Bishop Stephen Ferrando: letters



I am happy to write a short foreword to this collection of letters of Bishop Stephen Ferrando to his Missionary Sisters of Mary Help of Christians because I myself owe a big debt of gratitude to him.

During my second year Latin studies in Valdacco, a tall cleric came to substitute our Assistant for fifteen days, and I remember how within that short period he won over the hearts of all his students. That cleric was Bishop Stephen Ferrando, the Founder of the Missionary Sisters of Mary Help of Christians. Divine Providence made of him my leader to Assam, when I was one of the first batch of novices called by Msgr. Mathias, then Prefect Apostolic of Assam, Manipur and Bhutan.

Fr. Ferrando was the Socius for ten months and Novice Master for the last two months of my Novitiate, my Rector during my course of philosophy and later on my Bishop for sixteen years. On one occasion when Msgr. Mathias and I were travelling to Guwahati, he said the following words to me “I wish all of you could be as humble and obedient as your Rector, Fr. Ferrando”.

I was rather close to Bishop Ferrando, especially after he had founded the Congregation of his Missionary Sisters. Often he asked me to preach retreats and conferences to them and he was very pleased that I had interpreted his ideas well. It was my happiness as a Bishop to have built some Convents for the Missionary Sisters in the Dioceses of Dibrugarh, Tezpur and Tura.

May this birth Centenary of your Founder be an invitation for you to recall his saintly life and the great debt of gratitude you owe him. Today you have numerous vocations, when, as a whole, the number of vocations to religious life is on decrease. It is because your Founder is blessing you from heaven.

The exhortations in his letters to you reflect the virtues that he himself practised. Therefore, imitate these virtues as true daughters of your Founder. May your Founder’s great humility, charity, obedience and simplicity guide your Congregation to ever greater missionary success and religious perfection.

June 24, 1995 Rt. Rev. Orestes Marengo, S.D.B.

Bosco Mount, Rongkhon,

Tura - West Garo Hills


My dear Sisters,

On the occasion of the Birth Centenary of our beloved Founder, Bishop Stephen Ferrando, I consider it a great privilege to present you with the collection of his letters to us his daughters from 1941 to 1978.

Receive it as coming from the heart of a father who loves you tenderly,” writes our Founder, way back in 1954 in one of his letters. These lines did not flow merely from his pen, but from his heart that was full of tender love for his daughters. We can read Bishop Ferrando in these letters, and that will certainly send our blood pulsing through our veins.

In his writings, you will discover his love for us, his priorities at heart and his deep- seated interest in our spiritual welfare much more than in our material comforts, though that to was his object of concern.

Let us read and re-read these letters, study the noble person he was, live his exhortations and imbibe the great spiritual wealth contained here. I have no doubt that this rich collection at our disposal will be of much benefit to our personal study, meditation, good-night thoughts and conferences which will spur us on to imitate his virtues.

My earnest prayer is that each of us let our Founder live in our very lives and carry him along with us to our missionary undertakings.

June 20, 1995Sr. Elizabeth Packumala

Mother General


My dear daughters in Christ,

Praised be Jesus Christ”.

Merry Christmas and a Bright New Year! May the blessing of the Infant Jesus be upon you and upon your parents too.

The second good news is that I have sent a letter to the Holy Father in Rome in order to begin a new society and to build a house. Do not be discouraged; trust in the Almighty hands of God. He wants us to be His own. Be firm in your loving call, so that you may be worthy spouses of Christ. Take the example of our Father Abraham whose faith was very strong. He got a son in his old age because of his great faith. Be ready for any sacrifice as Abraham was ready to sacrifice his only son. Jesus wants a very generous spouse. Put your trust in Him. Be imitators of Mary Mazzarello, she will guide and protect you.

Pray for me. I will pray for you all. During the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass I shall always remember you that the good Lord may help and protect you along the path of holiness.

Once again thousands of blessings upon you,

Yours devotedly in Christ Jesus,

Bp. Ferrando

1942 August 14

My dear and good Novices,

From your good Mistress of Novices I heard of your good news that you have the good will and the great desire to advance in religious perfection. I am sorry that under the present circumstances I am not able to come to Guwahati, but I remember you daily in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, that you may become holy, true children of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I am just writing to you on the eve of the feast of the Assumption of our Heavenly Mother to heaven. This great triumph of Our Lady is the great reward for the virtues which the Blessed Virgin practised during her life –time.

For her profound humility she was honoured above all angels and men.

For her angelic purity her body did not corrupt, but was taken up to heaven.

For her ardent charity she was crowned Queen of heaven and earth.

These three virtues: profound humility, angelic purity, ardent charity must be acquired and practised by you in order to persevere in your vocation and one day to follow your Mother and Queen in heaven.

First of all be humble- Our Lady called herself the maid servant of the Lord.

A humble novice does not grumble or put on a gloomy face when she is corrected but loves corrections because she realizes that we are poor creatures full of defects and imperfections. A humble novice does not work or act in order to obtain honour, esteem, popularity or praise, but to please God and seek the glory of God.

Humility has a sister, who cannot be separated from her. This sister is Holy Obedience. It is through obedience that we overcome our pride, deny our will and please Our Lord. A humble, obedient novice is always cheerful, glad of her vocation because she is carried in the arms of obedience like a child in the arms of its mother. The road which leads straight to heaven is “Obedience –Road”.

In the second place, a Novice must love the virtue of Purity. Our Lady was all fair and beautiful, without the shadows of sin because her heart belonged entirely to God. We are on earth, where there is so much mud- dangers for our soul. Like the dove of the ark you have fled away from the world in order to come to this Ark of Salvation which is the religious life. Forget everything about the world which is a traitor, keep the custody of your eyes that one day you may see the glory of the Blessed Virgin in Heaven. Have always that delicacy of conscience- that modesty which inspires you with the greatest horror for any venial sin and above all transgression of the rules. Have a great confidence in the Mistress of Novices. The virtue of purity must be the brightest diamond of your crown.

Finally love God and have an ardent charity towards other novices and neighbours. Love God as St. Mary Dominica Mazzarello did!!! She was always thinking of God, frequently raising her heart to God with ejaculatory prayers and aspirations. Love God by meditating upon the Passion of Our Lord and if you have to suffer something here below, suffer it for the love of God. Be always like the prudent and wise virgins of the Gospel, carrying always your lamp burning with the oil of charity, so that when your Spouse comes you may go to meet Him and enter into the Banqueting Hall. In heaven you will understand the greatness of your vocation!

Love other sisters, because you must form one family, one heart and soul to love God totally. Beware of the feelings of every jealousy which creep into our heart. If you receive any offence forgive and forget like Our Lord Jesus Christ, who, on the cross pardoned and prayed for His executioners.

Do not keep rancour in your heart. Bear the defects of one another and help one another. This is the commandment of the Lord. Finally, Love your neighbours especially the poor children and prepare yourselves well in order to be great educators one day and save countless souls! We are religious to save our souls and the souls of others. May Our Lord bless you.

+ Bp. Ferrando

1944 APRIL 4

My dear Novices,

I am writing to you to wish you a Happy Easter. Easter is the most solemn, glorious and joyful feast because our Saviour is risen. But Easter is always preceded by a Good Friday. We cannot attain the glory, peace and everlasting happiness of the Eternal Easter in heaven unless we mount Calvary with Our Lord Jesus Christ. You know, St. Paul says that Christ died for all, that they who live may not now live to themselves, but unto Him who died for them and rose again. We must not live for our comforts, according to our will and pleasure but only for Jesus. Those who desire to follow and Him in religious life are crucified with Him on the cross and the three nails are the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. One day Blessed Angela of Foligno was meditating on the passion of Our Lord. Then Jesus told her, “I have not loved you in jest, my love for you is no trifling thing.” The love of Jesus for us is immense and for our sake He suffered all the pains. If we desire to love Jesus, shall we not suffer anything for Him? I want you to understand well that you should not embrace religious life in jest, because poverty, chastity and obedience are like three nails, which must pierce and kill ourselves, our body and our will.

Jesus was poor and when He was nailed all fled away, but poverty followed Him as Jesus died stripped of everything. We must rejoice when we lack the comforts of this world and be detached from everything.

Jesus was scourged to death for the sins of this world and the spouse of Christ is crowned with the crown of thorns to protect her virginity. Christ was obedient unto death and obedience means to forget our own will, to die to our will and in all things be guided by it.

These words seem to be too severe and hard, but we know through Calvary we attain resurrection. Oh! In the sufferings of this world remember the great reward which Jesus has prepared for you! The saints were filled with joy at the simple thought of heaven. Then rejoice always and be glad because your names are written in heaven! Wear now your crucifix with the reflection, that is to say carrying always the marks of the passion in your heart and body, carrying not only the crucifix on your breast but planting it in your heart and one day you will rise with Jesus and you will sing with Him the hymn of joy throughout eternity.

I bless you

Yours sincerely,

+ Ferrando

1944 JUNE 20

My dear Novices,

I have received your letter and your sentiments expressing your strong will to become good religious, have filled my heart with joy.

I hope to come to Guwahati next month. We are in the beautiful month of June, consecrated to the Sacred Heart and I am praying to Jesus to give you a place in His Divine Heart. It seems to me that the heart of Jesus is repeating to us the words written in the Gospel, “Learn of Me, because I am meek and humble of heart- Learn of Me not to work miracles, to create the world but humility and meekness.”

Humility perfects us in our duties towards God and our neighbor. Perfection consists in charity which makes us fly to God by the two wings – the love of God and love of our neighbour. But what relation is there between the humility and charity of God! Do you remember the fact which is written in the Holy Scripture of that poor widow who was starving and went to the prophet Elijah? The holy man of God told her, “Borrow empty vessels and pour your oil into them.” From these words we learn that our hearts must be empty of vain glory, empty of pride, before the grace of God can be poured into them. If our hearts are full of self-love, can we desire o fill it with the oil of Divine Charity!

Oh, what a great grace is the love of God, which unites us to God the source of all joy, perfection of life! But if I seek the praise of men, crave for human esteem, think myself already perfect by not knowing how to take corrections and if I desire always the first places, it means that my heart is full of self-love; it is not empty to receive the graces of God. One of the greatest privileges of my life was to attend the beatification of Blessed Mazzarello in the largest and most beautiful church of the world, in St. Peter’s. When I saw her picture surrounded by thousands of lights, thousands of men beginning with the Pope, honouring her, I said, “Look, the reward of humility!” Mother Mazzarello sought always the last post for herself. She was very humble, seeking only the glory of God, and now God rewards her with the greatest joy and glory. On the contrary, God resents the proud, and a religious cannot persevere in her vocation unless she be very humble. Do not be deceived: those who are proud are like play-things in the hand of the devil and have no peace. Jesus says: “Be humble…and you will find rest for your souls.”

My dear children, you have chosen this life only to please God, to serve Him, and to love Him. He will be your judge one day. Let us therefore walk in the way of humility as Our Lord did. And we shall be holy and happy. There are no differences among us, one first, and the other second and so on, but we are one in Christ who is our Head-Superior.

But Jesus says to learn of Him also meekness, that virtue which perfects our duties towards our neighbour. The meek are those whom the spirit of discord never agitates, nor anger perturbs. Meekness is the flower of charity while Joy, Peace, Patience, Benignity, Goodness, Mildness and Modesty are the fruits. The religious bows when the spirit of God reigns and that is paradise on earth. But the spirit of devil is discord, envy, anger, stubbornness, and grumbling; and when these enter into a religious house that house is no more a house of joy and peace. Therefore, my dear children, if you desire to embrace this life, do not give room in your heart to anger, envy and resentment but bear with one another, forgive one another, even if you have complaints against another, as the Lord has forgiven you, so do you also. Be at peace with yourself and others. And how? By saying with the saints, “My beloved is for me and I am entirely for Him, loving Him and seeking Him only. “Live in peace, abandoning yourselves into the hands of God, fully convinced that we can do nothing by ourselves but by the grace and strength of Jesus.

When you have read this letter put yourselves into the presence of the Sacred Heart, that Heart burning with love for us and pray to your Divine Saviour, “ O Sacred Heart of Jesus, make my heart like unto Thine.” Consecrate yourselves to the Sacred Heart and promise Him to labour only for the glory of God. We are the little flock of Jesus, our Congregation is the least one, but Jesus has chosen you to bring to Him many and many souls by means of humility and meekness which make us seek only God, which make us live always in joy and peace in the community life! May Jesus bless you and the Blessed Virgin obtain for us these two virtues.

I bless you

+ S. Ferrando

1944 JUNE 20

My dear Sisters,

I received your loving letter and I am very glad that you are well and happy. My dear sisters, we are in the month of June, a month dedicated to the Heart of Jesus. I pray that Our Lord may give you a corner of his Heart to remain there till the end. Jesus says, “I am meek and humble of heart. Don’t try to do miracles or wonderful works but learn to be meek and humble.”

All our good and humble work will straight go to Jesus. Be simple with the people, your simplicity and availability will bring people closer to you and people will love you, more and more, which will help you to love God and people.

What is the difference between humility and love? Do you remember the words of the Bible? The widow who was dying of hunger went to the prophet Elijah. Learn from this that we should be empty of selfishness, pride, jealousy- then Jesus will reign in our hearts.

If your heart is filled with worldly love, then the love of Jesus cannot enter into it. You should empty all worldly love, worldly desires if you want Christ to reign in your hearts. The love of God is so sweet. God’s love is keeping us together and it will assimilate in us Jesus who is the fountain of life. If you seek honour and praise and seek the first place everywhere and think yourselves as perfect and do not accept corrections, then it is a sure sign that there is no place for God in your hearts and lives.

When I went to St. Peter’s Church in Rome for the canonization of Bl. Mazzarello, thousands of people and the Holy Father praised her and then I thought “This is the sign of her humility.” Mary Mazzarello, always sought the last place. She only sought the glory of God. Now she got her reward for her virtues. Jesus puts down the proud and exalts the humble. A religious cannot persevere in her vocation if she is not humble. God exalts the humble and crushes down the proud. Once you put your hand to the plough, never look back.

Do not get cheated. The devil plays with the proud and the proud is the doll of the devil. They will never have any peace. Jesus says, “Be humble so you will have peace”.

My dear daughters, remember, you entered religious life to praise God, to serve Him, to love Him. One day he will come to judge us. Then He will separate the good and the bad. There is no difference among us like first, second etc. Remember Jesus is our head. “Learn of me for I am meek and humble of heart. Meekness and gentleness are virtues. Those who do their duty towards God and his fellow men and have no enmity towards his neighbour is loved by God. They do their duty well. Gentleness is the fruit of love. These are the fruits of the Holy-Spirit- joy, peace etc. The Convent where the Holy Spirit reigns is a second heaven. But the fruits of the devil are anger, enmity, jealousy, stubbornness, grumbling etc. and when the devil enters in the convent there will be no peace. So my dear daughters, if you want to live in a religious house remove the fruits of the devil. God is everything for me and I am completely for Him. You search only the love and glory of God and live it and remain in peace. Then Jesus will take possession of your soul and body.

So my dear daughters, if you want to live your life in this congregation, you must not keep anger and hatred in your heart: be friendly with each other, forgive each other as Jesus forgives you. Live in peace with yourself and with others. How? Say with the saints, “My LOVE is everything for me and I am completely His. “ Love Him alone and stay with Him. Keep in mind, “Jesus is my strength.”

After reading this letter offer your hearts to the Heart of Jesus because that Heart is our love. He is our Saviour. Make your heart love the Heart of Jesus. Offer your heart to the Heart of Jesus and do all the work for the glory of God. We are the little ones of Jesus. Our society is the smallest and remember Jesus chose you to save many souls for Him. If we are humble and simple like the Child Jesus, He will surely bless us and our humble and simple Congregation.

May God bless you and Mary Help of Christians help you to acquire the two great virtues of simplicity and humility.

Yours affectionately,

+ S. Ferrando

1945 DECEMBER 21

Bishop’s House

Dear and Rev. Sister,

Sister superior has told me that you are in charge of the Novices and the professed Sisters. You have to take charge of them in a very delicate moment, when the Novices and the Sisters may be a little upset owing to the illness of Sister Severina. Our Lord who has sent us the cross will send also the means to have comfort and grace in this tribulation. I am sure that your wisdom, patience and kindness will do much in fostering the spiritual progress of the Novices and that nothing will come to disturb their peace. I shall be very glad to be informed about everything which may be conducive to the spiritual welfare of the Novitiate.

May God bless you.

A very Happy Christmas,

Yours Sincerely,

S. Ferrando

1945 DECEMBER 22

Bishop’s House,


My dear Novices,

Your good wishes and prayers are much appreciated and welcome.

Christmas is the feast of all children and therefore of the Novices who are in the spiritual childhood of Religious life. The child Jesus from the crib says to the Novices. “See how I love you. If you want to please me imitate my humility and simplicity! See how I let myself be carried in my mother’s arms and I trust in Her! So you also have always great confidence in your Mistress of Novices!”

Mary who is adoring and loving her Son says to the Novices: “I am your Mother! Come to me, have recourse to me in all your needs and I will lead you in the way of Perfection.”

St. Joseph who is also kneeling before the crib says to the Novices: “I am working only for Jesus and Mary. So you too work very much and do everything with purity of intention. Sanctify your work, actions, by accompanying them with acts of love to God and spiritual aspirations.”

May God bless you!

Yours Sincerely,

+ S. Ferrando

1947 MARCH 14

Bishop’s House,

Shillong- Assam- India

My dear Sisters,

With much pain and regret I have learnt the death of our dear sister Mariam Ekka. She is gone to dwell in the house which our humble congregation has in heaven. We must certainly weep, but at the same time rejoice because she has persevered till the end.

Sister Death,’ as it was called by St. Francis, has come to visit our Congregation. We must learn to love more and more our vocation, to detach ourselves from this world. One day we too shall follow her. Blessed are those whom the Lord finds watchful. Be therefore fervent and diligent like the wise virgins of Christ, holding your lamp always burning with the oil of charity- let us love God, who loves us

I bless you.

Yours in J.C.

+ Ferrando

1947 DECEMBER 22

Bishop’s House,

Shillong – Assam- India

Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

Many thanks for your letter and wishes for a Happy Christmas.

I thank you ever so much for the work you do on behalf of our Sisters.

Our Blessed Mother will certainly help us in this work so important and difficult.

May Our Lord bless you.

Yours Sincerely,

+ Ferrando

1948 March 23

Bishop’s House,

Shillong- Assam- India

Rev. Sister Nellie,

I am glad to hear that you arrived safely in Tezpur. I am confident that under the protection of St. Joseph all will be very happy in Tezpur.

About the nursing Sisters: perhaps it is convenient to see how the course works out in Guwahati. What does Sister Luigina say? I will do my best to come to Tezpur very soon. I wish all a very happy Easter!

May peace, joy and fervour always reign in the new House.

Yours Sincerely,

+ Ferrando

1948 May 8


Dear and Rev. Sister,

Under separate registered cover I am sending the Constitutions. I hope you will be able to print them with the multiplicator. If anything is needed, please write to me.

May the B.V. in her beautiful month keep all of us under her maternal mantle.

Yours Sincerely,

+ S. Ferrando

P.S. After having consulted my secretary I think that it is much better to have it printed. I will see to it.


Bishop’s House,

Shillong – Assam- India

Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

I received your letter dated 21st inst. For the translation in Hindi, we must wait for the holiday time, when Fr. Louis will be free.

Dibrugarh: I heard something about the Sisters. It is not to be wondered at, and I hope that everything is O.K. now. I will try to see them in October and I will write. We must build a house for them. The Retreat is again in December. I hope also to come to Tezpur in October.

May God bless all of us.

+ Ferrando

1948 NOVEMBER 10

Bishop’s House,

Shillong – Assam- India

Dear and Rev. Sister,

I received your letters. Fr. Mellino will come to preach the Retreat. Fix the date. I too will come in December. If there is no impediments and information are good you may accept that Aspirant. There are many things to settle. Let us pray hard. My blessing to all.

Yours Sincerely,

+ Ferrando

1948 DECEMBER 21

Bishop’s House,

Shillong – Assam- India

To our dear Sisters and Novices of Tezpur the Bishop sends his wishes and blessing for Christmas.

Jesus wants all of you to become saints and to save many souls! The safest road to sanctity is that of Bethlehem: to be humble like the Child Jesus, to be carried on the wings of Holy Obedience, as the Child Jesus was carried in the arms of His Mother.

May God bless you.


+ Ferrando

1949 APRIL 7

Bishop’s House,

Shillong – Assam- India

Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

I have received your letter dated 1st April. I do not remember whether I have received the other letter you wrote to me, and whether I have replied. My correspondence was very irregular owing to my tours. I will consider the two applications and send them back immediately.

Pray for Sister Bernadette. I have some vitamins here and I may send them, if you desire. I was in Dibrugarh. We must build the Convent there, but there are difficulties in getting material. I have sent another set of pictures and I hope they will be good for teaching catechism. I wish you a very Happy Easter and I thank you ever so much for what you are doing for our dear Mission.

+ Ferrando

Bishop of Shillong


Bishop’s House,

Shillong – Assam- India

Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

I am about to leave for Rome where I will deal also with the final approval of the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters. I am therefore in need of fervent prayers that Our Lord may help us.

I spoke to Fr. Mellino of Golaghat about building a new house for the Sisters in Golaghat. I have already sent Rs. 1500/- to buy the iron needed for the building. Owing to the difficulties of these hard times it will take long time and this grieves me very much, but the Fathers will do their best to speed up the matter.

In the meantime I wonder if you were able to build that small addition to the Convent in Tezpur.

I am confident that Our Lord will continue His divine assistance. I wanted to come to Tezpur before leaving and I have hoped till yesterday, but something stood always on the way especially my bad health.

Write therefore at once to Bombay- “Don Bosco” Matunga, Bombay 19.

I will write from Rome and Turin giving my address.

May God bless you and many many thanks for what you are doing for our Congregation.

+ S. Ferrando

Bishop of Shillong


Bishop’s House,

Shillong – Assam- India

My dear Sisters,

I am about to leave for Rome and Turin. In Rome I will have to treat important matters about our Congregation. Therefore your prayers are urgently requested. If I shall have the great privilege of kneeling before the Holy Father I will ask a special blessing for you and our beloved Congregation.

In Turin I will celebrate the Holy Mass at the Altars of St. John Bosco and Blessed Mazzarello. I will put each one of you in spirit into the chalice asking Our Lord through the intercession of St. John Bosco and Blessed Mazzarello to bestow on you the spirit of piety. By the spirit of piety we realize that we are the children of God and therefore we love Him and we do everything for Him. The holy remains (holy relics) of St. John Bosco and Blessed Mazzarello are laid on the richest, beautiful Altars in the Church of Mary Help of Christians. Oh, with what joy I look forward to the moment when I will be able to pray before the beautiful image of Mary Help of Christians! I will remember all the Sisters of our Congregation asking for them the perseverance in their holy vocation. Don Bosco would always give two H’s as a souvenir to his children:

1st H health – looks after your health, take proper food, rest, recreation.

2nd H holiness- only one thing is necessary: to become a saint and a great saint.

Let nothing disturb the peace of your soul. Be always cheerful, because God loves you and the Blessed Virgin is your Mother.

Abide in charity, forgiving one another and helping one another, always going on with a smile.

May God bless you.

Yours in Christ,

+ S. Ferrando

Bishop of Shillong

P.S. Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie, please send a translation also to Dibrugarh.

1950 APRIL 8

New Rochelle,

New York

To the Diocesan Sisters of Tezpur and Dibrugarh from America

My dear and Rev. Sisters,

Today is Good Friday and I am writing to our dear Sisters in Assam to wish them a very Happy Easter. You seem to be saying: “At last! The Bishop has remembered us! Jesu Ki Barai!” Yes, but I also am waiting for the letters you wrote to me. Perhaps they went to the bottom of the sea, because I have not yet received them. I hope that this letter will find you in good health and always cheerful.

Sometimes I pray to your good Guardian angels to fly to America and give me your news and then fly back with my blessing! In America I visited many convents of Sisters and when I spoke of you, the Sisters of America are much interested and they ask me whether you are very good and holy. Of course I reply: “Yes!!” Don’t make me tell a lie, because I do not like to go to Purgatory.

