Salesian Bulletin (Malta) No. 208 Mar-Apr 2009


marzu-april 2009
il-208 Óar©a

G˙aqda Salesjani Kooperaturi

San ÌuΩepp G˙alliem tal-Familja

Dun Bosco u l-Missjonijiet

Fl-1877, Dun Bosco beda jippubblika “Il Bibliofilo Cattolico”. Wara sentejn, semmih
- Bollettino Salesiano”. Kien jo˙or©hu bi ˙sieb li jg˙aqqad lil dawk kollha li g˙andhom
g˙al qalbhom il-˙idma Salesjana fid-dinja kollha, billi jwasslilhom tag˙rif fuq il-˙ajja
tal-Kongregazzjoni Salesjana. Tag˙lim siewi g˙all-˙ajja Nisranija. Insibuh imxerred
mad-dinja kif iddur, mitbug˙ f’aktar minn g˙oxrin ilsien ewlieni … fosthom il-Malti

wkoll fiç-çokon tieg˙u. F’sena jitqassmu ‘l fuq minn g˙axar miljun kopja. Hawn Malta
jo˙ro© ta˙t l-isem ‘˙ajja Salesjana’ u kull xahrejn, barra x-xhur tas-sajf – Lulju, u

Awissu. Jitqassam b’xejn lil kull min jitolbu. G˙alhekk wie˙ed jista’ jikteb lill-Editur:

Óajja Salesjana
c/o St. Patrick’s School, Triq San Ìwann Bosco,

Sliema SLM 1925, Malta.
Tel: 2133 0238 e-mail:

Jie˙u ˙sieb Fr. Joe Cini SDB

Bord Editorjali Fr. Paul Formosa SDB
Margaret Buhagiar
Andre’ Camilleri
Josie Grech

Jg˙inuh ukoll Fr. Charles Cini SDB
Eileen Alden
Joyce Scicluna
Joe M. Busuttil

Óajr minn qalbna lill-˙bieb tag˙na li jibag˙tu xi
˙a©a tal-flus g˙an-nefqa biex il-Óajja Salesjana
jista’ jintbag˙at b’xejn lil

• Dawk li mqar bit-talb tag˙hom jg˙inu
fil-˙idma Salesjana

• Dawk li jg˙inu l-vokazzjonijiet g˙all-˙ajja
Reli©juΩa Salesjana

Infakkru lill-qarrejja tag˙na li l-˙idma Salesjana
Maltija tinfirex ukoll fl-Afrika ta’ fuq, fit-TuneΩija.

Designed & Printed by Salesian Press

Fuqiex se naqraw

Il-Frott tas-Si©ra Salesjana 3
Pedago©ija Salesjana 5
Calendar of Events 7
The “shoe-shine boys” of Today 8
G˙aqda Salesjani Kooperaturi 10
Crimes 6 12
L-G˙id it-Tajjeb lil Kull˙add 15
San ÌuΩepp G˙alliem tal-Familja (1) 16
Something to think about… 18
Live-in for Salesian Animators 20
Maltese Salesianhonoured in Australia Day
Honours List 22
Il-Qaddej ta’ Alla Dun Andrej Majcen SDB 23
Dun Bosco u l-Missjonijiet 24
Ried Bilfors Iqerr g˙and il-Katekista 26
The Life of St. Paul (2) 28
The Taxi Ride 30
Could God Be Calling Me? 32
Salesian Pastoral Youth Service 34


Fil-˙ar©a ta’ ‘˙ajja Salesjana’ (˙S) ta’
qabel din, tkellimna fuq iΩ-Ωerrieg˙a li
Ωera’ Dun Bosco u li qed issir si©ra kbira.
Din is-si©ra bdiet tati frott
l-aktar bnin. Dan huwa l-
frott tal-qdusija li jidher fil-
˙afna membri tal-Familja
Salesjana (FS) li llum
insej˙ulhom qaddisin jew
li qieg˙din fit-triq li twassal
biex jimmeritaw dan it-titlu
hekk kbir.

Ta’ sikwit fil-pa©ni ta’
˙S insibu l-a˙bar ta’ xi
membri tal-FS li jew ikunu
se jibdielhom il-proçess twil
li ‘l quddiem iwassalhom
biex jissej˙u qaddisin, jew
inkella jkun wasal f’xi stadju
ie˙or ta’ dan l-istess proçess.
F’wa˙da mill-pa©ni ta’ din
il-˙S li g˙andkom f’idejkom,
hemm l-a˙bar dwar qassis
Salesjan mis-Slovenja, Dun
Andrej Majcen, li g˙adu
kemm ©ie ddikjarat ‘Qaddej ta’ Alla’. Dan
ifisser li wara li kien hemm devozzjoni
popolari, l-isqof tal-post kien beda proçess
biex imexxi ‘l quddiem il-kawΩa tal-
kanonizzazzjoni ta’ dan il-bniedem li n-
nies qieg˙da tqisu b˙ala qaddis u tg˙id li
qalg˙et grazzji bl-interçessjoni tieg˙u. Fil-
FS b˙alissa hemm 6 membri li g˙alihom
beda l-proçess djoçesan. Hekk ukoll
hemm 28 li mxew pass il-quddiem u issa

jissej˙u Qaddejja ta’ Alla. Wara xi zmien u
jekk jibqg˙u jinqalg˙u grazzji u tikber id-
devozzjoni, dawn il-Qaddejja jimxu pass

ie˙or ‘il quddiem u jibdew
jissej˙u Venerabbli. Il-FS
g˙andha 9 membri li huma
Venerabbli. Hekk ukoll
g˙andha 116-il membru
ie˙or li huma Beati, ji©ifieri
li waslu g˙all-grad aktar
g˙oli, li huma rikonoxxuti
b˙ala erwie˙ qaddisa, li
isimhom jista’ jissemma fil-
quddiesa u li g˙andhom
ukoll talba propja tag˙hom.
Jum jew ie˙or, meta
jinstema’ li sar xi miraklu bl-
interçessjoni ta’ xi wie˙ed
jew wa˙da minnhom,
dawn jitkomplielhom
il-proçess sabiex isiru
qaddisin. Il-FS g˙andha 8
membri ddikjarati qaddisin
mill-Knisja. L-ewwel wie˙ed
li kien sar qaddis kien il-

Fundatur tag˙na San Ìwann Bosco. Hu
kien il-mudell u l-eΩempju li fuqu mxew
l-o˙rajn li gew warajh u li a˙na wkoll
nistg˙u In˙arsu lejh sabiex nit˙e©©u g˙all-

Il-Frott tas-Si©ra Salesjana


In the last issue of ‘hajja salesjana’
(hS) we wrote about the seed that Don
Bosco sowed and which is growing into
a mighty tree. This tree gives fruit of the
very best. It is the fruit of
holiness that appears in
many of the members of the
Salesian Family (SF) whom
we call saints and those
who are in the process that
will eventually lead them to
merit this title.

In the pages of hS we
often find news about some
member of the SF whose
process to canonization has
started or who is at some
stage of this process. In this
very hS you have in your
hands, there is the news
of a Salesian priest from
Slovenia, Fr. Andrej Majcen,
who has just been declared
Servant of God. This means
that since popular devotion
to him was noticed, and the people were
considering him a saint, saying also that
they had received graces through his
intercession, the bishop of the place
started the process to introduce the
cause of canonization of this priest. The
SF has 6 members for whom this diocesan
process has begun. There are also 28
who have moved forward and are now
called Servants of God. If graces continue

to be received and devotion grows,
these Servants move a step forward and
after some time, they begin to be called
Venerable. The SF has 9 members who

are Venerable. There are
also 116 other members
who are Blessed, that
means that they have
moved to a higher grade
and are now recognized
as holy souls, whose
name may be mentioned
in Holy Mass and have a
proper prayer. One day
in the future, if a miracle
is obtained through
their intercession, these
will have their process
continued towards the last
step: i.e. sainthood. The
SF has 8 members who
are declared saints. The
first one to be so declared
was our founder, St.John
Bosco. He was the model

and example who was followed by the
others and whom we too can look up to
in our desire to holiness.

The Fruit of the Salesian Tree


Pedago©ija Salesjana

Minn Pascual Chaves - Trad. Joe Cini SDB

Kummenti fuq li ‘Strenna 2009’: “Moviment Kbir Favur iΩ-Ûg˙ar’’

Kif inhu mag˙ruf jeΩistu 23 grupp li
uffiçjalment jag˙mlu parti mill-Familja
Salesjana (FS). O˙rajn çertament sejrin
ikunu approvati matul din is-Sena Speçjali
ta’ l-Anniversarju. Dan juri kemm il-FS hija
moviment miftu˙ g˙al kull individwu jew
grupp li jqisu l-ispiritwalità ta’ Dun Bosco
b˙ala xi ˙a©a tag˙hom. Jiena n˙obb ukoll
inΩomm f’mo˙˙i lil dawk il-kollaboraturi
bla g˙add li ja˙dmu flimkien mas-Salesjani
u jaqsmu mag˙hom l-istess ideal edukattiv
u ˙e©©a apostolika. Hemm g˙exieren ta’
eluf minnhom. Tajjeb li nfakkar ukoll dak
in-numru akbar ta’ benefatturi u ˙bieb li
ming˙ajrhom ma jkunx possibli li wie˙ed

Ûra©en O˙rajn
Il-Familja ta’ Dun

Bosco tinfeta˙ lejn

moviment Salesjan

aktar wiesa’ kull meta

hija tesprimi fatturi

dinamiçi li juru g˙aqda

ta’ identità mal-missjoni



jag˙mel dak kollu li qieg˙ed isir fil-pajjiΩi
foqra. Óafna minkom ukoll, g˙eΩieΩ qarrejja,
huma parti minn din il-©emg˙a kbira.

