AFE Salesian Family Bulletin Fourth Quarter September 2013





T Chief Editor:Fr. Sebastian KoladiyilEditorial Team:Fr. LUIS Neville

Fr. FELICE Molino
Sr. VIRGINIA Bickford

Sr. JACqUELINE Wanjira

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2 Editorial
3 Don Bosco the Educator
10 It is Cool in the Furnance
12 Wonderful Sunday at Khartoum
13 A Heroic Missionary goes to his Father
18 A touching send-off to a Heroic Missionary
The spies who got into the Vatican
20 A boy with a dream
22 Catholic Communicators of Kenya are

Challenged to liaise with the changing
Media Technology

23 A Celebration of Faith and Brotherhood
24 Pope’s Homily at Closing Mass of World

Youth Day at Copacabana Beach
28 Church’s Catholicity embraces all of
Humanity, Pope says
29 10th Anniversary of Maria Romero Home 2013
30 2013 August Harvest Once Again
32 Dar Holiday Camps 2013
33 Rooted in Christ: Vides Mutuini Camp 2013
34 Handing On the Torch
35 UN names Charity Day in Honor of

Blessed Teresa
38 Don Bosco the Missionary: Fr Chávez

speaks to the missionaries
40 144th Salesian Missionary Expedition:

“Take care of the many Lazaruses in the

The Salesian Bulletin was founded by St. John Bosco
in 1877. ‘Don Bosco Eastern Africa’ is the Salesian
Bulletin published by the Salesians of Don Bosco,

Eastern Africa Province Nairobi, Kenya.

We welcome letters to the Editor. Send
your comments and suggestions.



From the

Is the value of human life diminishing…?

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil,
for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” Psalm 23:4

Death is everywhere, it is all around us especially in the past months it was at our
doorsteps. Those in Kenya were shocked and affected by the Westgate terrorist attack,
we lost people we knew for no reason at all, those who watched the CCTV footages
saw the ruthless shooting of innocent people, women and children. As someone wrote
in the social media, “Politicians divide us, terrorists unite us” became so true. The
hundreds of people who contributed, who lined up for donating blood for the victims
irrespective of one’s background or any other affiliation was truly an experience to be
cherished. Last month we heard the story of 300 immigrants who drowned in the sea
on their way to Europe near the Italian Island of Lampedusa, around 90 people mostly
women and children died in the Niger desert trying to escape to Europe looking for a
better life, others in Iraq due to a series of bombs explosions, and the lists go on. With
all these one can ask, have we lost the value of human life? Are we safe anywhere?

Last month the Salesians of Eastern Africa lost a heroic missionary Fr. Patrick
Soreng. He was committed to his mission. He came back to Sudan after treatment
even though he was still not well. He was truly a Salesian and it was demonstrated
by those who knew him well: “Exceptional in many ways, always cheerful”, “Had all
the Salesian qualities of head and heart”, “Polite, calm, cordial, helpful, receptive,
respectful, self-sacrificing, interested in things of the community, happy in his
vocation, abilities in music, sports, interested in youth work.” Yes he was truly a
treasure, now he is interceding for the Salesian mission in Eastern Africa, especially
for the people of Sudan.

This issue of the Salesian Bulletin (Don Bosco Eastern Africa) has a new format.
The intention is to reach many more people outside the Salesian circle. And it is my
hope that as Don Bosco intended it will project the image of the Salesian missions
to the outside world. In it there is the message of the Rector Major which he usually
writes for the Salesian bulletin and a good coverage of the World Youth Day in Rio
written by our own Ben Agunga who was there with a small delegation of youth. The
message of the Pope to the Youth at the closing day of the WYD too is given in full.
Then there is the news from the Salesian mission (SDB and FMA) in Eastern Africa.

The year is coming to a close and it is time for stock taking. It calls all of us to stand
back and see where am I heading in my journey?

Sebastian Koladiyil





The first House in France
“Several times I was prompted to

express some thoughts around the so-
called Preventive System, that we were
wont to use in our homes.”

It wasn’t easy to translate into words
the educational experience that I was
living for 36 years. I seemed to be unable
to express what is essential. There are
experiences that mark our lives, but one
cannot always put it on paper. Yet I felt
an urgent need to do so.

Our Congregation, which was
approved by the Church a few years
earlier (April 3rd, 1874) was developing
as the mustard seed mentioned by
Jesus. There was the first missionary
expedition (November 11th, 1875);
and another was being prepared, and

then yet another. Already in November
1875 two priests, a cleric and a Salesian
Brother had started in Nice a modest
educational activity with the oratory
and a boarding school for craftsmen and
students: the St. Peter’s Patronage. Nice,
was a strip of land nestled in a beautiful
landscape that from March 1860 was
transferred by Cavour to France in the
Treaty of Turin.

“The short treatise on the
preventive system” is born

Liked because it spoke the language
of young people. I approached the
young universe as I used to do among
young workers of Porta Palazzo or in
dark prison cells in Turin or in dusty
courtyards of Valdocco. I did not
despise anything of what was a just and
noble yearning of the youth. I tried to
be faithful to God (the first dream was
becoming a reality!) and the young
people, without refusing anything that
I considered useful and valid. I felt




solidarity with the young and the view
to the future. How often I repeated to
them, I wanted them to be happy “in
time and in eternity”.
The experience
confirmed me more and more that
courage is about daring to love, to know
how to hope. I recommended to my
Salesians: “We need to know our times
and how to adapt to them”.
flexibility and firm loyalty at the same
time! When I insisted on fidelity that
my Salesians had to bear witness, I
certainly didn’t demand that they copy
me. I lived in a particular time and was
influenced by a cultural form typical of
the Nineteenth century. To copy me,
would let me grow old gradually and
reduce me to a ... museum piece that no
one, out of respect, would dare touch!
Do not copy, but revive! Dynamically,
with fidelity to the present time! Fidelity
to our mission on which both were vital
meant going over what I had done as
a Founder, and translating it into the
present with nothing betrayed.

The three pillars of my
educational system

The starting point and as a sure
reference was reason. Not the cold

and anonymous imposition of a code.
Dialogue with young people. Being
aware of their anxieties, discerning their
needs. The boy always in first place.
I listened to him willingly and with
sincere interest. I showed confidence in
him. My educational method was that
of true freedom. I was convinced that
there could only be authentic education
where there is liberty and respect for
the person. And I suggested: “You give
free space to jump, run, cackle at will.
Gymnastics, music, recitation, the
theatre, the walks are very effective
means to get discipline, help to morality
and to health “.
I deliberately left out a
confidence of incalculable value: “For
about 40 years dealing with the youth,
I do not remember having used any
punishment whatsoever”.

The Preventive System did not impose
anything; in exchange, I proposed a
great deal. I offered a vision of a healthy
integral humanism in which the boy was
wholly included. My concern was to form
consciences. I insisted: “Allow yourself
to be guided always by reason and not
by passion”.
I was preparing young
people for the challenges of life. I moved


them to the sense of duty, of work, of an
honest profession. I offered reasons to
live responsibly and with joy. As I wrote
in the preface of the Sacred History I
propose its sole purpose is to “enlighten
the mind to make good the heart”.
experience convinced me that kids
“have a natural intelligence to know the
good that is done to them personally,
and are also given a sensitive heart
easily open to recognition”.
My way of
educating demanded much, but offered
much more.

I had inherited from the family
environment a faith simple and robust.
Religion was the second column of my
educational system. My relationship
with God was that of a child. I was
a priest very much in love with the
Eucharist, punctual and fatherly in
hearing the confessions of my kids and
instilling in their hearts the assurance of
forgiveness and of the divine embrace. In
my continual contacts with them I tried
to make “good Christians and honest

citizens”. I never got tired of holding up
to them the example of the Holy Virgin
as the Immaculate Conception and Help
of Christians.

