ZMB Salesian Newslink Year 6 No. 24

Year 6 | Issue No. 24 Sep - Oct - Nov 2012

First ZMB Missionary

Joseph Chisomo

Leadership in the Christian Community

Missionary Promotion

Aspects of every Salesian Ministry

Salesian Newslink
ZMB Quarterly publication
Year 6/Nº24 Sep - Oct - Nov 2012


Director & Editor: Fr. Javier A. Barrientos
Redaction Board: Fr. Dennis Higgins, Walter Thyrniang
Graphic Design: Fr. Javier A. Barrientos
Photos: Br. Walter Thyrniang, Sylvester Makumba,

Fr. Javier Barrientos, John Musonda,
Alexio Mesi, Fr Ignatius Musenge.

Contribution from: Fr. George Chalissery, Fr. Andrew Reut,

Walter Thyrniang, Clement Mutamba SDB,
David Njolo SDB, Christopher Mukuka
SDB, John Musonda SDB.

Printed: Printing Press - ZMB Provincial House

Editorial: Re-thinking the Salesian Mission 3
Knowing Don Bosco - Pascual Chavez RM 4
Church today: Bear witness to God’s Love 6
Words of the Provincial: Christmas 2012 7
Salesian World: Local News 8
Meeting of Youth Delegates: Johannesburg 9
The Alchemist’s Pilgrimage 10
Salesian Mission & Initial Proclamation 11
The Eucharistic celebration 12
Thinking Point: Leadership in the Christian Community 13
Our faithful departed 14
Salesian World: International News 15
The Mystery of the Incarnation 16
Aspects of every Salesian Ministry 17
Missionary Promotion: New Missionaries 18
A Child is born for us Today 20
Theological aspects of Zambia’s victory on AFCON 22
ZMB Photo 24

In this Issue:

3Salesian NewslinkZMBSalesian NewslinkZMB

he Salesian Congregation is currently At one time, there was an understanding
undergoing a process of re-thinking its that all aspects of the Salesian mission
Youth Ministry. This process aims at were under the umbrella of Youth Ministry,
evaluating the way we carry out our and thus everything was subjected to it.
ministry within the Church. It is a process of This understanding is slowly changing
reflection which begins at the core of the because looking at Don Bosco's original
Salesian community and from there it idea and action it is quite obvious to notice
spreads to the larger educative and that his outreach was many fold: youth,
pastoral community, where it meets and missions, evangelisation though spreading
interacts with lay collaborators and young of good books (Social Communication),
people. The process of re-thinking the etc.
Salesian Youth Ministry aims to make of It is a challenge to harmonise all three
our ministry a ministry of processes more sectors of the one Salesian mission. At the
than mere ministry of activities. The fact of level of the Congregation, efforts are being
looking at the fast-changing world makes made where personnel and resources are
us think on how effective is our outreach in somewhat available. Back in the provinces
places in which we have not changed our the challenge remains where neither
programmes, methods and activities. personnel nor resources are quite
Along with the process of re-thinking the sufficient. Yet, the most challenging part of
youth ministry, there is second process the process is the changing of mentality;
nonetheless important: a new model of and that is done at the personal level.
understanding the Salesian mission. This is Understanding the Salesian mission as
not want to say that the old model is wrong many fold is a process of humility and also
or inadequate for today's challenges, but it of coming to terms with the idea of
tries to address today's concerns for belonging to a body where each part plays
ministry in a more effective manner. This an important role.
process is called: Working in Synergy. I believe that these two processes of re-
The Salesian mission has, ever since the thinking youth ministry and also of working
time of Don Bosco, developed and grown in synergy will give the Salesian mission a
into many specific sectors. Three of the boost in its zeal for accomplishing Don
most commonly known areas of the Bosco's v is ion of educat ing and
Salesian mission are Youth Ministry, Social evangelising the youth for a better world.
Communication and Mission Promotion; Good Christians and honest citizens is what
this, of course, does not remove the fact Don Bosco offers to the world today. It is up
that Formation and Economy are equally to each of us, Salesians, to make it a reality
important and also a very indispensable in every province and in every community.
part of the Salesian mission. A new year is about to begin. This is an
This aspect of working in synergy among opportunity to evaluate and plan the next
the three departments will also mean that pastoral year with these two processes in
working together will be the only way to mind. This will definitely prove that our
achieve the expected results which Salesian communities have so much to
otherwise separated from each other will offer to the larger community and that Don
hardly be possible. Thus, synergy is more Bosco's dream of good Christians and
than sharing ideas and resources; it is upright citizens is not just a mere wish but a
recognising that each other is equally plan already in action.
valuable and important.

The Process of re-thinking the

Salesian Mission

Fr. Javier Antonio Barrientos


Salesian Newslink
ZMB Quarterly publication
Year 6/Nº24 Sep - Oct - Nov 2012


Director & Editor: Fr. Javier A. Barrientos
Redaction Board: Fr. Dennis Higgins, Walter Thyrniang
Graphic Design: Fr. Javier A. Barrientos
Photos: Br. Walter Thyrniang, Sylvester Makumba,

Fr. Javier Barrientos, John Musonda,
Alexio Mesi, Fr Ignatius Musenge.

Contribution from: Fr. George Chalissery, Fr. Andrew Reut,

Walter Thyrniang, Clement Mutamba SDB,
David Njolo SDB, Christopher Mukuka
SDB, John Musonda SDB.

Printed: Printing Press - ZMB Provincial House

Editorial: Re-thinking the Salesian Mission 3
Knowing Don Bosco - Pascual Chavez RM 4
Church today: Bear witness to God’s Love 6
Words of the Provincial: Christmas 2012 7
Salesian World: Local News 8
Meeting of Youth Delegates: Johannesburg 9
The Alchemist’s Pilgrimage 10
Salesian Mission & Initial Proclamation 11
The Eucharistic celebration 12
Thinking Point: Leadership in the Christian Community 13
Our faithful departed 14
Salesian World: International News 15
The Mystery of the Incarnation 16
Aspects of every Salesian Ministry 17
Missionary Promotion: New Missionaries 18
A Child is born for us Today 20
Theological aspects of Zambia’s victory on AFCON 22
ZMB Photo 24

In this Issue:

3Salesian NewslinkZMBSalesian NewslinkZMB

he Salesian Congregation is currently At one time, there was an understanding
undergoing a process of re-thinking its that all aspects of the Salesian mission
Youth Ministry. This process aims at were under the umbrella of Youth Ministry,
evaluating the way we carry out our and thus everything was subjected to it.
ministry within the Church. It is a process of This understanding is slowly changing
reflection which begins at the core of the because looking at Don Bosco's original
Salesian community and from there it idea and action it is quite obvious to notice
spreads to the larger educative and that his outreach was many fold: youth,
pastoral community, where it meets and missions, evangelisation though spreading
interacts with lay collaborators and young of good books (Social Communication),
people. The process of re-thinking the etc.
Salesian Youth Ministry aims to make of It is a challenge to harmonise all three
our ministry a ministry of processes more sectors of the one Salesian mission. At the
than mere ministry of activities. The fact of level of the Congregation, efforts are being
looking at the fast-changing world makes made where personnel and resources are
us think on how effective is our outreach in somewhat available. Back in the provinces
places in which we have not changed our the challenge remains where neither
programmes, methods and activities. personnel nor resources are quite
Along with the process of re-thinking the sufficient. Yet, the most challenging part of
youth ministry, there is second process the process is the changing of mentality;
nonetheless important: a new model of and that is done at the personal level.
understanding the Salesian mission. This is Understanding the Salesian mission as
not want to say that the old model is wrong many fold is a process of humility and also
or inadequate for today's challenges, but it of coming to terms with the idea of
tries to address today's concerns for belonging to a body where each part plays
ministry in a more effective manner. This an important role.
process is called: Working in Synergy. I believe that these two processes of re-
The Salesian mission has, ever since the thinking youth ministry and also of working
time of Don Bosco, developed and grown in synergy will give the Salesian mission a
into many specific sectors. Three of the boost in its zeal for accomplishing Don
most commonly known areas of the Bosco's v is ion of educat ing and
Salesian mission are Youth Ministry, Social evangelising the youth for a better world.
Communication and Mission Promotion; Good Christians and honest citizens is what
this, of course, does not remove the fact Don Bosco offers to the world today. It is up
that Formation and Economy are equally to each of us, Salesians, to make it a reality
important and also a very indispensable in every province and in every community.
part of the Salesian mission. A new year is about to begin. This is an
This aspect of working in synergy among opportunity to evaluate and plan the next
the three departments will also mean that pastoral year with these two processes in
working together will be the only way to mind. This will definitely prove that our
achieve the expected results which Salesian communities have so much to
otherwise separated from each other will offer to the larger community and that Don
hardly be possible. Thus, synergy is more Bosco's dream of good Christians and
than sharing ideas and resources; it is upright citizens is not just a mere wish but a
recognising that each other is equally plan already in action.
valuable and important.

The Process of re-thinking the

Salesian Mission

Fr. Javier Antonio Barrientos


The Immaculate Conception Sodality came on the
scene at a later more developed stage in Don Bosco's
work and reflected a broader approach to formation.
In his life of Dominic Savio Don Bosco wrote: «The

D o n object of this sodality was to obtain the protection of
Bosco created a safe the Blessed Virgin through life but more especially at

environment at the Oratory where the boys became the hour of death. The means proposed were: to
accustomed to becoming involved, joining in, practise and promote acts of devotion in honour of
playing their part, learning and being active; not the Mother of God, and the adoption and practice of
being afraid of hard work and not easily giving up. frequent Communion by all members » (Savio, p.
Don Bosco added two ingredients that would be 76). However, it is very significant that among the
essential: the 'guardian angels' and the faith. few additions he made to the Regulations before

approving them was this particular codicil, which Every individual of whatever age is happier, more
encouraged the members of the Sodality to optimistic and at peace with themselves when they
undertake some form of community service and know that they have people close to them (their
apostolate among their companions: «At the families, friends, teachers, leaders ) ready to help
meetings some work of charity shall always be them in times of difficulty. These people they can rely
proposed such as sweeping the church, helping an on are a firm foundation from which they can draw
ignorant child or teaching him the catechism » strength. They are able to understand them and give
(Savio, p. 83). them support when they might feel on their own,

side-lined, disapproved of. From then on the Sodalities, a novel and fruitful form
of youth group activities became part of the Salesian Religious faith provides the bulwark of a firm hope, a
experience.positive view of the world and the loving

companionship of God and of the community. In 1950 Fr. Ricaldone set up the International Centre
for Salesian Religious Sodalities
, aimed at the It was from his realisation of this that the “Sodalities”
formation of the leaders, the organising and came into being. The first was the St Aloysius Sodality
implementing of the “Annual Campaign”, launched in the Oratory at Valdocco (1847). The purpose of the
by the Strenna, and looking after «meetings, “St Aloysius Sodality” was “to have the boys commit
reunions, congresses or other events promoted by themselves to practise constantly the more
the Rector Major». In January 1967, the National characteristic virtues of this saint. He aimed at
Youth Ministry Centre came into being. starting them on such an

exemplary l i fe as to Nowadays, the torch has been passed on the
become “the salt of the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM). This is a
earth” and the “light of the educational movement open to all young people
w o r l d ” t o t h e i r aimed at involving them directly in their own human
companions.” (BM 3, 147). and Christian development, with the intention that
In founding the St Aloysius they should make a real impact on their local area
Sodality Don Bosco had a and on civil society in general and take an active part
formation aim in mind: in their local Church. Around the world there are a
nourishing the lives of piety great variety of SYM with different structures and
a n d m o ra l i t y o f t h e features as Salesian groups, more developed in
members based on the Europe, America and India.
example of the saint In many places they are organised on a Provincial,
(formation in and the Inter-Provincial and Regional basis, with a network of
safeguarding of the “holy formation, information and other links among the
v i r t u e ” ) , b u t a l s o various groups. Youth Gatherings are one of the
encouraging them to give characteristic features of the SYM providing special
good example and to help opportunities for the groups to get to know each
their companions. The other and to share their experiences and the values
members of the Sodality of Salesian Youth Spirituality.
were very carefully chosen.

Young apostles


Fr Pascual Chavez SDB

ince the companions who tried to coax me breathe. The gang, the clique, the group of
into their escapades were the most careless friends can have a bad effect on even the
about everything, they began to come to best behaved youngster. With his special
me for help because I did them the kindness intuition as an educator Don Bosco, created
of lending them my homework or dictating a “space” for friends with higher ideals..
it to them. The teachers frowned on this. Social links and ties of friendship are a basic
They said it was a false kindness that only factor in being protected. A person is
encouraged laziness, and they strictly pleased when he feels that he is recognised,
forbade me to do it. I then resorted to less approved, supported, treated kindly by
obvious ways of helping them, such as those with whom he is living. Youngsters
explaining problems to them and lending a nowadays expand through “cutting and
helping hand to those who needed it. Thus I pasting”: they copy, repeat, imitate. They
made everyone happy and won the are not very much inclined towards
goodwill and affection of my companions. creativity and forward-planning, factors
At first they came to play, then to listen to which would enable them to face up better
stories or to do their homework, and finally to changes and difficulties.
for no reason at all, just as the boys at
Murialdo and Castelnuovo used to do. That
these gatherings might have a name, we
called ourselves the Society for a Good
Time. There was a reason for the name
because everyone was obliged to look for
such books, discuss such subjects or play
such games as would contribute to the
happiness of the members Whatever would
induce sadness was forbidden, especially
things contrary to God's law. Those who
swore, used God's name in vain or indulged
in bad talk were turned away from the club
at once. So it was that I found myself the
leader of a crowd of companions. …»
(Memoirs of the Oratory, First decade, 8).

