, but
was rebuffed. He left in a huff for Macau (China), where he stayed for some
time. Apparently the archbishop's refusal was motivated by the fact that Father
John Tavares, a newly ordained priest from San Miguel (Azores Islands), was
already involved with ministry among the Portuguese in Oakland. He held serv-
ices in the hall of St. Mary's parish church from February 1890 to February
1891, when he died suddenly.
At this point Father Fernandes returned to San Francisco and again offered
his services to the archbishop for the Portuguese ministry. The archbishop ap-
pointed him to succeed Father Tavares in Oakland. Father Fernandes immediately
went to work on the church, toward the building of which he contributed his
personal resources, including $3,000 realized from the sale of a property inherited
from his brother.
St. Joseph's Church was to rise on a lot purchased for the purpose on
Chestnut, between Seventh and Eighth Streets, within the territorial boundaries
of St. Mary's parish, bordering on St. Patrick's. The handsome gothic-style
structure "of seasoned pine and redwood," was designed by architect T. J. Welch
of San Francisco, and built by contractor T. R. Basset of Oakland, at a total cost
of $ 14,000. With a stately length of 116 ft. and width of 58 ft., surmounted by a
bell tower rising 40 ft. above the roof over the entrance, it had a seating capacity
of 528.
60 Ferreira, St. Joseph's Hist., p. 15.

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The solemn dedication took place on February 21, 1892, Archbishop Rior-
dan presiding. Father Ferreira transcribes articles from the Oakland Tribune and
the Oakland Post Enquirer, both of which give glowing reports.61
Father Fernandes served as pastor from April 1891 until his death on June
25, 1896. He was succeeded by Portuguese priests whom he himself had enticed
to the Bay Area from the seminary in the Azores. They were: Father William S.
Gloria, from July 1896 to July 1899, when "he retired to private life;" Father A.
D. de Campos, from August 1899 to December 1900; Father Darius A. Raposo,
from January 1901 to September 11 , 1902, when the church was entrusted to the
It was during Father Gloria's tenure as pastor that Archbishop Riordan first
turned to the Salesians. Negotiations were successful, and they are fairly well
(though not fully) documented in letters held in ASC (FDR) which follow.
2. The Salesians at St. Joseph 's Portuguese Church
Whereas for Rua-Cassini correspondence, we had only Father Rua's letters, in
the present case with the two exceptions recorded below (Nos. 21 and 22), we
have only Father Piperni's. His first letter to Father Rua in our possession (in
FDR) lets us understand that he had conveyed Archbishop Riordan's request to
the rector major in an earlier letter. He had also notified him that the archbishop
was planning to present his request personally in Turin. Now he gives additional
information and voices his misgivings.
17. Father Raphael Piperni to Father Michael Rua, San Francisco, August 11 ,
Following up on a previous letter regarding the offer of a Portuguese-Italian
parish in Oakland, he refers to Archbishop Riordan 's projected visit and alerts
Father Rua to the debt on that church. He also speaks about Father Cassini 's
predicament at Corpus Christi parish.62
1600 Dupont Street
San Francisco
August 11 , 1899
Dear Father Rua,
In a letter written about ten days ago I spoke to you about our Archbishop's
impending visit to the Oratory. He comes to present to Your Reverence a request
for some missionaries to take charge of a Portuguese-Italian parish [in Oakland].
61 Ferreira, St. Joseph's Hist., pp. 8-9.
62 ASC, Letters to Rua, FDR 3,347 ClO - Dl. All in Piperni's hand.

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By this time you will have received my letter. I am now following up with addi-
tional information, as I promised. Actually, the only new piece of information is
that there's a large debt on the church. I could not ascertain the exact amount, but
a priest tell s me that it is large-in fact, too large for the Portuguese people, who
are very poor, to defray. The prudent thing for us to do then, so it seems, is no t
to increase our sorrows by taking on additional debts. We have a large enough
debt as it is, and we are forced to eat humble pie just to meet obligations. What a
torture debts can be !
With your kind indulgence, I would suggest that you seek rather to amelio-
rate the condition of our Italian mission [in San Francisco]. The work at our
newly accepted church of Corpus Christi, where Father Cassini is vicar, is in-
creasing by the day. Besides, Father Cassini is running with handicaps. In the
first place, he can't preach; and secondly, although he has nearly 200 boys and
girls for religious instruction, he can' t say a word to them, because the young
people speak nothing but English. Catechism classes are taught by two sisters
with the devoted help of a few American lay women.
It is truly an embarrassing situation for poor Father Cassini. He realizes hi s
unfortunate predicament, and that makes hi m more nervous than he already is by
na t u re. 63
As far as the debt on that little church of his is concerned, we are tryi ng to
come up with some scheme, hoping that God will help us.
In an effort to reduce the debt on this church of SS. Peter and Paul, we are or-
ganizing a bazaar.
I would like also to present some ideas on the future direction of this parish
of SS. Peter and Paul, but I' ve gone on long enough. I shall return to this matter
later. For the present I limit myself to pleading Father Cassini 's case.
Be pleased to bless us , dear Father, and to hold us in affection in Corde Iesu
[in the Heart of Jesus],
Your useless son,
Father Piperni
[Notation in Rua's hand:] To be filed for the information regarding the Portu-
guese church which is being offered to us.
1600 Dupont Str[eet]
San Francisco
Agosto II. [18]99
Amatissimo P[adr]e S[igno]r Don Rua.
Sono una decina di giomi che Le scrissi circa la prossima visita di qu[est]o
Arcivescovo a co1esto Oratorio per cercare a V[ostr]a S[ignori]a missionari per
wuz parrocc/1ia portoghese-italiana. Credo che abbia ricevuto la mia a qu[est]a
ora: le prometteva di scrivere altre notizie. L'unica nuova notizia si e che la chi-
esa portoghese ha debito grosso: non so pero quanto sia, ma mi dice un prete,
che e grosso e troppo pesante perche lo potesse pagare la popolazione por-
toghese, poverissima. Pare dunque prudente non aumentarci dei fastidii coi I de-
63 Cf. note 19 and related text above, and Appendix II.

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biti, che 11e abbiamo abbastanza, e le mortificazioni che soffriamo per essi, sono
gravi. Ohl che martirio, i debiti.
Se mi permette, vorrei suggerirle che veda piuttosto come migliorare la
posizione pei nostri italiani. Si va sviluppando giorno per giorno ii lavoro nella
nuova chiesa di Corpus Christi, assistita dal P[adr]e Cassini: ed egli, ii Padre, e
obbligato a sterzare colle mani ligate [sic], perche 1° predicare 11011 e capace;
ha quasi 200 tra ragazzi e ragazze ai catechismi, e 11011 I e nella posizione di
dirigere loro una parola, per la ragione che i ragazzi non parlano che l'inglese. IL
catechismo lo fan110 due monache ed altre poche collaboratrici america11e.
Eproprio una posizione mortificante. ll povero D[011] Cassi11i la comprende
bene la sua triste posizione e sifa piu nervoso di quello che e per natura.
In quanto al debito delta sua chiesuola, stiamo studiando una combinazione e
speriamo che Dio ci aiuti.
Pel debito di questa di S. Pietro e Paolo, stiamo organizzando un bazar.
/ Vorrei dirle anche qualche cosa circa l'avvenire di questa parrocchia di S.
Pietro e Paolo: ma mi pare troppo per oggi: ne parlero piu tardi: per ora le racco-
mando la cosa del P[adr]e Cassini.
Ci benedica, Padre amatissimo, e ci conservi ii suo af!etto in Corde les11[.]
suo [sic] inutile figlio{,]
Don Piperni
[Notation in Rua's hand:] Da conserv{arsi] per le inform[azioni] intomo al/a
Chiesa Portoghese che ci si vuol affidare.
In spite of initial misgivings, by early 1901, Father Piperni (so it seems) Im
been won over to the archbishop's position and was in favor of accepting the
Oakland mission.
18. Father Raphael Piperni to Father Michael Rua, San Francisco, February 20,
He relays the archbishop's urgent request for Salesian priests to take over
the Portuguese church in Oakland, describes the needs of that parish, and offers
himself for the Italian-language ministry. He notes that his effectiveness as direc-
tor and pastor of SS. Peter and Paul's is greatly diminished, because of his age
and of difficulties with the confreres.64
San Francisco, CA
1600 Dupont Str.
Dear Father Rua,
Your most welcome letter of January 31 past was delivered this morning just
as I was sitting down to write you a letter. Let me then set down what I was go in g
to write to you in the first place.
Yesterday I had a letter from the archbishop. It was about some parish busi -
ness; but he also had this to say: "Last Sunday, the 17th, the present pastor of
64 ASC, Letters to Rua, FDR 3,347 D2-7. All in Father Piperni's hand.

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the Portuguese church (Father Campos [sic]) suffered a stroke. Because of this
emergency, the Salesian Fathers promised by your superior, are urgently needed.
Please write to your Superior General about the matter." A few days earlier, I had
occasion to pay the archbishop a visit. At one point he remarked: ''That Father
Campos over there [in Oakland] is unbearable... People keep coming to the
chancery office to prefer charges against him. You must absolutely write to your
superior general and ask him to send the Salesians quickly. The people are grow-
ing impatient."
An English-speaking priest is needed there also, to take over the religious
instruction of the young people, both boys and girls, and to hear their confes-
sions. It's no different there than anywhere else: the generation of those who
have been born here are American both in language and manners. Obviously an
English-speaking seminarian could take charge of catechetical instruction, but
for the ministry of the confessio nal an English-speaking priest is needed. This
priest, moreover, must be a person of unimpeachable character and manner. He
will have the task of luring back to the Portuguese church young people of bot h
sexes who left it on account of scandals that have occurred there recently.65
These young people may now be attending one of various English-language par-
ishes in the city of Oakland. Certain adults, too, require the services of an Eng-
lish-speaking priest. Italian and Portuguese families have young adults, married
or unmarried, who are more at home with the English language than with their
mother tongue. Thus a priest who is fluent in English is needed in order to foster
the formation of a representative parish flock. Otherwise, the ministry would
have to be restricted to the older Portuguese men and women. The Italian people
scattered through the city must likewise be ministered to in parallel fashion, and
the archbishop is both concerned about them and committed to helping them.
I believe that these remarks of mine will help you in putting together a
group that will be up to the task. One of the priests, who could serve as director
and pastor, should be Portuguese so as to appeal to the Portuguese-speaking
populati on. As for the Itali an-language priestly mini stry, I take the liberty of of-
fering my poor self. I have for a long time wanted to be relieved of all command
positions. At 59 years of age, I have become a humorless, gloomy old man, and
a burden to my confreres. They've had enough of me. I have lost the old drive and
the spirit of initiative, qualities which are essential equipment in this part of the
world. Father Redahan's sarcastic, critical, caustic, overbearing attitude, at work
these past three years, has considerably eroded my authority. This situation has
been the cause of misunderstandings; and these misunderstandings never quite
get resolved, because since his arrival he has never come in for a brotherly mani-
festation. He is piqued at the least trifle and then poses as one who is much ag-
grieved... Be good enough therefore, I beg you, to relieve me from command
posts of any kind. I may still be able to serve our mother the Congregation in
the ministry of the confessional and of preaching in some Salesian house.66
65 The reference here is the Father William S. Gloria, pastor from 1886- 1889,
who "retired to private life." [Ferreira, St. Joseph's Hist., p. 18)
66 Father Piperni 's plea fell on deaf ears, as was to be expected. As late as 19 10,
the minutes of the meetings of the Superior Chapter note: "Father Foglino is asking
that the Superiors confirm Father Raphael Piperni and Father Ernest Coppo as director
of their respective communities. He will have a chance to make his case viva voce

