ZMB Salesian Newslink Year 2 No. 7

Year 2 No. 7 Jul - Aug - Sept 2008





Rome - Italy

Scaffolding: Leadership Seminar

Formation Communities

Church Construction

The last Stage

Letters from our Confreres

Beyond the Silver Jubilee

Editorial 3
Words of the Provincial 4
A Busy Weekend: Kabwe Community 5
A Community Trip: Bauleni Community 7
Key to Happiness 8
Thinking Zone 10
Salesian Family: A Family Celebration 12
ZMB II General Assembly 13
Wanted! 15
Letters to the Editor 16
Lufubu Project: Final Stage 18
World Youth Day: ZMB Delegation 19
ZMB Photo 20

Year 2/Nº7 Jul - Aug - Sept 2008
Director: Fr Joseph Czerwinski
Editor: Fr Javier Barrientos
Redaction Board:
Fr Joseph Czerwinski, Fr Bruno
Graphic Design: Fr Javier Barrientos
Photos: Fr Leszek Aksamit, Br Walter Thyrniang,
Fr Antonio Barrientos, Fr George Szurgot.

Year of the XXVI General Chapter






One of the most remarkable feasts of these past months has recently witnessed a big event in the life of the province, namely undoubtedly been the ‘Solemnity of Mary Help of the ‘II General Assembly of Confreres’: a time of crisis and Christians’. This Marian feast is essential to the Salesian growth. Although this gathering is not mandatory in the
Spirituality; it’s Don Bosco’s legacy and a tender family tradition. Congregation, nevertheless in our vice-province this is the second
The presence of Virgin Mary under the invocation of Help of time we come together to share our lives and our vision in
Christians is fundamental to the Salesian Charisma. Don Bosco fulfilling Don Bosco’s mission among the young.
used to say ‘every one who comes to the Salesian house is certainly
brought by the hand of the Virgin Mary’. In the month of May The meeting as such has been a good occasion to vent some issues
ZMB there have been in the vice-province different ways to that are deep in the heart. The theme was quite interesting and
celebrate the feast of Mary. In some communities the novena to challenging at the same time. People have acted with some degree
Mary help of Christians has been highlighted by the presence of of maturity although here too there is room for improvement, but
prominent preachers, who were able to draw their congregations all in all, it is clear that the young vice-province of Mary Help of
closer to the Blessed Virgin Mary. At the community level there Christians (ZMB) is alive and moving on. In life there are though
have been also some smaller celebrations which aimed at stressing times as well as moments of solace, but what really matters is what
the importance of such family feast. we make out of it.

In the oratory of Valdocco in the times of Don Bosco, the devotion Let us remember that what unites us is the mission. The time when
to the Blessed Virgin Mary shifted from the invocation of Mary we lose sight of it, this is the time when we look at what makes us
under the title of ‘the Immaculate Conception’ whose feast is different and eventually division creeps in.
celebrated on the 8 December, to the feast of Mary under the title of Therefore, let’s speak our hearts, ‘yes’, but not forgetting that ‘we
Help of Christians. However, Don Bosco himself wasn’t all that share the common vision’ too. If we are aware of this, then surely
happy with this shift. From his childhood and following his we are the agents of the new beginnings for the province and the
mother’s teaching he always had special love for the devotion to Congregation at large. Of our efforts today in building up ‘unity’
the Blessed Virgin Mary but not under the invocation of the Help of despite our ‘diversity’ will depend the welfare of the youth today
Christians. He always kept the feast of the Immaculate Conception as well as the continuation of Don Bosco’s dream for the Salesians
as special feast. In fact, the oratory of St Francis de Sales according in Africa and in the whole world.
to him started on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception on 8
December 1841, with the little and devoted ‘Hail Mary’ he said in In Don Bosco,
company of Michel Magone. But as the times went rough, Don
Bosco was shown in dreams a way forward and the need for the Fr Javier Antonio
devotion to Mary under the title Help of Christians. And from then
on, the devotion took roots in the oratory and spread worldwide.

Back to our reality, I think that there is still a lot of room for
improvement in order to propagate the devotion to the Blessed
Virgin Mary under the title of ‘Mary Help of Christians’. Most
people in our parishes and youth centres do not have at heart this
Salesian devotion. It was sad to witness that a group of youngsters
from one of our parishes who were given the choice of attending a
cultural deanery programme and the feast of Mary Help of
Christians at the parish level, they made the quick decision to leave
out the mass on the 24 May in order to join the deanery youth
programme. This is simply a sample of what our youngsters have
at heart. There is not much to say but only to take up the challenge
and work out ways to have the Virgin Mary Help of Christians
deeply rooted in the hearts of our youngsters, who are very much in
need of a Mother. And without mistake we can say with the words
of don Egidio Vigano, VII SUCCESSOR OF DON BOSCO, Let Mary
Help of Christians come back home!

Together with the feast of Mary Help of Christians, we have also


The New

Words of the Provincial


Fr Joseph Czerwinski.sdb

By Fr Javier Barrientos.SDB

A Busy Weekend...!

The New Temple at St Mary’s Parish - Kabwe (ZAMBIA)

In the Christian tradition, the building ways, from making the building blocks to trip of 130km). A slightly new difficulty of temples has been, is and will be a digging the foundations for the new temple. came up, the pillars for the new church were never ending enterprise. All over the After Fr Joseph’s death Fr Andrew has eight metres long and the longest of trucks
world, temples both old and new are made taken full responsibility of the continuation available were only six metres long.
of stone, concrete, limestone, marble, mud of the construction of this temple. It has Anyway, the puzzle was left this time to the
bricks, glass, wood and any other thinkable been a complex situation since some things discretion of the company Saxon Steel that
material; and its main but not lone purpose had gone off track. For instance, the was given the job of manufacturing of the
is to congregate the faithful for the foundations of the new church which were steel structure of the new church.
celebration of the liturgy. done while Fr Joseph was alive eventually From this moment things went a bit
Here in Africa and more specifically in our did not fully match the drawings of the smoothly, safe for some delays in bringing