U Ω-Ωg˙ar? Halli ng˙idilkom fatt li ©rali fil-
BraΩil. Diversi gruppi tal-FS kienu qieg˙din
ikellmuni, b˙ala r-Rettur Ma©©ur, fuq il-˙idma
apostolika u Salesjana tag˙hom. Tkellmu
b’çerta kburija u entuΩjaΩmu fuq l-im˙abba
tag˙hom lejn Dun Bosco u fuq ix-xog˙ol
tag˙hom maΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙. F’˙in minnhom,
tfajla, mixg˙ula b’dak l-entuΩjaΩmu ©enerali,
resqet lejja u staqsietni, “Imma a˙na Ω-
Ωg˙ar, a˙na nistg˙u Inkunu parti mill-
Familja Salesjana?’’ Jiena we©ibt mill-ewwel
bil-fer˙, “DaΩgur li tistg˙u! Intom fl-g˙an
u ç-çentru tal-Familja tag˙na.’’ Infatti, il-FS
hija espressjoni sabi˙a u kompluta ta’ Dun
Bosco ˙aj illum, li jag˙ti ru˙u g˙as-servizz

Fatturi sabiex grupp jappartjeni
fil-FS kien semmihom Dun Egidju
1. L-ewwel huwa sehem attiv fil-vokazzjoni

Salesjana. G˙aliex il-grupp huwa mse-
jja˙ biex jaqsam fil-‘kariΩma’ u g˙alhekk
irid juri li huwa mqanqal mill-Ispirtu s-
Santu sabiex jara f’Dun Bosco mudell u
g˙alliem. Dan ikun e˙fef jekk il-fundatur
tal-grupp ikun Salesjan jew membru tal-

2. It-tieni element huwa sehem attiv fil-
missjoni lejn iΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙. Dan ifisser li
l-grupp ikollu l-istess mira: formazzjoni
reli©juΩa u s˙i˙a taΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙, speçjal-
ment dawk l-aktar fil-bΩonn, u ˙erqa lejn
il-klassi tal-˙addiema, lejn il-komunika-
zzjoni soçjali u l-missjonijiet.

3. It-tielet aspett huwa qsim fl-ispirtu u
l-metodu edukattiv Salesjan, li jitfisser
f’im˙abba attiva, spirtu ta’ familja,
ottimiΩmu, talb sempliçi imma ˙aj, sa-
gramenti u devozzjoni lejn Marija.

4. Fattur importanti ie˙or huwa li l-membri
jg˙ixu l-Van©elu skond spirtu Salesjan.
Ikun hemm proposta li l-membri jie˙du
l-voti reli©juΩi jew jag˙mlu weg˙da sa-
biex jikkommettu ru˙hom, b’Dun Bosco
b˙ala mudell.

5. Kull grupp iΩomm il-karatteristika u l-
awtonomija tieg˙u, waqt li jikkollabora
ma’ gruppi Salesjani o˙rajn u jag˙raf
fis-suççessur ta’ Dun Bosco, il-Missier u
ç-Çentru tal-moviment wiesa’ Salesjan.

Dawn huma l-baΩi ta’ komunjoni u
g˙aqda ta’ a˙wa. Dun Bosco g˙amel li
seta’ sabiex iΩomm unjoni fil-gruppi li huwa
waqqaf. Hemm mhux ftit li jixtiequ jkollhom
din il-˙olqa kariΩmatika mag˙na. Insemmi xi
ftit minnhom: The Disciples imwaqqfa minn
Dun G. D’Souza; il-Comunidade Cançao
Nova minn Dun Jonas Abib; il-Misioneras
de Maria Auxiliadora ta’ Sister A.L.Bimos; il-
Community of the Missions of Don Bosco ta’
grupp ta’ lajçi; u l-grupp Mamma Margaret
Association ta’ ommijiet li g˙andhom
uliedhom Salesjani.

Il-kariΩma ta’ Dun Bosco hija Hajja u tag˙ti
l-frott. Il-FS qieg˙da tg˙ixu b’mod tassew
ori©inali. Jiena kburi li nirrapreΩenta lilu,
lil mod dedikat tieg˙u, il-qalb missjunarja
tieg˙u u l-im˙abba lejn iΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ foqra u


CalEnDarof Events
C A L E N D A R O F S A L E S I A N F E A S T S & E V E N T S

For any other info about the Salesians:
Salesians in Malta: / /
/ / /

Wed 04 Sliema Salesian Cooperators’ monthly meeting.
02 – 04 Live-in for HDS Form 3
Fri 06 First Friday Devotions at 6.15 p.m.(St. Patrick’s) and 7.30p.m. (Oratorju)
Sat 07 General Meeting for HDS Forms 1-3 (morning) and Forms 4-5 (afternoon).
Salesians meet at Savio College – evening.
9 – 11 HDS Live-in Form 1 at Savio College
Fri 13 Stations of the Cross and Holy Mass at St. Patrick’s – 6.30 p.m. Meeting of
Dingli Salesian Cooperators at 6.30 p.m.
Sun 15 Bl. Artemide Zatti (Salesian Brother – Argentina)
Tue 17 St. Patrick. Special Mass for the Irish Community at St. Patrick’s Church
(Sliema) at 10.30 a.m.
Thu 19 St. Joseph. Bikeathlon at Savio College.
Fri 20 Stations of the Cross and Holy Mass at St. Patrick’s – 6.30 p.m.
20 – 22 Seminar by SPYS : Touching Lives Through Sport
Sun 22 Lectio Divina at Savio College
23 – 27 Lenten Sermons at St. Patrick’s Church at 7.00 p.m.
Tue 24 ‘Careers Seminar’ Form 4 at Savio College

Wed 1 Sliema Salesian Cooperators meeting
Thu 2 School Leaving Ceremony form 5 at Savio College
Fri 03 Our lady of Sorrows. Stations of the Cross and Holy Mass at St. Patrick’s – 6.30 p.m.
4 – 5 Atturi Salesjani Production at Salesian Theatre, Sliema
Sun 5 Open Day at Savio College
Wed 8 “Ikla Lhudija” at Salesian Oratory, Sliema
9 – 11 Easter Triduum
Sun 12 Easter Sunday
13 – 19 Turin Pilgrimage
Fri 24 Commemoration of Mary Help of Christians at St. Patrick’s, 6.30 p.m. Prize
Day evening at Savio College
27 – 29 Live-in Form 1 at Savio College

Fri 1 First Friday Devotions at 6.15 p.m.(St. Patrick’s) and 7.30p.m. (Oratorju)
Sun 3 Lectio Divina at Savio College
Wed 6 St. Dominic Savio. Sports Day at Savio College. Fun Games at St. Patrick’s
School. Festivity at Salesian Oratories. Sliema Salesian Cooperators’ meeting
Fri 8 Dingli Salesian Cooperators meeting at 6.30 p.m.



Don Bosco Boys’ Town in Rome, Italy
began after the war to care for the
thousands of orphan boys victims of the
Second World War, called “shoeshine
boys” because that was the part time
work they nearly all took up, as was
wonderfully described by Vittorio De
Sica in his film with that name in 1946
(Sciuscia). Today Don Bosco Boys’ Town
is for many youngsters at risk a house,
a school, a work-shop which provides a
variety of educational opportunities.

In recent years more and more
Italian and foreign youngsters from the
city outskirts have been experiencing
problems of various kinds: dropping out
of school, becoming involved in petty
crime, being abandoned by their own
families, conflicts between locals and
immigrants, marginalisation and social
exclusion. Many of these frequently
end up in the juvenile courts beginning
an endless downward spiral of good
resolutions followed by disappointing

The Boys’ Town is located in the
Centocelle district, described by the Home
Office Ministry as one that is “at risk”.
Services available at Don Bosco Boys’ Town
include: a vocational training centre, a Day
Recreational Centre with Special Summer
Activities, a work preparation Centre,

a reception centre for minors (Family
Home), an organisation for Families, a
Psycho-Pedagogical Advice Centre for
teenagers, group accommodation for
young adults. This Salesian centre offers
also psycho-educational support and
rehabilitation, and catching-up classes,
through individualised programmes
aimed at helping each youngster with
a special course taking into account
individual experiences, needs and
capabilities. In particular there are courses
in literacy, coaching for the middle school
certificate, basic courses to prepare
mechanics, electricians, assistant cooks,
shop assistants, waiters and so on.

Don Bosco Boys’ Town also has a
special feature: a Family Home which
accommodates a limited number of
boys and girls with particular personal or
family problems that are affecting their
growth and development. They live in the
community for a limited period of time as
they are helped by the staff to prepare
for the next stage of their lives – return
to their family, to a foster family or are
adopted - during which they also follow
them up.

There is also a video describing Don
Bosco Boys’ Town – “Roma, il Borgo degli
Sciuscià” available on the platform www.