With the word ‘religion’ I did not
mean an exercise of piety detached from
life, but an expression of faith embodied
in everyday life. Religion was “to make
a beautiful suit for the Lord” with every
young person, as had happened with
Dominic Savio. And so the Preventive
System was transformed into the
pedagogy of youthful holiness.

It was not up to me to invent this
educational method. Several saints and
many educators had contributed. I was
enriched by many without whom no one
could boast an exclusive authorship. A
group work which lasted for centuries.
Having said that, for the sake of truth, I
must also add that I have left my mark.

I want to touch on the third
cornerstone of the Preventive System
as I have lived it. I passed it on to my
Salesians as sacred inheritance, almost


like a hallmark: loving kindness.
Something that I had not invented
myself, but which I made my own.
Typical of my way of educating. An
unmistakable badge of my pedagogy. In
this word I have hidden a style of love
that identified the teacher with youth,
to love the same things they love, to
transform the educative relationship in
a style of filial and fraternal presence,
a friendly and desired presence and
the educational environment within
a “family”. Here was all the love that
I had received from my holy mother,
here gushed forth the family spirit from
which arose the works that were called
‘houses’, here they breathed the love,
trust, respect, the taste of being and
working together as I was absorbed
in my farming surroundings and the
friendliness of sympathy, of optimism,
of human warmth. A love which turned
the educators into “loving fathers”.

In those scanty 9 pages on the
Preventive System, if read carefully,
you will find that the word “heart” or
equivalent expression has been used
19 times! When I met my kids or wrote
to them I used the words “my dear
. In the Piedmontese dialect
which I was using to make myself
understood better, the word ‘children’
refers not only to a biological gift and
not even translated as the synonym
“boys”, but included a broader and
comprehensive meaning: the spiritual
paternity, which the Apostle Paul
could boast about (Gal 4.19) and
why I practically used to translate
into material, physical care, bread,
intellectual food, moral and religious
support. When I spoke of love, I was
referring to an educational presence.
Authority did the serving, the experience
became a life lesson and love turned

itself into gift, proposal and offering.
Love became irreplaceable educational
law. Whence came the familiarity with
a taste of true paternal affection, with
a homely scent. And here I like to
remember what a French journalist had
written in 1883 speaking of the climate
that reigned at Valdocco. Maybe it
was a bit exaggerated, but it described
a concrete situation. The journalist
from Pèlerin stated: “from one place to
another you go like a family”. The guys
I understood to be in flight; from simple
recipients to enthusiastic protagonists.
Many had remained at my side. I started
to reread the dream I had when I was
still a child. The mysterious phrase said
by that majestic lady: “In time, you
will understand everything”
to acquire a deeper and truer sense.
The educational values in which I had
always believed, held up. The proof was
in my eyes: my spiritual children, those
guys whom I had one day welcomed and
loved in Valdocco were on the job, as
head of prestigious printing companies,
directors of renowned schools, intrepid
missionaries in Argentina. I could state
clearly: “the Congregation has nothing
to fear. He trained men “.
I saw the
scene observed in many dreams: “Those
animals had become lambs ... Many
lambs became shepherds who took care
of bringing up more. The shepherd boys
growing up in large numbers, split and
went elsewhere to collect other strange
animals and guide them into other

With the grace of the Lord and the
maternal assistance of the Help of
Christians the pedagogy of love, fantasy
of charity has triumphed and in all
latitudes of the world has grown my
inheritance: Da mihi animas!




Driving the cart ...
On a sweltering and stifling day I walked to Turin in the company of the most loyal

Fr Rua and another Salesian, when all of a sudden my eyes lingered on a scene that
filled my heart with deep sadness: a young boy, perhaps 12 years old, was attempting
to drag a cart-load of bricks on the uneven, cobblestoned road. He was an apprentice
bricklayer, thin and small who, unable to move a weight more than his strength could
bear, was crying in despair. I pulled away from the Salesians and ran to that poor
guy, one of many who, in Turin by then embellished with many beautiful buildings,
grew under inhuman masters to the tune of beatings and curses. I was struck by those
tears running down his face. I approached, smiling with a slight nod of friendship and
helped him push that weight up to the building site. Everyone marveled to see there
in that place a priest in a black cassock; the boy, however, understood that he could
fly as well as he really wanted if I got beside him as a solidarity gesture of real help.

I like to remember this fact, one among many, because I consider it a symbol of my
great love for young people. Love is not made of words, love speaks directly, straight
to the heart. Of this I was certain: the path that leads to the heart is what convinces
most of all and wipes away all resistance and possible doubt.


A memorable evening
I remember with emotion, as if it were today, the evening of January 26th, 1854.

After the prayers I gathered in my scanty room 4 youths (between 16 and 20 years
old) who were with me for some time. I was going to offer them “a trial of practical
exercise of charity towards their neighbour”
. I couldn’t go too far. If I had told them
my intention was to found a religious congregation I wouldn’t have achieved the goal.
It was a time in which, with a simple stroke of the pen, various groups of monks and
nuns had been erased. It was more prudent to ask whether they wanted to stay with
me to help me to work with young people. I followed the example of Jesus who to the
first disciples had only said: Come and see. From that evening we called ourselves
“Salesians” for the first time. And with a fixed gaze on St. Francis de Sales, the
champion of the goodness and the gentleness of the Gospel, we started. When I was
about to be ordained priest, 18 years before, I had chosen among the resolutions: “The
charity and sweetness of St. Francis de Sales guides me in everything”.
In my heart,
that evening, the Salesian Congregation was born; it would be definitively approved
only 20 years later! I expected a long and difficult journey, a real Way of the Cross, I
assure you ... So much so that, years later, I confessed: “If I had known before that the
founding of a religious society would cost many sorrows, hardships, oppositions and
contradictions, perhaps I wouldn’t have had the courage to undertake the work”

A whole heart
“The practical exercise of charity” which I proposed to the Group was not pie in

the sky. It was a testimony that I bore for many years. It wasn’t a fixed “obsession”
of mine. It was my intention for young people. Later, someone would have called it
“pastoral charity”. The Preventive System was not simply the system of kindness, but
“kindness built into a system”. This last sentence wasn’t said by me; it was written
by a Salesian whom I knew as a boy and who regularly went to confession in the last
years of my life. The basis was the love of God revealed by Jesus. I loved the young
people because I knew that God loved them. I was never indifferent to any of them;
and hence I was studying the best ways to do good and get increasingly closer to the
Lord. With the experience gained over many years I was convinced more and more
that I couldn’t stop at the boy that I had before me, but had to see in him the man of
tomorrow. I had to work with a perspective of the future.

That’s why I used to be prepared to make room for sacrifices in order to reach high
and noble ideals; I wasn’t content just to stretch out sufficiently, but to expect the best
out of everyone. Also because I had an unshakeable confidence in his potential. And
hope always supported me; that’s why I was encouraging my collaborators: “Perhaps
for some it will seem that your labours and your sweats have been thrown to the
winds. For now, perhaps it will be so, but it won’t be forever, not even for those
who seem to be more unruly. The traits of kindness, which you have used for them,
remain imprinted in their minds and hearts. The time will come when the good seed
will germinate, will show its flowers and will produce its fruit.”

In the last years of my life I felt rewarded to see how I was able to form a ‘team’
of the Salesians, very different from each other, but united and tuned into the same
educative passion. So, I was able to enhance the burning and restless enthusiasm of a
Cagliero, the stainless fidelity of Don Rua, the affability of Francesia, the journalistic


vigour of a Bonetti, the disarming calm of an Alasonatti, the unshakeable loyalty
of Buzzetti, the intellectual genius of a Cerruti, the enterprising spirit of a former
partisan like Fagnano ... As years before I had been able to channel towards a new and
unimaginable path of youthful holiness the ardent impetuosity of a Michael Magone,
the candour of a Francis Besucco, the growing apostolic character of Dominic Savio.
I was surrounded by young people who hadn’t been afraid to show the fascinating
and demanding road of Christian commitment, of honesty, of love for the work done
“with noble precision”, of the serene and contagious joy, of smiles and of the passion
for life.