Almost by instinct Don Bosco realised the
importance of the “social dimension” in the
education of teenagers especially that
provided by their friends and peers.
Youngsters need friends like the air they

Social support







Salesian NewslinkZMB 5


4 Salesian NewslinkZMB

The extraordinary success of
the Salesian group modelss

The Immaculate Conception Sodality came on the
scene at a later more developed stage in Don Bosco's
work and reflected a broader approach to formation.
In his life of Dominic Savio Don Bosco wrote: «The

D o n object of this sodality was to obtain the protection of
Bosco created a safe the Blessed Virgin through life but more especially at

environment at the Oratory where the boys became the hour of death. The means proposed were: to
accustomed to becoming involved, joining in, practise and promote acts of devotion in honour of
playing their part, learning and being active; not the Mother of God, and the adoption and practice of
being afraid of hard work and not easily giving up. frequent Communion by all members » (Savio, p.
Don Bosco added two ingredients that would be 76). However, it is very significant that among the
essential: the 'guardian angels' and the faith. few additions he made to the Regulations before

approving them was this particular codicil, which Every individual of whatever age is happier, more
encouraged the members of the Sodality to optimistic and at peace with themselves when they
undertake some form of community service and know that they have people close to them (their
apostolate among their companions: «At the families, friends, teachers, leaders ) ready to help
meetings some work of charity shall always be them in times of difficulty. These people they can rely
proposed such as sweeping the church, helping an on are a firm foundation from which they can draw
ignorant child or teaching him the catechism » strength. They are able to understand them and give
(Savio, p. 83). them support when they might feel on their own,

side-lined, disapproved of. From then on the Sodalities, a novel and fruitful form
of youth group activities became part of the Salesian Religious faith provides the bulwark of a firm hope, a
experience.positive view of the world and the loving

companionship of God and of the community. In 1950 Fr. Ricaldone set up the International Centre
for Salesian Religious Sodalities
, aimed at the It was from his realisation of this that the “Sodalities”
formation of the leaders, the organising and came into being. The first was the St Aloysius Sodality
implementing of the “Annual Campaign”, launched in the Oratory at Valdocco (1847). The purpose of the
by the Strenna, and looking after «meetings, “St Aloysius Sodality” was “to have the boys commit
reunions, congresses or other events promoted by themselves to practise constantly the more
the Rector Major». In January 1967, the National characteristic virtues of this saint. He aimed at
Youth Ministry Centre came into being. starting them on such an

exemplary l i fe as to Nowadays, the torch has been passed on the
become “the salt of the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM). This is a
earth” and the “light of the educational movement open to all young people
w o r l d ” t o t h e i r aimed at involving them directly in their own human
companions.” (BM 3, 147). and Christian development, with the intention that
In founding the St Aloysius they should make a real impact on their local area
Sodality Don Bosco had a and on civil society in general and take an active part
formation aim in mind: in their local Church. Around the world there are a
nourishing the lives of piety great variety of SYM with different structures and
a n d m o ra l i t y o f t h e features as Salesian groups, more developed in
members based on the Europe, America and India.
example of the saint In many places they are organised on a Provincial,
(formation in and the Inter-Provincial and Regional basis, with a network of
safeguarding of the “holy formation, information and other links among the
v i r t u e ” ) , b u t a l s o various groups. Youth Gatherings are one of the
encouraging them to give characteristic features of the SYM providing special
good example and to help opportunities for the groups to get to know each
their companions. The other and to share their experiences and the values
members of the Sodality of Salesian Youth Spirituality.
were very carefully chosen.

Young apostles


Fr Pascual Chavez SDB

ince the companions who tried to coax me breathe. The gang, the clique, the group of
into their escapades were the most careless friends can have a bad effect on even the
about everything, they began to come to best behaved youngster. With his special
me for help because I did them the kindness intuition as an educator Don Bosco, created
of lending them my homework or dictating a “space” for friends with higher ideals..
it to them. The teachers frowned on this. Social links and ties of friendship are a basic
They said it was a false kindness that only factor in being protected. A person is
encouraged laziness, and they strictly pleased when he feels that he is recognised,
forbade me to do it. I then resorted to less approved, supported, treated kindly by
obvious ways of helping them, such as those with whom he is living. Youngsters
explaining problems to them and lending a nowadays expand through “cutting and
helping hand to those who needed it. Thus I pasting”: they copy, repeat, imitate. They
made everyone happy and won the are not very much inclined towards
goodwill and affection of my companions. creativity and forward-planning, factors
At first they came to play, then to listen to which would enable them to face up better
stories or to do their homework, and finally to changes and difficulties.
for no reason at all, just as the boys at
Murialdo and Castelnuovo used to do. That
these gatherings might have a name, we
called ourselves the Society for a Good
Time. There was a reason for the name
because everyone was obliged to look for
such books, discuss such subjects or play
such games as would contribute to the
happiness of the members Whatever would
induce sadness was forbidden, especially
things contrary to God's law. Those who
swore, used God's name in vain or indulged
in bad talk were turned away from the club
at once. So it was that I found myself the
leader of a crowd of companions. …»
(Memoirs of the Oratory, First decade, 8).

Almost by instinct Don Bosco realised the
importance of the “social dimension” in the
education of teenagers especially that
provided by their friends and peers.
Youngsters need friends like the air they

Social support







Salesian NewslinkZMB 5


4 Salesian NewslinkZMB

The extraordinary success of
the Salesian group modelss



The Assumption
of Mary

Pope Benedict XVI invites Young People to
World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro Next Year

VATICAN CITY, NOV. 16, 2012 (
Pope Benedict XVI called on the youth of the
world to participate in next year's 28th World
Youth Day which will be held in Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil. The theme for the
international event is "Go and make disciples
of all nations!" (cf. Mt. 28, 19).
The Holy Father began his letter inviting the
youth to look upon the statue of Christ the
Redeemer in Brazil as a "symbol for us."
"Christ’s open arms are a sign of his
willingness to embrace all those who come
to him, and his heart represents his immense
love for everyone and for each of you. Let
yourselves be drawn to Christ! Experience
this encounter along with all the other young
people who will converge on Rio for the next
World Youth Day! Accept Christ’s love and
you will be the witnesses so needed by our
world," the Pope's message stated.
Recalling the theme of next year's World
Youth Day, Pope Benedict stated that
Christ's call to go make disciples remains
today as urgent as ever. The Supreme
Pontiff expressed his happiness that the
youth of the world are involved "in this
missionary outreach."

By Junno Arocho

“Mary’s Assumption into Heaven

is the Mystery of the Passover of Christ fully Realized in Her"

missed the true meaning of Christmas. We will soon find

ourselves enmeshed in a net of selfishness we have

woven around ourselves. If instead, we make it a point to

be of help to our brothers and sisters, then we are

entering into the liberating salvation Jesus came to bring

upon this earth.e are at the threshold of Advent a
So as we wish each other a 'Very Happy Christmas' or Season that culminates with the
'Merry Christmas', may it be a chance for us to say that I celebration of Christmas or the Birthday
am at your service. If all human beings were at the of Jesus. Everywhere there are signs of Christmas, with
service of one another, would not this be a wonderful Christmas shopping, discounts, gifts, Christmas lights,
world! I challenge myself and all of you to make of your decorations, carols, Christmas cards, crib sets and even
lives a life of service and help to our brothers and sisters Santa Claus and artificial snow. In America, there was a
and thus discover the true meaning of Christmas. I wish trend to remove the word Christmas and substitute it
you all a Very Happy Christmas and a Very Happy New with Holiday… not any more 'Happy Christmas!', but ,
Year 2013.'Happy Holiday!'. There is a general trend to remove

Christ from Christmas and make Christmas an external
Yours,celebration with lots of shopping, good food and

Fr George Chalissery SDBexchange of gifts.

But what are we actually celebrating? Is it not the Birth of

the Saviour of all mankind, offering liberation to

humanity enslaved in sinful selfishness? Where people

were enslaved by their own self-seeking, Jesus came to

proclaim a message of liberation and salvation.

Paradoxically, this freedom or salvation is attained by

doing everything contrary to our self-seeking

tendencies. Jesus showed the path that we are to follow

if we want to be truly saved and happy and to deal a

death blow to any selfish tendencies we have. He invites

us to go out of our comfort zones, to be of service to our

brothers and sisters. The more one is able to live his/her

life for others, or in service of their brothers and sisters

the more one becomes saved. This is what He said that

His mission was all about: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me;

for He has anointed me to bring the good news to the

afflicted. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives,

sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim

a year of favour from the Lord” (Lk 4:18-19),

So the celebration of Christmas this year challenges us to

make of our lives as gifts to others – to be ready to be of

help to others. If our attention is focused on what we can

get out of Christmas – gifts, greetings, joy – then we have

Source: ZENIT.ORG 16.11.2012


the event that changed our lives

Bear Witness
to God's Love

6 Salesian NewslinkZMB 7Salesian NewslinkZMB


“Ah! Sing in tones of jubilee,
Ah! Sing in tones of love,
Ye faithful, our tender Saviour
Is born

Oh, how splendidly shines every star,
The moon is fair and bright
And the veil of the shadows tears.

Oh! Seraphic band, whom heaven discloses
Singing in jubilee: peace on earth!
Others respond: glory be in heaven!
Come, come, beloved peace.

To rest within our heats,
Oh Infant within our midst
We want to keep You here”

Christmas carol
composed by Don Bosco

in 1842 and sung by his few boys.
(BM. Vol 2. p)

Dear Friends,



The Assumption
of Mary

Pope Benedict XVI invites Young People to
World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro Next Year

VATICAN CITY, NOV. 16, 2012 (
Pope Benedict XVI called on the youth of the
world to participate in next year's 28th World
Youth Day which will be held in Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil. The theme for the
international event is "Go and make disciples
of all nations!" (cf. Mt. 28, 19).
The Holy Father began his letter inviting the
youth to look upon the statue of Christ the
Redeemer in Brazil as a "symbol for us."
"Christ’s open arms are a sign of his
willingness to embrace all those who come
to him, and his heart represents his immense
love for everyone and for each of you. Let
yourselves be drawn to Christ! Experience
this encounter along with all the other young
people who will converge on Rio for the next
World Youth Day! Accept Christ’s love and
you will be the witnesses so needed by our
world," the Pope's message stated.
Recalling the theme of next year's World
Youth Day, Pope Benedict stated that
Christ's call to go make disciples remains
today as urgent as ever. The Supreme
Pontiff expressed his happiness that the
youth of the world are involved "in this
missionary outreach."

By Junno Arocho

“Mary’s Assumption into Heaven

is the Mystery of the Passover of Christ fully Realized in Her"

missed the true meaning of Christmas. We will soon find

ourselves enmeshed in a net of selfishness we have

woven around ourselves. If instead, we make it a point to

be of help to our brothers and sisters, then we are

entering into the liberating salvation Jesus came to bring

upon this earth.e are at the threshold of Advent a
So as we wish each other a 'Very Happy Christmas' or Season that culminates with the
'Merry Christmas', may it be a chance for us to say that I celebration of Christmas or the Birthday
am at your service. If all human beings were at the of Jesus. Everywhere there are signs of Christmas, with
service of one another, would not this be a wonderful Christmas shopping, discounts, gifts, Christmas lights,
world! I challenge myself and all of you to make of your decorations, carols, Christmas cards, crib sets and even
lives a life of service and help to our brothers and sisters Santa Claus and artificial snow. In America, there was a
and thus discover the true meaning of Christmas. I wish trend to remove the word Christmas and substitute it
you all a Very Happy Christmas and a Very Happy New with Holiday… not any more 'Happy Christmas!', but ,
Year 2013.'Happy Holiday!'. There is a general trend to remove

Christ from Christmas and make Christmas an external
Yours,celebration with lots of shopping, good food and

Fr George Chalissery SDBexchange of gifts.

But what are we actually celebrating? Is it not the Birth of

the Saviour of all mankind, offering liberation to

humanity enslaved in sinful selfishness? Where people

were enslaved by their own self-seeking, Jesus came to

proclaim a message of liberation and salvation.

Paradoxically, this freedom or salvation is attained by

doing everything contrary to our self-seeking

tendencies. Jesus showed the path that we are to follow

if we want to be truly saved and happy and to deal a

death blow to any selfish tendencies we have. He invites

us to go out of our comfort zones, to be of service to our

brothers and sisters. The more one is able to live his/her

life for others, or in service of their brothers and sisters

the more one becomes saved. This is what He said that

His mission was all about: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me;

for He has anointed me to bring the good news to the

afflicted. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives,

sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim

a year of favour from the Lord” (Lk 4:18-19),

So the celebration of Christmas this year challenges us to

make of our lives as gifts to others – to be ready to be of

help to others. If our attention is focused on what we can

get out of Christmas – gifts, greetings, joy – then we have

Source: ZENIT.ORG 16.11.2012


the event that changed our lives

Bear Witness
to God's Love

6 Salesian NewslinkZMB 7Salesian NewslinkZMB


“Ah! Sing in tones of jubilee,
Ah! Sing in tones of love,
Ye faithful, our tender Saviour
Is born

Oh, how splendidly shines every star,
The moon is fair and bright
And the veil of the shadows tears.

Oh! Seraphic band, whom heaven discloses
Singing in jubilee: peace on earth!
Others respond: glory be in heaven!
Come, come, beloved peace.

To rest within our heats,
Oh Infant within our midst
We want to keep You here”

Christmas carol
composed by Don Bosco

in 1842 and sung by his few boys.
(BM. Vol 2. p)

Dear Friends,

Chawama-Lusaka (Zambia) Bauleni-Lusaka (Zambia)
20-21/11/2012.- MEETING OF 24/10/2012. Celebrating
PRACTICAL TRAINEES WITH Zambia independence Day.

Mansa (ZAMBIA) 02/09/2012.

Kabwe (ZAMBIA)
10/11/2012.- CONSTRUCTION

Chingola (ZAMBIA) 22/09/2012

along with some funds for the
construction of the walls of the
new building. The Pioneers Group
from Makululu (Kabwe-Zambia)
and other groups are also making
their contribution to have this new
building ready and at the use of
the community.

handed over into the hands of the
Pre-Novice Director Fr. Slawek
Bartodziej SDB. Their training will
go until the end of July 2013.Children and Young people of St.

Matthias Mulumba par ish,
The Practical Trainees of ZMB gathered at the premises of the
Vice-Province held their annual parish church to pray and give
meeting at the provincial house. thanks to God for another
Fr. Alfred Maravilla from the St. James Parish, Chimese held p e a c e f u l a n n i v e r s a r y o f
Missions Department spent the their parish rally from 29 Aug to 02 independence of Zambia.
first day morning sessions making Sept 2012 under the theme, New The presence of local artists who
some Mission Promotion. He also Life in Christ. It had been 6years entertained the crowds with
spoked of the Culture shock since they last celebrated what
which is a real i ty for al l used to be an annual tradition.
missionaries. Fr. Alfred also met Scripture tells us of great men of
with the novices and travelled to God going out into the desert or
Chingola to meet the pre-novices up the mountain to have a
and speak of the missionary personal encounter with God.
dimension of the Salesian Likewise, the parishioners of St.
vocation. James relocated into the forest for

a few days to meet their God. It
was a spiritually rejuvenating

Zambian themes was the crown
o f the ce leb ra t ions . The
Eucharistic celebration was the

Children of Don Bosco Makululu strong moment during the day in
are slowly benefitting from the which all acknowledged that it is
various efforts of the parish through God’s blessings that
c o m m u n i t y a n d s o m e Zambia is what is today.
international benefactors who are
putting efforts to build up some
facilities for the running of literacy

experience. Fr. Oswald Mulenga courses and catechesis. A group
SDB, the parish priest, was kept of enthusiastic carol singers ( The eight (8) Salesian Pre-
busy with giving talks and prayer Sternsingers) from Badherrenalb Novices of ZMB Vice-Province
sessions but also had the help of in Germany have recently come were officially welcomed and
some invited priests. Fr. Michael initiated to the Salesian style of
Wzietek SDB helped with life. The master of celemonies
confessions especially on the last was Cl. David Njolo SDB, in union
day when multitudes of people with Cl. Gabriel. It was an
wan ted to cu lm ina te the important event for Don Bosco
experience with the sacrament of Chingola and over 300 kids of the
reconciliation.oratory were also present. The

Pre – Novices were officially

S WSalesian W dorl Johannesburg
Meeting of Youth Delegates

of the Africa-Madagascar Region
with Fr. Fabio Attard,

councillor for Youth Ministry

Johannesburg (South Africa)

break before going into the second session that would end
with lunch.
Some of the main concerns raised in the aspects of
Vocation Promotion were the witness which the Salesian
community offers to the young, especially those with
interest in the Salesian vocation; along with the witness of
the Salesian community, the group discovered that bigger
importance should be given to the Family Ministry since
vocations come from the family setting. Nowadays with
the growing globalized mentality, a great deal of family
values is lost and also families themselves find difficult to
keep united. The Salesian community is therefore

elegates from 13 Provinces and Vice-Provinces strongly encouraged to pay attention to this new trend and
of Africa gathered in Johannesburg for their give some positive solutions.
annual meeting to share matter of youth Another part of the meeting dwelt on the planning for the
animations in the Africa-Madagascar Region. forthcoming World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

Fr. Fabio Attard, the General Councillor for Youth for the year 2013. Some practical information was passed
Ministry presided over the meeting; he was accompanied on and the process of enrolment is now open.
by his secretary Fr. Robert Simons SDB. This year’s The meeting dedicated some time to a share on the
meeting focused its attention on the Vocation Promotion experiences lived during the visit of St. John Bosco’s
(Vocation Culture) and also the Family Ministry. The relics to all African countries with Salesian presence. The
meeting started on Monday 17/09/2012 at 6:45 am with main purpose was to make sure the pilgrimage of the
morning prayers and mass. As it is customary the relics of St. John Bosco will not remain as s simple ‘nice-
delegates shared the responsibility of organising all experience’ lived-and-forgotten but it should help all
aspects of the liturgy, starting with a mediation on the provinces and vice-provinces to focus its attention on the
Word of God (Lectio Divina). The meeting of evaluation youth ministry, work with the Salesian Family and also
and planning had its morning sessions at 9am with a short spreading of the Salesian presence in Africa.