“shoe-shine boys”

of Today


Tfit ta’ Storja
L-G˙aqda Salesjani Kooperaturi ©iet imwaqqfa
kanonikament mill-Papa Piju IX b’Digriet
tad-9 ta’ Mejju 1876 “Cum sicuti’’. Fil-pjan
ta’ Dun Bosco, fl-Ewwel Kapitlu Generali tas-
Soçjetà Salesjana li sar fl-1877, il-Kooperaturi
©ew meqjusa u ddikjarati b˙ala “r-ru˙ tal-
Kongregazzjoni’’. Is-Salesjani Kooperaturi
– r©iel u nisa – g˙alkemm m’g˙andhomx il-
voti reli©juzi, j˙addnu vokazzjoni ta’ qdusija.
Imqanqla mis-Soçjetà Salesjana, u b˙alha,
g˙andhom baΩikament l-istess skop, dak li
joffru lilhom infushom g˙al kull ˙idma tajba ta’
m˙abba maΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ u t-tfal fqar, fl-ispirtu
ta’ Dun Bosco, fil-qadi tal-Knisja ta’ l-istess
belt jew ra˙al fejn jg˙ixu u f’komunjoni mal-
Kongregazzjoni Salesjana.

L-G˙aqda tas-Salesjani Kooperaturi f’Malta
taf il-bidu tag˙ha sa mis-sena 1883 permezz
tal-Bulletin Salesjan li kien qed jasal Malta.
Prof. Mgr. Luigi Farrugia, kanonku tal-Kapitlu
Katedrali, kien tant imqanqal mix-xog˙ol kbir
u ta’ l-g˙a©eb li kien qed ji©i mwettaq minn
Dun Bosco, li ©abar grupp kbir ta’ r©iel u nisa
biex waqqaf l-G˙aqda tal-Kooperaturi f’Malta

u webbel lill-poplu biex jirsistu biex is-Salesjani
ta’ Dun Bosco ji©u Malta. Kien sar l-ewwel
Direttur Spiritwali tal-Kooperaturi u biex jil˙aq
l-g˙anijiet tieg˙u, Mgr. Farrugia mar Turin,
iltaqa’ ma’ Dun Bosco u Ωar ukoll l-Oratorju ta’

Min Huma s-Salesjani Kooperaturi
Ir-Rettur Ma©©ur tal-Kongregazzjoni Salesjana
huwa wkoll is-Superjur ta’ l-G˙aqda u fiha
huwa wkoll il-Moderatur Suprem. Il-motto ta’
l-G˙aqda huwa l-istess b˙al dak tas-Soçjetà

Wie˙ed jistaqsi: IΩda min huma eΩattament
is-Salesjani Kooperaturi? X’jag˙mlu? Fejn
jinsabu? Kif nista’ jien nsir mid˙la tag˙hom u
nsir wie˙ed / wa˙da minnhom? Jekk wie˙ed
jag˙ti definizzjoni ta’ x’inhu Salesjan Kooperatur
wie˙ed jista’ jag˙mel din id-definizzjoni:
Salesjan Kooperatur hu nisrani mog˙ti kollu
kemm hu:
1. bis-sa˙˙a ta’ l-Ispirtu s-Santu li jispira u

jsa˙˙ah lill-individwu biex jg˙ix din is-sej˙a

2. jg˙ix din is-sej˙a permezz tal-valuri nsara li

3. jag˙mel dan bil-kariΩma Salesjana b˙ala
dixxiplu ta’ Dun Bosco;

4. f’g˙aqda familjari u organizzata;
5. fil-kuntest tal-˙ajja fil-Knisja lokali, kif ukoll

6. u dan jag˙mlu skond il-qag˙da u l-abbiltà li

wie˙ed isib ru˙u fiha.

Li tkun Salesjan Kooperatur tfisser li
inti qieg˙ed ti©i msejja˙ biex timxi din il-
vokazzjoni li g˙andha twasslek g˙all-qdusija,
b’g˙aqda max-xog˙ol li jsir fid-dinja Salesjana,

G˙aqda Salesjani Kooperaturi
(Fr. Alfred Sacco SDB - Delegat g˙all-G˙aqda tas-Salesjani Kooperaturi f’Malta)


bi spirtu Salesjan. Il-Kooperatur i˙oss li l-g˙aΩla
li g˙amel, g˙ax ried u bla ma jkun im©ieg˙el,
sejra twasslu biex flimkien mal-familja Salesjana
jaqsam ix-xog˙ol kollu li g˙andu jsir maΩ-
Ωg˙aΩag˙ u tfal l-aktar fil-bΩonn. U g˙alhekk
is-Salesjan Kooperatur hu Salesjan daqs kemm
huma s-Salesjani reli©juzi, ir©iel u nisa, u li huma
marbutin bil-voti. L-importanza hi li s-Salesjan
Kooperatur jemmen bis-s˙i˙ li l-Ispirtu s-Santu
ta lil Dun Bosco dik l-im˙abba profonda biex
jg˙in u jsalva lil dik il-parti tas-soçjetà li hi l-iktar
su©©etta li tin˙akem minn vizzji min˙abba l-fatt
li tonqos fiha dik il-maturità li kapaçi tag˙Ωel
bejn it-tajjeb u l-˙aΩin.

Il-vokazzjoni tas-Salesjan Kooperatur titwieled
kif titwieled vokazzjoni religjuΩa permezz
ta’ g˙arfien, informazzjoni u ammirazzjoni
g˙ax-xog˙ol imwaqqaf minn Dun Bosco u li
llum qieg˙ed jitkompla permezz ta’ wliedu
s-Salesjani r©iel u nisa kkonsagrati lil Alla. Din
is-sej˙a ti©i permezz ta’ m˙abba li wie˙ed
g˙andu biex jag˙mel il-©id fost iΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙
u tfal l-iktar fil-bΩonn, attrazzjoni, u fl-istess
waqt jag˙raf il-bΩonn biex jg˙in kif jista’, u dan
jag˙mlu bil-kura©© li Alla stess jag˙ti lil dawk li
jridu jg˙inu biex ti©i s-Saltna t’Alla.

Il-vokazzjoni tas-Salesjan Kooperatur hi
unika fil-Knisja g˙aliex hija sej˙a serja u li
titlob impenn serju, impenn personali li jag˙ti
sodisfazzjon u fer˙ g˙aliex wie˙ed qieg˙ed
jaqsam id-don tieg˙u u ˙inu ma’ parti tas-
soçjetà li g˙andha bΩonn din l-g˙ajnuna
kontinwa. U g˙alhekk, is-Salesjan Kooperatur

hu Salesjan tassew, jg˙ix fid-dinja missjoni
delikata li tg˙in biex iΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ u t-tfal l-aktar
fil-bΩonn isibu g˙ajnuna biex huma jsiru tassew
insara tajbin u çittadini onesti.

F’liema oqsma jistg˙u jinvolvu ru˙hom
is-Salesjani Kooperaturi?
L-oqsma li fihom jistg˙u jg˙inu huma ˙afna
fosthom: • Fil-familja tag˙hom stess • Fl-iskejjel
• Fid-dinja tax-xog˙ol • F’servizzi soçjali • Fil-
parroçça • F’çentri taΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ • Fil-mezzi ta’
komunikazzjoni • Fil-missjoni • Fejn jinsabu Ω-
Ωg˙aΩag˙ u t-tfal l-aktar fil-bΩonn.

Fejn jinsabu s-Salesjani Kooperaturi?
Jinsabu mxerrdin mad-dinja kollha, fil-fatt
huma mxerrdin mal-kontinenti kollha, kull fejn
jinsabu s-Salesjani. B’kollox jg˙oddu ’l fuq minn
30,000 kooperatur. Hawn Malta jinsabu f’tas-
Sliema, f’çentru li jg˙aqqad iΩ-Ωew©t id-djar
li s-Salesjani g˙andhom f’dan il-lokal: dik ta’
St. Patrick’s School, kif ukoll dik ta’ l-Oratorju
Salesjan. Jiltaqg˙u darba fix-xahar, ©eneralment
l-ewwel Erbg˙a tax-xahar, fis-6.00 pm. Il-
programm jikkonsisti f’quddiesa, u wara jkun
hemm ˙in fejn il-membri jkunu jistg˙u jaqsmu
l-esperjenzi tag˙hom waqt kikkra tè jew kafè.
Il-laqg˙a formali li hi laqg˙a ta’ formazzjoni u
ta’ informazzjoni ssir ©eneralment mid-Delegat
Salesjan ta’ l-G˙aqda.

Dan l-a˙˙ar twaqqaf grupp ie˙or ©ewwa
G˙awdex, kif ukoll f’Óad-Dingli. Dawn iç-çentri
huma miftu˙in g˙al kul˙add.

G˙al aktar tag˙rif irrikorri g˙and id-Delegat

Fr. Alfred Sacco SDB fuq Tel. 21827323 /
27827323 e-mail: jew
Miss Carmen Forte fuq Tel. 21335498 /e-mail jew Robert Vella fuq
Tel 21563632 jew e-mail vellarob@hotmail.

L-istampi juru xi Kooperaturi Maltin jag˙mlu
l-Wieg˙da quddiem id-Delegat Fr. Alfred


Crimes 6
Excerpts from the book “ Crimes of the Inocent” by Fr. Charles Cini S.D.B.

Abridged extracts

My plane left Malta for Italy. I was looking
forward to spend some days there, on Lago
Maggiore with one hundred and thirty
university students. I carried with me the
burden of the problems of so many young
people in Malta. Looking at things from
far away I realized that their problems are
becoming very serious and that they are
offending their own dignity as persons.