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On the other hand, Father Redahan is very successful in his own work. It
would be disastrous for the works to remove him from here. He is a dyed-in-the-
wool optimist, but he is very good at his work. He has the death-defying tenacity
of the English [sic]. Were he only a little more compassionate!
Regarding Father Oreni, tell me: Must he take examinations in all the moral
treatises in order to obtain faculties to hear confessions?67
I shall be awaiting your encouraging reply, as I now kiss your hand with fil -
ial love.
Your affectionate son,
Father Piperni
P. S. I dare not take a decision regarding Maccarthy without express instruc-
tions from your Reverence.
[Notation not in Rua's hand:] Replied February 20; [unreadable word] not
possible for the present.
San Francisco Cal{ifomia]
1600 Dupont Str[eet]
20. Feb[braio] 1901
Amatissimo Padre S[igno]r Don Rua.
Nel momento che mi disponeva per scriverle, mi arriva qu[est]a mattina la
carissima sua del 31 p[rossimo] p[assato] Genn[aio]- lnannzi llltto comincio
dal dirle cio che mi disponeva a scriverle.
/eri l'Arcivescovo in una sua che mi scrive per cose parrocchiali, aggiunge
questo: "Domenica sera passata, giorno 17., Ju attaccato di paralisis [sic]
l'attuale parroco (P[adr]e Campos) della Chiesa Portoghese: percio urge che ven-
gano i promessi Padri Salesiani il piu presto possibile: scrivetene al Superiore
Generale." - Pochi giorni innanzi, lo stesso Arciv[escov]o in una visita che gli
feci, mi disse: "Quel P[adr]e Campos e la insopportabile... il popolino viene I
spesso qua (in Curia) a par reclami contro di Lui: e proprio urgente che scriviate al
Sup[erio]re Generale che mi manda [sic] i Salesiani: ii popolo e impaziente."
Or dunque c'e bisogno la di uno che sappia l'inglese per la opera dei cate-
chismi ai ragazzi dell'uno e dell'altro sesso: e che deve con fessarli in inglese. La
posizione delle cose e la stessa dovunque: cioe, la generazione nata qui e /lit/a in-
glese nell'idioma e costumi. Percio un chierico che parli l'inglese non farebbe
che mezzo servizio, quello dei catechismi: ma c'e bisogno di chi confessi anche
in inglese: dunque dev'essere prete: e prete di molto tatto fino e prudente, perche
I si tratta pure di richiamare alla chiesa portoghese i giovanetti e le giovanette
che, in questi ultimi tempi per Ii scandali avvenuti in essa, naturalmente si spar-
pagliarono per accorrere ad altre chiese americane di quella citta di Oakland, che
when he comes for the General Chapter." [Meeting of the Superior Chapter, March 4,
1910, Minutes II, p. 276, FDR 4,249 B9]
67 Normally priests were given facul ties to hear confession not earlier than two
years after ordination and not before passing examination in the various moral trea-

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Start of the Salesian Work in the San Francisco Area, II 57
contiene varie parrocchie. Ci vuole un prete che confessi in inglese anche le per-
sone adulte: infatti, nella stessa famiglia italiana o portoghese si trovano
giovani dell'uno e dell'altro sesso, maritati e 11011 maritati, che hanno familiare
l'inglese piu che la lingua matema. Dunque e necessario w1 sacerdote che parli
speditame11te l'inglese, per formarsi, per mezzo del ministero in inglese, U11
gregge proprio rispettabile: altrimenti il ministero si ri- I durrebbe attomo ai
soli vecchi e vecchie Portoghesi. Poi c'e da pensare anche alla popolazione
italiana di d[ett]a citta, per la quale l'Arciv[escov]o e impegnato ad aiutarla.
Credo che questi schiarimenti Le servono per fare wui spedizione che ci fac-
cia onore.
Fra i Preti, almeno uno sia Portoghese di nazionalita, per formare la simpa-
tia nazionale, e sia Direttore e Parroco.
In quanto al prete italiano, mi prendo l'ardita liberta di proporre me stesso.
E tanto tempo che desidero vivamente essere esonerato da cariche: {'eta di 59
anni mi ha convertito in uomo poco o niente allegro, ma serio: I sono venuto in
uggia ai miei confratelli, i quali sono fastidiati di me. Ho perduto l'antico spirito
di attivita e d'intraprendenwsa [sic]: e qu[est]o e un male in questi luoghi. Lo
spirito satirico, critico, frizzante, dominante di Df011] Redahan, da tre anni a
questa parte, ha indebolito in me, assai, l'autorita: e qu[est]o occasiona spesso
degli equivoci: equivoci che non si diradano mai, perche da che e qui, giammai ha
fatto un fraterno rendiconto: si adombra per lllUl bagatella: si figura offeso...
Prego percio la bonta Vostra paterna, che mi esoneri da cariche di qualunque gen-
ere: chi sa, se potrei rendere alla Madre Congrega- I zione il servizio di confes-
sare o anche di predicare in qualche casa.
Don Redahan poi lavora benissimo dove e: crederei 1ma rovina nelle sue op-
ere il rimuoverlo di qua. E della scuola dell'ottimismo: ma fa benissimo. E i11-
glese tenace come la morte. Oh! fosse pietoso!
In quanto a D[on] Oreni: mi dica, se veramente deve dare l'esame sopra tutta
la M..tl.r!Jkper essere facoltato a confessare.
In attesa di una consolante risposta, Le bacio amorosamente le Mani.
Suo aff[ezionatissi]mo figlio[,}
Don Pipemi
P. S. Non ardisco disporre di McCarthy [sic] senza ordini espressi di
V[ostra] Signoria.
[Notation not in Rua's hand:] Risp[osto] 2012 - [unreadable word] ora im-
The Superior Chapter discussed the Oakland proposal and Father Pipemi's expla-
nation, but refrained from making a commitment due to Jack of personnel. We
read in the minutes:
A letter from Father Piperni is read and discussed. He says that the archbishop of
San Francisco, Californi a, is pressing us to take over the Portuguese parish in
Oakland. He is asking for a Portuguese priest to serve as pastor and two addi-
tional priests, one Italian-speaking and one English-speaking fo r the mini stry
of confessions. The Superior Chapter replies that for the present there are neither

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Portuguese nor English-speaking priests available and suitable for this work.
Regretfully, therefore, it cannot take on this mission at the moment.68
As may be gathered from the October letter that follows and from the notation
made on it, no progress had been made as of that date.
19. Father Raphael Piperni to Father Michael Rua, San Francisco, October 10,
He acknowledges receipt of the explanations of the Decree on confessions in
Salesian houses, encloses offerings, asks about the Oakland foundation, and
pleads again to be relieved of command.69
[Printed letterhead:] Sts. Peter and Paul's Church I Cor[ner] Dupont and F il-
bert Sts. I San Francisco, Cal.
October 12, 1901
Dear Father Rua,
I have received your recent welcome letter, bearing the interpretation of the
Decree of April 24.70
I enclose two bank drafts made out in your name: one fo r I05 lire for I 00
Masses; the other for 62 lire for the Salesian works. I am forwarding the draft fo r
Masses to you, because this is what the donor desires , that is, that the Masses be
sent to the Oratory.
The archbishop requests information about the state of the Oakland founda-
tion. And, dear Father, do not overlook the request I made some time ago, to be
replaced in this job by some other priest. There is a lot of work to be done in this
community if the pastor is active, intelligent, and determined. I am getting on in
years, and my former drive has left me. I would also hope that the priest you ap-
point is gifted with great prudence. He shall have to live with Father Redahan,
who is so touchy as to take umbrage at the least provocation.
As I stoop to kiss your hand, I ask for your blessing on all of us in Corde
lesu [in the Heart of Jesus].
Your most humble son,
Father Piperni
68 Meeting of the Superior Chapter, March 11 , 190I , Minut es l, p. 168, FDR
4,243 8 9.
69 ASC, Letters to Rua, FDR 3,347 DI0- 11. All in Father Piperni' s hand.
70 The reference is to the Decree of the Holy Office, Quod a Suprema, April 24,
190 I, forb idding directors to hear confessions of confreres and pupils in Salesian
houses. The Decree was apparently aimed specifically at the Salesian practice and was
to be implemented without discussion. Because of practical difficulties involved,
Father Rua asked the Salesian moral theologian, Father Louis Piscetta, to offer sug-
gestions ("interpretation") as to how local superiors might proceed. This drew the ire
of the Holy Office (the Supreme Roman Congregation of Universal Inqu isition) and a
stiff reprimand for Father Rua. [Ceria, Annali Ill, p. 170-194)

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Start of the Salesian Work in the San Francisco Area, II 59
[in Rua's hand:] Piperni: enter in register: Lire 167 - 100 =67 I Oakland
[some unreadable words follow]
[other hand:] Replied November 6. We need to postpone [the Oakland foun-
dation]. [Piperni] should provide detailed information regarding personnel re-
quired, avai lable resources, etc. We might set October 1902 as the goal ,
provided..., etc.
[other hand:] Bank drafts fo r 105 and for 62 [lire].
[Printed letterhead:] Sts. Peter and Paul's Church I Cor. Dupont and Filbert
Sts. I San Francisco, Cal.
Ott.e 12. 1901
Amatissimo P[adr]e S[igno]r Don Rua[,]
Ho ricevuto l'ultima sua carissima colla interpretazione del Decreto 24
Le rimetto qui a Lei dirette due cambiali una di lire 105 per 100 messe: l'altra
di 62 lire per l'opera di Don Bosco. Mando la prima perche cosi e la volonta della
persona donante, che cioe siano mandate a cotesto Oratorio.
L 'Arciv[escovJo ci domanda notizie della fondazione di Oakland. Non di-
menticlti, caro Padre,/l'antica pregltiera difarmi rimpiazzare qui da qua/cite altro
Sacerdote: c'e dafare in qu{est]a colonia molto bene sotto di wi sacerdote attivo,
intelligente, energico. lo sono avanzato negli anni: la mia antica attivita e
finita. Raccomando pure cite il prete sia dotato di grande prudenza per poler con-
vivere con Don Redaltan, favolosamente suscettibile per un pelo, w1a mosca. Ci
benedica in Corde lesu e le bacio le mani.
suo um[i]l[issi]mo figlio[,]
Don Piperni
{in Rua's hand:] Piperni in reg[istro] L[ire] 167 - JOO = 67 I Oakland {+
some unreadable words]
{other hand:] Risp[osto] 6111 - Conviene ancora differire. mandi intanto
esatte notizie sul personale necessario, mezzi per vivere ecc. Speriamo per
l'Ottobre 1902 se ecc.
{other hand:] Vaglia di 105 I:: di 62 {lire]
Father Piperni responds to the Superior Chapter's request for detailed informa-
20. Father Raphael Piperni to Father Michael Rua, San Francisco, January 31,
He provides detailed information, as requested, on needs, assets and liabili-
ties of the Oakland foundation.7 1
71 ASC, Letters to Rua, FDR 3347 D1 2 - E l. All in Piperni's hand.

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January 3 1, 1902
Reverend and Dear Father Rua,
This is in reply to your brief letter of last October 25. In earlier letters I
gave you all available information about the [prospective] house of Oakland (a
name which means Terra di Quercie Dure [Land of hard-wood oak trees]). Those
letters may, perhaps, have been misplaced, but I am only too happy to recapitu-
1. There is a debt of 8,000 dollars on the church.
2. As in other parishes, so at St. Joseph 's the offerings of the faithful, such
as stole fees, Mass stipends, etc. are the only source of income for the mi ssion-
3. The Portuguese, as well as the Italians, are scattered through the territo-
ries of various parishes in that large city on the other side of the Bay. At present
they attend services in those churches because that's where they li ve. It will take
all a missionary's virtue, prudence, manner, tact, and gentle charity, to lure them
into attending the Portuguese church where they belong. They will have to be
given a reason for preferring it to others.
4. In working out an agreement with the archbishop, we must demand that
the Portuguese and the Italian people of that city be placed under the exclusive
care of the Salesian missionaries for all that concerns the administration of the
sacraments, baptisms, funerals, etc.
5. Whatever personnel may be assigned, it is of basic importance that there
be a priest who can speak and preach in both Portuguese and Italian, and an Eng-
lish-speaking priest for the young people of both Portuguese and Italian fami-
lies. As I have often explained to you, English is the only language these young
people understand.
6. I would very much like, before the end of Autumn, to come to Turin for a
visit. I would like personally to discuss with our dear superiors the necessity and
the manner of developing this mission, so as to make it a bit more Salesian.
Would the Reverend Father Rua give me permission?72
Your faithful son in Corde /esu [in the Heart of Jesus] [,]
Father Piperni
[Notation in Rua's hand:] Draw up [a statement to serve as a basis for] nego-
tiations as soon as Father [Michael] Borghino is ready to move.
[other:] Replied February 9.
San Francisco. Cal.
I600 Dupont St.
Genn[aio] 31. 1902
Amadissmo [sic] P[adr]e S[igno]r Don Rua[,]
Alla sua letterina del 25 Xbre [Ottobre? Dicembre?] p[rossimo] p[assato]
rispondo dicendole che ho data nelle mie anteriori piene notizie circa la casa di
72 I found no record of a visit to Turin by Father Piperni in late 1902.