8 Salesian NewslinkZMB 9Salesian NewslinkZMB

Chawama-Lusaka (Zambia) Bauleni-Lusaka (Zambia)
20-21/11/2012.- MEETING OF 24/10/2012. Celebrating
PRACTICAL TRAINEES WITH Zambia independence Day.

Mansa (ZAMBIA) 02/09/2012.

Kabwe (ZAMBIA)
10/11/2012.- CONSTRUCTION

Chingola (ZAMBIA) 22/09/2012

along with some funds for the
construction of the walls of the
new building. The Pioneers Group
from Makululu (Kabwe-Zambia)
and other groups are also making
their contribution to have this new
building ready and at the use of
the community.

handed over into the hands of the
Pre-Novice Director Fr. Slawek
Bartodziej SDB. Their training will
go until the end of July 2013.Children and Young people of St.

Matthias Mulumba par ish,
The Practical Trainees of ZMB gathered at the premises of the
Vice-Province held their annual parish church to pray and give
meeting at the provincial house. thanks to God for another
Fr. Alfred Maravilla from the St. James Parish, Chimese held p e a c e f u l a n n i v e r s a r y o f
Missions Department spent the their parish rally from 29 Aug to 02 independence of Zambia.
first day morning sessions making Sept 2012 under the theme, New The presence of local artists who
some Mission Promotion. He also Life in Christ. It had been 6years entertained the crowds with
spoked of the Culture shock since they last celebrated what
which is a real i ty for al l used to be an annual tradition.
missionaries. Fr. Alfred also met Scripture tells us of great men of
with the novices and travelled to God going out into the desert or
Chingola to meet the pre-novices up the mountain to have a
and speak of the missionary personal encounter with God.
dimension of the Salesian Likewise, the parishioners of St.
vocation. James relocated into the forest for

a few days to meet their God. It
was a spiritually rejuvenating

Zambian themes was the crown
o f the ce leb ra t ions . The
Eucharistic celebration was the

Children of Don Bosco Makululu strong moment during the day in
are slowly benefitting from the which all acknowledged that it is
various efforts of the parish through God’s blessings that
c o m m u n i t y a n d s o m e Zambia is what is today.
international benefactors who are
putting efforts to build up some
facilities for the running of literacy

experience. Fr. Oswald Mulenga courses and catechesis. A group
SDB, the parish priest, was kept of enthusiastic carol singers ( The eight (8) Salesian Pre-
busy with giving talks and prayer Sternsingers) from Badherrenalb Novices of ZMB Vice-Province
sessions but also had the help of in Germany have recently come were officially welcomed and
some invited priests. Fr. Michael initiated to the Salesian style of
Wzietek SDB helped with life. The master of celemonies
confessions especially on the last was Cl. David Njolo SDB, in union
day when multitudes of people with Cl. Gabriel. It was an
wan ted to cu lm ina te the important event for Don Bosco
experience with the sacrament of Chingola and over 300 kids of the
reconciliation.oratory were also present. The

Pre – Novices were officially

S WSalesian W dorl Johannesburg
Meeting of Youth Delegates

of the Africa-Madagascar Region
with Fr. Fabio Attard,

councillor for Youth Ministry

Johannesburg (South Africa)

break before going into the second session that would end
with lunch.
Some of the main concerns raised in the aspects of
Vocation Promotion were the witness which the Salesian
community offers to the young, especially those with
interest in the Salesian vocation; along with the witness of
the Salesian community, the group discovered that bigger
importance should be given to the Family Ministry since
vocations come from the family setting. Nowadays with
the growing globalized mentality, a great deal of family
values is lost and also families themselves find difficult to
keep united. The Salesian community is therefore

elegates from 13 Provinces and Vice-Provinces strongly encouraged to pay attention to this new trend and
of Africa gathered in Johannesburg for their give some positive solutions.
annual meeting to share matter of youth Another part of the meeting dwelt on the planning for the
animations in the Africa-Madagascar Region. forthcoming World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

Fr. Fabio Attard, the General Councillor for Youth for the year 2013. Some practical information was passed
Ministry presided over the meeting; he was accompanied on and the process of enrolment is now open.
by his secretary Fr. Robert Simons SDB. This year’s The meeting dedicated some time to a share on the
meeting focused its attention on the Vocation Promotion experiences lived during the visit of St. John Bosco’s
(Vocation Culture) and also the Family Ministry. The relics to all African countries with Salesian presence. The
meeting started on Monday 17/09/2012 at 6:45 am with main purpose was to make sure the pilgrimage of the
morning prayers and mass. As it is customary the relics of St. John Bosco will not remain as s simple ‘nice-
delegates shared the responsibility of organising all experience’ lived-and-forgotten but it should help all
aspects of the liturgy, starting with a mediation on the provinces and vice-provinces to focus its attention on the
Word of God (Lectio Divina). The meeting of evaluation youth ministry, work with the Salesian Family and also
and planning had its morning sessions at 9am with a short spreading of the Salesian presence in Africa.



8 Salesian NewslinkZMB 9Salesian NewslinkZMB

By Fr. Javier A. Barrientos


Salesian Mission and
the Initial Proclamation of Christ
in Africa and Madagascar









he meeting held
at Addis Ababa
from the 5-12
November 2012
dwelt on a topic central to the Salesian
Mission: “The Proclamation of Christ”. The
various reflections offered during the study

days, prepared well in advance by the Missions
Department, aimed at raising awareness of a very
serious topic in the pastoral engagement of the
Salesians here in the Africa-Madagascar Region.
Following Don Bosco’s pastoral insights, we continue
with his mission of educating and evangelising young
people wherever they are found. Here in Africa, the
Initial proclamation of Christ has variety of situations
to consider such as political, economic, social, cultural,
religious etc. For example, in North and West Africa,
the presence of Islam is predominant and therefore the
proclamation of Christ cannot be the same as is most
sub-Saharan countries where Islam is one among many
other religions or confessions. Speaking of economic,
there is an enormous difference between emerging
African economies and those in social-political
turmoil, where the religious factor still gives people
sense of life and purpose; whereas a socially and
economically sound nation will slowly regard the
religious sphere as unimportant.
Nevertheless, the Salesian Mission is to continue
giving young people hope for the future, in both the
material and spiritual spheres. Education and human
development need to consider the explicit
proclamation of Christ as one of the fundamental
options for the Salesian. The enormous amount of
funds invested in the region cannot be the only thing we
offer to young people in Africa. The Christian call
impels the Salesian to harmonise the proclamation of
Christ with the tireless zeal for human development

and welfare of the young people and the community at large.
The commitment to the Initial Proclamation in Africa-Madagascar will
move Salesians in the various sectors to give more importance to the
preparation of the Catechumens through the R.C.I.A programmes, the
updating of catechists in the parish sectors, the production of catechetical
material but most of all (as the document from the Synod ‘Africae Munus’

invites everyone), to bear witness
to Christ in daily life, especially
through the fraternal life in the
The various initiatives to spread
the message of the Good News
such as parish bulletins, flyers,
videos, the presence of the
Christian message in social
networks, Catholic Radio and TV
are strongly encouraged and by all
means to be continued; yet the
personal witness to the Risen
Christ remains an unparalleled
a r e n a f o r t h e c o n t i n u o u s
proclamation of Christ.
The meeting ended by encouraging
everyone to give a thought to the

possibility of engaging in the missionary action of the Church in its form
called Mission Ad Gentes. Not everyone is called to this particular
vocation, but all are invited to participate through prayers and financial

support of those who are currently engaged in this
Young people are invited to intervene in this area
through their involvement in the Voluntary Service.
Foreign volunteers give us their example with the
presence in our communities year after year. Some
young people from Zambia have already
experienced the voluntary service within Zambia. It
is now for the other three countries of ZMB to
encourage young people from the Salesian Youth
Movement to participate in this experience and most
of all to foster their spiritual growth so as to make a
good experience of self-giving, authenticity and
courage to leave one’s own setting and move to a
different place to share the good news of Christ,
especially with other youngsters who need Him
The proclamation of Christ in the ZMB countries
has the advantage of the Christian culture which
surrounds us, and needless to say, it is a challenge to
use the opportunity to help the growth of
Christianity and most of all to become part and
parcel of our culture.
It is therefore important to assess our involvement in
the process of evangelisation of culture through the
various activities we conduct because, where
human development is given priority, the Initial
Proclamation of Christ might not even be part of the
syllabus. Striking the balance will be the challenge
for the Salesian Mission in Africa.

Mosaic of the Risen Christ
in the Chapel of the Provincial House

Addis Abeba - Ethiopia

Fr. Vaclav Klement Missions Councilor for the SDB
Sr. Adelaide Missions councilor for the FMA

Mission Promotion Delegates of Africa & Madagascar

From Top:

blessing some of
the FMA participants

Group photo at
Mekanisa Parish

First day of the

Bro Paolo Vaschetti
showing Fr Vaclav the
territorial extension of
AFW Province

Children from a
FMA basic school
in Addis

Group in session

10 Salesian NewslinkZMB 11Salesian NewslinkZMB

By Fr. Javier A. Barrientos


Salesian Mission and
the Initial Proclamation of Christ
in Africa and Madagascar









he meeting held
at Addis Ababa
from the 5-12
November 2012
dwelt on a topic central to the Salesian
Mission: “The Proclamation of Christ”. The
various reflections offered during the study

days, prepared well in advance by the Missions
Department, aimed at raising awareness of a very
serious topic in the pastoral engagement of the
Salesians here in the Africa-Madagascar Region.
Following Don Bosco’s pastoral insights, we continue
with his mission of educating and evangelising young
people wherever they are found. Here in Africa, the
Initial proclamation of Christ has variety of situations
to consider such as political, economic, social, cultural,
religious etc. For example, in North and West Africa,
the presence of Islam is predominant and therefore the
proclamation of Christ cannot be the same as is most
sub-Saharan countries where Islam is one among many
other religions or confessions. Speaking of economic,
there is an enormous difference between emerging
African economies and those in social-political
turmoil, where the religious factor still gives people
sense of life and purpose; whereas a socially and
economically sound nation will slowly regard the
religious sphere as unimportant.
Nevertheless, the Salesian Mission is to continue
giving young people hope for the future, in both the
material and spiritual spheres. Education and human
development need to consider the explicit
proclamation of Christ as one of the fundamental
options for the Salesian. The enormous amount of
funds invested in the region cannot be the only thing we
offer to young people in Africa. The Christian call
impels the Salesian to harmonise the proclamation of
Christ with the tireless zeal for human development

and welfare of the young people and the community at large.
The commitment to the Initial Proclamation in Africa-Madagascar will
move Salesians in the various sectors to give more importance to the
preparation of the Catechumens through the R.C.I.A programmes, the
updating of catechists in the parish sectors, the production of catechetical
material but most of all (as the document from the Synod ‘Africae Munus’

invites everyone), to bear witness
to Christ in daily life, especially
through the fraternal life in the
The various initiatives to spread
the message of the Good News
such as parish bulletins, flyers,
videos, the presence of the
Christian message in social
networks, Catholic Radio and TV
are strongly encouraged and by all
means to be continued; yet the
personal witness to the Risen
Christ remains an unparalleled
a r e n a f o r t h e c o n t i n u o u s
proclamation of Christ.
The meeting ended by encouraging
everyone to give a thought to the

possibility of engaging in the missionary action of the Church in its form
called Mission Ad Gentes. Not everyone is called to this particular
vocation, but all are invited to participate through prayers and financial

support of those who are currently engaged in this
Young people are invited to intervene in this area
through their involvement in the Voluntary Service.
Foreign volunteers give us their example with the
presence in our communities year after year. Some
young people from Zambia have already
experienced the voluntary service within Zambia. It
is now for the other three countries of ZMB to
encourage young people from the Salesian Youth
Movement to participate in this experience and most
of all to foster their spiritual growth so as to make a
good experience of self-giving, authenticity and
courage to leave one’s own setting and move to a
different place to share the good news of Christ,
especially with other youngsters who need Him
The proclamation of Christ in the ZMB countries
has the advantage of the Christian culture which
surrounds us, and needless to say, it is a challenge to
use the opportunity to help the growth of
Christianity and most of all to become part and
parcel of our culture.
It is therefore important to assess our involvement in
the process of evangelisation of culture through the
various activities we conduct because, where
human development is given priority, the Initial
Proclamation of Christ might not even be part of the
syllabus. Striking the balance will be the challenge
for the Salesian Mission in Africa.

