Salesian Bulletin (Malta) No. 207 Jan-Feb 2009


il-207 Óar©a

2009 - Sena ta’ Grazzja

Is-Salesjani ta’ Don Bosco fl-Isla

Strenna 2009

Fl-1877, Dun Bosco beda jippubblika “Il Bibliofilo Cattolico”. Wara sentejn, semmih
- Bollettino Salesiano”. Kien jo˙or©hu bi ˙sieb li jg˙aqqad lil dawk kollha li g˙andhom
g˙al qalbhom il-˙idma Salesjana fid-dinja kollha, billi jwasslilhom tag˙rif fuq il-˙ajja
tal-Kongregazzjoni Salesjana. Tag˙lim siewi g˙all-˙ajja Nisranija. Insibuh imxerred
mad-dinja kif iddur, mitbug˙ f’aktar minn g˙oxrin ilsien ewlieni … fosthom il-Malti

wkoll fiç-çokon tieg˙u. F’sena jitqassmu ‘l fuq minn g˙axar miljun kopja. Hawn Malta
jo˙ro© ta˙t l-isem ‘˙ajja Salesjana’ u kull xahrejn, barra x-xhur tas-sajf – Lulju, u

Awissu. Jitqassam b’xejn lil kull min jitolbu. G˙alhekk wie˙ed jista’ jikteb lill-Editur:

Óajja Salesjana
c/o St. Patrick’s School, Triq San Ìwann Bosco,

Sliema SLM 1925, Malta.
Tel: 2133 0238 e-mail:

Jie˙u ˙sieb Fr. Joe Cini SDB

Bord Editorjali Fr. Victor Mangion SDB
Margaret Buhagiar
Andre’ Camilleri
Josie Grech

Jg˙inuh ukoll Fr. Charles Cini SDB
Eileen Alden
Joyce Scicluna
Joe M. Busuttil

Óajr minn qalbna lill-˙bieb tag˙na li jibag˙tu xi
˙a©a tal-flus g˙an-nefqa biex il-Óajja Salesjana
jista’ jintbag˙at b’xejn lil

• Dawk li mqar bit-talb tag˙hom jg˙inu
fil-˙idma Salesjana

• Dawk li jg˙inu l-vokazzjonijiet g˙all-˙ajja
Reli©juΩa Salesjana

Infakkru lill-qarrejja tag˙na li l-˙idma Salesjana
Maltija tinfirex ukoll fl-Afrika ta’ fuq, fit-TuneΩija.

Designed & Printed by Salesian Press

Fuqiex se naqraw

Editorjal 3
Pedago©ija Salesjana 5
Calendar of Events 7
Am I a fireman yet? 8
She will be the Mother for all the Sisters 10
Eurizon 2008 11
Crimes 6 12
Jum il-Óarsien ta’ l-annimali 15
The Life of St. Paul 16
Something to think about… 18
Could God be calling Me? 20
L-Iskola Laura Vicuna 22
Seeking to Have Greater Impact 23
Ballu speçjali tas-Salesjani f’Sydney 24
Salesians Centenary Celebration/Australia 25
Is-Salesjani ta’ Don Bosco fl-Isla 26
Tallâb isib il-fara© fl-a˙˙ar ta’ ˙ajtu 28
Dun Bosco u l-Papa Piju IX 30
Strenna 2009 32
Nitg˙allmu niksru s-sil© 34


2009 - Sena ta’ Grazzja
g˙all-Kongregazzjoni Salesjana

Permezz ta’ ittra lis-Salesjani tad-dinja kollha,
ir-Rettur Ma©©ur Fr. Pascual Chávez ˙abbar
uffiçjalment iç-çelebrazzjonijiet tal-150
anniversarju tat-twaqqif tal-
Kongregazzjoni Salesjana
fis-sena 2009. Dan l-
anniversarju jfakkarna fil-
laqg˙a ta’ nhar it-18 ta’
Diçembru 1859, fil-kamra
ta’ dun Bosco fl-oratorju
ta’ Valdocco, f’turin, fejn
il-©uvintur mistiedna qablu
li “jing˙aqdu f’Soçjetà jew
Kongregazzjoni, waqt li
jirsistu g˙all-qdusija ta’
xulxin u j˙abirku g˙all-
glorja ta’ alla u s-salvazzjoni
ta’ l-erwie˙, speçjalment
tat-tfal l-aktar fil-bΩonn…’’

Din is-sena 2009, imsej˙a
minn dun Chávez “sena
ta’ grazzja’’,hija ntiΩa li
tg˙in lis-Salesjani jiftakru
fil-bidu tag˙hom u fil-g˙an
li g˙alih huma msej˙in. Il-
Familja Salesjana ting˙aqad
fl-ispirtu u fit-talb mas-
Salesjani waqt li huma
jfakkru u jg˙ixu mill-©did
din id-data storika. Matul dis-sena, ir-relikwi
ta’ Dun Bosco, mag˙luqa f’kaxxa tal-˙©ie©
speçjali, jibdew pellegrina©© madwar id-
dinja. B’hekk jibda ukoll il-proçess ta’ t˙ejjija
g˙aç-çelebrazzjonijiet tat-tieni çentenarju
tat-twelid ta’ Dun Bosco fl-2015. Tg˙id a˙na
f’Malta jkollna wkoll x-xorti naraw ir-relikwi

ta’ dun Bosco fostna?

Waqt li tinfeta˙ nhar il-31 ta’ Jannar, festa
ta’ dun Bosco, din is-
sena ta’ grazzja sejra
tkun immarkata b’dati u
okkaΩjonijiet speçjali: il-
festa ta’ Marija G˙ajnuna
ta’ l-Insara (25 ta’ Mejju
min˙abba li l-24 ja˙bat
Óadd it-Tlug˙ is-Sema
tal-Mulej), l-24 ta’ Ìunju
festa ta’ isem dun Bosco
(San Ìwann), is-16 ta’
Awwissu, g˙eluq sninu.
Enfasi speçjali jing˙ata lit-
18 ta’ Diçembru meta s-
Salesjani mad-dinja kollha
j©eddu il-professjoni
reli©juΩa tag˙hom.

Ma’ dan kollu dun
Chávez jirrikmanda lis-
Salesjani sabiex “jg˙idu
liΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ l-istorja tal-
bidu tal-Kongregazzjoni,
u l-˙ajja ta’ dawk l-
ewwel ©uvintur madwar
dun Bosco’’. jixtieq li s-

Salesjani jiftakru fil-missjoni tag˙hom b˙ala
“evan©elizzaturi taΩ-Ωg˙ar u animaturi ta’
familja karismatika.’’ Ejjew ilkoll in˙ossuna
parti minn din l-istorja meraviljuΩa.


2009 - A year of grace
for the Salesian Congregation

With a letter addressed to all the Salesians
in the world, the rector Major Fr Pascual
Chávez officially announced the celebration
of the 150th anniversary of the Foundation
of the Salesian
Congregation in 2009.
this anniversary reminds
us of the meeting held
on 18 December 1859
in don Bosco’s room at
the oratory of St Francis
in Valdocco, turin,
where those young men
invited, decided “to
band themselves into a
Society or Congregation,
while aiming at the
sanctification of each
member by mutual
assistance and would
strive to promote God’s
glory and the salvation
of souls, especially
those in greater need
of instruction and

This year 2009,
described by Fr Chávez
as “a year of grace,”
ought to help Salesians
to remember their origins and the purpose
for which they have been called. The Salesian
Family will unite in spirit and in prayer with
the Salesian Fathers and Brothers as they
commemorate and re-live this historical
date. during this same year, the relics of
Don Bosco, enclosed in a special casket will
begin a pilgrimage around the 8 Regions of

the Congregation, in this way launching the
process of preparation for the celebration
of the second centenary of the birth of Don
Bosco in 2015. Will we, in Malta, have the

opportunity to see Don
Bosco’s relics amongs us by

Opening on 31 January,
the feast of don Bosco,
this year of grace will be
marked by several other
special dates and events:
the feast of Mary Help of
Christians, moved to 25
May because the Ascension
falls on the 24th; the 24
June, Don Bosco’s nameday;
16 August, his birthday.
Particular emphasis will be
given to 18 December when
the Salesians throughout the
world will be invited to renew
their religious profession.

in addition Fr Chávez
recommends that Salesians
should “tell young people
the story of the beginnings
of the Congregation, and
the life story of those who

were the ‘co-founders’ with don Bosco”.
He askes all Salesians to be conscious of the
task entrusted to them “as evangelisers of
the young and as animators of a charismatic
family.” Let us all feel part of this wonderful



Minn Pascual Chaves - Trad. Joe Cini SDB

Dawn huma ftit mill-kliem li dun Bosco
qal lill-ewwel missjunarji lejn l-ar©entina
(11/11/1875). Kienu w˙ud minn fost iΩ-
Ωg˙aΩag˙ tieg˙u, l-aktar ©eneruΩi; dawk li
hu kien g˙allem ikunu ‘leaders’ u edukaturi
fost s˙abhom. Kienu g˙exu ma©enbu u
˙adu minnu l-im˙abba g˙all-˙ajja, il-fer˙
tal-˙biberija ma’ Alla, l-esperjenza tat-talb
ta’ kuljum sempliçi imma profond, lesti
dejjem li jag˙tu lilhom infushom lit-tfal
fqar u mitluqin. Kienu l-ewwel Ωerrieg˙a
˙ier©a mill-qalb ta’ Dun Bosco li kellhom
il-˙ila jag˙tu ˙ajja lil si©ra kbira: il-Familja
Salesjana: moviment vast ta’ nies, m˙e©©a
mill-istess dinamiΩmu pastorali u apostoliku,

Kummenti fuq li ‘Strenna 2009’: “Moviment Kbir Favur iΩ-Ûg˙ar’’

IΩ-Ûerrieg˙a li Saret Si©ra
“Meta nag˙mlu dan inkunu

qeg˙din nid˙lu g˙al biçça xog˙ol
kbira mmens…min jaf kif forsi

dan it-tluq, dan il-bidu umli jista’
jkun iΩ-Ωerrieg˙a li tikber f’si©ra

kbira…li g˙ad tikber bil-mod,
il-mod u tag˙mel ˙wejje© kbar ‘’

(Dun Bosco: MB XI,359-360)


mhux biss g˙at-tfal ta’ l-Oratorju imma
f’pajjiΩi mbieg˙da wkoll. Illum is-Salesjani
(SDB) jg˙oddu madwar 16,000, f’130 pajjiΩ.
Kliem Dun Bosco se˙˙ew u Ω-Ωerrieg˙a tat
frott straordinarju; ix-xog˙ol tajjeb kiber u
nxtered: il-Familja Salesjana kibret b˙al si©ra
u firxet il-frieg˙i.