America is a wonderful country. Today I am near a lake which is like a sea, with streamers so big, compared to our streamers in Guwahati that are small boats carrying only two men! The motorcars in America are numerous as the ants and it seems that all go by motorcar. There are so many wonderful inventions about which in India we know nothing. Sometimes I say: “Oh! If I had these beautiful things for our Sisters, for our children!” And what beautiful churches and schools! The Catholic religion is very strong and during Lent I saw the churches always crowded with people receiving Holy Communion. One Sunday I preached 10 sermons during the ten masses and the church was always crowded1! The Sisters belong to many Congregations and they teach, tend the sick in beautiful Hospitals! But there is one thing in which they cannot beat us: our Poverty! But remember that we must have poverty in our heart to be true spouses of Our Lord. Therefore rejoice, in Assam we are in the Grotto of Bethlehem, where there is Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Be always fervent religious in loving God above all things, in serving him with generosity, in being always one heart and soul in the practice of fraternal charity and our Congregation will have the blessing of Our Lord.

I am sorry that the house of Golaghat is not yet finished. If I could send cement from America! Pray hard! The month of May is at hand when you will be going for the Retreat. Try to attend it well. I hope all of you will go to Tezpur for the Retreat and then you will have a nice picnic like last year. Write to Fr. Bianchi, my Secretary, to send you the money for that trip. God bless you. Write to me, especially the Sisters of Dibrugarh.

+ S. Ferrando

1950 MAY 10America

My dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

I have received your letter dated 3rd May. Many thanks. Naharkatia - my desire is to settle the convent at Golaghat first and then I will see about Naharkatia. It is so difficult nowadays to build, and I must think also about Dibrugarh.

Sisters in Dibrugarh – I fully realize what you say, and I think that we must send a priest to Dibrugarh who will be able to give spiritual direction.

Retreat- I suppose that in Tezpur there is not much space for accommodation. In my opinion it would be nice to have the retreat in Tezpur, but if it is not possible, please ask Fr. Marengo to go to Dibrugarh. I hope to be back in Assam in the month of September. When will you come to Italy? Please, convey my kindest regards to Rev. Direttrice and my blessing to the Sisters.

Yours Sincerely,

+ S. Ferrando

1950 JUNE 12

New Rochelle

Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

Many thanks for your letter. Please convey my thanks to Rev. Direttrice for the great help she is giving to our little Sisters. As for the preachers, you easily understand that it is very difficult for me to make any arrangement from America, because the Fathers may be already booked. Will you kindly approach Fr. Provincial, Don Uguet, or ask the Fathers to do it. Fr. Uguet will certainly take care of it. I will see you in Turin. A happy Feast of the Sacred Heart. I will write to the Sisters tomorrow. God bless you.

Yours Sincerely,

+ S. Ferrando

1951 APRIL 27

Bishop’s House,

Shillong – Assam- India

Dear Rev. Sister Nellie,

Many thanks for your letter dated 24th inst. On the 24th May I will go to Golaghat for the official opening of the convent: and I wonder whether it will be possible for you to come that we may see together on the spot all the things which are necessary. I am writing to Rev.Fr. Mellino. Please will you kindly see about the sheets, blankets, dishes etc. as we spoke in Tezpur and send the bill to Fr. Bianchi.

The month of May is a good occasion for increasing our fervor and enkindling our hearts with the fire of divine love. I am sure that our good Sisters and Novices will vie with the angels in honouring Our Lady. For the feast of the 24th of May I will send a letter to all. Please convey my blessings to all. Kindest regards to Rev. Madre Direttrice.

Yours Sincerely,

+ S. Ferrando

Bishop of Shillong

1951 JUNE 26


Dear and Rev. Sister,

Thanks for your letter. I am glad that Fr. Marengo has been able to accept the preaching of the retreat. I will be in Golaghat on 21 July for the closing day. Having no secretary I cannot be away from Shillong for a long time. I am sure that you will be able to arrange everything. Please write to Fr. Mellino and do not hesitate to send the bills.

Perhaps you may write to Indore or Ranchi to have new spiritual books for Golaghat. I am sending my special blessing for the aspirants and I hope to come soon to Tezpur.

Yours very sincerely,

+ S. Ferrando

1951 JULY 23

Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

My dear children in J.C.,

With the greatest pleasure I break to you the happy news of the nomination of Rev. Fr. Orestes Marengo SDB, to the Bishopric of the new Diocese of Dibrugarh. Besides his stay in India for 28 consecutive years he is so well known to you for his distinguishing features of a valiant Missionary, a good linguist and an exemplary follower of St. John Bosco that I do not spend more words in describing him to you. What he needs of us at the present moment is our prayers on his behalf, since, no doubt, he feels all the responsibility and the magnitude of the task confronting him. Please convey to him without delay your heartiest congratulations and prayerful wishes together with the assurance of the most willing co-operation. AD MULTOS ANNOS!

Yours sincerely in Jesus,

+ S. Ferrando

1951 OCTOBER 24


My dear Missionary Sisters of Mary Help of Christians,

I am just back from a short visitation of your Convents at Golaghat and Tezpur. I thank Our Lord because I see that you are animated with good will and you desire earnestly to be good religious, serving the Spouse of your soul, Jesus Christ, with fidelity, generosity and love. Only two years ago you were like birds living in the beautiful nest of Tezpur under the guidance of your Superiors. Now you are growing up and you must take your flights, open new convents and schools. You have been looking forward to this day, when you would be out to work for Our Lord and be true Missionaries of Mary Help of Christians, by saving many souls. But alas! Sometimes it may happen that a Sister, a short while after having left her Novitiate and gone to work in the Missions begins to relax and to grow cold in the practice of virtue. One asks oneself: “But was she not a fervent novice, exact in obedience, faithful in little things, frank and open with her Superiors, indifferent to whatever obedience demanded of her, earnest in her spiritual progress and anxious to work for the salvation of souls?” Yes, certainly but why should she wax cold in her love for Jesus Christ? Has God perchance changed? Oh, No; God has not changed and God is always ready to bestow on her His grace and blessings. It is that Sister who has changed, by beginning to listen to the suggestions of that enemy of religious perfection which are self and pride.

One Saint wrote, “The passage from interior life (namely your novitiate) to active life is always for all those who do keep an intense watch over themselves”. Watch you also and pray, because the enemy of your soul who found the way to enter in to the terrestrial Paradise is also trying to enter into your convents which are the new terrestrial paradise. In what manner did the devil first tempt Eve? By inducing her to doubt about the rightness of the command of God and then little by little to make her disobedient. The devil is acting always in this manner. He tries to create confusion and disorder in religious houses by tempting the sisters to lose their confidence in their Superiors, to discuss their orders and little by little to become disobedient. That Sister will begin to say, “Why is my Superior giving me such an order? She is not right; she is doing so because she has something against me.” Then that Sister begins to think over what she calls ‘wrong’ due to her and finally she disobeys the order. After that the next step is to break the rules. The result is that peace and joy leave her soul and she begins to be unhappy.

Sometimes the devil tempts the Sister by saying: “Why should I obey that Superior? She is not so clever and wise as I am”. Listen to what St. Ignatius wrote in his letter on obedience. “The Superior must be obeyed not because she be very wise, very good, or much endowed with all gifts from Our Lord. But only because she is the representative of God. Jesus said: “He that heareth you, heareth Me, and he who despiseth you despiseth Me.” In our obedience we must not be moved by natural feelings, but by the spirit of faith, seeing Our Lord Jesus Christ under the appearance of our Superior. It is very hard for our pride to judge and act in this manner, but to be religious is to sacrifice our will for the love of God, in submitting ourselves to the authority of God, that is to our Superiors.

Death came into the world through disobedience and life, peace and sanctity came to the world through the obedience of Our Lord Jesus Christ, who was obedient unto death.

Don Bosco said, “I want you to be obedient out of love for Jesus Christ, who said, ‘I have come to do the will of my Father who is in heaven”. We also, like Jesus, have been called to religious life not in order to do our will, to do only what we like, but to be like Jesus, who was obedient from Bethlehem to Calvary. We shall never understand what obedience is if we do not keep before our eyes the examples of Jesus. Woe to those religious houses where the orders of the Superiors are criticized, where the Sisters answer back, where the Sisters when corrected become dejected, gloomy and depressed. Let us meditate on what The Sacred Heart of Jesus told to St. Margaret Mary: “All religious separated from their Superiors should consider themselves as vessels of reprobation on which the sun of justice with its rays produce the same effect that the sun produces on mud. These souls are rejected by My Heart. The more they try to approach me by means of the Sacraments, of prayer and exercise of piety, the more I go far from them…..on account of the horror I feel for them. Indeed they go from one hell to another. This has been a cause of perdition for many and many will be lost on account of it. In fact every Superior, whether good or bad, holds My place. Therefore, whenever a subject tries to resist authority, he wounds himself fatally. In vain will he knock at the door of my mercy. He will not be heard, until I hear the voice of his Superior. No other defect displeases Me as much as those opposed to obedience, whether to Superiors or to the rules.”

Let us not forget these words of Jesus and let us promise Him that we shall never make any distinction between one superior and another. Whosoever is appointed to be the Superior of a Convent, she takes the place of God. As after the consecration the hosts look as bread but under the appearance of bread there is the Body of Christ, in the same manner, when a sister has been appointed Superior of a Convent she becomes, as it were a consecrated host, under the appearance of human nature which may be weak and defective. We must see the representative of God and obey her with simplicity and love. Another point of obedience is also to observe well the paragraph of the article 59 of your Constitutions. Happy those religious who are obedient because really they will be the children of God. But where there is no obedience there is a veritable hell and that religious house will fall down. In another letter I will write to you about the second virtue of a religious house which is charity and union. In the meantime I bless you and I assure you that the Blessed Virgin loves you and wants you to place your confidence in her maternal protection.

Yours sincerely in J.C.

S. Ferrando

Bishop of Shillong

1951 DECEMBER 17

Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

My dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

First of all a very Happy Christmas to you and to all the Sisters and Novices. Our small Congregation must imitate the spirit of Bethlehem where there is so much joy, peace, and simplicity in the midst of the poverty of the manger. Tell the Sisters and Novices that we must go to Bethlehem in spirit very often and make a return to the child Jesus who has loved us so much. Give a picture to each one of the Sisters. May God bless you and many many thanks.

+ S. Ferrando

P.S. Received your letter. O.K. speak to Sister Direttrice and see. Please can you send me the negatives of the photos? I will return.

1951 DECEMBER 19

Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

Dear Sisters,

Mgr. Marengo has written from Turin informing us that the Superiors have settled the date of his Consecration. He will be consecrated in Turin in the cathedral of Mary Help of Christians two days after Christmas i.e. 27th December.

He assures all the missionaries of Assam that he has had a very special memento of them all at the Shrine of Our Lady. I am sure you will send him at once by airmail a letter of congratulation, promising prayers.

I join Mgr. Marengo in wishing you all a happy and Holy Christmas and a New Year replete with God’s choicest blessings.

+ S. Ferrando

Bishop of Shillong

1952 MARCH 1

Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

Dear and Rev. Sister,

I have already sent Rs.1500/- and the pipes to Fr. Bullini. The fault is of nobody if the works have been delayed so long. We are living in very hard times and something turns up every day to thwart our designs. But now we shall go on and you must write to me what I must do urgently for Golaghat: kitchen, tubewell, school or ceiling of asbestos… We shall do our best.

I will send the other money for the purpose as soon as possible. Please tell Sister Superior that I have sent to her besides the usual monthly allowance for the Sisters and the girls another Rs.500/- to help a little. I hope that she received all (Rs.860.00). I wish I could do more!

For the feast of St. Mazzarello, I wrote to Fr. Rector. Yes, it may take place in May. I hope to pay a short visit to Tezpur on the 10th March. May God bless you.

Sincerely Yours,

+ S. Ferrando

1952 APRIL 4

Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

My dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

Thank you ever so much for your letter dated 3rd April. I sent also a big box of powder milk of good quality and I wonder whether it is still in Tezpur or if you have received it. The lives of the Saints by Butler are very good books. If you can get other spiritual books which are useful you may buy them and send the bill to me. I wonder if the Sisters and Novices can make copes for the Benediction. We have the silk cloth and we may buy the silk thread for the embroidery. There are still some clothes (old ones) here, for ladies, children; if you desire I may keep them for the Convent. Have you got the book “My Catholic Faith” by Bishop Morrow?

I have just received a letter from Mgr. Marengo. Perhaps his enthronement will take place in May the 18th; so that I must come to Tezpur on the 11th. I will write to Fr. Rector. Please ask the Direttrice to settle and see with him.

May God give you the joy and the peace of the Risen Saviour. I am always grateful for your grand work.

Yours Sincerely,

+ S. Ferrando

1952 APRIL 5

Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

My dear and Rev. Sisters and Novices,

I wish you a very Happy Easter. Rejoice and be glad with your Risen Saviour who has conquered death, sin and satan. Jesus is bringing His peace and His joy to you. For the love of Jesus you have left everything. You follow Him, carrying the cross with Him. We are dead with Him to the world, in order that we may live with Him for ever. Remember, my dear Sisters, that joy is the inheritance of the spouses of Our Lord.

Let nothing trouble you: we are the children of God who loves us. Think of the great happiness which Jesus has prepared for us. Our Lord said to the apostles after the resurrection: “I ascend to your Father and to my Father, to your God and to my God.” It means that His victory is ours, His Father is our Father. His resurrection, our resurrection. We are one with Jesus! This is the foundation of our joy.

May God bless you,

+ S. Ferrando

P.S. Please translate this into Hindi and send a copy to Dibrugarh and Golaghat as my Easter Message.

1952 APRIL 16

Bishop’s House

Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

I received your letter dated 14th April. For the copes I wonder if you are able to make embroidery work. The silk is very fine and already with decorations. I will send the silk at the first opportunity and also the clothes. I am waiting for the date of the blessing of the chapel at Baludanga. In a few days we begin the month dedicated to Our Lady Help of Christians. I am in need of a special grace. Ask the Sisters to pray for that intention during that month.

Yours Sincerely,

+ S. Ferrando

1952 APRIL 24

Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

My dear Sisters,

I thank you ever so much for your nice letter. I wish you a very Happy Easter. The Day of Resurrection of Our Lord is a day of special joy for the Religious. Those who carry the Cross with Our Lord, those who are nailed on the Cross with Him by means of the three vows, must rejoice because with the Lord we shall rise and our joy will be full. Joy, peace, confidence are the fruits of the Holy Ghost- the gifts of Jesus! I want to tell you that a religious must be always of a cheerful disposition, because joy is yours and not of the world. Rejoice then, in the Lord, and let nothing trouble you, because the Lord loves you. But you tell me: “On the way we meet many thorns!” Certainly! The two disciples of Emmaus could not believe that the Messiah should suffer and die. But Our Lord said to them: “Was it not to be expected that the Christ should undergo these sufferings and enter into His glory?”

Suffering, then, is the path to glory and to resurrection. A Religious soul is the spouse of Our Lord Jesus Christ and like Him she must wear a crown of thorns, because a religious must live like a victim which is immolated every day for the salvation of souls!

We cannot go to heaven by the road of pleasure and comforts. We have become religious, St. John Bosco says, not in order to enjoy the pleasures of the world but to suffer and acquire merits for life everlasting; we are consecrated to God, not in order to command, but to obey, not to attach our heart to the creatures but to practice charity towards our neighbour, and only out of love for God. We are religious not in order to be rich here below, but to be poor with Jesus Christ, suffer with Jesus Christ on earth and become worthy of His Glory in Heaven.

It is much important, therefore, that we strip ourselves of our will, and that we be ready to seek the will of God as it is manifested to us through our Rules and our Superiors. Leave your will and seek God’s will only and you will find great peace. A Religious must be ready either to teach or to go to Kitchen, either to look after the cleanliness of the house, or to stay in the playground with the children, because we have only one desire: to please Our Lord and to do what pleases Him.

Take heart therefore, my dear sisters, you have put the hand to the plough: hold fast to your crown, let nobody turn round to see the world which is a traitor, a deceit. Go on. It will cost toil, tears, hunger, thirst, but we shall always look at Jesus Our Redeemer, and with St. Paul we shall repeat “The tribulations of this life is momentary and light but the glory is eternal and the reward exceedingly great.

Wishing you all a very Happy Easter and God’s choicest blessings.

Yours affectionately in Christ,

+ S. Ferrando

1952 OCTOBER 18

Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

My dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

Owing to the heavy rains and mist the aeroplane could not reach Tezpur and we went back. Then the rain went on without a respite, the mariners struck up work and I caught malaria so that I could not come by streamer or by car. I will come on the 1st November for a short visit, as I must come for a long stay in December. I will come with Madre Avio to see about the building of the new school in Tezpur convent. I had with me a big bale of clothes for the convent, but remained in Guwahati at the Father’s.

May God bless all.


+S. Ferrando

1953 FEBRUARY 18

Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

First of all I must apologise for my delay. I have been touring. I am sending a cheque for Rs. 251/- I hope Fr. Mellino will be able to give you the equivalent in cash. I think that we may accept Sofia. I hope your journey will be successful. Please convey my blessing to the Sisters and Novices and let us say everyday some prayers in order to obtain good vocations.

Sincerely Yours,

+ S. Ferrando

1953 April 1

Bishop’s House

Shillong - Assam – India

My dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

I wish you, all the Sisters and Novices a very Happy Easter. May Our Risen Saviour bestow on all His joy and peace.

I have no idea when the building will be completed I would like to come to Tezpur for the occasion.

I am glad to hear your good news and I exhort all the Sisters to continue to pray that we may have many good vocations. Next Year we must open Barpeta, should we have personnel. Speak with Rev. Direttrice whether it be possible to bless the new building on the 14th of May.

With all heavenly blessings,

+ S. Ferrando


Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

I have not yet replied to your letters: procrastination is my besetting sin. I am glad that you went to Barpeta. I am writing to Fr. Guido to give all consideration to your suggestions. You must tell the Sisters to pray hard during the month of October, that Our Lady may send all the money to build a beautiful, large convent. I have so many constructions in hand, that I am really crushed down by so many bricks; but if I manage to swim ashore from this stormy sea, I will think only of Barpeta Convent, which must be Sacred Heart Convent.

The month of October must be a month of great fervor! I am much in need of a grace. Ask Sisters to say each day besides the usual 5 decades, 5 decades for my intentions giving each Sister one mystery. May God bless you.


+ S. Ferrando

1954 MARCH 31

Bishop’s House

Shillong - Assam – India

Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

I have received your letter dated 21st March only this morning. Air mail!!!

For the convent of Barpeta - We find so difficult to get cement and I am so worried about this building which takes so long time. It is not really our fault, but the difficulty in getting materials.

I think we may fix 24th May for the Medal Day, if any objection to it eventually arises, we shall fix for the 14th May.

Yesterday I went to see two Sisters at the Hospital. They look cheerful. I am in need of a special grace from Our Lady. Start a novena. May the passion-tide be a rich season for our soul. I am sure the Sisters and Novices will be able to read the best book: the Crucifix.

Yours Sincerely,

+ S. Ferrando

P.S. We still have some milk, if you desire to have it.

1954 APRIL 24

Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

Dear Sisters,

I am on the eve of my departure for Rome. During the special audience, which I hope to have with the Holy Father, I will ask a particular blessing for each one of you. Meanwhile I ask the charity of your fervent prayers for my intentions, because in Rome I must treat of important matters concerning our humble Congregation.

In Turin, in the wonderful Basilica of Mary Help of Christians, I will pray long before the Altars of St. John Bosco, St. Mary Mazzarello and St. Dominic Savio, begging these powerful protectors of ours for special graces to enable you to do God’s Holy Will perfectly in all things and so to become saints and great saints.

Your Superior General, Sister Luigina, and the Superior of the Mother House in Barpeta will remain with you. Place all your confidence in them, and God guiding you, everything will go on well. The maxim, ‘ALWAYS MORE AND ALWAYS BETTER,’ will be realized by each one of you, to God’s greater Glory, your own personal sanctification and the good of souls.

Before leaving you for a while, I would like to send you an exhortation or two, which I feel will be for your spiritual profit. Receive these poor words of mine as coming to you from the heart of a father who places his happiness in the spiritual welfare of his children.


In the first place I would have you meditate everyday on the greatness of the grace you have received in your religious vocation, and thank God from the bottom of your hearts for His goodness to you. Beg of Him every day for the grace to persevere in your holy vocation right up to the day, when he calls you to that great crown of glory that he has prepared for you in the kingdom of heaven.

In the Glory of Heaven, God is surrounded by countless Angels who adore him, and sing: HOLY, HOLY, HOLY IS THE Lord, God of hosts.” On earth, too, he does want to be surrounded by many Angels, who are the virgins consecrated to Him by religious vows.

Remember your great dignity. TO SERVE GOD IS TO REIGN; but you are more than His servants- more even than His Friends, for you are His consecrated souls- His loving spouses.

You are the beloved daughters of the Queen of Heaven, of Mary our tender Mother , and like Her, you follow Jesus here on earth, in order that one day you be crowned queens in that Heaven of eternal bliss that He has purchased for you at the cost of His Most precious Blood.

Ever remember these beautiful words of St. Alphonsus de Liguori: “Virgins who have the happiness of dedicating themselves to the love of Jesus Christ, by consecrating to Him the lily of their purity are as dear to God as His Angels.” This thought should help you to hold your vocation in the highest esteem.

If you want to correspond to the grace of your vocation in a practical way and so become wise virgins, truly pleasing to God, there are three things which you must bear ever in mind:

  1. the spirit of Prayer;

  2. the spirit of Sacrifice ; and

  3. love for the Apostolate.


He who prays well, lives well”, the Saints assure us; for it is prayer that draws down upon us those special graces we need in order to keep walking the narrow path of virtue, which will lead us infallibly to the happiness of Heaven. We must therefore pray. Pray much and pray fervently, if we wish to make real progress along the path of perfection.

We do not pray in order to change God’s Holy Will; but rather in order to change our own so that it may correspond perfectly with His.

We do not pray in order to move God to do what we wish; but rather to obtain the light and the strength to do all things what He wishes.

The more we love Him, the more we long to be united to Him, and the more we long to pray.

Pray without ceasing,” the Holy Scripture says. And we fulfill this precept when we perform all our daily duties in union with God. St. Mary Mazzarello made the resolution to make an act of love with every stitch when sewing. You should sweetly turn your heart and mind to God and multiply your acts of love as you go about your various occupations, as you wash the dishes or sweep the floor, teach or travel, sit down to a meal or to enjoy a recreation. The great Apostle St. Paul exhorts us to do all that we do “IN THE NAME OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST”, that is to say, for His love and for His Glory.

Those simple words: “ALL FOR JESUS” should often be upon your lips. They will turn all your work into prayer, and convert the dross of your most ordinary actions into the purest gold for the Kingdom of Heaven.

When I visit the beautiful shrines of Our Heavenly Mother in Europe, I will ask Her to obtain for you from the Heart of Her Divine Son this SPIRIT OF PRAYER. It will not only draw you to visit Him often in the tabernacle of His Love, but lead you to commune continually with Him as really and truly present in the depths of your soul.


When I recommend you to cultivate the spirit of sacrifice, I do not intend that you should emulate the example of those saints, who fasted, watched and scourged themselves to blood in their longing to resemble their Crucified Saviour as much as possible.

Your penance must be that of the Blessed Virgin, who said; “Behold the handmaid of the Lord. Be it done unto me according to thy word. “Never did Mary, our Mother and our Model, seek to please herself and do Her own will; but she sought only to please God and His Holy Will in all things. She always chose the last place, in order to work silently and hidden for Jesus and for her neighbour.

Remember those words of Jesus: “If any man will come after Me, let him take up his cross daily and follow Me”. If we want to be His disciples, we must embrace the cross of our daily trials and difficulties, and follow Jesus, not to Tabor, but to Calvary.

Let us not grumble and complain, when our Saviour does us the honour of visiting us with the Cross, but let us instead give him a smiling welcome. Jesus redeemed the world with sufferings, and it is with our sufferings, borne with Him, and for Him, that we will be able to save many souls, who will form our crown of glory in eternity. And here, my good Sisters, I would exhort you to brush up your spirit of Faith. We must look beyond the human instruments that Jesus sometimes uses in order to lay the cross upon our shoulders, and see only His divine hand stretched out and offering the most precious of all gifts. Let Him choose our Crosses- let Him choose the olive trees of Gethsemane: “NOT MY WILL, BUT THINE BE DONE”.

If you love the cross as true spouses of Jesus should do, you will then be on the lookout for little opportunities to mortify yourselves, a smile when you are weary – a kind word when you are inclined to be sharp- silence when anger or pride prompt you to speak ….. What beautiful bouquets of such flowers you can gather for Jesus every day, if you are generous. But you must never forget that you never please Jesus more than when you deny your own will, in order to do His, especially when it is manifested to you through your superiors. Jesus rewards all these mortifications, when accepted for His own love, with great graces in time and great glory in eternity.

Suffering for Jesus in one way or another, will make atonement for your sins, and so escape the pains of Purgatory- will help you also to save many souls for Jesus, and will beautify your own crown of glory in Heaven.