Mosaic of the Risen Christ
in the Chapel of the Provincial House

Addis Abeba - Ethiopia

Fr. Vaclav Klement Missions Councilor for the SDB
Sr. Adelaide Missions councilor for the FMA

Mission Promotion Delegates of Africa & Madagascar

From Top:

blessing some of
the FMA participants

Group photo at
Mekanisa Parish

First day of the

Bro Paolo Vaschetti
showing Fr Vaclav the
territorial extension of
AFW Province

Children from a
FMA basic school
in Addis

Group in session

10 Salesian NewslinkZMB 11Salesian NewslinkZMB








he Eucharistic celebration is the In the Eucharistic sacrifice, Christ offers
climax of the Christian celebration. As to his bride, the church, the possibility to be
such only those who are aware of the associated with him in offering to the eternal
meaning of the mass responses are to Father a perfect sacrifice of adoration for the sins of
celebrate mass. There should be a humanity and eloquent petition in the name of
prior preparation for the faithful Christ. Jesus gives us a pledge of eternal life, a ticket

Christians to help them understand and for heaven. “This is the bread which comes from
appreciate the value and richness in the mass. The heaven, so that a person may eat it and not die. I am
mass is divided into the liturgy of the word and the the living bread which has come from heaven.
liturgy of the Eucharist. Before the liturgy of the Anyone who eats this bread will live forever, and
word, there is a preparation where members are the bread that I shall give is my flesh for the life of
called to repentance and the word is proclaimed the world” (John 6:50-51) We also celebrate the
expressing the salvific work of God and ministry of mass in union with the Blessed Virgin Mary, the
Jesus of preaching the kingdom of God; the angels and the saints. We pray for the souls
kingdom of love. Later on, the word becomes flesh suffering in purgatory. We look heaven-wards to
in the body and blood of Jesus Christ during the time when all those redeemed by Christ will be
consecration transforming all those who partake together to sing for eternity the praises of the
in faith to become like Him living in love of God Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
and neighbour. In the Eucharistic celebration, we ask

In the Eucharistic celebration Jesus is the Jesus to teach us to offer ourselves at mass through
high priest who lifts earth to heaven by himself as him and with him, to make of us an everlasting gift
the victim and the priest in his redemptive to God the Father ( Cf. Roman Missal: Euch. Prayer
sacrifice. He is the lamb pointed out by John the III) then the Eucharistic sacrifice becomes for each
Baptist “look, there is the lamb of God that takes of us the centre of our daily lives, which will all be
away the sin of the world” (John 1:28) and also seen like an offertory. The Eucharist calls on us human
as the worthy lamb that was sacrificed to receive beings to be the voice of creation in offering it all to
power, riches, wisdom, honour, glory and blessing God. The family, work, science and culture,
(cf Revelation 5: 12). The celebration of the politics, and government, the mass-media and
Eucharist becomes a moment of bringing to the recreation and all created things should be offered
present what Jesus did for us, to share his life in to God. All creation, redeemed by Christ, should
body and blood so as to become like him and to be symbolically offered to God in the Eucharistic
thank him for the sacrificial love he has for us. sacrifice.


Br Alphoncious Hamweete sdb.

esus is our model of What are the qualities I would like to
Christian leadership. see in that person is a person who
Jesus was a man of prays, or to use the words of St
prayer, always in close Ignatius, that he has “familiarity with
intimacy with His Abba, God”. If my superior, in whatever
with His Father. Jesus community I am in, is a person who

was the servant leader who washed daily examines himself in God’s
the feet of His disciples at the last presence, if he is a man who see
supper and dried them with a towel. people and situations with the eyes of
So let us return, again and again, to faith, then I know that his judgments
the last supper scene of the washing on people and situations will be, most
of the feet of the apostles by Jesus. It probably, in conformity with God’s
is here that we meet Jesus our model will. A superior who prays, prays not
o f l e a d e r s h i p i n C h r i s t i a n only for his subjects, but also about
community. From his example we his subjects. He is genuinely
will learn to be the type of Christian concerned for the welfare of each and
leader that he is calling us to become, every member of the community, and
servant leader – one who serves. brings that concern before the Lord in
The two symbols of Christian prayer. A superior who fears God,
leadership are the TOWEL for who prays, will automatically have a
humble service, the CROSS for self- keen sense of justice and fairness in
emptying. Christian leadership all his dealing with his subjects and
seeks to be of service, rather than to with the laity. His conscience is
dominate over others. Christian sensitive, because he is guided by the
leadership encourages and inspires principles of truth, justice and love.
by personal example. Christian If a superior is a prayerful person,
leadership respects the personalities there will be a greater chance that he
of others, rather than seeking to will be guided by the Christian
exploit them. Christian leadership principles in his relations with his
reflects, prays and acts on Jesus’ subjects in de community and with
words: “Whoever wishes to be first the laity. But if he is not the man of
among you, shall be your servant, prayer then, most likely, he will
even as the Son of Man came not to govern not according to the Christian
be served but to serve (TOWEL), and principles of justice and love, but
to give his life (CROSS) as a ransom according to secular, worldly values.
for many” (Mat 20:27). He will see his subjects, not at his
Let us regularly contemplate Jesus brothers and sisters in the Lord, but as
washing the feet of his disciples at the objects to be manipulated or even
last supper and drying them with a exploited.
towel, and dying for them soon after The second quality I would like to see
that on the cross. Regularly let us in a person, who is in a position of a
meditate on his words: leadership in a Christian community,
“When he had washed their feet and is genuine humility. He must be
put on his clothes again, he went back ready like Jesus his master, to serve.
to the table. “Do you understand”, he It is in prayer and as a result of prayer
said, “what I have done to you? You that we can grow in the spirit of
call me master and Lord (you call me Christian humility.
leader) and rightly; so I am. If I, the The third quality I would like to see
Lord and, Master, have your feet, you in a person who is in a position of
should wash each other’s feet. I have authority in a Christian community is
given you an example, so that you that he is a person who is a sensitive
may copy what I have done to you” to the needs of the individual
John 13:12-15. members of that community. If one


Thinking Point

By Fr. Anthony Goeghegan SJ

Fr. Anthony shares his views
on Christian leadership on

occasion of celebrating
Christ the King.


Genuine humility,
sensitivity to the needs of the individual,

prudence, and honesty
are some of the most essential qualities

of a good Christian leader

12 Salesian NewslinkZMB 13Salesian NewslinkZMB








he Eucharistic celebration is the In the Eucharistic sacrifice, Christ offers
climax of the Christian celebration. As to his bride, the church, the possibility to be
such only those who are aware of the associated with him in offering to the eternal
meaning of the mass responses are to Father a perfect sacrifice of adoration for the sins of
celebrate mass. There should be a humanity and eloquent petition in the name of
prior preparation for the faithful Christ. Jesus gives us a pledge of eternal life, a ticket

Christians to help them understand and for heaven. “This is the bread which comes from
appreciate the value and richness in the mass. The heaven, so that a person may eat it and not die. I am
mass is divided into the liturgy of the word and the the living bread which has come from heaven.
liturgy of the Eucharist. Before the liturgy of the Anyone who eats this bread will live forever, and
word, there is a preparation where members are the bread that I shall give is my flesh for the life of
called to repentance and the word is proclaimed the world” (John 6:50-51) We also celebrate the
expressing the salvific work of God and ministry of mass in union with the Blessed Virgin Mary, the
Jesus of preaching the kingdom of God; the angels and the saints. We pray for the souls
kingdom of love. Later on, the word becomes flesh suffering in purgatory. We look heaven-wards to
in the body and blood of Jesus Christ during the time when all those redeemed by Christ will be
consecration transforming all those who partake together to sing for eternity the praises of the
in faith to become like Him living in love of God Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
and neighbour. In the Eucharistic celebration, we ask

In the Eucharistic celebration Jesus is the Jesus to teach us to offer ourselves at mass through
high priest who lifts earth to heaven by himself as him and with him, to make of us an everlasting gift
the victim and the priest in his redemptive to God the Father ( Cf. Roman Missal: Euch. Prayer
sacrifice. He is the lamb pointed out by John the III) then the Eucharistic sacrifice becomes for each
Baptist “look, there is the lamb of God that takes of us the centre of our daily lives, which will all be
away the sin of the world” (John 1:28) and also seen like an offertory. The Eucharist calls on us human
as the worthy lamb that was sacrificed to receive beings to be the voice of creation in offering it all to
power, riches, wisdom, honour, glory and blessing God. The family, work, science and culture,
(cf Revelation 5: 12). The celebration of the politics, and government, the mass-media and
Eucharist becomes a moment of bringing to the recreation and all created things should be offered
present what Jesus did for us, to share his life in to God. All creation, redeemed by Christ, should
body and blood so as to become like him and to be symbolically offered to God in the Eucharistic
thank him for the sacrificial love he has for us. sacrifice.


Br Alphoncious Hamweete sdb.

esus is our model of What are the qualities I would like to
Christian leadership. see in that person is a person who
Jesus was a man of prays, or to use the words of St
prayer, always in close Ignatius, that he has “familiarity with
intimacy with His Abba, God”. If my superior, in whatever
with His Father. Jesus community I am in, is a person who

was the servant leader who washed daily examines himself in God’s
the feet of His disciples at the last presence, if he is a man who see
supper and dried them with a towel. people and situations with the eyes of
So let us return, again and again, to faith, then I know that his judgments
the last supper scene of the washing on people and situations will be, most
of the feet of the apostles by Jesus. It probably, in conformity with God’s
is here that we meet Jesus our model will. A superior who prays, prays not
o f l e a d e r s h i p i n C h r i s t i a n only for his subjects, but also about
community. From his example we his subjects. He is genuinely
will learn to be the type of Christian concerned for the welfare of each and
leader that he is calling us to become, every member of the community, and
servant leader – one who serves. brings that concern before the Lord in
The two symbols of Christian prayer. A superior who fears God,
leadership are the TOWEL for who prays, will automatically have a
humble service, the CROSS for self- keen sense of justice and fairness in
emptying. Christian leadership all his dealing with his subjects and
seeks to be of service, rather than to with the laity. His conscience is
dominate over others. Christian sensitive, because he is guided by the
leadership encourages and inspires principles of truth, justice and love.
by personal example. Christian If a superior is a prayerful person,
leadership respects the personalities there will be a greater chance that he
of others, rather than seeking to will be guided by the Christian
exploit them. Christian leadership principles in his relations with his
reflects, prays and acts on Jesus’ subjects in de community and with
words: “Whoever wishes to be first the laity. But if he is not the man of
among you, shall be your servant, prayer then, most likely, he will
even as the Son of Man came not to govern not according to the Christian
be served but to serve (TOWEL), and principles of justice and love, but
to give his life (CROSS) as a ransom according to secular, worldly values.
for many” (Mat 20:27). He will see his subjects, not at his
Let us regularly contemplate Jesus brothers and sisters in the Lord, but as
washing the feet of his disciples at the objects to be manipulated or even
last supper and drying them with a exploited.
towel, and dying for them soon after The second quality I would like to see
that on the cross. Regularly let us in a person, who is in a position of a
meditate on his words: leadership in a Christian community,
“When he had washed their feet and is genuine humility. He must be
put on his clothes again, he went back ready like Jesus his master, to serve.
to the table. “Do you understand”, he It is in prayer and as a result of prayer
said, “what I have done to you? You that we can grow in the spirit of
call me master and Lord (you call me Christian humility.
leader) and rightly; so I am. If I, the The third quality I would like to see
Lord and, Master, have your feet, you in a person who is in a position of
should wash each other’s feet. I have authority in a Christian community is
given you an example, so that you that he is a person who is a sensitive
may copy what I have done to you” to the needs of the individual
John 13:12-15. members of that community. If one


Thinking Point

By Fr. Anthony Goeghegan SJ

Fr. Anthony shares his views
on Christian leadership on

occasion of celebrating
Christ the King.


Genuine humility,
sensitivity to the needs of the individual,

prudence, and honesty
are some of the most essential qualities

of a good Christian leader

12 Salesian NewslinkZMB 13Salesian NewslinkZMB

(ANS – Ecuador) 24/11/2012.–
BEATIFICATION OF SR. MARIA (ANS - New York) 02/11/2012.


(ANS – Rome) 12/11/2012.–

(ANS – Goma) – 23/11/2012.-

FARDC - the Congolese army - are s a c r i s t i e s ! " . O n S a t u r d a y
now at Sake, 30 Kilometres afternoon, during a session of the
Northwest of Goma. Meanwhile, General Assembly, the Rector
refugees in Ngangi are still here” Major called Noemi Bertola to
writes Fr Piero Gavioli, Rector of serve, for the next six years, the
the Salesian Centre in Goma. important and delicate task of
Rebels promise to continue the Global Coordinator. Ms. Bertola,
war and arrive first of all in Bukavu past-pupil of the Daughters of
and then Kinshasa to overthrow Mary Help of Christians, will be
the current Government of Joseph assisted by the World Council to
Kabila. The new authorities have discern the signs of the times and
also called on the people to to meet the challenges of today
resume normal activities: schools, with the pastoral boldness that
shops, banks have begun to characterized Don Bosco.

The Daughters of Mary Help of
Christians and with them the entire
Salesian Family celebrated with
joy the Beatification of Sr Maria Fr. Tom Dunne, provincial of SUE,
Troncatti. Cardinal Angelo Amato, reports minor damage in both the
sdb, Prefect of the Causes of the SDBs and the FMA have
Congregation for the Causes of communities in New Jersey, the
Sa in ts p res ided over the hardest hit area. Other than
celebration at Macas (Ecuador) flooding and loss of trees, power
where many Salesian Sisters and outage, and minor structural
Salesians gathered there from damage, there were no injuries
Ecuador and elsewhere in Latin and the Sisters have been offering
America, along with young people hospitality to about 30 people in
and Salesian Family members. the Sacred Heart Centre in

The 4th World Congress of the Mother Yvonne Reungoat arrived Haledon NJ.
Salesian Cooperators, which saw in Ecuador on 20 November,
around 250 delegates for the representing the Rector Major was
review and approval of the Project his Vicar, Fr Adrian Bregolin. The
of Apostolic Life (PVA), ended President of Ecuador made a
yesterday morning, the 11th of military aircraft available for
November. The coordinating role guests of honour who came to
of the Association, for the first time, Macas for the occasion.
a woman was appointed: Noemi
Bertola. The Rector Major's strong
e x h o r t a t i o n t o b e c o m e
protagonists of social, political and
cultural life: "the need to leave the The M23 rebels, have taken In South Orange, the young

control of the city, and slowly are Salesians in formation spent the
moving their front line towards the night in prayer before the Blessed
interior of the country. The Don Sacrament; the youth centre
Bosco Centre Ngangi is still facing which they run was closed
various problems such as because street lighting was down
overcrowding of refugees and thus and the area was considered
lack of food and medicine. unsafe for the youngsters to move
Clashes between the M23 and the around in.
Nyatura group, an ally of the

