
(1)Salesian Brother-ACG4-1921.doc
(1)Salesian Bulletin Articles 2014 (Don Bosco writes)
(1)Salesiani educatori-pastori per progettare insieme in comunità
(1)Salesianos y Comunicación
(1)Saludo al Capítulo General de las HMA
(1)Saludo final (es)
(1)Saludo final (es America latina)
(1)Saluto finale
(1)Saudação final
(1)Secondo seminario di promozione delle Cause di Beatificazione e Canonizzazione
(1)Second Séminaire de promotion des causes de Béatification et de Canonisation
(1)Segundo Seminário de promoção das Causas de Beatificação e Canonização
(1)Se ils nous connaissaient_fr.docx
(1)Servo de Deus Octavio Ortiz Arrieta
(1)Sinodo: Tutti i giovani sono dei Nostri
(1)Si nos conocieran caerian muchos prejuicios y muchas falsedades que se dicen de la ensenanza concertada (20201214).docx
(1)Sobre nuestro 28 Capítulo General ‘Especial’_es.docx
(1)Speech of the Rector Major on the 150th anniversary of the death of Mamma Margaret
(1)Speech of the Rector Major to the Salesian Family at Bolton and Chertsey, USA
(1)Speech on Human Rights, Italian Senate Chapter Hall
(1)Spiritualità salesiana
(1)Statement of the Rector Major, Fr Pascual Chávez, about John Paul II
(1)Strenna 2008 commentary
(2)Strenna 2008 - poster (fr)
(1)Strenna 2008 video interviews
(1)Strenna 2009 Commentary
(1)Strenna 2010
(1)Strenna 2010 Commentaar
(1)Strenna 2010 Commentario
(1)Strenna 2010 Commentary
(1)Strenna 2012 Commentary
(1)Strenna 2013
(1)Strenna 2014 Presentation
(1)Strenna del Rettor Maggiore per il 1933
(1)Summary of Fr Albera's circular on the Salesian Spirit
(1)Synod on youth: All young people are ours!
(1)Sándor -60º rosznicy meczeństwa
(1)Sínodo: Todos los jovenes son de los Nuestros