2008 March

2008 March

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Nouvelles Salésiennes
Salesian News
Mars 2008 March No.103
Bulletin mensuel électronique
(Here are two letters received by email from
Friday, February 29, 2008
TO: Salesians, Sisters, Cooperators, Parish
& DBYLC Staff, Family & Friends
FROM: Fr. Richard, Provincial Canada
SUBJECT: Week One: Pilgrimage & Retreat
Greetings to each of you,
I write to you from Rome. I will attempt to do
so every Friday as a simple way of sharing with
you the highlights of each of the seven weeks. I
will do so only in English to make things easier
for me. Please feel free to forward this message
to others who you think might enjoy it. It will
never be more that one page in length. I will
also try to attach each week a picture or two.
As you know, I am here with Fr. Michael
Pace. He is the new recruit and I am the
seasoned veteran! This first week might be
summed up in the expression “Pilgrimage and
Retreat.” After an 8-hour flight from Toronto to
Rome, we were treated to an 8-hour bus ride
from Rome to Turin. But it was worth it! We
were offered the opportunity to make a mini-
pilgrimage to “Salesian Holy Land” – the
historical places where Don Bosco’s dream
became reality.
We went to Becchi, where Don Bosco was
born and grew up – then to Morialdo, where he
first began his studies and where St. Dominic
Savio lived – then to St. Francis of Assisi
chapel, where he celebrated his first Mass.
From there we rediscovered Valdocco, home of
the first Oratory, where we prayed in each of
the three churches there: the Pinardi chapel, the
Church of St. Francis de Sales and finally the
Basilica of Mary Help of Christians. We then
visited the rooms where Don Bosco died and
the site of his final resting place at his altar in
the basilica. For me, the most beautiful
Eucharist was the one celebrated by the Rector
Major, Fr. Pascual Chavez, in the newly
renovated basilica of Mary Help of Christians.
The 2nd highlight of the week was the four-
day retreat back at the General House. Having
been touched by the roots found in our history,
we were then invited to reflect upon our own
fidelity and journey as followers of Don Bosco.
My message for each of you after Week One
is rooted in my own pilgrimage and journey. At
the heart of Don Bosco’s life was the primacy
of the love of God and an acute sense of the
eternal value of man. I believe he says the
following to each of us:
“There is nothing difficult in the world which
is not overcome, is not won with the fire of
love, love of our God and love of our
“The Salesian is called to collaborate with the
redemptive action of the Divine Savior, so that
no one is lost. To save souls, to share God’s
love with all those we meet, is our only reason
to live.”
God bless you,
Fr. Richard from Rome!
Friday March 7, 2008
Greetings to each of you,
Two weeks down; five to go! But seriously,
things are going better than I expected! A lot
has changed since my last chapter in 1996. The
atmosphere of the General House is much more
welcoming and international. And the chapter
process has been brought into the 20th century!
A lot of this has to do with the personality and
charism of the 9th Successor of Don Bosco, Fr.
Pascual Chavez.
The highlight of the week was certainly the
official opening of the chapter on Monday
morning. Besides all 233 chapter members, we

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were blessed by the presence of three of our
cardinals and a whole row of bishops. The two
key elements of the opening were the message
from the Holy Father and the keynote address
by the Rector Major.
In his message Fr. Chavez outlined his
vision for the six coming years:
“Give me souls; take away the rest” calls us
to have “passion for God and com-passion
for humanity.”
In a world that is becoming de-Christian-
ized, we are called to give the first place to
evangelization, especially by speaking
about God from a personal point of view, as
a convincing testimony.
Let us make holiness our essential task; it is
not so much a matter of taking up new
activ-ities, as of living & bearing witness to
the Gospel.
The next 6 years should be a time of grace
with the celebration of the 150th anniversary
of the founding of the Salesian
Congregation in 2009 and the 200th
anniversary of the birth of Don Bosco in
As Salesians, our first mission is to live as
brothers. The community is the first object
of our mission.
We must educate the young to “health,
wisdom & holiness” and make of them
“good Christians & upright citizens.”
This week’s picture (note: it was attached) is of
Fr. Jim Heuser, provincial from the U.S., and
me in front of the Becchi House, where Don
Bosco grew up and had his famous dream at
nine years of age. Young John Bosco was the
son of a poor sharecropper in a time of famine
and war. Life was not easy. In Becchi Don
Bosco learned to live life inspired by the motto
“Work and Temperance.” He approached life
using all the human resources & strength he
had, but with a great trust in God and a courage
born of faith. He appreciated the sacrifices
Mama Margaret made to keep the family
together, and eventually did the same for his
“family” of abandoned boys at the Oratory.
Have a great week.
Fr. Richard in Rome!
TORONTO. Please pray for Fr. Ivan Dobrsek,
who is presently in the hospital. He is waiting
to be admitted to a long-term resting home
where he can receive 24-hour a day care. Fr.
Drago keeps us informed regularly on his
Fr. Mike Pace kept himself busy right up to
only a few hours before his departure for GC26
in Rome. From there he has been keeping us
up-to-date on all the happenings.
Bro. Steve is continuing his wrist therapy as
well as a few theology courses. He is also
taking Greek with Fr. Occhio. He will spend
the Holy Week Triduum in a Passionist
monastery with his uncle, who is a priest.
During this Lenten season we priests have
been ministering double-time in our 5 schools
and 2 parishes. Next week spring break will
permit a bit of relaxation. His Excellency
Bishop Boissoneau has graciously accepted to
preside at our Holy Thursday and Holy
Saturday liturgies in replacement of our pastor
Fr. Mike. As usual, Bro. Bernie will be the
acting master of ceremony.
The Young Adults Friday Evening in the
new Monsignor Johnson High School
gymnasium has been drawing between 20 and
30 participants. A time of prayer and reflection
is animated by one of the young adults at the
halfway point of their activity.
February saw some real fancy basketball
moves. March will show us their eye-foot
control with indoor soccer on the menu.
St. Benedict’s social committee organized a
disco nite dance in the church hall on March 1.
Close to 150 persons participated. The WYD
group sold 50/50 tickets for some neat prizes.
Even Fr. George kicked up his heels. Fun and
food was had by all.
Fr. Bernie Gilliece spent a week at our DB
residence just after presiding at his sister Ruth’s
funeral in Montreal. Bro. Jim Zettel likewise
stopped by on his way home to visit his family
in mid-February. On February 16 our
community welcomed two young men who are
discerning a call to the religious life. Bro. Steve