My third recommendation to you is Love for the Apostolate.

To each one of you Jesus says as he said to His apostles: “I have chosen you that you should go, and should bring forth fruit”. And what is this Fruit that Jesus refers to? SOULS SAVED THROUGH YOUR OWN ZEAL.

If only you could realize the value of an immortal soul, made in the image and the likeness of God, redeemed by the Precious Blood of Jesus watched over by one of heaven’s Angels – destined for glory in Paradise … O, how zealously we would labour to save souls!

St. John Chrysostom tells us that nothing is more acceptable to God than the salvation of Souls. St. Lawrence Justinian says: “If you wish to honour God, you can do no better than labour on behalf of the salvation of Souls.” For, as St. Bernard says: “A Soul is more valuable than the whole world in the eyes of God.” That is why Jesus once said to one of His Servants: “Labour for the salvation of sinners, for this is what is most pleasing to Me.”

Those who labour for the salvation of Souls, not only give great pleasure to God, but they also render their own salvation secure, and moreover obtain a greater reward in Heaven. “In saving souls you have predestined your own,” says the Holy Doctor, St. Augustine. And long before him, St. James, the Apostle, said: “One must know that he who causeth a sinner to be converted from the error of his way, shall save his soul (that is, his own soul as appears from the Greek text) from death, and shall cover a multitude of sins.”

St. Gregory says that the more souls of a sinner shall have converted from their sins the sooner shall be absolved from his transgressions. And St. Alphonsus is of the opinion that those who have the good fortune of being employed in converting sinners have a great mark of predestination.

This thought should be a source of great comfort to us and make us truly zealous in labouring for the salvation of souls.

Regarding the great reward that those who labour for souls shall receive, Daniel the Prophet says: - “They shall shine…. as the brightness of the Firmament. And they that instruct many to justice, as stars for all eternity.” Whilst Our Blessed Saviour Himself assures us that he that shall do and teach, shall be called Great in the Kingdom of Heaven.

May God grant you then, the true spirit of apostolate and enable you to save many souls for Him. These souls will form your crown of glory in Heaven through all eternity.


And now a last word, which is of the greatest importance for souls striving after Perfection: KEEP FAR FROM SIN AND AVOID ALL DISCOURAGEMENT AFTER YOUR FAULTS AND FAILINGS.

Keep far from sin, my dear Sisters: far even from the smallest venial sin. Deliberate faults cool the friendship of God and diminish His favours in our heart. Deliberate faults wound the heart of Jesus and bind His divine Hands, so that he is not able to pour down upon us all those graces that we need in our weakness, if we are to make rapid and great progress along the path of virtue. That is why deliberate faults, however small, are such great enemies of that perfection that we have pledged ourselves to seek after. To you, therefore, I do address those words which St. Teresa of Avila so often addressed to her spiritual daughters: “From every deliberate fault may God deliver you.”

But should we have the misfortune to commit faults, however big or numerous, never yield to discouragement- never let trouble and disquietude invade your soul. Discouragement is the devil’s walking stick. And grace flows off from a discouraged soul like water flows off from the roof. Disquietude does not come from God. It is a smoke that comes from the abode of disquietude, which is hell itself. “The devil always finds something to fish in troubled waters,” St. Aloysius used to say. In such a state you will not only be able to do any good, but you will also easily commit other faults, at least of impatience.

Take as addressed to yourselves these words which Jesus spoke to Sister Consolata Betrone, a Capuchin Nun, who died in1946 in a Convent in Italy. “If you happen to commit a fault, do not sadden yourself; but come, deposit it in my Heart, and resolve to practice the opposite virtue; but do this with great calm. In this way each fault of yours will be a step forward….. If the soul remains calm it is mistress of itself; but if it becomes disturbed, then falls are easy….. The soul in peace is like a fountain of pure limpid water, at which I can quench my thirst at will; but if disquietude enters, that soul, or rather that water, as it were agitated with a stick that causes the slime to rise, so that I cannot quench my thirst there…. Therefore, never, never, never allow disquietude to enter, because if you are disturbed the demon is satisfied – the victory will be his.”

Let us therefore learn, my dear Sisters, by loving confidence in the mercy of Jesus to overcome all discouragements, and to make our faults stepping-stones to closer union with Him.

Take these exhortations, my good Sisters, as coming to you from the heart of a father who loves you all tenderly in Jesus Christ, Our Saviour, and in Mary, our Mother, and who is most anxious about your spiritual formation and perfection.

Pray much for me during my absence, and for my intentions, and be assured also of a very special thought of each one of you in all my prayers.

With a very special blessing, I remain,

Yours devotedly in Christ,

+ S. Ferrando

Bishop of Shillong

1954 JUNE 4

Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

I am replying to your letter dated 1st June. Fr. Devalle may go to Golaghat for preaching the meditations.

About the date: I am free from 6th July to 12th July. Arrange accordingly. I will come for two days to Golaghat.

I shall be very grateful if you could send me a note of the things needed for the new Convent. How many are the novices and Sisters going there? We shall do our best to prepare everything. A very Happy Month of the Sacred Heart.

+ S Ferrando

Bishop of Shillong

1954 JUNE 21

Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

Rev. Sister Nellie,

I will reach Golaghat on the 9th July. If Fr. Bollini could arrange for a motorcar I could come by air. I am writing to him. Good for Fr. Devalle. Sorry I could not meet Msgr. Marengo. Please, write to Him at once. I will supply the things you ask for. In Golaghat we shall have an opportunity of seeing to them. Wishing all a very Happy Feast of the Sacred Heart.

+ S. Ferrando

1954 AUGUST 4

Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

Dear and Rev. Sisters,

On the 15th August the solemn coronation of Our Lady will take place in Shillong. You must be present at least in spirit at the feet of Our Lady. She is your Queen and your Mother. Remember the words of St. Paul to his first Christians: “You are my joy and my crown”. You also must be the joy and crown of Our Blessed Mother by the sanctity of life. One day we also, as we firmly hope, shall go to heaven to form the crown of Our Lady in Heaven, because where the mother is, also the children shall be. Imitate in a special manner her angelic purity, her profound humility and her ardent charity.

A last word: I am in need of a big grace from Our Lady, therefore start a novena to Our Lady on the 7th of August for this intention. May Our Lord Bless you.

+ Stephen

Bishop of Shillong

1954 AUGUST 19


Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

Thank you ever so much for your letter. I will see again for the confessions at Ganesh Hospital. I am sending a donation for the Feast. Ask them to celebrate the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart with fervour.

Blessing all.

Yours dev.,

+ S. Ferrando

1954 OCTOBER 21

Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

Deo Gratias! May the Blessed Virgin be always the good Mother of the New Convent and keep all the Sisters and Novices under her maternal mantle that they may serve God in perfect joy, holiness and love.

I will come to Barpeta for the Feast of Christ the King.

Blessing all,

Yours devotedly in Christ,

+ S. Ferrando

Bishop of Shillong


Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

Dear Rev. Sister Nellie,

I thank you ever so much for all kindness. Deo Gratias. I hope Our Lady shall be always the good Mother of the Convent and Novitiate. Through Fr. Borghi I sent a case of milk and things for the chapel. I sent a picture of the Sacred Heart, if you could have it framed, in December we shall make the Enthronement. I have also a nice statue of the Immaculate. I will bring it to Barpeta. I want the Sisters and Novices to begin a novena to Our Lady in order to obtain a special grace. I have written to the benefactors to obtain an extraordinary subsidy to build the school. Let us see if the prayers of the novices are powerful.

Blessing all,

+ S. Ferrando

P.S. Tell me your address and inform also P.O.

1954 NOVEMBER 25

Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

I received your letter through Fr. Borghi. I hope that the Sisters have already arrived in Guwahati. Let Sister Emma come for the Retreat and then we shall see.

Fr. Peditto cannot come for the Retreat; I have written to Fr. Morra and he will see to it.

I am leaving for Bombay on the 5th and I will be back on the 10th, leaving at once for Barpeta. We must settle also the monthly allowance. Write to Fr. Bianchi. On the 12th we must conclude the Marian Year with the consecration to Our Lady. May Our Lord bless your great work.

Yours gratefully,

+ S. Ferrando

1955 MARCH 14

Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

Please enclosed find two snaps of the Sisters. If you send them to Fr. Maschio, I am sure he will be able to print many copies. I was so glad in Barpeta. I sent Fr. Morra some money to collect sand and gravel, and place orders for the bricks, iron rods etc…... I sent also some papers and I will try to send more. May St. Joseph protect and guide us. I hope to send Fr. Bianchi to the village of Sister Margaret. We shall pack the refrigerator and when you have arranged with Mr. Dutta we shall dispatch it to Pandu. I am waiting for a trailer which is on its way from Calcutta.

Ask the Novices and Sisters to pray hard.

Yours very sincerely,

+ S. Ferrando

Bishop of Shillong

1955 APRIL 6

Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

I wish you and all the sisters a very Happy Easter with all the joy and happiness of the risen Saviour. Our Lord by his Resurrection teaches us to follow Him and trust in Him. The road up on which Our Lord walked was strewn with thorns, but that road is leading us to joy, peace and everlasting happiness. Tell the Sisters to keep always in their heart this joy and peace of the Saviour. Let us rise with Christ, minding the things that are above, not the things that are upon the earth.

1) There are three barrels of milk powder for you in Guwahati.

The refrigerator is still here, but I hope to send it down soon, waiting for Don Bosco’s car to go to Guwahati.

2) Fr. Bianchi will come to Barpeta also for a short visit. I hope everything is O.K.

Thank you. I have heard how much you helped the Fathers during those sad days.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

+ S. Ferrando

1955 MAY 20

Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

My dear and Rev. Sisters and Novices,

The Feast of Mary Help of Christians is approaching fast. I desire to write a few words to exhort you to increase your devotion to Our Lady. Mary help of Christians is the Patroness of our little Congregation.

The 24th of the month of May must be the most beautiful day of the year: a day of gratitude, a day of love, a day of new resolve for a holier life.

A DAY OF GRATITUDE: Only in Heaven we shall know how many graces the Blessed Virgin gives us every moment of our life. It is the Blessed Virgin who has called us to follow Her Divine Son in the religious life. Without Her protection we can do nothing, because Jesus wants all graces to come to us through Mary. Mary is our guide, our star, our Queen. All our gratitude must go to her.

A DAY OF LOVE: The Blessed Virgin is also our Mother. Can a Mother forget her child? Never. A mother loves her children and desires that they should return this love. Like devoted children of Mary, place therefore all your confidence in this good Mother, consecrate yourselves entirely to Her Immaculate Heart.

A DAY OF NEW RESOLVE FOR A HOLIER LIFE: The Blessed Virgin seems to be saying: “If you love me, keep your Rules.” Before the altar, on the day of your religious profession you have promised to observe all the Rules, even the smallest ones. Be faithful to your promise, no matter if sometimes you will have to suffer something. The progress of our congregation, your sanctity and happiness depends on the perfect observance of this.

May the Blessed Virgin keep you under her maternal mantle: look upon this Immaculate Mother, that you may always live like angels of purity in this sad world. In all temptations, in all trials, look at the Star of your life, call upon Mary, and try always to be Her worthy children.

I bless you all,

Yours in Christ,

+ S. Ferrando

Bishop of Shillong

1955 JUNE 18

Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

I have received your letter dated 15 inst. Yesterday that Postulant from Ranchi received the medal.

It is my great desire to come to Barpeta; I will certainly come in July and remain there for a week. Perhaps I may come before. I’ll send a telegram. I hope you had a nice feast of the Sacred Heart. We must really place our hope and trust in the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Convey my blessing to all.

Yours sincerely,

+ S. Ferrando

1955 August 31

Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

I am leaving for Rome on the 4th September. Ask the Novices and Sisters to pray hard daily for my intentions.

Fr. Louis from America sent you $ 200.00. Fr. Morra will give it to you. Write a beautiful letter to him. He will come to India in November. I have written this circular letter. I wonder if you can translate it. Perhaps it is too much for you. It may be read for spiritual reading.

I have made provision for speeding up works of the convent.

May God bless you,

Yours devotedly,

+ S. Ferrando

1955 NOVEMBER 20


Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

I am writing from Ireland on the eve of my flight to New York. I have been travelling a lot. I was in Spain and London, but I could not go to Paris. It is not to be wondered at if some Sisters did not like the idea of changing the habit. It means that they are faithful to the Rules and Traditions! It happened the same in Europe too!!

I hope that everything is going on well. Please write to New Rochelle. Is the new House coming up? Tell Fr. Morra to work in earnest. Continue to make propaganda- for Christmas. I will send a letter to the Sisters on receiving news from you.

I bless all,

Yours sincerely,

+ S. Ferrando


New York

My dear and Rev. Sisters,

Today is the first day of the novena in preparation for the great Feast on the Immaculate Conception. I am writing to you for the first time since my departure for America. But I have always had a remembrance of you especially in all the shrines of Our Lady which I visited. Mary Immaculate is the patroness of this great nation which the Lord has blessed not only with the wealth of the earth, but with spiritual blessings too. You cannot have an idea of what America is: here in America there are more than 60,000,000 motorcars and there are roads everywhere so broad that even 8 motorcars run abreast! But what strikes me most in America is the Catholic life. This morning I said Mass for the children in a school. 1500 children were present, with the Sisters – all received the Holy Communion. I am writing from a town called Philadelphia where there are hundreds of beautiful schools, where the sisters are teaching. Here there are many vocations, but more and more Sisters are needed. When visiting Convents in Italy, Spain, Ireland, England and America I was always thinking of our Congregation. Sometimes I tell the Sisters about you, that you also love Jesus and want to serve Jesus under the figure of little children, of the sick; that you are going to the villages to prepare children for first communion and teach catechism. All are much interested in your work. I do not envy the wealth of the convents in America. You are like Jesus in the Grotto of Bethlehem and where there is Jesus there is Heaven. Be therefore always careful about the vow of poverty to imitate the child Jesus, who being rich became poor for our sake. May God bless you. Happy Christmas

+ S. Ferrando

Bishop of Shillong

1955 DECEMBER 18

New Rochelle

Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

I have received your letter. I hope the Retreat went on well. Did you receive my letter for Christmas, I mean a circular letter for all the Sisters?

I am sorry that you have no cement. I hope that Fr. Morra will be able to have all the windows ready, and so the asbestos and tins for the roof.

Here I can see the wonderful work the Sisters do. The Catholic Church in America is wonderful. We are in a land where money is flowing like water, but all build and the standard of life is so high!

Continue to make propaganda. I am already tired and I am always thinking of our dear Assam.

I hope Fr. Bianchi was generous with butter, cheese, milk. A happy New Year. God bless you and all.

Devotedly in Xt,

+S. Ferrando

1956 JANUARY 15

New Rochelle

Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

I received your letter dated 19 December, only yesterday. Many and many thanks! I am glad to hear the good news about the Sisters. I hope the new School is going up. Write letters of propaganda to the Sisters. Send Photos! In America the sisters are very very numerous and everywhere they work wonders. Fr. Louis has already arrived. Yes, the wealth of America means nothing to me, and I would like to come at once, but without money we can do nothing. I am back from a tour: it snows and snows, but luckily all the motorcars, trains, houses and Churches are heated. Convey my blessing to all the Sisters.

Yours devotedly in Christ,

+ S. Ferrando

1956 FEBRUARY 20

New Rochelle

My Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

Here is a letter to the Sisters for Lent. Continue to pray. I am travelling and travelling, but you can do very little without preparation. We have come too suddenly here without this preparation. I look forward to a letter of yours.

God bless you.

+ S. Ferrando

1956 FEBRUARY 20

New Rochelle

My Dear and Rev. Sisters,

I am writing today, the first Sunday of the Lent, from a seminary in a town called Rochester, near the Great American lakes. It is snowing. Big flakes of snow fall down on the ground and the roofs of the houses are covered with white sheets. In this seminary there are about 250 clerics studying for priesthood. There are several seminaries in America, because vocations are very numerous. Also amongst the girls there are many and many vocations! What a great variety of religious Congregations of Sisters we have here in America! When I visited the convents I told the Sisters that in Assam we also have our good Sisters. Do not believe, that, in America the land of motorcars, television, aeroplanes etc. all the Sisters are very rich like queens! Here in America too they practise the three vows and they have only one desire to become saints! All the rest is nothing! They work very hard especially in the schools and hospitals! Though they are so many, all bishops complain that there are too few as every year new schools and hospitals are to be opened. There are also Sisters who visit the family and look after the sick in the houses of the poor. When I see their work, their piety, joy and charity, in their convents, I realize the beauty and the greatness of their vocation! You also have been called to follow Jesus Christ, to serve Jesus in the person of the little ones, of the sick! Be therefore, faithful, walking in a manner befitting your vocation in piety, joy, charity and obedience.

God bless you.

Bishop Stephen Ferrando

1956 APRIL 16

My Dear and Rev. Sisters,

I am always travelling from New York. I flew to San Francisco 3000 miles away, 8 hours of flight. San Francisco is a beautiful city in the Pacific Ocean. The Salesians here have two beautiful Churches. During the Holy Week I could see how the Catholics are fervent, because all the Churches were always crowded. From San Francisco I flew back to Chicago the second largest city of America. In the airfield every minute there is an aeroplane coming and departing! In Chicago I stayed in Columbus Hospital, which was founded by St. Francis Cabrini. St. Francis Cabrini died only 39 years ago. She was born in Italy but she crossed 40 times the ocean because she wanted to bring Jesus to all. She was very delicate of health, always without money and yet she built hospitals like that of Columbus which costs Rs. 15000000. In that hospital there are 65 Sisters (Nuns) 40 Doctors and many lay nurses. St. Cabrini did in this Hospital, while writing a letter and near her room where she died they built a beautiful Church. The secret of the sanctity of this Saint is her great devotion to the Sacred Heart and her humility. She would say: “I can do everything in Him (Jesus) who is strengthening me,” She placed all her confidence in the Sacred Heart and her humility made her so obedient to her Superior. By trusting in God, and not seeking her own self, but only the souls, she was a nun of great courage even in the midst of the greatest difficulty. Remember this: we are nothing, we can do nothing, but if Jesus is with us, we have nothing to be afraid. Be humble, be obedient, and Our Lord will be your guidance, light and strength. The Sisters of Mother Cabrini were very good to me. But what I admire much in this country is the numerous Convents of nuns. The nuns in America do a wonderful work: they teach in thousands of Catholic schools, attached to every big parish. In these schools, up to class 8 only Catholic children are admitted and the Catholics pay for their maintenance. If Catholic religion is so strong here, it is due to the fact that Catholics make sacrifices to have their own schools and especially because the Sisters are teaching in them!..... The sisters also work in the Hospitals, Parish Churches Sodalities etc. etc. and everywhere the Sisters in this country where there is so much material progress, are really the true spouses of Our Lord and in them you can see the virtues of the Blessed Virgin shining forth. Oh! How great and therefore beautiful is the vocation of a Nun! What are the dignities and riches of this world compared with the greatness of a person entirely consecrated to God in the religious life? But remember that it is not sufficient to wear the habit, to live in the convent in order to be holy Nuns! No!! You must adorn your soul with the white habit of Holy purity by which you have a horror for even the least sin, you must be detached from everything and be very delicate in the observance of Poverty, that you may become rich with Jesus. Take courage, my dear Sisters, work, work very much to save souls, but first of all your soul!! Be always obedient and full of charity towards all. God bless you.

+ S. Ferrando

P.S. Dear Sister Nellie, This is my letter for May. Translate.


Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

Yes, I am becoming lazy in writing!

  1. Building. Mr. Guha says that he has issued another permit for 30 bags of cement. Ask Fr. Morra if he got it! A drop of water!

  2. Try to approach the S.D.O with another permit for 100 bags. The application must be sent to Shillong, but it must be duly endorsed by S.D.O. Will you kindly treat this matter as most urgent? Approach S.D.O. and try to convince him. Perhaps it is also necessary that the application should be recommended by your M.L.A.

I think that the prayers of the novices will help. Tell Fr. Morra that as soon as I receive from the Bank I will send the money. Tomorrow I leave for Vellore!

With all blessings,


+ S. Ferrando

1956 NOVEMBER 30


Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

Welcome back from the South.

I am looking forward to a letter. We are in the Novena of the Feast of the Immaculate. I am confident that under the protection of Our Lady the Retreat will bring forth consoling fruit. Tomorrow I will send the letter announcing the new Mother General.

May God bless you,

+S. Ferrando

Bishop of Shillong


Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

Dear and Rev. Sisters,

I received your letter dated 30th Nov. Bishop Marengo is simply wonderful and deserves all our gratitude and admiration. I wrote to him. Well, for the number of postulants. You are right. We must look for quality now. I will be present in Spirit on the 8th. But the presence of Bishop Marengo soothes my pain completely. A very Happy Feast.

Yours very sincerely,

+ S. Ferrando

1956 DECEMBER 21

Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

I received your letter. Many and many thanks. May the child Jesus bestow His Divine Grace with His Joy and peace on all so that we may become great saints.

1. The typewriter was already on its way, but when near Port Said, went back to Turin and now we must wait. But it will come. It is a “Hormes Portable”. You will keep it, and the Sisters will use yours.

2. The “Singer Machine” is here and I will send it to Barpeta at the first opportunity.

May God bless You,


+ S. Ferrando

1957 MAY 10

Bishop’s House


Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

Many thanks for your letter. I hope that Mons. Marengo will not suspect that eventually I suggested that trick. Mons. Marengo is very good and the Sisters of Barpeta are very cunning. I am almost tempted to come to Barpeta on the 24th and bless the new building. The consecration of the Church in Bombay has been again postponed and we had to change our programme. Pazienza.

I presented you with a typewriter and now as penance translate the enclosed letter for each house of the Sisters to be read as spiritual reading or if they understand English they may read in English.

May Our Lord bless our humble Congregation and give us the grace to be worthy to honour her.

+ S. Ferrando

1957 MAY 10

Bishop’s House


Dear and Rev. Sisters,

The 24th of May is drawing near. We must consider this day as the most beautiful day of the year because it is the Feast Day of our heavenly Mother, the Patroness of our Congregation. The 24th of May must be for us the:




  1. 24th MAY IS A DAY OF GRATITUDE- Our Lady Help of Christians has bestowed countless graces on each one of us, and on our Congregation.

  1. 24th MAY IS A DAY OF LOVE. One day St. Stanislaus upon being asked how much he loved the Blessed Virgin replied: What else can I say? She is my Mother!! St. Teresa of the Child Jesus wrote these words: “Do you know, O Blessed Mother, that I think myself more fortunate than you? I have you for Mother and you have not, like me, the Blessed Virgin to love. You are, it is a true Mother of Jesus, but you have given Him to me and Jesus, from the cross, gave you to us as our Mother, so we are richer than you. Of old it was your desire that you might be the little maidservant of the future mother of God and I, poor little creature, am not your servant, but your CHILD: You are the Mother of Jesus and you are my Mother.” Love, therefore, your Mother with the simplicity of a child.

  1. 24th MAY IS A DAY OF DEVOTION: What does it mean to be devoted to Our Lady? It means this- Everyday honour Mary , think of Mary, invoke Mary, commend yourselves to Mary, grieve with Mary, work with Mary, carry Jesus in your arms, stand with Mary at the foot of the cross of Jesus, live and die with Mary and Jesus. Do this and you will live.

A truly devoted Child of Mary cannot be such unless she tries to reproduce in herself her virtues: her love for Jesus, her meekness, her simplicity, her modesty, her patience. We must imitate Mary’s obedience who went up to Bethlehem when it was so hard for her; we must imitate her spirit of prayer who meditated in her heart what she was and heard about Jesus; her fortitude, whose heart was pierced through by a sword of sorrow. We must above all imitate her purity. Being children of such a tender and powerful Mother let us always rejoice. There is no room for sadness in our hearts because Mary is the cause of our joy and her merciful eyes are always upon us. Place all your confidence in the Blessed Virgin the powerful Help of Christians. Don Bosco was always led by the hand of Our Lady. Mary help of Christians is also stretching her maternal mantle upon us. When we follow her, we do not lose the way. When she holds us we do not fall. In all our tribulations and temptations let us go to that heart full of mercy and compassion for us.

Do you know how Don Bosco made to paint the picture of Mary Help of Christians? Mary standing high in the middle, is surrounded by all the apostles who carry the instruments of their martyrdom, their eyes fixed on Our Lady. Now this is the scene narrated in the Acts of the Apostles. Before the descent of the Holy Ghost the Apostles were all gathered in the upper room with Mary the Mother of Jesus. All were with one mind persevering in prayers with Mary. So all our houses must be like that upper room. We must live all together in charity, having only one mind to work and suffer for the salvation of souls. And we must always pray with Mary who stands in our midst to encourage us. Where Mary is present and all are gathered round their mother there charity, peace, joy and work reign. May Our Lady bless you.