“Freedom is the power, rooted in reason
and will, to act or not to act, to do this or
that and so to perform deliberate actions
on one’s own responsibility. By free will one
shapes one’s own life. Human freedom is a
force for growth and maturity in truth and
goodness” (Catechism of the C.c. n. 1731).

Our young people are conditioned,
alienated and disorientated. They do not
have true models with which they can

identify themselves. I think we need to
build a new country, a new society, in
which youth can find real values and live its
aspirations. We need to give them a better
and more meaningful life.

Many in Malta try to convince us that we
have a high standard of living ... that we are
a rich country. Perhaps that is why we have
as many drugs as we want: different types
and even strange and rare ones. Malta has
entered the drug market like the rest of the
world. People are dying because of drugs
and we are here, staring as if nothing is
happening, congratulating ourselves that
we can compare favourably with other
European countries. My impression is that
Malta has lost heart about the drug problem
and the authorities are trying to hide it from
the public.

Postcard from Italy


A lot of money is being spent on drugs.
One young addict told me last week, “I have
spent 1000 Malta Liri for one week-end to
satisfy myself and my friends. The more I
have, the more I want, and the more I feel
helpless.” We have people who defend the
trafficking of drugs in Malta, the result being
that we are now invaded by this plague.
Few people are ready to fight drugs. Many
are afraid to risk their skin, their popularity
or their wealthy friends.

“Keep cool and drink water”, the disc
jockeys shout. Water has become as expensive
as whisky. More night clubs and discos have
opened to satisfy the demand of the market,
to create more island personalities and
isolated groups. Although it is not cheap to
go in, our young people feel obliged to pay
such money. Man is changing in Malta, and

for the worse. We are becoming fragile,
insecure, egoistic, materialistic, unsatisfied
and we are losing touch with all that is
supernatural. We are putting our hopes
only in money, satisfaction and power.
We are selling our true love and peace of
heart for very little in return; fake values
and superficial passing relationships. Our
Maltese families are becoming very weak.
They are losing their role as educators of
their children. The witness they give is not
valid. They fill their children with material
gifts to make up for the love and attention
they cannot afford to give. The increasing
number of separated parents and infidelity
in marriage is creating chaos in Malta.
What a lot of ungratified children we have!
Do we feel guilty about the many monsters
we are creating today?

We have an ambiguous situation of the
condition of young people in Malta who
are becoming more superficial. They hate
all that is sacred and mysterious in their
life. They are in continuous search of new
things that thrill them and help them forget
their solitude. Young people are in need
of ‘the group’. It is so important in their
life. They stay together: but they are fakes,
they envy each other, they gossip just like
their parents, they lack authenticity. We
are witnessing a deformation of truth. At
the moment I think we need to propose
new styles of life against the style we are
living in. In the eyes of our youth we are
becoming a people without a vision; and
without a vision, a country can perish.

Very often we hear our young people say,
“I don’t care, I have decided”. Very often
they look for the material things in their lives


and do not care for the consequences. There
are two ways to achieve truth: obedience
and conscience, but it is useless to talk about
truth if one does not believe in its existence.
In fact, the idea of certain young people that
everyone can create one’s own truth is a dirty
trick which can abuse the dignity of man.

Today’s world of youth is quite audible
through the words of George Lawton:

“Stand by us, not over us. Make us feel we
are loved and wanted.

Train us by being affectionately firm. Try
to be as consistent as possible. Don’t try to
make us feel inferior. Say, ‘Nice work’ when
we do something really well. Teach us by
example. Treat each one of us as a person in
his own right. Don’t keep us young too long.
We need fun and companionship. Make us
feel our home belongs to us. Make yourself
an adult fit for a child to live with. Prepare us
to lead our lives, not yours. “


Fl-iskrittura naqraw kif in-nisa sabu l-Ìebla
mgerrba minn quddiem il-qabar ta’ Kristu.
A˙na wkoll mistednin ngerrbu l-©ebel mill-
oqbra tag˙na biex inkunu nistg˙u n˙allu d-
dawl t’Alla jid˙ol ©o fina u jbiddlilna l-vojt ta’
˙ajjitna. Mistednin nie˙du passi biex n˙arsu
lejn id-dg˙jufija tag˙na u nsibu l-˙elsien
mill-oqbra ta’ ˙ajjitna u nqumu g˙all-˙ajja

Dan huwa l-messa©© ta’ l-G˙id. Fil-qari
kollu tal-ista©un, naraw kif ˙add ma g˙araf
lil Ìesù wara l-qawmien. Daqshekk kien
inbidel, illi Marija , id-dixxipli fi triqithom
lejn Emmaus, u l-appostli fuq ix-xtajta,
m’g˙arrfuhx? Jew inkella kienu mhedijin
b’dak li huma kienu sawru f’mo˙˙hom kif
kellu jkun? Imtlew bin-niket u konfuΩjoni, u
marritilhom kull tama – il-©ebel tal-verita’
tal-mewt ta’ Ìesù.

Kemm-il-darba nitilfu, a˙na wkoll, lil
Ìesù g˙all-istess ra©uni? Na˙sbu biss fina
nfusna meta nkunu ma nifil˙ux, irrabjati,
iddiΩappuntati u ma nindunawx li hemm

Ìesù fostna. Biex ikollna ˙ajja ©dida rridu
ngerrbu lura dan il-©ebel. “G˙aliex qieg˙din
tfittxu l-˙ajjin qalb il-mejtin?’’ jistaqsi Ìesù
f’Luqa 24. G˙aliex ˙afna drabi ma nag˙tux
kaΩ il-˙ajja ©dida li dejjem qed tipprova
titwieled ©o fina u nibqg˙u ggranfati ma’
dak li hu mejjet f’˙ajjitna. Sa kemm ma
nidfnux dak li hu mejjet u ma nibdewx ˙ajja
©dida nibqg˙u mjassrin b’dak il-©ebel.

F’dan l-ista©un ta’ l-G˙id ejjew ng˙addu
ftit taΩ-Ωmien mal-©ebla tag˙na. Ejja! I©bor
wa˙da u ag˙tiha isem. Forsi jisimha rabja,
˙tija, dg˙jufija, sfida, biΩa’ jew forsi g˙andha
isem xi ˙add miktub fuqha. Ûommha u
a˙dem fuqha sabiex fl-a˙˙ar jirnexxielek
tne˙˙i minn mo˙˙ok kull ˙sieb fuqha. Meta
fl-a˙˙ar il-©ebla titgerbeb, o˙ro© fil-bera˙
u jekk ma tkunx g˙adek ta˙t il-jasar ta’ dik
il-©ebla, Ìesù u ˙ajja ©dida jsiru mag˙rufa
©ewwa fik, u b˙ad-dixxipli tiskanta b’dak li
jkun g˙adda ming˙alik.

Alessandra Dee Crespo

L-G˙id it-tajjeb lil kull˙add

G˙alija, is-simbolu ta’ l-ista©un ta’ l-G˙id mhuwiex ix-xemg˙a,
il-bajda taç-çikkulata, jew il-figolla, iΩda l-Ìebla.


San ÌuΩepp
G˙alliem tal-Familja (1)

minn Fr. Charles Buttigieg


Bejn Alla u San Ìuzepp, se˙˙ il-qofol ta’
din l-istorja. ‘Wara li bosta drabi u b’˙afna
manjieri kellem Alla lil missirijietna bil-
profeti, dan l-a˙˙ar, f’dawn il-jiem, kellimna
b’iben…(Lhud 1:1-2). Proprju f’dan il-
mument importanti fl-istorja ta’ l-umanità
Alla jag˙Ωel lil San ÌuΩepp biex jie˙u ˙sieb
lil Ìesù Kristu u lil Marija, f’santwarju ˙aj
©ewwa d-dar ta’ NaΩaret.

L-Iskrittura tipperrΩentalna lil San ÌuΩepp
b˙ala l-missier putattiv ta’ Ìesù, l-g˙arus tal-
Ver©ni Marija, il-mastrudaxxa ta’ NaΩaret.
Dawn huma l-ewwel kelmiet li jpo©©i
quddiemna San Mattew dwar San ÌuΩepp,
‘Omm Ìesù, Marija, wara li tg˙arrset
ma’ ÌuΩeppi, qabel ma marru joqog˙du
flimkien, saret omm bil-˙idma ta’ l-Ispirtu s-
Santu. Ûew©ha ÌuΩeppi kien ra©el ©ust…’
(Mt. 1:18-19).

San Mattew jg˙id li t-t˙abbira ta’ l-an©lu
saret wara li Marija tg˙arrset lil ÌuΩeppi.
Fil-li©i Lhudija, l-g˙erusija kienet torbot lill-
g˙arajjes daqs ir-rabta taΩ-Ωwie©. L-g˙erusija
kienet, biex ng˙idu hekk, il-kuntratt bil-kitba
taΩ-Ωwie© bejn il-©enituri g˙al uliedhom u
g˙alhekk l-g˙arusa kienet tkun di©à meqjusa
b˙ala l-mara ta’ l-g˙arus. IΩ-Ωwie© proprju,
b˙ala çerimonja festiva u solenni, kienu
jiççelebraw˙ sena wara, meta l-g˙arus kien
i˙ejji l-post, id-dar fejn seta’ joqg˙od hu u
martu. Ìeneralment l-g˙arusa kien ikollha
bejn 13 u 15 il-sena u l-g˙arus bejn it-18
u l-24 sena. G˙alhekk Marija diga kienet
tappartieni lil ÌuΩeppi meta se˙˙ it-tnissil ta’
Ìesù bil-˙idma ta’ l-Ispirtu s-Santu. Infatti
Mattew jg˙id b’mod çar, ‘Ûew©ha (bil-grieg
aner) ÌuΩeppi kien ra©el ©ust…(Mt. 1:19).

