2014|en|12: We're all missionaries





Once again the Lord calls us by name, consecrates us, and sends us to be like his beloved Son Jesus Christ and to proclaim him.

I am inviting you and I ask you to be upright before God, to be servants without privileges, and always to carry out the will of the Father.

Don Bosco wanted to have congregations and institutes that were “outgoing.” We’re a Family that had a father with a heart so large and impassioned that it couldn’t stop dreaming, and so he’s given us many missionary dreams that still are our dreams today.

Valdocco, Mary Help of Christians, Missionary Expedition: this is a precious triad to be offered to humanity, especially to the young and the neediest of our global village, sharing the charism for which all of us are co-responsible. It’s a triad that makes us reach out to the very ends of the earth! In fact, our dear Don Bosco sent his sons and daughters all the way to far-off, almost unknown Tierra del Fuego, farther south even than scarcely explored Patagonia, a land of courageous peoples very much open to the transcendent and to love for the earth, for creation. That enterprise required much sacrifice and sweat from our sisters and brothers, and it helped give growth and development not only to the faith, but also to society and the culture of the countries of the region. Today we have a Pope who comes from there and who, in his audience with the 27th General Chapter, expressed to us this mandate-desire: “Les pido, no me dejen the Patagonia!” – “I ask you, do not leave Patagonia!”

I want to leave you three souvenirs, as Don Bosco used to do. The first is inspired by the prophet Ezekiel: Be upright before God.

To be upright means to be transparent, not to speak deceptively or have a hidden agenda. We’re called to be sincere, sometimes cunning in the Gospel sense that Jesus teaches us, but always men and women in whom there is no falsehood, like Nathanael. To be upright means to be clear in our motives, to be able to speak the truth about ourselves to ourselves and others. One does not go on mission (whatever kind of mission, even that of Rector Major) if one is trying to find himself, if one is seeking power or looking to impose himself on others, if one profoundly believes that what he brings not only is of great value—it most certainly is that!—but that it’s superior, better than what he’ll find in others and in the places where he’ll go. To be upright before God is to plunge completely into the heart of the merciful God, who loves sinners and always gives them another opportunity and is always disposed to receive them and embrace them as his dearly beloved children coming to him from a long way off.

To help us, Psalm 25 teaches us to pray with all our heart: “Your ways, O Lord, make known to me; / teach me your paths, / Guide me in your truth and teach me...” (vv. 4-5).

St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians inspires my second thought: Be servants without privilege.

The Apostle has left us one of the Christological hymns that we’re sure the first Christians used in the liturgy. This hymn is also an act of faith: “Christ Jesus, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped. Rather, he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave...” (2:6-7).

Dearest brothers and sisters, our most precious privilege is to be called to live like Jesus, who emptied himself and took on the condition of a slave! Each of us is, even if in different ways, a servant of others. Here too, the natural temptation to power is vitiated by the clear example and the sufferings of Jesus. We’re called to put ourselves at the service of those to whom we’re sent, to put ourselves at the service even of those who are indifferent, who reject us or fight against us. We’re called to be wise and take care of ourselves, our communities, and our brothers and sisters ... but to be ready to give our whole life. To go on mission is to answer the call to give our own life until its last breath for our youngsters, as Don Bosco did for his. May it always be our privilege to serve those who are in most need, the young most in danger, and populations most impoverished.

Finally, we come to the third thought that I want to share with you: Carry out the will of the Father.

To carry out the will of the Father is the only valid goal of our life as baptized and consecrated persons. There is no other. And the will of the Father isn’t carried out by ourselves alone, autonomously, as if believing that we’re a renewed version of the Redeemer. Never! No one is called to be the Messiah! No one is called to put aside community discernment, collaboration, commitment to work shoulder to shoulder with other educator-pastors, and, regardless of distance, not be in deep communion of soul and intentions, of prayer and affection.

Brothers and sisters, the Lord calls us and sends us to be missionary disciples who live not only the great commandment of Jesus to love another, but to make Jesus’ dream-desire come true—the one that he prayed for in his farewell: “Holy Father, keep them in your name that you have given me, so that they may be one just as we are” (John 17:11).

To carry out the will of the Father is to witness to the world that we’re capable of being brothers and sisters among ourselves and among all men and women of good will without regard to creed, faith, religion, or customs.

Once again the Lord calls us by name, consecrates us, and sends us to be like his beloved Son Jesus Christ and to proclaim him. I am inviting you and I ask you to be upright before God, to be servants without privileges, and always to carry out the will of the Father.

Only with the maternal and tender protection of Mary, Don Bosco’s Teacher, and with her daily instruction, can we become authentic missionary disciples and help in such a way that “every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Phil 4:11).