+ S. Ferrando

Bishop of Shillong

1958 MAY 1

Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

We have begun the month of May dedicated to Our Lady Help of Christians. I am sure that the Postulants, the Novices and the Sisters will vie with the angels in Heaven in honouring Our Lady. I would be glad if they could have benediction every evening either in the Convent or at the Father’s.

I had promised to come to Barpeta in May, but I am afraid it will be extremely difficult for me as I am already booked for all Sundays. When will the Retreat of the Sisters take place? Who are the preachers? When will the children go home?

I expected some rice to come by streamer to Guwahati and I have ordered that 100 bags should be sent to you and 100 to Fr. Morra. This consignment is a new one. What are you doing with the wheat ……… and the maize?

Mother Provincial explained to you what must be done with the Sisters belonging to the Syrian Rite. Please enclosed find some forms. May Our Lady bless all of us.

+ S. Ferrando

Bishop of Shillong

1958 MAY 13


Dear and Rev. Sisters,

In this centenary of the apparition of Mary Immaculate at Lourdes we honour Our Lady by saying the Rosary devoutly and meditating on the mysteries of Our Lord.

St. John Berchmans used to say: three things are very dear to me: My Rosary, my Constitution Book, my Crucifix. With these three things I shall die with great confidence and peace, and I will reach heaven. In this month of May and centenary of Lourdes I desire to explain these words of St. John Berchmans.

MY ROSARY: The Holy rosary is the hand of Our Lady which leads us and protects us. It is the golden chain between heaven and earth. One end of this golden chain is held by Our Blessed Mother in Heaven, the other end is held by us here below, in this world. Let us hold on to our Rosary, because by this chain the Blessed Virgin will take us up to heaven. Let us hold it in joy, in sorrows; let us hold our Rosary in the moment of temptations and doubts; let us hold it day and night to be able to live always under the maternal eyes of Our Lady. The Blessed Virgin at Lourdes appeared holding the holy Rosary in her hand and she invited Bernadette to recite it. The Blessed Virgin joined Bernadette in reciting the Rosary, to teach her daughters how to love this prayer. As the eyes of Bernadette, while praying the Holy Rosary were always fixed on the Blessed Virgin, in the same manner we also must fix the eyes of our mind and soul on the mysteries of the life of Jesus and Mary while praying the Holy Rosary. This meditation will help us to observe our rule, learn the lesson of the Crucifix and finally to reach heaven. This meditation shall be like a divine cinema which flashes before your eyes and shows you the wonderful life of Jesus and Mary.

MY CONSTITUTION BOOK: We have become religious in order to save our souls. Now it is in the faithful obedience and observance of our Rules that we shall be able to walk along the safe road which will lead us to heaven. The meditation of the joyful mysteries teaches us to observe our Rules and practise obedience. In fact in the first joyful mystery we meditate what the Blessed Virgin said to the angel: “Fiat mihi! Be it done to me not according to my will, but according to the will of God. I am the handmaid of the Lord.” And in the second mystery we see the Blessed Virgin who goes to the house of St. Elizabeth to obey and to serve. In the third mystery we contemplate Jesus’ coming into the world. His sentiments on entering into the world are: “Behold I come to perform, O Lord, Thy Will”. The fourth mystery is a new lesson of obedience because the Holy Family by obeying the laws of Moses teaches us to observe our Rules. Finally in the fifth mystery we hear the first words uttered by Jesus. By these words Jesus proclaims that He must perform the work given to Him by his Eternal Father. Then Jesus went down to Nazareth with Mary and Joseph and was subject to them. So the whole life of Jesus and of Mary was a life of obedience with the only desire to perform the will of God.

MY CRUCIFIX: Our Lady at Lourdes said to St. Bernadette: I promise thee not to make you happy in this world, but certainly in the next life. We have consecrated ourselves to Our Lord in the religious life not in order to lead a life of pleasure and comforts. The whole life of Jesus from Bethlehem to Calvary was an unceasing martyrdom. By meditating the sorrowful mysteries we learn the science of the Saints which is to suffer in union with Jesus. The meditation of the sorrowful mysteries makes us understand the infinite love of Jesus for us; we can return a little love to Him by being ready to suffer with Him. Don Bosco said: “In all our houses you will have bread, work and Paradise.” But it will happen to you what happened to the people of Israel when they were crossing the desert. They found waters very bitter. We also may find bitter waters, diseases, trials, difficulties, temptations, dislikes. Well, have recourse to the medicine suggested by Moses- put into the bitter water the wood which has the property to sweeten them, I say the wood of the cross- think of the passion of Jesus.

The Blessed Virgin at Lourdes three times cried out; Penance! Penance! Penance! How many sins are committed in the world. Let us offer our sufferings for the poor sinners and for our sanctification. The crown of thorns shall be changed at the point of death with a crown of roses.

WE SHALL REACH HEAVEN: “I will certainly make you happy in the life everlasting”. These words of the Blessed Virgin to St. Bernadette are said to us also. The meditation of the glorious mysteries strengthens our hope. With Jesus we shall rise one day. We shall not have the happiness of seeing Mary on earth like St. Bernadette, but certainly one day we shall go to heaven to see her, our Mother and joy. She will accompany our soul to the throne of God. Throughout eternity we shall love and rejoice.

A Salesian priest on the point of death said; “Don Bosco promised me bread, work and paradise. The day of my religious profession was a beautiful one but the day of my death shall be happiest one because Don Bosco is going to fulfil his promise.”

Blessing you with all my heart,

Yours sincerely in J.C.,

+ S. Ferrando

1958 DECEMBER 12

Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

Dear and Rev. Sisters,

I wish you a Very Happy Christmas. May the Child Jesus bless you and make you saints and great saints. In December I was in Barpeta and had the joy of receiving the first profession of eight Sisters and admitting 9 Postulants into the Novitiate. During the coming year we hope to open a new Convent and to extend the Mother House at Barpeta. The news I received about your work in Dibrugarh, Naharkatia, Golaghat and Tezpur, is consoling. We must therefore give thanks to Almighty God for so many blessings.

We are about to begin the New Year 1959. I exhort you to practise union with God, with your Superiors and with your Sisters. Practise union with your Superiors by humble, sincere obedience being convinced that in doing so you do God’s will. Practise union with your sisters in such a manner as to be ready to suffer everything rather than break charity. Spread joy around you. Where charity is, God is. When one of these unions is broken, there is no more perfection and peace. Practise union with God by acquiring the habit of sanctifying your work by many ejaculatory prayers, many acts of love for God, by walking in his presence.

God bless you all as I do bless you with my whole heart,

+ S. Ferrando

Bishop of Shillong

1958 DECEMBER 12

Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

My dear Rev. Sisters and Novices,

I wish you a very happy Christmas. I am sure that you are still keeping the fervour of the spiritual Retreat. Christmas is a day of great rejoicing for all because a Saviour is born for all, but especially the novices and the professed Sisters must rejoice in it. The Novices must go to Bethlehem in spirit very often and learn from the child Jesus that spirit of Simplicity, Joy, and confidence which are the virtues of the novices.

The professed Sisters must see in Bethlehem the triumph of the three religious vows in the poverty of the stable, in the Purity of Our Lady and in the obedience of St. Joseph to the orders from God. Rejoice then and be glad. Jesus is our God, your Saviour and He asks that you return Him a great love. May the Child Jesus bless us and give us the grace of holy perseverance.

Yours sincerely,

+ S. Ferrando

1960 February 5

Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

I am replying to your letter dated 1-2-60. I am glad that the works of the church are going on well. I sent a telegram and I hope you were able to buy the corrugated iron sheet.

I am prepared to give you at once Rs. 10,000.00 if you manage to build the new extension with these Rs. 10,000.00. Please write at once and I will send you the cheque so that for the next Retreat you will have the extension ready. I do not think it will cost much because you have only to erect the walls with bricks, the usual rods, usual plastering. I can do another concession. I will pay also for the iron frames as those of the chapel, made in Calcutta to protect the dormitory and to match with those of the chapel.

I would like to write to Sister Villa, but she must be away. Please tell her that I am ready to start the work at once and to prepare the blue print for the Convent at Dekhiajuli. For the time being only the Convent. Exchange milk for rice but with the utmost prudence.


+ S. Ferrando

1960 February 11

Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

Dear Rev. Sister Nellie,

Please find the enclosed cheque for Rs. 10,000.00 for the extension of the Convent. I wrote already to Sister, and she will explain everything. I cannot do anymore because I must think also of Dekhiajuli. I hope you will be able to cash it in Guwahati.

With all best blessings.

Yours sincerely,

+ S. Ferrando

1960 February 11

Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

I have sent Rs. 10,000.00 to Guwahati for the extension. Begin the works at once and try to finish as best as you can. Do not place the order for the grills. Wait for two months more, because I have no money. They can be applied at any moment if you leave the holes. I do not know when I may come to Barpeta. On the 18th March? Blessing in the morning of 19th? Speak to Fr. Morra. God bless you.

Yours sincerely,

+ S. Ferrando

1960 October 25

Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

My Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

I received your letter dated 22nd. I am still stunned by the tragic event! Thy will be done. Fr. Morra must give you 50 bags of rice which must have arrived. In a short time milk will come. About the date of the Retreat- For the validity of the first profession after the 1st year of novitiate, one complete year of 365 days is required. If it is so they may begin the Retreat on the 26th for 10 days and I will be in Barpeta on 28th evening so as to begin on 29th morning. I will meet Sister Villa on the 28th in Golaghat. I went to Malki today, they have already erected the frame of the second storey. May God bless you.

Yours very sincerely,

S. Ferrando

1961 DECEMBER 14

Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

My Dear and Rev. Sister,

Certainly I could not receive worse news than this one! May Our Lord have mercy on us. It means Jesus wants us to love Him more and to make acts of reparation. Please write to me again. We shall make this act of reparation in a solemn way, later on!

The key of the Tabernacle must be kept with you always. Did you inform the Police?... Be silent, pray and let us love Jesus more.

Yours devotedly,

+ S. Ferrando

1961 DECEMBER 20

Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

My dear and Rev. Sisters and Novices,

I desire to say a few words about the sad event which has made our hearts bleed.

After any joyful and successful sobha, blessing of a Church etc. we must expect some revenge from the devil. After the triumph of the visit of Internuncio and his paternal interest in our Congregation, the devil took his revenge on our Convent. God who permitted his Divine Son to be delivered into the hands of the soldiers, of Pilate, of Herod, of the executioners, has also permitted this sacrilege. It means that Jesus wants us to love Him more and more, to be more fervent in our Holy Communion and our visit to the Blessed Sacrament. As an act of reparation I exhort you for 10 days, beginning from the 2nd of January to make the Stations of the Holy Cross (Via Crucis) all together in the chapel as we do in Lent. The Father will not be able to come, but you may perform it all together. We shall pray for the offender and all the sinners. By remembering the outrages Jesus received at the hands of his enemies we shall pray, Jesus have mercy on them! Jesus we love you! Jesus we offer you all the acts of reparation the Blessed Virgin offered you on Mount Calvary.”

May God bless you.

Yours affectionately,

S. Ferrando

1962 January 13

Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

To Rev. Sister Nellie or Rev. Sr. Villa,

Dear and Rev. Sister,

We do our best to speed up the works at Malki, and to have the house ready.

1) About the kitchen I wonder whether you have bought the utensils for the kitchen. You know better than I what you need and you may buy them from Guwahati. I will refund the money at once.

2) We may get the crockery in Shillong.

3) Buy also a table cloth for the Refectory.

4) I hope you will be able to stay in Shillong for some days, either you or Sr. Nellie.

Did you receive the Chalice? I will be in Shillong on 23rd January and will say Mass on the 24th in the chapel at Malki.

For food we have flour, ghee, rice and milk. I am leaving for Raliang on the 20th and coming back on 23rd January. Let us start a novena to call down the blessings of God upon the new Foundations. For the Church vestments, sacred vessels, cope, monstrance etc. we have everything here. We need only a censor. The water installation is made. We put electricity now.

May God bless all.

+ S. Ferrando

1962 April 4

Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

Dear and Rev. Sisters,

A very happy Easter with the joy and peace of the Risen Saviour. Keep joy and peace always in your heart, and let nothing trouble you because it is through sufferings that we must enter into joy and peace.

I need a very important grace for our humble Congregation. Begin a Novena to Mary Help of Christians on the 24th of April. May God bless you.

+ S. Ferrando

1962 September 4

Torino Via Maria

My dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

Sister Teresa Villa wrote me a nice letter. I would like to reply to her but I am afraid she may leave for Italy any day now. In Rome I could do very little because August in Rome is what October is in India. All the offices are practically closed. But I do hope to do something in the coming months. Ask the Sisters and the Novices to storm heaven with their prayers that we may succeed in our plans. I went around many places and saw the beautiful convents and schools of the Sisters in Italy especially those of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. As I promised I said Mass at the Altar of Mary Help of Christians and of St. Mary Mazzarello in Turin for our beloved and little congregation that Our Lord may bless all the Sisters and Novices and make them saints and fervent religious. Here the standard of life is very high. There is now a material welfare of which in India we have no idea. But everywhere all the Fathers and Sisters are building, so that there is very little money left for the missions. I could carry clothes, medicines, instruments, statues, etc. to India but I am frightened by the Custom duties. Pray hard, I am leaving in this month for Switzerland and Germany. May God bless you. I read in the papers that in Assam it rains heavily. Here we have been three months without rain and it is hot. I bless all of you.

+ S. Ferrando

1962 November 22

Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

It is desirable that all the novices and Sisters of Barpeta should go to Calcutta as soon as it is possible. Two Sisters or better three or four Sisters should remain there in Barpeta to take care of the house and write to the parents to come and take their children home. Let us not precipitate the events but prepare everything and see that all things may be done calmly, trusting in God. In Calcutta Fr. Provincial has arranged and we shall do our best that you may not have to suffer and lack anything. We hope that Our Lord will bless you and that you will soon return. We know nothing about the Sisters of Dibrugarh. Cheer up. May God bless you. Write. I bless all. Let us see where we can put the novices in Calcutta.


+ S. Ferrando

1963 May 28

Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

In Shillong near the Cathedral there is a compound with two cottages just adjoining St. Mary’s Convent. It belongs to a Catholic who is willing to sell it to the Diocesan Sisters for Rs. 1,60,000.00. At least 20 Sisters could be put up at once. There is privacy, and only five minutes’ walk from the Cathedral.

We must now send the tenants away and find……the money. On your coming to Shillong you will see whether the place be suitable. Ask the novices to pray hard. For the Retreat I am waiting for the reply from Fr. Turco.

Wishing you a very holy month of the Sacred Heart.

Yours Sincerely

+ S. Ferrando

1963 October 1




Sunday, 29th September, was the opening of the Second Session of the Ecumenical Council after nine months of interruption.

Early in the morning all the Bishops gathered in the big Hall near St. Peter’s and after having put on the Vestments with mitre, they proceeded to St. Peter’s Basilica and took their seats, waiting for the coming of the Holy Father. The bells of St. Peter’s were ringing and everywhere there were cameramen and television sets (machines) to take photos of the Bishops. The Television machines would send up into the air at once the shows all over Europe and America all that was actually taking place in Rome at that moment. We say that millions and millions of people in that very moment were looking at that dazzling procession of Bishops: some had long white beard, others were dressed in different manner and colours, being Bishops of the Churches of Greece, Egypt and Russia etc. Whilst we were waiting for the Pope, the faces of Bishops were beaming with joy, as a token of gratitude to God who has given us such a great grace of meeting again. During the past nine months seventy two Bishops have died, but 80 new were elected, and even laymen were admitted to take part in the work of the Council with the Bishops. In a word, we were greater in number than the last year. Observers (non-Catholics) were also more numerous.

It was about 10 O’clock when the procession of the Pope entered through the main Gate of St. Peter’s Basilica. The Choir of St. Peter’s headed it and they were singing beautifully. After them the soldiers of the Pope, wearing colourful uniforms, were advancing with majesty. And after them the Cardinals all in Red Robes….. Generally the Pope during these processions is carried on a high chair to be seen by all. But this time, he entered walking, surrounded by some Cardinals and Bishops…. We stood up to our feet clapping our hands… The Vicar of Our Lord Jesus Christ was advancing full of majesty and charity, recollected in God….. Last year there was another Pope- the Good Pope John XXIII- whose smiling image seemed to be present. He went to receive his rewards.

But the Church never dies, we have another Pope, who is always the Vicar of Christ on earth and we were exceedingly happy. Whilst we clapped hands, now and then he stretched forth his arms as to embrace all these Bishops, until he arrived at his altar, which is situated under the big dome of St. Peter’s Basilica, and sat in the middle of the Altar. The Mass was sung by the Cardinal Tisserant, and the choir joined all the bishops in singing the Mass, which we sing every Sunday in our churches in Assam, to point out that all must sing and pray together. At the end the Pope read his profession of faith, that is to say, Chief Truths of the Catholic Religion, which he must teach and hold himself, and then one by one the Cardinals went to kiss his ring and promised obedience to him.

The Pope then delivered his speech. He spoke for an hour and ten minutes in Latin, Greek and Russian and other languages. With joy he gave welcome to all the Bishops, who were gathered again like the apostles in the Upper Room at Jerusalem, and like in those days here also all the languages will be, but one voice- the voice of the one Church.

He thanked the Bishops for their love and devotion to the first Bishop- who is the Pope, who has only one desire to work with them for the extension of the Kingdom of God. The Pope praised his great predecessor, who under the inspiration of God in spite of overwhelming difficulties had the courage to summon this Council. He will continue to work as Pope John XXIII did: namely to bring men to our Lord Jesus Christ, Our only Salvation and life, and to help our separated Brethren to be one with us in the fold of Jesus, the only Shepherd of our souls.

The theme of the Council is: “To know the Church better and to live as worthy children of the Church”. After so many years, many do not understand what the church of Jesus Christ is. Christ is always alive. And also the Christians must live in Jesus Christ by grace, following Him, especially practising the virtue of Charity, which is the queen of all virtues….. Here the Pope began to speak about our separated brethren and invited them to work with him for the unity of all the followers of Jesus Christ: “We must forgive and forget the fault on the part of all, which were committed in the past. But let us return Brethren, to the house of God, which is the church of Jesus Christ.” Then the Pope sent his blessing to all especially to the many who are still persecuted, who are chained in prisons for the only fault of loving Jesus Christ. Then the ceremony came to an end. The Pope with his entourage again went out and proceeded up to the balcony in the middle of the Basilica, from where he could see the immense square in front of St. Peter’s full of countless people and pilgrims, who for hours had defied the brilliant sun-shine of Rome to have a glimpse of the Pope and to receive his blessings.


1963 OCTOBER 10

Opere Don Bosco


Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

From Rome I am sending a special blessing to all novices and Sisters. This morning I went to the Grottos of the Church of St. Peter to pray at the tomb of Pope John XXIII. The figure of this Pope grows greater day by day. All speak of this Pope as the Pope of charity and love. It seems that he is present during the council because all the Bishops are really one heart and one soul giving the most shining example of union and charity. Really the Holy Spirit Guides the Church. The subjects are very important. Every day from our College we go there: to drive 7 miles it takes one hour and a half sometime, so terrific is the traffic. We are busy all day long but I thank Our Lord who has given me such a great grace.

In Rome you can see Sisters dressed in habits of every description. As I wrote I had the privilege of a private audience with the Holy Father who was extremely paternal with me. I spoke about our Congregation and I asked a special blessing for all the novices and Sisters. When I see the glory and the vanity of the world I thank Our Lord who has called us to follow Him. I visit the magnificent Churches of Rome, and sometimes I say: I wish the Sisters were here. If you desire anything reply to this letter and I will see.

+ S. Ferrando

1963 DECEMBER 29

Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

Rev. Sister Nellie,

Fr. Burns will explain to you about the helicopter. Much to my regret I will not be able to come to Barpeta owing to circumstances which are really beyond my good will…. Yet, I should come! But Fr. Bianchi is away in Bombay. Fr. Giacomello is sick and when I have said these things you will easily understand my position. I do not know when the Retreat will come to a close, but I shall be free only after 6th January.

Malki: Ask the new Sister to have lot of patience and prudence and for the time being to be always in touch with the Bishop before taking certain decisions which affect the school. Fr. Foglia told me that the former Catholic teachers shall be dismissed and new teachers (protestants!!!) shall be employed. Is it true?

I fully realize the difficulties of the poor Sisters of Malki! To take over a school where the teachers were free and not so diligent, is not easy. We are in a very difficult world, and gossips are going on!... Just for these reasons we must have a little prudence, tact and patience and be in contact with the Bishop and the Parish Priest.

We must not be discouraged and we shall do our best. In the beginning there was Sr. Villa; now you are far away and often the Sisters feel lonely and without proper direction. I will not go away and I hope to help them; for Nongpoh I will see.

Convey my blessing to all.

Union with God- by a sincere piety and love for Our Lord.

Union with our Superiors – by humble obedience

Union with the Sisters – by fraternal charity

With these three unions we shall be able to work with the spirit of zeal for souls.

+ S. Ferrando

1964 January 14

Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

I have given one lac to Mr. Delanougerede. So you live no longer in a rent House, but in Our Lady’s House, Deo Gratias!

Fr. Bianchi writes that in Rome they told him that the Novitiate may be transferred to Shillong and that decree will be soon issued. I think that you may now work in that direction.

It is therefore necessary for you to come to Shillong to see many things. Come at your earliest convenience. I wonder if we can send a Sister to Rome to that course of Sisters Perfeizionamento Religioso.

May God Bless you.

Yours very sincerely, + S. Ferrando

1964 April 29

Bishop’s House

Shillong- Assam – India

Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

I am sorry that I could not meet you in Guwahati with Mother provincial. In my opinion

Sister Philomena should come back to Nongpoh.

In Nongpoh I have done what I could to improve the water installation, the rooms etc, but I cannot be on the spot and teach the Sisters to supervise and see the works. As far as is possible little by little the Sisters must stand on their feet.

The frigidaire is not yet there. You were overwhelmingly busy and perhaps you could not think about it. Please write what must be done. I will return as I promised.

Peachlands: Mr. Delanougerede is getting old and his mind fails him. We must hurry up in the transaction though we may run some risks. Pray hard.

We are in the beautiful month of May. Let us pray and pray hard. Our little Congregation is doing a great work in the camps. Deo Gratias.

May God bless you.

Yours sincerely,

+ S. Ferrando



Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

I am always thinking of Peachlands, Tura and our problems. I hope to receive the good news soon.

I went to Propaganda and again they told me to go on with our Novitiate in Shillong. The other two bishops were present and all agreed. I will renew the application for some help and thus we shall be able to begin our works in Shillong.

Ask Fr. Bianchi to see about the wall and the gate at the entrance. The proposal of making a new extension to the House where Mr. Dutta lives is not bad but if there is no danger for the Sisters we may occupy the two rooms. And at least for a study room, we may begin the new construction at once. Ask the Sisters to pray hard and be holy. I look forward to a letter of yours.

May God bless you.


+ S. Ferrando

1965 October 1


Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

I hope that this letter will find all in good health. I am here in Rome and we are really busy with the work of the Council which goes on smoothly. We had moments of great anxieties concerning India and we continually pray that complete peace may come.

I am thinking about our building at Peachlands and looking forward to some pieces of news. I cannot go about preaching in order to collect money and if the Sisters do not pray, well, next January they will go to sleep under the trees. Last Sunday by car I went 800 km. north of Italy. They are motor roads with 6 lanes so that we were always running without any curves, always without climbing though we were crossing a very high mountain. But in the way of perfection we have no roads like this one and we must toil. What I like in Italy are the beautiful churches- beautiful churches everywhere. The new Liturgy is kept well and is very edifying. The Pope is about to leave for America and we shall accompany Him by television from his landing in America to his home back as if we were with him.

We are happy here with the other Bishops and what makes one happy is the spirit of family and joy. Yes, this is what makes the Salesian Houses and also the convents in India a paradise. I went to see also the Cathedral of Orvieto 80 miles from Rome where one of the most wonderful miracles of the Blessed Sacrament took place. A very beautiful Cathedral was erected there to commemorate that miracle. With this Eucharistic thought to end, I exhort you to be really Eucharistic souls.