Il-bniedem ‘©ust’ ifisser dak il-bniedem li
jfittex mhux biss il-li©i imma l-verità u l-karità
quddiem Alla (Redemptoris Custos 17-21).
Huwa bniedem li jaf jg˙ix f’g˙aqda kontinwa

mal-li©i ta’ Alla. Huwa bniedem onest u jg˙ix
il-fedeltà ta’ dak li jwieg˙ed. Ìust ifisser ukoll
tjubija, disponibbiltà kbira u bla qies. Il-kelma
‘©ust’ insibuha 94 darba fil-bibbja. Narawha
applikata g˙al Noe, g˙all-Patrijarki, g˙all-
Im˙allfin, g˙all-bniedem sewwa quddiem
Alla b˙alma, per eΩempju, kien Ìob (Ìob
1: 1). San Mattew juΩa dan l-a©©ettiv 19-il
darba, b’mod partikulari g˙al San ÌuΩepp.
ÌuΩeppi huwa ©ust g˙ax fittex il-Paçi, g˙ax
laqa’ f’daru il-Kelma ta’ Alla li saret ©isem u
li g˙ammret fostna. G˙ax ÌuΩeppi kien ra©el
©ust, u g˙ax kien jaf b’din l-opra ta’ l-Ispirtu
s-Santu f’Marija, hu kien jaf li martu kienet
innoçenti quddiem il-li©i u g˙alhekk g˙amel
minn kollox sabiex jipprote©i lil martu mil-li©i
©udajka (Dewt. 22:13-29) li kienet tobbliga t-
t˙a©©ir tal-mara f’dan il-kaΩ. Naraw li ÌuΩeppi
jag˙mel minn kollox sabiex isalva mill-mewt
lil Marija u lit-tarbija f’©ufha.

Kien ÌuΩeppi li ta l-isem lil Ìesù b˙alma
l-missirijiet kienu jag˙mlu f’dak iΩ-Ωmien
u g˙alhekk, quddiem il-li©i ©udajka kien
meqjus b˙ala l-missier legali tat-tifel. Nistg˙u
ng˙idu li hu ÌuΩeppi li jlissen fil-pubbliku l-
isem sabi˙ ta’ Ìesu’, ta’ din il-Bxara t-tajba.
Lilu u lilu biss, l-an©lu jwissi dwar il-perikli
kollha li bdew jse˙˙u lit-tarbija, li Erodi ried
joqtol lit-tarbija. Lilu jg˙arraf li kellu ja˙rab
lejn l-E©ittu u dwar iΩ-Ωmien meta kellu
jer©a’ lura, kif naraw f’MT 2:21, ‘U qam u
˙a t-tarbija u l-ommu u ©ie f’art IΩrael, iΩda
meta sema’ li Arkilaws kien isaltan fil-Lhudija
flok Erodi, missieru beΩa’ jmur hemm; iΩda
mwissi fil-˙olm telaq lejn l-in˙awi tal- Galilija.’
G˙adda minn tbatijiet San ÌuΩepp, imma ma
beΩax minnhom iΩda affrontahom g˙ax kellu
missjoni, kellu sej˙a u responsabbilta’ li jie˙u
˙sieb lill-Iben ta’ Alla, is-Salvatur tad-dinja. U
g˙alhekk nistg˙u nsej˙u lil ÌuΩeppi, ‘salvatur
tas-Salvatur tag˙na Ìesu’ Kristu’.

(Ikompli fil-˙arga li jmiss)

Bejn Alla u l-bniedem hemm storja partikulari,
storja tassew sabi˙a g˙aliex hija storja ta’m˙abba.


Something to
When Minister Joe Wright was asked to open
the new session of the Kansas State Senate this
is what he prayed:

Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and
to seek your direction and guidance. We know your word says “Woe to
those who call evil, good”; but that is what we have done. We have lost
our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values.
We confess that we have ridiculed the absolute truth
of your word and call it pluralism;
we have exploited the poor and called it lottery;
we have rewarded laziness and called it welfare;
we have killed our unborn and called it choice;
we have shot abortionists and called it justifiable;
we have neglected to discipline our children and
called it building self-esteem;
we have abused power and called it politics;
we have coveted our neighbour’s possessions and called it ambition;
we have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it
freedom of choice;
we have ridiculed the time-honoured values of our forefathers and
called it enlightenment.
Search us, o God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin
and set us free. Amen.


think about…


Towards the end of December 2008,
Father Louis and Mrs. Mariel Gauci
brought together a number of Salesian
animators and helpers, all over 16, to
spend two days living-in at Savio College,
to share a fulfilling spiritual experience.

On Friday evening, about sixty of us
prayed together in the warm chapel in
peace and quiet, listening to the voice in
our hearts which is often overruled in our
demanding and on-going lives. You could
have heard a pin drop! God was the centre
of our experience and even though we
are energetic youths, at these moments of
prayer and reflection we became serene and
let our thoughts run free and did our best
to give some time and space to God. We

slept in tranquillity and woke up in the same
atmosphere of peace. It’s not that we didn’t
speak or laugh, but we did this keeping in
mind our goal, which is our relationship
with Jesus.

On Saturday morning, after breakfast we
prayed the Lectio Divina with Father Eric.
We read a section from the gospel of Saint
Luke (Lk: 1: 5), about the story of Zachary
and his barren wife Elizabeth who received a
miracle from God in their old age and had a
child who was named John. Father Eric then
gave us a detailed explanation of this little
passage and an hour and a half of silence to
dwell upon the text.

The peace that fell upon Savio College
during this silence was very deep and
moving - like a silent symphony - not boring

for Salesian Animators

by Louis Grech SDB/ Mariel Gauci


because we were on a journey to discover
ourselves and our personal relationship with
Jesus in the light of the biblical text we had

After this one and a half hour in a desert
of our own, we shared our thoughts. This
was a very special moment because it was
the moment when we opened up our hearts
and minds to the rest of the group as one

Some of the issues that came up when we
did the sharing are these:
• Sometimes we behave like Elizabeth,

who hid the fact that she was pregnant
for five months. Sometimes we hide our
Christian faith and our relationship with
God and therefore we are not witnesses
to our beliefs.

• Often we try to take control of our lives
and end up feeling sad and broken when
things slip out of hand and go wrong.
Instead, we should embrace God, trust
in Him, and let Him take control of our
situations in life, to be strong enough
and earn peace.

• What distinguishes us as good Christians,
is not preaching to all those we meet…
Actions speak louder than words.

• We need to be like the faithful people
who touched Jesus’ clothes and got
healed, not like the soldiers who
touched his cross and his clothes but
did not change. The difference between
the soldiers and the believers is that the
believers let God touch them back. The
soldiers touched the cross but did not let
the cross touch their hearts.

• Father Eric explained that it took a very
long time for Zachary and his wife to

conceive a child, but Zachary kept his
faith and kept sharing his worry with
God and praying to him. He had faith
and patience. We, too, need to believe
in Him and let Him be our guide when
faced with difficult dilemmas. Life may
lead us where we least expect it, but we
need to trust God that we are exactly
where we are meant to be.

After sharing our thoughts, ideas,
questions and doubts, Father Eric
concluded the session. We had lunch and
after a break of about 3 hours, Father Louis
and Mariel Gauci gathered us to discuss the
plans for our new summer project with the
children, which caused great excitement.
Father Louis explained the outline of his
thoughts and after discussing it with us,
we decided to title it, ‘Boscofest 2009 - The
Festival’. We separated into smaller groups
for a brainstorming session. Soon it was
time for mass and after mass, we ate dinner
and spent the evening talking, joking and

Next morning after breakfast and mass
we spent the rest of the time planning
Boscofest. In our group there was a
wonderful sense of team work and everyone
listened to each other.

Basically that was the end of our live-
in, which I believe was a great success. Its
beauty was in the simplicity of it all. It was
a beautiful experience, in which together
we grew on a personal dimension and built
more friendships as well as flourishing in
our relationship with the Divine.

Don Bosco, founder of the Salesians,
always had faith in youth and this weekend
proved us to be a responsible community.


For those who
know the Salesian
presence at
Engadine, south
of the Sydney city
business district,
Fr Briffa, during
his long tenure
as parish priest,
had constructed
not only John
Paul II Village,
a residential
area for the
aged, but more
importantly, a community of people around
it, drawing especially from the extensive
Salesian parish it lies within, to make
JPII Village one of the most outstanding
centres of its kind in the country. It is this
effort that the OAM recognises.

Fr Briffa is the fourth Salesian to receive
one or other level of the Order of Australia
in recent years, and the third living member
(The other two being Fr Frank Moloney
AM and Fr Chris Riley OAM). He is the

second member
of the Salesian
community in
Engadine to
have received
the award,
the other now
d e c e a s e d ,
Brother James
Hamilton OAM.