temple and thus the steel structure could not the material from Lusaka on the part of the
be brought to Kabwe. There was a need for contractor from Saxon Steel. To our great
correction of the foundations of the new surprise and luck some of the youngsters
temple. Some solutions came as proposals from St Mary’s were hired to do the job
given by the experts in the matter. The most under the supervision of Saxon Steel; one
reasonable solution to the problem was to among them, a former pupil of Don Bosco
destroy the existing foundations and make Tech in Chingola, Mr Collins Mubanga.
new ones; however this proposal was a bit The second phase began in September last
too expensive and moreover, the work was year and slowly continued through the
quite a daring project since the foundations rainy season which definitely slowed down
are solid concrete. A second solution to the the works.
problem was: drilling the foundations in On the 14th May 2008 Fr Andrew left for
order to correct the bolts in which the steel holidays and thus I was entrusted with the
structure would rest and be secured. Here a continuation of the works of the building of
new problem arouse, the only possible way the temple during his absence. At the
was to drill it dry, else it could weaken the beginning, I thought to myself, “not a big
foundations in a critical way, and therefore deal”, supervising the works from time to
the drilling had to be done with diamond time, some little shopping (paint, brushes,
bits, which are quite expensive and found in thinner, etc): “piece of cake”. But the real
South Africa only. thing came on Friday 13, June 2008. Many
A third solution was offered: to correct the people believe that Friday 13 is a day of
foundations by chipping off the existing total bad luck. “I disagree”! I believe it’s

ZMB vice province there is also a stable foundations in order to extend the position just a matter of reading facts in different
tradition of building of temples. In most of of the bolts and correct them in such a way way.
our missions, the construction of chapels, that they would finally match the drawings For the last three weeks before Friday 13, I
temples and shrines are part of our history. and thus secure the positioning of the pillars had been phoning some people at Sable
At this particular moment in time, there are and the whole structure. Let us remember Zink, a mining company of Kabwe. The
two major constructions going on in the that the structure is an octagon; there are no deal was to utilise the crane they hired for
vice-province: the temple dedicated to internal pillars to support the roof, but only the plant in order to save running costs such
Mary Help of Christians in Lilongwe at a two-tons steel ring that hangs nine metres as transport that is added to the working
Don Bosco Parish and the temple dedicated above the ground. hours of the crane. Week after week, there
also to Mary Help of Christians in Kabwe, After many deliberations a decision was was not a single hope to get the crane at all.
at St Mary’s Parish; certainly there are taken: to implement the third solution. The In the meantime, the tower of the church
many more but these two are the ones that work began and in a bit
come to my mind. m o r e
Last weekend I’ve witnessed how than two
interesting is the whole process of building w e e k s
temples. Until now I haven’t been much the work
involved in the whole matter since there w a s
were other commitments that had the done and
priority, but due to some circumstances I i t w a s
had to get involved in the matter, and this is time to
my story… bring the
The temple being built in Kabwe (Zambia) s t e e l
started some years back and had the late Fr structure
Joseph Ojczyk as its main promoter. Fr f r o m
Joseph started this big project by getting the Lusaka (a
Christian community involved in various

Kabwe Community


was being built at the site; a nine-metre the job was to be done: the welding of
cone shaped tower was being built the cross. It is good to know that it had
following the drawings of the church. From been easier to weld it on the ground
Lusaka the cross that would crown the but due to some technical problems,
tower was also brought, but in the and especially due to the delay in
meantime no sign of the crane. bringing the material (Saxon Steels’
On Thursday 12 June, I received a phone doing) the tower was not fully
call from one of the owner of the mining completed at the time the crane
company in Kabwe, Sable Zink, Mr Allan, arrived, but to lift the tower at this
he just informed that the crane had arrived particular moment was the only way
at the plant and that I had to agree with the to save some money by using the
driver and the company owners of the crane services of the crane hired by Sable

Saturday was for the job that we needed to do with the Zink.
of no use. In the crane. The boys led by Collins started the
evening I contacted Mr Allan from Sable After a while and after some crucial phone preparation of the final touch: welding the
Zink and he gently agreed upon letting us calls, we reach a deal and the crane was cross at twenty metres from the ground!
use the crane the following day; of course ready to come. The work had to be done on Helped by ropes, the boys lifted the old and
after they have completed the work at the Friday 13. The youngsters of St Mary, ragged welding machine to a height of eight
plant, namely sometime on Sunday members of the Salesian Youth Movement metres, because the cables were too short to
afternoon. Nevertheless, Mr Allen told me – Kabwe, hired workers of Saxon Steel reach the top of the tower and weld the
to have the phone ready for him to inform were ready to do the job. The agreement cross. Once the welding machine reached
me of the progress at the plant.was to have the crane at the site at 2,30pm the expected height, things were just going
It was all planned for Sunday afternoon on Friday 13, June 2008, and it would on in the right direction when the events of
when suddenly I got a phone call (just remain there for about two hours until the Friday 13 had to come to the fore, namely a
during the thanksgiving song). It continued job is done. general black out, complete power failure
ringing and vibrating in my pocket, when The crane arrived in time and the works or whatever it might be called when the
eventually I had to hide behind the altar at began, they asked to remove some of the electricity goes!!! This time the bad guys of
Don Bosco Centre – Makululu (Kabwe) beams of the steel structure in order to allow the movie were the ZESCO Company who
and answer the call. It was Mr Allen. He told the crane to lift the nine-metre tower to a through the load share cut the only way the
me that the crane was ready and free but height of fifteen meters above the ground. work could continue. Without electricity
only for two or three hours, so there was no Unfortunately the crane was an old type, there was nothing we could do. I, then, call
time to waste. I hastily communicated with and it had an extension which had to be the work off and pay for the crane, hoping
the boys at the construction site; they mounted in order to reach the twenty-four the work would be finished the following
immediately mobilised everything that was meters needed and eventually do the job. day, Saturday providing that electricity was
needed for the work. Thank God, the The boys rushed to remove some of the available.
electricity this time was continuous! But a beams from the steel structure, and with the The following day, Saturday 14, although
little hinder was found: the only source of help of the crane it was removed and there was electricity in town, the crane was
electricity of high power amp was locked. lowered to the ground: the job took over an not available. Sable Zink needed it at the
Therefore the only solution after failed hour. Next was to find a proper location for plant because a second crane coming from
phone calls to the keeper of the church key the crane to lift the tower and make sure it Ndola had just communicated its imminent
was, either to grind the burglar bars of the reaches the top of the church. The job was arrival in Kabwe. We were told to stay put,
office or the mortise lock of the door. The quite simple: the crane lifted the tower waiting for the cranes to finish their job at
most reasonable option was to grind the while the workers waited on top of the the plant and come to complete the job at the
lock. And so it was. In less than a minute the structure to help the tower to be positioned church at any time. We waited the whole
door was wide open, and they connected the in the right place; finally the crane lowered day, and in addition to our bad luck, there
cables of the welding machine. In the it to the plates where it had to be welded and was an accident between Ndola and Kabwe.

later on secured with bolts. That accident eventually delayed the
On reaching the top of the structure, the second crane. We lost one day, the whole
crane lowered the tower and after some
adjustments on every angle the tower rested
on the plates, nine meters above the ground.
By now the height of the new church
reached twenty four meters, just nine
metres less than the nearby Celtel tower.
It was about 5,30pm when the last part of

Continues on page 12...!