Illum is-Salesjani ja˙dmu maΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙
fl-edukazzjoni waqt li jinkora©©ixxu progress
lejn maturità nisranija u spiritwali. Oratorji,
çentri g˙aΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙, skejjel, djar g˙at-tfal
tat-triq, parroççi, eçç. L-imma©inazzjoni
apostolika ta’ Dun Bosco warrdet bis-
s˙i˙ f’din il-varjetà ta’ attivitajiet li, meta
te˙odhom flimkien, jesprimu sewwa l-
orizzont wiesa’ tal-missjoni Salesjana waqt
li juru kif is-Salesjani jwie©bu g˙all-˙ti©ijiet
taΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ f’kull sitwazzjoni. Dun Bosco
qatt ma mexa pass jew da˙al g˙al xi xog˙ol
li ma kienx b˙ala risposta g˙all-vokazzjoni
fundamentali tieg˙u: il-©id taΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙. Hu
kien beda jie˙u ˙sieb biss tas-subien, imma
l-Mulej malajr nebb˙u bil-bΩonn li jipprovdi
xi ̇ a©a simili g˙all-bniet. Wasal biex waqqaf
istitut g˙alihom wara nkora©©iment minn
diversi nies; minn dak li osserva hu stess

dwar l-istat ta’ abbandun li ̇ afna bniet kienu
fih; mill-kuntatt ma’ diversi istituti tal-bniet;
mid-devozzjoni tieg˙u lejn Marija; mill-
approvazzjoni ta’ Piu IX li nkora©©ih; mill-
“˙olm’’ u esperjenzi li kellu.

F’dak l-istess Ωmien f’Mornese, iΩ-
Ωag˙Ωug˙a Marija Duminka Mazzarello
kienet bdiet tmexxi grupp ta’ xebbiet fil-kura
tal-bniet ta’ l-in˙awi, bil-g˙an li tg˙allimhom
seng˙a u tmexxihom fil-˙ajja nisranija. Il-
laqg˙a ta’ Dun Bosco ma’ Marija Mazzarello
u l-fehma tag˙hom dwar missjoni komuni
taw bidu g˙al istituzzjoni ©dida. Tlettax-il
sena wara t-twelid tas-Salesjani, l-1872 ra
bidu ta’ ferg˙a o˙ra tal-kariΩma Salesjan: l-
Istitut ta’ Ulied Marija G˙ajnuna ta’ l-Insara
(FMA). Illum hemm ma’ l-14,500 FMA
impenjati u ddedikati f’xog˙ol edukattiv u
soçjali mat-tfajliet u n-nisa.

Imma dan ma kienx biΩΩejjed. Il-˙olma
ta’ Dun Bosco u l-©id li jrid isir kienu kbar.
Kien hemm bΩonn ta’ aktar ˙addiema,
kemm ikkonsagrati u kemm lajçi. Hekku
tinbet l-idea tal-Koperaturi. Bi spiritwalità
tal-˙ajja ta’ kuljum, huma kellhom jag˙mlu
apostolat bil-qadi tal-˙ajja ta’ kuljum fil-
familja, fiΩ-Ωwie©, fuq ix-xog˙ol, fil-kultura
u fil-Knisja. Dak li Dun Bosco kellu f’qalbu
kien li dawn jg˙inu fil-fidwa taΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙.
Illum hemm mat-30,000 Koperatur Salesjan
li jaqsmu l-istess missjoni mal-SdB u l-FMa
fl-istat tag˙hom ta’ lajçi. Waqt ˙ajjet Dun
Bosco stess, iΩ-Ωerrieg˙a kienet tat il-frott
u rabbiet l-ewwel frieg˙i tas-si©ra kbira tal-
“familja’’ tieg˙u, assistit dejjem minn Marija
G˙ajnuna ta’ l-Insara. “Il-Madonna g˙amlet
kollox’’ kien jg˙id. G˙alhekk, sabiex iΩomm
l-attenzjoni ffukata fuqha, dun Bosco
waqqaf ukoll l-“assoçjazzjoni tad-devoti ta’
Marija G˙ajnuna ta’ l-Insara’’- grupp ie˙or
tal-Familja li llum huwa mxerred mad-dinja


CalenDarof Events
C A L E n D A R O F S A L E S I A n F E A S T S & E V E n T S

For any other info about the Salesians:
Salesians in Malta: / /
/ / /

January 2009
Thu 01 Our Lady, Mother of God. World day of Peace.
Fri 05 2nd School Term.. First Friday Devotions at St. Patrick’s (6.15 p.m.)
& at Oratory, Sliema (7.30 p.m.)
05 – 07 Live-in Form 2 at Savio College
Wed 07 Salesian Cooperators monthly meeting at St. Patrick’s
12 – 15 Orchestra Live-in at Savio College
Thu 15 Blessed Luigi Variara SDB
Sat 17 SLV Day at Savio College
Sun 18 Salesian B & G Brigade Investiture at Oratorju – Sliema
thu 22 Blessed Laura Vicuna. Feast day at laura Vicuna School, Ghasri.
Sat 24 St. Francis of Sales – Patron Saint of our Congregation.
Sun 25 Lectio Divina for parents at Savio College
Mon 26 Commemoration of Mary Help of Christians at St. Patrick’s: 6.30 p.m.
Fri 30 Feasting St. John Bosco at Savio College and St. Patrick’s School.
Meeting for Dingli Salesian Cooperators
Sat 31 St. John Bosco. Official begining of 150 anniversary of Salesian Congragation.
Concert (choir and ochestra) for the Salesian Family at Salesian Hall, Sliema.

Sun 01 Feast of St. John Bosco in St. Patrick’s Church. Salesian Cooperators and Past
Pupils Feast Day Mass at 11.30 a.m. Feastday lunch.
Wed 04 St. Patrick’s Salesian Cooperators’ monthly meeting.
Thu 05 School Leaving exams at Savio College
Fri 06 First Friday Devotions at 6.15 p.m.(St. Patrick’s) and 7.30p.m. (Oratorju)
07 – 08 Atturi Salesjani
Mon 09 Blessed Eusebia Palomino FMA
13 – 15 SPYS Weekend Seminar : “Take a Lead”
Sat 21 ‘Hbieb Domenico Savio’ meeting at Savio College
Mon 23 One day retreat for Salesians
Tue 24 Commemoration of Mary Help of Christians at St. Patrick’s: 6.30 p.m.
Carnival Disco Party at Youth Centre, Sliema.
Sun 22 Lectio Divina for parents at Savio College
Wed 25 Ash Wednesday. Stations of the Cross and Mass at St. Patrick’s Church,
6.30 p.m. Sts. Luigi Versiglia & Callisto Caravario SDB –martyrs in China.

Wed 01 St. Patrick’s Salesian Cooperators’ monthly meeting.
02 – 04 Live-in for HDS Form 3
Fri 06 First Friday Devotions at 6.15 p.m.(St. Patrick’s) and 7.30p.m. (Oratorju)
Sat 07 Salesians meet at Savio College – evening. General Meeting for HDS Forms 1-3
(morning) and Forms 4-5 (afternoon)


Like any parent, she wanted her son to
grow up and fulfill all his dreams. She took
her son’s hand and asked, ‘Billy, did you
ever think about what you wanted to be
once you grew up? Did you ever dream and
wish what you would do with your life?’
Mommy, ‘I always wanted to be a fireman
when I grew up.’

Mom smiled back and said, ‘Let’s see if we
can make your wish come true.’ later that day
she went to her local fire department, where
she met Fireman Bob, who had a heart as big
as Phoenix. She explained her son’s final wish
and asked if it might be possible to give her 6
year old son a ride around the block on a fire

Fireman Bob said, ‘Look, we can do better
than that. if you’ll have your son ready next
Wednesday morning, we’ll make him an
Honorary Fireman for the whole day. He can
come down to the fire station, eat with us, go
out on all the fire calls, the whole nine yards!
and if you’ll give us his sizes, we’ll get a real
fire uniform for him with a real fire hat - not a
toy one - with the emblem of the Phoenix Fire
Department on it, a yellow slicker like we wear
and rubber boots. They’re all manufactured
right here in Phoenix, so we can get them fast.’
Three days later Fireman Bob picked up Billy,
dressed him in his uniform and escorted him
from his hospital bed to the waiting hook and
ladder truck. Billy got to sit on the back of the
truck and help steer it back to the fire station.
He was in heaven. there were three fire calls
in Phoenix that day and Billy got out on all
three. He rode in the different fire engines,
the Paramedics van, and even the fire chief’s
car. He was also videotaped for the local news

program. Having his dream come true, with
all the love and attention that was lavished
upon him, so deeply touched Billy that he lived
three months longer than any doctor thought

One night all of his vital signs began to drop
dramatically and the head nurse, who believed
in the hospice concept - that no one should
die alone - began to call the family members
to the hospital. Then she remembered the day
Billy had spent as a Fireman, so she called the
Fire Chief and asked if it would be possible to
send a fireman in uniform to the hospital to be
with Billy as he made his transition.