A personalised education
Although I worked with many young people, my teaching was never mass-

produced, anonymous, generalised. It was always personalised. I used to use a special
notebook: in it I put notes of the profile of each lad, his temperament, his reactions,
some lack of light-heartedness, but of those who stay as alert like a prudent man, the
reported progress in study and in conduct. I was using this notebook for a personal
accompaniment of every lad. I used the same method to advise those who were
in charge of teaching the catechism. It was the Notebook of Experience. In it, the
catechists had to record the problems, the mistakes that took place at school, out and
about, in the yard, anywhere. I recommended them to read every now and again the
remarks made, the measures taken and the results obtained. It was a task to verify
constantly the things that needed attention and continual presence. For this, in the
Short treatise on the Preventive System I had defined the educator as “an individual
dedicated to his students, ready to tackle every problem, every effort to achieve its
purpose, which is the civil, moral and scientific education of his students”.

I dreamed of the educator as a “supporter”, one who ‘stands beside’, the young lad,
who knows everyone and asks from each one to be known in return. Just like the
Good Shepherd, one who knows his sheep and is known by them.


Don Bosco before his death had a vision for the rest of the world based on which
he sent his sons abroad to go and spread the good news despite the fact that it was so
tough in some areas.

Trying to recall his dream on the roses and the petals as he, himself narrated to us
when he started his work which was entrusted to him by a lady whom many of us said
is Our Lady Help of Christian, Don Bosco said there were so many people who were
ready to follow him but as the time went on some lost hope on the way and found
their way back. The most interesting part for me is the other part where he thought
of stopping his journey. As soon as he was thinking of that he found some of his own
sons come up and take up the challenge and that made his dream come true.

This may seam contradictory to some if you consider the heading above, but my
main aim of writing this article to you is that I want to share some of my reflections
which I have gathered during my holidays experience in the refugee camp at Kakuma.
I can say that the experience for me was an enriching one since I came to be in touch



with the reality of life, considering my historical background whereby I have never
been in any war or come in contact with any victim of any war or any other calamity
but this time was really an eye opener for me, just as St. Francis of Assisi who took
nature to be the open book for his life, so to Kakuma was an open encyclopedia for
me. From it I could praise and thank the Lord for the good things done unto me.

Why have I chosen the title which seems to be different from my reflection, the
title chosen is due to the climatical condition of the camp, despite the fact that the
temperature is high the sons of Don Bosco are still going on with the work entrusted
into their care by the congregation, I asked some of the refugees on how they felt
being in the camp despite the fact that the temperature was too high which is beyond
the human normal temperature? Some told me that for them the temperature is not
a big issue if they compare to where they came from, though there at the camp the
temperature seems to be high yet they are sure of seeing the next day by the help of
God. They are not only sure of life but also sure that something will be on the fire for
a day.

With these few reflections I came up with the conclusion that life is not what others
make you live but how one goes about it. And this I compared to the three men in the
Holy Scripture I mean; Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego who were thrown in the
furnace by the king thinking that they will perish but to his surprise they survived
to the extent of singing and praising the creator which later changed the life of King
Nebuchadnezzar (Dan 3:1-100). The same is true for these people who will one day
go back to their country and change the situations in their respective mother lands.

Felix Wagi.
Don Bosco Moshi.



Sunday at Khartoum
1st September 2013 was a wonderful

Sunday for the Salesian Parish of
Kalakla Gubba in Khartoum.

We had a colourful celebration of the
Eucharist with H.L Bp Rudolf Deng
Majak of Wau in one of our refugee
centres in the outskirts of Khartoum.
This centre is a refugee settlement of
about 2850 people living in 460 make
shift tents made of sack cloths and
hardboard boxes. There are also few
tarpaulin tents in the camp.

The Bishop is in Khartoum for
the SCBC (Sudan Catholic Bishops
Conference) and accepted to come and
celebrate a Mass for our South Sudanese
settlement here. Most of the people here in this camp are from Western Bahrl Gazal
state, hence they were overjoyed to see the bishop of their home country and state.

The Bishop was moved with the enthusiasm and active participation of the people
in the Eucharistic celebration. He gave a vibrant and lively homily during the Mass
and his message was well appreciated by the people with loud applause.


A Heroic Missionary goes
Home to his father

On 16th September (Monday) our
confrere Fr. Patrick Soreng SDB, at
the age of 61, breathed his last, a victim
of a heart attack. May his soul rest in
heaven’s peace.

PAT was the usual name by which
Fr. Patrick Soreng was known by
everybody in the Sudan Delegation and
in the communities he served.

Fr. Pat was born at Lakraberna in
Orissa, central India on the 12th of
February in the year 1952.

His father Joseph Soreng and his
mother Balamdina Bilung preceded

him to heaven already. Death, we can
say, was at home in Pat’s family, out of
5 brothers, one passed away and out of
3 sisters one also is enjoying eternal life.

He completed his basic and
secondary education at Kesramal
Secondary School in August 1970.
He did his pre-university studies at
St. Antony’s College, Shillong, India

between the years 1976 to 1978. He
entered the Novitiate in the year 1978
and made his first profession on the

24th of May 1979.
He completed his philosophical
studies at Yercaud in Tamil

Nadu, South India and
his Bachelor’s degree at

St. Antony’s College,
Shillong, India. Fr. Pat
was ordained a priest on
the 31st of December,

Upon volunteering
for the missions he
was sent to

Eastern Africa/
Sudan. He arrived at the
St. Joseph’s Vocational Training Centre
in Khartoum at the end of 1991 and
worked until he was transferred to
St. Joseph’s Parish in Kalakla as Asst.
Parish Priest from 1997 up to 1998.
Then he was sent to Wau community
but he had to return to India for a knee

Unfortunately, he developed some
complications due to the operation and
remained in Bombay, India. He spent
the whole of 1999 in St. Dominic Savio
community, Mumbai. He underwent


4 operations and the right knee was
badly damaged. He was even in a coma
due to gangrene and was given the last
sacrament; He spent 69 days in the
hospital there.

Later Fr. Patrick joined the community
of Alirajpur, Madhya Pradesh in the
Province of Mumbai from June 2002 till
May 2004. During this time he was given
the responsibility to look after the boys
of the non-formal technical section. He
taught the boys with great interest and
was loved by them. As he returned to
Kalakla in the year 2006 there he served
as Assistant Parish Priest. But soon he
returned to Kerala, India for a massage
treatment during which he had a heart
attack on the 3rd of April 2006.

On his return to Sudan he was put
in-charge of the Aspirants in El-Obeid
community from 2006 to 2007. From
2007 to 2010 he was appointed as the
Superior of VTC Khartoum. 2010 to
2013 he was taken back to El-Obeid
community as the Rector and the
Principal of VTC community. In July
2013 he was transferred to Juba as the
Principal of the Don Bosco School where
he passed away.

His missionary and pastoral vocation
was fulfilled when answering to the
appeal for serving in Sudan. As soon
as the call came he gave his name and
shortly after that Pat was in the Sudan.
He was influential in Kalakla, Wau,
St. Joseph VTC, Khartoum, and lastly
in El Obeid. He helped the youth both
in the South and in the North. With his
cheerful character, professionalism,
dedication and commitment he was able
to help many youth and enable them to
find their place in the Church and in in
the society. He created enthusiasm and
joy in all who met him. His poor health
always accompanied him, but no one
knew the extent of his sufferings. Pat
was always smiling, cheerful and busy,
like Don Bosco. We know for sure that
he will continue to be busy and cheerful
in heaven.