A Community Trip
By Bro Alexio Mesi.sdb

By the Lake Kariba,
there we sat and reclined.
Then the onlookers asked us
to sing one of Don Bosco’s songs
then we said, ‘how can we sing
one of Don Boscos’s song
in a foreign land’.
Then we said, ‘this is one of Don
Bosco’s songs:
All hail to you Don Bosco...’


Zimbabwe, is the
little paradise of
Zambia. It has
forested valleys;
the small town of
Kariba is spread
out along the steep
lake shore, along
the s teep lake
shore across a hill
(Kariba Heights)
facing the lake working in man. Everyone was speechless;
with lovely views of the lake through the indeed beauty took us into the hollow of its
trees. It's all amazing to see! heart. We spent sometime and later left for

he tour to Kariba was fascinating, On top of one these hills not far from the the Crocodile Farm, few kilometres from
educative and also reflective. It was town, stands the Parish Church of St the border. The farm is one of the largest
organised by the Rector Fr Bruno Matthews Kalemba where we had a vibrant crocodile farm in Africa where thousands

and the community at large for the Pre- mass that was presided over by Fr Bruno. of crocodiles are kept for meat and skin
novices. Seeing Lusaka only does not After mass we had refreshments to production. Our guide was friendly, and
explain the beauty of the Real Africa compensate the lost energy. From the able to answer question without hesitation.
(ZAMBIA) unless you go beyond you parish to Kariba dam is approximately The farm is located few metres from
cannot see one the wonders that the country 7km.When we reached the border, we were eastern part of lake Kariba. This is clear that
Zambia holds. On Easter Monday early in allowed to cross and view the bridge and it is a suitable location for the farm. From
the morning we tried to go but t h e the farm we went to ' Lake View Lodge',
unfortunately we failed due to the tire where we had the liturgy of the stomach. Of
puncture which we encountered. Instead course by the lake Kariba we sat and ate.
we spent the rest of the day at Munda On the way back we stopped at Kafue
Wanga Sanctuary, wildlife and botanical Gorge and witnessed another wonder of
gardens where nature gives an obligation to Zambia which if we are to explain
be reflected. It is really beautiful with countless books can be written.
plenty of people visiting the place. Frs We thank God for the gift of our Formators,
Eustace, Bruno and Br Alexio kept the Pre- friends and all those who are making the
novices happy with their interesting jokes. Pre-noviciate a lovely dwelling place
Since when two or more wits meet sparks flowing with milk and honey.

Nevertheless, life had to go on and plans for

Electricity Power Engines where Zambia
the second attempt were growing like the

and Zimbabwe find an economic
mustard seed. Finally, it was scheduled that

consolation. The road that joins the border
on Monday, 21st April, 2008: this was the

to the dam is nicely fenced probably to keep
official day to go to Kariba. The minibus

away the baboons that one could easily see
was thoroughly dressed with new shoes.

from the car. It is true that in Siavonga
Yes, I mean tyres, for once beaten shy.

nothing else welcomes you except the
Brother Stephen moved heaven and earth

beautiful and melodious sounds of birds,
preparing the necessary items specifically

the green vegetation and the sound of the
those for the liturgy of the stomach.

mighty waters that re-echo across the hills.
It was like a miracle in our eyes when

With the sense of pride and without any
finally the dream was fulfilled. We couldn't

reservation or restriction we left on the
believe our eyes. The minds would not

planed day at 05:00AM.It took us about 3
differentiate whether our bodies were in

hours to reach Kariba -on the way we sang
paradise or beyond it. We saw the things

songs especially the famous Spanish song
that no eye has seen and no mouth has

'DELLA SIERRA........' Don Bosco songs
spoken of. Kariba dam and the magnificent

and many Marian hymns.
Kariba Bridge are two great works that can

Upon reaching Siavonga you are
be considered a masterpiece of

welcomed by a beautiful sign post that
engineering. Thanks to the Italian

briefly explains the beauty of Siavonga.
Engineers who with lots of effort did all

The lake and forested hills are witnesses to
they could to show God's intelligence

this: Siavonga, a district that borders with

Bauleni - Formation House

Key 2 Happiness
Youth Ministry

Youth Leadership: Adapting ‘AFE’s Scaffolding to ZMB’

ZMB Youth Ministry

Thinking Zone
responsibility. Allow me to call you in full." Good or bad - it all depends on the 'YOUTH'
question to practice the three Rs; spectacles through which you see the

respect for self world.
By Irvin, Bauleni Pre-novitiate respect for others

responsibility for all your actions. Not all of us put on spectacles but we all
Open your arms to change, but do not let go have invisible lenses through which we see
of your values, is the cry of the elders. reality. These lenses magnify and diminish
Often when we make choices we create certain things. See things as they really are!
conflicts, but if we are not part of the You are pessimistic because of your
solution, we must be part of the problem. prejudices and preconceived ideas, “for
Let us seek a common ground to bury the you, what ever is, is wrong." You live in a
hatchet. self made prison because of wrong

'PERCEPTION'. Come on! How can you
Youth is a time to prepare for the future be behind bars because of pessimism?
with passion. Looking forward to a just
society and a bright tomorrow. Fight for
your rights to life, education et cetera. One
Indian Proverb says, "education is the
means by which the youth is trained to
serve the causes of drastic social and
economic changes." S. Perry says, "a mind ccording to Malcolm Boyd,
that is alert and eager, is a golden key both "youth is not properly
to health and to enjoyment of life."definable by age. It is a spirit

of daring, creating, asserting life and
Courage and go forward pressing on to openly relating to the world." Some say, "a
achieve your dreams. Make the castles you youth is one who is no longer a child but not
have built in the air a reality through yet an adult," while others say that, "a youth
excitement, zeal, enthusiasm, obsession, is one who is young and young at heart."
eagerness and dedication. A renowned
philosopher called Aristotle said, "learning The elders say in our time we used to
is an ornament in prosperity, a refuge in behave like this and that and the young
adversity and a provision in old age." To people say that time is gone, we have our
echo Sir James Jeans, "the mind is like an own freedom and rights. Just to give you a
umbrella, it only works when its open." penny for your thoughts, what is freedom?
Beware, because the idle at the end of their Freedom brings responsibility, of course
life will suffer great remorse for the time there is no such thing as freedom without
they have lost. Do not kill time, you will
bury opportunities.