S WSalesian dorl

has experienced difficulties in one’s prudence, of wisdom, is given to us in
own life, such serious illness or the prayer and as a result of prayer.
experience of being hospitalised, or The fifth quality I would like to see in
having undergone a surgical a person who is in a position of
operation, then this can be a great help authority in a Christian community is
for one to be sensitive to the sick or that he leads by example. In the army,
anxious member of the community. It I am told, there is the phrase: ‘Do as I
will help us to be like Jesus, our high say, but not necessarily as I do.’ This is
priest, who is the author of the letter to not the way Christ wants Christian
the Hebrews puts in Hebrews 4:14- leaders to proceed. A Christian leader
15. In our words a leader of a must lead by example. If he is urging
Christian community must be his subjects to be sober, he has to give
sensitive to the troubles of other the lead himself. If he is urging his
people, should know what they can subjects to be obedient, he must be
do, and what they cannot do. He must seen to be obedient himself to the
be Christ like, gentle and kind, patient church authority that is over him.
and understanding in his approach to How can a Christian leader command
all. In other words he must be his subjects to respect and obey him,
compassionate. The grace of if he himself is not seen to respect and
compassionate is given to us when we obey the church superiors that are
pray and as a result of prayer. over him? I was sad once when I heard
The fourth quality I would like to see a priest criticising his bishop, and that
in a person who is in a position of same priest wanted the laity to respect
authority in a Christian community is and obey him. And once I even heard a
that he is prudent, that he has good religious superior saying that he had
judgment, that he is wise with the difficulties obeying the Pope, but at
wisdom of Christ. If he lacks the same time he was insisting that his
prudence he will make many false subjects listened to him. If a Christian
judgments, and many foolish leader is urging his subjects to take
decisions. If he is prudent he will their prayer life seriously, then he
readily seek advice and listen himself must be seen to be a man of
carefully to the opinions and feelings prayer. If a Christian is urging his
of others. It is not an easy task to be a subjects to be concerned with the poor
leader in a Christian community. One and the promotion of justice, then he
cannot lead alone. Because being himself must be seen to give the lead
human, we are not infallible; we can in those areas. It is a great grace to
be prejudiced in our judgments. In lead by example and this grace is
some situations, when a person is given to us in prayer and as a result of
appointed to a position of leadership prayer.
in a community, he is given an adviser Of course we would also wish to see
whose responsibility is to advise and in a superior the 6th quality of
correct the superior, if necessary. In initiative, the imagination to see how
some situations, that person is known to improve present situations. He
as an “ad monitor” of the superior. must have the courage to promote
Most superiors, such as bishops and improvement and development in all
religious superiors have people areas of community life. If a superior
appointed as “consulters”. Once does nothing and pursues a laissez-
during a retreat, the retreat director faire policy, then very little
gave us this precious advice. He said: community building will occur, and
“if ever anyone of you is appointed to little by little situations will
major position of authority in the deteriorate. But here courage has to
church, or in your religious family, be tempered by prudence and
make sure that you try to find a compassion. We will not be
sincere, wise friend to whom you can questioned much by the Lord about
go for an advice in time of crisis.” In our achievements, the things we
my own opinion based on more than succeed in doing, but about how much
forty years of experience in the we love our brothers and sisters in the
priesthood, I believe that sometimes community. Human beings are more
unnecessary problems and even some precious than projects and ideas. We
serious scandals could have been must do all for God’s glory, not our
avoided if church leaders had a own. We must do all for others, not for
spiritual director or soul-friend that he ourselves or for our own glorification.
consulted regularly. The gift of

keep them
in your

21 November 2012
+ Mrs Apolonia Kozlowicz
(mother of Fr Wojtek K)

03 November 2012
+ Mr Cletus Mulenga Kolala
(brother of Fr. Pontiano M)

26 September 2012
+ Mr Marvin Bwalya
(brother of Cl. Prince L)

31 August 2012
+ Mr Stanislaw Bartodziej
(father of Fr Slawek B)

14 Salesian NewslinkZMB 15Salesian NewslinkZMB

(ANS – Ecuador) 24/11/2012.–
BEATIFICATION OF SR. MARIA (ANS - New York) 02/11/2012.


(ANS – Rome) 12/11/2012.–

(ANS – Goma) – 23/11/2012.-

FARDC - the Congolese army - are s a c r i s t i e s ! " . O n S a t u r d a y
now at Sake, 30 Kilometres afternoon, during a session of the
Northwest of Goma. Meanwhile, General Assembly, the Rector
refugees in Ngangi are still here” Major called Noemi Bertola to
writes Fr Piero Gavioli, Rector of serve, for the next six years, the
the Salesian Centre in Goma. important and delicate task of
Rebels promise to continue the Global Coordinator. Ms. Bertola,
war and arrive first of all in Bukavu past-pupil of the Daughters of
and then Kinshasa to overthrow Mary Help of Christians, will be
the current Government of Joseph assisted by the World Council to
Kabila. The new authorities have discern the signs of the times and
also called on the people to to meet the challenges of today
resume normal activities: schools, with the pastoral boldness that
shops, banks have begun to characterized Don Bosco.

The Daughters of Mary Help of
Christians and with them the entire
Salesian Family celebrated with
joy the Beatification of Sr Maria Fr. Tom Dunne, provincial of SUE,
Troncatti. Cardinal Angelo Amato, reports minor damage in both the
sdb, Prefect of the Causes of the SDBs and the FMA have
Congregation for the Causes of communities in New Jersey, the
Sa in ts p res ided over the hardest hit area. Other than
celebration at Macas (Ecuador) flooding and loss of trees, power
where many Salesian Sisters and outage, and minor structural
Salesians gathered there from damage, there were no injuries
Ecuador and elsewhere in Latin and the Sisters have been offering
America, along with young people hospitality to about 30 people in
and Salesian Family members. the Sacred Heart Centre in

The 4th World Congress of the Mother Yvonne Reungoat arrived Haledon NJ.
Salesian Cooperators, which saw in Ecuador on 20 November,
around 250 delegates for the representing the Rector Major was
review and approval of the Project his Vicar, Fr Adrian Bregolin. The
of Apostolic Life (PVA), ended President of Ecuador made a
yesterday morning, the 11th of military aircraft available for
November. The coordinating role guests of honour who came to
of the Association, for the first time, Macas for the occasion.
a woman was appointed: Noemi
Bertola. The Rector Major's strong
e x h o r t a t i o n t o b e c o m e
protagonists of social, political and
cultural life: "the need to leave the The M23 rebels, have taken In South Orange, the young

control of the city, and slowly are Salesians in formation spent the
moving their front line towards the night in prayer before the Blessed
interior of the country. The Don Sacrament; the youth centre
Bosco Centre Ngangi is still facing which they run was closed
various problems such as because street lighting was down
overcrowding of refugees and thus and the area was considered
lack of food and medicine. unsafe for the youngsters to move
Clashes between the M23 and the around in.
Nyatura group, an ally of the

S WSalesian dorl

has experienced difficulties in one’s prudence, of wisdom, is given to us in
own life, such serious illness or the prayer and as a result of prayer.
experience of being hospitalised, or The fifth quality I would like to see in
having undergone a surgical a person who is in a position of
operation, then this can be a great help authority in a Christian community is
for one to be sensitive to the sick or that he leads by example. In the army,
anxious member of the community. It I am told, there is the phrase: ‘Do as I
will help us to be like Jesus, our high say, but not necessarily as I do.’ This is
priest, who is the author of the letter to not the way Christ wants Christian
the Hebrews puts in Hebrews 4:14- leaders to proceed. A Christian leader
15. In our words a leader of a must lead by example. If he is urging
Christian community must be his subjects to be sober, he has to give
sensitive to the troubles of other the lead himself. If he is urging his
people, should know what they can subjects to be obedient, he must be
do, and what they cannot do. He must seen to be obedient himself to the
be Christ like, gentle and kind, patient church authority that is over him.
and understanding in his approach to How can a Christian leader command
all. In other words he must be his subjects to respect and obey him,
compassionate. The grace of if he himself is not seen to respect and
compassionate is given to us when we obey the church superiors that are
pray and as a result of prayer. over him? I was sad once when I heard
The fourth quality I would like to see a priest criticising his bishop, and that
in a person who is in a position of same priest wanted the laity to respect
authority in a Christian community is and obey him. And once I even heard a
that he is prudent, that he has good religious superior saying that he had
judgment, that he is wise with the difficulties obeying the Pope, but at
wisdom of Christ. If he lacks the same time he was insisting that his
prudence he will make many false subjects listened to him. If a Christian
judgments, and many foolish leader is urging his subjects to take
decisions. If he is prudent he will their prayer life seriously, then he
readily seek advice and listen himself must be seen to be a man of
carefully to the opinions and feelings prayer. If a Christian is urging his
of others. It is not an easy task to be a subjects to be concerned with the poor
leader in a Christian community. One and the promotion of justice, then he
cannot lead alone. Because being himself must be seen to give the lead
human, we are not infallible; we can in those areas. It is a great grace to
be prejudiced in our judgments. In lead by example and this grace is
some situations, when a person is given to us in prayer and as a result of
appointed to a position of leadership prayer.
in a community, he is given an adviser Of course we would also wish to see
whose responsibility is to advise and in a superior the 6th quality of
correct the superior, if necessary. In initiative, the imagination to see how
some situations, that person is known to improve present situations. He
as an “ad monitor” of the superior. must have the courage to promote
Most superiors, such as bishops and improvement and development in all
religious superiors have people areas of community life. If a superior
appointed as “consulters”. Once does nothing and pursues a laissez-
during a retreat, the retreat director faire policy, then very little
gave us this precious advice. He said: community building will occur, and
“if ever anyone of you is appointed to little by little situations will
major position of authority in the deteriorate. But here courage has to
church, or in your religious family, be tempered by prudence and
make sure that you try to find a compassion. We will not be
sincere, wise friend to whom you can questioned much by the Lord about
go for an advice in time of crisis.” In our achievements, the things we
my own opinion based on more than succeed in doing, but about how much
forty years of experience in the we love our brothers and sisters in the
priesthood, I believe that sometimes community. Human beings are more
unnecessary problems and even some precious than projects and ideas. We
serious scandals could have been must do all for God’s glory, not our
avoided if church leaders had a own. We must do all for others, not for
spiritual director or soul-friend that he ourselves or for our own glorification.
consulted regularly. The gift of

keep them
in your

21 November 2012
+ Mrs Apolonia Kozlowicz
(mother of Fr Wojtek K)

03 November 2012
+ Mr Cletus Mulenga Kolala
(brother of Fr. Pontiano M)

26 September 2012
+ Mr Marvin Bwalya
(brother of Cl. Prince L)

31 August 2012
+ Mr Stanislaw Bartodziej
(father of Fr Slawek B)

14 Salesian NewslinkZMB 15Salesian NewslinkZMB

here are so many answers but how does
one try to give the ones that may lead to
a better understanding of the
Incarnation among the youth?

“God became man that man might become God,” said
Saint Augustine. “In the beginning was the Word, the
Word was with God and the Word was God.” (John
1:1) now who was that Word? According to the
scripture, at the time of Caesar Augustus when
Quirinius was the governor of Syria, there was census
of the whole world and during that time Jesus Christ

not recognize Jesus Christ as God and some of these
was born. His name means the “saviour” or “messiah”

youngsters call themselves Christians. Our
he is also called Emmanuel which means “God is with

generation is different from other generations; we are

now in the modern and highly secularized world where
His birth was foretold by the prophecy Isaiah in the

people are not concentrating so much on God. The
Old Testament and in the New Testament it was

majority of Christians are poor people, some because
announced by the Angel Gabriel (Luke 1:26). That is

of studies they do not believe creation, they believe in
why there was no human act for his birth; the

Evolution. Many youngsters think that going to church
conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary was of the Holy

is a waste of time and energy.
Spirit and for this reason I do believe that she remained

The bible tells us that Jesus Christ was growing in age
virgin until her assumption to heaven. The coming of

and in God’s image. The young Jesus Christ should be
Jesus Christ into the world is because of God’s love

your model because when he was young, he once
(John 3:16). God never wanted to destroy his people

remained in the temple, and his parents were amazed
and so he sent his only begotten Son to redeem the

to find him in the temple in the midst of the teachers
world. Thus he came into the world to save us and he

and doctors of the law, listening to them and asking
came in the form of man; the word became flesh and

them questions… (Luke 2:46-47).
dwelt among us.

Some of the questions which we need to ask ourselves
In today’s world there are many young people who do

as young people are; who began to consider Jesus
Christ as God? And what did he say about himself?
According to the bible Jesus said the Father and I are
one (John 10:30), I am the way, the truth and life (John
14:6) some of the scriptures are John 8:58, Matthew
28:18, 17:23 John 14:19, Mark 2:10, 28; 14:61-62
20:28, John 5:27; 11:25 and many more.
The Jews were eager to crucify Jesus not only because
he broke the law of the Sabbath but he called himself to
be equal to God (John 5:18). Jews believed that
whoever made himself equal to God, had to suffer
death (Acts 12:22-23). Jesus’ trial was a bizarre trial
one; he was condemned not for what he did, but for
whom he was (Mark 14:61-63). After reflecting on
these scriptures, you truly believe that Jesus Christ is
Soon we shall celebrate Christmas and this is the time
to think once again what the whole mystery of the
God-became-man means to each of us. People in
Jesus’ time did not take him seriously but rather took
an offence in him.
What can we say of people of our time in their
relationship with Jesus?

By novice Henry Ngeli

The Mystery of the Incarnation

Scene of the Nativity painted at the
Cathedral Church in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Playground is one of the goals for Salesian
youth ministry, because the young need the support of
friends who are also walking along the journey of faith
(accompaniment). Peer Ministry is an essential tool in
Salesian youth ministry but it is supplemented with the

alesians believe that all formation presence of priests i.e. for Confession, Holy Eucharist
environments for the young have four that which a brother or cleric cannot do. When peers
components and this we see in the Salesian help peers to grow in their spiritual life it is a win/win
Constitution number Article 40: “Homes” situation. Peer leaders learn to take roles of service and
that welcome, “Parishes” that evangelize, leadership as evangelisers and educators. Youth
“Schools” where we can learn and recipients of ministry from their peers get the truth of the

“Playgrounds” where friends can meet and have fun. story in a very credible way from one of their own. In
This criterion is essential in the planning and carrying out Salesian youth ministry this is highly priced and
of our entire youth pastoral ministry. When one of these practiced. Allowing leadership development is a key for
aspects of a pastoral ministry is missing, the Salesian self understanding in peer leaders who must ask
youth ministry is limping. Thus, a comprehensive Youth themselves where they are in their faith lives and if they
Ministry calls for all four criteria to be present in our really believe what they are challenging their peers to
pastoral outreach toward the young. understand and comprehend. Peer Ministry and Peer
The young are not objects that are there for us to impart Catechesis is essential in Salesian Ministry. To preach
our program of some kind of religious knowledge. If that and teach the “Good News” of Jesus Christ and the joy of
is the case, without relationships, whatever we teach them being a disciple is the goal of all evangelisers in our
will soon be forgotten. An environment of personal care Youth Centres and Oratories. The Salesian philosophy
and concern will make our plan for education and of religious education is never to separate the
evangelization a lot more credible. As our constitution evangelisation from the fun of the playground, nor the
states, 'we evangelize through educating, we educate family environment. Holiness is in the ordinary day-to-
through evangelising'. This is possible when we make the day life. Simply doing your duties well: studying,
young feel at home in our Ministries. A “home” is a place playing and working are moments that give praise and
where people can “be themselves.” In any home, different glory to God, as St John Bosco used to say.
roles and responsibilities are carried out by various family Devotions and prayer times become very
members but everyone feels a part of the family and feels natural in such settings in such a way that there is no
that they contribute to family life. noticeable duality between the various components of a

Catechesis is not an imparting of religious daily schedule. This goal of preaching and teaching the
doctrines and Dogmas (sorry for using these big words Good News of Our Lord must be done wisely. Each and
what to do I am limited only to these words). It is a gift of every child in a youth centre and oratory program should
encouraging the young to grow in their faith to help them not be taken for granted. They are all different, unique,
journeying through life. Catechesis must have individual and special. There is not a “one-size-fits-all”
applications to the real life situations of young people. It approach to our youth ministry. Merci!
must prepare them for life.