The chief replied; ‘We can do better than
that, we’ll be there in five minutes. Will you
please do me a favour? When you hear the
sirens screaming and see the lights flashing,
will you announce over the Pa system that
there is not a fire? It’s the department coming
to see one of its finest members one more time,
and will you open the window to his room?
About five minutes later a hook and ladder
truck arrived at the hospital and extended its
ladder up to Billy’s third floor open window.
16 fire-fighters climbed up the ladder into
Billy’s room. With his mother’s permission,
they hugged him and held him and told him
how much they loVEd him.

With his dying breath, Billy looked up at the
Fire Chief and said; ‘Chief, am I really a fireman

‘Billy, you are, and the Head Chief,
jesus, is holding your hand,’ the Chief
said. at those words, Billy smiled and said,
‘I know, He’s been holding my hand all
day, and the angels have been singing…’
He closed his eyes one last time.

Am I a fireman yet?
In Phoenix, Arizona (USA) a 26-year-old mother stared down at her 6 year old son,
who was dying of terminal leukemia. Although her heart was filled with sadness, she
also had a strong feeling of determination.


“...the Head Chief,
Jesus, is holding your hand”


(anS – rome) – Sister Yvonne Reungoat,
formerly Vicar General is the new Superior
General of the Daughters of Mary Help of

Elected during the XXII General Chapter
which the institute recently held in rome,
Sister Yvonne was called to be the “Mother”,
– as art. 116 of the FMA Constitutions
indicates – “bond of communion and the
centre of unity,” ensuring fidelity to the
Salesian spiritual heritage, attentive to the
needs of the Church, an animator according
to the spirit of Mornese.

On Wednesday 22nd October the Sisters
in the Chapter had begun more directly the
process for the election of the new Mother
and her Council. Guiding the process was Fr
josé Maria arnaiz, a Marianist religious who
had also recently guided the process of the
Salesian Chapter members.

On the 24th October, a day in Salesian
tradition dedicated to Mary Help of
Christians, Fr Pascual Chávez presided at a
Mass of the Holy Spirit. With him were Fr

adriano Bregolin, Vicar of the rector Major
and in the Congregation responsible for
the Salesian Family, and Fr Fabio Attard,
Councillor for Youth Ministry.

in his homily Fr Chávez invited the
Sisters, through the intercession of the
Holy Spirit to adopt three attitudes: that
of illumination, “to know how to discover
who is the chosen one of the lord to lead
the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help
of Christians”; that of freedom of spirit, to
know how to act in seeking the will of God;
and that of openness of heart, “to know
how to accept with faith and love the one
who will be given to the Institute.” He then
continued commenting on article 116 of
the FMa Constitutions, listing the various
features that characterise the service of
authority in the perspective of religious life.

in the evening, at the Generalate of the
FMA, there was a celebration in honour
of the new Mother Superior. From the
25th, until the 28th October, the Sisters
of the Chapter continued the process of
discernment and the election of the Vicar
General, of the six Councillors for special
areas and the seven Visiting Councillors.

Mother Yvonne Reungoat, who will
guide the institute of the daughters of Mary
Help of Christians for the six –year period
2008-2014, succeeds Mother Antonia
Colombo to whom the Rector Major
addressed special words of thanks during his
homily “for her careful and caring guidance
and for her clear ‘leadership’ during this
past six-year period and during this General

She will be the Mother
for all the Sisters


Eurizon 2008
K r a k o w , P o l a n d

In August, a group of Maltese youths
from SPYS (Salesian Pastoral Youth
Service) travelled to the Polish city of
Krakow to participate in this year’s
eurizon which for the last five years
has become the annual gathering
of youths coming from Salesian
organizations across Europe.

This year’s Eurizon was themed
“Springs of Youth” with Spring
having a double meaning: Spring
as a new season that awakens life
after a cold winter; and Spring as
the origin of water flows, rivers, and
life. Each day, during the week-long
Eurizon, built on the previous one to
allow all participants to discover one
another, all coming from different

backgrounds, while at the same time
defining their own personal identity.

Over 80 participants from seven
European countries attended this
year’s Eurizon. The days spent at
the Salezjanski Centrum right on
the Wisla river were characterized
by morning reflections followed
by various interactive, artistic and
sports workshops, cultural visits,
outdoor activities as well as small
group discussions. All activities
offered participants a correct
mixture of creativity, adventure and

The next Eurizon will be held in
the summer of 2009 in Bollington,


Crimes 6
Parents, stop drugs now!

Excerpts from the book “ Crimes of the Inocent” by Fr. Charles Cini S.D.B.

Abridged extracts

I was informed that previously they used
to meet in various parks. now, however,
the Swiss police have confined them to
this new area. they are allowed to take
drugs publicly and syringes are freely
offered to them. there is also medical
assistance for those who find themselves
in great difficulty. The police only stop
those who push drugs.

Walking through this horrible place, I
was petrified watching young people
with syringes in their hands, injecting
heroin or cocaine. Some bodies were
lying on the grass, motionless. You could
not tell if they were sleeping or if they

Some time ago, while travelling
in Europe, I made a brief stop in

Zurich. I wasn’t given a chance to
visit this wonderful Swiss city and
enjoy its museums because during

my few hours’ stay, a friend of
mine took me to the park near
the railway station. I walked in

the fields near this station where
drug-addicts from all over Europe
come together to share the same

terrible experience: death through
all types of drugs!


were senseless because of the buzz. I said
to myself: “This is what happens to a
country where real values have been lost. I
hope that my dear Malta will never come
to this stage.” However, coming back to
Malta on the plane, I learnt that during
my absence two young people had died
of a drug overdose.

In Malta drugs are available. In Malta we
have a big drug problem. People (including
teenagers) take drugs and continue to die
of drugs, but we are given the impression
that the drug problem is non-existent.

The most important action to be taken
is prevention. Parents can help stop this
plague. Together, as we fight for other
interests and benefits for our children, we
must also fight to have a clean, drug free
island. There are people who know who
is responsible for this dangerous situation
of drugs in Malta. if some of the Maltese
drug addicts were asked, i’m sure they
could give names, addresses, telephone
numbers and even nick names. Is it
imprudent to ask? It is useless to point our
finger, shifting responsibility on to others.

Let us make the first step together.
Certainly I suggest more discipline from
the police, stricter laws, more attention
at the ports (and also in open seas), more
security at the airport, more education, in
our schools, about the problem. We also
need more qualified and trained doctors
able to tackle drug addicts, more people
who are ready to search for those who are
becoming victims of drugs.

My last word to you, dear parents: the
best prevention against drugs is “Avoid
spoiling your children. They cry out to
you, parents: “Do not give us too much.
From you, dear parents, we need love,
attention, dialogue, witness and more
than anything else the warmth of a united
family.” Be there for them!”
“We, your children, have a right to have
not only food, money, a house, but also
education and discipline. Teach us what
sacrifice means and by your example,
teach us the first taste of the mystery of
the sacred, the pure, the simple and the

People get offended if they are told that
in certain areas, schools and bars, drugs
are easily available because they believe


that drugs cannot be available at the
places frequented by their children. Most
parents do not even object to bars and
discos remaining open till the early hours
of the morning.

Parents can be more responsible in their
use of money and donate extra funds
towards a good campaign against drugs.
Stop drugs now! Tomorrow will be too
late. i am afraid that the moment when
most parents begin to realize the true
horror of the drug problem in Malta, they
will not even be able to have a funeral
for their young ones, because these poor
victims will have already been interred
in their grave long before their natural

“Dio benedica e ricompensi
i nostri benefattori”

NiΩΩu ˙ajr lil dawk kollha
li g˙o©obhom jibg˙atu

donazzjoni lill-’Óajja Salesjana’


G˙al Jum l-annimali li ççelebrajna fl-
4 ta’ Ottubru
l-istudenti ta’ St. Patrick’s
bdew ja˙sbu minn ©img˙a qabel. Il-˙sieb
tag˙hom ˙a forma ta’ xiri ta’ ikel tal-
klieb biex imbag˙ad jing˙ata g˙all-klieb
abbandunati. Kordinatur ta’ din l-inizjattiva
kien l-istudent tal-Form 4 Chris Colombo li
˙e©©e© lil kul˙add biex jag˙ti donazzjoni.
Chris ˙a f’idejh ukoll ix-xiri ta’ l-ikel. B˙ala
benefiçjarju ˙sibna biex nistiednu lil Freddie
Fenech li huwa sinonimu mal-Óarsien ta’
l-Annimali speçjalment klieb abbandunati.
Waqt iΩ-Ωjara tieg˙u ©ewwa St. Patrick’s,
Freddie sa˙aq dwar l-importanza u l-kura
li l-annimali g˙andhom jing˙ataw u kemm
g˙ad hawn bΩonn ta’ li©ijiet ˙orox g˙al min
jinqabad ja˙qar dawn il-kreaturi. Ma nistg˙u
qatt nqisu ˙olqien t’Alla b˙ala o©©ett li tista’
tarmi u tabbanduna meta jdejqek.

Flimkien mieg˙u Freddie ©ab lil Giuseppe
©eru ta’ ftit xhur li kien instab marbut ma’
si©ra ©ewwa ÓaΩ-Ûebbu©. B˙ala poplu
çivilizzat, meqjus b˙ala nisrani, ˙a©a b˙al
din hija tal-mist˙ija.