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Start of the Salesian Work in the San Francisco Area, II 61
Oakland. (parola che vuol dire terra di quercie dure) Se le avra smarrite, eccole con
piacere di bel n.uovo.
fl debito e di circa 8 mila scudi.
L'un.ico cespite per mantenere i Missionarf 11! come~ e la limosin.a
dei fedeli e i diritti di stola, messe, etc...
I Portoghesi, come gl'/taliani di la, sono dispersi per tutta la gran. citta
fra le altre parrocchie: dipende dalla virtu, prudenza, buoni modi, bel tratto, e
carita dolce del missionario, attirarli a frequen.tare la chiesa portoghese loro
assegnata, facendola loro preferire alle I alle altre chiese parrocchiali alle quali
oggi van.no perche piu vicine alle loro abitazioni.
4° Nel redatlare [sic] i patti col'Arcivescovo, esiggasi [sic] da Lui fortemente
che assegni i Portoghesi e gl'ltalian.i di quella citta esclusivam[ent]e ai Mission-
ari Salesiani, nell'Amministrazione dei Sacramenti, per Battesimi, F1111erali,
etc ...
Se altro personale non pub aversi, almeno e interessante un Sacerdote che
parli e predichi in Portoglzese e italiano, e un Sacerdote inglese per la gioventu
de/le famiglie Portoghesi e ltaliane, la quale come altre volte le dissi, non
capisce che l'inglese.
6° Quan.to desidererei venire verso l'aut1m110 o prima, a Tori110, per par/are a
viva voce coi cari Superiori circa ii modo e necessita di sviluppare qu[est]a nostra
Missione, e render/a 1111 poco Salesiana! Me lo concedera ii S[igno]r Don Rua?
Suo i11 Corde lesufiglio Jedele[,]
Do11 Piperni
[Notation in Rua's hand:] Compilar trattative appena si sappia che D[on]
Borghi110 viene[.]
[other:] Rfisposto] 912
The notation on the above letter indicates that a decision had finally been
reached, and that Father Borghino (appointed [vice-]provincial of the newly
erected [vice-]province of North America) was to lead the expedition. The
Agreement or Convention is not available in FDR. But the letter that follows
shows that the negotiations had reached a happy conclusion.
21. Father Michael Rua to Archbishop Patrick W. Riordan, Turin, August 5,
He introduces and commends to Archbishop Riordan Father Michael
Borghino (as new provincial), Father Joseph Galli and "others," who are to staff
St. Joseph's Church in Oakland.73
73 Archive of the San Francisco Province, from the Archive of the Archdiocese of
San Francisco. All in Rua's hand.

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Turin, August 5, 1902
Your Excellency,
Journal of Salesian Studies
The convoy of Salesian m1ss10naries assigned to Oakland is on its way at
long last. Great difficulties were experienced in putting the team together, but
they were overcome, thanks be to God. The bearer of the present letter, the Very
Rev. Father Michael Borghino, will be the superior. He is one of our veteran
mi ssionaries and, having served in Brazil for a number of years, he knows Portu-
guese. The Rev. Father Joseph Galli, lately from Po rtugal, is also in the group.
He should be very valuable to the mission. The other Salesians in the group ei-
ther know Portuguese already o r will be able to learn it without difficulty.74 The
Rev. Father Borghino will also serve as provincial for all the houses in the
United States.
I entrust them all to your fatherly care. I ask you to be for them a cou nselor,
protector, and father, fo r they come inspired by a keen desire of being good sons
to Your Excellency and of working humbly and untiringly for the spread of the
Bless them, I pray, and with them bless also
Your most humble and devoted servant,
Father Michael Rua
Rector Major of the Salesians of Don Bosco
To His Excellency,
the Most Reverend Archbishop
of San Francisco, California.
Torino 5 Agosto 1902
Eccellenza Rev[everendissima]ma[,}
e Finalmente la carovana di Missionari Salesiani per Oakland si potuto cos-
tituire. Furono molto gravi le difficolta, ma, ringraziando it Signore, si poterono
sormontare. Jl Superiore, Rev[erendissi]mo D[on] Borghino Michele, che le
e porge questa mia, un nostro missionario veterano, che conosce ii Portoghese,
e essendo stato parecchi anni nel Brasile. Vi pure nella carovana ii Rev{erendo]
D[on] Giuseppe Galli proveniente dal Portogallo, che spero sara di grande aiuto
alla Missione. Sonvi anche altri che gia sanno ii Portoghese e qualcuno in grado
d'impararlo confacilita. Jl Rev[erendo] D[on] Borghino dovra purefungere da ls-
pettore per le altre case degli Stati Uniti. lo Li raccomando tutti alla sua bonta.
Vogliafar loro da consigliere, da protettore, da Padre, essendo essi animati dal
piu vivo desiderio di comportarsi verso l'E[ccellenza] V[ostra] come buoni figli
ed umili e laboriosi operai evangelici.
74 Having been ordained in Uruguay, Father Borghino established the first
Salesian foundation at Nichteroy (Niteroi, near Rio de Janeiro) and served as its direc-
tor from 1883 to 1887. However, Father Borghino did not work in Oakland, nor was
Father Galli (from Portugal) immediately assigned there. It is the "others" referred to
in the letter who would at fi rst staff St. Joseph's in Oakland: Father Andrew Bergeretti
(from Venezuela) as director and pastor, Father Emil Pavan (from Brasil) as associate ,
and Lay Brother John Bovio.

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Start of the Salesian Work in the San Francisco Area, II 6 3
Voglia, di grazia benedirli tutti e con loro anche
IL Suo Umil{issim]o oss[ervantissi]mo Servo[,]
Sac. Michele Rua
Rett[or] Magg[iore] de' Sales[iani] di D[on] Bosco
A Sfua] E{eccellenza] Rev{erendissi]ma
Monsignor Arcivescovo
Sfan] Fracisco di Calif[ornia]
In his "diplomatic pouch" Father Borghino also had a note for Father Cassini
from Father Rua.
22. Father Michael R ua to Father Valentine Cassini, T urin, August 5, 1902
He commends the new provincial [Father Borghino], to whom Father
Cassini can turn in any need. He also acknowledges offerings received.75
Turin, August 5, 1902
Dear Father Cassini,
Meet your new provincial [Fr. Michele Borghino], a person whom you have
known for many years. I hope he will be a source of support and strength to you.
You may now deal directly with him in all matters having to do with your mis-
sion of Corpus Christi. Should any changes be necessary, he has power to de-
cide. Have great confidence in him.
Yesterday I received the two checks you sent of 25 lire each. Convey my
thanks to the persons who made the offerings and assure them of our prayers.
Urge them to have great confidence in our heavenly Mother.
Best regards to you, to Father Buss, and to all the confreres there,
Affectionately yours in Jesus and Mary,
Father Michael Rua.
P.S. Your nephew, young Cresta, sends you his best regards. I believe he is
doing well.
Torino 5 Agosto 1902
Car[issi]mo D[on] Cassini[,]
Eccoti il nuovo Jspeuore che tu gia conosci da lunga data. Spero che ti sara
di ajuto e conforto. Con Lui potrai trattare degli affari di codesta missione di Cor-
e pus Christi, e se mai fosse necessaria qualche modificazione, egli investito
dell'autorita. Abbi in Lui tutta la confidenza.
ho {sic] ricevuto jeri i due cheques di L{ire] 25 caduno: ringrazia per me le
persone offerenti ed assicurale di nostre orazioni animandole a grande confidenza
nella Celeste Madre.
Gradisci i miei saluti; estendili al caro D[on] Buss ed agli altri che si trovano
con voi e credimi sempre
75 ASC, Rua's Authentic Letters, FDR 3,882 Al I. All in Rua's hand.

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Journal of Salesian Studies
Tuo afflezionatissimo] in G[esu] e M[aria][,]
Sac[erdote] Michele Rua
P. S. IL giovane Cresta tuo nipote mi prega di salutarti da parte sua. Pare vada
avanti abbastanza bene.
The party led by Father Borghino arrived in San Francisco on September 5 ,
1902.76 Father Borghino and Father Galli took up residence at SS. Peter and
Paul, while Father Andrew Bergeretti, Father Emil Pavan and Brother John
Bovio were assigned to St. Joseph's in Oakland. The parish was officially turned
over to the Salesians on September 11 , 1902. At year's end Father Galli trans-
ferred to St. Joseph's.
The Salesian community at St. Joseph's did not undergo drastic changes for
many years. Father Pavan left Oakland to return to Italy because of illness in
1904. Father Ferreira from Portugal, via Italy, was added to the staff in 1907.
Father Bergeretti died in 1909 and was succeeded by Father Galli as pastor (1909-
Under both Fathers Bergeretti and Galli the parish flourished in every way.
In 1908, on the basis of a memorandum presented by Father Bergeretti to the
archbishop, St. Joseph's was granted jurisdiction over all Portuguese, Italian and
Mexican immigrants residing in Oakland and environs.77 Perhaps the most sig-
nificant development of the work came in 1915 with the building of the church
of Mary Help of Christians on East Ni nth Street and 26th Avenue, as a mission
for East Oakland. It was dedicated on January 1, 1916.78
III. Developments at SS. Peter and Paul: Earthquake, Fire, and
In my earlier article I described the founding of the Salesian work at SS. Peter
and Paul Church and transcribed documents relating thereto. I also added a brief
comment on the earliest development of the work. Some further comments seem
in order at this point.
1. Successes in Adult and Youth Ministry
In more than one way the furth er development of the Salesian work a t SS. Peter
and Paul is an amazing success story, in spite of the fact that only a few years
after the founding earthquake and fire reduced everything to rubble and ashes. To
76 Pellegrino, SS. P. & Paul's Chron.. p. 2.
77 Ferreira, St. Joseph's Hist., pp. 30-31.
78 Ferreira, St. Joseph's Hist., pp. 4-6.

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Start of the Salesian Work in the San Francisco Area, II 65
begin with we notice a conti nuous growth of religious life among the people of
the Italian community. The frequently cited Chronicle of SS. Peter and Paul
notes the initial difficulty and the gradual progress.
The small number of churchgoers, due in part to long neglect, is enough to dis-
courage anybody. [...] The people's suspicion and distrust for the newcomers is
fueled by the hatred of the anticlerical groups which hold sway in the community
and which incite the people against the priests. [...]
Suspicion and distrust are gradually overcome by the fatherliness of the
Salesians, and by their devoted care of the young peop le. [...] Attendance at
church services on Sundays and at daily Mass is ever on the increase.79
The building of a large all-purpose hall in 1897 and the addition of Father Char-
les Redahan to the parish staff in 1898 marked a veritable leap forward in youth
and English-language ministry. The sources agree that Father Redahan did more
to set the course of typical Salesian work at SS. Peter and Paul (and later at
Corpus Christi) than all other early Salesians put together. He is credited with
greatly expanding the religious instruction program, ably assisted by the Holy
Family Sisters and a group of volunteers. In 1899-1900 he developed evening
classes for teenagers, English-language classes specifically for workers, and citi-
zenship classes for people at large. He steered countless people through the tor-
tuous formalities of immigration and citizenship. In 1901, with 36 founding
members, he started the Salesian Council, a mutual benefit society for men,
which later was affiliated to the Young Men 's Institute of California. It grew to
be 400 members strong. On parallel tracks, the Young Ladies' Institute turned
out to be a comparable success story. Father Redahan proved altogether outstand-
ing with young people.
As Father Piperni so often argued in his letters to Father Rua, English-
speaking priests were needed to carry forward the typical Salesian apostolate,
especially with young people. Father Redahan was the firs t such priest to be
assigned by Father Rua to San Francisco, and taken for this mission from the
prestigious post of financial administrator of the motherhouse in Turin.
Similarly, a couple of years later, Father Charles Buss was commissioned
for the English-language ministry at Corpus Christi .
Toward the end of 1903, Father Thomas Deehan arrived at SS. Peter and
Paul's, intended perhaps for a similar position at St. Joseph' s in Oakland. Arch-
bishop Riordan reacted unfavorably to this appointment, and sent off a letter to
Father Rua, requesting Father Deehan's removal. This perplexing letter follows.
79 Pellegrino, SS. P. & Paul's Chron., pp. 1-2.