Aspects of every

Cl. Maurice Tichi Mutwila sdb.


16 Salesian NewslinkZMB 17Salesian NewslinkZMB

here are so many answers but how does
one try to give the ones that may lead to
a better understanding of the
Incarnation among the youth?

“God became man that man might become God,” said
Saint Augustine. “In the beginning was the Word, the
Word was with God and the Word was God.” (John
1:1) now who was that Word? According to the
scripture, at the time of Caesar Augustus when
Quirinius was the governor of Syria, there was census
of the whole world and during that time Jesus Christ

not recognize Jesus Christ as God and some of these
was born. His name means the “saviour” or “messiah”

youngsters call themselves Christians. Our
he is also called Emmanuel which means “God is with

generation is different from other generations; we are

now in the modern and highly secularized world where
His birth was foretold by the prophecy Isaiah in the

people are not concentrating so much on God. The
Old Testament and in the New Testament it was

majority of Christians are poor people, some because
announced by the Angel Gabriel (Luke 1:26). That is

of studies they do not believe creation, they believe in
why there was no human act for his birth; the

Evolution. Many youngsters think that going to church
conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary was of the Holy

is a waste of time and energy.
Spirit and for this reason I do believe that she remained

The bible tells us that Jesus Christ was growing in age
virgin until her assumption to heaven. The coming of

and in God’s image. The young Jesus Christ should be
Jesus Christ into the world is because of God’s love

your model because when he was young, he once
(John 3:16). God never wanted to destroy his people

remained in the temple, and his parents were amazed
and so he sent his only begotten Son to redeem the

to find him in the temple in the midst of the teachers
world. Thus he came into the world to save us and he

and doctors of the law, listening to them and asking
came in the form of man; the word became flesh and

them questions… (Luke 2:46-47).
dwelt among us.

Some of the questions which we need to ask ourselves
In today’s world there are many young people who do

as young people are; who began to consider Jesus
Christ as God? And what did he say about himself?
According to the bible Jesus said the Father and I are
one (John 10:30), I am the way, the truth and life (John
14:6) some of the scriptures are John 8:58, Matthew
28:18, 17:23 John 14:19, Mark 2:10, 28; 14:61-62
20:28, John 5:27; 11:25 and many more.
The Jews were eager to crucify Jesus not only because
he broke the law of the Sabbath but he called himself to
be equal to God (John 5:18). Jews believed that
whoever made himself equal to God, had to suffer
death (Acts 12:22-23). Jesus’ trial was a bizarre trial
one; he was condemned not for what he did, but for
whom he was (Mark 14:61-63). After reflecting on
these scriptures, you truly believe that Jesus Christ is
Soon we shall celebrate Christmas and this is the time
to think once again what the whole mystery of the
God-became-man means to each of us. People in
Jesus’ time did not take him seriously but rather took
an offence in him.
What can we say of people of our time in their
relationship with Jesus?

By novice Henry Ngeli

The Mystery of the Incarnation

Scene of the Nativity painted at the
Cathedral Church in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Playground is one of the goals for Salesian
youth ministry, because the young need the support of
friends who are also walking along the journey of faith
(accompaniment). Peer Ministry is an essential tool in
Salesian youth ministry but it is supplemented with the

alesians believe that all formation presence of priests i.e. for Confession, Holy Eucharist
environments for the young have four that which a brother or cleric cannot do. When peers
components and this we see in the Salesian help peers to grow in their spiritual life it is a win/win
Constitution number Article 40: “Homes” situation. Peer leaders learn to take roles of service and
that welcome, “Parishes” that evangelize, leadership as evangelisers and educators. Youth
“Schools” where we can learn and recipients of ministry from their peers get the truth of the

“Playgrounds” where friends can meet and have fun. story in a very credible way from one of their own. In
This criterion is essential in the planning and carrying out Salesian youth ministry this is highly priced and
of our entire youth pastoral ministry. When one of these practiced. Allowing leadership development is a key for
aspects of a pastoral ministry is missing, the Salesian self understanding in peer leaders who must ask
youth ministry is limping. Thus, a comprehensive Youth themselves where they are in their faith lives and if they
Ministry calls for all four criteria to be present in our really believe what they are challenging their peers to
pastoral outreach toward the young. understand and comprehend. Peer Ministry and Peer
The young are not objects that are there for us to impart Catechesis is essential in Salesian Ministry. To preach
our program of some kind of religious knowledge. If that and teach the “Good News” of Jesus Christ and the joy of
is the case, without relationships, whatever we teach them being a disciple is the goal of all evangelisers in our
will soon be forgotten. An environment of personal care Youth Centres and Oratories. The Salesian philosophy
and concern will make our plan for education and of religious education is never to separate the
evangelization a lot more credible. As our constitution evangelisation from the fun of the playground, nor the
states, 'we evangelize through educating, we educate family environment. Holiness is in the ordinary day-to-
through evangelising'. This is possible when we make the day life. Simply doing your duties well: studying,
young feel at home in our Ministries. A “home” is a place playing and working are moments that give praise and
where people can “be themselves.” In any home, different glory to God, as St John Bosco used to say.
roles and responsibilities are carried out by various family Devotions and prayer times become very
members but everyone feels a part of the family and feels natural in such settings in such a way that there is no
that they contribute to family life. noticeable duality between the various components of a

Catechesis is not an imparting of religious daily schedule. This goal of preaching and teaching the
doctrines and Dogmas (sorry for using these big words Good News of Our Lord must be done wisely. Each and
what to do I am limited only to these words). It is a gift of every child in a youth centre and oratory program should
encouraging the young to grow in their faith to help them not be taken for granted. They are all different, unique,
journeying through life. Catechesis must have individual and special. There is not a “one-size-fits-all”
applications to the real life situations of young people. It approach to our youth ministry. Merci!
must prepare them for life.

Aspects of every

Cl. Maurice Tichi Mutwila sdb.


16 Salesian NewslinkZMB 17Salesian NewslinkZMB

Mission Promotion


he Rector Major of the
Salesians of Don Bosco, TFr Pascual Chavez, has

conferred the missionary cross to
the new missionaries of the
143th expedition, among them
Cl Joseph James Chisomo
Nakholi from Malawi (ZMB
Vice-Province). Cl. Chisomo
joined the Salesian Congregation
as a professed member on
15/08/2009 in Kabwe (Zambia);
during his studies of philosophy
in Moshi he deepened his
missionary call and volunteered
to be sent to the Missio AD
GENTES. The General Superior
of the Salesian Congregation, Fr
Pascual Chavez, has accepted
him and sent him to the mission
in Sudan. Cl Chisomo is the first
missionary among the members
of the ZMB Vice-Province, some
others are discerning their
missionary call. In the same
missionary expedition, Cl.
Francois de Paul Rakotomalala
has been assigned to ZMB as
missionary. He is the first
missionary from Madagascar.

Fr. Vaclav Klement, Missions Councillor
with the two new missionaries

fter the Study Days on initial
proclamation in Ethiopia, Fr.
Václav Klement sent me to visit
the houses of formation of AFE
and ZMB for missionary
promotion. I am most grateful

to Fr. George Chalissery for ensuring that I
could meet all the Salesians in formation as
well as giving me a whole morning session
during the practical trainees' meeting. Thanks
to Fr. Javier Barrientos as well for organising
my visit to the novitiate and prenovitiate.
Having met also the formation communities in
Moshi and Utume, I could then say that I have
met all the Salesians in initial formation of the
ZMB Province.

It is not uncommon for me to hear
statements like “we are in the mission already, so
what's the need for missionary promotion”? or “ we
need personnel in our Province why encourage
local Salesians to be missionaries abroad”? These
statements seem to indicate that missionary
promotion is often misunderstood as fishing for
missionaries. No wonder confreres sometimes
wonder the sense of missionary promotion in the

Looking back to Don Bosco
What is missionary promotion? It

might be helpful to return to Don Bosco in
order to shed light to what we mean by
missionary promotion. From 1841 to 1850
Don Bosco established his first works of the
young. From 1850 to 1860, at a time of great
danger for the faith of the people, he undertook
a bold initiative of founding the Salesian
Society in 1859 and of establishing a printing
press as well as the publication of the Catholic Readings. In the next fifteen
years he founded the other branches of his family: the Association of Mary
Help of Christians in 1869, the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in 1872
and the Salesian Cooperators in 1876. Finally, he opened an entirely new page
in the life of his young Congregation by sending out his first missionaries in
1875, immediately after the approval of the Salesian Constitutions (1874).

A closer look at the missionary thrust of Don Bosco reveals that it is
but the ultimate fruit and liveliest manifestation of his missionary zeal to make
Jesus known. This apostolic passion is the dynamism which underpins all his
initiatives. In fact, if we examine closely his ministry to young people, it is
easy to realise that these were deeply permeated by his passion to preach the
Gospel. This missionary zeal – synthesised in Da mihi animas (tr. Give me
souls)- was the animating force which cuts across all his initiatives. Father

Michael Rua wrote that “Don Bosco, in the ardent zeal of “we need confreres here” nor of “escaping” from the
by which he was devoured, shouted out: “Da mihi needs of the Province. No, no! It is a matter of helping a
animas!” It was this need to save souls which made the confrere respond to a personal call to be a Salesian
old world seem narrow and drove him to send his sons to missionary. Hence, Africae Munus n. 167 underlines
the distant missions of America”. Don Bosco passed on positively that responding to the need of missionaries in
to his first Salesians and to his boys this ardent desire to other countries and continents is “a concrete sign of the
share his faith with the poor and abandoned boys in fruitfulness of the missio ad gentes”.
Valdocco, with the people of Turin and with those who
live beyond the shores of Italy. Truly his example Missionary Promotion in Salesian Communities
indicates that the missionary commitment to mission ad Salesian missionary promotion in the whole
gentes “would be the Congregation's on-going concern, Province is under the care of the Province Delegate for
in such a way that it forms part of its nature and Missionary Animation (PDMA) who works in close
purpose”. collaboration with the Province Delegates for youth

ministry, social communication and formation. In our
The Twofold Purpose of Salesian Missionary local communities missionary promotion could take
Promotion different forms. Here are 3 simple proposals:

In the light of Don Bosco's experience we can The annual celebration of the Salesian
now draw out our purpose for missionary animation. Mission Day on a common date chosen by the whole
Salesian missionary promotion, has a twofold purpose Province is meant to foster awareness to different
which are interrelated and mutually complementary. missionary situations and overcome every temptation to
Above all it aims at keeping alive in every Salesian the shut oneself off in one's own context. Every year the
passion to make Jesus known and to preach the Missions Department prepares a poster, printed
Gospel. Such missionary zeal leads to a rediscovery of materials, a DVD with short films on the theme which
“the joy of being Christians, of being sustained by the are also available on You Tube. These draw attention to
inner happiness of knowing Christ and belonging to his the vitality of the Salesian charism and the expressions
Church”. Hence, an effective missionary promotion of the missionary zeal of Salesians in different contexts.
renews “the passion for the salvation of others, by the The Monthly Missionary Intention as well as

thjoy of sharing the experience of the fullness of life of prayer for missionaries every 11 of the month
Jesus” of individual Salesians and, consequently, underline the importance of spiritual dimension of
making every member of the local and Province mission and the possibility of all confreres to support the
community “happy from deep within”. From this joy Congregation's missionary activity through their prayer.
springs the energies to share our Christian faith and live The formation of a missionary group in every
radically our Salesian life which, in turn, overcomes local setting fosters the revival of the missionary
faith fatigue which could be noticed in the joylessness consciousness of young people and the whole educative
and inner sadness in living the consecrated life. pastoral community (EPC), revitalises the enthusiasm
Enthusiastic Salesians attract young people to Salesian for the faith and the fascination for the Salesian charism.
life. An effective missionary promotion, therefore, is This, in turn, stirs up the ardour that gives birth to new
also a form of vocation promotion. vocations.

This missionary zeal that should be present in
every Salesian does not preclude but actually implies The Sense of Missionary Promotion
that there are Salesians who have a specific vocation
So, do we really need missionary promotion
to be engaged in the missionary apostolate outside even in the 'missions'? In fact, I think we really do!
their own homeland, cultural milieu and language group Indeed, Salesian missionary promotion helps us to
(ad exteros); among those who have not yet heard the “recover the ardour of the beginnings of the
Gospel, or where the Church is not yet fully established evangelisation of the African continent” (Africae
(ad gentes); and in contexts where there is an Munus, 164) less we give in to faith fatigue and slide
abandonment of the faith (new evangelisation) through back comfortably to the joyless and ardourless
a life-long commitment (ad vitam). Thus, the second “maintenance mode” of missionary activity!
purpose of missionary promotion which flows from its
primary aim is to help Salesians discern if they have the
call to be missionary. Those who feel called to be
missionaries are helped to start the initial process of
discernment by seeking the help of a spiritual guide to
discover God's call, purify and deepen their motives,
discern their qualities and attitudes in view of
determining their basic suitability for Salesian
missionary life.

Our Salesian vocation places us at the heart of
the Church which “is missionary by her very nature”
because she “is sent forth to the nations”. In the same
way that within the one Salesian vocation some are
called to be priests while some to be brothers, similarly
the Salesian missionary vocation is a call within our
common Salesian vocation. In this light, it is not a matter

Do we really need
in Africa?

Fr. Alfred Maravilla, SDB

Young Salesian Missionaries
from Africa & Madagascar

Don Bosco and the First
Missionary Expedition

to South America

18 Salesian NewslinkZMB 19Salesian NewslinkZMB

Mission Promotion


he Rector Major of the
Salesians of Don Bosco, TFr Pascual Chavez, has

conferred the missionary cross to
the new missionaries of the
143th expedition, among them
Cl Joseph James Chisomo
Nakholi from Malawi (ZMB
Vice-Province). Cl. Chisomo
joined the Salesian Congregation
as a professed member on
15/08/2009 in Kabwe (Zambia);
during his studies of philosophy
in Moshi he deepened his
missionary call and volunteered
to be sent to the Missio AD
GENTES. The General Superior
of the Salesian Congregation, Fr
Pascual Chavez, has accepted
him and sent him to the mission
in Sudan. Cl Chisomo is the first
missionary among the members
of the ZMB Vice-Province, some
others are discerning their
missionary call. In the same
missionary expedition, Cl.
Francois de Paul Rakotomalala
has been assigned to ZMB as
missionary. He is the first
missionary from Madagascar.