The Order of
Australia is the
p r e - e m i n e n t
way that

Australians recognise the achievements
and service of their fellow citizens. The
nominations come directly from the
community. A 19 member Council for
the Order of Australia then considers
the nominations and, independent of
government, makes their recommendations
directly to the Governor General who
represents the Queen.

John Paul II Village is a 163 bed aged
care facility with low, medium and high
care facilities.

Maltese Salesian
honoured in Australia Day

Honours List
Fr John Briffa SDB has been awarded the Medal of the Order

of Australia in the Australia Day Awards announced Monday 26
January 2009. Fr Briffa SDB OAM, as he now is, was recognised

‘for service to the community through contributions to the
establishment and support of educational and aged care

facilities, and to the Catholic Church`.


T˙abbar uffiçjalment li ma hemm ebda
ostaklu sabiex jibda l-proçess li jwassal
sabiex is-Salesjan Dun Andrej Majcen ikun
iddikjarat beatu u eventwalment qaddis.
Dan is-saçerdot twieled is-Slovenja u g˙adda
˙ajtu ta’ Salesjan b˙ala missjunarju fiç-Çina
u l-Vietnam.

Id-dokument ma˙ru© mill-Kongregazzjoni
g˙all-KawΩi tal-Qaddisin kien iffirmat mill-
Prefett tag˙ha, l-Arçisqof Angelo Amato
SDB, u juri d-data tal-5 ta’ Novembru
2008. Dan id-dokument bil-Latin jg˙id
sempliçiment li min-na˙a tag˙ha, is-Santa
Sede ma ssib ebda o©©ezzjoni li jitkompla
il-proçess fil-kawΩa ta’ Beatifikazzjoni
u Kanonizzazzjoni ta’ Dun Majcen.
Dun Majcen kien jikteb dak li jista’ jissejja˙

‘scrapbook’ estensiv, aktar milli djarju ta’
˙ajtu; u minn dawn kellu numru sabi˙.
Dawk li studjaw dawn il-pitazzi sabiex ikunu
jafu aktar dwaru, kellhom sfida qawwija. Dan
g˙aliex dawn li ‘scrapbooks’ huma miktubin
daqqa bit-‘typewriter’, o˙ra b’idejh; xi faççati
huma tpin©ija o˙rajn ritratti mwa˙˙lin; xi
drabi kiteb bit-Taljan u drabi o˙ra bl-iSloven;
insibu wkoll biççiet bil-VietnamiΩ. S’issa ©ew
interpretati tlett volumi li jkopru s-snin 1956
– 72.

Dun Majcen miet fl-1999 f’pajjiΩu, is-
Slovenja. Wara li kien mar lura hemm mill-
artijiet tal-missjoni fil-Lvant Imbieg˙ed, huwa
qatta’ s-snin li kien fadallu ˙ajja, proprju
hemmhekk, u f’dawn is-snin kien ikellem u
j˙e©©e© liΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ lejn il-Missjonijiet.

Il-Qaddej ta’ Alla
Dun Andrej Majcen SDB

Qaddejja ta’ alla fil-Kongregazzjoni Salesjana

Giuseppe Quadrio, Laura Meozzi, August Hlond, Attilio Giordani, Ignazio Stuchly, Antonio
de Almeida, Ottavio Ortiz, Augusto Arribat, Elia Comini, Francesco Convertini, Mons. Stefano
Ferrando, Matilde Salem, Ian Svierce u 8 s˙abu, Joseph Vandor, Carlo Crespi Croci, Costantino
Vendrame, Carlo della Torre, Stefano Sandor, Mons. Oreste Marengo, Andrej Majcen. 2

Sabiex illum a˙na nistg˙u inqisu
dak li ©ara, irridu mmorru lura g˙al
dak iΩ-Ωmien, meta l-Oratorju ma kienx
mag˙ruf mad-dinja, b˙al ma hu daΩ-
Ωmien, u l-Kongregazzjoni kien g˙ad
kellha dak is-sens ta’ familja sempliçi
mi©bura madwar il-kap tag˙ha. “L-
imma©inazzjoni mixg˙ula dak inhar
filg˙axija, infet˙et lejn orizzonti bla
xefaq, u mill-ewwel fehmet l-ideat
grandjuΩi li Dun Bosco u x-xog˙ol

Dun Bosco
u l-Missjonijiet

Trad. Joe Cini SDB

L-istoriku Salesjan Dun Eugenio
Ceria, meta kiteb fuq dik il-

lejla tad-29 ta’ Jannar 1875 ta’
meta Dun Bosco sollennement

˙abbar id-deçiΩjoni tieg˙u li
jibg˙at grupp ta’ missjunarji lejn
l-Ar©entina, qal hekk: “sorpriΩa,

stag˙©ib, entuΩjaΩmu in˙ass
fost dawk li semg˙uh, li fl-a˙˙ar

infexxu jçapçpu bil-kbir.’’


tieg˙u kienu j˙addnu.’’ (Annali tas-
Soçjetà Salesjana I: 249).

A˙na llum, li nafu aktar minn seklu
ta’ din l-istorja missjunarja u qieg˙din
ng˙ixu f’ambjent internazzjonali, ftit li
xejn in˙ossu sorpriΩa jew entuΩjaΩmu.
G˙alhekk jiena nistaqsi lili nnifsi jekk
imissnix nistag˙©eb, anke iktar minn
dawk ta’ mitt sena ilu, min˙abba
li llum qieg˙ed f’poΩizzjoni li nara
dik is-si©ra kbira li kibret minn dik
iç-çkejkna Ωerrieg˙a li nΩerg˙et fl-
1875? Kif nistg˙u nispjegaw dak li
©ara minn dan il-qassis ta’ 30 sena,
b’çorma tfal u Ωg˙aΩag˙ warajh fit-
truf tal-belt ta’ Turin, kif dan fl-eta`
ta’ 60 sena, seta’ kien fundatur ta’
knejjes imwaqqfa minn uliedu fl-
imbieg˙da Amerika? Kif jista’ wie˙ed
jispjega kif Ωew© kongregazzjonijiet
missjunarji imwaqqfa fl-1859 u fl-
1872 bl-iskop li jg˙inu Ω-Ωg˙ar fil-
bΩonn, kienu sejrin ji©u mag˙duda
fost il-kongregazzjonijiet missjunarji
l-aktar importanti fil-Knisja Kattolika?
Dan kollu seta’ ©ara bl-amment
jew b’xi lo©ika interna bejn fatturi
u cirkustanzi li jidhru ming˙ajr
konnessjoni bejniethom?

Dun Ceria, fi Ωmienu, sejja˙ it-tluq
ta’ l-ewwel missjunarji b˙ala “Bidu
ta’ storja ©dida’’. Min jaf jekk kellux
jikteb “Bidu tal-vera storja ta’ Dun
Bosco’’? Verament, sabiex ti©©udika
lil Dun Bosco u l-kariΩma tieg˙u ta’
fundatur, irridu na˙sbu fil-˙ajja kollha
tieg˙u u fil-˙idma tieg˙u. G˙aliex
Dun Bosco huwa fundatur daqsxejn

speçjali. Ma nistg˙ux nieqfu biss fiΩ-
Ωmien ta’ meta kien g˙adu fuq tieg˙u
u waqqaf l-Oratorju ta’ Valdocco,
anke jekk dan kien perjodu tipiku
u interessanti. Huwa kien fundatur
imbuttat minn Ωelu pastorali u
imma©inazzjoni, u qatt ma waqaf
iniedi pro©etti ©odda: fl-1875 huwa
bag˙at l-ewwel missjunarji, imma
wkoll waqqaf l-attività msej˙a
“Marija G˙ajnuna ta’ l-Insara’’ sabiex
jg˙in vokazzjonijiet adulti; fl-1876
organizza il-Kooperaturi Salesjani;
fl-1877 beda jistampa l-Bullettin
Salesjan…eçç, eçç. G˙aldaqstant,
meta narawh il-pro©ett Salesjan fil-
milja tieg˙u, nistaqsu: xi jfisser il-bidu
tax-xog˙ol tal-missjonijiet? B˙ala parti
mir-rikkezza tal-kariΩma Salesjana, xi
jfisser l-element missjunarju?

Ejjew nist˙ajlu li Dun Bosco
miet ta’ sittin sena flok ta’ tlieta u
sebg˙in, fil-bidu ta’ l-1875, qabel
ma seta’ jorganizza l-ewwel tluq
tal-missjunarji: x’kienu jkunu l-
konsegwenzi dak inhar g˙all-pro©ett
kollu Salesjan? Nistg˙u dejjem
ng˙idu: kien dejjem ser ikun hemm
il-Familja Salesjana, u din imbag˙ad
kienet tikber. Iva, imma ma kienx
ikun hemm dik il-Familja kbira u ̇ ajja
li nafu llum. Mela nistg˙u nibqg˙u
çerti li l-involviment missjunarju,
element baΩiku tal-kariΩma tag˙na,
huwa Ωvilupp sostanzjali li jwassal
il-kariΩma tag˙na fil-milja tieg˙u.
(J.Aubry, Rinnovare la Nostra Vita
Salesiana, 47-49).