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Journal of Salesian Studies
23. Archbishop Patrick W. Riordan to Father Michael Rua, San Francisco, De-
cember 16, 1903
He requests that Salesian Father Thomas Deehan, newly anived in San
Francisco, be removed from the scene, because of the latter's inability to engage
usefully in any ministry.SO
[printed letterhead:] St. Mary's Cathedral I 1100 Franklin Street I San Francisco,
Californi a
Dec[ember] 16, 1903.
V[ery) Rev[erend] Michael Rua.
Salinas [sic] Oratory, via, Cottolengo, Torino, Italia.
Very dear Father:-
There arrived here a few days ago a Father of your Congregation by name,
Father Thomas Joseph Deehan. After consultation with some of the Fathers I
deem it my duty to write you as follows:
It would be much better if Father Deehan were taken away from here and sent
somewhere else. He will not be able to do any work here with the exception of
saying Mass. He does not speak Italian sufficiently to be of any use among the
grown people, and he speaks English so indistinctly that the children will not be
able to understand him. The work here in the Italian quarter is so important that
we need the very best men that can be spared. I have no doubt but Father Deehan
is a very good man, but besides virtue we need other qualities to be of service in
this important mission.
I hope you will give this matter your immediate attention and remove Father
Deehan to some other place where he may be able to do some good. He is abso-
lutely worthless here. If you cannot send a priest you might send a Clerico [sic ]
from London, who speaks Italian and English. He will be far more servi cable
[sic) than Father Deehan.
Excuse me for writing this way but the importance of the matter demands my
atte ntion.
Wishing you all the blessings of the Christmas Season, I remain,
Sincerely yours[,]
P [atrick] W[illiam] Riordan
Archbishop of San Francisco
[Notation in Rua's hand:] 511 R[isposto] per mezzo di D[on) Borghino
(January 5. Replied by Father Borghino)
Father Borghino, the provincial, had no other option. Father Deehan was as-
signed to Transfiguration Church in New York. He later returned California and
80 ASC, Letter to Rua, FDR 3,806 B4. Typewritten, with autograph signature: P
W Riordan.

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Start of the Salesian Work in the San Francisco Area, II 6 7
worked for many years both at SS. Peter and Paul 's and at St. Joseph's in Oak-
The archbishop took a wholly different pos ition regarding Father Redahan.
In 1907, after the great earthquake and fire, the rumor was put about that Father
Redahan was leaving the city. We do not have the archbishop's letter to Father
Rua, but we have the latter's reply.
24. Father Michael Rua to Archbishop Patrick W. Riordan, Turin, May 29,
He writes to allay the archbishop's fears that Father Redahan will be re-
movect .82
[Printed letterhead:] Oratorio/ di IS. Francesco di Sales I Via Cottolengo, N.
32 I Torino
Turin, May 29, 1906
Your Grace,
Your revered letter of February 21 past took me by surprise. In it Your Excel-
lency put me on guard against the danger of removing Father Redahan from San
Francisco. As fa r as I know, none of the members of the Superior Chapter of our
humble Society has any intention of making such a change. We will also contact
Father Borghino, who at present happens to be in San Francisco, and ask him if
he is aware of the rumor which is circulating in the city.
On my part I want to assure Your Grace that I shall take your advice to heart,
and that it is not my intention in any way whatever to cause any pain to Your Ex-
cellency to whom I am so much indebted.
Please bless me and with me my whole numerous family, and please accept
my respectful regards.
Your most humble and devoted servant,
Father Michael Rua
[Printed letterhead:] Oratorio/ di IS. Francesco di Sales I Via Cottolengo, N.
32 I Torino
Turin le 29 May 1906
Votre veneree Lettre du 21 Fevrier demier, dans laquelle Votre Grandeur me
notijiait le danger que le Pere Redahan soit en/eve de S. Francisco m'a bien sur-
pris. Que je sache, aucun Superieur du Chapitre Superieur de Notre humble Societe
a pense afaire ce changement. Nous allons icrire aussi au Pere Borghino, qui
81 Cf. Appendix II .
82 Archive of San Francisco Province, from Archive of the Archdiocese of San
Francisco. French, in secretary's hand; signature in Rua's hand [?].

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a dans ce moment-Ci se trouve S[an] Francisco pour Lui demander, s'il est au cou-
ra11t de ce bruit qui court dans la ville.
Pour ma part, soyez sur, Monseigneur, que je tiendrai compte de votre re-
a commandation, et je ne voudrais d'aucune manierefaire de la peine Votre Gran-
deur enver laquelle je suis si oblige.
Veuillez me benir avec toute ma nombreuse famille et daignez agreer /es
hommages respectueux de
Votre bien humble et devoue Serviteur,
Abbe Michel Rua
Father Borghino may well have been planning personnel moves. But Father Re-
dahan remained at his post and was one of the chief architects of the reconstruc-
tion after the earthquake and fire.
2. Disaster and Reconstruction
Disaster struck on April 18, 1906. San Francisco was rocked by a killer earth-
quake, and during the next few days a raging conflagration reduced two thirds of
it to ashes. The devastation by the fire that followed the earthquake stretched
from the east wharves to the north beyond Chestnut Street, to the west beyond
Van Ness, and to the south in the mission as far as 20th Street.83
The following testimonies from Salesian sources, each confirming the
other, tell the story of SS. Peter and Paul's total loss.
April 18, 1906. - Earthquake and fire. The whole North Beach district, where our
church is located, is burning. We try to save objects of value, but with little suc-
cess. Our confreres fi nd refuge in our Salesian house of St. Joseph' s in Oakland.
We take with us to safety the Blessed Sacrament, sacred vessels, and almost all
the registers in our parish archi ve. - April 20, 1906.- All our buildings are on
fire; they are quickly reduced to ashes, down to their foundations.84
In greater detail, Father Piperni writes:
April 18, 1906, Easter Wednesday.- At 5:15 A.M. the earthquake struck, and
the raging fire which ensued, out of control, destroyed almost the whole city. On
April 19, at midnight, as the fire advanced inexorably up Dupont Street, leavi ng
us no hope of being spared, Father Pipemi removed the Blessed Sacrament from
the Tabernacle, and with Brother Imielinski as body guard, took a ferry across
the bay to Oakland. They arrived at St. Joseph 's at 2 o'clock in the morning and
were received at the door by Father Galli. [...] Later, we borrowed some carts and
attempted to carry some the church's appurtenances to safety. But it was too late
and everything, including valuable paintings and statues, was lost. The follow-
83 Cf. Warren A. Beck and Ynes D. Haase, Historical Atlas of California
(Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1977), No. 80.
84 Pellegrino, SS. P. & Paul's Chron. , p. 3.

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Start of the Salesian Work in the San Francisco Area, II 69
ing objects were rescued from the fire and brought to safety: 2 chalices, 2 ci-
boria, 1 monstrance, I large missal and 3 smaller missals for the liturgy of the
dead, all the baptismal registers except 3, the marriage register, and some of the
Salesians' most necessary personal books. The sacred vestments were at first
stored in Mr. James Costa's house [on Lombard Street]. Then as a safety measure
we stacked them up at the center of the street crossing. There they were inciner-
ated, while Mr. Costa's house was spared. On April 20, Father Redahan and Fa-
ther Buss from the top of Telegraph Hill watched in shock as the house, the
church and connected buildings were reduced to ashes. The beautiful 2000- lb.
bell, buried in the rubble when the tower coll apsed, was later stolen by some of
our Italian people and (it is believed) sold to some Jewish merchants who at the
time were buying valuable objects cheaply from looters.85
Father Ferreira records Father Galli's recollections:
The wonderful church of SS. Peter and Paul, recently adorned with frescoes and
stained glass windows, [...] was burnt to the ground in about one hour. [...] The
parochial registers and sacred vessels, some encrusted with precious stones, were
saved from the flames and carried to safety to St. Joseph's church and rectory in
Oakland. Father Piperni, with his confreres, found refuge here. Ringing the door
bell, they greeted the good father who opened the door with the discouraging
words, "Finis missionis" [our mission is over].86
But the mission was not over because the missionary 's spirit remained un-
daunted. On Sunday, April 24, Fathers Redahan and Buss were celebrating Mass
under large tents set up in the Presidio and on Telegraph Hill. A coach-house on
Bay Street and Columbus Avenue was scoured and adapted as a temporary
church. Daily M ass was celebrated in a room made available to Father Piperni in
a private house on Hyde Street. The spiritual and material care of many people in
need kept the Salesians working overtime in succeeding months. A rectory and
parochial office were temporarily set up in the only house still standing o n Tele-
graph Hill.
On October 7, a new (though smaller) church and reside nce, built o n the old
site on Dupo nt (Grant) Street, were blessed. A 1,000-pound bell, shipped in
from Troy, New York, was installed in the bell tower. The church had a base-
ment which a llowed the continuance of the various programs of instruction under
Father Redahan's guidance. The Presentation Sisters, whose convent had been
destroyed in the fire, accepted the offer to run the children' s schooJ.87
85 Piperni, Mission Memoir, pp. 4-5.
86 Ferreira, St. Joseph's Hist., p. 36.
87 Data summarized from Piperni, Mission Memoir, pp. 4-5, and Pellegrino, SS.
P. & Paul's Chron., p. 3. Some details differ in the two sources..

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Meanwhile Father Piperni was making plans for a proper parochial school, and
presented a proposal to the Superior Chapter. We read in the minutes:
Father Piperni writes to say that our parish church in San Francisco, California,
has been rebuilt. He also makes a good case for building a parochial school now ,
a project which the archbishop supports and wishes to see realized. Father Rua
will reply to Father Pipemi, and will at the same time give Father Borghino in-
structions to move forward with the plan.88
It appears that Archbishop Riordan wished indeed to develop the parish of SS.
Peter and Paul. Earlier, when assessing the losses and conferring with Fathers
Redahan and Buss, he had vowed: ''I'll give my personal property if needs be, but
SS. Peter and Paul shall be rebuilt." On December 6, 1906, he paid an extended
visit, and in speaking to the children massed in the temporary church, he com-
mended the Salesian on their work of reconstruction and made a promise: "I want
to make SS. Peter and Paul the most prosperous parish in San Francisco."89 It
is with this backing that the Salesians began to look for a new and larger build-
ing site. An entry in the Chronicle for April 19, 1908 reads:
By the will of His Excellency Archbishop Riordan , a large property is bought on
Filbert Street, fronting Washington Square, intended for the building of a new
church, larger and more suited to the needs of this community.90
In a letter to old and ill Father Lazzero,91 Father Piperni speaks of these new
25. Father Raphael Piperni to Father Joseph Lazzero, San Francisco, October
31, 1909
In a frie ndly letter to aged and ill Father Lazzero, he conveys news pertain-
ing to the reconstruction after earthquake and fire, and laments the presence of
evil characters in the Italian community.92
88 Meeting of the Superior Chapter, May 21, 1907, Minutes II, p. 133, FDR
4,246 EIO.
89 Pellegrino, SS. P. & Paul's Chron., p. 3, and Pipemi, Mission Memoir, p. 6 ,
give slightly different versions of the archbishop 's pledge.
90 Pellegrino, SS. P. & Paul's Chron., p. 4.
91 Father Joseph Lazzero, who had been provincial of Venezuela, Northern Brazil
and Mexico when the Salesian work was established in San Francisco, was by now
seriously ill and in retirement at Mathi (Turin).
92 ASC, Works Established, FDR 3,347 E2-3. All in Father Pipemi's hand. Some
words are no longer legible.