Fr. Vaclav Klement, Missions Councillor
with the two new missionaries

fter the Study Days on initial
proclamation in Ethiopia, Fr.
Václav Klement sent me to visit
the houses of formation of AFE
and ZMB for missionary
promotion. I am most grateful

to Fr. George Chalissery for ensuring that I
could meet all the Salesians in formation as
well as giving me a whole morning session
during the practical trainees' meeting. Thanks
to Fr. Javier Barrientos as well for organising
my visit to the novitiate and prenovitiate.
Having met also the formation communities in
Moshi and Utume, I could then say that I have
met all the Salesians in initial formation of the
ZMB Province.

It is not uncommon for me to hear
statements like “we are in the mission already, so
what's the need for missionary promotion”? or “ we
need personnel in our Province why encourage
local Salesians to be missionaries abroad”? These
statements seem to indicate that missionary
promotion is often misunderstood as fishing for
missionaries. No wonder confreres sometimes
wonder the sense of missionary promotion in the

Looking back to Don Bosco
What is missionary promotion? It

might be helpful to return to Don Bosco in
order to shed light to what we mean by
missionary promotion. From 1841 to 1850
Don Bosco established his first works of the
young. From 1850 to 1860, at a time of great
danger for the faith of the people, he undertook
a bold initiative of founding the Salesian
Society in 1859 and of establishing a printing
press as well as the publication of the Catholic Readings. In the next fifteen
years he founded the other branches of his family: the Association of Mary
Help of Christians in 1869, the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in 1872
and the Salesian Cooperators in 1876. Finally, he opened an entirely new page
in the life of his young Congregation by sending out his first missionaries in
1875, immediately after the approval of the Salesian Constitutions (1874).

A closer look at the missionary thrust of Don Bosco reveals that it is
but the ultimate fruit and liveliest manifestation of his missionary zeal to make
Jesus known. This apostolic passion is the dynamism which underpins all his
initiatives. In fact, if we examine closely his ministry to young people, it is
easy to realise that these were deeply permeated by his passion to preach the
Gospel. This missionary zeal – synthesised in Da mihi animas (tr. Give me
souls)- was the animating force which cuts across all his initiatives. Father

Michael Rua wrote that “Don Bosco, in the ardent zeal of “we need confreres here” nor of “escaping” from the
by which he was devoured, shouted out: “Da mihi needs of the Province. No, no! It is a matter of helping a
animas!” It was this need to save souls which made the confrere respond to a personal call to be a Salesian
old world seem narrow and drove him to send his sons to missionary. Hence, Africae Munus n. 167 underlines
the distant missions of America”. Don Bosco passed on positively that responding to the need of missionaries in
to his first Salesians and to his boys this ardent desire to other countries and continents is “a concrete sign of the
share his faith with the poor and abandoned boys in fruitfulness of the missio ad gentes”.
Valdocco, with the people of Turin and with those who
live beyond the shores of Italy. Truly his example Missionary Promotion in Salesian Communities
indicates that the missionary commitment to mission ad Salesian missionary promotion in the whole
gentes “would be the Congregation's on-going concern, Province is under the care of the Province Delegate for
in such a way that it forms part of its nature and Missionary Animation (PDMA) who works in close
purpose”. collaboration with the Province Delegates for youth

ministry, social communication and formation. In our
The Twofold Purpose of Salesian Missionary local communities missionary promotion could take
Promotion different forms. Here are 3 simple proposals:

In the light of Don Bosco's experience we can The annual celebration of the Salesian
now draw out our purpose for missionary animation. Mission Day on a common date chosen by the whole
Salesian missionary promotion, has a twofold purpose Province is meant to foster awareness to different
which are interrelated and mutually complementary. missionary situations and overcome every temptation to
Above all it aims at keeping alive in every Salesian the shut oneself off in one's own context. Every year the
passion to make Jesus known and to preach the Missions Department prepares a poster, printed
Gospel. Such missionary zeal leads to a rediscovery of materials, a DVD with short films on the theme which
“the joy of being Christians, of being sustained by the are also available on You Tube. These draw attention to
inner happiness of knowing Christ and belonging to his the vitality of the Salesian charism and the expressions
Church”. Hence, an effective missionary promotion of the missionary zeal of Salesians in different contexts.
renews “the passion for the salvation of others, by the The Monthly Missionary Intention as well as

thjoy of sharing the experience of the fullness of life of prayer for missionaries every 11 of the month
Jesus” of individual Salesians and, consequently, underline the importance of spiritual dimension of
making every member of the local and Province mission and the possibility of all confreres to support the
community “happy from deep within”. From this joy Congregation's missionary activity through their prayer.
springs the energies to share our Christian faith and live The formation of a missionary group in every
radically our Salesian life which, in turn, overcomes local setting fosters the revival of the missionary
faith fatigue which could be noticed in the joylessness consciousness of young people and the whole educative
and inner sadness in living the consecrated life. pastoral community (EPC), revitalises the enthusiasm
Enthusiastic Salesians attract young people to Salesian for the faith and the fascination for the Salesian charism.
life. An effective missionary promotion, therefore, is This, in turn, stirs up the ardour that gives birth to new
also a form of vocation promotion. vocations.

This missionary zeal that should be present in
every Salesian does not preclude but actually implies The Sense of Missionary Promotion
that there are Salesians who have a specific vocation
So, do we really need missionary promotion
to be engaged in the missionary apostolate outside even in the 'missions'? In fact, I think we really do!
their own homeland, cultural milieu and language group Indeed, Salesian missionary promotion helps us to
(ad exteros); among those who have not yet heard the “recover the ardour of the beginnings of the
Gospel, or where the Church is not yet fully established evangelisation of the African continent” (Africae
(ad gentes); and in contexts where there is an Munus, 164) less we give in to faith fatigue and slide
abandonment of the faith (new evangelisation) through back comfortably to the joyless and ardourless
a life-long commitment (ad vitam). Thus, the second “maintenance mode” of missionary activity!
purpose of missionary promotion which flows from its
primary aim is to help Salesians discern if they have the
call to be missionary. Those who feel called to be
missionaries are helped to start the initial process of
discernment by seeking the help of a spiritual guide to
discover God's call, purify and deepen their motives,
discern their qualities and attitudes in view of
determining their basic suitability for Salesian
missionary life.

Our Salesian vocation places us at the heart of
the Church which “is missionary by her very nature”
because she “is sent forth to the nations”. In the same
way that within the one Salesian vocation some are
called to be priests while some to be brothers, similarly
the Salesian missionary vocation is a call within our
common Salesian vocation. In this light, it is not a matter

Do we really need
in Africa?

Fr. Alfred Maravilla, SDB

Young Salesian Missionaries
from Africa & Madagascar

Don Bosco and the First
Missionary Expedition

to South America

18 Salesian NewslinkZMB 19Salesian NewslinkZMB

n the year 2011, in readiness for Christmas, I wrote an
article entitled; “All Roads lead to Christmas.” I had dwelt
pretty well on the extrinsic of Christmas e.g.
consumerism, drunkenness and other forms of hedonistic
jubilations. However, this time around I have thought
about the need to put 'First things first'. This has come as
an inspiration from the Christmas carol:

The child is born for us today, alleluia.
He is our king and our savior, alleluia

In this article I have looked at the intrinsic reality of any
Christmas celebration. Without any argumentation
Christmas is about God becoming a man. We celebrate the

gift so precious of having God among us. In a layman's understanding, we
celebrate life. We rejoice because we have the life of Jesus Christ among us.
Every human life is a precious gift and a symbol of God's goodness. Just as
nobody fully comprehends God, so is the human life. As such we can hold that
every human life is a Christmas. During this year's Christmas time there is
need to have a paradigm shift and look at ones own life and see if it is a
Christmas. Is my life a basket of goodness? Does it positively draw people to
me and to God? Is there anything awesome, joy filled or kingly about my life?
These questions have risen because we need to remember that life is the
reason of today's Christmas. It is a call to reflect on my own life in the light of
that of Jesus Christ.
Throughout the history of man, life has been seen as something sacred though
not always treated sacredly. It carries with it a sense of Godliness. It is a
manifestation of God's love for humanity. And it is from this sacredness that
man draws his dignity, admiration and worthiness. No wonder we see why
every life that comes into this world is welcomed amidst joy, respect and great
anticipation. It does not matter whether that infant will stay longer or not. But
what counts most is the fact that we have it among us and we are optimistic
that something great will come out of this infant.
In the Old Testament we find two beautiful stories: Moses and Samuel. The
former was saved from death by the courage of the family and the latter, after
his birth was sought with anxiety and tears, he is totally dedicated to God. In
these two biblical stories it is evident that life alone offers so much joy that
consumerism or any other worldly pleasure cannot offer. Also it gives a relief
and confirms the faith of individuals or society as a whole. Life presents
another opportunity that assures happiness to all and stimulates hope. A story
is told of a young lady who, after becoming pregnant, went to the Doctor and
asked for an abortion. The Doctor asked her why she wanted an abortion. In
response the young lady quickly said; the baby is unwanted now! However,
the Doctor counseled the young lady and persuaded her to give up the idea of
an abortion. She went away very reluctantly and displeased with the entire
outcome. Nevertheless, at delivery time, the very Doctor was there. After she
gave birth, she proudly demanded that she hold the fruit of her own womb in
her arms. Then the Doctor lied to her that the baby was dead. She wept bitterly.
One cannot imagine the contradiction between her initial desire to get rid of

the unwanted baby and the later scenario of tears of and God's favor was with him. Such that when he died on
bitterness for the loss of the fruit of her womb. the cross, people affirmed that he was a true Christmas.
Again one thing is clear that even the so called unwanted When the centurion saw what had taken place, he gave
baby is a Christmas and when it arrives it spills profound praise to God and said, 'Truly, this was an upright man.'
joy, relief and increase of faith and hope of a better life. (Luke 23: 47 - 48)
All this can be said of the birth of Jesus. When the news This is the call to this year's Christmas celebration. How
of the birth of Jesus reached the ears of the shepherds, many of us can have the words of the centurion attached
magi, and everyone in Bethlehem and Nazareth among to our lives when we die? I know very well that each
many other cities they all rejoiced and praised God. one's life was a source of joy on the day it entered this
Similar to the case of Moses is the fact that Jesus' life world. However, in the course of life we lost that sense. I
faced the danger of death and the parents had to take know that for some of us the names we bear are a bundle
risky steps as instructed by the angel to save the boy's of prophecies from our families or society. For instance,
life. And similar to the latter, Jesus had to be offered to people are called Mapalo/Madalitso (Blessings) or
God so that he might not lose his sense of Godliness. Chifundo/Luse (mercy) or Tatenda (thanks). Giving a
Besides the joys that come with the birth of a child are name entails giving an essence to things. The names we
the prophecies of people about the child. This is visible bear ought to give us an inner capacity to push on in life.
in the story of John the Baptist and Jesus himself (Luke A sad thing, however, is that the Chifundo/Luses are no
1: 63 – 66). Other than the proclamation of the angels to longer merciful but merciless. People shun away from
the shepherds, the prophecy of Simeon shows clearly the Mapalo/Madalitso because they are no longer
what the baby Jesus was destined for: the rise and fall of blessings to society but a source of pain and distress.
many in Israel as well as joy and suffering for Mary And the Tatendas have been looked at not with gratitude
(Luke 2: 33 – 35). but with regret. We have lost our godliness; there is no
It is true that despite the circumstance in which one is Christmas in our lives! No wonder we have resorted to
born, joy is the undeniable gift to those around. Another the external joys of Christmas that eventually lead to
important factor is that of prophecies; people say a word pain and misery.
or two about the future of the baby. Characteristic of this What then is the solution? I know critics would say
word is that it is always something worthwhile. No one people are free to make themselves. Yes, but they should
wishes the joys of the day to turn into nothing. There is make themselves in the light of Christmas. Our
always a tendency to hope to see it all through life. decisions that deny us of upholding the good that we
Simeon sees in Jesus the falling and rising of many in initially possessed are no decisions at all. Therefore, we
Israel. And Jesus grew to maturity, filled with wisdom need to reflect on our lives and see if at all we are still that

Christmas gift that the world deserves. If we find
ourselves wanting, let us once again reconnect ourselves
to Him who is totally good. The world today needs good
men and women, good young boys and girls. Only then
will the words; 'Truly, this was an upright
man/woman/boy/girl,' be heard. An irrefutable
affirmation that the child was a Christmas, alleluia!



By Cl. Clement Mutamba SDB



And Jesus grew to maturity,
filled with wisdom and God's favor was with him

Every human life

is a precious gift

and a symbol

of God's goodness.

Just as nobody

fully comprehends God,

so is the human life.

20 Salesian NewslinkZMB 21Salesian NewslinkZMB

n the year 2011, in readiness for Christmas, I wrote an
article entitled; “All Roads lead to Christmas.” I had dwelt
pretty well on the extrinsic of Christmas e.g.
consumerism, drunkenness and other forms of hedonistic
jubilations. However, this time around I have thought
about the need to put 'First things first'. This has come as
an inspiration from the Christmas carol:

The child is born for us today, alleluia.
He is our king and our savior, alleluia