'OPTIMISM' An anonymous author wrote beautifully on
perceptions. Allow me to borrow his voice;
the world is divided into two groups of By Joackim, Bauleni Pre-novitiate

Those who yearn and those who yawn
Those who fail
and those who are failures
Those who grow up
and those who simply row old
Those who see stepping stones
and those who see stumbling blocks
wise man said, "Nothing is good
Those who live by choice or bad, thinking it makes it so."
and those who live by chanceTwo buckets were chatting at a
Those who work hard today and well, one was smiling, the other frowning.
those who will work harder tomorrowThe sad one said, "no matter how full I
Those who focus on the solutions come up the well, I always go down
and those who focus on problemsempty." Smiling from ear to ear the other
Those who see a cup that's half full replied, “I’m so happy because no matter
and those who see it half emptyhow empty I go down, I always come up

Controversial people and topic of today:
'A time to build or destroy one's future'

''Where there is light there is a shadow'' it's
up to you to look at the light or the shadow,
to be happy or sad. Pessimists look at the
dark side of life, whereas optimists look at
the bright side of it.




Those who are masters of their destiny
and those who are victims of their
Those who see a rose on thorns
and those who see thorns on a rose.

To which group do you belong? “Laugh and
the world laughs with you, mourn and you
mourn alone." Life is what you make it
A pessimist is never happy, because when
there is sunshine he complains about the
heat. When it rains he complains about
getting wet. It all depends on how you look
at things. If you look for the good you will
find it, if you look for faults you will find
them and nothing else. If you look for good
you will find good and good only. Be a
'good-finder', when life gives you lemons
make lemonade.

“Two men looked through prison bars after
a storm, one saw the mud, the other saw the

You are not depressed,
you are distracted!
You don’t see the beauty
God created for you.

You are not grieved,
you are distracted!
You don’t understand
that sorrow is the way
you become serious about
things which you take for

You are not alone,
you are distracted!
You don’t see that every
person is God’s creation
and supreme proof of his
love for you.

Wake up and discover
all that God is doing for
you and your outlook
will change!

Author: Unknown I immediately said, 'That you are!'; and

here was this little girl sitting by The little girl acted even sadder and said, 'I
herself in the park. know.'

'Little girl,' I said, 'you remind me of an
Everyone passed by her and never stopped angel, sweet and innocent.'
to see why she looked so sad. She looked at me and smiled, then slowly
Dressed in a worn pink dress, barefoot and she got to her feet and said, 'Really?'
dirty, the girl just sat and watched the 'Yes, you're like a little sent to watch over
people go by. all people walking by.'
She never tried to speak. She never said a She nodded her head yes, and smiled.
word. Many people passed by her, but no With that she opened the back of her pink
one would stop. dress and allowed her wings to spread, then
The next day I decided to go back to the she said 'I am;' 'I'm your Guardian Angel,'
park in curiosity to see if the little girl with a twinkle in her eye. I was speechless -
would still be there. - sure I was seeing things.
Yes, she was there, right in the very spot She said, 'For once you thought of someone
where she was yesterday, and still with the other than yourself. My job here is done'.
same sad look in her eyes. Today I was to I got to my feet and said, 'Wait, why did no
make my own move and Walk over to the one stop to help an angel?'
little girl. She looked at me, smiled, and said, 'You're
For as we all know, a park full of strange the only one that could see me,' and then she
people is not a place for young children to was gone.
play alone. As I got closer I could see the And with that, my life was changed
back of the little girl's dress. It was dramatically.
grotesquely shaped. I figured that was the So, when you think you're all you have,
reason people just passed by and made no remember, your angel is always watching
effort to speak to her. over you.
Deformities are a low blow to our society
and, heaven forbid if you make a step
toward assisting someone who is different!
As I got closer, the little girl lowered her
eyes slightly to avoid my intent stare. As I
approached her, I could see the shape of her
back more clearly. She was grotesquely
shaped in a humped over form. I smiled to
let her know it was OK; I was there to help,
to talk.

sat down beside her and opened

with a simple, 'Hello.'
The little girl acted shocked, and
stammered a 'hi'; after a long stare into my
eyes. I smiled and she shyly smiled back.
We talked until darkness fell and the park
was completely empty. I asked the girl why
she was so sad.
The little girl looked at me with a sad face
said, 'Because, I'm different.'


The thinking ZONE continuation...

When you th

you are all y
ou have





Think big!
Unknown author

striking points of view stressed by a man of
God in his charismatic teachings to the
congregation but to suppress my
compelled feeling to share at least one,
would not be fair for to the readers.

‘We are human beings; we are not builders
of our own self: the Lord God is. Let us
open our hearts to Him so that he could
continue building in us that which He,
himself, started until He sees it to
completion’, Fr Norbert Lesa stressed.
As co-operators and Christians of St Dear Editor, day was a build up on the other and the
Mary’s Parish, we give praise and thanks to Christians of St Mary’s Parish thanked and
the Lord God for the Salesian Family here, praised the Lord God for the fruits of prayer
and their devotion to the Most Holy they were blessed with.
Mother, Help of Christians.
Thanks for Fr Norbert Lesa. What a spirit! All the teachings of the Holy Word were
What a moment! May we all praise the centred on the inspirational life of Our

ay I find space in your well Lord.Mother, Mary. It was another Pentecost;
standing magazine to express another new fount of faith in the Lord.Mmy heartfelt gratitude and

thanks to our Lord God for the just ended From Day One to the end, the word of God
novena and feast I hour of Our Mother, depicted the life of our Mother as a shining
Mary Help of Christians. example and guide to all Christians,
The whole period of the novena was a inviting all with power of the Holy Spirit to
living testimony of the great and divine turn to Mary, the Help of Christians. Each
love of Our Lord, Jesus Christ to his day pronounced a unique feature of Our
Church, and to Don Bosco, through whom Mother which sets her apart from the rest of
devotion to the Holy Mother is handed that God created: Her humility in the Lord;
down as a characteristic sign of the her love for God, her care for eh young
Salesian Congregation. Jesus, her willingness to accept the kill of
Throughout the holy nine days of the God’s Son; just to mention but a few, are
novena, the church of God was always full some which won the Lord’s favour to grant
to capacity as the Spirit of God touched our Mother a special place in His presence.
every believer present as the word of God
was preached with a new charisma. Each I would like to single out some of the

St Mary’s Parish, Kabwe, observes
the Novena in honour of Mary Help
of Christians, with one spirit!