Blessing you,

+ S. Ferrando



My dear and Rev. Sisters,

From the 8th of October I am in Italy, but my heart is always in Shillong and Assam. I had a very happy journey, from Bombay to Rome it took eight hours. I left Bombay at and at I was already in Rome, and then at I reached here in the beautiful Bishop’s room at the Sacred Heart Church built by St. John Bosco. I could not see the Holy Father because I had no time to remain in Rome. The climate in Italy now is like the climate of Shillong during October. We are in a different world, where the traffic of cars in Rome and Genoa is something terrific. Luckily we have the high roads with three lanes on opposite directions. No curves, but bridges and tunnels.

In Rome with the Cardinal of propaganda I spoke of our good Sisters of Peachlands. He told me to let you grow and when you number around 300, you will become…. Pontifical Sisters. Tell Fr. Kenny that I went to see the Sisters of Norte Dame Des Missions, who stay in a beautiful villa near a lake in Rome, facing the Summer House of the Pope. We were so happy, speaking about Shillong. On Sunday 12th I went to another city called Civitavecchia, 30 miles from Rome near the blue sea. I said two Masses, four sermons, and administered many confirmations. The church was always crowded and I was so pleased to hear them all sing well and take part in the holy Sacrifice. The Sisters have a nice festive oratory and the girls stay all day long with them. One thing which we do not have in India is television and I spent a long time watching children’s programmes. They showed the life of the animals in the jungles in India; elephants, bears, tigers, rhinos etc. It seemed to be in Assam! But I was so drowsy that after an hour I was feeling very sleepy…… But you could also see the Mass celebrated by the Holy Father, surrounded by the Bishops gathered in Rome for the Synod. I flew to Genova, my village. At the airport so many Salesians, relatives and friends were waiting to welcome me. How many beautiful churches here! The marble is covering everything.

Now I am leaving for Turin and for America! I wrote about our matters to Fr. Bianchi. It begins for me a life of prayer. I dare no longer beg. But if you desire anything write to me at New Rochelle and I will do.

I am extremely tired. I cannot forget Assam…… though in Italy also there are good Nuns like in Shillong. This morning I went to say Mass at the house for the aged. The Sisters do wonderful work of charity because in Italy too people get sick, old, etc. The Sister Superior told me that in her Congregation, they are 5 sisters in the same Congregation, like St. Teresa, Celine, Pauline, Mary etc…. But alas! alas! vocations in Italy are scarce, scarce. I told that in a few years I will send our Sisters from Assam. You are in Heaven… here too many amusements, too many cars, too many material comforts! I went to see my dear parents and brothers too in the graveyard! You have no idea how beautiful are the graveyards! It is a pleasure to be buried there. They are museums of art. I will write again.

May God bless you.

+ S. Ferrando

1969 NOVEMBER 16

New York

Dear & Rev. Sisters (Jubilarians),

It was 25 years ago! In the temporary, humble Novitiate of Guwahati attached to St. Mary’s Convent the first religious professions were made. With great joy I received them. Now after 25 years I am no longer in Assam, but in America. My heart and soul is always with you in our dear Assam. This Sunday morning, I was explaining the Gospel to a large Congregation in a parish church of Philadelphia. It was the Gospel about the mustard seed which is the tiniest of all the seeds; then it grows and becomes a large tree. It was the Gospel about the leaven which raises the mass of flour. While speaking about it, the scenes of that first profession - the humble beginning of our Congregation – passed through my mind and I could no longer speak.... I was no longer in Philadelphia …. I was only thinking of Assam. That little seed is our Congregation which from the humblest beginning has grown up and spread all over Assam.

But the innermost strength of our Congregation is within your soul. The leaven which raises the whole mass is the interior life. The beauty and greatness of our Congregation is within you. Jesus has chosen your heart to be His throne that you may live always united to Him by this spiritual leaven which is the grace of God. This inner life is the power and the glory of the Congregation. Do not seek the things and the glory of this poor world, but place your love and trust entirely in Our Lord who loves you and will never abandon you. You belong to Jesus, you must live for Him in order to bring souls to Him. As the leaven transforms the flour, so this interior life of union with God will transform your life. Poverty is easy when we possess Jesus; chastity is like the sun irradiating throughout all our actions when we love Jesus; obedience is the perfection of our religious life when our will is always one with Jesus.

While I congratulate the Jubilarians, after having rendered thanks to God and Mary Help of Christians, we must express our gratitude to the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians who have worked so much for our Congregation. We must thank all the Spiritual Directors, especially dear Bishop Marengo. Let us rejoice and be glad. The Congregation is guided by Mary Help of Christians.

May God bless you.

Yours very sincerely,

+ S. Ferrando

1969 DECEMBER 21


Dear and Rev. Sisters,

It is Christmas! I walked along the most important streets of New York, Philadelphia and New Rochelle. All the streets are beautifully decorated with arches, cribs, huge stars – At night you think that you are in a fairy land with thousands of lights representing stars, cribs, Christmas trees. The immense shops show all the clothes of the world, all kinds of food and sweets and they are crowded by thousands of people shopping before Christmas. I wanted to buy something for Peachlands, but I do not know how to send you. I wanted to write before, but I have no news of Peachlands since 24th November. Perhaps some letters are chasing me at any rate. I hope Fr. Bianchi will give you the money for the picnic and then tell him to send the bill to me.

Christmas is really a time of universal rejoicing! All the Christians Houses, Protestant and Catholic ones are decorated and at night all are lit up with bulbs of different colours, making stars, shining amongst the Christmas Trees. Then everywhere they sing carols. I will spend Christmas in a big convent of Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy. 100 Sisters and 50 novices! They are extremely kind to me and all come to me and say “Bishop, we are very glad that you stay with us at Christmas! We are happy to see you”. But I say: “Thank you ever so much, but my heart is in Shillong where I spent 47 Christmas.” This one in America is the first Christmas in 47 years away from Assam! I will miss all very much. The novices here are like those of Shillong, very happy and so they give witness to Jesus Christ by their joy.

Do you know how many Sisters are in the U.S.A.? In the united States of America there are 1,70,000 Sisters; in India I think only 26,000. When we consider that these girls who become Sisters were living well to do families with all the things the world can promise, and they leave everything to follow Jesus in poverty, obedience and consecrated virginity we will understand how the Holy Spirit works in the Church. There is a new spring also in the religious life which is a renewal, not a revolution- a renewal in order to serve Christ better in this modern world, to go and meet Christ not only in the schools, but in the slums of the big towns where sometimes spiritual poverty and material poverty are appalling. You also do the same in your visitations to the villages, in taking care of the needy and poor children. Then, may God forgive me I will greet you with the adaptation of the words of the angel to the Blessed Mother.

Hail O Sisters who are highly favoured by God, with so many graces.

Hail O Sisters, because the Lord is really with you. You verily amongst the other girls and women of the world are much blessed and Jesus the Son of Mary is the blessed spouse of your soul!

A Happy Christmas and New Year.

I bless you,

+ S. Ferrando

1970 January 1

New Rochelle, New York 10802

My Dear Sisters of Malki,

I received your letter dated 15-12-69. This letter of mine is the first I write in the new year 1970 and it is for you. Sometimes I imagine myself climbing up the steep path leading to the Convent of Malki. I was reaching the summit almost breathless, but then the welcome of the children and Sisters made me forget everything! I am so sorry that I left Malki without giving the Sisters a better house! When I behold the beautiful and modern convents here, I think of Malki as the house of Nazareth, the Bethlehem of our Congregation. But Jesus was there in Bethlehem and Nazareth: He wanted to be poor, to live for the poor and help them. But in spite of your poverty, which must be always clean, tidy, and orderly, you have something else which is more precious than wealth. You have the joy in your heart, you have Mary and Jesus and Joseph living with you!

Sometimes I would like to send you so many beautiful things I see here, but transportation is so difficult. Now I try to help the Juniorate at Peachlands. Think of Our Lord and his dear ones, the little and poor children, and Jesus will think of you.

Have always a lively participation in the Holy Mass. Pray and sing with the children. Cultivate vocations. May God bless you.


+ S. Ferrando

1970 JANUARY 16

New Rochelle, New York 10802

Dear Rev. Sisters and Novices,

I have received your letter dated 31-12-69. You complain that you receive no letters from me. I am touring a lot and often your letters chase me. I know that owing to unforeseen circumstances some letters got lost. At any rate you are not forgotten by me and I have always a special memento of you in the Holy Mass. You say that Shillong is very cold, but here in this part of America we had two or three days which were almost like North Pole. It is true that all is heated, but we had lot of snow and ice; the highways were cleared out of the snow in no time. I received your letter with the photos and I was much pleased. I asked Fr. Bianchi to see for the picnic. My programme is now to go to Boston where there is Card. Cushing. In Boston we have three Salesian Institutions. From Boston I will go to Albany and Chicago. I will celebrate the Feast of St. John Bosco at Port Chester near New York where there is a big school run by the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. I have a very short time left for America and before May I must be in Italy so that I cannot tour very much. I find so much kindness and goodness wherever I go…. From Assam I met here Fr. Tognorchi who sends out hundreds of letters every day. Here we have computers and machines which do the work of many men. The only one who is without car in America is me! I will write very soon. I wrote 20 days ago to Fr. Kenny.

May God bless you, + S. Ferrando

1970 JANUARY 29

New Rochelle, New York 10802

Dear and Rev. Sisters,

Yesterday I received your letter dated 20th January 1970. Thank you ever so much. I will spend the feast of St. John Bosco in the Salesian Parish Church of Port Chester where there are two beautiful schools. The Parish Priest built a beautiful chapel adjoining the Church to explain with statues, photos and paintings that the Holy Shroud of Turin in which the body of Jesus was wrapt is the authentic one, after almost 2000 years! I received your photos and I was pleased. I show it where ever I go. Good for the Picnic. In February I will go also for a picnic to see the Niagara Falls. It is one of the wonders of Nature: one remains awe-struck by the enormous size and beauty and the thundering majesty of this waterfall! I would like to invite you to give glory to the Creator with me. Generally I do not go to see the sights! I am just back from Boston, one of the greatest cities of America. There I met Card. Cushing, one of the most distinguished archbishops of America. We told him that many years before the Salesians went to America Don Bosco said to the Salesians: “In its own time we shall go to United States, to Boston…” Now in Boston there are three Salesian Institutions; 1) “Don Bosco Technical School” with the most up-to-date machinery; 2) Saint Dominic Savio High School, and 3) Dominic Savio Youth Centre. Here I attended a Basketball match at night. The play during night in most beautiful halls called gymnasium.

I was thinking of the small cottage …… in Italy where Dominic Savio was born in poverty, lived in extreme poverty and now the glory of Dominic Savio with such beautiful schools named after him! He is the model of Christian youth. Glad that Fr. Kenny teaches the Sisters so well! Perhaps the good Archbishop amongst his countless worries for the buildings, will have to think also about your juniorate! Let us pray to Our Lady to help towards this matter. You speak to me always about cabbage and oranges! This is also very important! Half of the advertisements in the television are about food. They show you the cabbages, how to prepare good foods, which is the best coffee etc. But I do not watch the television for long because I get tired and prefer to go to sleep. I will write again. Happy Feast of St. John Bosco.

S. Ferrando

1970 MARCH 12

New Rochelle, New York 10802

Dear and Rev. Sisters and Novices,

I have been a long time without writing to you, though I had a long letter in mind to write to you after my extensive tour; but man proposes and God disposes. I was brought to the hospital of New Rochelle and I have to remain here to rest and relax, to eat and sleep. The Superiors of my beloved Congregation have treated me like an American millionaire. I am here in an up-to –date hospital and an army of doctors, nurses, specialists take care of me. Every day I am X-Rayed, everyday they take the measure of the blood pressure, they test my blood, they bring in the cardiogram-just for this body! There is a chaplain who punctually brings the Holy Communion and there is a visiting Sister too.

I admire the work of the good Nurses, most of them are Catholics! I will write to you afterwards how high the bill will be!!! God will help us. In everything the will of God. I was admitted due to my unceasing tour from July 1969 and especially because of the terrible icy cold which gripped my heart. I was swollen all over the body: in 12 days I decreased 30 pounds. What must we say? That we are not angels and we must take care of our health! Do not forget this.

You have now a new Superior General. I am sure you will love her, obey her gathering around her like good daughters around their mother…. What about my long letter I have in mind…? I will write when I am out of Hospital. May God bless you.

Yours affectionately,

+ S. Ferrando

1970 March 12

New Rochelle, New York 10802

Dear Rev. Mother Rose,

I received your letter dated 2nd March 1970. I received it in the Hospital of New Rochelle where I was admitted in order to recuperate my shattered health. I am very glad that you have been chosen as the Superior of our beloved Congregation. Deo Gratias!! I will sing the Te Deum in my room here in the hospital and I send a special blessing to you, to Sister Magdaline, to Mother Mistress and Sr. Josephine Lakra! You may be sure that you will have my daily memento in the Mass. I am always praying for our beloved Congregation. Before coming away in the beginning of the year 1969 I had promised Fr. Kenny to remember to help the Congregation also financially as I think the Mother House needs a little help. When Fr. Bianchi comes to Rome I will see with him. But do not forget that if we seek only souls, and practise poverty the Divine Providence will be always with you. When I was your Bishop I was always moved by your confidence and obedience and the love of the Sisters towards me. I am sorry that I could do very little for you. But now you have an Archbishop who loves you and takes care of this Congregation. I exhort you to place all your confidence in him, love him, obey him, listen to him and the blessing of Our Lord will be always with you. May the Blessed Virgin help of Christians who is always the Mother and Superior of the Congregation stretch her maternal mantle over you.

God bless you,

+ S. Ferrando

1970 April 2

Los Angeles, California

Dear and Rev. Sisters and Novices,

I am writing to you from this large city; one of the largest cities in the world. When I came out of the Hospital the Doctors gave me permission to come to California. I boarded the aeroplane in New York at the Kennedy airport. The aeroplane could accommodate 300 people. I sat comfortably there above the clouds. For 5 hours I prayed, ate, slept, read and beheld bioscope until we reached San Francisco flying from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. On the following day standing on the shore of the Pacific Ocean at 6.00 p.m. at the time of sunset, when the red globe of the sun was disappearing under the waters, I said: “The sun is setting but in this very moment beyond the boundless expanse of the waters there are Japan, China, Burma, and Assam. In Shillong now the sun must be shining. I felt home- sick and I sent a big blessing to Peachlands.” In California when you travel by car you pass from city to city that are named after the Saints. San Francisco, Santa Barbara, San Mathew, San Diego, Los Angeles etc…etc… You may recite the Litanies of the Saints. Even you read on the sign boards, “Sacramento Corpus Christi!” So that you are helped to say ejaculatory prayers. This was done by the first missionaries who came to California. But what raises your heart to God is the immensity of the ocean, the boundless fields all cultivated with salad, tomatoes, cabbages, asparagus, potatoes and beans. You drive for miles and miles amongst orchards of apples, vines, orange- groves. People work very much. It is really a land flowing with honey and milk- the fruit of hard work. The climate was like that in Shillong in October. So my diseases disappeared. I am well.

In this manner I spent Holy Week in our Salesian Church of St. Peter and St. Paul in San Francisco. San Francisco in honour of St. Francis of Assisi. In this Archdiocese, the Catholics are almost one million! It was founded by Franciscan Missionaries. In the Archdiocese of Los Angeles which is the largest city of California the Catholics are two million! I preached, I heard confessions etc… On Easter Sunday we had ten Masses!

San Francisco is a beautiful city on an island. There are two long bridges; one more than eight miles long uniting San Francisco with the Continent. There are many skyscrapers and the motor cars are running along roads and streets which have 6 or 8 lanes! Now it is time for me to go back to New York and to Italy… to Rome!! I will write from Rome. Pray that my health may be always good for you. Before flying to San Francisco they made me have a complete check- up again. I do not know how many X- Rays, measure of weight, temperature, blood pressure etc. etc.. Poor me!! I thought this is the examination of conscience of our body… How much more accurate should we be for checking up our souls – the examination of conscience of our souls – and then we must obey! obey! I learnt what is obedience in the Hospital!

I send you 5 big volumes of the life of St. John Bosco. Fr. Kenny will explain.

May God bless you.


+ S. Ferrando

1970 MAY 6


Dear and Rev. Sisters,

It is my great desire to write to you very often, but since my arrival in Italy from America, I had no time. I left New York Sunday 19th April, 1970, at 6 p.m. and I arrived in Rome next morning 20th April, at 8 a.m.

We travelled the whole night. There were 150 passengers. It took 8 hours to reach Rome. I sought for a private audience with the Holy Father, but he was so busy that they asked me to go again to Rome on 15th of May. On Saturday, 25th April, I flew to Milan and Como where I met Fr. Bianchi who gave me your news and I was much pleased. But the first news I received on landing in Rome was the death of Fr. Costa and the weapon of the murderer stabbed my heart!! I am still stunned by the sorrow! With Fr. Bianchi we went to Switzerland to meet some benefactors, we went round the picturesque lakes, but my heart was bleeding. From Como I came to Genova and to my native village, driving along those beautiful motor roads with long high bridges, tunnels and 4 lanes. In my village I was very happy to see my sister and nephews. Here in Genova I am happy with the Salesian Confreres. You have no idea how beautiful is Genova with so many churches, countless marble palaces and the blue sea! But my heart is always in India. In Genova they told me that now there are many Sisters – Indian vocations! They come to make their novitiate to Italy and then they remain here! Vocations are so scarce here in Italy. And why? They have too many comforts in their daily life. Motorcars, televisions etc… Vocations are born of love for Jesus at the foot of the Cross on Mount Calvary.

But little by little vocations will come again. In Rome at the Salesian Theologate I found 15 Indian Salesian Students.

I preach, I see many churches, but I have not yet gone to Turin. Today, the 6th May, Feast of St. Dominic Savio I said the Mass for the school boys. The Church dedicated to St. John Bosco was crowded and I was pleased to see how they participate in the holy Sacrifice with devotion and love. This school was founded by St. John Bosco. There are many schools; a technical school with more than 1000 students, and a Parish with 18000 parishioners, 8 Masses everyday etc. There are 67 Salesians in this house. A happy month of May. Genova is the city of Our Lady.

May God bless you.

+ S. Ferrando

1970 June 16

16147 Genova Quarto

My Dear and Rev. Sisters,

I have been a long time without writing to you. I have been visiting many places and finally now I will settle in a beautiful Salesian School in Genova – Quarto. It is a lovely place commanding the view of the Blue Sea. The Sea coast is amongst the most beautiful places of Italy called the road of the Flowers with countless villas, hotels, churches along the sea shore. We enjoy an eternal spring and the richest people of Europe come to spend their vacations in winter here. You see how good the Congregation is to me. What Don Bosco promised was work, bread and paradise but I have no work. I hope that work will come though my work till now was to travel by car, to see beautiful places, occasionally preach some sermons but it is not the great work of Shillong. I visited many beautiful convents of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. Near Turin they have a sport – centre for all sports with immense swimming pools which are always heated by gas. Hundreds of girls go there every year. I met many Sisters and they do splendid work here. May God bless you.

+ S. Ferrando

1970 July 8

Istituto Salesiano, Casella 56

(Italy) 16142 Genova-Quarto

My Dear and Rev. Sisters,

I received your letter dated 28 June 1970. You write that you are going to keep the Silver Jubilee of our Congregation on the 25th July. I will be present in spirit, heart and prayer. I will offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the Congregation, and I will sing the hymn of thanksgiving – Deo Gratias! I am already settled in this beautiful school to rest, to relax, to pray and to work when they call me for preaching etc. The “Rest” is the bitterest medicine of all and I cannot swallow it, but little by little I begin to learn what I taught you so often – to do God’s will. I went to spend a Sunday in the Home for the aged in Genova. There, more than 1400 old people aged between 65 and 100 are sheltered. About 800 are already invalid and they are laid up in bed. The nuns are taking care of these poor people and I was really moved to tears by beholding the works of charity of these Sisters who give great witness of love to Our Lord Jesus Christ. This home is something huge, with many halls, bed rooms etc. It took 90 minutes for me to go around and at the end I was too tired to go on that I wished to go to bed myself. All those patients received me so well, crying, asking for a blessing especially because I was a missionary in India. This institution is the ante- chamber of heaven. The hundreds of patients who die yearly all receive communions, viaticum etc. The sisters do not allow anyone to die without the comforts of Faith and without preparing them properly. But poor Sisters, they are not so many; the scarcity of vocations is here in Genova too. But now the Sisters of Genova recruit aspirants and postulants from Kerala. Before many Sisters from Italy were going to India and now we begin to have the reverse. Many girls especially from Kerala come to make their novitiate here and then do the manifold works of the Sisters. Wonderful! They do not come only to study but to stay. It is everywhere the same family of God. In that home for the aged I met an Indian Sister. She was very happy. Really it is the love of Christ that presses us on. The church of that Home for the aged is like the Cathedral and outside there were huge statues of the benefactors of Genova, let us call them Maharajas who gave big donations for those poor and now their names are written on those statues. The Sisters also have their names written, but in heaven.

By the way today I went to another hospital in Genova where there are 3000 patients. There they showed me a girl twenty two years old, who 5 years ago was struck by poliomyelitis and was paralysed from feet to neck. In order to preserve her life they put her inside a huge glass case with all the implements to keep the lungs and heart moving. Her body remains motionless and she speaks through a loud speaker! What a Calvary! What a cross for a poor girl! Yet she is always smiling: many other girls and boys come to see her, and they started a charity club. She exhorts them to visit the poor, to raise fund for the sick. She has become really an apostle. Mass is said near her. In a town like Genova where so many seek only the vain joys of this world, many of these girls and boys now visit the hospitals, the house of the poor to serve Christ in the poor and the sick. That girl is fully resigned to the will of God and her steel lung is like an altar, a cross, a Calvary where she calls many souls to Jesus, many cry at the sight, but she keeps smiling always. Only one thing is needed- to perform the will of God.

I told you that I go to say Mass in the Parish churches or visit the shrines of Our Lady. Genova is surrounded by mountains which dominate the port, the harbor from which so many steamers steam off for all the parts of the world. Mary is called the Star of the Sea. The sailors were always calling upon this Star. As a matter of fact you have no idea of how many shrines of Our Lady are crowning the peaks of these mountains. They call her “Our heavenly Guardian”, “Mother of Mercy” etc. They are beautiful churches, rich in marbles, gold! How many pilgrims visit them! They really love Our Lady in spite of all the efforts of the devil to destroy the faith! What struck me most is the fact that they say that the Blessed Virgin appeared here. The shrine was erected on the spot of her apparition! Europe is really the land of Mary! I tell you these things that you may love Our Lady.

Yours affectionately,

+ S. Ferrando

P.S. Fr. Bianchi must postpone his voyage back because the Superiors want him to have a thorough check – up.

1970 AUGUST 12

Genova - Quarto


Dear and Rev. Sisters,

I have received your letter and a copy of the Jubilee address. Needless to say that I was almost moved to tears, tears of joy because with you I sang the hymn of gratitude to Our Lord, and to our Blessed Mother. I am glad to see your spirit of obedience, love and confidence in your beloved Archbishop. How you listen with constant fidelity to the Director of your soul Fr. Kenny! I thank Our Lord because you are so grateful to the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians who have worked so well and so much for our Congregation. These celebrations will bring forth new fruit and I am sure that Our Congregation shall walk now along the path of the Vatican Council. You will remain faithful to the spirit of the Congregation but at the same time you will be enlightened by the Council which exhorts you to live more and more a life of perfect charity, to imitate Our Lord Jesus Christ, and to irradiate Him to the world.

I am writing this from the Retreat House of the Salesian Sisters of the Province of Venice where a retreat was preached for Superiors, about 40 of them. I hear a great many new things, which are not new things, but things said in a new manner, to be more accessible to this modern world. The nuns here in Italy continue their lives of dedication and consecration to Our Lord! In a world which so often drives away from Christ, they follow and serve Jesus with the same generosity and love! The only matter of great sorrow is that now vocations are scarce almost everywhere.

The good seeds of Consecrated virginity of sacrifice and love for God are checked by the thorns of riches and amusements! But they are signs of revival, because only Christ can fulfill the desire of our souls towards true happiness! There is a country in Europe bordering Italy, called, Yugoslavia which is a Communist country. For years and years the church was persecuted. It seemed to be the end of the Church! But God rewarded the blood of the martyrs and now Yugoslavia is a country in Europe which along with Poland has the greatest number of vocations! Wonderful! For our congregation vocations are questions of life or death. Work hard for fostering new vocations and preserve them.

You who are still in the beginning of the Congregation have a great responsibility in this work of fostering vocations. Be always like lamps giving light and burning light of good examples, fire of love and sanctity. Preserve always the spirit of family, of joy, joy which makes even the walls of the convent smile. Your convents must be houses of “charity” where all Sisters live united one body and soul under the mantle of Our Lady.