Freddie kompla jispjega li b˙alissa
fis-Santwarju mmexxi minnu li qieg˙ed
©ewwa Óal-Luqa, jinsabu madwar 200 kelb
abbandunat. G˙alkemm xi w˙ud minnhom
ji©u addottati, anke minn barra minn Malta,
xorta wa˙da g˙ad hemm numru kbir ta’
klieb li g˙andhom bΩonn ta’ dar.

Apparti l-lat ta’ mo˙qrija, ˙sibna wkoll
biex naraw aspett ie˙or – kif il-bniedem u

l-annimal ja˙dmu flimkien. G˙al dan l-
iskop ©ew iΩuruna membri mill-Kavallerija
tal-Pulizija. is-Sur©ent Psaila flimkien
ma’ PC Abdilla u PC Camilleri urew ˙afna
disponibbiltà ma’ l-istudenti tag˙na. Is-
Sur©ent Psaila ta ˙afna informazzjoni
rigward l-istorja u r-rwol tal-Kavallerija
f’diversi attivitajiet fosthom kontroll tal-folol
u parati ta’ l-istat. Waqt l-ispjegazzjoni tas-
Sur©ent, PC Abdilla u PC Camilleri urew
ftit mill-kapaçitajiet taΩ-Ωwiemel. Wara, l-
istudenti t˙allew ukoll jirkbu fuq iΩ-Ωwiemel.
Din kienet esperjenza sabi˙a g˙al ˙afna.

Jum il-Óarsien ta’ l-annimali
ççelebrat ©ewwa St. Patrick’s School


early yearS
Tarsus, the capital of Cilicia on the
Mediterranean coast of present-day Turkey
then called asia Minor, was classified as
Roman for services to the empire’s cause
and enjoyed such cultural and commercial
advantages that its citizens proudly stamped
the descriptions “First, fairest and best”,
and “no mean city” on their coinage. Its
language was Greek and like many Graeco-
roman economic centres, it was home to
one of the jewish colonies which settled
after the Israelite dispersion, the ‘Diaspora’
which had started with the Babylonian exile
around BC 730.

The future Apostle was born to the Pharisaic
family of a successful tent and cloak
manufacturer in this community about the
same time as his future lord. He was called
Saul after the greatest man of his tribe of
Benjamin, and later Paul by virtue of his
inherited Roman citizenship. In addition to
Greek which was spoken in the synagogues
around the Mediterranean, he would learn

the orthodox jew’s aramaic, and would
become fluent in Hebrew. Though he was
raised according to strict jewish tradition,
his writings show that he was not unaffected
by the Hellenised atmosphere of an affluent,
pagan city with its military base, markets,
theatres, temples and sports arenas.
Saul was highly intelligent, well-educated
in Greek philosophy as well as the Jewish
Scriptures, and his father arranged for him to
stay with relatives in jerusalem to graduate as
Master of the Law at the prestigious School
of Hittel. This was an institution, founded by
a leading rabbi during the reign of Herod the
Great, where he was fortunate to have an
eminent rabbi and Pharisee called Gamaliel
as his tutor. as a Pharisee himself, Saul was
zealous for the integrity of doctrine, tradition
and the rigorous observance of the Mosaic
Law, and became expert in the Jewish lore
enshrined in the talmud, and in the methods
of exposition and debate which one day he
would use to such effect in presenting the
Gospel message.

(cf. AC 13:9; PH 3:5.)

The Life of
St. Paul

We have heard and shall be hearing
a lot about St. Paul’s writings and

teachings. We Maltese know the story
of the shipwreck of Paul on our shores.

But besides this, how much do we know
of this Apostle’s life? So we present an

account of his life in 5 short installments.


Saul’s letters suggest that he returned to
tarsus to continue his legal studies and follow
the directions of Gamaliel some time before
John the Baptist began his mission to preach
a baptism of penance for the forgiveness of
sins. He would have been eager to teach in
the school attached to his synagogue and,
as a legal expert, was probably consulted
by the Tarsus Sanhedrin of which, as yet, he
was too young to be a member. His father
trained him in the skills of his trade, using
the Cilician fabric to manufacture tents and
cloaks, so that he could conform to the
talmud’s recommendation that “he who has
a trade is like a vineyard that is fenced.” He
was able to earn his living in this way even
on his missionary journeys and so illustrated
the dignity of labour in an age when it was
thought only suitable for slaves.

(cf. 1Co 9:12.)

While Saul remained in tarsus momentous
events were happening in Palestine. The long-
expected Messiah had come as promised,
preached for three years and was then
rejected, especially by the religious leaders
of the Jews. Jesus’ followers who had been
devastated by his death were wonderfully
strengthened by His Resurrection and by
the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost
with His gifts. The Apostles were convinced
that israel had made a tragic mistake and
were determined to bring the people back
to their Lord and Saviour, but the religious
professionals were not inclined to accept the
advice of a motley crew of Galileans whose
teaching was beginning to have a disruptive
influence. In fact, the number of converts
had grown so quickly that the Apostles
appointed seven deacons to take charge
of the distribution of alms, especially to
widows, to preach and to assist with general
administration. One of them was Stephen,

an eloquent young man who was learned
in the Scriptures and Jewish history. When
he was arrested on a trumped-up charge of
blasphemy, he mounted a forceful defense
of Christ’s teaching, and pointed out that
God is not dependent on the Temple, which,
like the Law of Moses, was a temporary
institution awaiting the transformation
brought by the Messiah who is Jesus Christ.
He reprimanded those who had resisted the
Holy Spirit and killed the Saviour, just as their
forefathers had slaughtered the prophets
whom God had sent to reveal His wishes for
their benefit.

Saul and others from the Cilician synagogues,
who had come to Jerusalem to campaign
against what sounded like blasphemy, were
among those listening to Stephen. The
crowd was so enraged by what they heard,
and especially by his rebuke, that they took
him outside the walls of the city and stoned
this first Christian martyr to death. in this
episode Saul is mentioned for the first time
in the new Testament which records his
approval of the stoning and that he even
looked after the clothes of the executioners.
it is not clear if the killing was the result of
mob-frenzy which the leaders did nothing to
restrain, or if it was ordered by the Sanhedrin
who, because they did not have authority to
pass a death sentence took advantage of the
interregnum between Pilate’s recall to Rome
and the arrival of his successor in AD 36.
They then initiated a full-scale persecution of
Christ’s followers and appointed Saul their
chief agent to eradicate the new movement
from the synagogues and domestic life. not
satisfied with operating at a local level, he
went north to damascus to deal with those
who had fled from persecution in Jerusalem
but, like all dispersed Jews, were still under
the jurisdiction of the Sanhedrin

(cf. AC 7:1-60; 8: 1-3; 22:5 -20; Ga 2:1).


Something to

Anger is a condition in which the
tongue works faster than the

harsh words break no bones but
they do break hearts.

For every minute you are angry
with someone, You lose 60
seconds of happiness that you can
never get back.

Everyone needs to be loved...
especially when they do not
deserve it.

Love is strengthened by working
through conflicts together.

everyone has beauty but not
everyone sees it.

Man looks at outward appearance
but the Lord looks within.


think about…
Thank God for what you have,
trust God for what you need.

We take for granted the things
that we should be giving thanks

God always gives his best to
those who leave the choice with

all people smile in the same

Laughter is God’s sunshine.

Take time to laugh - it is the
music of the soul.

happiness is enhanced by
others but does not depend upon

Do what you can, for who you
can, with what you have, and
where you are.






yes! God calls each of us to life, to wholeness, and to service. the task of
the young adult is to discern what path God
wants him or her to follow.

The Lord calls most people to marriage and
family. For the Christian young adult this is a
very important decision. Choosing to marry
is not just a romantic response, but also a
very specific process that includes prayer,
investigation, involvement, and experience.

God calls some people to religious life as a
Sister, Brother or Priest. a religious vocation
follows the same process. We call this the
discernment process.

Spend a few moments each day in thoughtful
conversation with the lord. ask the lord,
“lord, what do you want me to do with my
life?” Use the same prayer after Communion
at Mass.

Talk to people whose opinion you respect.
Read. Check out the web. If you are thinking
of a religious vocation, talk to a Brother,
Sister or Priest. ask questions. talk to a
vocation director.

Get involved
a great way to understand how you would
enjoy ministry is to get involved in ministry
by volunteering. The Church needs the
energy of dedicated young people. This is a
“learn by doing” process.

Visit religious communities, your parish or
seminary. See how they live and work.
Seminaries and religious communities are
always ready to host people interested in

Could God be
calling Me?

The discernment


spending a few days with the community
to see first hand the life and ministry of a
Sister, Brother or Priest.

the Church needs dedicated Sisters,
Brothers and Priest to spread the Gospel
of Jesus Christ. You can answer that call.
After prayer, investigation, involvement
and experience go with your heart. The
bottom line question is, “Can I see myself as
a religious, a church minister? if the answer
is yes, it is time to act. it is time to talk to a
vocation director.

Vocation - A personal
journey of discovery
Vocation means a ‘Calling’ - a personal and
unique invitation from God to follow a path
of personal discovery where he will guide
you. jesus offers us a model. after his time
in the wilderness, tempted by the devil,
he realized at his Baptism in the Jordan his
unique vocation to be Son and Saviour –
‘You are my Son in whom I am well pleased.
listen to him.”

A dream come true
in don Bosco, our Founder, his sense of
being called first hit him in his famous
dream at the age of nine. He found himself
surrounded by a ravening crowd of wild
beasts, like some of the youngsters he
knew and struggled with. He was inspired
to ‘shepherd them with kindness and
goodness, not with blows’. He often used

to say:
It is not enough for youngsters to be loved;
they must know they are loved.’
This became his programme of life.