By Mr Faustino Chilekwa
(Salesian Co-operator, Kabwe)

Salesian Co-operators - Kabwe Center

Novena to Mary Help of Christians

realised how complex was to do the job at doing the job with obsolete equipment,
that height, not mentioning how difficult it with not proper tools, without the necessary
was to stand straight on the conical shape of safety features such as helmets, security
the tower. Any attempt to get any closer to belts and the like. Thank God, so far none
the tower was useless. In the meantime the has suffered any injury or major accident
minutes and hours were passing. Finally safe for Mukuka who fell from a height of
one of them came up with a bright idea, to nine metres but who presented no injury
cast a rope to the tip of the cone and try from after such fall. It is nothing to be proud of,
there to reach the cross that was hanging. but on the contrary, thankful to God for
Fortunately, it worked! Collins was able to protecting us and our youngsters each and
start welding the cross. But the job was not every day. The works at the construction
easy and to have the cross straight was not site continue and slowly the temple is being

meantime I run to the car and went to the so easy. The first time he welded the cross it built to the joy of the parishioners and the
plant to guide the crane to reach the church. was crooked, so he had to do it once again satisfaction of the Salesian Community of
At 10,30am the crane arrived at the helped by people on the ground who would Kabwe.
construction site and the driver studied the tell him from various angles the best way to
best way to lift the cross and make sure the have it straight.
two young men were able to weld it. The Around 1,20pm the cross was finally
operators of the crane tried three times welded and at this moment the tip of the
lifting the cross, positioning the crane in church reached twenty five metres from the
two different places and finally the moment ground. The mission was accomplished
to lift the cross and the workers arrived. In and the crane returned to the plant.
the midst of the emotion, admiration and Something which is worth noticing is how
amazement of the parishioners and those God and His heavenly Mother Mary are
passing-by, the crane started lifting up the continually helping and protecting us. The
cross and the two young men who had to working conditions at the construction site
weld the cross. From the ground it seemed certainly do not comply with any standard
something simple but slowly everyone either European or African. Workers are

Continues from page 6...

Lusaka (Zambia), 23-26 June
2008: II General Assembly of

By SCC Delegate.

for the morning
i n p u t . T h e
reflection was on
the cultural and
spiritual aspects
of the mission,
w i t h s p e c i a l
e m p h a s i s o n The ZMB vice-province of Mary Help of
c o m m u n i t i e s Christians held the II General Assembly of
where the people Confreres at the Comboni Spiritual Centre
from different in Bauleni (Lusaka – Zambia). The
n a t i o n a l i t i e s Assembly was summoned by Fr Joseph
come together. Czerwinski, provincial of ZMB vice- After Bro Sylvester’s presentation, Fr
Fr Patrick Chongo, the provincial of the province of Mary Help of Christians. Joseph Czerwinski presented his
Marian Hill Missionaries, gave the The meeting started on Monday 23 June in experience of the General Chapter from
reflection with very valid points that the evening. The confreres were arriving at three points: the chapter document, the
helped the participants reflect on issues the Comboni Spiritual Centre at various way forward of the Congregation after the
that are already part of our experience as hours in the afternoon. One of the first XXVI General Chapter and the appeal of
young vice-province.communities to arrive at the centre was the the Rector Major on the sensitive issue of
The reflection halted for a while and the delegation from Lilongwe led by Fr Paul the sexual abuses that is costing lots of
whole assembly went for the coffee break. Skolasinski. They were followed by the money to the Congregation.
During the break people exchanged views, community of Chingola and the rest of The presentation of Fr Joseph helped the
had a time to chat with old pals and the like. communities. assembly to get a first-hand feeling of the
The atmosphere was warm and serene. The
coming together as province proved to be a
wonderful experience. Still during the
coffee break there was a wonderful
exchange of experiences between young
confreres from the formation community
of Moshi and the confreres from the
various communities of the vice province.
It was a time to get to know each other in a
better way.
After the coffee break the meeting resumed
and Fr Patrick invited the assembly to go
into groups and discuss the questions he

The meeting started with the evening had prepared to help the reflection; this general chapter. Fr Joseph reminded the prayers and the welcoming words of Fr time on a more personal level. province that what is most important of the Joseph Czerwinski, ZMB provincial; The morning sessions ended with the whole chapter is the ‘warming of the supper followed the evening prayers. celebration of the eucharist which was heart’. The core of the returning to Don On the morning of the second day, the presided by Fr Patrick. Bosco is the personal effort of each
In the afternoon, the assembly congregated confrere to strengthen one’s own love for
in the conference hall at 3:00pm and this Don Bosco and his mission, which was
time Bro Sylvester Makumba led the
reflection by sharing the experience he had
as member of the XXVI General Chapter
of the Congregation. His presentation was
done through a photo show which was
prepared for the occasion. One of the main
points raised by Bro Sylvester was that the
Salesian Congregation has a rich history

programme started with morning prayers, and that each one is invited to learn more
and breakfast. After a short break the about it and renew the enthusiasm for Don
participants went into the conference hall Bosco and his mission.

Living & working together
II ZMB General Assembly

Unity in diversity
Come and Speak your heart! We share a common vision!

Bauleni - Lusaka: II General Assembly

summarised as the ‘warming of the heart’. this time Fr Oswald
In his second point, Fr Joseph presented the Mulenga presided over
so cal led ‘way forward for the the celebration.
Congregation’. The provincial briefed the In the afternoon, after
assembly of the various activities to take the presentation of the
place in the coming years as the l a s t c o m m i s s i o n
Congregation prepares itself to celebrate ( f o r m a t i o n ) t h e
the bicentenary of the birth of Don Bosco. moderator invited the
Concluding his presentation, Fr Joseph assembly to go for the
made very clear statements on the situation g r o u p w o r k . T h e
of the ‘sexual abuses’ which are affecting p a r t i c i p a n t s w e r e
many provinces of the Congregation. He divided into four groups
explained how new policies are being according to the four