Min-natura tieg˙u l-bniedem i˙oss il-
bΩonn li jistqarr ˙tijietu biex hekk jistrie˙,
g˙ax ikun ˙affef ir-rikonçiljazzjoni tieg˙u
ma’ Alla u mal-proxxmu. G˙alhekk,
wie˙ed moribond billi fehem li mhux se
jil˙aq saçerdot ried bilfors iqerr g˙and

Jien katekista ta’ Dun Karm Attard, u
ng˙allem fi skola Ωg˙ira imwarrba qalb il-
muntanji. G˙odwa wa˙da, ma nafx minn
kemm kilometri bog˙od, ©ejt imsejja˙
b’ur©enza ˙alli mmur nara lil wie˙ed
marid li kien qed imut. Ma stajtx nifhem kif
u g˙aliex sej˙u lili. Imma billi jiena dejjem
inΩomm ru˙i dispost u n˙alli ‘l Alla jinqeda
bija, pront qbadt it-triq lejn fejn kelli mmur.
Fl-a˙˙ar wasalt. D˙alt f’kamra fejn sibt
nannu xi˙, imdawwar min-niesu, mix˙ut
minn tulu fuq mitra˙ qadim. L-imsejken
deher marid ˙afna u jbati biex jie˙u n-nifs.
Bexxaq g˙ajnejh u hekk kif induna bija
talabni nqarru. Beda jg˙idli, “Irrid immur
il-©enna.’’ Imma…nqarru jien?... Mela jien
il-Fadar? Óassejt g˙afsa ta’ qalb g˙ax kelli

nfiehem lil kul˙add li jien ma stajtx inqarar
g˙ax m’hinix saçerdot. Kien ferm diffiçli
g˙alija nokkonvinçi lil dawk in-nies li
kienu bag˙tu g˙alija proprju b’dak il-˙sieb
f’mo˙˙hom. Huma kellhom tag˙lim ˙afif
wisq tar-reli©jon u ma setg˙ux jammettu
dak li kont ng˙idilhom.

“Int qarru xorta wa˙da,’’ komplew
jinsistu qrabatu. “Inti bniedem t’Alla u
m’hawn ˙add ie˙or b˙alek f’dawn in-
na˙at…Ja˙asra kkuntenta lil missierna, in-
nannu tag˙na…Arah kemm hu mag˙dur…
Tara mbag˙ad kemm huwa jkun jafulek;
jag˙tik il-barka tieg˙u!’’ U malajr ˙ar©u
‘l barra u ˙allewni wa˙di mieg˙u. Wa˙˙lu
f’rashom li jiena stajt nag˙tih l-assoluzzjoni
la darba l-missjunarju kien fil-bog˙od
˙afna biex jasal. Xi stajt nag˙mel jien dak
il-mument? Tlabt l-g˙ajnuna t’Alla u bdejt
inqanqal fil-marid sentimenti ta’ ndiema
perfetta. Ósibt li n˙ejjih sewwa ˙alli jmut
rrassenjat. Dan kollu qg˙adt nag˙mlu
b’im˙abba u mog˙drija kbira. Huwa kien
iwie©eb g˙at-talb mieg˙i. Madankollu

Ried bilfors iqerr
g˙and il-katekista

Ìrajjiet minn ˙ajjet Dun Karm Attard SDB, kif jaf jirrakkonta hu stess –
©rajjiet li se˙˙ew fl-Indja fejn hu ˙adem g˙al 60 sena s˙a˙


baqa’ mhux sodisfat g˙al kollox, g˙ax
kultant kien jiftakar xi ˙a©a u jer©a’ jg˙idli
li jrid jistqarr dnubu lili.

Er©ajt g˙idtlu li mhux me˙tie© isemmi
dnubietu. Fissirtlu li fiç-çirkustanzi li jinsab
fihom kien biΩΩejjed li jiddispjaçih li kien
offenda ‘l Alla li tant ˙abbu u ipprovdielu
tul il-˙ajja twila li silfu. Fakkartu li Alla
lilna ˙alaqna biex ng˙arrfuh, n˙obbuh
u naqduh, sabiex wara ngawduh g˙al
dejjem fil-©enna. Issa huwa seta’ jibqa
b’mo˙˙u mistrie˙ li Alla li huwa m˙abba
bla qies, ja˙firlu Ωgur.

“Iva, jien nemmen dan kollu li qed
tg˙idli’’ qalli x-xi˙. “Imma jien in˙oss il-
bΩonn li niΩvoga. Irrid ng˙id lil xi ˙add
il-˙aΩen li g˙amilt f’˙ajti. G˙andi b˙al
g˙oqla fuq l-istonku tieg˙i u rrid ne˙les
minnha. Ikollok ̇ niena minni u ismag˙ni’’.
U dak il-moribond beda l-istorja tieg˙u ta’
midneb imsejken, isemmi wie˙ed wara
l-ie˙or l-iΩbalji ta’ ˙ajtu. Er©ajt fakkartu
li m’hemmx g˙alfejn jid˙ol f’dettalji.
Ikkonfondini u kelli nibqa’ nisma. Ma

kull nuqqas li jsemmi bdejt in˙ares lejn
il-kurçifiss u nitlob f’ismu: Mulej ˙niena!
X’˙in spiçça, ix-xi˙ irringrazzjani talli kont
bqajt ma’ ©enbu. Qabadli idi, bishieli u
talabni mmur ng˙id b’kollox lis-saçerdot.

“Issa n˙ossni tassew kuntent u çert li
Alla semag˙ni u ˙afirli. Issa ma n˙ossx
iΩjed it-toqol li kelli’’. Wiççu nbidel. Deher
aktar kalm. Dik kienet xhieda qawwija ta’
l-hena li beda j˙oss ©ewwa fih. Ma setax
jonqos g˙ax huwa kien qala’ l-grazzja ta’
l-indiema perfetta li ta˙fer id-dnubiet fil-
punt tal-mewt. Dan il-fatt juri biç-çar tlett
veritajiet kbar. L-ewwel: il-˙tie©a qawwija
li l-bniedem i˙oss li g˙andu jifta˙ qalbu
ma’ xi ˙add dwar dnub li forsi jkun ilu
mistur. It-tieni: “Id-dnubiet li intom ta˙fru
jkunu ma˙fura…’’ hawn naraw il-˙niena
bla tarf ta’ Alla meta waqqaf is-Sagrament
tal-Qrar. It- tielet: It-talba tal-knisja li
tissodisfa perfettament in-natura tal-
bniedem, meta fil-bidu ta’ kull quddiesa
titlob: “Nistqarr lil Alla li jista’ kollox… li
jiena dnibt ˙afna…’’


The road to Damascus
Armed with an escort and the written
authority of the high priest, Saul was within
walking distance of Damascus when a sudden
burst of light flashed brighter than the sun
and he and his men fell to the ground. He
heard a voice asking him in Aramaic, “Why
are you persecuting me? It is hard to kick
against the goad.” Saul had always believed
he was acting in good faith but now the
grace of God began to work in him, enabling
him to understand that in persecuting the
members of His Body he was persecuting
Jesus. The Pauline doctrine begins its life:
Salvation through faith and the grace of
God, and Jesus is one with His followers.
A sense of divine intervention brought an
immediate and heartfelt obedience as he
asked, “Who are you Lord? To be told, “I
am Jesus and you are persecuting me. Go
now into the city and you will be told what
you have to do.” By now the men had

How much do we know of the
Apostle’s life? Here we present

a brief account of the Life of
the Apostle Paul. This is the

second part.

stood up, speechless, hearing a voice but
understanding nothing. When Paul, for so
we shall call him now, struggled to his feet
he was blind, and they had to lead him by
the hand into the city where for three days
he could see nothing. When St. Luke, Paul’s
reliable companion and biographer wrote
the ‘Acts of the Apostles’, he regarded this
event of such importance that he related
it three times, once in his own words and
twice in those of Paul who was certain that
the appearance of Jesus at this miraculous
meeting qualified and gave him privileges
of an Apostle. Ananias who was head of the
community of believers in Damascus had
misgivings about Paul but his mind was put
at rest when Our Lord came to him in a vision
and told him that this was the man He had
chosen to bring His name before “pagans
and pagan kings and before the people of
Israel.” He too, and Barnabas, later became
convinced that the Lord had indeed been

The Life of
St. Paul (2)


visible when speaking to Paul. The Fathers
of the Church have commented upon the
psychological preparation which accounts
for the apparently instantaneous change of
heart when he stopped kicking “against the
goad”, the prong which nudges oxen in the
right direction. They believe he had already
been moved by the beauty of the Christian
message and by Stephen’s dying prayer for
his killers, “Lord do not hold this sin against
them”, which prompted St. Augustine’s
comment, “If Stephen had not prayed, the
Church would not have had Paul.” (Sermon

Years of Preparation
Paul did not abandon his journey but
entered Damascus with new purpose and
fearless conviction. Ananias baptized and
laid hands upon him so that he received
the Holy Spirit and the restoration of his
physical and spiritual sight. He had been
blinded by the brilliance of Jesus’ presence,
but baptism brought a clarity of vision and
a determination to live and proclaim the
Gospel of the crucified and risen Lord. The
miraculous restoration of sight is the sign of
the transformation of his life which continued
to the end in an ever-increasing intensity of
devotion because he felt he had more to
expiate than most Apostles. His conversion is
a manifestation of God’s power to transform
lives and we hear a similar life-long call to a
change of heart, “to sing a new song to the
Lord”, which continues throughout life. (cf.
Ac 9:1-19, 22:3-21, 26:9-19.)