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Start of the Salesian Work in the San Francisco Area, II 71
San Francisco. Cal.
1600 Dupont Str.
October 31 , I909 [?]
Dearest Father Lazzero,
What a beautiful, beautiful surprise this morning to receive your nice little
letter. My dear Father Lazzero still remembers me, even though I seem to remem-
ber him so little. Please forgive me, dear Father Lazzero. Just forgive me. Thank
you for remembering me so wel l. I am very happy to know that you are st ill
alive. May you live ad multissimos annos [many many more years]. You may no
longer be able to work with your hands, but your heart can still work. You are a
most precious relic of our Venerable Father, as are all our dear Superiors who are
still alive. Therefore you will always be an object of veneration, a living testi-
mony, and an inspiration to good work and virtue. As for myself, I'm just get-
ting old. I have stopped begging [the superiors] to send someone to replace me,
for it seems useless now. No other house would want to receive a useless and
bothersome old man like myself. Let all things be as the dear superiors dispose.
After the fire we put up a temporary little church and a house. We have
bought the lot for the new church, a better site. It cost 47,000 dollars, and we had
to take out a loan. It won't be long before work starts on the building. The
church will certainly not come to less than 50,000 dollars.
After the fire, a flood of the worst characters swept over this city: sociali sts,
anarchists, anticlerical people. Likewise, we are swamped by a plethora of the
worst newspapers, local and otherwise. People just eat them up, regardless of sex
or age[?]. The harm they do is enormous, with their adverse impact on people's
religious life. This is how Italians have earned their unwholesome reputation.
Here in America, more than in other countries, socialism and anticlericalism
make no sense. People here are generally well off, and American newspapers
have other things to write about. Here "Italians" and "disreputable people" are
s y n o n y m o u s.93
It is true, unfortunately dear Father Bergeretti has left us: R.l.P. [Requiescat
in pace, may he rest in peace].
The confreres here send their best regards. Please remember me in your pray-
Devotedly yours in Christ,
Father Piperni.
San Francisco. Cal.
1600 Dupont Str[eet]
Ou[obre] 31. [19]09 [blur] [Archivist:] 1909?
Mio sempre amatissimo S[igno]r Don Lazzero
Che dolcissima sorpresa. che dolcissima sorpresa la sua letterina di qu[est]a
mattina! fl mio buo11 Don Lazzero si ricorda ancora di me!.. &l io cosi poco di
93 Here as in a number of previous letters, Father Piperni describes, in hi s usual
heavy-handed, pessimistic way, the anticlerical feeli ng which must certainly have
been present in the Italian community.

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Journal of Salesian Studies
Lui? Ah! mi perdoni, il mio dolce Don lazzero: mi perdoni. Grazie, grazie delle
sue ibuone? {unreadable word] ricordanze. Mi consola grandemente che Lei vive
ancora: e viva ad multissimos annos. Se non pub lvorare colle braccia, lavora i l
cuore. la sua personae reliquia preziosissima, con quella dei cari 11ostri Sup.i Su-
perstiti, del nostro Venerabile Padre: e percio sempre venerata e sempre parlante
e ispirante il bene e la virtu. lo qui, invecchiando. Ho cessato di pregare che
mandino chi mi sostituisca, perche ormai e inutile: in nessun 'altra casa vor-
rebbero ricevere vecchi inutili e fastidiosi. I Vadano le cose come piace ai buoni
Superiori. Dopo l'incendio, abbiamo rifatto una chiesuola provvisoria e casa.
Abbiamo comprato il sito per la chiesa nuova, sito migliore: costo 47,500 scudi
it sito, facendo debito. Tra poco cominceremo i lavori: la chiesa costera certo 50
mila scudi. Dopo dell'incendio, piovve in qu{est]a citta un diluvio di cattivi ele-
menti; socialisti, anarchici, anticlericali: un diluvio di giornali pessimi locali e
non-locali: italiani: e sono divorati da ogni persona. sesso ied? {+unreadable
Jl male e immenso: le conseguenze lagrimevoli in fatto di religione. ll nome
italiano strascinato net fango: perche qui in America piu che altrove, e un non-
senso il socialismo e l'anticlericalismo: qui tutti hanno it loro benessere, e il
giornalismo americano pensa ad altro. "Italiano e mala gente" qui suona lo
stesso = Si it caro D Bergeretti ci ha lasciati! R.I.P.
I Confratelli la risalutano di cuore: ed io mi raccomando alle sue preghiere.
suo dm {i devotissimo?] in X. {Cristo]{.]
Don Piperni
Excavations on the site were begun in 1912. The crypt was completed, blessed,
and opened for worship on October 20, 1914.94 The rest is history. Thus was
SS. Peter and Paul re-born from its ashes, like the legendary phoenix, to begin
its new meteoric flight.
IV. One Last Letter
Like Archbishop Michael Augustine Corrigan, who wanted a team of Salesians
as missionaries to the Italian community at large in the New York area, so was
Archbishop Riordan impressed with the work and the dedication of the Salesians,
both in San Francisco and Oakland. At various times he asked them to broaden
their sphere of activity to immigrants in need of pastoral care living out of the
city, and even scattered far afield. In 1908 he made just such an offer, and this
formed the object of the letter that follows.
94 Piperni, Mission Memoir, p. 7.

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Start of the Salesian Work in the San Francisco Area, II 7 3
26. Father Raphael Piperni to Father Michael Rua, San Francisco, June 27,
He presents to Father Rua a proposal by Archbishop Riordan to take over a
large and very needy Italian parish on a "peninsula," two hours by train from San
San Francisco, Cal.
1600 Dupont Str.
June 27, 1908
To the Very Reverend Father Michael Rua,
Rector Major of the Salesian Society, Turin.
Very Reverend and Dear Father Rua,
I am writing this letter at His Grace, Archbishop P. Riordan's particular be-
hest. He has [in hi s archdiocese] a large parish peopled entirely by Italian immi-
grants from the old soil. It is located out of the city, a two-hour ride by train, on
a small peninsula on the Pacific coast. The Italians there are distributed in three
centers, and both adults and young people are receiving no religious care what-
soever. The archbishop, of course, has had American priests in charge of the par-
ish, since he had no Italian priests available, but they did not, or could not, have
any success with the people. This must have been because they could not speak
the language and were ignorant of Italian ways and customs. The present resident
American priest has again and again petitioned the archbishop to be reassigned.
The Italian people in the area are farmers and ranchers, and in the middle of
the three population centers there lies a small town inhabited by [English-
speaking] Americans .
The archbishop is disconsolate and distressed at the sad [spiritual] condition
of those people, and that is why he is turning to you. He begs you to send help
so that those poor Italian immigrants may not give up the last vestiges of the
fa ith to which they may still be clinging. The Protestants are making significant
gai ns among them.
Two Salesian priests, endowed with pious zeal rather than knowledge, and a
Salesian brother, would truly be godsends. His grace the archbishop has repeat-
edly said to me, "If Father Rua cannot send help, I am at a loss as to what to do
for those Italian people."
He is ready to make any concession and to help in every possible way. It is
a large territorial parish and extends over that whole small peninsula. It is situ-
ated in one of the most scenic spots in this part of the California coast. In your
reply feel free to set down any condition you find desirable.
I should add that the archbishop would like to deal directly with Your Rever-
ence and not with the provincial here. Off the record, the archbishop has little
liking or esteem for the provincial. Our community here supports the proposal
and hopes that it will be accepted.
Kissing your hand, I wish to convey Father Redahan's respectful good
wi shes.
95 ASC, Letters to Rua, FDR 3,668 C l-2. All in Piperni' s hand.

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Your most humble son,
Father Piperni
Journal of Salesian Studies
[Notation in Father Piscetta' s hand] Replied Jul y 30, 1908. We cannot accept the
proposal. This is not because we are unwilling to made sacrifices (Father Rua
would make any sacrifice). The reason is absolute lack of personnel. Our present
personnel resources are not sufficient even to maintain existi ng works. I Father
Sa Francisco[,] Cal.
1600 Dupont Str.
Giugno 27. 1908
R[everen]d[issi]mo Sig[nor] Don Michele Rua.
Rettor M[aggior]e della Societa Salesiana. Torino
Amatissimo e R[everen]d[issi]mo Sig[nor] Don Rua.
Le scrivo la presente per incarico specialissimo di Mgr. Arcivescovo P. Ri-
ordan. Egli ha fuora della citta, a due ore di ferrovia, sulla costa del Pacifico, wza
vasta parrocchia (e una piccola penisola) tutta di puri Italiani, distribuiti in 3
centri: ltalia11i che so/IO realmente abbandonati, genitori e fig Ii, in fatto di re-
ligione. Vi ha tenuto naturalmente parroci americani per mancanza di sacerdoti
italiani, e non fecero o non poterono far niente di be11e in mezza a loro cer-
tam[e11t]e per difetto di lingua e per 1wn sapere usi e costumi italiani. fl
Sac[erdote] americano che attualmente vi risiede, cerca continuamente
all'Arcivescovo di essere rimosso.
In mezzo ai tre centri di Italiani, (de- / dicati all'agricoltura e all'industria del
bestiame vaccino,) vi e una borgata di Americani.
L 'Arciv[escovJo e afflitto e mortificato per questo stato di cose e si rivolge sup-
plichevole a V[ostra] S[ignori]a, implorando aiuto per quei poveri ltaliani, af-
finche non perdano lo ultimo filo di fede che ancora rimane in loro. 1 Protestanti
guadagnano campo fra loro.
Due Sacerd[ot]i Salesiani, che avessero piu pieta che scienza, sarebbero una
vera benedizione di Dio: e con essi un coadiutore. Mgr. Arciv[escovJo dice: "Se
Don Rua non mi aiuta, non so che cosafare per quegli Italiani."
Egli e disposto a fare tutte le concessioni possibili. La parrocchia, estesa, e
territoriale: e tu/la una piccola penisola, 11na delle pitl belle parti di questi con-
torni di California. In risposta, gli si scrivano pure le condizioni che si vo -
Dippiu egli vuol trattare direttamente con V[ostr]a S[ignori]a e non
coll'Jspettore, verso ii quale (inter nos) non ha ne simpatia ne credito. Anche noi
qui speriamo che sia accettata la proposta: e Le bacio le mani:
[Written on the slant on top of the page:] Le porgo i I rispettosi I saluti di
Don I Redahan. I suo umil[issi]mo figlio[,J I Don Piperni
[Notation in Father Piscetta's hand:] Risp{osto} 30- 7- 08 I None possibile.
Non si tratta di non poter senza I sacrificii (questi D{on] Rua farebbe) ma di

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Start of the Salesian Work in the San Francisco Area, II 7 5
no11 potere assolutom[ente] I per iscarsita di personale, omai insufficiente a I
sostenere l'opere gia assunte. I D[on] Piscetta
We know that nothing came of the proposal, but the letter's peculiar reticence
will certainly set the wheels of the reader's imagination whirring. Where is this
mysterious peninsula situated? Your guess is as good as mine. I just transcribed
the document here as a parting shot before a brief closing paragraph.
Envoi and Conclusion
The above, perhaps over-extended, presentation of archival documents was meant
to tell the story of the founding and early development of the Salesian work in
the Bay Area. But at the same time it tells the story of the pioneers who gave
their all to make the mission a success. This is primarily a story of total com-
mitment and fidelity. For what is most striking about these letters is that they
reveal the mettle, the courage, and the spirit of self-giving of the men who took
up the challenge against incredible odds-of those even who are apt to be forgot-
ten as secondary characters in the saga. In Appendix II below, I present a brief
factual profile on each ofthe Salesians who gave their best years to establish and
develop the work. But some of those pioneers have been altogether outstanding.
They were not perfect human beings, to be sure. But they were, each in their
own way, radically committed and totally available for the mission of furthering
the kingdom of God in the spirit of Don Bosco. I would like to name some of
them by way of e nvoi and conclusion:
Father Raphael Piperni, the ebullient preacher a nd tireless seeker of souls;
Father Charles Bernard Redahan, the creative youth minister and bold social
Father Valentine Cassini, the saintly parish priest and self-effacing servant
of the people;
Father Felix Andrew Bergeretti, the man of the Church and the multi-faceted
Father Joseph Galli, the priest with "a heart" and the bearer of God's love to
young and old.
These and other standard bearers beckon to us to follow in their footsteps.