since most to the issues that were matter of implemented in America and Europe in this countries which make up the vice-province.
discussion would probably never be delicate matter. He, finally, called the whole The moderator distributed some questions
finished, while supper would’. All agreed assembly to be prudent in the dealing with among the groups to animate and guide the
and the assembly went for supper.minors since N.G.O’s are busy sensitising sharing. The time given for this exercise
On the following day, Thursday, we had the children in the schools and young people at was thirty minutes. Coming back to the
celebration of the provincial community large to report all kinds of sexual abuse. The conference hall, the secretaries of the
day. This time the celebration of the two presentations were followed by groups read the conclusions reached in each
eucharist and ‘horse race’ were two evening prayers, supper and rosary. group. It was very interesting to hear the
privileged moments to come together, On the third day of the assembly, the various answers in regard to the future of
forgiving and forgetting past problems. The the vice-province. Most groups agreed on
eucharist was presided over by Fr Joseph, the fact that in the future there will a good
with Fr Leszek as the main concelebrant. option for the pastoral work the opening
Both were celebrating their silver jubilee of high schools. Towards the end of this
religious profession. They shared with the session, a new concern was raised. Fr Lewis
all those present for mass the most precious Malama asked the moderator to explain
moments of their religious life. After mass, some touching points that are affecting the
the assembly gathered on the loan outside lives of the communities and of the
the house for the ‘horse race’. province as a whole. At this particular
This year the provincial solidarity fund moment the assembly moved into what the

theme spoke in the motto: ‘Come and speak
your heart; we share a common vision’. The
motion was seconded by Fr Ignatius
Musenge and there was a general feeling programme s l igh t ly changed i t s
that some issues had to be clarified. This m e t h o d o l o g y . I n s t e a d o f t h e
was the moment when the assembly ‘woke input/reflections, this time the heads of the
up from slumber’ it went to during the various provincial commissions presented
presentation of the commissions. The floor their reports to the assembly. After the brief
was opened for questions and answers. It presentations the confreres had the chance
was very much like the programme of to interact and express their feelings, give
BBC: ‘Hard Talk’! The main concern was suggestions and make comments on the
how to live in unity and diversity; the topic work that is being done at the various
which Fr Patrick dealt with the on the levels.
morning session of the second day. This For the sake of the archives, Fr Eustace
time theory gave way to facts and to reality, Siame volunteered to write down the
the reality of our young vice-province.various points that were brought to the adopted the ‘horse race’ as the fundraising
The discussion was very interesting and attention of the commissions. venture for the novitiate. The game was
‘hot’ in some moments. But the good will The reports from the commissions and the very interesting and exciting. Fr Eustace
and the desire to come to terms with the feed back from the assembly took the whole was the main organiser while Bro Walter
reality of our province prevailed and people morning and even pushed the timetable for was the ‘bookie’. He did a good job, and the
got the answers they were looking for. This half an hour. Not all the commission game went up to the time when all were
last session of the assembly was longer than managed to present their reports; therefore called for lunch. During the horse race, for
expected. In order not to leave things they were left for the afternoon. The many it was the first time to hear of horses
‘hanging’ evening prayer and adoration celebration concluded the morning session; with ‘double’ and ‘triple’ speed. And all of

were suspended till further notice.
Most confreres spoke ‘their hearts’
and the dialogue helped the
assembly to ‘heal’ the wounds of the
heart. When the time for supper
came, we found out that there were
still some things to be discussed but
there was no time to go on endlessly;
therefore Bro Stephen wisely
enough invited all to ‘finish supper,

II ZMB General Assembly

t h e m , ‘the best of the all were waiting for finally arrived: positive note praying for the future
market’ and at the same time ‘better’ than LUNCH!!! The community of Bauleni novitiate and those who will live there,
its nearest opponent. Amazing, but real! offered a good meal that day. With the help since they will be the seed of a new
Besides the eucharist, the horse race was a of some parishioners who run some generation and the new beginnings for the
real sign of ‘unity and diversity’. People catering business in town they offered a province.
betting and cheering the horse raiders were very substantial and delicious meal, good Definitely, there is no much we can do
u n i t e d r e g a r d l e s s n a t i o n a l i t y, wine and dessert. Long live the Bauleni about the past and the mistakes made then
administrative status, ‘occupation in the community!!! are things which will accompany us, but
congregation’[if there is such a thing], etc. Once lunch was over, all the confreres left the present is ours and what we make of it
The main purpose was to make sure the for Makeni. There the provincial blessed to heal wounds and to improve the quality
horse you were betting reached the end line the foundation stone of the new novitiate. of the community life will certainly make
first. The goal united us all! Something He also blessed all the participants in the II brighter the future of the province.
which we all ought to remember: the goal, assembly of confreres; and before
mission unites us all. departure all gathered around the
There were two rounds of the horse race; provincial for the group photo.
after the fundraising venture, the moment In this way the assembly ended on a very

II ZMB General Assembly

‘Unity in Diversity’
II General Assembly Group photo

A CAMERA phone...


Best horseman of the year 2008

ZMB Salesian of the FUTURE,
champion of unity in diversity...


Professor and Senior professor, staff
of the future post-novitiate..

Hi Pope, interesting to start a philosophical
( reflection from the data of the science of

’) our time as the big philosopher did at their
own time. Then, to have both a systematic

Difficult what you are asking. But I’ll try to and a historical approach to the different
write some lines. matters is also an advantage. I’ve realised
It seems yesterday that I arrived in Rome how much is, or is not, my first had
and starting studying. However, I’m knowledge of the philosophers. And to
finishing the first year. You asked me to meet them now it’s a very beautiful
write something form my side. I wouldn’t discovery.
know what to say. The experience here is Well, I think it’s enough for now of the
difficult and nice at the same time. At the different things of this year. I don’t know if
end, it’s a different experience. you can get something out of here for

publication. The pics I’ll try to send them to
It’s different because I find myself again in you the following e-mail.
a community of students. Logically, I think
people here take very serious what they are Take care,
doing and is somehow difficult because I
miss a life of a smaller community where Jorge, sdb
the relationships are if not stronger at least
there! I pass most of the time or at the *******
university or in my room with my friends
the books. I’ve got limited opportunities to
exercise my ministry, but at least I preach
once a week in a “normal” parish and twice

Imagine once in life grasping an
a week encounter a community of lay

opportunity to advance from one stage of
people for the celebration of the Word or

life to the next. It was in July of 2005 in
the Eucharist.