Paul stayed in the house of one of the
believers, a man called Judas, and there
Jesus commissioned him to carry His name

“first before the pagans and pagan kings and
then before the people of Israel.” At this early
stage he had already accepted that “Jesus was
the only name in which there is salvation”,
and that mankind was saved through faith in
Him who had been crucified in the name of
the Old Law, the authority of which He now
made effective. The revelation “I am Jesus
and you are persecuting me”, directs Paul’s
teaching that the faithful make up the Body
of which Jesus is the Head, continuing the
work of Redemption throughout time. (cf. Ac
9:15; Ep 4:16; 1 Co 12:13ff.)

The new disciple then went to Arabia and
following the example of his Master, withdrew
into a desert place to pray in preparation for
his mission. He returned to Damascus about
AD 35, and for the next three years preached
the divine Sonship and Messianic character
of Jesus in the synagogues. Some of the Jews
branded him an apostate and plotted to kill
him but the disciples helped him escape in
a basket which they lowered down the city
wall. He went to Jerusalem where he had met
Peter and James, but the community was
understandably suspicious until Barnabas
who was Mark’s cousin and highly respected
by the Apostles, vouched for him as “a good
man” who had preached with great courage
and success in Damascus.

Our Lord appeared to him in the Temple
and told him not to stay long in Jerusalem
where the people would not believe the
testimony about Him, and take word to the
pagans instead. Two weeks later, having
seen no other Apostle he went home to
Tarsus which he made his base for the next
ten years. (Ac 4: 26; 10:26-30, 22:17-21 Ga


When I arrived at 2:30 a.m., the building
was dark except for a single light in
a ground floor window. Under these
circumstances, many drivers would just
honk once or twice, wait a minute, and
then drive away. But I had seen too many
impoverished people who depended on
taxis as their only means of transportation.
Unless a situation smelled of danger, I
always went to the door. This passenger
might be someone who needs my
assistance, I reasoned to myself.

So I walked to the door and knocked.
“Just a minute”, answered a frail, elderly
voice. I could hear something being
dragged across the floor. After a long
pause, the door opened. A small woman
in her 90’s stood before me. She was
wearing a print dress and a pillbox hat
with a veil pinned on it, like somebody out
of a 1940s movie. By her side was a small
nylon suitcase. The apartment looked
as if no one had lived in it for years. All
the furniture was covered with sheets.
There were no clocks on the walls, no
knickknacks or utensils on the counters. In

the corner was a cardboard box filled with
photos and glassware. “Would you carry
my bag out to the car?” she said. I took
the suitcase to the cab, and then returned
to assist the woman. She took my arm
and we walked slowly toward the kerb.
She kept thanking me for my kindness.
“It’s nothing”, I told her. “I just try to treat
my passengers the way I would want my
mother treated”. “Oh, you’re such a good
boy”, she said.

When we got in the cab, she gave me
an address, and then asked, “Could you
drive through downtown?” “It’s not the
shortest way,” I answered quickly. “Oh, I
don’t mind,” she said. “I’m in no hurry.
I’m on my way to a hospice”.

I looked in the rear-view mirror. Her eyes
were glistening. “I don’t have any family
left,” she continued. “The doctor says I
don’t have very long.” I quietly reached
over and shut off the meter. “What route
would you like me to take?” I asked.

For the next two hours, we drove
through the city. She showed me the
building where she had once worked as

The Taxi Ride


an elevator operator. We drove through
the neighbourhood where she and her
husband had lived when they were
newlyweds. She had me pull up in front
of a furniture warehouse that had once
been a ballroom where she had gone
dancing as a girl. Sometimes she’d
ask me to slow in front of a particular
building or corner and would sit staring
into the darkness, saying nothing.
As the first hint of sun was creasing the
horizon, she suddenly said, “I’m tired.
Let’s go now.”

We drove in silence to the address
she had given me. Two orderlies came
out to the cab as soon as we pulled up.
They were solicitous and intent, watching
her every move. They must have been
expecting her. I opened the trunk and
took the small suitcase to the door. The
woman was already seated in a wheelchair.
“How much do I owe you?” she asked,
reaching into her purse. “Nothing,” I

“You have to make a living,” she
answered. “There are other passengers,”

I responded. Almost without thinking, I
bent and gave her a hug. She held onto
me tightly. “You gave an old woman a little
moment of joy,” she said. “Thank you.”
I squeezed her hand, and then walked
into the dim morning light. Behind me, a
door shut. It was the sound of the closing
of a life.

I didn’t pick up any more passengers
that shift. I drove aimlessly lost in thought.
For the rest of that day, I could hardly talk.
What if that woman had gotten an angry
driver, or one who was impatient to end
his shift? What if I had refused to take the
run, or had honked once, then driven
away? On a quick review, I don’t think
that I have done anything more important
in my life.

We’re conditioned to think that our
lives revolve around great moments. But
great moments often catch us unaware
- beautifully wrapped in what others may
consider a small one. People may not
remember exactly what you did, or what
you said, but they will always remember
how you made them feel.



Could God be
calling Me?

Yes! God calls each of us to life, to wholeness, and to service. The task of the young adult is to discern what path God wants him or her to follow.The Lord calls most people to marriage and family. For the Christian
young adult this is a very important decision. Choosing to marry is not just a romantic
response, but also a very specific process that includes prayer, investigation, involvement,
and experience.

God calls some people to religious life as a Sister, Brother or Priest. A religious vocation
follows the same process. We call this the discernment process.





Spend a few moments each day in thoughtful
conversation with the Lord. Ask the Lord,
“Lord, what do you want me to do with my

Talk to people whose opinion you respect.
Ask questions. Talk to a vocation director.

Get involved
A great way to understand how you would
enjoy ministry is to get involved. The Church
needs the energy of dedicated young

Visit religious communities, your parish or
seminary. See how they live and work.

The bottom line question is, “Can I see
myself as a religious, a church minister?” If
the answer is yes, it is time to act.


For more info about
The Salesians, contact:
Fr. louis Grech SDB
Savio College, Dingli.
Tel.21454546/ 21456251.
Sr. Elsa Gretter FMa
20,republic Street, Victoria VCT1012
Tel. 21556614.

Vocation- a personal journey of

Vocation means a ‘Calling’ - a personal

and unique invitation from God to follow

a path of personal discovery where he will

guide you.

a dream come true
In Don Bosco, our Founder, his sense

of being called first hit him in his famous

dream at the age of nine. He found himself

surrounded by a ravening crowd of wild

beasts, like some of the youngsters he

knew and struggled with. He was inspired

to ‘shepherd them with kindness and

goodness, not with blows’. He often used

to say: It is not enough for youngsters to be

loved; they must know they are loved.’ This

became his programme of life.

Who are the Salesians?
The Salesians were founded by Saint John

Bosco, an Italian priest who lived and worked

in Turin in the 19th century. He dedicated

his life to working for the welfare of young

people. Even today, 120 years after his

death, the Salesians carry on his mission to

poor and abandoned young people helping

them become ‘Good Christians and honest



During this meeting a number of ex-
volunteers shared their past experiences, joys
and challenges that a volunteer encounters
while information on the volunteering
projects offered for 2009 was shared
amongst the participants.

For the past four years SPYS has developed
an international dimension by offering
different opportunities of volunteering to
various young people in India, Europe and
Africa on different kinds of projects as part of
its programme of holistic formation. These
projects vary from animation for children,
child labour rehabilitation, development,

summer schools and others. For this reason
SPYS not only takes care of the placement of
volunteers on projects, but more importantly
it focuses on the preparation of the young
people before actually going on their
experience, while at, and after their returns.
Through a number of preparatory meetings
prospective volunteers will be able to develop
more skills and be more prepared to face the
challenges and the adventures ahead.

For more information do not hesitate to
visit our website at
and contact us on

Salesian Pastoral Youth Service
On Wednesday 7th January more than seventy young people

gathered at the Salesian Oratory in Sliema for an information
meeting about volunteering opportunities through the Salesian

Pastoral Youth Service (SPYS) entitled ‘Dare to be There’.


Sena ta’ Grazzja

Newspaper Post
Please return to: Óajja Salesjana - St. Patrick’s School – Sliema SLM1925 – MALTA.

Fuq il-kliem ta’ San Pawl lill-Korintin, “ L-
Im˙abba taf tistabar u t˙enn, … kollox
tag˙der, kollox temmen, kollox tittama, kollox
tissaporti. L-im˙abba ma tintemm qatt,’’ Don
Bosco jsejjes s-sistema edukattiv u formattiv
tieg˙u g˙aΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙.

GrazzJa lIlNa u lIll-OÓraJN
Ir-Rettur Ma©©ur jag˙tina linja gwida g˙al
matul dis-sena. Hija l-Istrenna li t˙e©©i©na fil-
˙idma tag˙na u fl-ispirtu Salesjan: Nimpenjaw
ru˙na sabiex nag˙mlu mill-Familja Salesjana
moviment vast ta’ nies impenjati g˙as-
salvazzjoni taΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙.

Il-150 SENa tal-KONGrEGazzJONI SalESJaNa
Nhar il-Óadd,18 ta’ Diçembru 1859, Dun Bosco
jistieden 18 minn dawk li kienu ja˙dmu mieg˙u

sabiex jing˙aqdu uffiçjalment f’Soçjetà li tissejja˙ ta’
San Frangisk ta’ Sales (Salesjani). Mill-ewwel huma

jiffurmaw Kapitlu sabiex jiggverna u Dun Bosco huwa
l-ewwel Superjur Ma©©ur.