
A la conmemoración de los 150 años de la muerte de Mamá Margarita
A los jóvenes del Movimiento Juvenil Salesiano
Article of the Rector Major in BS|Febuary 2005
Article of the Rector Major in BS|January 2005
Article of the Rector Major in BS|March 2005
Article of the Rector Major in BS|May 2005
Botschaft des GeneralOberen an die salesiascher Jugendbewegung
"Buenas Noches" del Rector Mayor
Buona Notte del Rettor Maggiore
Commenti RM al Consiglio Comunale di Pordenone
(Ringraziamento Pordenone-230505.doc)
Commenti RM al conferimento della cittadinanza onoraria di Frascati
(conferimento della cittadinanza onoraria Frascati -040705.doc)
Don Chávez in Olanda e Belgio
El fundador
Homily of the Rector Major at the Mass for “Don Bosco’s birthday” 2005
Intervento del RM nella Tavola Rotonda
Intervento introduttivo del gran cancelliere UPS al convegno internazionale su Mounier
Los continuadores
Mensajeros de alegres anuncios
Message du Recteur Majeur aux jeunes du Mouvement Salésien des Jeunes 2005
Message of the Rector Major to the young people of the Salesian Youth Movement 2005
Paolo Albera's Instructions Early Efforts to Inculcate the Spirit of Don Bosco
Rector Major-PS and HR.doc
(Rector Major-PS and HR.doc)
Rector Major, Fr Chávez in Holland and Belgium 2005
Rector Major’s Good Night after his visits to “East Africa” 2005
RM-Omelia della messa dello spirito santo-UPS Inaugurazione Anno Accademico 05 – 06
RM-Discorso nel ricordo di don egidio vigano’ Nel decimo anniversario della sua morte
RM-homélie à l’occasion de la nouvelle expédition missionnaire salésienne, pour la célébration de la Harambeé 2005
RM-Omelia in occasione della spedizione missionaria salesiana-2005
RM-Omelia nell’Eucaristia del “compleanno” di Don Bosco
RM's Homily for the Salesian missionary departure ceremony Colle Don Bosco
RM's message on the occasion of the new missionary departure ceremony 2005
Statement of the  Rector Major, Fr Pascual Chávez, about John Paul II
Testimonianza del Rettor Maggiore, don Pascual Chávez, su Giovanni Paolo II
Testimonio del Rector Mayor, don Pascual Chávez, sobre Juan Pablo II
Témoignage du Recteur Majeur, père Pascual Chávez, sur Jean-Paul II.
Una Madre para la iglesia
Un esfuerzo de inculturaciòn del Evangelio
UPS Opening of the Academic Year 05 – 06: Homily during the mass of the Holy Spirit
A view of consecrated life today and in the future
(Una visione sulla vita consacrata.Rivista-en.doc)
Vivir el cielo en la tierra