Fr. Patrick, as one writes, had
abundant time for God and for others!
May he too be our constant intercessor
before God!

Tributes to Fr. Pat
I am so sorry to hear about the sudden

passing away of Fr. Patrick. I know him
personally. He belongs to the group of
Fr. Manuel. I was his assistant both
in Juniorate and in Sunnyside. We
were together in Rua Home. He was
administrator. I have visited his home
too. He was certainly an exceptional
Salesian with tremendous zeal and
enthusiasm. He was full of life and love
for the boys. I will miss him. We shall
continue to pray for his departed soul.
May e rest in peace!

Fr. Alex Pulimoottil sdb

Observations on him by
his formation superiors

“Polite, calm, cordial, helpful,
receptive, respectful, self-sacrificing,


interested in things of the community,
happy in his vocation, abilities in music,
sports, interested in youth work.

“Religiously observant, hardworking
and generous, zealous in the apostolate.
Sociable, responsible in his works, gives
his best to the community.”

In 1978 the letter of his parish priest
in Orissa, Fr. Alois Ekka SVD, says: “He
was a great help to me. I appreciate his
initiatives and manners very much. My
teachers and head catechists also liked
his behavior. I know his family. He
hails from a very good Catholic family.
I recommend him very much for the
religious life.”

His file contains many letters he
wrote regularly from the missions to
the provincial here, whom he addressed
affectionately. His letters contained
news of his works, how he spent his
time and about some treatment he was
undergoing in Mumbai. He showed
interest in what was happening in the
province and remembered people.

Salesian Family, Khartoum

I never worked with Fr. Patrick or
saw him at the heart of the mission as
I never visited Sudan. But I remember
Fr. Patrick when he came to Don Bosco
Boys› Town many years ago, may be
in the early 90s when he was there for
some updating on the machines and I
was a student at Utume. I talked with
him and I realized immediately how
gifted he was in attracting others. Then
for many years I did not see him until
the recent Provincial Chapter. True,
I did not see him for several years but
was aware of his treatment for his leg,
operation etc.

I was surprised when he met me he
called me even before I could say a hello
to him. I had even forgotten his face
but he remembered me and I had the
opportunity to converse with him many
times during the Chapter. He was so
keen about knowing about Don Bosco
Didia and of our mission here. Though
he had difficulty in walking never did
he utter a word of complaint. He was
smiling and joking always. In his smile
I saw a person with great optimism
in spite of his ill health and the great
difficulties he had to face in Sudan. The
photo of his which is passed around
on the Facebook is the correct face of
Fr. Patrick: his ever present smile. I
am touched by his simplicity, great
determination, optimism and joy. May
all of us be able to face the challenges
like him as he did, a true son of Don

Thank you dear Fr. Patrick for
your friendship. May the Good Lord
welcome you to heaven and pray for
us. May your life inspire many others
to serve God, especially in Sudan.

Fr. Babu Augustine

Pat was a great man, a good and a
zealous missionary. I could say that


because I worked with him at St. Joseph’s
Tech. school. Very hard working always
he liked to be on toes in the place where
the students are. A true son of Don
Bosco, loved youth very much.

Br. Francis Chinnappan SDB

Fr. Patrick will continue to journey
with us in our mission. I remember very
well his smile and enthusiasm. Now we
will treasure the message of his life.

Sr. Ruth del Pilar FMA (Ethiopia)

I am deeply sorry to hear that Fr.
Patrick Soreng is no more. In the light of
faith, we believe that he offer totally his
life as a gift for the youth, especially for
the Salesian mission in Sudan. He did
good job in Sudan. I take this chance to
make a condolence to the Salesian family
and the Salesian delegation in Sudan. I
promise to pray and communion with
all of you in prayers and sacrifices for his
soul will be rest in peace. We believe that
The Lord will share His glory for him.
With love in don Bosco,

Joseph Mai

I had just a brief encounter with
Fr. Patrick during our visit to El-Obeid
and then at Khartoum. I recognized
in him a great missionary after the
heart of Don Bosco. His constant
painful companion the knee problem
was borne cheerfully, as I could
see from his cheerful disposition.
I pray the Almighty God for whom all
His faithful ones are alive, that the
rest of us who are left behind, may be
cheerful in times of trials and pain and
surrender ourselves to the mission of
Christ all the days of our life.

Henceforth I will always remember
him, because God called him to
his eternal Heavenly abode the day He
sent me to this earthly home (16 Sep
was my Birthday).

«I have come that they may life and
have it abundantly»- Jesus Christ as
recorded in Jn10:10b

In Christ and Don Bosco,
Maria Leelavathi Joseph (former
Volunteer Salesian mission in
Sudan) India

Wish I was there to say him good
bye. Only we the Soreng family missed
him, could not see him. Am happy that
my SSpS were there to bid farewell on
behalf of my family. God Bless them.


It was I who used to trouble too much
Pat uncle, when I find difficult in my
life. He will give always positive answers
to my difficulties. I will miss him very
much. But he is with me always. I
am so happy that our Generalate
community members are great support
to me.

Pat uncle called me with love Beta......
means my son instead of daughter.

Sr Sunita Soreng SSps
(Generalate, Rome) Niece of Fr

Patrick Soreng

We were age mates and worked
together for the last year here at El Obeid
as you know. Never will I forget some of
his comments. Never will I forget his
happiness when in company with other
religious people whom he invited me to

Mr Woli Zimmermann
(Volunteer in El Obeid, Sudan)

We have only memories to cling to. And
how wonderful they are: of a wonderful
Salesian who gave of his very best for
the mission, of a dear Brother, heroic
in the way he lived out his Missionary
commitment. May the Good Lord grant
his eternal rest.

Fr Stephen C SDB (Makuyu

Fr. Patrick joined the community
of Alirajpur, Madhya Pradesh in the
Province of Mumbai from June 2002
till May 2004. During this time he was
given the responsibility to look after
the boys of the non-formal technical
section. He taught the boys with great
interest and was loved by them. The
Province of Mumbai is grateful to him
for his dedication and hard work.

We ask the Almighty, the giver of
all life to accept Fr. Patrick into his
kingdom where he will enjoy eternal
bliss. May his soul rest in peace.

Accompanying you in our prayers.

Fr Ivan SDB (Mumbai, INDIA)

He was a man who was very much
committed to his mission and office,
Even though he had very serious health
complication, he ignored his well being
and obeyed the superiors blindly with
true religious spirit with simplicity of

He was/is truly a Man of God. Yes,
he had time for God and also time
for everyone in the mission. He had
accepted everything with a smile and
overlooked his deteriorating health
condition. My fond memory goes back
to our stay together, right from the
day of my arrival in to Sudan and up
to the day when I wished him “all the
best” at the Khartoum airport on his
flight to Juba on 24th July 2013. Even
after that we had email and google talk
communication which strengthened me
a lot.

I know it is a great loss for the
delegation. I continue to pray to the
Good Lord for repose of his Soul.

Fr Johnson Paulraj SDB
(Chennai INDIA)


A touching send-off to a

Heroic Missionary
A touching farewell was given to Fr. Patrick

Soreng. The Cortege proceeded from the
Salesian Mission in Gumbo around 1.30 pm
and we reached the Cathedral premises by
01.45 PM.

The Eucharist was presided over by his
Lordship Santo Pio. Fr Patrick’s life history and
profile was read by Fr Jacob Thelekkadan the
Rector of the Community. And the bishop gave
a beautiful homily. Obviously Fr Patrick was
known to him in Khartoum and he highlighted
his wonderful qualities as a Missionary and
as a holy Priest. There were about 45 Priests
concelebrating with him - both Religious and
Diocesan clergy. The church was packed with

Sisters and brothers and a lot of lay people. Many of our past pupils and Christians from
the North were there too. The Mass began at 2.15 PM and we finished around 5.30 PM.