In this article I have looked at the intrinsic reality of any
Christmas celebration. Without any argumentation
Christmas is about God becoming a man. We celebrate the

gift so precious of having God among us. In a layman's understanding, we
celebrate life. We rejoice because we have the life of Jesus Christ among us.
Every human life is a precious gift and a symbol of God's goodness. Just as
nobody fully comprehends God, so is the human life. As such we can hold that
every human life is a Christmas. During this year's Christmas time there is
need to have a paradigm shift and look at ones own life and see if it is a
Christmas. Is my life a basket of goodness? Does it positively draw people to
me and to God? Is there anything awesome, joy filled or kingly about my life?
These questions have risen because we need to remember that life is the
reason of today's Christmas. It is a call to reflect on my own life in the light of
that of Jesus Christ.
Throughout the history of man, life has been seen as something sacred though
not always treated sacredly. It carries with it a sense of Godliness. It is a
manifestation of God's love for humanity. And it is from this sacredness that
man draws his dignity, admiration and worthiness. No wonder we see why
every life that comes into this world is welcomed amidst joy, respect and great
anticipation. It does not matter whether that infant will stay longer or not. But
what counts most is the fact that we have it among us and we are optimistic
that something great will come out of this infant.
In the Old Testament we find two beautiful stories: Moses and Samuel. The
former was saved from death by the courage of the family and the latter, after
his birth was sought with anxiety and tears, he is totally dedicated to God. In
these two biblical stories it is evident that life alone offers so much joy that
consumerism or any other worldly pleasure cannot offer. Also it gives a relief
and confirms the faith of individuals or society as a whole. Life presents
another opportunity that assures happiness to all and stimulates hope. A story
is told of a young lady who, after becoming pregnant, went to the Doctor and
asked for an abortion. The Doctor asked her why she wanted an abortion. In
response the young lady quickly said; the baby is unwanted now! However,
the Doctor counseled the young lady and persuaded her to give up the idea of
an abortion. She went away very reluctantly and displeased with the entire
outcome. Nevertheless, at delivery time, the very Doctor was there. After she
gave birth, she proudly demanded that she hold the fruit of her own womb in
her arms. Then the Doctor lied to her that the baby was dead. She wept bitterly.
One cannot imagine the contradiction between her initial desire to get rid of

the unwanted baby and the later scenario of tears of and God's favor was with him. Such that when he died on
bitterness for the loss of the fruit of her womb. the cross, people affirmed that he was a true Christmas.
Again one thing is clear that even the so called unwanted When the centurion saw what had taken place, he gave
baby is a Christmas and when it arrives it spills profound praise to God and said, 'Truly, this was an upright man.'
joy, relief and increase of faith and hope of a better life. (Luke 23: 47 - 48)
All this can be said of the birth of Jesus. When the news This is the call to this year's Christmas celebration. How
of the birth of Jesus reached the ears of the shepherds, many of us can have the words of the centurion attached
magi, and everyone in Bethlehem and Nazareth among to our lives when we die? I know very well that each
many other cities they all rejoiced and praised God. one's life was a source of joy on the day it entered this
Similar to the case of Moses is the fact that Jesus' life world. However, in the course of life we lost that sense. I
faced the danger of death and the parents had to take know that for some of us the names we bear are a bundle
risky steps as instructed by the angel to save the boy's of prophecies from our families or society. For instance,
life. And similar to the latter, Jesus had to be offered to people are called Mapalo/Madalitso (Blessings) or
God so that he might not lose his sense of Godliness. Chifundo/Luse (mercy) or Tatenda (thanks). Giving a
Besides the joys that come with the birth of a child are name entails giving an essence to things. The names we
the prophecies of people about the child. This is visible bear ought to give us an inner capacity to push on in life.
in the story of John the Baptist and Jesus himself (Luke A sad thing, however, is that the Chifundo/Luses are no
1: 63 – 66). Other than the proclamation of the angels to longer merciful but merciless. People shun away from
the shepherds, the prophecy of Simeon shows clearly the Mapalo/Madalitso because they are no longer
what the baby Jesus was destined for: the rise and fall of blessings to society but a source of pain and distress.
many in Israel as well as joy and suffering for Mary And the Tatendas have been looked at not with gratitude
(Luke 2: 33 – 35). but with regret. We have lost our godliness; there is no
It is true that despite the circumstance in which one is Christmas in our lives! No wonder we have resorted to
born, joy is the undeniable gift to those around. Another the external joys of Christmas that eventually lead to
important factor is that of prophecies; people say a word pain and misery.
or two about the future of the baby. Characteristic of this What then is the solution? I know critics would say
word is that it is always something worthwhile. No one people are free to make themselves. Yes, but they should
wishes the joys of the day to turn into nothing. There is make themselves in the light of Christmas. Our
always a tendency to hope to see it all through life. decisions that deny us of upholding the good that we
Simeon sees in Jesus the falling and rising of many in initially possessed are no decisions at all. Therefore, we
Israel. And Jesus grew to maturity, filled with wisdom need to reflect on our lives and see if at all we are still that

Christmas gift that the world deserves. If we find
ourselves wanting, let us once again reconnect ourselves
to Him who is totally good. The world today needs good
men and women, good young boys and girls. Only then
will the words; 'Truly, this was an upright
man/woman/boy/girl,' be heard. An irrefutable
affirmation that the child was a Christmas, alleluia!



By Cl. Clement Mutamba SDB



And Jesus grew to maturity,
filled with wisdom and God's favor was with him

Every human life

is a precious gift

and a symbol

of God's goodness.

Just as nobody

fully comprehends God,

so is the human life.

20 Salesian NewslinkZMB 21Salesian NewslinkZMB

As we are waiting for the next AFCON 2013 in South Africa, we must first find God in the Zambian
Chipolopolo Boys becoming “African Champions –

2012” for the first time. Zambia has become the first

Southern African country to win the trophy outside the region.

South Africa being the first to win it within the region while

hosting it in 1996. The fact that the Afcon 2012 was co-hosted by

Gabon and Guinea gives us room to have the theological thinking

of the Zambian Chipolopolo winning the trophy. To help us in our

theological reflection, we have to remember that our late

Chipolopolo team ditched into the Atlantic Ocean – about 500M

offshore from Libreville, Gabon. Most Zambians will never forget

that tragic incident and how the country became grief-stricken. We

want to see the hand of God by looking at these two incidents: the

27th April 1993 plane crash 500M from Libreville, Gabon and the

February 2012 winning of Afcon in Libreville, Gabon. Why these

two incidents – Plane crash and Winning the Afcon ensued in the

same place: Libreville, Gabon. Is it coincidental that these two

incidents can happen in one place or there is a hand of God in it?

For sure there is a hand of God hence our theological reflection on

reasons why Zambia won Afcon 2012. pain, discomfort. There was division between these two

Looking back on what happened in 1993, a sport's and again God was waiting for the appropriate time to

analyst will say that Gabon brought the pain and sorrow come in order to bring love, joy, happiness between the

in the history of Zambian football, though they had two. Hence His Son, who is love, had to go from

nothing to do with the 1993 catastrophe. During that Nazareth to Egypt (Luke). Remember there were many

time when one is talking about Zambian football linking safe nearby places where Joseph and Mary should have

it with Gabon the first thing that comes in mind is pain gone to hide the baby Jesus from Herod, but why go to

and hatred. Remember the comments of people from the Egypt which is very far. Critically thinking, it took the

Zambia verses Morocco game for world cup qualifier of Israelites forty years from Egypt to the Promised Land.

1994. We needed just a draw to qualify but we did not So it would have taken the Holy Family of Mary, Joseph

succeed. Who was the official referee?? It was a Gabon. and baby Jesus – forty years to go to Egypt and another

Whether the game was fair or not, but the fact that we forty years to come back to Nazareth. Therefore, Jesus

lost and the referee was a man from Gabon was itself a would have been eighty years old when they came from

problem. Gabon inserted another pain on the flesh of Egypt. However, it did not take them that amount of time

Zambian football history for things they did not do or like the Israelites. Because his going there is not to hide

know. From 1993 onwards when you think of Zambia from Herod but to connect the two nations – Egypt and

football in connection to Gabon, the first thing that Israel that were divided because of history – so that the

comes to mind for any soccer lover is pain, hatred, Israelites may no longer have hatred, pain, suffering

mourning, or losing. However, all these have been when thinking about Egypt but love.

dramatically changed with the afcon 2012.

Presently to think of Gabon, a soccer lover in Zambia

thinks of joy, love, unity, happiness, winning. Libreville,

Gabon, has now a positive historical mark in Zambian

football. Gabon what a lovely country! We believe in

God who is love, joy, happiness, etc. God doesn't want

his children loathing each other but wants them to love

one another. Hence He looked for an opportune time to

allow the love which was lost in 1993 between Zambia

and Gabon to be reclaimed. There were many incidents

when Chipolopolo would have lifted the trophy but did

not. This is because God's time had not yet come.
Therefore, the going to Egypt by Jesus is to bring back Remember the 1994 with Nigeria in the finals; it was our
the great relationship of love between Egyptians and the time to win but we did not. Then 1996- South Africa, we
Israelites. Similarly, the going to Gabon and the winning didn't win though we had greater chances of winning,
of Afcon, 2012 by Zambia is to bring back the instead we became third. Just recently in Angola, we had
relationship that needs to exist between the two all reasons to win, but we did not. What were we waiting
countries: the relationship of love. Another theological for, with all these chances on our disposal? We were
aspect is that the Zambian winning of afcon in Gabon is waiting for God's hand, so that the hatred, detestation
a reminder to us that in order to achieve goodness we and pain, we had on innocent Gabon could be wiped
need to go through some pain. The Chipolopolo boys away. It's really God's plan which always happens at the
received goodness at the place where they had suffered right moment that we were waiting for.
before. When you suffer know that goodness will come Taking these in mind on what happened between
one day. Just why for us Christians we know that the Zambia and Gabon; let's take a biblical example from
dying of Jesus on the cross brings joy of resurrection. the history of salvation: the relationship between the
Cross and resurrection are connected. Suffering and Israelites and Egyptians. When the Israelites left Egypt
goodness are connected. The suffering we go through on to go the Promised Land, the relationship between the
earth is a preparation for the goodness we will receive in two was acrimonious. Just after the exodus or during it,
heaven. Accept your suffering as goodness is coming if one were to ask the Israelites about Egypt, what do you
ahead.think would be the response? It would be that of hatred,

22 Salesian NewslinkZMB 23Salesian NewslinkZMB

Dn. Jerome Bwalya SDB

Religion & Sports



of the 2012

As we are waiting for the next AFCON 2013 in South Africa, we must first find God in the Zambian
Chipolopolo Boys becoming “African Champions –

2012” for the first time. Zambia has become the first

Southern African country to win the trophy outside the region.

South Africa being the first to win it within the region while

hosting it in 1996. The fact that the Afcon 2012 was co-hosted by

Gabon and Guinea gives us room to have the theological thinking

of the Zambian Chipolopolo winning the trophy. To help us in our

theological reflection, we have to remember that our late

Chipolopolo team ditched into the Atlantic Ocean – about 500M

offshore from Libreville, Gabon. Most Zambians will never forget

that tragic incident and how the country became grief-stricken. We

want to see the hand of God by looking at these two incidents: the

27th April 1993 plane crash 500M from Libreville, Gabon and the

February 2012 winning of Afcon in Libreville, Gabon. Why these

two incidents – Plane crash and Winning the Afcon ensued in the

same place: Libreville, Gabon. Is it coincidental that these two

incidents can happen in one place or there is a hand of God in it?

For sure there is a hand of God hence our theological reflection on

reasons why Zambia won Afcon 2012. pain, discomfort. There was division between these two

Looking back on what happened in 1993, a sport's and again God was waiting for the appropriate time to

analyst will say that Gabon brought the pain and sorrow come in order to bring love, joy, happiness between the

in the history of Zambian football, though they had two. Hence His Son, who is love, had to go from

nothing to do with the 1993 catastrophe. During that Nazareth to Egypt (Luke). Remember there were many

time when one is talking about Zambian football linking safe nearby places where Joseph and Mary should have

it with Gabon the first thing that comes in mind is pain gone to hide the baby Jesus from Herod, but why go to

and hatred. Remember the comments of people from the Egypt which is very far. Critically thinking, it took the

Zambia verses Morocco game for world cup qualifier of Israelites forty years from Egypt to the Promised Land.

1994. We needed just a draw to qualify but we did not So it would have taken the Holy Family of Mary, Joseph

succeed. Who was the official referee?? It was a Gabon. and baby Jesus – forty years to go to Egypt and another

Whether the game was fair or not, but the fact that we forty years to come back to Nazareth. Therefore, Jesus

lost and the referee was a man from Gabon was itself a would have been eighty years old when they came from

problem. Gabon inserted another pain on the flesh of Egypt. However, it did not take them that amount of time

Zambian football history for things they did not do or like the Israelites. Because his going there is not to hide

know. From 1993 onwards when you think of Zambia from Herod but to connect the two nations – Egypt and

football in connection to Gabon, the first thing that Israel that were divided because of history – so that the

comes to mind for any soccer lover is pain, hatred, Israelites may no longer have hatred, pain, suffering

mourning, or losing. However, all these have been when thinking about Egypt but love.

dramatically changed with the afcon 2012.

Presently to think of Gabon, a soccer lover in Zambia

thinks of joy, love, unity, happiness, winning. Libreville,

Gabon, has now a positive historical mark in Zambian

football. Gabon what a lovely country! We believe in

God who is love, joy, happiness, etc. God doesn't want

his children loathing each other but wants them to love

one another. Hence He looked for an opportune time to

allow the love which was lost in 1993 between Zambia

and Gabon to be reclaimed. There were many incidents

when Chipolopolo would have lifted the trophy but did

not. This is because God's time had not yet come.
Therefore, the going to Egypt by Jesus is to bring back Remember the 1994 with Nigeria in the finals; it was our
the great relationship of love between Egyptians and the time to win but we did not. Then 1996- South Africa, we
Israelites. Similarly, the going to Gabon and the winning didn't win though we had greater chances of winning,
of Afcon, 2012 by Zambia is to bring back the instead we became third. Just recently in Angola, we had
relationship that needs to exist between the two all reasons to win, but we did not. What were we waiting
countries: the relationship of love. Another theological for, with all these chances on our disposal? We were
aspect is that the Zambian winning of afcon in Gabon is waiting for God's hand, so that the hatred, detestation
a reminder to us that in order to achieve goodness we and pain, we had on innocent Gabon could be wiped
need to go through some pain. The Chipolopolo boys away. It's really God's plan which always happens at the
received goodness at the place where they had suffered right moment that we were waiting for.
before. When you suffer know that goodness will come Taking these in mind on what happened between
one day. Just why for us Christians we know that the Zambia and Gabon; let's take a biblical example from
dying of Jesus on the cross brings joy of resurrection. the history of salvation: the relationship between the
Cross and resurrection are connected. Suffering and Israelites and Egyptians. When the Israelites left Egypt
goodness are connected. The suffering we go through on to go the Promised Land, the relationship between the
earth is a preparation for the goodness we will receive in two was acrimonious. Just after the exodus or during it,
heaven. Accept your suffering as goodness is coming if one were to ask the Israelites about Egypt, what do you
ahead.think would be the response? It would be that of hatred,

22 Salesian NewslinkZMB 23Salesian NewslinkZMB

Dn. Jerome Bwalya SDB

Religion & Sports



of the 2012


2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

10 11 12


13 ZMB PHOTO - Issue No 24
1. Rome (Italy):
Fr Vaclav Klement, councillor for 7. Lilongwe (Malawi): 2012 Graduation

Missions together with the new missionaries. Ceremony of Don Bosco College.
Among them Cl. Joseph Chisomo from ZMB 8. Lilongwe (Malawi): Archbishop Ste Marie at
destined to Sudan, and Cl. Francois de Paul his arrival at Don Bosco College for the 2012
Rakotomalala from Madagascar destined to graduation ceremony.
ZMB. 9. Lusaka (Zambia): Cathedral of the Child Jesus

2. Rome (Italy): CIVAM Meeting of Provincials in during a celebration on the Mission Sunday.
Rome. 10. (Poland): The father of the late Fr. Zygmunt

3. Lusaka (Zambia): Meeting of Practical Labun walking over the stop where Fr. Zyga
Trainees with Fr. Alfred Maravilla SDB. died back in August.

4. Makeni - Lusaka (Zambia): Fr. George 11. (Poland): Fr. George Chalissery with the
Chalissery during the mass that marked the family of the late Fr. Zyga.
beginning of the novitiate. 12. (Poland): Fr. George and the father of the late

5. Moshi (Tanzania): Fr. Bruno Zamberlan SDB Fr. Zyga at the cemetery.
organising the girls’ choir of Moshi. 13. Kabwe (Zambia): Fr.Andrew Dzieborski

6. Moshi (Tanzania): Fr. Vincent Tembo SDB during the celebration of his 40th anniversary.
during the Community Day’s celebration. of priestly ordination.