There is in Italy and also in other countries nuns who dress like the good girls of the world, who take their vows like you but do not live habitually in the convent. They are Sisters in the midst of the world in the hospitals, in the families, in the work – shops, in the shops etc. It is a wonderful vocation! I am now near the mountains of the Alps, the highest mountains of Europe. 55 years ago I came here as a soldier and I had to defend my motherland against the enemy. There is a mountain nearby with a war cemetery, where they wait for the day of Resurrection more than 70,000 soldiers who were killed there! The Lord spared me!! Now the Alps is a place where all go for holidays, flying away from the heat of the plains. I have found many Sisters who run camps for children and therefore there is no holiday for the Sisters but only change of work. Of course they go for the Retreat, but there are so many beautiful Retreat houses like the pinewood Hotel in Shillong and there you are like in heaven – silence, prayer, and spiritual work to become great saints.

I will visit the homes of our missionaries who live nearby, like Padua, Venice.

May God bless you.

+ S. Ferrando

1970 OCTOBER 15

Istituto Salesiano

Genova Quarto

Dear and Rev. Sisters,

I have received your letter of greetings for my birthday. Thank you ever so much. I could not write before because I was touring and because of a great disaster which hit Genova. In this land of serene sky, blue sea and gardens, all of a sudden a deluge of rain fell from the sky – Cherapunjee had come to Genova and rivers of water rushing down from the mountains hurled motorcars against motorcars, thousands of them were piled up in a mass of twisted iron. They blocked the streets, they closed the outlets and the waters finding no way, invaded the shops and the basements filling up everything with mud and destruction. The damages and losses are crores and crores of rupees. We, in Quarto, the eastern part of Genova, were not touched – So for a week people and students worked in the streets to carry away the mud. Commanding the view of Genova. The Church is magnificent surrounded by building for pilgrims! Once all walked up to the peak of Our Lady; now there is a beautiful road. During fine weather countless pilgrims come to thank, to pray to Our Lady. There are many masses every morning and evening , and many priests to hear confessions. These shrines are as it were, the hospitals of Our Lady, where many obdurate sinners come to start a new life by good confessions! Our Lady in these shrines shows her maternal love! There you live in a supernatural atmosphere. Genova on the peaks of the mountains which encircle it, is clustered with these shrines, rich in marble, gold and silver. There are convents, monasteries, Churches and hospitals around Quarto where I live. There is a hospital for children where there are more than 1000 patient- children. This is the bright side but there is the dark side also. The material welfare chokes the spiritual life. I wish I were still in India!

+ S. Ferrando


Istituto Salesiano


My dear and Rev. Sisters of Peachlands,

It is true I am a bad correspondent and I become lazy in writing. My health has been always indifferent in spite of the good food, and my compulsory rest. I think I have written to you about my activities in September – October.

Today I went to see the camposanto of Genova, (the cemetery, the sacred field) the city of those who rest in Christ, waiting for the day of resurrection. You know what Holy Souls Day is in Shillong. So in Genova in November practically thousands and thousands of people go every day to the cemetery. The graveyard of Genova is something wonderful with beautiful churches, hundreds of chapels, countless most artistic statues, endless porticoes, hills covered with white sepulchers.

The statues describe the horrors of death, but the joys of Resurrection also! I have never seen such a magnificence. I could go round only for a short time. All over Italy the same veneration for the dead.…One wonders why such things, such enormous expenses etc. These days even the flowers cost treasure… Is it only for the sake of showing off? No! I believe, the eternal life! In the modern life where there is a thirst for riches and pleasures, these days of November show that men are religious, seeking God!! As for me I am in this beautiful school with 350 boys. Tomorrow I will go to see the most beautiful house of Aspirants that is 200 miles away from here. Here we need vocations, vocations. For Christmas I desire to help you; for Christmas tree what do you desire?

Yours affectionately,

+ S. Ferrando

1970 DECEMBER 10

Genova - Quarto


Rev. Mother General and Sisters,

I have replied to your letter dated 21st November. I heard with joy (great joy) the news of your desire of opening a house in Bangalore (?) or Mangalore. One of your previous letters is gone lost. You have your Archbishop, D’ Rosario and you will settle all these matters with him. As I told you in my previous letter I have Rs. 52,000/- at your disposal which I may send you on April 1st or if you desire even at once.

I hope that you have already received Rs. 50,000/- so that you will have a total of more than one lakh rupees. I am extremely sorry that my health does not allow me to go about begging. Besides this Italy is flooded with begging letters from Assam.

About the stove: please to Fr. Bianchi, how to get it, how to get the Import Licence from Italy to India, what kind of stove etc. The most important matter is to get the Import Licence. These stoves come from the place of Fr. Maschio (Bombay) and they are very good. I will pay for it, but you must settle the matter with Fr. Bianchi. He knows what to do. Fr. Giacomello comes to Italy and the place and the factory is also not very far from his village.

As for me I will try to get the money for the opening of the new Convent. I mentioned that money in case you need it for the same.

+ S. Ferrando

1970 DECEMBER 10

My dear Novices of Peachlands,

I am sending you my best wishes for a very Happy Christmas and a Holy New Year. I see with great joy that our Congregation makes constant progress and with you I thank Our Lord. You are the hope of the Congregation and I am confident that you will grow day by day in the knowledge and love of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Superiors have asked me to buy a nice stove for Peachlands from Italy. Pray also for this intention and we shall do. May God bless you.

Yours affectionately in Christ,

+ S. Ferrando

1971 JANUARY 28

Dear and Rev. Novices and Sisters,

I received a letter from the Superior General of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians from Rome. In this letter she says to me: “your Sisters (she means you) have given me the best impression. They do very well.”

Before clapping the hands strike your breast not to say: “Through my merits” but in order to humble yourselves; at any rate these words are very precious, because all is precious , which brings about encouragement and strength . I know that for the religious consecrated to God there is only one thing to be done: to love God, to perform His divine will and to be one with all the Sisters in Jesus Christ Our Lord.

Yesterday I went to a Convent of Cloistered Sisters for the renewal of their vows. They have a nice Church which is also open to the ordinary people, but they are cut off by means of gratings. At the end I entered their parlour and of course I spoke to them behind the gratings. I was taken by storm by an assault of questions about Indian Sisters and about the missions in Assam. They laughed as you used to do in Peachlands but I could not see them. They are very cheerful but fancy I found amongst them a Sister from Khulna (East Pakistan) and I tried to speak my old bengalee. Once Khulna was in my diocese of Krishnagar. “How many mansions in the house of God”- the Sisters are everywhere, in hospitals, schools etc. like in India. Now I must leave for Turin for the feast of St. John Bosco.

May God bless you.


+ S. Ferrando

1971 MARCH 31

Istituto Salesiano,

Genova Quarto

Dear and Rev. Superiors and Sisters,

I am just back from Rome and today I received your letter dated 15th March. It has taken a long time to reach me. We are thinking of what is happening in E. Pakistan, and we are very anxious about our houses along the borders. The news is so different. I went to Rome to attend the ordination of Fr. Aaron of the diocese of Shillong. I concelebrated the Mass with the Cardinal. There were 26 deacons who were ordained, most of them from India and Africa. Their Seminary is beautiful, situated on a hill commanding the view of all Rome, with the Church of St. Peter and the Vatican at the feet. When I was there I met many from India; even I heard one shouting ‘Khublei Bishop” and I met two smiling sisters from St. Mary’s Convent Shillong. One of them was Sr. Sebastian. Then I met the Seminarians and Fathers of Salesian Theologate from Madras and Shillong, studying here. When you are in Rome you realise that Rome is really the centre of Catholicism. You meet people from all over the world. The Square of St. Peter is full of Pullman (autobus) from all Europe. I had dinner at the College with the Cardinals and Bishops. But a phone called me and I had to rush outside Rome to preside an entertainment in a big Salesian college.. I was thinking of your entertainment; you sing better, but you have no big hall: bands, orchestra etc…. Little by little! So I was busy all day long and in the morning I had to rush again to St. Peter’s far away for the First Mass of Fr. Aaron. It was delayed a little to allow the pilgrims from Germany to pray in that very Chapel. St. Peter’s is so large that you may have many functions going on at the same time without interrupting one another. I was there with the Germans and they were about 300. At once they started to sing all-together in a mighty unanimous chorus in German and they were singing hymns which we sing in our Churches in Khasi and Garo Hills. I was moved to tears. They sang in German and I in English. What I want to say is that those Catholics are not dumb in the church; all sing and pray… Fr. Aaron said the Mass. We, other 12 Priests, concelebrated with him, a Mass in Latin, English and German. I preached in Italian. Fr. Aaron spoke in German, because there were benefactors coming from Germany to attend his first Mass. But they were not so many like the group that came for the pilgrimage, so the Sisters from near Milan who also had come for the same purpose sang in Italian. Fr. Aaron made acquaintances with many Convents, Parish Priests and they are happy to help him. At the end I asked a blessing for you who did not turn up with other Indian sisters who were so many. We went in front of St. Peter’s to take a souvenir photo, but alas, all of a sudden there was a rush of photographers from America, Japan etc… coming to take our photos. We were really bombed with so many clicks of cameras….. At the end I ran away. But I went only to put off my red cassock because at 12 o’clock, I was in the midst of St. Peter’s Square to say the Angelus with the Pope. That huge Square was crowded with thousands of people. You do not get tired of admiring the scenery etc…. You are almost spell-bound. Finally a window high, high above the Papal apartments opened! They spread a crimson carpet and after a while the white figure of the Pope appeared. We clapped the hands and he spoke a little. The loudspeakers were a little better than those which we used one day in Shillong. Then the Pope gave the blessing which I received for you. He disappeared, the window closed behind him and all the crowd started moving. How many, how many Pullman of tourists! It was about 1 O’clock and we had not eaten anything. Fr. Aaron had arranged lunch for us in a hotel run by the nuns of Germany for pilgrims and we did honour to it as the Germans sang. At the end with some of the relatives of Fr. Bianchi (whom you know!!!) we went to the catacombs which wind round underground for many many miles. We prayed at the place where St. Cecilia was buried. But I was too tired. I met as guides three Salesian Brothers who were in Shillong. Then we went to the most majestic Church of St. Paul. It was about 6 o’clock when I reached the Church of the Sacred Heart where I was put up. Tired!! A very Happy Easter!

Yours affectionately,

+ S. Ferrando

1971 MAY 11

Istituto Salesiano,

16147 Genova Quarto

Dear Rev. Sisters of Malki,

I do not remember whether I have replied to your letter dated 29th of March. Fr. Giacomello came to see. It was like a dream for me. He spoke a long time about the school and Convent in Malki and was moved to tears! He missed the school and Malki so much. Now he is in Turin. When he was in India every week he would write, now he has forgotten me! He must be enjoying the devotions to Our Lady Help of Christians in the Shrine of Turin. The news about Malki fills my heart with the greatest joy. I think you should have mercy on me and prepare the road for my coming there in 1972. I hope that Our Lady will give me this joy before quitting this world. Very very good! I see that you work, you work, you work very much!!! My only sorrow is that I cannot work, work for the poor children. Let your school flourish; visit the families and then abide in charity; charity towards God, and your neighbour. You built I understand, the new Convent etc… You know how stingy the bishop was in Shillong and now I am stony broke and nobody gives money to me and I am not strong enough to go about begging. But I will pray to Our Lady; she is rich enough also for you. Love her! At the end of the month I will go to the most important shrine of Our Lady near Genova on a very high mountain commanding one of the most beautiful views. Last week there was a floral exhibition in Genova - all nations sent their most beautiful flowers. In ten days gardens rose up and forests …. you have no idea of the beauty! Flowers are used for Baptism, weddings, burials, feasts and gifts. They prefer to cultivate carnations and roses than potatoes…. And now at the end of May people will go to that shrine to bring their flowers to Our Lady. I will go. Pray that I may find a benefactor to give me a lakh of Rupees for your convent! At least in this sad world, we have these shrines of Our Lady where so many go to cry, pray and hope.


+ S. Ferrando

1971 MAY 11

Istituto Salesiano,

Genova Quarto

Dear and Rev Sisters,

The Feast of Mary Help of Christians is approaching very fast. She is the patroness of our Congregation and I hope that she will be forever your good mother, your help and your guidance! When in Shillong I used to come to Peachlands in this beautiful month….. Here this month, I went on pilgrimage to several shrines of Our Lady. The Rector of a shrine told me: “The shrines of Our Lady in these mountains are really the clinics for the souls”. Clinics in Italian mean special hospitals. We have in Genova a hospital with more than 2000 patients. The shrines of Our Lady are hospitals for sick souls- countless patients. In the shrine of Our Lady, the guardian of Genova, where I will be going, there are 40 confessional boxes in a big hall for men alone… Last year a lady brought an old man – 86 year old – and told the Rector of the Shrine: “Monsignor this is my Father. He has been 60 years without going to confession and came here only to please me, determined more than ever never to go to confession”.

The Rector smiled, embraced him and asked: “Why do you do so?” The man replied: “Because at the time of my marriage, a father treated me like a rascal, though I wanted to do well. Since then I never approached a priest: I will go to hell but I will keep my promise.” The Rector said: “But God has not abandoned you. Kneel down before Our Lady, and then come with me.” He prayed a while and the Rector brought him to the confessional – the Operation Theatre – and 60 years were cleansed with that spiritual purge. He came out weeping and went home. The next day, the Rector received a telegram, from the lady saying, “My father expired suddenly but had a happy death.” I told you this fact, but this is one among thousands. Near the Shrines there are numberless small paintings which describe the grace of Our Lady. I will go there and pray to Our Lady to make you holy, holy, holy.

I bless you affectionately.

+ S. Ferrando

1971 JULY 14

Istituto Salesiano,

16147 Genova Quarto

Dear and Rev. Mother General and Sisters,

On coming back from England I wrote you a letter. Now I receive your letter dated 7 July. I am always glad when I receive news about our beloved Congregation. Sad to hear the news about the border. I hope the Sisters will be able to go back soon to Baghmara. I am very grateful for what Bishop Marengo is doing for the Sisters. As for me I had to perform the will of God and remain in Italy. My health is now as good as 25 years ago and I would like to come back and help but it is not easy for me! Here I am like a fish out of water. In everything the will of God! Very good! We are happy when we perform the will of God. I bless with all my heart the “Operation Mary! Deo Gratias! I realise very well the beauty, the greatness, the heroism of that work.

Tell the Sisters who are engaged in this sublime work, to carry with them the shield of faith, the lamp of the burning band of the love of God. I will pray in a special manner for them. How many novices have you now? How many Sisters in the Juniorate? I am confident that amongst the Sisters there will be always that atmosphere of serene joy and simplicity, all united in one heart and soul to help one another to become saints and sanctify others. This week I had to go to France; but I do not like to travel during this season – the season of holidays! I will go to Turin and in the Shrine of Our Lady I shall pray for our beloved Congregation. May God bless you.


+ S. Ferrando

In the beginning of July I asked Fr. Ignatius to give you Rs. 5930/- and for the Sisters of Baghmara 500/- Rs. 5930/- are part payment of the help I promised you – the balance will come. I have not yet received the Import Licence for the stove.


Istituto Salesiano,

16147 Genova Quarto

Dear and Rev. Mother General Sister Mary Rose,

I have received the analysis of the suggestions sent to you by the Sisters. Thank you ever so much for having sent a copy to me. I have read it with joy. What I can do I will certainly do – to pray for the contemplated work of the revised Constitutions, which will bring about a new life in our Congregation. May I add some words to the Sisters, which will be as it were, my wishes for a Happy Christmas.

In the beginning the first Salesians had Our Lord Jesus Christ as their living rule, and as a practical model to copy in themselves. Later on Don Bosco fixed that practical manner of life in a book which became the code of the Salesian society.

In the same way in our Congregation for many years we went along the way of simplicity, love and faith, learning in a practical way how to consecrate ourselves entirely to Our Lord by a life of prayer, work, sacrifice and love.

In spite of many difficulties, and we may say only under the guidance of the Blessed Virgin, the small seed has grown up. It was the little flock of Our Lord Jesus Christ who did a wonderful hidden work for the poor children, for the needy, in teaching Catechism. They were the itinerant Sisters going like Jesus from village to village.

Our Congregation was born in humility, poverty and in the serenity of Bethlehem; was born in humility to help the humblest ones. The Daughters of Mary Help of Christian directed the first steps of the Missionary Sisters of Mary Help of Christians. We are grateful to them. Now in full confidence and filial obedience to your Archbishop the shepherd of your souls, imitating the work of all religious Congregations, you revise your rules in the light of Vatican Council, to make them more adapted to perform your work in a changing world. Nothing will be changed in our consecration to God; we follow always Jesus Christ chaste, poor and obedient, living a life of charity towards our Sisters and the souls entrusted to our care. Let us therefore go on with the same simplicity and fidelity. Simplicity means to seek only God. Having left everything we must not attach our hearts to trifles.

Everything is good for those who love God and seek Him, who is our unique treasure and possession. Nothing must bind us to the world in order to fly higher and higher. If there is a chain which binds us, it is the chain of Christ, that is to say His love. Let the chain of Christ bind us in one heart and soul to form a community of faith, hope and charity.

You have your Archbishop, Fathers and superiors; be united to them and you be united to Jesus Christ. I am writing in the novena days of the Immaculate. May She be your good Mother.

Yours affectionately in Christ,

+ S. Ferrando

Arch. Tit. Of Troina

1974 MAY 22


Dear and Rev. Mother Mary Rose,

Last month I was so glad to meet His Grace, the Archbishop of Shillong- Guwahati. With him I went to Milan and met Fr. Bianchi who will come back on 10th of June. With His Grace we had a very long conversation about Peachlands and all the Sisters of the Missionary Sisters of Mary Help of Christians. He was much pleased with the spirit of the Congregation, the good work of the Sisters, their love for the poor, their spirit of dedication and so on. You can easily imagine how glad I was to hear that. It is true that there are also some thorns which perhaps make your heart bleed; these trials, however, teach us to trust in the Lord, and to be always watchful. In everything let us thank Our Lord and continue our work.

You must be very grateful to Our Lady, because your Archbishop, the Fathers and other Superiors love this humble Congregation and I am told, you consult him in everything. We must thank Our Lord Because Fr. Kenny is a very good Spiritual Director, and now and then Bishop Marengo too comes to see the Sisters.

I went to Turin where I remained a week and spend every free time in the Church at the feet of Our Lady, praying for all your intentions. Tomorrow I leave again for Milan and I will meet Fr. Bianchi. I will send an offering for the new Convent! Really the poverty of Bethlehem. May Our Lady bless all of you.

+ S. Ferrando

1974 NOVEMBER 28

Genova Quarto

Dear and Rev. Mother Mary Rose,

Christmas is fast approaching. I am writing quite early, hoping that, in spite of the long delay in the postal services you will receive my Christmas wishes on time. During the last months, missionaries came from Meghalaya and Assam and they brought me news about our dear Sisters. I was so glad to hear that all work with zeal in the field of the Lord and especially they show themselves shining examples in religious life. Deo Gratias! In my life of solitude, I am always praying for the sanctity of the Sisters and I am glad that our beloved Archbishop, Bishop Marengo and dear Fr. Kenny give a very great help to achieve that end. Please send me an up –to-date directory with the number of convents, location, number of the Sisters and novices. It a good sign if the number of the novices is on the increase. Our Congregation will flourish if the Sisters live the virtues of the Blessed Virgin, and take special care of the poor and the needy children. I always remember the spirit of joy and cheerfulness, the spirit of family which were the characteristics of Peachlands and other Convents. I am getting old. I am 79 years old. On 10th November, I spent the 40th anniversary of my episcopate in the greatest Shrine of Our Lady on the high mountain commanding the view of the endless sea, the beautiful sea-shore, and prayed with hundreds and hundreds of pilgrims coming there to pray. I wonder whether for the Holy Year some of our Sisters will come to Italy. Then you will see the old Archbishop who will not be able to come to Shillong again. Trust always in Our Lady. She is the Mother of Our Congregation. Through Fr. Bianchi I am sending Rs.8000/- receive it as an act of good will. Now I do not work anymore, I am sending a little help to some other convents. May the child Jesus bless you.

Yours very sincerely,

+ S. Ferrando

1975 JANUARY 25

S.E. Msgr. Stefano Ferrando

Arcivescovo Tit.di.Troina

My dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

I received your letter dated 5th January. Thank you ever so much. First of all I must apologize for my long delay in writing! I have not forgotten the debt of gratitude I owe to Sister Nellie. These days I receive letters from India; and all speak words of admiration and gratitude for the work the Missionary Sisters of Mary Help of Christians are doing. The 8th December, 1974, was indeed one of the Red Letter Days of our Congregation.

I say “our” but it was due after the grace of God, to your solicitude, patience and kindness if the congregation has overcome so many difficulties. I do hope that they will continue in their good spirit being always faithful to Almighty God, under the guidance of Mary Help of Christians. As for me, this year, I will be 80 years old. I have to observe what I have preached to all during my long span of life, namely, to perform God’s will, I perform the will of God by resting and praying.

I am sure that within the limits of obedience you will be able to help the Sisters. My kindest regards to Fr. Med.

Yours very sincerely in the S.H.,

Msgr. Stefano Ferrando

1975 DECEMBER 23


Dear and Rev. Mother Mary Rose,

Today I received your letter dated 12th December. I will treasure all those beautiful photos as my best Christmas gift. Now we must prepare our hearts for the coming of Jesus at the General Chapter.

About the writing of the history of our Congregation I would certainly write it. But alas! I am old! In old age your memory fails; I am far away from the archives, places and people. May I suggest to avail yourself of the presence of Sister Nellie. Fr. Kenny is a living History. You may contact archives and Sisters. We cannot forget Fr. Attilio Colussi who is really the Father Pestarino of our Congregation. Finally, if you will be able to send me the book before printing it, I may be able to add what I know. Will you kindly consult Fr. Kenny? Forgive me: I am willing, but strength fails me.

About the small organ – I am ready to pay for one. In Italy there are many modern and beautiful ones. The difficulty consists in carrying it. I wonder whether you can find a Licence Import. The Suez Canal is open now. Perhaps Fr. Joseph Arokiasamy can be of great help through his suggestions and through his many friends amongst the officials.

A happy Prosperous New Year. My thought for the General Chapter is:


1976 MARCH 3

16147 Genova - Quarto

Dear and Rev. Sister Nellie,

Forgive me for my long delay in answering your letter. I have not forgotten Rev. Sister Nellie, because the debt of gratitude I owe her is too great indeed. Your name is written in gold letters in the History of our Little Congregation. Mother General and her Vicar general came to see me in Genova. After accompanying them to Rome I wanted to go with them to Mornese to thank in the Shrine of St. Mary D. Mazzarello, but alas! Just on that day a heavy snow- fall blocked the roads, and I was a little afraid, but they managed to reach there without me and I met them in Genova. We were so happy! We did not remain long time together because they had an important meeting with Archbishop Lourdusami in Rome. I saw them off at the station and could not stop a tear! I am 80 years old and feel so lonely herein Italy.

Here in Genova there are, perhaps, more than 300 Sisters hailing from India.

In the meeting of Rome I was so glad to see also our small Congregation well represented with the Sisters of other Congregations which sprang up under the shadow of the gigantic tree of the Salesian Society. There are not many vocations in Italy, but here the Sisters are very good like in Assam. I hope that the Salesians in Assam will continue to be silent, to shun discussions too sublime to …. improve (?) things, but they will continue to love God much, and to work, work, work. When will you come to Rome? In April I will go to Sicily, to Venice etc……

May God bless you.

Yours very gratefully,

+ S. Ferrando

1976 MAY 30


Dear and Very Rev. Mother Mary Rose,

I have sent to Rev. Bro. Luigi Da Roit via Maria Ausiliatrice, 32,10100 Torino the amount of lire italiane 270,000 towards the buying of harmonium for Peachlands according to your desire. It is already in Turin and I suppose Bro.Da Roit will wait for your instructions as to how and when to dispatch it. Please if you have to meet with new expenses for its delivery in Shillong, write to me and I will send the money .

Through Fr.Giacomello I sent some small offerings for Garo Hills, Mawkhar etc….. If there is any deserving case, write and I will do my best.

These are very important days for our congregation. Yesterday I went to Mornese to pray to St.Mary D. Mazzarello that she may always bless our Congregation and keep the spirit of charity, piety and joy.

A very Happy Pentecost.

May God bless You.

+ S Ferrando



Dear and Very Rev. Mother General,

I replied to your letter dated 29-8-76. During the last three months I met with so many disappointments and appointments that I neglected my correspondence. But my heart is always in Meghalaya and Assam. To these difficulties I must add the ailments of my old age. All reproach me: “You must rest and relax”, but it is a medicine which I cannot drink. The prayer you composed (printed) will be very dangerous for my beatification one day because ….. I will stop it!!! In any case, thank you very much. We ought to pray for one another always.