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Journal of Salesian Studies
Appendix I. Salesian Personnel San Francisco-Oakland
V-Pr = Vice-Provincial; Pr = Provincial; P = Priest; D =
Deacon; S = Seminarian; LB = Lay Brother; L-Nov = Lay Novice
Italics = first appearance; <=from; >=to; b> = back to
SS.Peter-Paul SF (Mar 1897)
p Raphael Piperni
p Valentine Cassini
D Joseph Oreni
LB Nicholas Imielinski
[Anselm Petazzil
P Raphael Piperni
P Valentine Cassini
P Charles B. Redahan [<Tur 2/17/98]
D Joseph Oreni
LB Nicholas lmielinski
fAnselm Petazzi]
P Raphael Piperni
P Valentine Cassini
P Charles Redahan
D Joseph Oreni
LB Nicholas lmielinski
[L Nov] Anselm Petazzi
P Raphael Piperni
P Charles Redahan
D Joseph Oreni [ord P 12/8/900]
LB Nicholas Imielinski
[L Nov] Anselm Petazzi
Corpus Christi
[Corpus Christi,
Apr. 1898]
P Valentine
D Daniel Mac-
I St. Joseph

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Start of the Salesian Work in the San Francisco Area, II 77
SS.Peter-Paul SF
Corpus Christi
P Raphael Piperni
P Charles Redahan
P Joseph Oreni [>Ven 6/1901]
D Daniel Maccarthy
LB Nicholas Imielinski
P Valentine Cassini
P Charles Buss
LB Anselm Petazzi
[<SS. P & Pl
Vice-Prov of St. Philip Apos-
tie created - Fr. Michael
Bor2hino, V-Pr
V-Pr P Michael Borghino
P Vale ntine Cassini>
[9/5/1902 < Bahfa Blanca, Argentina] P Charles Buss
P Raphael Piperni
LB Anselm Petazzi
P Charles Redahan
D Daniel Maccarthy [back>Ven 9/02]
LB Nicholas Imielinski
P Joseph Galli [<Portugal]
S Joseph Simeoni [<Italy Venice]
Province of St. Philip Apos-
tie created - Fr. Michael
Bor2hino, Pr
P Raphael Piperni
P Charles Redahan
S Joseph Simeoni
LB Nicholas Imielinski
Pr P Michael
P Charles Buss
LB Anselm Petazzi
[P Cassini
back> Argentina]
St. Joseph
[St. Jo-
sepli 's, Oak-
la11d, Sept.
11, 1902)
P Felix Andrew
P Emil Pavan
LB JohnBap-
tist Bovio
[<Italy Turinl
P Felix Andrew
P Emil Pavan
P Joseph Galli
[<SS. P. & P.]
LB John Bap-
tist Bovio

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Journal of Salesian Studies
SS.Peter-Paul SF
P Raphael Piperni
P Charles Redahan
P Thomas Deehan [<Jamaica Yen]
[>Transfiguration NY 7/4/1904]
S Joseph Simeoni
LB Nicholas Imielinski
P Raphael Piperni
P Charles Redahan
P Charles Buss
LB Nicholas Imielinski
S Simeoni r>Trov NY 3/5/19051
1906 [Earthquake & Fire1
P Raphael Piperni
P Charles Redahan
P Charles B uss
LB Nicholas lmielinski
P Raphael Piperni
P Charles Redahan
P Charles Buss
LB Nicholas Imielinski
P Filomeno Ferrara[<? - 1/1611907]
P Raphael Piperni
P Charles Redahan
P Alfred Pauc [<Corpus Christi]
P Filomeno Ferrara
LB Nicholas lmielinski
Christi SF
St. Joseph
Pr P Michael
P Charles Buss
LB Anselm Petazzi
P Andrew Ber-
P Emil Pavan
P Joseph Galli
LB John Bovio
Pr P Borghino
[>Trov ,NY ]
P John Piovano
LB Anselm Petazzi
P Andrew Ber-
P Joseph Galli
LB John Bovio
P John Piovano
P Alfred Pauc
[<Troy NY]
LB Anselm Petazzi
P Andrew Ber-
P Joseph Galli
LB John Bovio
P John Piovano
P Alfred Pauc
LB Anselm Petazzi
[LB Petazzi >Troy
P Andrew Ber-
P Joseph Galli
P Henry Ferreira
[<Turin I/I 6/1907]
LB John Bovio
P Charles Buss
P Joseph Simeoni
[b from <Troy,NY]
P Andrew Ber-
P Joseph Galli
P Henry Ferreira
LB John Bovio

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Start of the Salesian Work in the San Francisco Area, II 79
SS.Peter-Paul SF
Pr Fr. Michael Foglino
(Hawthorne, NY) [Borghino >
Venezuela as Pr]
P Raphael Piperni
P Charles Redahan
P Alfred Pauc
P Filomeno Ferrara [b>East 7/15/09]
LB Nicholas Imielinski
P Raphael Piperni
P Charles Redahan
P Alfred Pauc
P Joseph Simeoni [<Corpus Christi]
LB Nicholas Imielinski
I Corpus
Christi SF
St. Joseph
P Charles Buss
P Joseph Simeoni
P Andrew Bergeretti
P Joseph Galli
P Henry Ferreira
LB John Bovio
[Bergeretti RIP
91911909 1
P Charles Buss
P Paul Zolin
[<Hawthorne, NY]
P Joseph Galli
P Henry Ferreira
LB John Bovio

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Journal of Salesian Studies
Appendix II Biographical Sketches
Eugenio Valentini, Amedeo Rodino, Dizionario Biografico dei
Salesiani. Torino: Ufficio Stampa Salesiano, 1969 [Diz. Biogr.]
Missionari Salesiani: I Rimpatriati e i Defunti al 31 Dicembre
1977 (CSSMS, Sussidi 6). Roma: SDB, 1978 . [CSSMS, Suss. 6]
General Directory of the Salesian Society [Elenco Generale] and
Murphy, Database: used as required; no reference given.
Additional sources as noted.
Bergeretti, Andrew (Felix Andrew), born July 15, 1846, diocese of Turin
(Italy). He was ordained on June 3, 1871. Having opted for the missions, he was
assigned by the Congregation of the Propagation of the Faith first to the diocese
of Sydney, Australia, and subsequently to Sri Lanka (Ceylon, India), where he
worked for eleven years and established many missionary stations. An architect
of great ability, he built several churches, including the great cathedral in the
capital city of Colombo. When the Sri Lanka missions were assigned to relig-
ious congregations, Father Bergeretti joined the work of the Holy Family of
Bethlehem, and thereafter, with Father Anthony Belloni and Father Raphael
Piperni, of the same congregation, joined the Salesian Society and made his pro-
fession on September 25, 1894. He worked in Venezuela from 1895 to 1901 , as
founder and director of the Salesian house of Valencia. He was decorated for his
charitable work during an epidemic, and subsequently expelled by the same gov-
ernment. In 1902 he was sent by Father Michael Rua to San Francisco and as-
signed to St. Joseph Portuguese Church in Oakland, as director and pastor,
serving in that capacity until his death on September 11 , 1909. [Diz. Biogr.,
s.v. Bergeretti; CSSMS, Suss. 6, p. 10; Ferreira, St Joseph's, History, pp. 18-
Borghino, Michael , born November 22, 1855, Vigone (Turin, Italy). He
made his profession as a Salesian on September 15, 1877. He left for the mis-
sions in South America and was ordained in Montevideo (Uruguay) on February
26, 1879. After initial assignments to the schools of Villa Col6n and Las Pie-
dras (near Montevideo, Uruguay) he became director of the first Salesian founda-
tion in Brazil, at Nichteroy (or Niteroi, near Rio de Janeiro) and served in that
capacity from 1883 to 1887. He was then recalled to Uruguay, and in 1890 as-
signed to Argentina, where he worked as pastor and director for some 12 years. It
is from such a post in Bahia Blanca that he was assigned to the United States as
vice-provincial (1902) and as provincial (1903-1908). Next he served as provin-
cial in Venezuela. After this assignment he returned as director to Bahia Blanca

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Start of the Salesian Work in the San Francisco Area, II 81
(Argentina), where he also served as visitor for the superior general. He died in
Turin on November 14, 1929. [Diz. Biogr., s.v., Borghino; CSSMS, Suss. 6,
p. 15]
Bovio, John Baptist [Lay Brother], born May 4, 1872, Rodello (Alba, It-
aly). The reading of Salesian missionary literature and a pilgrimage to Rome
fired him with the desire to become a religious and a missionary in the Salesian
Society. He entered the novitiate in 1901 , and made his first profession on
August 1, 1902 at the (then) Missionary College of Valsalice (Turin). Later that
same year, with Father Andrew Bergeretti, he was assigned to the mission of St.
Joseph Portuguese Church in Oakland, where he remained until his premature
death. He made his perpetual profession on January 31, 1906, and during his
fifteen years at St. Joseph's he worked faithfully as cook, sexton, caretaker and
house manager. Often under doctors' care, he finally suffered collapse of the
lungs and died at Providence Hospital in Oakland on January 9, 1917. [Ferreira,
St. Joseph's, History, p. 23; CSSMS, Suss. 6, p. 17]
Buss, Charles Louis, born April 4, 1873, West Battersea (London, Great
Britain). Having entered as an aspirant in 1890, he was sent to Italy for his no-
vitiate and made his profession as a Salesian at Foglizzo (Turin) in 1891. He
spent the next few years at the office of the Salesian Bulletin in Turin, and on
the English-language staff of the superior chapter. In that capacity, during the
period of the San Francisco negotiations, he acted as Father Rua's secretary for
the latter's correspondence with Archbishop Patrick Riordan. He was ordained in
1897, after which he returned to Battersea. In 1901 he was assigned to San Fran-
cisco. Father Charles Buss worked at Corpus Christi from 1901 to 1904, after
which he served as ass istant at SS. Peter and Paul from 1905 to 1907. In 1908
he returned to Corpus Christi as director and pastor. At this time he asked Father
Rua for permission to return to England. We read in the minutes: "Father Fo-
glino is writi ng to say that Father Charles Buss would like to return to London.
He may do so. Father Simeoni might take his place as director [and pastor at
Corpus Christi]." [Meeting of the Superior Chapter, September 26, 1909, Min-
utes II, p. 252, FDR 4,248 E9] However, he stayed on at Corpus Christ until
1913. Having taken ill, he returned to England in 1914. "Apparently an invalid
[...]," he experienced a "miraculous cure from all his maladies immediately upon
the news of his appointment as a military chaplain, early in the war." [Dickson,
Dynamics of Growth, p. 198] The First World War over, he was director in Bat-
tersea, London, from 1919 to 1923; then he returned to the United States. He
served as director and pastor at Ho!y Rosary, Port Chester (1923- 1925) and at
St. John's, Albany (1926-1934). After one-year stays at New Rochelle and at St.
Patrick's in Los Angeles, we find him at St. Anthony's, Paterson, NJ, where he
died on August 18, 1938. [CSSMS, Suss. 6 p. 18; Obituary by Father Modesto

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Journal of Salesian Studies
Valenti in Archive of San Francisco Province; and William John Dickson, The
Dynamics of Growth[. ..] (Roma: LAS, 1991), passim]
Cassini, Valentine , born April 10, 1851, diocese of Casale (Italy). As a
young man he was enrolled at the Oratory as an apprentice and later as a student.
He made his religious profession as a Salesian on September 22, 1871, and was
ordained on October 2, 1875. As a newly ordained priest, he was detached from
the working boys' community which he directed, and was chosen for the
Salesian mission to South America. He left for Buenos Aires with the first mis-
sionary expedition of ten Salesians, and later served as director in Salesian
schools in Argentina. He revisited Italy with Bishop John Cagliero in 1887 as
Don Bosco Jay dying. On March 11 , 1888, Father Michael Rua placed him at
the head of a band of six other missionaries bound for Uruguay. He revisited
Italy again in 1896 to see his aged mother and for a period of convalescence. It
was at this time that he was recruited for the San Francisco mission, Jed by Fa-
ther Raphael Piperni. After one year at SS . Peter and Paul, he was assigned to
Corpus Christi Church as curate and then as pastor. In these capacities he served
from 1898 to 1903. Never well in health, in 1903 he returned to Argentina,
where he worked in a Salesian School in Bahfa Blanca and later as associate par-
ish priest in Buenos Aires. He died there in 1922. [Diz. Biogr. , s.v. Cassini;
EBM XI, p. 349-350; CSSMS Suss. 6, p. 23; Ceria, Annali I, p. 253; II, pp.
20, 589]
Deehan, Thomas, born October 27, 1874, Cloghan (Offaly, Ireland). After
his novitiate at Burwash (Great Britain) he made his religious profession in 1896
and perpetual vows in 1899. For one year he served as secretary in the office of
Father Michael Rua, and in 1901 he was assigned to the mission of Montego
Bay (Jamaica, Province of Venezuela). He was ordained there on May 7, 1902.
When that mission was closed, Father Deehan came to San Francisco in Decem-
ber, 1903. Archbishop Riordan requested Father Rua to re-assign him on grounds
that neither his Italian nor his English could be understood. [Archbishop Riordan
to Father Rua, December 16, 1903, FDR 3,806 B4] He left San Francisco for
New York on July 4, 1904 with visiting Bishop James Costamagna and his
secretary. There he served as associate pastor at Transfiguration Church. In 1907,
Father Deehan came to the Superior Chapter's notice: "Father Thomas Deehan is
asking for $300 a year for his family or else to be released from his vows. The
vice-secretary [Calogero Gusmano] is to reply: [Father Deehan] may go right
ahead and look for a benevolent bishop. But while negotiations with the bishop
are in progress, Jet him remain under obedience." [Meeting of the Superior Chap-
ter, November 26, 1907, Minutes II, p. 164, FDR 4247 CS] Father Deehan re-
mained at Transfiguration Church until 1911 , then in September of that year he
returned to California for reasons of health and worked at SS . Peter and Paul