Jburg that and affirmation was given to start
The experience at the Gregorian is nice.

a new phase of life in a totally new
The level I think is good and the

environment but this time in Tanzania;
opportunities to learn and to interact with

along the slope of Mt Kilimanjaro. The
people who are doing what I’m doing is

moment was quite overwhelming so as to
also good. This year in our specialization is

infer a world long waited for: the world of
the year of biology, the next will be the year

philosophy; a world little free from the
of physics. It’s been a challenged to me to

previous stage (novitiate) of guided prayer
go back both to science that I left at the

life to free of prayer and meditation. It was
school and also to philosophy that stay

the moment to experience the sweetness of
without being touched about ten years. It’s

reading, interpreting and living the studied
By virtue of being a student to priestly
formation, I was entitled [as I am] to
spiritual direction by the rector of the
community. He had the duty give
recommendation as seen fit to make a good
priest or brother.
The first year of my studies was very
encouraging. Everything was new. The
people of Tanzania were very welcoming,
loving and charming. The set up; the
climate; the snow capped peak of Mt
Kilimanjaro, which gave the latest view
ever, variety of culture in the community
from fourteen nationalities of the world’s
continent, all gave impetus to live and study
in Moshi.
In a world of complex culture, it was
unavoidable to lose the self in the crowd.

Hi Father Antonio,

nickname from the Cartoons ‘Popeye, the

Jorge, good to hear from you! Certainly the
experience is positive and the province will
benefit from the efforts you put in learning.
Remember that back here you have the
province who accompanies you and all our
confreres who are abroad doing their
I wish you success in your studies and keep
us updated with what is happening to you
guys over there and enjoy the pasta!


Letters to the Editor

Confreres Write to Us

Every action I did was observed by the
group culture. It was the 'I' entangled in the
presence of the 'we'. Diversity in culture
brought about diversity in characters. I
came to learn that it is not necessarily
knowledge that liberates. People

in my mind, that virtue doesn’t pay at all.
Imagine you do such a big job with all your
energy, only to be told that you have done
nothing worth. You had better not even
attempted it. You can imagine the mess you

usually would have accomplished.
remained rooted in the aspects of their Conversely, Nietzsche pointed out that he
mother culture. And Indian, in his who has a why to live, can live anyhow. I
understanding of the world, conceives lived according to the dictate of my heart.
humanity in terms of casts; while an At this moment, I cared not what came of
African understands humanity in terms of religious life whether they consider me or
elders, chiefs and authority. It can be not. I did what I never did before. I
denied but it is evident. Casts may not conquered the world as master of myself
make sense to an American who is present not of others.
in the community. Neither does it tally with It was hard for me to conceive myself as
a European thinking. The West Africans by completing my studies in philosophy and
virtue of generality laboured to be feared in education. All in all, I see myself to have live in unity and diversity. Since the mind
the community while the Southerners lived my life incompletely and as such to is ordered and incapable of living in
seemed to lean on the humanistic return to him more fully. I hope to master confusions. I took living in unity and
philosophy of Dr. Kaunda; ‘ the myself better than ever before. My wish for diversity as a witness to the wounded
consideration of the other as having values you is that, you hold to what you have in world that has the theme ‘speak out Your
and dignity equal to my being’. anyway, better days are coming. Heart’ as a slogan to motivate all the
In such a world, I ended up suffering not confreres to participate openly and freely
because I was humanistic but because I had Makaveli in the assembly.
to create a third culture by which to live *********** However, I was very impressed with the
with other in a manner where everyone atmosphere created for the confreres to
deserved understanding so as to be My Impress ions About the share openly and freely their views and
understood. The sense of, ‘‘I’m better or feelings on the situation and the way Provincial Assembly
rather my culture is better off than anyone forward of our province. This helped me to
else prevailed’, unfortunately. As such, get a grip of the past, present and future of
confusion and misunderstandings were not the province and a big thanks to the
impossible. Anyway, man is man where is provincial chapter delegates Fr Provincial
insert; never is man otherwise. Perhaps it is and Br Makumba for the excellent report
an affirmation of Nietzsche’s man’s will to on the provincial chapter. I felt that they did
power? not disappoint our confidence in them
What follows from this is the existential when they left for Rome to represent us.
affirmation of man who is thrown into the All in all, the provincial assembly was a
world. Man who is yearning and suffering success and its success will be realized
but also enjoying. Since I could not really through the fruits is yet to bear. My humble
live the past, and the future seemed prayer to God is that all the confreres may
unreachable, I had no option but to live the feel valued, loved and accepted so as to
now. I created a world in which I was to be continue bringing these values to the
understood. Though not always so, life is young especially those who are entrusted
what you make it to be. Following the to our care.
nature of religious life; prayer, silence and
mediation, and serious study; I made it that Cl Alphoncious Hamweete
weekend became the moment to refresh
my mind especially after Sunday oratory. I
could organise latest movies to the shown. The provincial assembly was held from 24

thThe spirit went on quite well but later to be -27 June at the Comboni Spiritual Centre
interrupted. in Bauleni.
Since I was in-charge of entertainment, the It was my first provincial assembly to
responsibility and the blame stayed heavy attend. As a young confrere, I had so many
on me. I could not understand the problem questions and expectations on how the
with what I call a simple issue. Imagine the whole assembly will be like. One of my
question, touching the centre of your expectations was to meet all the Salesians
vocational conviction as, what am I living from our province and the other
for? I was in deep doubt of my vocation. I expectation was to see how much the
blamed myself for being so good to receive senior confreres accommodate, welcome
such blame. I said to myself, ‘I struggle and appreciate the young confreres in both
everyday to be holy, do everything with all formal and ordinary interactions.
my heart only to receive such a ‘gift’?’ I
thought it was better to be bad than good at On the other hand, I saw an incoherence
all. And such is the nature of life, good between the theme of the assembly and the
people suffer innocently while leaving the title of the conference given by Fr Patrick
culprits unpunished. Chongu. The theme was like encouraging

confreres to speak out their hearts while Fr
Since my virtues gave no testimony of my Chongu emphasized on how confreres can
goodness; I thought to live anyhow! I said

Letters to the Editor | continuation...