The news of the Convent of Malki fills me with overflowing joy. I recall to mind the poverty, the difficulties of the beginning. Oh! That panting, climbing! Oh! that Grotto of Bethlehem! ….. I could scarcely recognise the spot. I hope to go to Rome and speak to Fr. Zampetti . Tell Fr. Kenny that I am praying; I hope he will fully recuperate his health. We had in august a heavy earthquake and it is continuing daily with new tremors, rumbling and losses like in Assam and Meghalaya. I began by writing to Mother General and now I am ending by writing to Sister Elizabeth and to all the Sisters and the aspirants. I desire to see some photos of the new building in Peachlands! Two weeks ago from Rome Mother St. John Bosco the Superior of R.N.D.M. living at the headquarters in Rome, formerly superior of Raliang and St. Mary’s Shillong arrived by car. She was on her way to France with a group of Sisters, stopping at Turin and entering into France by the Tunnel of the Mount Blanc the highest mountain of Europe, 10 miles long. A Sister was driving the car!

The world is now very small. But Genova near the sea is a paradise. I cannot come to Shillong and I am glad that they did not invite me, because it would have been impossible for me to refuse. Next time!

May God bless all of you. If you are in need of anything ask.

Yours affectionately,

+ S. Ferrando

1976 NOVEMBER 27



Rev. Mother General and Sisters


Dear Rev. Sisters and Novices,

I am writing from Rome where I came to see our Superiors and to pray on the spots where Sts. Peter and Paul died martyrs for Christ. I did not see the Holy Father to seek a special blessing for our Congregation and for Assam, because I have already done that three times this year. While in Rome, at headquarters, I concelebrated with 84 priests. It was a very solemn function indeed, because of the splendour of the liturgy and the atmosphere of piety. There was genuine piety. The singing was absolutely heavenly. Somehow I felt I was standing before the altar of the Lamb and going through a liturgy of matchless grandeur. The 84 concelebrants were drawn from 20 different nations. Life at Head Quarters is surely characterized by a wonderful spirit of union. Altogether it was an experience not to be forgotten.

Christmas is approaching. It is my desire to convey to one and all my heartfelt wishes. May our divine Saviour Jesus grant you His joy, the joy that the world cannot give. The Holy Father, exhorting the Religious these last three years repeatedly says: “Rejoice in the Lord, always….” He wishes us to give testimony to Christ by our joy. And this he asks of us while he is overwhelmed with sorrow over the sad events of every day. Of course his is a rejoicing based on peace, charity and kindness to all, and trust in God. You too in all that you do and endure, do put your trust in God and have faith that all will be well. May God bless you. Do not forget that Our Lady is the Mother of our Congregation.

Yours affectionately in Christ,

+ S. Ferrando


Genova - Quarto


Dear and Very Rev. Mother M. Rose,

Yesterday I received your letter, dated 29th January. I celebrated the Holy Mass for the repose of the beautiful soul of Sister Mary Surin. I remember her very well. Our House in Heaven is growing more numerous year by year and our superiors and sisters from our Home of eternal joy are encouraging us to persevere in striving after perfection: the sufferings of this life are nothing compared with the immense joy which Our Lord has prepared for us. Sister Surin in her humility and her simple but rich life, served Jesus in the person of the lepers and had been a shining example in religious life.

In a few days Fr. Giacomello will give you some money for:

Charitable dispensary Mawkhar Rs. 250.00

Sisters of Malki Rs. 250.00

Misereor”, Nongpoh Rs. 500.00

Nirmala Convent, Damra Rs. 500.00

besides the Christmas remittance already received. I am collecting a little money for Chokihola and Mairang. I do not send now, because Fr. Giacomello must still receive the above Rs. 9000.00. There are many demands from all quarters. May God bless your work.

Pray for me.

Yours devotedly in Christ,

+ S. Ferrando.

1977MARCH 28


Dear and Very Rev. Mother General,

I am sending my heart felt wishes for Easter to you and all the Sisters. May the joy and the peace of the Risen Saviour reign in all our hearts and in all the Homes and Institutes of the Congregation because joy and peace are the signs that Our Lady reigns in the hearts of all the Sisters!

I think that the new building of the Mother house in Peachlands is almost complete. When will it be blessed? I will send you Rupees one lakh which I keep in store for you for the occasion.

I am poor and I can do nothing but Our Lady is the Mother of our Congregation and she will give you everything if you take care of the poor children, of the sick. Sorry I cannot write to all the houses! They are so many now!! Wonderful!! May God bless all of you.

Affectionately in Christ,

+ S. Ferrando

1977 MAY 31


Rev. Mother General Mary Rose,

Dear Reverend Missionary Sisters of Mary Help of Christians,

By now 35 years have passed since 1942 when in Guwahati (Assam) what was then known as the Congregation of Missionary Sisters of Mary Help of Christians had its humble beginning. At the time the War was raging in all its fury of tears, toils, blood, deaths… In Assam, more than 100 missionaries had been taken to internment camps hundreds of miles away. The Foreign Sisters had to reside within the limits of their Convent and could not tour. Who would care for the children, the women, the sick…?

I shall never forget, dear Sisters, what happened those days. A group of girls came forward to meet the need and did it all by consecrating their Virginity to God. It was like saying: “Here we are. Send us”. Undoubtedly it was the Holy Spirit who inspired them to make this oblation of themselves, for it was against overwhelming odds and impossible circumstances that the step was taken.

And now there comes the recognition from the Church for you. It is not the human wisdom that God wants to reward, but the humility, the faith, the spirit of sacrifice of those first Sisters. With them, we must raise our hymn of gratitude and glory only to God. With the Blessed Virgin Mary we sing: “My spirit rejoices in God my Saviour, because He has regarded the low state of His handmaiden.” Yes, only to God be our thanks. But on this occasion we want to remind ourselves that our Congregation was born in poverty, in humility, for the service of the poor and the least ones and only in this spirit and through the practice of these virtues, it will flourish. Our Congregation has nothing to fear for we are led by Our Lady, the help of Christians.

With my blessings and every good wish,

I am yours in Christ,

+ S. Ferrando

1977 JUNE 1

Genova - Quarto

Dear and Rev. Mother Mary Rose,

I was looking forward to the issuing of “Decretum Laudis” before writing to you and all the Sisters. Now the good news fills our hearts with great joy.

It is Our Lady rewarding the work of her little children in order to be firm and constant in our vocation; in the service of the poor, of the children, walking under her wings in absolute obedience to your bishop, in perfect union and charity, charity amongst yourselves and showing always the joy of a person consecrated to God.

I am very glad!

I bless you all.

Yours affectionately in Christ,

+ S. Ferrando

1977 JUNE 19


Dear and Rev. Mother General,

On receiving the letter of His Grace, our beloved Archbishop I sent at once my blessings and felicitations of the news of the great joy. This fact must spurn us to be worthy of our vocation and work more and more in union with the Pope for the Salvation of Souls, being the itinerant sisters, like the Blessed Virgin in the Mystery of the Visitation.

Now I am replying to your letter of 1st June. You lay before me some difficulties which are likely to toss about the small boat of our Congregation in the present world of ours, which is boisterous indeed. It is not to be wondered at. Don Bosco had already warned us: “Let us fight shy of all itching for reforms, let us instead apply ourselves to the observance of the Rule without being preoccupied with its improvement and reform.” Don Bosco went on in the teeth of these contradictions and criticism and did not sink but stood firm on the ROCK of confidence and abandonment. Do not forget that the Congregation is the work of Jesus. He loves it. Our Lord will never fail TO LEAD AND GUIDE THROUGH THE PROPER WAY those whom He has placed on the solid rock of his love. Do your best; do what you can but stand always on THAT ROCK WHICH IS CHRIST. The guiding Star of your life is Mary; Like the Magi walk with your feet on earth but with your eyes on your star. In this atmosphere of joy and serenity, centre your life on this rock of confidence, because THE ROCK IS CHRIST: TO HIM OUR FIDELITY.

I am collecting rupees one lakh, nay I may send at any moment. They are for the needy children, for the sick. I will see and send the medals. May God bless all.

Excuse me, Fr. Bianchi is no more with me, and my hands are now scribbling.

+ S. Ferrando

1977 JUNE 21

Dear and Rev. Mother,

Please enclosed find a letter from Mother General of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. Keep it for your archives, I will write a letter to the pioneers of their work. Tell all the Sisters and novices that as I cannot come to Assam any more, I am sending one of my recent photos (May 1977)

+ S. Ferrando

1977 JULY 4

Genova – Quarto

Dear and Rev. Mother General,

Saturday, 2nd July, I received your letter dated 19th June. It was late in the evening and I had travelled all day long in a car to go and meet Fr. Bianchi. I was very tired, because the traffic was so heavy and terrific beyond imagination and exhausting our patience and we were travelling by private car along motor roads! Fr. Bianchi needs your prayers. He asked me to convey his blessing. You ask me plastic crucifixes. I will try but you must, at your earliest convenience, write me and get from Government of India- Import Licence for:

  1. Harmonium like the first ones I sent

  2. For 2 accordions ( what size)

I will do my best.

May God bless all of you.

+ S. Ferrando

1970 JULY 14

Genova – Quarto

Dear Rev. Mother Mary Rose,

I am back from Turin, needless to say that I have prayed much for our dear little Congregation and for all the Sisters. Under separate cover by surface mail I am sending 200 golden metal medals! Let us see if you get them, if there is customs- duties I will pay. Duties about the crucifixes without the wooden body, write to me if we can export them without Import permit; for the accordion and the Harmonium try to get and send me at once the Import Licence and I will send. Shillong must use such Licence, Import Permit and Fr. Rubio must know the way. Fr. Usai met with so many difficulties! Approach and contact him. Sorry that I am only ready to pay for the goods.

May God bless you and all the sisters.

+ S. Ferrando

1977 AUGUST 4

Genova Quarto

Dear and Very Rev. Mother General,

I am back from Rome where I went to thank the Cardinal and the Archbishop Lourduswami for their recommendation to the Holy Father for granting that great favour to our Congregation. Italy is all invaded by Holiday Fever and all the roads are covered by millions of cars. I got so tired that I got sick. I remembered then what Don Bosco said: “We shall take our Holidays in Heaven”. For us the month of August is the month of the Assumption of Our Lady to Heaven. This Glorious Mystery is the explanation to our following of Our Lady by a life of poverty, purity and obedience. I Promised you to send some financial help. The turmoils of these days have delayed everything but I begin .Even Fr. Tonello has forgotten me- A little of patience. Through Fr. Giacomello I am sending Rs.2,000/- to help the Aspirants of Malki. In August, I will send other Rs.8,000/- to you, always to help the poor and to foster vocation.

I bless all of you.

+ S. Ferrando

1977 OCTOBER 21

Genova - Quarto

Dear and Very Rev. Mother General,

It is ages that I do not write: by growing in age I become lazy and really I am becoming full of ailments. I promised to send you for the poor and the needy children the sum of Rs. 10,000.00. There were some set back on the way, delays in the exchange of money but I hope that the hurdles are over. Please let me know how much you receive and if the money is short of the mark, I will send. I have received the Acts of the Second General Chapter. Sweet words, honey for our souls to meditate day and night in order to set store by them and Our Lord for the sublime gift of religious vocation.

These days I met with some crosses. In my village there were floods alluvials of such catastrophic size as to cause loss of crores of rupees, a flood of mire. One dear Missionary Fr. Righetto passed away and tomorrow I will go and see Fr. Bianchi. I will convey your prayerful greetings. Yesterday three Indian Salesian Priests, members of General Chapter, flew to come and see him. He is better: continue to pray.

May God bless you. I have sent to Bro. Robaldo the Crucifixes with Our Lord nailed on the cross. We send little by little by small parcels to avoid expenses of Custom Duty.

May God bless you.

+ S. Ferrando


Genova - Quarto

My dear and very Rev. Mother General,

I am looking forward to a letter of Fr. Giacomello but no doubt he must be overwhelmed with work for the Great procession. I desire to send Christmas offerings early, remembering the troubles we had this year. Today I sent to Fr. Giacomello the following amount of money for Christmas charities: These are all for MSMHC convents:

Novitiate Peachlands Rs 1000.00

Malki Convent Rs. 500.00

Mawkhar Convent Rs. 500.00

Mairang Convent Rs. 500.00

Damra, Nirmala Convent Rs. 500.00

Baghmara (Garo Hills) Rs. 500.00

Nongpoh, Misereor Convent Rs. 500.00

Two needed and poor convents

in Meghalaya or Assam Rs. 1000.00

Grand total Rs. 5000.00(Rupees five thousand)

During these days there were fluctuations in the exchange of money. Rupees were devalued, the English Pounds rose in value so that we must see what is happening in India. I hope that Fr. Giacomello see to it accordingly.

The Christmas remittance has nothing to do with the Rs. 10,000.00 (ten thousand) promised you when the Holy See raised our humble Congregation to the Papal Order. I hope that finally we have reached the target and you got the Rs. 10,000/- (ten thousand). I am very much particular about Rs. 10,000.00, after Rs.10,000.00 you will get these Rs. 5000.00. If my accounts are not exact I will send more. How exacting we are about money and not so careful about the true treasures of soul!

I will soon write.

May God bless you.

+ S. Ferrando

1977 NOVEMER 26

Genova - Quarto

Dear and Rev. Mother General,

With the greatest joy, I have read your letter dated 16th November. On the 8th December in spirit and with all my heart I will be present in Peachlands to sing with you the most joyful song of Gratitude.

The news that you contemplate to buy a new plot of land where to build the new Novitiate is beyond any expectations and hope of mine. There is the hand of Our Lady even if this poor old Bishop cannot help financially. But I am just back from Turin and for three days practically I was praying at the foot of the altar of the Mother of Our Congregation. She will do, provided her children practise: 1) obedience; 2) constant and serene joy; 3) work, work for the children and the poor.

Tomorrow I will go to Rome. Your beloved Archbishop Hubert D’ Rosario is well – known amongst great Archbishops. I will try to find out some benefactors who will be ready to give me little contributions. Our Lady will help for the new Novitiate. I have sent the Crucifixes. Did you get them? As soon as I receive the Import Licence, I will do my best to send the accordion.

I have already sent to Fr. Giacomello some Christmas help for the different convents.

May God bless you,

+ S. Ferrando

1978 JANUARY 4 Genova - Quarto

My dear and Rev. Mother General,

Today I received your letter dated 21st December 1977 where you asked me to speed the matter concerning the accordions. I sent instructions to Bro. Robaldo to Turin today with the money, urging him to do the needful at the earliest. I hope he will know where to dispatch it. Please drop a few lines to him to Turin and he will speak to those in charge of these matters. Tell Fr. Kenny I will write as soon as I get rid of these ailments. I phoned to Fr. Bianchi and I heard his sobs and loud cries. We must pray for him that he may recover soon.

May God bless all the Sisters.

I will write soon a longer letter.

Yours affectionately in Christ,

+ S. Ferrando

1978 JANUARY 13

Genova - Quarto

My dear and Rev. Fr. Kenny,

How often I have tried to write to my dear Fr. Kenny. It is not a simple matter to write to you about a subject which is uppermost in my heart, soul and mind. I know your work for the Sisters. I thank Our Lady daily, because she guides you, she inspires you in a work which is the most delicate and important. My only task now is to pray. At my age I can only follow the progress, rejoice and also sometimes weep but I am glad because now our humble Congregation is in good hands. If you have any suggestions for my doing something I am ready to do. I am aged, ailing, feeble, but how glad I am when I read the “Acts of the Second General Chapter.”

Tell the Sisters, tell over and over again to the Sisters, that Our Lord has called them to a sublime vocation, to be like angels in this world, to be faithful to what is taught by Our Lady by means of their superiors, Rules and rejoice walking always in the spirit of charity and love… confidence and work.

It is not to be wondered at that your heart sometimes had to be squeezed by the torture by crushing. Watch and pray and go on trusting in Our Lady. I am very grateful for your good work. Pray for me.

Yours affectionately,

+ S. Ferrando

1978 FEBRUARY 28

Genova- Quarto

Dear and Rev. Mother General,

I have been a long time without writing to you and our dear Sisters. I was brought to a clinic in Genova where I recovered within one month. It was a complete checkup which made me become younger by twenty years. I am very fit now. Only the winter this year is exceptionally cold and even in Genova snow fell though remained only two days. I must be very careful and I have to remain at home. The clinic was an up to date and modern one. Poor as I am I was really ashamed to be treated like a king and this shows the goodness of our mother the Congregation. Last Sunday Fr. Tohil and Fr. Pianazzi came to see me. Fr. Tohil conveyed the blessings of our new Superiors; he spoke highly of our Sisters and I do hope he will occasionally send some help. Fr. Bianchi was brought to Turin where he receives special treatment in the great Hospital of Cottolengo. He is very high in spirit and Fr. Pianazzi says that he is convinced that within a month will leave for Shillong; but alas we need a great grace such as Don Bosco granted Fr. Alessi in Bombay. Accordingly ask all our Sisters to multiply their prayers to obtain the miracle. I am confident that very soon you will be able to clear out the goods in Calcutta. Here in Italy we had paid everything and if in Culcutta you have to defray other expenses write to us and we shall send the money. During the long hours in the hospital I was always offering my prayers for our beloved Congregation and I am sure that the Sisters everyday will pray for me. We are in the holy season of Lent: Prayer is the secret of our joy, happiness and perseverance. I will write before Easter.

+ S. Ferrando

1978 MARCH 12

Genova - Quarto

Dear and Rev. Sisters,

A very happy Easter with the joy and peace of our Risen Saviour. By his Resurrection, Our Lord has given us the certainty of the beauty and greatness of our vocation. Let us follow him: let Our Lord Jesus Christ take entire possession of our heart and soul. Dear Sisters, I desire that you understand that Jesus loves you, each one of you with the love of the cross, and of His Resurrection. Jesus loves us and we must believe in His love and follow Him with the attachment of St. Paul, of St. Teresa of the Child Jesus and especially with the love and faith of Our Lady. Fear nothing! Rejoice and go on working for the salvation of souls.

+ S. Ferrando

1978 APRIL 13

Genova- Quarto

Dear and Rev. Sister Mary Rose,

I received the letter announcing the good tidings that you have bought the land and that you started the building of the new Novitiate at once. It is wonderful and with you I thank Our Lord. Through Fr. Stefli I am sending my contributions of lire italiane due milioni e cento mila lire. Will you kindly give of this sum Rs. 1000 to Fr. Tulugi? I think that you should receive about US $ 2345. At any rate let us see. I am glad that you have received the papers for the accordion and I hope that you are already in possession of those accordions. My health is not yet fully recovered but age is already by itself a disease. I am glad that God blesses our humble Congregation but let us observe poverty and love the poorest ones. Our convents and schools must be houses of charity, joy, serenity and the Blessed Virgin keep them under her maternal mantle. I bless you all.

+ S. Ferrando

P.S. I went to Rome to pay my filial sentiments of gratitude, love and reverence to Our Superiors. I spent five days in peace. I am glad to hear that the Superiors know of your good work and if you continue to be good children of Mary Help of Christians, she will not forget you. Write to Fr. Marchesi who is secretary to Fr. Tohil. I think that I wrote to you also about my journey to Turin to pray at the shrine of Our Lady and to see Fr. Bianchi. Pray for the recovery of Fr. Bianchi.


Bishop’s House


To Our Dear Professed Sisters

My dear children in Our Lord,

I wish you a very Happy Christmas. I pray to Our Lord to keep you in the holy fervour that you may become great saints. We need saintly Sisters who work miracles. Be always cheerful in the Lord, united to Him, working for Him, loving Him. Let nothing make you lose the interior peace, but everyday renew your good resolutions as if you were to begin your religious life. If through our human weakness we fall into some little faults, let us not be discouraged, but look at Our Lord and begin again. Keep the bond of Charity amongst yourselves, in the spirit of serene joy, mutual forbearance and help. God Bless you. Study, work and prepare yourselves to become useful instruments in the hands of God.

Yours sincerely,

+ S. Ferrando


Bishop’s House


To our dear Sisters in Tezpur

My dear children in Jesus Christ,

First of all I wish you a very Happy Christmas.

You are in Tezpur to work for your sanctification and the sanctification of many children and other souls! Don Bosco used to say: “I promise you: work, daily bread and paradise.” Yes, work and offer all your actions to our Sweet Lord. Work with spirit of faith knowing that Our Lord writes in the Book of life whatsoever you are doing for Him.

When Our Lord was born, the angels appeared to men, said: “I announce you news of joy….. Fear not!” So I say to you: Rejoice always in the Lord and fear nothing. You have always Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and in your sorrows go to Him. Mary is your good Mother, trust in Her and have recourse to Her.

I recommend also to you a great confidence in the Sister Superior, never omitting your monthly manifestation.

I shall always be glad to help you in what I can, that you may become saintly Sisters.

God bless you.

Yours sincerely,

+ S. Ferrando


Bishop’s House


Dear and Rev. Sisters,

I have an important announcement to make to all the members of our humble Congregation. Rev. Sister Luigina Saletta has asked to be relieved of her duties as Superior General. She feels that the pressing work at the Hospital taxes her time and energy to such an extent that she cannot fulfill her duties as Superior General. It is with the most profound regret that I have decided to comply with her request and relieve her of her office. From the beginning she has been associated with our humble Congregation, and has spared herself no pain in promoting its material and spiritual welfare. We owe her a debt of gratitude that we will never be able to repay, and the great work that she has done will never be forgotten.

I must now let you know who her successor is. With the consent of Rev. Mother Provincial of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, I have appointed Rev. Sr. Theresa Villa as the new Superior General. She is well-known to most of the Sisters, and we are confident that she will emulate the zeal of Rev. Sr. Luigina in working for the development and the consolidation of our humble Congregation. In your new Superior General you will find a real Mother, in whom you must place the most child – like confidence. Then only will God make use of her to lead you by the hand along the path of solid religious holiness.

We are drawing near to the feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and I am sure that you will celebrate it with great interior joy. In our Immaculate Mother we have a glorious model of all the virtues, especially of that immaculate purity which must in a special way adorn religious hearts. Pray to her for all the graces and blessings you need to be true daughters of her.

With every holy wish, and an assurance of my prayers,

I remain,

Yours devotedly in Christ,

+ S. Ferrando

Bishop of Shillong



Dear and Rev. Sister,

I must reply to your letters. I am a bad correspondent indeed!

Admission: You may admit the two postulants. I enclose their applications.

Sister Tulia: I do not know what is the matter with her.

About those two girls who intend to join our Congregation, it is better to do as you suggest. Fr. Boscardin says that the Sisters should have their Retreat in Dibrugarh. In my opinion it is much better to give them a change and be all together. What do you think?

I will do my best to come for the 24th May arriving from Golaghat on the 23rd. Please prepare a nice feast of Our Lady.

May the blessed Virgin bless you and all dear Sisters,

Yours sincerely in Jesus Christ,

+ S. Ferrando


My dear Sisters,

I had a great desire to write to you a letter for a long time, but because of my touring in the villages I could not do so.

Now we are in the beautiful month of Our Lady. Since you totally belong to Mary through your Congregation, I wish to encourage you by telling something more about her. I am writing this on the feast of St. Mary Mazzarello. She will teach you to know, love and imitate Our Blessed Mother and spread her devotion all over the world.

In this month of Our Lady we are opening a new convent. We will have three convents in Assam, then. We should rejoice for the graces God is bestowing upon us and see that all our convents become the real home of Mary.

In his old age Don Bosco went to Nizza in 1887, the mother house of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. It was his last chance to step into this Convent. According to the wish of Mother General, he spent some time with the Sisters who had gathered there. A saintly Fr. Boneuty who was the spiritual director of the Sisters too was with Don Bosco.

Then Don Bosco began, “Sisters, you wish that I say something to you. If I had enough strength to speak to you, I could have done it most willingly, but unfortunately I am an old man. You can see it for yourselves. I can hardly speak. Yet, I want to say one thing that, Mary, Our Blessed Mother loves you and do you all know that she is here among you?”

When Fr. Boneuty saw that Don Bosco was so full of love for Our Lady, he stepped forward and said, “Yes, sure, Don Bosco says that Mary loves you, looks after you and protects you. Suddenly, Don Bosco cried, “No, no, I mean to say that Mary undoubtedly lives in this house, and she is extremely happy with you. She moves around here and protects you.” “May the Almighty give Don Bosco the strength and grace to say the same words to each Sister of this house.” prayed Fr. Boneuty.