Who are the Salesians?
are you wondering who exactly the Salesians
of don Bosco are and what they do? then
look no further. Here are all the answers you
could ever need – almost.

Who founded the
The Salesians were founded by Saint John
Bosco, an Italian priest who lived and worked
in turin in the nineteenth century. He
dedicated his life to working for the welfare
of young people, and 120 years after his
death, the Salesians carry on his mission to
poor and abandoned young people helping
them become ‘Good Christians and honest

Why ‘Don’ Bosco?
don is the italian for ‘Father’ the title
given to priests. The Salesians still refer
to St. john Bosco as don Bosco as a sign
of affection and sonship.

“It is not enough for
youngsters to be loved;
they must know they
are loved”

For more info about
The Salesians, contact:
Fr. Louis Grech SDB
Savio College, Dingli.
Tel.21454546/ 21456251.
Sr. Elsa Gretter FMA
20,Republic Street, Victoria VCT1012
Tel. 21556614.


L-istaff jipprova dejjem jara kif jista’ jtejjeb
u jg˙in lill-istudenti sabiex ikollhom l-a˙jar
baΩi g˙all-˙ajja futura tag˙hom.

din is-sena fil-fatt ©ew installati interactive
Whiteboards f’kull klassi; mill-Kinder sas-
sitt sena. Wie˙ed jista’ ja˙seb f’liema spiΩa
da˙let l-iskola biex tara li l-istudenti tag˙ha
jkollhom l-a˙jar. U b˙al Don Bosco qeg˙din

nitolbu lill-Madonna G˙ajnuna ta’ l-Insara
sabiex tipprovdi biex l-iskola tag˙na ter©a’
tirkupra minn din l-ispiΩa.

F’Ìunju li g˙adda grupp ta’ g˙alliema
flimkien ma’ ©enituri u studenti u l-Kap
ta’ l-iskola marru g˙all-btala ©ewwa Euro
Disney. Kienet okkaΩjoni fejn kul˙add
inqata’ mill-˙ajja tedjanti ta’ kuljum u
qasmu flimkien esperjenzi b˙al familja.

Fl-istampi tistg˙u taraw wa˙da mill-klassijiet
tag˙na bl-interactive whiteboard ©o fiha,
waqt il-lezzjoni. L-istampa l-o˙ra turi il-
grupp ta’ studenti, g˙alliema u ©enituri li
marru disneyland.

Jekk xi ˙add irid jikkuntattja lil Sr. Antoinette
Pace FMA, id-Direttriçi ta’ l-iskola, jekk jag˙ti
xi g˙ajnuna finanzjarja, jista’ jibg˙at e-mail
hawnhekk:, jew jikteb
f’dan l-indirizz : Skola Laura Vicuna Pjazza
s-Salvatur – G˙asri GSR 1012 – G˙awdex
– Malta (Tel.21 556 614 / 21 564 937).

L-Iskola Laura Vicuna
L-iskola Laura Vicuna hija skola
primarja Ωg˙ira ©ewwa l-villa©©

kwiet ta’ l-G˙asri. Hija skola
mmexxija mis-sorijiet Salesjani

li rawmu fl-g˙alliema lajci s-
sistema preventiva ta’ Don Bosco.

L-iskola t˙addan fiha madwar
250 student u studenta. Wie˙ed

pero’ ma jridx jitqarraq biç-çokon
ta’ l-iskola g˙ax dan mhux rifless

fl-attitudni ta’ l-g˙alliema u l-kap
ta’ l-iskola.


We Salesians are aiming to have a
greater impact on Europe, particularly
by finding new ways of evangelizing
youth. Our Congregation has launched
“Project Europe,” with the aim of
leading the continent back to its
Christian roots. The initiative is one of
the conclusions of our General Chapter,
celebrated in Rome from March 3 to
April 12, with the participation of 232
Salesians. According to a statement
from the congregation, this project is
similar to “Project Africa,” which was
launched by the late Rector Major, Don
Egidio Vigano’ in the 1970s and resulted
in a surge of missionary activity on that

“Project Europe” responds to desires
expressed by Benedict XVI when he
received the Chapter Fathers in audience
on March 30, 2008. The present Rector
Major, Don Pascual Chávez, mentioned
the initiative in the closing address
of the General Chapter. “Today, more
than ever, we become aware that
our presence in Europe needs to be
rethought,” he said. “This consideration
is aimed at re-dimensioning our Salesian
presence for greater impact and
effectiveness in this continent. That is,

seeking a new form of evangelization
in order to respond to the spiritual and
moral needs of these young people,
who to us appear as wanderers without
guides and without destination.”

Father Chávez, summarizing the
conclusions of the General Chapter,
highlighted three priorities for the
Congregation. he first focused on
spirituality, putting the word of God
and the Eucharist at the centre of
Salesian life. he secondly emphasized the
element of community life and finally
the mission, especially to new frontiers
including “formation and education at
all levels.”

The Rector Major also focused on
imitating the founder of the Salesians,
St. John Bosco. “What would Don Bosco
do today?” he asked. “We don’t know.
But we know what he did yesterday
and therefore we can know what to do
in order to act like him today. It is a
question of knowledge and imitation.”
Father Chávez stressed the saint’s
identity as a “priest-educator.” “This is
the model that we have,” he said, “and
one we are called upon to reproduce as
faithfully as possible.”


Seeking to Have
Greater Impact
in Evangelizing Youth


Kull sena l-G˙aqda tal-‘Maltese Past Pupils of
Don Bosco’ ta’ nSW l-Awstralja jorganizzaw
ballu gala, wie˙ed mill-ftit ballijiet ta’ kwalita’
li g˙adhom isiru f’nSW. G˙at-tieni sena
wara xulxin dan il-ballu sar fil-‘Macquarie
Function Centre’ fil-belt ta’ Liverpool.

dis-sena, il-mistieden ta’ l-unur kien l-E.t.
Francis Tabone, il-Kummissarju G˙oli g˙al
Malta fl-Awstralja u nZ. Waqt id-diskors
tieg˙u fakkar li hu wkoll kellu assoçjazzjoni
mill-qrib mas-Salesjani kemm f’tas-Sliema u
anke f’G˙awdex.

il-President tal-PPdB, Victor Grech fakkar
li din hija l-21 sena minn mindu twaqqfet l-
g˙aqda ta’ l-istudenti ta’ dari. Sa˙aq li Ω-Ωew©
o©©ettivi ta’ l-g˙aqda g˙adhom l-istess, dak
li jxerrdu l-ispirtu ta’ l-edukazzjoni Salesjana

Ballu speçjali tas-Salesjani f’Sydney
minn Lawrence Dimech

u li ji©bru flus g˙all-karita’. Qal ukoll li l-
g˙aqda hija miftu˙a g˙al dawk kollha li lesti
j˙addnu dawn iΩ-Ωew© prinçipji.

Il-President Grech ̇ abbar ukoll li dis-sena
tqassmu $17,000 lill-karita’ kemm f’Malta u
anke fl-Awstralja biex la˙qu t-total ta’ flus
mog˙tija globali g˙as-somma ta’ $396,289.
irringrazzja sinçerament lil dawk in-negozji
kollha li jg˙inu lil din l-g˙aqda biex ti©bor
il-flus g˙al karita. Dan il-ballu j©ib fit-tmiem
tieg˙u kampanja ta’ ©bir ta’ flus u ji©u
mtella’ g˙add kbir ta’ premjijiet fosthom
Ωewg vja©©i bl-ajru g˙all-Ewropa. PreΩenti
g˙al dan il-ballu kien hemm ukoll il-Konslu
Ìenerali g˙al Malta f’nSW Annamaria
Bonnici u l-onor. john aquilina MP u martu


Salesian Oratory Sliema
in Melbourne, Australia

The 16th November 2008 was a day to remember for us
the Past Pupils of Victoria. On that day we participated
in two significant events


november is that time of
the year when the Christian
Community remembers

its loved ones who passed away. So on 16th
november, the Maltese Past Pupils of Don
Bosco, Victoria, recalled their members,
families and friends with a Mass at the Maltese
Community Centre, celebrated by their
Chaplain Fr. Joe Pulis SDB. Present for the
occasion were Mr. Paul Debono, chairman of
“Atturi Salesjani” Malta and Mr. & Mrs. Victor
Grech, President of the Past Pupils of nSW.

In the liturgy, our Chaplain Fr. Joe spoke of the
work done by past members of the Association,
especially to help Salesian Missions. He urged
all present to follow their example. He also
added that “Prayers are a must during life and
it is good to receive as we wait to enter eternal

after Mass, and while refreshments were
served, the hall took a different surround,
as a big screen was displayed on which was
projected the musical “Jisimni Giovanni”. In this

By Joe Sacco

way our members participated in the joy of their
counterparts in the Sliema Oratory Centenary
Celebrations, by seeing this theatrical production
held at the oratory grounds earlier in june. our
thanks to Mr. Paul Debono who brought us this
dVd, and who also ran a commentary during
the projection explaining the different scenes.
For all members who are Past Pupils of the
“oratorju”, this was a refresher and a recall of
what they had learned in their younger days,
while for the other members it was information
about St. John Bosco and a lesson showing the
bond between us Past Pupils and our Patron

The afternoon came to an end with Paul Debono
reading a message by Rev. Fr. Paul Formosa SDB,
Provincial delegate for the Salesian Community
in Malta and rector of the oratorju in Sliema. on
behalf of Fr. Paul, Mr. Debono also presented a
medallion to our President, as a memorandum
of these Centenary Celebrations.

our thanks to our dedicated Committee for a
well organized afternoon.