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Start of the Salesian Work in the San Francisco Area, II 83
Church in San Francisco with Sunday school and other youth activities until
1923. After one year at St. Francis School, Watsonville (CA), recently entrusted
to the Salesians, as spiritual director, he was assigned to St. Joseph's, Oakland,
where he served as associate from 1924 to 1934. After a couple years at SS. Pe-
ter and Paul, he was appointed director and pastor of St. Patrick Church in Los
Angeles where he served from 1936 to 1940. For the years 1941-1945 we find
him again at SS. Peter and Paul. In 1946 he retired to St. John Bosco School in
Bellflower (CA) in poor health. Stricken with a cerebral hemorrhage on Decem-
ber 8, 1951, he lingered till he died on October 7, 1952. [Obituary by Father
Alfred Broccardo in Archive of the San Francisco Province; CSSMS, Suss. 6, p .
37; Pellegrino, SS. Peter and Paul, Chronicle, passim; Ferreira, St. Joseph's,
History, p. 21]
Ferrara, Filomeno , born November 5, 1874, San Biase (Italy). Already a
priest, he entered the novitiate on June 19, 1905, at St. Joseph's Salesian Col-
lege, Troy, New York, and made his religious profession on October 7, 1906. In
January 1907, in triennial vows, he joined the SS. Peter and Paul staff as associ-
ate. In July 1909, he left SS . Peter and Paul for New York, re-assigned by Fa-
ther Michael Foglino, newly appointed provincial. Father Ferrara died by
drowning in Lake Mahopac, New York, on July 14, 1910. [Pellegrino, SS. Pe-
ter and Paul, Chronicle, pp. 4-5; Piperni, Mission Memoir, p. 7; Philip Pas-
cucci, "Out of Our Past [...]" Journal of Salesian Studies 7: 1 (1996), p. 139,
note 18 and related text]
Ferreira, Henry, born March 30, 1881, Salvador da Lama (Barcelos, Braga,
Portugal). Orphaned at the age of 8, from 1891 to 1897 he was a boarder at the
Salesian school in Braga, whence he entered the novitiate in Lisbon. He made
his religious profession as a Salesian on March 15 1899, Father Michael Rua
presiding, and his perpetual vows on April 15, 1902. He was assigned as a
teacher first in the novitiate and later in the Salesian vocational school in Lis-
bon. In 1904 he was called to Turin as a Portuguese-language editor of the
Salesian Bulletin and as a secretary in Father Rua's office. While so engaged, he
completed his theological studies, and was ordained on March 31, 1906. He was
then assigned to St. Joseph Portuguese Church by Father Rua, and arrived in
Oakland on January 16, 1907. At St. Joseph's he served as associate to a number
of pastors in succession: Father Bergeretti (1902-1909), Father Joseph Galli
(1909- 1932), Father Louis B. Galli (1932-1938), Father Matthew Cravero
(1938- 1940), Father Guido J. Divina (1940-1943). During Father Galli's tenure,
Father Ferreira served as pastor of Mary Help of Christians Church, established
for the Portuguese in East Oakland (on East Ninth Street and 26th Avenue) from
1918- 1923. He returned as associate there from 1946 to 1950. Apart from two
brief stays at SS. Peter and Paul in San Francisco, he spend the rest of his days

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Journal of Salesian Studies
at St. Francis School, Watsonville. He died on March 15, 1975.
[Autobiographical Sketch in Ferreira, St. Joseph's Hist., p. 20; CSSMS, Suss.
6, p. 43]
Foglino, Michael , born December 22, 1858, Nizza Monferrato (Italy). He
made his religious profession as a Salesian on September 27, 1876. He left for
Uruguay with the fourth missionary expedition in 1879, and was ordained there
on February 17, 1883. He then served as director of Salesian schools in
Paysandu (Uruguay) and Sao Paulo (Brazil), before being appointed provincial in
Venezuela in 1902, and in the United States in 1909. In 1912 he was relieved of
office due to serious illness, and spent the rest of his life as a patient in Salesian
nursing homes. He died at Piossasco (Turin, Italy) on October 26, 1938 [Diz.
Biogr., s.v. Foglino; CSSMS, Suss. 6, p. 46.]
Galli, Joseph , born April 18, 1877, Varese (Milan, Italy). He entered the
Oratory in Turin for his secondary studies and then the novitiate, and made his
religious profession as a Salesian on October 3, 1893. He immediately made
petition for the South American missions, but Father Rua assigned him to the
house of Braga (Portugal), where personnel was urgently needed. He was very
popular with the youngsters both in the classroom and on the playground. After
spending eighteen months in military service back in Italy, he returned to Portu-
gal and spent a year with the novices in Lisbon. After completing his theologi-
cal studies, he was ordained by the Patriarch of Lisbon on March 15, 1902.
Called to his mother's bedside for her last rites, he was about to return to Portu-
gal, when Father Rua assigned him, with Father Bergeretti and Brother Bovio, to
St. Joseph's in Oakland [Rua to Archbishop Riordan, August 5, 1902, Archive
of the San Francisco Province, from Archive of the Archdiocese of San Fran-
cisco]. The Directory for 1903 places Father Galli at SS. Peter and Paul, but all
sources (including the SS. Peter and Paul Chronicle) agree on Father Galli's
Oakland assignment. Father Galli remained at St. Joseph's for nearly thirty
years, first as associate to Father Bergeretti, then at the latter's death in Septem-
ber 1909, as director and pastor until 1932. Father Ferreira, who had been a pupil
of his in Portugal, and was his coworker at St. Joseph's from 1907 on, gives
this touching testimony: "He was a very popular and successful pastor, endearing
himself to the various nationalities and to all classes of people. He was the
founder of many of the parochial organizations, and always acted as their chap-
lain. He accomplished much with his untiring zeal." [Ferreira, St. Joseph's Hist.
p. 20] From 1933 to 194 1 he served as pastor, and for a time also as director, of
SS. Peter and Paul in San Francisco, where "during the great economic depres-
sion with untiring zeal and energy, he brought to completion the work of his
predecessor" by extinguishing the debt on the church. In 1942 Father Galli was
transferred to Mary Help of Christians, in Watsonville, CA. as pastor where he

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repeated the pastoral exploit of Oakland and San Francisco. Stricken with a heart
attack, he died at the hospital in nearby Santa Cruz on May 19, 1952. [Obituary
by Father George Salbeck; Ferreira, St. Joseph 's Hist. pp. 19-20; CSSMS,
Suss. 6, p. 50) [Varying ordination dates: Obituary, March 15; Ferreira, May 7)
Imielinski, Nicholas [Lay Brother], born December 4, 1875, Dombrowa
Gornicza (K.ielce, Poland). He made his religious profession as a Salesian on
September 22, 1896. Unable to continue his priestly studies because of chronic
illness, he asked to remain as a brother. In 1897 he joined the group led by Fa-
ther Raphael Piperni. At SS. Peter and Paul, he served for a time as cook, and
then as sacristan until his death on May 26, 1948. [Obituary by Father Joseph
Costan zo in Archive of the San Francisco Province; CSSMS, Suss. 6, p. 61)
Shortly after the group's arrival, Father Piperni wrote: "Our good confreres,
Seminarian Oreni and the Polish brother are doing very well. The latter turned
out to be a good cook." [Piperni to Rua, San Francisco, March 21, 1897, in
FDR 3,347 C2]
Lazzero, Joseph, born May 10, 1837 in Pino (Turin, Italy) , He was one of
the co-founding members of the Salesian Society in 1859, and one of the first
professed on May 15, 1862. After his ordination on June 10, 1865, he served as
[vice-] director of the Oratory, and as councilor on the superior chapter from
1874 to 1898. He was the first to hold the office of vocational councilor, and in
1885, released from the director's post at the Oratory, he was put in charge of
missionary correspondence. In 1893 while continuing as a member of the Supe-
rior Chapter, he was appointed provincial of the Salesian province of Mexico and
Venezuela. Father Eugene Ceria [Eugene Ceria, Profili dei Capitolari Salesiani
(Colle Don Bosco: LDC, 1951, pp. 163-172) states that in 1897 illness forced
him into permanent retirement at Mathi (Turin). However, as the Salesian Direc-
tories show, he held the post of provincial of the Province of St. Luke for Vene-
zuela, Northern Brazil and North America, until 1901. Hence from 1897 to 1901
the Salesian houses in the U nited States were under Father Lazzero (Venezuela).
When the mother province was divided in 1902, the United States became an
independent [vice-] province under Father Michael Borghino [Cf. above]. [Diz.
Biogr., s.v. Lazzero; CSSMS , Suss. 6, p. 66)
Maccarthy, Daniel, "came from Ireland, and was received [as an aspirant at
Battersea, London] on Aug. 13th 1890." [William John Dickson, The Dynamics
of Growth, p. 114). He was transferred to San Francisco from Caracas, Vene-
zuela, and is listed in the 1900 and 1901 Salesian General Directory as a member
of the SS. Peter and Paul community. He is no longer listed after 190 1. From a
Rua-to-Cassini letter of October 9, 1900, it appears that he was assigned to Cor-
pus Christi as an assistant to Father Cassini, but that his performance was not

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satisfactory. [Letter No. 7, above] This is confirmed by Father Piperni who
writes: "I dare not take a decision regarding McCarthy [sic] without express in-
structions from Your Reverence." [Letter No. 18, above] In September 1902
Deacon MacCarthy returned to Venezuela [Pellegrino, SS. P. and Paul's Chron.
p. 2]. No further information is available.
Oreni, Joseph, born in 1874, Treviglio (Bergamo, Italy). He made his relig-
ious profession as a Salesian in the early 1890s and was a seminarian at Val-
salice (Turin) in 1897, when he joined the group leaving for San Francisco. He
was ordained a priest at SS. Peter and Paul on December 8, 1900. Shortly there-
after, in June 1901, he was transferred to Caracas (Venezuela) where he served as
teacher, as parish priest, and as secretary to the provincial. He left the Congrega-
tion in 1915. [Pellegrino, SS. P. and Paul 's Chron. pp. 1-2. Directories]
Pauc, Alfred, born December 2 1, 1874, Paris (France). Alfred became a
Salesian in Paris at the age of twenty, making his religious profession on De-
cember 8, 1894. His early Salesian life as teacher and seminary student was Jived
in turbulent times. Those were the times of the Dreyfus Affair ( 1894-1906) and
of the separation of Church and State (1901- 1905). The Associations Law
(1901), enforced with thoroughgoing anticlerical conviction by the ministry of
Emile Combes, Jed to the closing of some 3,000 religious schools and the disso-
lution of religious communities involved in education. [Cf. Ploetz-Langer, An
Encyclopedia of World History (NY: Houghton Mifflin, 1940), pp. 648-649]
The Salesians of the Paris province were among 54 communities which applied
for recognition and were denied. The Salesians of the Marseilles province went
underground. The Salesian Directory carried no listing for French Salesian fo un-
dations until after World War I. Many French Salesians left France at this time
or were dispersed. It was under these circumstances that Alfred Pauc, ordained to
the priesthood on Apri l 25, 1902, left France. After a brief stay in Turin (Italy),
in 1903 he sailed for the United States. His first assignments were at Transfigu-
ration Church in New York (1903-1904) and at St. Joseph Salesian College in
Troy, NY (1905). In the same year he was assigned to San Francisco (in time for
the great earthquake) and he is listed as associate pastor at Corpus Christi in the
Directories for 1906-1907, and at SS. Peter and Paul for 1908-19 13 in like ca-
pacity. Father Pauc, in his wryly self-deprecating fas hion, would on occasion
speak of his vocation crisis when he asked for dispensation from vows. The
minutes of the Superior Chapter have the following: "Father Alfred Pauc of the
community of San Francisco, California, is requesting dispensation from vows.
Let Father [Paul] Albera encourage him to persevere." [Meeting of the superior
Chapter, March 2, 1909, Minutes II, p. 222, FDR 4,248 C3] Apparently Father
Albera, who as provincial in France had known him in earlier years, did encour-
age him! The SS. Peter and Paul chronicle notes that Father Pauc was added to