Then the entire Church moved to Rejaf (about 7 kms) where we had the final rites.
The entire congregation moved in a convoy with the Traffic Police Car at the head
with all its sirens blaring and clearing the way for the cortege. There were about 40
to 45 Cars belonging to various groups and Government authorities. The President
of the Republic himself sent his personal representative for the funeral celebration.
And a message was read on behalf of the President Salva Kirr Mayar Dit. The School
Students sang a very touching song to Fr Patrick «God be with you till we meet again»
at the burial site. The song was orchestrated with sobs and cries. And to think that with
a month and a half being in Juba Patrick has touched the hearts of these youngsters.

We finished the final rites by 6.00 pm and the members of the Salesian Family stayed
on until the grave was completely covered and plastered. We laid all the wreathes we
brought and said our own final Good Bye with prayers and blessing.

We reached home and all in the Mission (Salesians, Salesian Sisters, Caritas Sisters
of Jesus, VSDB Sisters, Volunteers and Aspirants) came together for a Rosary service
and concluded the evening with a Dinner as a family.

As we started our preparations for the funeral and other formalities I had said a
prayer to Patrick, «Please Patrick help us give you a fitting and beautiful farewell. We
are so few and to get things rolling was going to be difficult. Help us to go through all
these with no hurdles». Sure enough, all ended well and in a most astonishing way
and beyond our expectations. Thanks Pat.

May the soul of Fr Patrick Soreng rest in peace, Amen

Fr. Ferrington SDB, Superior of the Sudan Delegation


The Vice chairman for the Kenya
Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB)
Social Communications Commission,
Bishop David Kamau has challenged the
Catholic Communicators to adhere with
the changing technology while playing
their role of evangelizing the society
through media.

Bishop Kamau was speaking at the
opening of 5 days Capacity Building
Workshop cum Annual Meeting of
Diocesan Media Practitioners and
Communications Coordinators going on
at Don Bosco Youth Education Services
(DBYES) Center in Karen Nairobi from
28th October to 2nd November, 2012.

Bishop Kamau reminded the
participants about their crucial role
as experts in their field, and that the
Bishops rely on them on issues of
communication in the Church. “You
have a huge responsibility bestowed
on you to make sure that these projects
succeed for the advancement of the
Church’s mission and mandate to spread
the Gospel to all Nations,” he said.

Bishop Kamau said that the trend in
communications is changing very fact
with the advancement of social media,
and that the Church cannot be left behind.
“Social media has taken the world by
storm, especially in breaking news. We
can no longer take these advancements
for granted or afford to be left behind.
We must therefore, constantly re-invent
our communication strategies from time
to time to be part of this phenomenal
revolution in communication,” he said.

Some of the topics covered during
the training included the design
and function of modern Diocesan
Communication office; challenges and
opportunities; Training on Information
Communication Technology (ICT),
Basic Web design for a dioceses,

photography and photo Journalism,
Radio and video production, basic
training on print media management,
which included basic news gathering
and reporting, editing and proof reading
and media laws and Ethics.

Fr. Sebastian Koladiyil, SDB a
senior lecture at the Institute of Social
Communications at Tangaza College,
a constituent college of Catholic
University of Eastern Africa, one of
the resource person in the training
challenged the participants to start
producing news items for radio from
their various dioceses and emailing
them to radio Waumini for broadcasting.
“You can make the best News channel in
the country because we know that many
events are happening there and yet are
not covered,” he said.

The training which started on 28th
October and ended on 2nd November was
attended by 45 participants comprising
of lay people, priests and religious men
and women from National and Diocesan
offices of communication including
radio and Communications institutions
staff from across the country.


Catholic Communicators of Kenya are
challenged to liaise with the changing

Media Technology






The spies who got into the Vatican
Claims of eavesdropping on the

Vatican are nothing new. But it’s hard
to imagine any current foreign snooping
could match the spying frenzy of the
Cold War when the communist “East”
and democratic “West” were locked in
an ideological battle.

After Polish Cardinal Karol Wojtyla
was elected Pope John Paul II in 1978,
the Vatican did come under increased
scrutiny as it was seen to be a decisive
player in the anti-communist chess

Apparently double agent priests
infiltrated the upper echelons of the
Vatican and Czechoslovakian spies
reportedly bugged the private studio of
then-Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal
Agostino Casaroli by planting a hidden
microphone inside a statue of Our Lady.

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was spied
on for three decades before he became
pope by the Stasi — East Germany’s
communist secret police.

According to one agent, the cardinal
prefect of the Vatican’s Congregation

for the Doctrine of the Faith “would
have an influence on the growth of anti-
communist attitudes in the Catholic
Church, especially in Latin America.”

Agents wrote that Pope John Paul
asked Cardinal Ratzinger to organize
help for “counterrevolutionary activities
in Poland” after the rise of the Solidarity
movement in 1980.

Details of the Stasi’s activities were
published in 2005 by the German
newspaper Bild am Sonntag. The Stasi
archives show there was one agent in
the Vatican who provided “exact details”
of the 1978 conclave that elected Pope
John Paul II.

The newspaper noted that the secret
police had kept an extensive card file
on then-Cardinal Ratzinger and had
described him as “the most decided
opponent of communism in the Vatican.”
Spies also described him as appearing
“initially shy in conversation,” but that
he also possessed “a winning charm.”




The World Youth Day is an event for the young people organized by the Catholic
Church. It was started by Pope John Paul II in 1984.It is celebrated at the international
level every 2-3 years in different nations. From July 15th to 28th, all roads led the
young faithful to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for this year’s historic World Youth Day. Over
million pilgrims congregated at what was considered one of the most “populous”
World Youth Day in the history of the Catholic Church. The historic Catholic Church’s
event marked the first international trip of the newly elected Pope Francis. The event
celebrates the meeting of the young Catholic people from all over the world for the
sake of harmony and faith. Masses, plays, vigils and meetings with the Pope and
higher clergy were part of the extensive schedule in Rio. The motto was from the
famous Gospel of St. Mathew: “Go and make disciples of all nations…. (Matt:
20: 19)”
chosen by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI in 2012.

Indeed the city of Rio was professional in welcoming everybody who came there
with arms wide open as could be seen from one of their hallmark site, Christ the
Redeemer, who welcomes all literally with open arms. Rio was rejuvenated with the
arrival of so many young people of diverse ethnic groups and languages. It was one of
the largest events that took place in that marvelous city in recent times a part from the
forth coming World Cup 2014. This was reported by Archbishop of Rio De Janeiro,
Don Orani Joao. The programme for the World Youth Day was divided in to central
Acts, special Acts, catechesis, vocational Fair, cultural arts and a youth festival.

During the last World Youth Day in Madrid, the Holy Father, Pope Emeritus Benedict
XVI, said that it was not possible to believe without the support from the faith of others
and through our faith we help to support others in faith… the Church needs the youth
and the youth need the Church. He went further to state that young people are the

A celebration of Faith and


church’s youthful face that shines and becomes
younger in joyfulness of its members. It is in
this perspective that the Church through the
WYD offers a privileged place where young
Christians can witness and eagerly speak of
others from all around the world that following
Christ and actively participating in His Church
is worthwhile.

Pope Francis in his concluding homily
at Cobacabana Beach in Rio, urged young
Catholics to go out and spread their Faith “to
the fringes of the society, even to those who
seem farthest away and most indifferent.”
He called all to join forces and become
missionaries without borders.

He said that Jesus did not tell his disciples
to share the Gospel; “if you would like to, if
you have the time,” instead he commanded
them to proclaim the Good News to the whole
world. He urged the youth to be creative and
audacious and above all not to be afraid. The
Pope had some parting words to the Bishops
and the thousand priests who accompanied
their young pilgrims to Rio. He told them
that the pilgrimage was just one step on the
young people’s journey of faith. He appealed
to them to continue accompanying them with
generosity and joy, help them become actively
engaged in the church and above all never
let them feel alone. What an encouragement
from the Holy Father to the Salesians who in
following the footsteps of the founder, Don
Bosco are sent to the young .Kudos! Salesians
never give up your noble mission to the young.