Whenever we speak about Our Lady, we sing her praises, exalt her virtues and we address her as the queen of the angels and of the whole human race. It is good and worthwhile to speak about Her. It is true. But we should not stop there. Our Blessed Mother is the mother of each of us and we must have love for Her as we have for our own mothers. While we do so, we must tell others to do the same. She is our Mother much more than a queen.

When Jesus was at the point of death, He saw His beloved Mother beneath the cross, standing with his disciple St. John. He expressed His last desire in a sweet tone. He said to St. John, “This is your Mother” and to Mary, “This is your son.”

Through the teaching of the Holy Catholic Church, we learn that, at that moment St. John was representing the whole Catholic Church, that is why we say that in this beautiful moment Jesus gave us His own Mother to be our Mother. Sacred Heart of Jesus always points towards the Heart of Mary and repeats the same words, “See your Mother”.

From that very moment Mary consented to be the Mother of God she became our Mother too. She gave us life because it was through her that Jesus was born. She became our Mother the moment she offered her Son to the Father on the cross and at the same moment she made us sons and daughters of the Heavenly Father.

A baby is completely dependent on its mother for its life and growth. A good mother takes good care of her baby and fulfills all the needs of the child with her motherly love. It is the same with our spiritual life too. In order to grow in holiness and be under her protection during our problems and limitations we should always depend on her. In order to become a true devotee of Mary, we should try our best to become her real children.

All the graces that we receive comes through her. Her love for us is so tremendous that one particular saint exclaims that the love of our earthly mother is nothing when we compare it with the love of Mary. Before Her love, the earthly mother’s love is just like a piece of ice that melts within no time.

A baby keeps his full trust in his mother. He expresses all his difficulties and needs. He surrenders everything to her. Whenever he is in difficulty his first task is to turn to his mother. We should learn to do likewise. Rev. Fr. Philip Rinaldi gives us a beautiful example of this. Whenever he was faced with difficulties, he went on writing to our Blessed Mother, “O Blessed Mother, you are my Mother, you can see my difficulty and you know that I cannot overcome it by myself, so help me”. Don Bosco worked many miracles because of his deep faith and hope in Mary.

Yes, no doubt, she loves you and holds your hand to lead you safely through. Therefore, fear not, she will save you from falling. Though you may be overcome by fear, you will not be left alone. Protectively, she will lead you to peace. Remember that she has given you the true vocation. She will help you to die in that holy vocation.

Once, a priest was in a great difficulty. “O Mother Mary,” he shouted aloud, “O Mother, you be my Mother”. In fact he was not a true devotee of Mary. Therefore Mary said, “My son, prove yourself that you are my son”.

The true children of Mary try to love her the most, follow the example of her purity, obedience, prayer and gentleness. Lastly I advise you to increase your love for her and spread her devotion to the whole world. We should read more about our Blessed Mother in order to keep for self and to give for others and thus spread her devotion.

May God bless you.

+ Stephen Ferrando

TALK – 1

(His Lordship’s talk to the Sisters at Mary Immaculate Novitiate, Barpeta Road, before leaving for Rome for Ad Limina visit in ’55)

My dear Sisters,

The time is fast approaching for my 4th visit to Rome, and to the Holy Father. This is no doubt a time of great benedictions and heavenly blessings for our dear people of Assam, which is a consolation to me, but I desire to come back as soon as I can to my people and the place where I have worked for the past 32 years.

Now it is with great pleasure that I hear from the Rev. Fathers that your work in the plains is much appreciated. Your work of self-sacrifice especially in the villages, the instruction of women and children, will surely draw down God’s blessings on you.

When I kneel at the feet of the Holy Father, I will ask from him a special blessing for you. For the Postulants that they may become fervent Novices, for the Novices that they may prepare themselves worthily for the great day of their profession, for the professed Sisters that they may grow daily in perfection and the love of God, and lastly for your Superiors, that they may be rewarded for their hard work, and receive special graces to guide and help you towards Sanctity.

Now I have to leave and unfortunately I cannot return to you at will, as Don Bosco used to return at will from great distances to the oratory. But I leave you in the Sacred Heart of Jesus and even though great distances separate us we will meet in the Sacred Heart. In all your difficulties and doubts go with confidence to that Divine Heart open to all, and you will surely find every comfort and repose for your soul.

Now kneel down and I will give you a special blessing of Mary Help of Christians.

TALK – 2

(This talk was given by Bishop Stephen Ferrando to the Sisters at Little Flower Convent, Malki, on April 11, 1973, the eve of his departure for Italy after the Golden Jubilee Celebrations of the arrival of the Salesians of Don Bosco in North East India)

I am not prepared to give you a lecture to be recorded in such a solemn manner. But since you desire it I will do as you wish. I thank Sr. Superior who invited me to address these words.

I am on the eve of my departure for Italy. I hope that I will be able to settle all my things and then, there, if the Superiors allow me I shall come back here again; but we must always perform the will of God. We have many defects and many shortcomings, yet throughout my life at least in this I try to do my best to follow the example of Our Lord Jesus Christ; that is to say, to be obedient. One day when I was working as a young Priest, our Superior General came to my school and asked: “Would you like to go to India?” “I would like Father,” I answered. “Alright, be ready and in one week’s time you will have to leave,” said the Superior General. I did not know what my fate was but I obeyed. Then, as I came here in India, I wanted to be a missionary, to go out and preach the Gospel and announce the Good Tidings. Here again, one day the Superior asked me: “Would you be the Master of Novices?” I answered: “I am still a baby, how can I direct the Novices!” He said: “Alright, tomorrow you will take charge of the Novices, because the Master of Novices is away.” “If the Saviour wishes,” I said. Again I bowed my head.

One day, I was in my office, when the superior entered accompanied by a Brother. He had a telegram which he gave me. I opened the telegram and it was written there, “CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEW BISHOP OF KRISHNAGAR”. I looked around and wondered, “Where is the new Bishop of Krishnagar?” There was nobody in the office. So I guessed it was addressed to me. You see, they sent my obedience by telegram so that I will not be able to object, and I bowed my head. But that day I had no peace in my soul, and the Novices asked me: “What is the matter with you Master? You look very sad.” I told them: “Oh pray, pray, pray for me”. I had to obey and I become the Bishop of Krishnagar, an unknown place where I knew no language, except the word, ‘bhalo chele’. After one year, another telegram came: “You must go to Shillong, and be the Bishop of Shillong”. And I left again. I came to Shillong to be the Bishop of Shillong. From all these you see, throughout my life I always try to obey. Again one day, the Nuncio came from Delhi said: “Your Excellency, you must go to Italy and give room for another bishop younger than you”. I said: “Alright! I will go”. And I went. Now I came back to India for the Golden Jubilee, because I was here in India for 50 years. Look, what a great example of obedience. For 50 years in the same place with the exception of one year in Krishnagar.

I do not commit the sin of pride if I say these things, if I make the general confession of my life. But it is also true that you all experience that in the religious life, we must imitate Our Lord Jesus Christ. We did not come here to perform our will, but to do the will of Our Father and the things that are pleasing to our eternal Father, the Almighty God. And I live the obedience and the love of Our Lord Jesus Christ, who loved the meek and was obedient unto death. And also like the Pope, the good Pope John XXIII, whose motto was, “Obedienza et pace” which means, ‘Obedience and Peace’: that is to say, if we are obedient, if we practice obedience, we shall always have peace in our hearts. He became Pope so that his good teachings are also for us. Now I would like to remind you one thing what Our Lord Jesus Christ said: “I am the Vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in Me with Me in him bears fruit in plenty.” Your soul is the garden of the Almighty God. Let Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Divine Farmer of your soul, take possession of your souls to cultivate it always. That must be a divine field; not of curse, but of blessing: yielding the most beautiful flower and the fruit of the blessed nature of the soul. Let your soul be a garden which does not yield thorns or briars or weeds – a garden of God. To use the comparison of Our Lord Jesus Christ, remember the parable of the sower. Alas! alas! there are many souls, even religious souls, and it is very sad to say, that the good seed does not fall into the good ground, the good soil. There are also in certain religious souls, thorns of love for comfort, for riches. There are stones, that is to say, the stones that turn us indifferent to the Word of God, that our hearts become like rocks as Our Lord Jesus Christ tells us. Oh, it is very sad. But we have also many religious souls who really give from this garden so many beautiful blooming flowers. The divine Spouse of your soul, Our Lord Jesus Christ, is pleased to come everyday into your heart and stay with you and talk heart to heart with you.

This is your vocation. Therefore, do not be like certain souls, those religious souls who are tepid in their spiritual life. We need watchfulness with them, because they do not have a good fence to surround this garden, and not having a fence, the wild animals go inside and start playing havoc. And especially they do not watch in order to guard this garden, in order to keep away many small animals. They say, “Oh they are little defects, they are nothing”. But the Holy Scripture warns us to catch the little foxes, our small defects, because they destroy the vineyard of the Lord. Therefore always watch, pray and work hard in order to make this beautiful soul of yours the beautiful garden of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Today, as I was coming here, you know what I was thinking about while crossing this village of Malki. Often, I had climbed this way up and down. What strikes you in this village of Malki is the great multitude of children, who like bees swarm everywhere, rushing from places, from all corners, and greeting you with smiling faces, “Khublei, Khublei, Khublei Ipa” and they keep on shouting until you answer them, and speak to them and then they are very happy. Then, Malki is not a rich village. It is a poor village, of poor people, who work hard day and night to keep their body and soul together. These children, yes, when they arrive in the school we see with their uniforms they look so well and you think that you are really in a paradise. But on the whole, it is a poor village and I think that it is a great blessing not because it is poor, but because the Almighty God, Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin have given you a field which is poor, poor little children so dear to Jesus. “Let the little children come to me”. Our Lord Jesus Christ is very pleased to be here in Malki and has entrusted this garden to your care, to your attention. You have been sent like angels to this village to take care of the little children whom Jesus loves so much. So you must be very glad to go around like the Blessed Virgin just for this purpose – to go to villages like Malki where there are so many poor children, so many needy people, so many poor women, ignorant people who know nothing about our holy religion, where Our Lord Jesus Christ is not known as He ought to be. And you may say we know very well all these and we speak only about these things. But there are also moral miseries of the soul. There are many who offend the Almighty God. There are places and houses where Our Lord Jesus Christ is not certainly the King. And this is the reason why Our Lord Jesus Christ has sent you here. Because our Lord has come into the world not to take care of those who are well but the sick. He has come to teach you to be good mothers to these children, the good Samaritan, the healer and therefore you must realise your great mission.

How many Sisters are you? I think that in Malki you are eight or nine Sisters. You have a Convent and a beautiful school. The school is always the foundation of our holy religion. You have also girls who are considering whether they have a vocation, in order to become Sisters. You visit the families and run festive oratories. Then you have plenty of work and you must work. You must not only pass through the streets of these villages to receive ‘Khublei ko Sister’, but every one of you must ask yourself, ‘What am I doing for these souls whom Our Lord has entrusted to me?’ Yes, there are so many people who speak to you about missionary zeal, missionary work. But there are certain religious who forget that these little children and women have souls, for whom Our Lord Jesus Christ died and shed all His blood. That is the point which we must consider. No, no, No social work without speaking about Our Lord Jesus Christ; Nursing the sick, taking care of the aged, of the children, giving them medicine, clothes and so on – they are beautiful social work, I understand, I understand! But they are not the end of our work. They are only the means. That is to say, through healing the body, we must try to heal the soul. We must go to the children not because they are so amiable, so kind. Oh how beautiful it is to stay with little children! You can see their innocence shining forth in their eyes. When you look at these children you must say, “I must teach these children to love Jesus. Every one of these children is for me another Jesus. And what the Blessed Virgin did for Jesus I must do for these children.” In what manner? By loving them. While they are with you they are so happy, they are not gloomy. They greet you and run after you. If they do not run after you, it means you have erected a wall of separation and they keep aloof. You must love the children as Our Lord Jesus Christ has loved us and died for us on the Cross. Very often we hear about the Preventive System which is that system of education based on charity. Don Bosco said, “You must not only love the children, but the children must know that you love them.” Look at a child, how happy he is when he is with the mother because he knows that she loves him. So also, the children must realise that you love them, that you are their sister, their mother. We must not have recourse to hard reprimands, correction and punishment, especially to take revenge because our self-love is wounded. The children in their weaknesses do not have that respect that which they owe or should have, and they do not behave themselves properly. It is then that we must remember that Our Lord Jesus Christ has so much patience with us. So we also must have patience with the children. Our System of education is a system of love and charity. It is based on charity which bears everything, suffers everything, is ready for everything, provided we bring souls to our Lord Jesus Christ. If you do in this manner, Malki will certainly become a paradise, the garden of Our Lord Jesus Christ and you will redeem this village, and this village will be a real, I should say, glory of our Congregation. You can see the work, the success- which is not the result of our work- because without God’s grace we can do nothing. It is Our Lord Jesus Christ who is doing everything. And therefore, you must always work in union with Our Lord Jesus Christ. This feeling , this sentiment, I have tried to explain to you very often and I am sure that in our Congregation you will continue the spirit upon which the Blessed Virgin founded this Congregation, that it must be the Congregation of charity, for the little children, for the sick, for the aged, the women, and by your charity you will draw all souls to Our Lord Jesus Christ.

May the Blessed Virgin Spread her maternal mantle upon you, upon this house, so that this convent may be like a shining beacon on the top of the mountain for the redemption of many children.

TALK - 3

(This recorded message of our beloved Founder to all the members of the Congregation was sent from Genova – Quarto when Sr. Mary Rose Thapa and Sr. Elizabeth Packumala visited him on February 2, 1976)

I am very glad to send you this message to India. I am speaking from Genova. We must be very grateful to our most reverend Rector Major Fr. A. Riccerii to have given this opportunity to Mother General and her Vicar to come here to Rome, to Turin and to Genova. We are very grateful to Him. I am sure that you will remember him in a special manner in your prayers. It is a Red Letter day for our humble Congregation because the successor of St. John Bosco has joined our humble Congregation with the majestic tree of the Salesian family. We are the last ones to come, but we feel very honoured and proud of this great privilege we have. Mother General and her Vicar came here to Rome and Turin not in order to see the sights of the world but in order to pray here on the glorious sepulcher of St. peter and St. Paul and renew their promises of fidelity, devotion and love to the Holy father, and attachment and gratitude to the great Salesian family, to St. John Bosco and to St. Mary Mazzarello.

I do not speak very long, because I am sure Mother General will have the opportunity of talking to you for many hours. For me it is now a sad day! We are about to go to the station and all are leaving me. Many come from India, from Assam, and I have only to see them up to the station with the heart bleeding and suffering so much because, I cannot accompany them to India. But my heart is always dwelling with you. What I can do is to pray always, every day for you. I have not many exhortations to give you because there is our beloved Fr. Kenny, who knows already everything.

I ask only one thing of you, to be always renewed in your religious life of consecration to Our Lord Jesus Christ. One thing what I can say from my experience is, be faithful in the observance of the vow of poverty, chastity and obedience. Poverty – especially for poverty I recommend you always to love the poor children, the sick and to be always poor not only by word, but also by imitating Our Lord Jesus Christ, who had not even a stone where to lay His Head. And secondly, Chastity which is our consecration to Jesus Christ. Chastity is the greatest gift of God, which cannot be understood by everyone. By chastity we love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undivided love and I am sure that in this world we will be always faithful to our tradition of vigilance and prayer in order to preserve this beautiful pearl of the spouse of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Finally allow me to tell you, be obedient for the love of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Alas! from what I can see, even this spirit of disobedience, now try to enter into the religious house. No, no, be obedient and Our Lord Jesus Christ will be always with you. By being obedient for the love of Our lord Jesus Christ, our Congregation will always flourish. Finally I place yourselves under the protection of the Blessed Virgin, Mary Help of Christians. May she be always the Mother of the Congregation, and you, her beloved children, and that the Blessed Virgin may always preserve in our convents the spirit of joy, of trust in God, of being ONE united by the bond of charity. Yes, your inheritance, your privilege is to live always in peace and joy and that may our convents always have this characteristic family spirit, joy and union. May the Blessed Virgin spread her maternal mantle over each one of you and give you always this joy and peace. Pray for me and I also will pray for you.


(Fr. Fabian Vitto, the Economer of the house where Bishop Ferrando spent his last days shared his impressions with Sr. Elizabeth Packumala and Sr. Bridget Jacob when they visited him in Sacra Cuore, Rome on September 22, 1992. Fr. Vitto and Bishop Ferrando lived together for one and a half years at Genova Quarto)

Bishop Ferrando had his room on the first floor .He lived as a member of the Salesian Community there. He was very affable, very attentive, even to the needs of the house. He informed us of everything. He had some duties outside, like visiting the sick, and administering them sacraments etc. He used to visit the Salesian centers and now and then also visited Rossiglione, his native place.

He received his stipend from Vatican. Punctually, he used to hand it over to me, the economer, as a means for his maintenance. He used to say, “I do not want to be a burden to anyone.” He was very precise, discreet and orderly. At the end of every month he used to give account to me, the economer, and used to speak to the Rector, without fail.

He was very poor. His office had very few things. His room was very simple. There was a person who used to come and clean his room. Except that he did not want any distinctions from his confreres. He was very grateful to everyone.

Now and then he used to go to meet Cardinal Siri, his friend. Cardinal esteemed Mons. Ferrando very much. He used to call him secretly to discuss and to ask counsel from Bp. Ferrando about the problems of the Genovean Church, as he was the President of the Italian Episcopal Conference.

Bp. Ferrando went to Rome for “Ad Limina Visit” and on meeting the Pope and his friend Bishops from India, he used be very delighted. He used to speak very little about the Congregation which he founded. He was very reserved while speaking about this. Now and then he would say: “I have my sisters in India, whom I used to help. They do much good for the people”. He was very enthusiastic and happy whenever he spoke of the Sisters. But we did not give him much importance as a founder of a society. To us he was merely a retired Bishop who merited rest after his hard work in the missions.

He loved to go out to visit people and places, because his life was totally spent in the missions. Often he used to narrate with great satisfaction, how he used to visit the villages, mission centers and churches. He was so much used to the life of the missions that nothing else could interest him except that of visiting his ‘faithful’. His missionary spirit urged him to go out and be with people, even when he was here in Italy. Whenever he could, he used to be with the people.

Sometimes I used to ask him: “Your Excellency, shall we go out to visit some Salesian centers?” He would answer happily, “Most willingly, most willingly. When shall we start? I shall pay for the petrol and you do the driving!” Once I accompanied him up to “Valle Crocia”, the last house founded by Don Bosco. We arrived in the Salesian house. Bishop told me, “We shall not disturb or trouble anyone. Let us go and have our meal outside by ourselves.” But the Fathers came to know of the visitors and welcomed and prepared a feast at table for Bishop. He was very happy.

All through our journey, he spoke of spirituality, sanctity, Don Bosco. He was a very spiritual man. He spoke how to be a missionary from within, from within one’s own soul. He said: “Now I am not a missionary who ‘goes’ but who is, that is, who carries the mystery of Christ within. We need to have a missionary heart. There are many missionaries who never go out to the missions, but are true missionaries at heart. At the same time there are many, out in the missions, who are not missionaries at heart. They have gone for their own interests and not for the passion of souls.”

He set a wonderful example for us in the community. Every week, during the meditation, he used to go to an old priest of our community to make his confession – every week without fail.

He desired to return to India very much. But he understood that he should not interfere in the affairs of the new Bishop, out of respect for him. But he desired very much to return – to return. Once he mused: “At least as the chaplain of my Sisters, I would have remained with them in a corner.” He felt this desire very strongly. At the same time he was very reserved and modest in speaking about these things. But he spoke much lavishly about his missionary journeys, the persons encountered, the risks involved, the true missionary spirit etc. His figure was totally linked to the mission.

Whenever he went out of the house, he informed either the Rector or me where he went, when he would return etc. He had a very clear mind. Towards the end, he found it very difficult to walk, to come down the stair-case etc. So we used to reach his food to his room. But whenever any confrere who had been to India visited him, he was very happy and it was a feast for him. He would join them for meals in the refectory. He was very affable, sweet and at the same time a man of strong character.

Message of Don Vitto for MSMHC:

Bishop Ferrando had an unlimited trust in Providence. We are guided by the Providence. He used to say, we don’t have to invent anything, but ought to pray. Once the will of God is manifested to us either by the Church or the Superior, carry it out as best as we can. He had a joyful spirit – a soul in feast always. Even when he was sick, I never found him sad. Live this trust in God, and have a joyful spirit like him, even when there are difficulties and problems, for these can be overcome by faith.


Mons. Stephen Ferrando, Titular Archbishop of Troina: 22 June, 1978.

Funeral Oration by Cardinal Giuseppe Siri.

In the Gospel of today, we have just listened to some of the guiding principles which should direct our lives and help us to present ourselves worthily before God. Let us reflect a little on this. The late Archbishop whose requiem Mass we celebrate now, lived up to these Gospel principles. He fulfilled them with such magnanimity of soul, which some humble souls keep buried in the depths of their hearts.

Essentially he was a missionary, for that matter a Salesian Missionary. He lived in the period which immediately followed the life of the holy Founder – Don Bosco. The magnetic touch of inimitable warmth infused by Don Bosco was still alive in the persons and the lives of those who knew him personally. Bishop Ferrando acquired this warmth and cordiality, and thus enriching himself with the spirit and zeal of Don Bosco left for India, at the age of 28.

Bishop Ferrando was blessed with a strong personality. He proved to be an “iron-soldier” during the First World War and secured the silver Medal for his Military Valour. The war was like a general rehearsal for his future mission work. The strength of his character and his singular ability for taking initiatives in difficult situations were all inscribed in his serene composure, as that of the Holy Founder, Don Bosco himself.

The simplification of problems, and the quick pastoral intuitions came from that serene and firm personality – without pomp, yet armoured with fortitude, without fears and doubts, yet steeped in complete trust and abandonment to God. Till the end he kept up that attractive amiability acquired from the ambient of his education which experienced the warmth of Don Bosco’s spirit.

He hailed from one of our valleys which descended from the mountains of Genova. He always carried with him an indelible mark of his native place, in the sense that he never forgot his dialect and its accent. Bishop Ferrando was a frontline missionary. He spent his life in the Assam missions during the period of its nascent Church. He was one of the first heralds of the Gospel in that region of North East India.

He dreamt of evangelizing the people of the region profoundly and religiously, by visiting them in their village and homes. But contrary to his dream and desire, he was entrusted with the formation of the future missionaries of his congregation.

The road he walked was long: he reached some important positions in life. When he left Shillong in 1969 the ecclesiastical structure was ready and dioceses were established. That which usually takes place slowly over a long period of time, occurred there during the government of one single man, namely Bishop Ferrando.

He returned to Italy, handing over the reigns of the diocese to others. Here in Italy we have known him, appreciated him, loved him and admired him and understood what treasures were hidden in his past years. He came back to India in 1972 for the consecration of his Cathedral at Shillong. I have known, and know more than one Bishop either retired or in exile, but I have never come across one who would accept the idea of returning to his own country. He felt very much in exile. For this reason many people in the diocese of Genova took the place of Indians in his heart. When he used to help me to administer the Sacrament of Confirmation, I could read his sentiments…. He was seeing India … His spirit was still in India. These exiles loved God, loving only what God loves.

Not only that this strong and rich personality had to take another stand: at 39 years of age, he was made the first Bishop of the nascent diocese of Krishnagar, a little later to be transferred to Shillong where he remained till the time of his retirement. He was the second Bishop of Shillong.

The head of a newly born Church lives in an absolutely different and meritorious experience in comparison to any other conditions and positions – all in the hope and complete abandonment to the Providence of God which in such cases must intervene every day. In fact he had not only to maintain structures, but needed to adapt himself to new situations and new peoples which were totally different from his own, think and speak in a new language and live in a country of his adoption, it seemed as it were changing one’s nature itself. Mons. Ferrando faced all these heroically and built materially and spiritually without ceasing. He founded an indigenous Congregation, he walked beside a people who were in search of their own identity, liberty and dignity. A people who were waking from the slumber of colonial experience. All these bring to light the magnanimity, the equilibrium and intuitive qualities of Bishop Ferrando for whom we lament today.

For him India was beautiful, full of promises, it was lovable it had a bright future. His face would brighten up looking towards India, the land of his dreams. The Church in Shillong will remember him always. All these events of his life rightly fit into the spirit of the Beatitudes- the guiding principles of life. Thus after fulfilling the divine designs in his life he appeared before the throne of God, full of trust and confidence, at 3.30 p.m. of 20th June. Now let us pray for him. Amen.