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the staff on February 21, 1908 and left in August 1913 for New York City. In
effect he was associate at Transfiguration Church (1914-1915) and at Mary Help
of Christians (1916-1925). From New York Father Pauc returned to California
in 1925, and (except for two brief periods at St. Francis School, Watsonville),
from 1925 to 1948 he worked in various capacities at SS. Peter and Paul and at
Corpus Christi , with a IO-year period at the Salesian Junior Seminary in Rich-
mond in between. In 1949 he returned to Richmond in quasi-retirement, but still
active through his sunset years. Stricken with illness in December 1963, he died
at the hospital in Santa Cruz, CA, on March 13, 1964. [CSSMS, Suss 6, p. 87;
Pellegrino, SS. Peter and Paul, Chronicle, pp. 4-5; Obituary by Father Michael
Ribotta in Archive of the San Francisco Province]
Pavan, Emil, born April 7, 1868, Casale di Scodozia (Padova, Italy). At the
age of 14, he emigrated with his father to Sao Paulo (Brazil), where they worked
together as bricklayers. He attended the Salesian school in that city, and later
applied to join the Salesians. He made his profession on January 18, 1892. After
several assignments and completing his priestly studies, he was ordained on
April 1, 1900. Not long thereafter he took sick and was sent back to Italy. In
1902 he was assigned to St. Joseph's, Oakland, as associate to Father Bergeretti.
Because of illness, he again returned to Italy in 1904, and after much suffering
died at the Cottolengo hospital in Turin on June 12, 1921. [CSSMS , Suss. 6,
p. 87; Ferreira, St. Joseph's, History , p. 19. Ferreira adds: "He himself told me
his life's story in Italy where I met him in 1904."]
Petazzi, Anselm [Lay Brother], born August 8, 1877, at Menaggio (Como,
Italy). He emigrated to the United States in 1894 and lived in Boston, where he
worked as a fruit vendor. He had known the Salesians in Italy, and having heard
that Salesians were coming to the United States, he wrote to Father Rua who
asked him to meet the party in New York. There he joined Father Piperni and
confreres on their trip to San Francisco. (A different version of the story, accord-
ing to which it was Archbishop Patrick Riordan who asked Petazzi to meet the
arriving Salesians in New York, is given by Father Piperni in a letter to Father
Rua [Piperni to Rua, March 2, 1897, FDR 3,790 D7. Cf. Lenti, Founding, pp.
25-26]) Anselm made his novitiate under Father Piperni and Father Cassini and
his profession on August 15, 1900, his being the first Salesian profession in the
United States. His first assignment as a Salesian was at Corpus Christi where he
served from 1901 to 1907. The Directory then places him at St. Joseph's Col-
lege, Troy, in 1908, and in 1909 at Columbus College, Hawthorne, New York,
where he worked until transferred to Holy Rosary Church in Port Chester, New
York, in 19 19. At Holy Rosary he found the environment and the opportunities
for a fruitful apostolate among teenagers and adults. Religious instruction and
sacramental preparation were the ministries he loved best, even as his health

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began to decline. He died in 1941. [Obituary by Father Dominic Cecere, with
corrections in the hand of Father Eneas Tozzi, in Archive of the San Francisco
Province; CSSMS, Suss. 6, p. 89]
Piovano, John [Charles], born May 25, 1863, diocese of Turin (Italy) . He
made his religious profession as a Salesian October 7, 1882. In 1884, as a semi-
narian, he was assigned to the Salesian province of Rosario (Argentina), where
he was ordained on June 28, 1887. In 1904, according to the Directory, we find
him at Transfi guration Church in New York as director and pastor. The SS. Pe-
ter and Paul Chronicle [p. 3] after July 4, 1904, notes: "Father M . Piovano has
been assigned to this house; however, he remains but a short while because of
illness." For the years 1905-1907, he is listed at Corpus Christi Church in San
Francisco as director and pastor. He therefore succeeded Father Michael Borghino,
who (as provincial) resided at Corpus Christ in 1903 and 1904 in that same ca-
pacity. Father Piovano was succeeded at Corpus Christi by Father Charles Buss
in 1908. After some years in the Bolivia-Peru province, for the year 1922 he is
listed in New Rochelle, NY, where he died in 1923.[CSSMS, Suss. 6, p. 90;
Diamond, Corpus Christi]
Piperni, Raphael , was born July 26, 1842, Casacalenda (Capobasso, Italy).
After completing his priestly studies in the diocesan seminary, he was ordained
on April 6, 1867. After some priestly and teaching acti vity in his diocese, he
attended the Missionary Institute of the Congregation for the Propagation of the
Faith, and in 1876 as an apostolic missionary he joined Father Anthony Belloni
at the orphanage the latter had founded in Bethlehem, which became known as
the Work of the Holy Family. Between 1877 and 1889 he traveled throughout
Europe and the Americas to raise funds for Father Belloni 's charitable undertak-
ing. When the Work of the Holy Family was taken over by the Salesian Society
in 1889-1900, Father Piperni (with Father Belloni and Father Bergeretti) joined
the Salesian Society and made his profession on October 8, 1892. As a Salesian
Father Piperni (with Father Piccono and others) started the Salesian work in
Mexico in 1892. It was from the orphanage of Puebla which he founded and di-
rected, that Father Rua called him to Turin in late 1896 to lead the missionary
group to San Francisco, where they arrived on March 12, 1897. [March 12:
Piperni to Rua, March 15, 1897, FDR 3,790 E l ; March 11: Piperni, Mission
Memoir, 1914) His distinguished service as director and pastor at the Church of
SS. Peter and Paul extended over a period of 30 years. In association with Father
Charles Bernard Redahan and others, Father Piperni oversaw the reconstruction
after the earthquake and fire of 1906. In 1924 he presided over the dedication of
the new SS. Peter and Paul on Filbert Street. In 1927 Father Piperni retired to
Richmond, CA, where he died on November 15, 1930. [Piperni, Autobiographi-
cal Memoir in Archive of the San Francisco Province; Obituary by Father Or-

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estes Trichieri, ibid.; Diz. Biogr. , s.v. Piperni; CSSMS, Suss. 6, p. 90; Rufillo
Uguccioni, Un missionario di tre continenti: don Raffaele Piperni salesiano
(Letture Cattoliche, No. 1160. Torino: SEI 1949); Pellegrino, SS. P. and Paul's
Redahan, Charles Bernard, was born February 28, 1862, Corglass
(Langford, Ireland). He was recruited in Ireland with other Irish young men for
the missions by Archbishop John Joseph Lynch of Toronto, Canada. The group
was placed at the Oratory with Don Bosco for their preparation. Charles Redahan
(together with Francis O'Donnellan, Patrick O 'Grady, and Patrick Diamond)
became a Salesian instead. He made his religious profession on October 6, 1883
and was ordained on December 22, 1888. He served as financial administrator of
the motherhouse until 1898, when Father Rua sent him to San Francisco where
an English-speaking priest was needed for youth work. He worked indefatigably
and with distincti on at SS. Peter and Paul from 1898 to 1914. He immediately
began an "Americanization" program and English classes for Italian immigrants,
preparing many for citizenship. Under his direction, the religious instruction
program flourished, with as many as 2,000 children enrolled. When a rumor
spread in the city that Father Redahan was going to be removed, Archbishop
Riordan lodged a protest with Father Rua. We have the latter's reply, assuring
the archbishop that no such move was contemplated. [Cf. Letter No. 24, above]
After the earthquake and fire of 1906, as financial administrator of SS . Peter and
Paul , Father Redahan in conjunction with Father Raphael Piperni raised the
funds and directed the reconstruction. In 1914 he was named director and pastor at
Corpus Christi where he served unti l 1917. During his brief administration par-
ish life flourished, and a social hall was built adj oining the church. After two
years at Holy Rosary in Port Chester, NY, in 1919 he returned to Corpus
Christi as director and pastor. He died there after a series of heart attacks on Feb-
ruary 15, 1920, [Obituary by Father Emmanuel Manassero and Redahan File in
Archive of the Salesian province of San Francisco; CSSMS, Suss. 6, p. 97]
Simeoni, Joseph , born October (November?) 7, 1881, Bussolengo (Verona,
Italy). He made his religious profession as a Salesian on April 18, 1898. He
received Father Rua's call to come to the United States, and he arrived in San
Francisco on September 5, 1902, in the group led by Father Michael Borghino,
newly appointed provincial. He was a seminarian brother in practical training at
the time and remained part of the SS. Peter and Paul community for the years
1903 and 1904, while continuing his theological studies. On March 5, 1905 he
transferred to St. Joseph's Salesian College, Troy, NY, to complete his theo-
logical studies. He was ordained in Albany, NY, on September 23, 1905, but
remained at Troy before returning to San Francisco and being assigned to Corpus
Christi as associate for 1908 and 1909. On August 10 of that same year, he was

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reassigned to SS. Peter and Paul Church, replacing Father Filomeno Ferrara as
associate pastor. After a couple of years, on June 10, 1912, Father Francis Ga-
rassino (from Transfiguration Church, New York) was assigned to SS. Peter and
Paul as associate pastor, thus freeing Father Simeoni (living at SS. Peter and
Paul) for his far flung ministry of mission preaching. This was to be his life's
work, a ministry which took him far afield by land and by sea (he was ship-
wrecked off the California coast) and for which he received official recognition.
Except for one year at the Salesian College, Aptos, CA (1953), and in Rich-
mond (1954-1957), SS. Peter and Paul remained his base of operation through-
out. Active to the last, he died in San Francisco on December J0, 1967.
[Obituary by Father Gabriel Zavattaro in Archive of the San Francisco Province;
CSSMS, Suss. 6, p. 109; Pellegrino, SS. Peter and Paul, Chronicle, pp. 3-5
and passim]
Zolin, Paul , born July 21 , 1879, Vicenza (Italy). He made his religious pro-
fession as a Salesian on October 3, 1898. He came to the United States and stud-
ied as a seminarian at St. Joseph's Salesian College, Troy, New York in 1906
and 1907. He was ordained in Albany, New York, on December 23, 1907. The
Directory places him as a priest at Troy (1908) and at Columbus College, Haw-
thorne, New York (1909). Assigned to San Francisco, CA, he served as associate
pastor at Corpus Christi (19 10- 1914). From 1914 to 1938 he was active in the
New Rochelle province in various capacities, mostly as director and pastor: Haw-
thorne (1914-1918), Philadelphia (1919), Transfiguration, New York (1920),
Mary Help of Christians, New York (1921 -1937), New Rochelle (1938). In
1939 he was appointed secretary to the Apostolic Delegate in the Philippines.
During World War II he was arrested by the Japanese for being an American citi-
zen. Toward the end of the Japanese occupation of the Philippines just hours
before prisoners were to be executed, they were rescued by American paratroop-
ers. Father Zolin lived and worked in Adelaide, Australia, from 1946 until his
death in Melbourne on August 21, 1963. [Pascucci, "Out of Our Past," op. cit.,
p. 136; CSSMS, Suss. 6, p. 126)