In concluding his inspiring homily, the Holy
Father turned to the youth urging them that
as they return to their homes (countries),
they should not be afraid to be generous with
Christ, to bear witness to His Gospel and to be
a “force of love and mercy that has the courage
to want to transform the world.

The next World Youth Day will be held in
2016 in Krakow, Poland…Lets meet there to
celebrate with the young.

Fr. Benn Agunga, SDB

(Don Bosco Y E S)


Brother Bishops and Priests,
Dear Young Friends,
“Go and make disciples of all nations”. With these words, Jesus is speaking to each

one of us, saying: “It was wonderful to take part in World Youth Day, to live the faith
together with young people from the four corners of the earth, but now you must go,
now you must pass on this experience to others.” Jesus is calling you to be a disciple
with a mission! Today, in the light of the word of God that we have heard, what is the
Lord saying to us? Three simple ideas: Go, do not be afraid, and serve.

1. Go. During these days here in Rio, you have been able to enjoy the wonderful
experience of meeting Jesus, meeting him together with others, and you have sensed
the joy of faith. But the experience of this encounter must not remain locked up in
your life or in the small group of your parish, your movement, or your community.
That would be like withholding oxygen from a flame that was burning strongly. Faith
is a flame that grows stronger the more it is shared and passed on, so that everyone
may know, love and confess Jesus Christ, the Lord of life and history (cf. Rom 10:9).

Careful, though! Jesus did not say: “if you would like to, if you have the time”,
but: “Go and make disciples of all nations.” Sharing the experience of faith, bearing
witness to the faith, proclaiming the Gospel: this is a command that the Lord entrusts
to the whole Church, and that includes you; but it is a command that is born not from
a desire for domination or power but from the force of love, from the fact that Jesus
first came into our midst and gave us, not a part of himself, but the whole of himself,
he gave his life in order to save us and to show us the love and mercy of God. Jesus
does not treat us as slaves, but as free men, as friends, as brothers and sisters; and he
not only sends us, he accompanies us, he is always beside us in our mission of love.

Where does Jesus send us? There are no borders, no limits: he sends us to everyone.
The Gospel is for everyone, not just for some. It is not only for those who seem closer

Pope’s Homily at Closing
Mass of World Youth Day at Copacabana Beach


to us, more receptive, more welcoming. It is for everyone. Do not be afraid to go and
to bring Christ into every area of life, to the fringes of society, even to those who seem
farthest away, most indifferent. The Lord seeks all, he wants everyone to feel the
warmth of his mercy and his love.

In particular, I would like Christ’s command: “Go” to resonate in you young people
from the Church in Latin America, engaged in the continental mission promoted by
the Bishops. Brazil, Latin America, the whole world needs Christ! Saint Paul says:
“Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel!” (1 Cor. 9:16). This continent has received
the proclamation of the Gospel which has marked its history and borne much fruit.
Now this proclamation is entrusted also to you that it may resound with fresh
power. The Church needs you, your enthusiasm, your creativity and the joy that is so
characteristic of you. A great Apostle of Brazil, Blessed José de Anchieta, set off on
the mission when he was only nineteen years old. Do you know what the best tool is
for evangelizing the young? Another young person. This is the path to follow!

2. Do not be afraid. Some people might think: “I have no particular preparation,
how can I go and proclaim the Gospel?” My dear friend, your fear is not so very
different from that of Jeremiah, a young man like you, when he was called by God to
be a prophet. We have just heard his words: “Ah, Lord God! Behold, I do not know
how to speak, for I am only a youth”. God says the same thing to you as he said to
Jeremiah: “Be not afraid ... for I am with you to deliver you” (Jer 1:7, 8). He is with us!

“Do not be afraid!” When we go to proclaim Christ, it is he himself who goes before
us and guides us. When he sent his disciples on mission, he promised: “I am with
you always” (Mt 28:20). And this is also true for us! Jesus does not leave us alone, he
never leaves you alone! He always accompanies you.

And then, Jesus did not say: “One of you go”, but “All of you go”: we are sent together.
Dear young friends, be aware of the companionship of the whole Church and also
the communion of the saints on this mission. When we face challenges together,
then we are strong, we discover resources we did not know we had. Jesus did not
call the Apostles to live in isolation, he called them to form a group, a community.

I would like to address you,
dear priests concelebrating
with me at this Eucharist:
you have come to accompany
your young people, and this
is wonderful, to share this
experience of faith with
them! But it is a stage on
the journey. Please continue
to accompany them with
generosity and joy, help
them to become actively
engaged in the Church;
never let them feel alone!
And at this point I would
like to express my heartfelt
thanks to the Youth Ministry
groups, to the Movements
and the new Communities
that accompany the young


people in their experience of being Church. They are so creative, so audacious. Carry
on and do not be afraid!

3. The final word: serve. The opening words of the psalm that we proclaimed are:
“Sing to the Lord a new song” (Psalm 95:1). What is this new song? It does not consist
of words, it is not a melody, it is the song of your life, it is allowing our life to be
identified with that of Jesus, it is sharing his sentiments, his thoughts, his actions.
And the life of Jesus is a life for others. It is a life of service.

In our Second Reading today, Saint Paul says: “I have made myself a slave to all, that
I might win the more” (1 Cor. 9:19). In order to proclaim Jesus, Paul made himself
“a slave to all”. Evangelizing means bearing personal witness to the love of God, it
is overcoming our selfishness, it is serving by bending down to wash the feet of our
brethren, as Jesus did.

Three words: Go, do not be afraid, and serve. Follow these three words: Go, do not
be afraid, and serve. If you follow these three ideas, you will experience that the one
who evangelizes is evangelized, the one who transmits the joy of faith receives joy.

Dear young friends, as you return to your homes, do not be afraid to be generous
with Christ, to bear witness to his Gospel. In the first Reading, when God sends the
prophet Jeremiah, he gives him the power to “pluck up and to break down, to destroy
and to overthrow, to build and to plant” (1:10). It is the same for you. Bringing the
Gospel is bringing God’s power to pluck up and break down evil and violence, to
destroy and overthrow the barriers of selfishness, intolerance and hatred, so as to
build a new world. Jesus Christ is counting on you! The Church is counting on you!
The Pope is counting on you! May Mary, Mother of Jesus and our Mother, always
accompany you with her tenderness: “Go and make disciples of all nations”. Amen.


Church’s Catholicity embraces all of
Humanity, Pope says

During his weekly general audience Pope Francis explored the different elements
of what makes the Church Catholic, reflecting on why we call ourselves by that name.

“Dear Brothers and Sisters: In the Creed, we profess that the Church is ‘catholic;’
in other words, she is universal,” CNA quoted the Pope saying during his October 9
audience in a rainy St Peter’s Square.

He told the thousands of pilgrims present that the Catholic identity of the Church
can be understood in many ways, first of all because “she proclaims the apostolic faith
in its entirety.”

“She is the place where we meet Christ in his sacraments and receive the
spiritual gifts needed to grow in holiness together with our brothers and sisters.”
He then explained that the Church is universal because “her communion embraces
the whole human race,” urging that “she is sent to bring to the entire world the joy of
salvation and the truth of the Gospel.

“She reconciles the wonderful diversity of God’s gifts to build up his People in unity
and harmony.” He concluded his reflections by urging those gathered with to pray to
God, asking him to “make us more catholic.”