Il-Ótie©a u l-Óolma
Il- komunità Salesjana ta’ Malta ilha ˙afna
tixtieq tifrex aktar l-appostolat g˙all-
benefiççju taΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ fil-gΩira tag˙na. U
l-˙arsa tag˙na kienet aktarx lejn in-nofsinhar
ta’ Malta fejn iktar tin˙ass il-˙tie©a ta’
servizzi soçjali. Waqt li ridna dejjem inkunu
Ωguri li dak li kellna f’idejna jibqa’ miexi ‘l
quddiem, Ωammejna g˙ajnejna miftu˙a

g˙al sfidi ©odda. L-ittra tar-Rettur Ma©©ur
tag˙na li biha sejja˙ il-Kapitlu Ìenerali 26,
fost affarijiet o˙ra titkellem fuq kif g˙andna
nkunu m˙ejjija na˙dmu fuq ‘fruntieri’ ©odda
u lesti li naffrontaw forom ©odda ta’ faqar
fost iΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙. Dan kollu nkora©©iena fil-
˙sieb tag˙na sabiex naraw kif inwettqu din
ir-realtà li kienet qieg˙da ssej˙ilna.

Din il-˙olma bdiet tie˙u sura meta l-
arçidjoçesi ta’ Malta, fuq rakkomandazzjoni
ta’ l-Arçipriet ta’ l-Isla, bdiet diskussjoni
mas-Salesjani ta’ dun Bosco dwar il-
possibiltà li huma jie˙du post il-Ìeswiti fl-
amministrazzjoni tal-Knisja tal-Madonna ta’
Porto Salvo u tal-kunvent ‘San Filippu’ ta’
mag˙ha. Ìew mitluba jΩommu f’mo˙˙hom
il-kura taΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ ta’ l-in˙awi. Il-Patrijiet
Ìeswiti kienu ilhom hemm mill-1958; g˙al
xi ra©unijiet ta’ tqassim ©did fix-xog˙lijiet
tag˙hom, huma ddeçidew li jirtiraw mill-

Xi Ftit ta’ Storja
Il-Knisja ewlenija kienet wa˙da çkejkna
mibnija madwar l-1596 u kienet mag˙rufa
b˙ala l-knisja ta’ Sidtna ta’ Porto Salvo. Billi
hija titfaçça fuq il-Port il-Kbir kienet punt
ta’ riferiment g˙all-ba˙˙âra ©ejjin lura lejn

ta’ Don Bosco fl-Isla

Fr. Victor Mangion


l-art wara jiem fuq il-ba˙ar. Ìiet imkabbra fl-
1653, u ftit snin wara, fil-1661, Ωew© qassisin
u Ωew© djakni talbu l-permess ta’ l-Isqof
sabiex jg˙ixu f’komunità fil-qrib tal-knisja.
Kienu ©ew imnebb˙a u m˙ajra mill-eΩempju
ta’ Stitut ©ewwa Ruma li kien mag˙ruf b˙ala
ta’ l-“Oratorjani ta’ San Filippu neri.’’ L-isqof
tahom il-permess kif ukoll biçça art li kienet
tappartjeni lill-istess knisja sabiex fuqha jibnu
dar fejn joqog˙du. Din saret mag˙rufa b˙ala
l-kunvent ta’ San Filippu.

l-Oratorjani bnew il-kunvent madwar il-knisja
kif ukoll kabbru l-knisja fl-1670. Imbag˙ad
fl-1781 din ©iet ikkonsagrata mill-isqof
Vincenzo Labini. Il-knisja hija mΩejna b’pitturi
mag˙rufa ta’ l-artisti Stefano u Alessio Erardi
u ta’ Pedro nunez li kien kavallier ta’ l-Ordni
ta’ San Ìwann u student ta’ Mattia Preti.
Hemm ukoll xi affreski ta’ lazzru Pisani u
Injazju Cortis. Fl-1837 dan il-bini serva ta’
sptar g˙al dawk li ntlaqtu bil-kolera.

Óti©ijiet Pastorali
L-Arçipriet ta’ l-Isla wera lis-Salesjani x’inhuma
l-˙ti©ijiet pastorali ta’ din iΩ-Ωona. Billi kemm
il-knisja parrokkjali Tal-Vitorja u dik ta’ San
Filippu qieg˙din fit-truf opposti tal-belt ta’
l-Isla, b’Ωew© telg˙at weqfin bejniethom,

ta’ Don Bosco fl-Isla

Il-Knisja tal-Madonna
ta’ Porto Salvo u d-Dar

San Filippu Neri li hemm
mag˙ha, isiru l-post fejn

komunità ©dida Salesjana
sejra tg˙ammar u ta˙dem

g˙al ©id spiritwali u soçjali
tan-nies ta’ l-in˙awi, l-aktar


kien importanti li nkomplu nag˙tu s-servizzi
litur©içi u pastorali fil-knisja ta’ San Filippu
biex jintla˙qu n-nies ta’ dawk l-in˙awi. Barra
minn dan, flimkien mal-Gvern u g˙aqdiet
o˙ra, sejrin nippruvaw ng˙inu lit-tfal u
Ωg˙aΩag˙ fl-istudji tag˙hom sabiex jit˙e©©u
jibnu stima tag˙hom infushom u jtejbu r-
rendiment fl-iskola. Ûjarat regolari fl-iskola
sejrin jimmiraw sabiex jitjiebu r-relazzjonijiet
ma’ g˙alliema u studenti, waqt li nibdew
nag˙rfu l-problemi familjari u nippruvaw
nil˙qu l-familji permezz ta’ l-ulied. Bi
˙siebna no˙olqu Çentru G˙aΩ-Ûg˙aΩag˙
Ωg˙ir fid-dar u naraw kif nanimaw gruppi
parrokkjali li di©à jeΩistu meta u jekk iriduna,
waqt li nag˙tu attenzjoni partikulari lit-tfal u

Ir-Rettur Ma©©ur tag˙na, Fr. Pascual Chávez,
approva din il-preΩenza ©dida Salesjana b˙ala
komunità indipendenti, u di©à n˙atar direttur
©did fil-persuna ta’ Fr. Victor Mangion SDB.


Tallâb isib il-fara© fl-a˙˙ar ta’ ˙ajtu

Ìrajjiet minn ˙ajjet Dun Karm Attard
SDB, kif jaf jirrakkonta hu stess –
©rajjiet li se˙˙ew fl-Indja fejn hu

˙adem g˙al 60 sena s˙a˙.

Akoli kien tallâb, g˙adma u ©ilda,
ikaxkar saqajh min-na˙a g˙all-o˙ra
tar-ra˙al. Óajtu tiddependi mill-ftit
li jiddobba ta’ kuljum. Óafna kienu
j˙arsu lejh bl-ikrah u jiskartawh g˙ax
jiddejqu jarawh mas-saqajn.

Ix-xitwa kienet l-akbar g˙adu
tieg˙u, g˙ax bla saqaf u l-kes˙a ma
jifla˙x g˙aliha. Kultant kien jerfa’
˙arstu ‘l fuq b˙allikieku qed jistenna
l-g˙ajnuna mis-sema, imma ma
jarax ˙lief ix-xemx dg˙ajfa wara s-
s˙ab. Spiss kien ja˙seb u jg˙id - min
jaf x’se jsir minni?

Imma darba tfaçça xi ˙add ie˙or
©ewwa r-ra˙al. Dan kien ra©el
barrani liebes libsa twila bajda. Fil-
bidu in-nies xejn ma ˙adet grazzja
mieg˙u, kul˙add kien i˙ares lejh
mill-bog˙od. Kienu t-tfal li, g˙ax
ma jafux jissusspettaw jew ja˙sbu
˙aΩin, bdew jersqu lejh. Allura dal-
missjunarju beda jda˙˙al idejh fil-
but u jqassmilhom il-˙elu. U dawk
aktar irossu madwaru. issa kien
imiss lill-kbar li jersqu u jag˙mlu
˙bieb. F’qasir Ωmien kul˙add sar jaf
li l-missjunarju kien wasal fosthom
sabiex jg˙inhom fil-mard u l-faqar
tag˙hom. Bis-sa˙˙a t’hekk dawk ir-
ra˙˙ala bdew jisimg˙u g˙all-ewwel


darba fuq Ìesù u l-im˙abba tieg˙u
g˙alina l-bnedmin. Huwa jridna
n˙obbu u ng˙inu l-proxxmu tag˙na
kollu. G˙alhekk fi ftit jiem, anke l-qalb
u l-im©ieba tag˙hom lejn it-tallâb
Akoli bdiet tinbidel.

La˙qu g˙addew xi xhur mill-mi©ja
tal-missjunarju. l-imsejken akoli,
mg˙obbi bit-tnejn u sebg˙in sena
tieg˙u, u g˙al kollox wa˙du, b˙al
dejjem kien qieg˙ed i˙abbat fuq bieb
ta’ dar sabiex forsi jdabbar xi ˙a©a.
“Ejja …Id˙ol ©ewwa,’’ qaltlu l-mara li
©iet tifta˙. “Ejja ˙u tazza tè mag˙na.”

Kien ilu Ωmien ma jara daqshekk
im˙abba jew min jag˙ti kasu bis-
serjetà. Is-soltu huwa kien ikun
milqug˙ bil-herra jew mog˙ti xi ˙a©a
b’nofs qalb. Mad-dlam jirtira x’imkien
imwarrab, jitg˙atta b’kowt qadim jew
biçça kartuna. Issa x-xitwa re©g˙et
waslet u akoli kien ukoll marad.

