2004|en|06: The fruits of the preventive system Five Martyrs from the Oratory


by Pascual Chávez Villanueva





The oratory too has its martyrs, they are Edward Klinik (23), Francis Kesy (22), Jarogniew Wojciechowski (20), Czesław Józwiak (22), Edward Kaźmierski (23), from the oratory at Poznań, in Poland.

THEYwere from the oratory, all five of them fully committed to their human and Christian development and all five involved in working with their companions, sharing similar interests and their personal and community projects. Arrested within days of each other and imprisoned briefly in different places, they were then put in the same prison and suffered martyrdom the same day and in the same way. Fr Vecchi spoke about them in this way on the occasion of their beatification. Each of them had his own particular biography which then became intertwined with that of the others in the common salesian setting which prepared them in a human and spiritual way to embrace martyrdom.

Edward Klinik, self-conscious and quiet, he became much livelier after joining the oratory. He was a conscientious and methodical student. In the group of five he stood out because of his deep commitment to every kind of activity and gave the impression of being more serious and thoughtful.

Francis sensitive and frail, often in ill-heath; but he was cheerful, good-natured, an animal lover, and always ready to help others. He wanted to become a Salesian. During the occupation he was unable to continue his studies and took a job in a factory. He spent his spare time at the oratory where he was a great friend of the other four and led youth groups and activities.

Jarogniew was outstanding among the others: he was rather meditative and had a tendency to look into things more, trying to understand them. . He was a leader in the best sense of the word. He was known for his good spirits, his commitment and the good example he gave.

Ceslao was irascible by nature, but spontaneous, full of energy, and in control of himself, consistent and ready for sacrifice. There was no doubt about the hold he had over the younger children. He was clearly striving after Christian perfection and making good progress in that direction. One of his fellow prisoners wrote: “He was good natured and had a character with a soul as clear as crystal.... I could see that his heart was free from any stain of sin, from any wickedness. He shared with me one of his concerns: that he should never fall into impurity.”

Edward Kasmierski was noted for his balanced good sense and kindliness. At the oratory he was able to develop his special musical gifts. The religious spirit he had acquired in his family, under the guidance of the Salesians soon led him to Christian maturity. While in prison he showed great love for his companions. He willingly helped the older ones and was completely free from any feelings of hatred towards his persecutors.

These young men give outstanding proof of the strong formative influence of life at the oratory, when there is opportunity for co-responsibility, when the educational approach is personalized and when the Salesians are capable of guiding the youngsters along the path of faith and of grace. They were arrested in September 1940 and imprisoned in Fortress VII in Poznań. They were then moved first to the Neukoln prison, and then to Zwickau, where they were questioned and tortured and then condemned to hard labour. Two notes show that we are dealing with giants of the spirit: “God alone knows what we are suffering. Prayer was our only support in the depth of the nights and of the days.” “God has given us this cross, and he is also giving us the strength to carry it.” On 1 August 1942 sentence was pronounced: condemned to death for treason. They stood to hear it. It was followed by a long silence interrupted only by the exclamation of one of them: “Thy will be done.” They were condemned simply for belonging to Catholic organisations, which it was suspected might give rise to resistance movements.

Before they died they were able to write to their parents. Reading these lines one is astounded as before the truly great. As an example there are the words written by Francis: “My dearest parents, brothers and sisters, the time has come to say goodbye to you on the 24 August, the day of Mary Help of Christians … May the Good Lord take me to himself. Don’t have regrets that I am leaving this world so young. I am now in a state of grace, and I don’t know whether in the future I would remain faithful to my promises... I am going to heaven, au revoir. There I shall pray to God … Pray sometimes for me … I’m going now.” They were taken into the prison yard in Dresda and beheaded. In our communities the monthly commemoration of Mary Help of Christians was being celebrated. Their martyrdom completed the categories of young salesian saints. “We point to them as intercessors, as well as models of the highest ideals.” (Fr Vecchi).

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