It is not happiness that makes us grateful but gratefulness that makes us happy.
Those words highlighted the celebration of the 10th anniversary of Maria Romero
Children’s Home in Hurlingham on July 6, 2013. The Home which officially opened
on 6th July 2003 was named after Blessed Maria Romero, a saintly Salesian Sister
who worked among the poor in Costa Rica. In the past 10 years 68 girls have passed
through the Home, and though they could not all be present for the celebration, a good
number attended as they often do for seminars offered on various occasions. Present
were also the FMA community, lay collaborators and benefactors. The Eucharistic
Celebration was presided over by Fr. Benjamin, AP (by popular vote from the girls)
who is the Chaplin in the D.O.D. where they formerly attended Mass and received
the sacraments. A festive lunch and entertainment followed concluded by speeches
and cutting of the cake.

Sr. Mary Owuoth, fma

10th Anniversary of Maria
Romero Home 2013


The month of August is usually “harvest month” for the FMA of the East African
Province AFE and this year was no different. During this month young women at
different stages of formation proceed on to the next step in their journey of becoming
FMA, sowers of His Word and Love in the field of the young people.

The first event took place on 14th August as 10 postulants from 3 African Provinces
entered the Novitiate as novices in a simple, prayerful ceremony at the Novitiate in
Mutuini. Sr. Chantal Mukase, the newly appointed Provincial presented the new
novices to Sr. Teresa Fernandes the Novice Mistress who welcomed them with
enthusiasm as they joined the second years to form an army of 20 strong.

At Mass the following morning, 15th August seventeen Sisters with temporary vows
renewed them for one or two more years. However, the focus of that day was the
first profession of three novices, Sr. Adeline Benimana from Rwanda, Sr. Grace
Ndegi and Sr. Florence Kaveke both from Kenya. The Eucharist was celebrated in
the Mututini school hall decorated beautifully with their chosen theme motto You are
the Light of the world
. Fr. Gnanaselvam Sahaya, sdb presided over the Eucharistic
celebration with Sr. Chantal Mukase, Provincial, receiving the vows of the sisters.
After Mass lunch was served followed by different group presentations and gift
giving. Keeping with tradition Sr. Chantal announced the assignments of the newly
professed Sisters to the curiosity and joy of all: Sr. Adeline - Gisenyi, Rwanda, Sr.
Florence - Embu, and Sr. Grace - Laura Vicuna Makuyu.

2013 August Harvest
Once Again


The climax of the harvest season was the Final Profession of Sr. Jacqueline
and Sr. Lawrenzia Ndwiga on 24th August 2013 at Don Bosco Girls’ in
Embu. The jubilant crowd of family and friends, Vides volunteers, Sisters, novices
and aspirants celebrated in simplicity and joy the final commitment of the sisters who
took the theme of the mustard seed which was beautifully displayed on the backdrop
behind the altar. The SDB Provincial, Fr. Gianni Rolandi, was the main celebrant,
assisted by nine other SDB and Diocesan priests. Sr. Chantal Mukase, FMA Provincial
of AFE Province again, received their vows and welcomed them warmly into the
Congregation as perpetual members. The rest of the day continued in celebration
with lunch, entertainment, speeches and gift giving.


Temeke Mikoroshoni is a densely populated area in Dar Es Salaam where the FMA
have a thriving mission frequented by young people especially on weekends, most of
whom come from unstable families that are greatly challenged morally, spiritually
and financially. Thus the June holiday camp from 10th to 29th was a joint effort of the
SDB, especially Fr. Augustine and his community of Upanga, 3 Salesian brothers,
4 volunteers from Macerata, 22 animators from the Youth Centre and Bunju, truly
were divided between the two centers(Temeke & Bunju).

This also marked the starting of a new oratory in Bunju, where we hope to have a
new presence in the near future. About 350children and young people took part in
the camp in Temeke and 160 in Bunju where they experienced the Salesian spirit for
the first time. Towards the end of camp, all the participants visited the communities
within Dar and the beach, opportunities that many of them rarely have. Before the
camp started the animators worked hard clearing the bushes to provide a field for the
young people in Bunju. Their presence was a gift freely shared and enjoyed by all the
young people and an example of what it means to give gratuitously.

Sr.Veronica Mwikali, fma




August 16th- 30th saw the grand animation of a two weeks camp run by the VIDES
Volunteers , Sisters /Novices and local animators in Mutuini – Dagoretti area. The
camp which registered over 900 children and youth was carried out in one location;
Mutuini Educational Centre. The VIDES Volunteers whose main objective is to reach
out to as many children and youth as possible especially those who are socially deprived,
were so happy to have this camp which everyone was describing as fabulous, enriching
wonderful and unforgettable. The daily program was characterized by a morning of
intense formation based on the theme “ REJOICING IN THE LORD THROUGH THE
FAITH WE PROFESS”. It was done in a creative way and the participants made a
journey in moral and Spiritual growth. The participants and all those animating the
camp shared in the common meal for lunch. The afternoon was characterized by the
creative work( Art and craft) which the participants enjoyed to the full. They had
plenty of educative games which made them interact freely. The Volunteers too had
moments of their own formation especially
the days before the camp and in the
weekends as well as evening hours.. They
led children into charity work experiences
around the surrounding villages. The sick,
elderly and very poor people were visited.
It was an all renewing experience to all
including those who received the visits. For
two days within the camp, we had a free
medical checkup organized by Fr. Selvam
SDB and His doctor friend. Children and
youth were given medical advice and they
were all happy. Many compliments from
the parents and guardians were received
during and after the camp. We concluded
in a wonderful celebration in which the
young presented an item as a summary of what they had learnt pertaining to faith
and joy. We had the joy of welcoming in our midst the County representative of this
ward who happens to be a past pupil of Mutuini oratory honorable Martin. He was
very happy as he narrated his experience as an oratorian when this mission began. In
our closing ceremony we welcomed the senior chief of Mutuini location Honorable
Mukuria, with his Assistant Honorable Kang’ethe and the police boss of this area.
They were all moved by the kind of animation these children and youth of this locality
had received. Nobody wanted to end the camp! We pray that the fire in which they
all left this camp with, will keep burning in their lives and bring them to a more
understanding of Jesus Christ who gives meaning to our faith.

Sr. Laurenzia FMA



August 5th 2013 Makuyu
The Bible tells us that there’s a time and place for everything under the sun. Thus

these words became a reality on August 5th in Makuyu with the official change of
Provincial for the Salesian Sisters of AFE Province. The date was meaningful because
the Congregation was founded on August 5,1872 and is the date when many Sisters
make their first profession throughout the world.

Sr. Teresa Fernandes, serving as AFE Provincial from 2007 to 2013 handed over the
responsibility to Sr. Chantal Mukase, who has been the Novice mistress for the past
6 years.

The theme of the 2014 General Chapter - Home: a place of encounter and of
sending forth
- set the tone for a day mixed with emotions of gratitude, nostalgia
and anticipation of the future. In his homily at the Eucharistic celebration Fr. Gianni
Rolandi,SDB Provincial said that Sr. Teresa will now sing her Magnificat not only
because she has finished her responsibility, but for the wonders God worked through
her for the growth of the province these past years. Instead, he stated that Sr. Chantal’s
Magnificat will be sung differently as she is sent forth to take up a new role with
meekness, compassion and patience.

After mass a delicious meal was enjoyed by all with each community contributing
in the preparation. The afternoon was permeated with a creative entertainment
program, gift giving, and words and songs of appreciation to Sr. Teresa and warm
welcome to Sr. Chantal in her new role of animation in the Province.

Sr. Virginia Bickford, fma

Handing On the Torch


Handing On the Torch

Hundreds of people who gathered to observe the death anniversary of Blessed
Teresa of Kolkata on September 5th also observed the UN’s first International Day of
Charity designated to honor the Catholic nun.