Bil-qieg˙da fid-dar ta’ dik it-twajba
mara, Akoli, b’idejh jirtog˙du beda
jiekol ftit ross imsajjar sew u belg˙a
tè s˙una li ˙asshom i©ibuh f’tieg˙u
u jag˙tuh is-sa˙˙a. “ Grazzi’’, qallha.
“Grazzi g˙al elf darba. Issa jkolli
“Fejn sejjer ? G˙andek xi post jew lil xi
˙add li jilqg˙ek?’’
“Iva,’’ wie©eb Akoli. “Fil-bosk
qrib iç-çimiterju…ng˙addi l-lejl
“U le, ma tarax!…Ma jistax ikun li int

tibqa’ tg˙addi ˙ajtek hekk,’’ kompliet
dik. “Int issa kbirt u Ωgur tmut bil-kes˙a.
Id-dar tieg˙i hija fqira, imma a˙na nsibu
rokna g˙alik ukoll.’’
Fl-a˙˙ar kien tassew sab lil min jilqg˙u
g˙andu kif dejjem xtaq. Ir-ra©el u t-tfal
ta’ dik il-mara ˙anina bdew jie˙du kura
tieg˙u lejl u nhar. IΩda m’g˙addilhomx
minn mo˙˙hom li l-©ranet ta’ dak
l-imsejken kienu mag˙duda. Il-
missjunarju fera˙ b’dik il-familja li kienet
tat eΩempju hekk qawwi lir-ra˙al kollu.
G˙odwa wa˙da, billi sama’ li Akoli
kien ˙aΩin, g˙adda jarah sabiex iferr˙u
u jg˙inu jag˙mel paçi m’Alla. Akoli,
agunija, xewqa wa˙da biss kellu, dik
li jakkwista ftit mel˙ biex i˙allas lil dik
il-mara ta’ qalb tajba u ©eneruΩa. Ftit
sig˙at wara miet.

Il-mewt tieg˙u Ωiedet turi kemm huwa
kellu ˙bieb sinçiera fost in-nies sempliçi
u foqra. Wie˙ed ra©˙el g˙amillu t-tebut
mill-injam li ©ablu ˙addie˙or. Grupp ta’
nies in©abru jitolbu madwar il-katavru l-
lejl kollu. It-tfal qag˙du kwieti jg˙idu r-
ruΩarju… O˙rajn sawru girlandi tal-fjuri
g˙al fuq qabru. U dawk li ma baqg˙ux
idawru wiççhom minnu n©abru u mxew
warajh sal-qabar fil-bosk.

Qabel ma l-missjunarju rifes fir-
ra˙al, in-nies kienu jsibuha bi tqila
biex jg˙inu lill-proxxmu fil-bΩonn.
Imma issa tg˙allmu li hu xieraq u
sewwa li jkollhom ˙afna mog˙drija
u rispett lejn min hu ifqar minnhom.


dun Bosco kien saçerdot tassew fidil tal-
Knisja u fl-istess ˙in bniedem mimli bl-
im˙abba g˙al art twelidu. IΩda ta’ bniedem
ta’ Alla li kien, kien iqis lill-Papa l-akbar
awtorita’ fuq kull setg˙a o˙ra. Kien jg˙id li
kull xewqa tal-Papa kienet g˙alih kmand.
Dan l-atte©©jament kien frott ta’ l-im˙abba
kbira li Dun Bosco kellu lejn il-knisja u lejn
G˙alih dan kien il-qofol ta’ ˙ajja nisranija
kif g˙andha tkun. Dun Bosco waqqaf il-
Kongregazzjoni Salesjana matul il-pontifikat
ta’ Piju IX. G˙alhekk barra mill-fedeltà kbira
lejn il-Papa b˙ala vigarju ta’ Kristu u Rag˙aj
tal-Knisja Dun Bosco kien tassew i˙obb lil
dan il-Papa kbir, u min-na˙a tieg˙u Piju IX
kien tassew g˙alih missier twajjeb.
nistg˙u ng˙idu li Piju IX, illum beatu,
flimkien ma’ mamma Margherita, omm dun
Bosco, u San ÌuΩepp Cafasso, kienu tlieta li
Alla nqeda bihom biex Dun Bosco jirnexxilu
jag˙mel dak kollu li Alla ried minnu ma’ tul
˙ajtu. Omm Dun Bosco kienet dik li sa minn
çkunitu nisslet f’qalbu sentiment ta’ tjieba li
‘l quddiem kienu l-baΩi tal-missjoni tieg˙u.
Dun Cafasso kien id-direttur spiritwali tieg˙u
fiΩ-Ωmien meta Dun Bosco, saçerdot novell,
kien g˙adu jfittex x’kienet ir-rieda t’Alla
g˙all-missjoni tieg˙u. Piju IX, ta’ missier
twajjeb li kien, inteba˙ x’kienet ir-rieda t’Alla
g˙al Dun Bosco, u bl-awtorità tieg˙u ta’
Papa g˙enu biex ikompli miexi fit-triq li kien
qabad u g˙enu jirba˙ kull tfixkil biex fi Ωmien
qasir jirnexxilu jwaqqaf il-kongregazzjoni

Laqg˙at u Dokumenti
ta’ Piju IX

Dun Bosco kien jaf kemm il-Papa Piju IX kellu
jbati min˙abba s-sitwazzjoni tal-Knisja f’dak
iΩ-Ωmien u kien jaf ukoll kemm il-Papa kellu
g˙al qalbu l-Opra Salesjana. G˙alhekk ma
setax ma jkollux im˙abba kbira lejn dan il-
Papa. Min-na˙a tieg˙u Piju IX kien tassew
i˙obb lil Dun Bosco li mar Ruma g˙oxrin
darba, 15 minnhom kienu biex ikollu
udjenza mall-Papa. L-ewwel darba kienet fir-
rebbieg˙a ta’ l-1858, meta rnexxilu jiltaqa’
mall-Papa tlett darbiet. Piju IX issa˙˙ar g˙al
warajh u minn dak il-˙in stess sar ˙abib kbir
tieg˙u u matul 30 sena Piju IX kien protettur
bla waqfien tal-opra tieg˙u.
Ma nistg˙ux insemmu kull ma g˙adda bejn
Piju u Dun Bosco; ng˙idu biss xi ̇ a©a Ωg˙ira.
Fl-Arkivju Salesjan hemm 12-il ittra ta’ Piju IX
lil Dun Bosco li g˙alkemm huma dokumenti
speçjali tal-Papa, iΩda g˙andhom xejra ta’
missier qieg˙ed jikteb lil ibnu l-g˙aΩiΩ. Fis-
7 ta’ Jannar fis-sena 1860 bi twe©iba g˙all-
ittra li Dun Bosco kiteb f’ismu u f’isem uliedu
s-Salesjani, il-Papa wie©eb, g˙alkemm bil-

u l-Papa PIJU IX

Piju IX jg˙ati ir-regola salesjana lil Dun
Bosco. “Quadro del Crida” li jisab fit-
Tempju ta’ Dun Bosco, fis-sagristija.


latin, imma b˙al wie˙ed li qieg˙ed jifta˙
qalbu ma’ l-akbar ˙abib tieg˙u, u jag˙laq
bil-kliem: “Taqtax qalbek jekk ikollok tbati
u ilqa’ bil-kura©© kollu it-tbatija ta’ dan
iΩ-Ωmien. It-tama tag˙na hija f’Alla u bl-
interçessjoni ta’ Marija Xebba bla tebg˙a u
Sultana tad-dinja, hi te˙lisna minn dan il-
˙aΩen ta’ Ωmienna.’’ (cf ASC 126.2)
L-a˙˙ar ‘Ittra uffiçjali’ ©©ib id-data 17
ta’ novembru 1875. Il-Papa kien laqg˙a
uffiçjalment l-ewwel Missjunarji Salesjani ftit
qabel ma telqu lejn l-Amerka. F’din l-ittra
il-Papa qal: ‘B’qalb ta’ missier g˙annaqt il-
Missjunarji li int bg˙attli. Meta rajthom u
smajthom jitkellmu kibret fija it-tama, li di©a’
kelli, li x-xog˙ol tag˙hom f’dawn il-pajjiΩi
mbieg˙da, fejn huma sejrin se jag˙mel frott
kotran u ta’ ©id g˙al ˙afna nsara.’
Din it-tjieba tal-kbir Papa Piju IX kienet
ta’ fara© kbir g˙al Dun Bosco fil-˙afna
diffikultajiet li kien g˙addej minnhom.