Lufubu Community

The Farmer Center: this is a
building comprising a hall and
some rooms. The rooms and hall are
finished. It took a deal of work to
complete them, but at last it is done
and already fully functional. (It is
worth mentioning the quality of the
works in the farmer house; the work
is neat and of very high quality. I
think someone can hardly find the

on Bosco Lubufu project is said to same quality in any of the other
be over. People involved are buildings in the whole province). A Dsaying most of the works are done. number o f seminars and

It can be said that about 90 percent of the workshops have been conducted in for many years…’ and we certainly know
work is done. All that is remaining is this building. The first to receive the the rest of the story.
polishing up of small details. Thanks to Fr training were the students of the school. The Cattle shed: this is the place where
Leszek (provincial economer) and Fr This group was made of 37 students. The cows are locked in, lest someone steals one
Micheal (Rector of Mansa) who traveled to second group was made up of 40 students or two without the community noticing it.
Lufubu to help Fr Zyga to do the final who were male farmers; the third group This place will also be very useful mostly
touches most of the buildings are was made up of 35 people who were during the rain season to protect them from
completed and the whole project has a women farmers. By now the list is endless. the rains: the animals will not sleep in the
completely ‘new look.’ The project is now In a nutshell I can say that the Farmer centre cow-dung anymore.
some sort of ‘Las Vegas’ not in Nevada but is doing well, and more than 200 farmers so
in Luapula region, ‘proudly Zambian’. far have attended the seminars or The Tools shed: this place is now protecting

workshops organized by the our tools from rains and from rust. There
community. We need to should be a place where one has to put
remember that according to the tools. Don Bosco Lufubu has shown us that
project by the end of July 2008 we need to take care of the tools we use. It is
the target of those trained at the for this reason they had put up this building.
centre is of 360 people. Well, The project has gone through tough times
we are not that far, are we? At and complications but at last it seems that
the speed of one seminar every ‘we can see the light at the end of the
week, I think we’ll manage. tunnel.’ Definitely the presence of Fr

Leszek and the priceless work of Fr
The Piggery Unit: this unity Michael and the guys from Mansa have

which has more than 150 pigs, has a new helped the project to reach this stage.
By the way Don Bosco Lufubu Project wing. It can accommodate about 100 pigs. However, this is not the end line but just a
consists of the farmer centre, a place to At the moment it’s accommodating 75 pigs. step in the long journey of implementing
teach farming skills to the farmers around This place has compartments that allow to the project for the benefit of the local
the area; the processing unit where cows separate pigs according to their age. The farmers.
and pigs are slaughtered and meat is sold; new piggery unit is finished to a 99.5%.
the storage building, that is a place farm The pigs have been enjoying this new wing The school has recently taken part in the
produces are stored and the cattle shed, also for sometime. In the new piggery the life of local trade exposition which showed the
known as stable. the pigs has improved dramatically and

surely none of the piggeries in the area can
match the standards of Don Bosco Lufubu.

The Storage Building: this building is in its
very, very final touches. Only the main
doors are to be fixed and soon it will be
ready for use. The inside rooms are made
in such a way that all that the farm
produces will be safely for some years. As
we can see someone just need to fix the
door, ‘that’s all!’ Of course let’s not forget
the foolish rich man of the gospel who
stored many crops and said to himself, ‘to
relax and be merry for he had stored crops

By Bro Kenny Mubanga

External view of the piggery Internal view of the piggery

variety of crops, alternative food made of Soya
beans, yam and the like. Hopefully the production
will increase and we might be able to participate in
the events organized at the regional level and who
knows we might even be called to the national level
and one day show the name of Don Bosco Lufubu
in the ‘Show Grounds’. I believe it is not a dream
but a concrete possibility if we put all our effort to
make the school achieve its goals.

At this moment Fr Zyga is preparing the reports to
take them with him the time he will go for holidays.
We need to acknowledge that he has done a good
job, all these years of work, hardships, and toils
have not been fruitless. There are many things that
perhaps went wrong but in the end the balance is
positive and that is what matters most. This is the
time to look back at the mistakes made and plan the
future of the project in order to carry out with the
mission among the young farmers, educating
while evangelizing and evangelizing while
uplifting the people we serve.

Lufubu Community, continuation...

will celebrate Mass in their Parish Days in the Diocese Week
Community on the Sunday Morning.
The Parish will then host a Morning The Bathurst Diocese program is
Tea/Lunch for the Pilgrims and then predominately parish based with
Pilgrims both Local and International opening and closing events coordinated
will travel to Bathurst.centrally by the Diocese.
There will be an International Youth
Festival hosted by the diocese held at the Wednesday 9th July
Vincentian College St Stanislaus Opening Mass for Days in the Diocese
College on the Sunday Evening. There (St. Stanislaus College)
will be bands, food stalls and other
activities happening during this time.Thursday 10th July
All the pilgrims will be accommodated Local Day Trip: Pilgrims will go on a
in Bathurst over night (in school halls Day trip organized by their Host Parish.
and classrooms as a warm up for This will be unique to the area they are in
WYD!!)but may include such activities as,

visiting a farm, gold panning; bush
Monday 14th July walking, and visiting a local Aboriginal
DID Closing Mass and Travel to site.
9am: Closing Mass of the Days in the Friday 11th July
Diocese with all the International National Day of Justice and Service
Pilgrims plus the pilgrims from the Projects: Pilgrims will participate in
Bathurst Diocese.Justice Day which will be celebrated all
10:30 – 1pm Following Mass there will over Australia on this Friday. Our three
be travel down to Sydney on Monday phase approach includes:
14th you can choose to have your tour - Global Millennium Goals,
operator coordinate your transfer or you - Regional: Oceania Issues,
can choose to travel with the Bathurst - Local Projects.
Diocese pilgrims to Sydney. This will
involve a combination of bus and train Pilgrims will be asked to Participate in
travel. When we connect to the Sydney activities unique to the community and
trains pilgrims will be able to use their may include: visiting a Nursing Home,
travel passes to travel to the Planting Trees, learning about the
accommodation venue. (Travel passes Aboriginal Culture
will be available along with backpacks
etc, with registration that will happen as Saturday 12th July
part of the Festival on Sunday evening) .Host Family Day: Pilgrims will spend
What follows are the the day with their host families – it will
main celebrations in be a way that they get to experience life
Sydney.with their host family and also spend

some individual time with them, this
may include sport or a day out. In the
evening the Parish will come together to
celebrate their time together. This may
take the form of a concert or BBQ.

Sunday 13th July
International Youth Festival: Pilgrims

Processing Unit

Youth Ministry

World Youth Day

A delegation of nine eight young people is representing the
province in the World Youth Day in Sydney (Australia). The
ZMB delegation will also join the delegation of the Archdiocese of Lusaka, led by Fr
Tresphord Chisanga.sdb. The days in the Diocese will be spent at Bathurst in preparation for
the WYD celebrations with the Pope in Sydney. Below is the programme for the days in the


1. Chawama:Provincial Council
2. Chingola: ‘Key to Happiness Seminar’
3. Bauleni: ‘II General Assembly’
4. Makeni: ‘Blessing of the Foundation stone’
5. Lufubu: Group photo after one of the seminars
6. Bauleni: General Assembly
7. Makeni: Explanation of the drawings for novitiate
8. Namibia: Salesian mission in Rundu

Z oMB Ph to






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