“Those who want to please Mother Teresa on her feast day should emulate her
charity first at home and then among the poor in the neighbourhood,” Sister Prema
the head of the Missionaries of Charity said on Thursday in Kolkata.

She was speaking after a morning prayer program marking the 16th death
anniversary of Blessed Teresa.

The nun, popularly known as Mother Teresa, founded the Missionaries of Charity
(MC) congregation in 1950, two years after leaving the Loreto sisters to work among
the poorest of the poor in the slums of what is now Kolkata. She dedicated the rest of
her life to working in this eastern Indian city, where her congregation is also based.

“The MC mother house is the hub of charity,” said Father Dominic Gomes,
vicar general of Kolkata archdiocese, pointing out that some 5,100 nuns from the
congregation work in over 120 nations.

The UN general assembly on December 12 last year adopted a resolution introduced
by Hungary designating September 5 as International Day of Charity.

Its aim is to organize special events and increase public support for charities
that “promote the rights of the marginalized and underprivileged and spreads the
message of humanity in conflict situations,” Csaba Kőrösi, Hungary’s UN ambassador,
told the General Assembly when introducing the resolution.

Blessed Teresa, who won the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize, was born on August 26, 1910.
She went to India as a missionary at the age of 19 and died at the age of 87, in 1997.

In 2003, the Vatican beatified her, calling her “Blessed,” which is one step away
from her canonization that will make her a saint.


UN names Charity Day in honour of

Blessed Teresa


Pope Francis has been named Man of
the Year by Vanity Fair’s Italian edition
in recognition of his words and deeds
during his first one hundred days as
pontiff. The magazine’s front cover
features the 76-year-old Pope Francis
waving at a crowd, dressed simply in
plain white robes and a white skull cap.

The article begins by quoting Pope
Francis’ March 28 invocation for priests
to be “shepherds living with the smell
of the sheep,” and goes on to feature
the praise of five celebrities about him,
including Sir Elton John and Italian
opera singer Andrea Bocelli.

Elton John warmly said, “Francis is a
miracle of humility in an era of vanity,”
and went on to say that he hoped the
Pope’s message of compassion would
extend to marginalized groups which
“have a desperate need of his love,”
including gays and lesbians. Despite the
Vatican’s historically steadfast stance
on issues like gay marriage, Sir John,
who has been in a civil partnership since
2005, expressed his hope that Pope
Francis could “reach out to children,
women, men who live with HIV and
AIDS -- often alone, and hidden away in

“His first one hundred days have
already placed him in the category
of world leaders who make history,”
said Vanity Fair. “But the revolution

Pope Francis has been
named Man of the Year


Pope Francis


The traditional meeting of the Rector Major with the Salesians participating in
the Preparatory Course for new missionaries took place yesterday, 16 September.
Fr Pascuál Chavez spoke to the missionaries about the distinctive characteristics of
Don Bosco’s missionary spirit, and he responded to their questions.

To encourage a spontaneous informal approach right from the start, the Rector
Major was welcomed with a song and all the missionaries were introduced to him.
Then Fr Chávez gave a talk on the theme of Don Bosco the missionary, and presented
him as a model for every Salesian missionary.

The Rector Major emphasized three aspects:
• Obedience to the Lord’s command: You shall be my witnesses even to the

ends of the earth (Acts 1,8). “For us Salesians, the first reason is obedience
to the Lord Jesus. God wills that the whole world be saved and come to the
knowledge of the truth.”

• Conviction of the value of the Gospel as leaven, capable of transforming every
culture. “The Gospel can be inculturated in every culture, but should not
be identified with any one culture. The Cross challenges and obliges every
culture to look at itself again. It purifies and raises up every culture. In other
words, the whole world is in need of the Gospel.”

• Predilection for the young is the distinguishing mark of the Salesians: “Young
people do not count in society, they are relegated to the role of spectators in
history. But when Jesus was asked, ‘Who is the most important?’, he called
a little child and put him in the centre.”

The Rector Major concluded his talk
by reading a letter of the Servant of
God Nino Baglieri, and by giving some
advice in response to the questions of
the missionaries. He put them on their
guard against offering young people only
entertainment and failing to prepare them
for the challenges in life. He told them not
to regard young people only as the future
of society, overlooking the potential they
already have now in the present.

When he was asked what his wishes were for these missionaries of the last missionary
expedition of his term as Rector Major, Fr Chávez offered three suggestions: “Take
care of yourselves in every way, physically and mentally; take particular care of your
spiritual life; and live your lives with joy!”


Don Bosco the Missionary:
Fr Chávez to the missionaries


The Salesian Congregation, through its
superiors, continues to take seriously the
requests of Pope Francis. Fr Chavez was the
first to launch the initiative for a day of prayer
and fasting for peace in the Middle East on
the part of the whole Salesian Family. Now
Fr Bregolin, the Vicar of the Rector Major
gives voice to the desire of the Salesians to
devote themselves ever more to serve the
poor, the immigrants and refugees.

In an interview with Vatican Radio on the
words of Pope Francis about welcoming refugees in religious institutes, Fr Bregolin
said: “This cry of the Pope on behalf of the poor is a prophetic cry that invites the
Church to become fully responsible for the care of the poorest. It is very easy just to
talk. The Pope’s appeal is for concrete action.”

The Pope used strong words in calling for religious structures to be used. “The
empty religious houses are not ours, they belong to the body of Christ,”
the Pope said.
These words have a bearing on our present and future vision for the Congregation.
Fr Bregolin said, “In our 2008 General Chapter, one of the principal lines of action
was precisely to seek new frontiers. Since we are especially dedicated to the young,
our main priority is for poor young people. However, there are also external situations
which have led us to this, such as the great waves of immigration in recent years.
Some of our buildings are being used directly to welcome immigrants. I would also
like to point out the great amount of attention that is given to young immigrants

in traditional structures like our
oratories. There are some places
which are open and active in this
regard, but more needs to be done.”

The words of the Pope do not
come therefore as a threat to the
Congregation, says Fr Bregolin,
but more as “an encouragement to
see how we can put our charism of
love to better use in the service of
young people. I believe that this is
an invitation that makes us think
and should make us decide.”


Fr Bregolin: “The Pope’s invitation
makes us think and should make us decide”


On September 29, commencing at 12.00 noon, the Rector Major, Fr Pascual Chávez,
presided at Mass for the commissioning of the 144th Salesian Missionary Expedition.
The Basilica of Mary Help of Christians was full of young people, Salesians, Daughters
of Mary Help of Christians and Salesian Family members who shared the joy of those
being sent to evangelize. This year, as well as the Salesian confreres, 16 Daughters of
Mary Help of Christians and 6 lay volunteers received the missionary cross.

The missionaries come from many different parts of the world, and are being sent to
many different parts. In recent years, Europe has also to be considered as a land in need
of evangelization and the Salesian Congregation has responded with Project Europe.

In his homily, Fr Pascual Chávez made reference to the Gospel of the day and called
the missionaries to have a special sensitivity for the millions of Lazaruses who survive
in squalid conditions in the shadow of our affluent consumerist society. He said that
Salesian missionaries have always had a focus on the marginalized and the poor. Don
Bosco himself has always insisted that his spiritual children go to meet the needy.

The celebration of the missionary mandate is a tradition that dates back to Don
Bosco. On November 11, 1875, in the same basilica, the first ten Salesians leaving for
Patagonia, Argentina were handed the missionary cross, a sign of their mandate of
evangelization and education. Two years later, some missionaries of the Sisters of the
Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians joined the expedition. In recent
years, with the development of awareness and the involvement of the laity, Salesian
Cooperators and Salesian NGO volunteers also joined the missionary expedition.

The Superior General of the FMA, Mother Yvonne Reungoat, and some FMA
Provincials were present at the Mass and at the Harambée festivities that preceded it.


144th Salesian Missionary Expedition: “Take
care of the many Lazaruses in the world”