B’tifkira tal-benefattur kbir tieg˙u Piju IX,
Dun Bosco bena l-knisja ta’ San Ìwann
Evan©elista qrib l-Istazzjon Çentrali ta’ Porta
nuova. (Ìwanni Evan©elista kien l-isem

ta’ Piju IX qabel ma sar Papa.) Din il-knisja
kellha tkun monument dejjiemi ta’ radd-il-
˙ajr lill-kbir Papa Piju IX. G˙al dan il-g˙an
Dun Bosco qieg˙ed statwa kbira ta’ Piju IX
qrib il-bieb il-kbir tal-knisja. Din l-istatwa
tqieg˙det fuq il-pedestall fil-25 t’April tas-
sena 1882. Ftit jiem qabel, fil-11 t’April,
l-arçisqof Mons. Celestino Fissore kien
ikkonsagra knisja o˙ra, dik ta’ San Secondo,
li kienet fin-na˙a l-o˙ra ta’ l-istazzjon tal-
ferrovija. din il-funzjoni tal-konsagrazzjoni
©emg˙a ta’ nies mill-ag˙ar, imxewxin u
m˙allsin mill-maΩunerija in©abret fil-pjazza
ta’ quddiem il-knisja u qajmu rvell s˙i˙ u
waqt tg˙ajjir kontra l-Papa tefg˙u minn
kollox fuq il-bust tal-Papa. Biex ma jinqalax
aktar inkwiet, ftit jiem wara, l-bust tal-Papa
tne˙˙a mill-faççata ta’ San Secondo. Kienu
il-25 t’April meta xi ̇ addiema da˙lu g˙al din
il-biçça xog˙ol. IΩda bilkemm kienu spiççaw
ix-xog˙ol tag˙hom meta jasal karrettun kbir
mill-istazzjon tal-ferrovija, b’kaxxa kbira bl-
istatwa ta’ Piju IX g˙all-knisja ta’ San Ìwann
Evan©elista. Is-Salesjan Bro. Giuseppe
Buzzetti beda jfittex xi ˙addiema biex iniΩΩlu
din il-kaxxa minn fuq il-karrettun u jqieg˙du
l-istatwa fuq il-pedestall ©ewwa l-knisja.
Jilma˙ il-˙addiema li kienu g˙adhom kemm
spiççaw i˙ottu il-bust ta’ Piju IX. Fer˙ana li
se jaqilg˙u xi sold da˙lu g˙ax-xog˙ol bil-
qalb kollha. U fi ftit ˙in dawk l-istess idejn
li ftit qabel kienu Ωarmaw il-bust tal-Papa,
issa qieg˙du statwa kbira ta’ l-istess Papa
fuq pedestal fi knisja o˙ra! X’kumbinazzjoni!
(MB. 15, 374.)

Piju IX kien il-Papa li l-Providenza bag˙tet lil
Dun Bosco sa mill-bidu tax-xog˙ol tieg˙u
fost it-tfal u Ω-Ωg˙aΩag˙ fqar u Don Bosco
kien tassew dak il-missier ˙anin, li l-Papa
Gwanni Pawlu II sejja˙: “Missier u g˙alliem


150th anniversary of the
foundation of the Salesian
Congregation. The Salesian Family
yesterday and today: the seed
has become a tree and the tree a

Two events coming together
There are two events that explain the choice of
the topic for the Strenna for 2009: the 150th
anniversary of the founding of the Salesian
Congregation and the preparation for the
bicentenary of the birth of Don Bosco (1815-
2015). With the remembrance of the 150th
anniversary of the Salesian Congregation
we are beginning the preparation for the
bicentenary of the birth of Don Bosco. This
celebration will mean renewed fidelity to
Don Bosco, to his spirituality, to his mission;
it will be a “Salesian” Holy Year.”

The Salesian Family yesterday
The 150th anniversary of the Salesian
Congregation is an occasion to reflect on
Don Bosco’s original idea about the “Salesian
movement,” with the foundation of the first
groups: the Salesians of Don Bosco, the
Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, the
Salesians-Cooperators and the Association
of the Clients of Mary Help of Christians.
Taking as my starting point the parable used
by Jesus to explain the dynamism/vitality of
the Kingdom of God, i dare to say that the
seed planted by Don Bosco has grown so as
to become a strong tree rich in foliage.

Suggestions for making
something practical of the
Some steps to be taken so that the Salesian
Family may become a vast movement at the
service of the salvation of the young.
• Collaborating together in the

formation and in the further
study of the charismatic
mentality of the Salesian

For this we need to make the effort: *To
make the Common Identity Card and
the Common Mission Statement the
subject of study and further reflection on
the part of each group in the Salesian
Family. *To share the conclusions of
this study in the local and province

Strenna 2009


The kingdom of heaven is like
a mustard seed which a man
took and sowed in his field.

It is the smallest of all the
seeds but when it has grown
it is the biggest shrub of all
and becomes a tree so that

the birds of the air come and
shelter in its branches

(Mt 13, 31-32)


“Consultative Committees” of the
Salesian Family

Promoting a shared

The various groups of the SF
present in a given area, to study
together today’s youth situation,
especially as regards the great
challenges of life, of poverty
in its various expressions, of
evangelisation, of peace, of
human rights.

• an instrument of
communion: the local
and province consultative
committee of the Salesian

Giving more weight to the
local and province Consultative
Committee of the Salesian Family,
trying to find the best way for it
to work so that it is above all an
effective instrument: *to reflect
together on the challenges of the
mission in their own area; *to find
simple and well structured ways
of collaborating in educational and
evangelising projects especially at
the service of the young.

• Some opportunities for
collaboration and net-
working to be promoted
and developed

* The animation of the Salesian
Youth Movement; *The
animation and the promotion
among the young and among
adults of Salesian social and
missionary Voluntary service;
*The promotion of priestly,
religious and lay vocations in
the Church and in particular in
the Salesian Family.

Fr. Pascual Chavez

“X’jismek, ˙abib?”
“X’jisimni?... X’jimpurtak?... Int min int?”
“Jien jisimni Dun Ìwann Bosco. Jien qassis li
n˙obb it-tfal u Ω-Ωg˙aΩag˙. Fta˙tilhom dar
apposta. Inlaqqag˙hom kull nhar ta’ Óadd,
u nag˙tihom jilg˙abu. nipprova ng˙inhom
ukoll fejn nista’: daqqa nsibilhom xog˙ol u

“imma int lili ma tafnix!...” don Bosco
jinteba˙ li s-sil© di©a beda jinkiser!
“Imbilli?... nistax ng˙inek f’xi ˙a©a?...
G˙idli x’jismek u nsiru ˙bieb malajr!” It-tifel
suspettuΩ qallu ismu. “Tajjeb”, wie©bu Don
Bosco. nhar il-Óadd ejja l-Oratorju, u tara
kemm tie˙u gost. Óa g˙alissa: mur ixtri xi
˙a©a x’tiekol”. U newwillu munita f’idu.
IΩ-Ωag˙Ωug˙ baqa’ mistag˙©eb i˙ares lejn dik
il-munita. “nhar il-Óadd ni©i, Dun. U tg˙idx
li jien ra©el jekk ma taranix hemm!”...

Dan kien is-sigriet ta’ Don Bosco:
kellu ˙abta jikser is-sil©!
nafu tajjeb li Ω-Ωg˙aΩug˙ wara l-ewwel
esperjenzi ta’ “waqg˙at”, jiΩviluppa fih
innifsu tendenza qawwija biex jing˙alaq,
b˙al arzella malli jmissha xi ˙add. Is-sens
ta’ çertu mist˙ija naturali ©©eg˙lu jfittex
dik li bl-IngliΩ tissejja˙ ‘privacy’. U iktar ma
jkollu fih kuxjenza ˙ajja u delikata, iktar
is-sens tal-˙tija j©eg˙lu jkun ©eluΩ g˙al
dik li hu j˙oss li hi “affari tieg˙u”. JibΩa u
jissuspetta lil kull min jipprova “jinda˙allu”,
inkluΩi l-©enituri, l-g˙alliem, il-qassisin...

is-sigriet ta’ l-edukatur jikkonsisti filli
jag˙raf “jikser is-sil©”. Bl-im˙abba tassew,
bi ˙lewwa delikata, u b’sinjali çari ta’
˙biberija li ma jkollhiex interess ie˙or ˙lief
il-©id taΩ-Ωag˙Ωug˙, l-edukatur jirnexxilu
jikseb il-kunfidenza.
IΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙, fis-solitudni suspettuΩa
tag˙hom, g˙andhom g˙atx kbir ta’
˙biberija. Jekk jg˙arfuk b˙ala ̇ abib, kapaçi
jift˙u mieg˙ek qalbhom kollha.”Irb˙u l-
qlub taΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ bl-im˙abba”, kien iwissi
Don Bosco. “G˙allmuhom i˙obbukhom,
jekk triduhom imbag˙ad jobdukom”.

Minn Passi Zghar Wara Mghallem Kbir
Ta’ Dun Philip Grech SDB.

Nitg˙allmu niksru s-sil©
Fi triq imwarrba ta’ Torin, Don Bosco jilma˙ ©uvnott. Il-pizz

tal-beritta la ©enba, qalziet kollu rqajja’, idejh fil-bwiet,
spallejh po©©uti ma’ ˙ajt, i˙ares lejn in-nies g˙addejja. Don

Bosco mar fuqu.


Sena ta’ Grazzja

Newspaper Post
Please return to: Óajja Salesjana - St. Patrick’s School – Sliema SLM1925 – MALTA.

Is-seNa PawlINa
Fuq il-kliem ta’ San Pawl lill-Korintin, “ L-
Im˙abba taf tistabar u t˙enn, … kollox
tag˙der, kollox temmen, kollox tittama, kollox
tissaporti. L-im˙abba ma tintemm qatt,’’ Don
Bosco jsejjes s-sistema edukattiv u formattiv
tieg˙u g˙aΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙.

GrazzJa lIlNa u lIll-OÓraJN
Ir-Rettur Ma©©ur jag˙tina linja gwida g˙al
matul dis-sena. Hija l-Istrenna li t˙e©©i©na fil-
˙idma tag˙na u fl-ispirtu Salesjan: Nimpenjaw
ru˙na sabiex nag˙mlu mill-Familja Salesjana
moviment vast ta’ nies impenjati g˙as-
salvazzjoni taΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙.

Il-150 seNa tal-KONGreGazzJONI salesJaNa
Nhar il-Óadd,18 ta’ Diçembru 1859, Dun Bosco
jistieden 18 minn dawk li kienu ja˙dmu mieg˙u

sabiex jing˙aqdu uffiçjalment f’Soçjetà li tissejja˙ ta’
San Frangisk ta’ Sales (Salesjani). Mill-ewwel huma

jiffurmaw Kapitlu sabiex jiggverna u Dun Bosco huwa
l-ewwel Superjur Ma©©ur.