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related his vocation story, and Fr. Occhio
animated the discussion and sharing.
The 2nd SLR retreat was held recently at
Jackson’s Point on Lake Simcoe with over 60
young participants. Bro. Bernie has accepted to
form the youth wing of the Knights of
Columbus, called the Squires. It resembles the
former Salesian sodality movement. We wish
him well in this new initiative.
Our Toronto community spent a recollection
day at Our Lady Queen of the Apostles
Renewal Centre, sharing and writing up our
community pastoral plan for 2008-2009. Its
main focus is to create more and more a culture
of vocations. On Sunday, February 23, Fr.
Liborio, the diocesan vocation director, spoke
on religious and priestly vocations at all the
Masses. His relaxed and jovial style was much
The Salesian Cooperators invited Sr. Cora
Beboso, FMA, to give a formation session on
Salesian spirituality. She impressed us with
some solid content in addition to her unique
style of presentation. After our meeting we held
a pot-luck lunch together. Michel Jobin, our
coordinator, left this week for his six-week
missionary outreach to the poor of Haiti. Bon
Voyage! Go with Don Bosco!
SHERBROOKE. Nous venons de terminer la
semaine de relâche et nous sommes à quelques
jours de la Semaine Sainte et de Pâques. Cette
fois-ci, pas question de mettre la faute sur
l’accélération de l’histoire. C’est simplement la
faute- le mérite, diront d’autres- de la lune! On
dirait que les jeunes nous arrivent de tous les
coins de la planète: la Floride, le Mexique et la
République Dominicaine, bien sûr, mais aussi
d’au-delà de l’Atlantique. Dix-huit jeunes de la
5ème sec. ont fait un inoubliable voyage en
Europe de l’Est, visitant des villes comme
Berlin, Dresde, Prague, Cracovie, Auschwitz,
Budapest. Trois professeurs les
accompagnaient, dont Julie-Andrée Turgeon,
l’organisatrice-en-chef. Pour ceux qui veulent
voir leur itinéraire & photos, allez à:
D’autres voyages enrichiront la vie de nos
jeunes. Du 15 au 24 mars, 27 d’entre eux - 1ère,
2ème et 3ème sec.- séjourneront à Marseille,
France, les invités de l’école salésienne, le
Lycée Sévigné. Ce voyage se prépare depuis
plus d’un an et Mme Dominique Lachapelle, la
directrice-adjointe au 1er cycle, en est
l’organisatrice-en-chef. Six adultes
accompagneront le groupe et on a prévu une
rencontre chez Jacky Grech, un ancien
directeur du Pavillon DB. Il y aura aussi au
début d’avril les voyages aux USA: à N.Y. City
pour les 4ème sec. et à Boston pour les 3ème sec.
C’est la culture du voyage. Je ne vois qu’une
seule autre façon de voyager davantage: c’est
de devenir salésien!
Ne pensez pas que toute l’action se passe à
l’étranger! Ce vendredi le 14 aura lieu au
Centre Culturel de l’Université de Sherbrooke
la finale régionale de l’Expo-sciences. Le
Salésien sera représenté par 13 kiosques, c.-à-
d., ceux qui ont été considérés parmi les
meilleurs à l’Expo-sciences locale.
Du côté de la communauté, nous avions
planifié aller à Montréal participer à la Journée
de la Famille Salésienne le 8 mars, mais une
«méchante» tempête de neige nous en a
empêchés. Toutefois le P. Trottier y était, étant
parti la veille puisqu’il avait un conseil des
Coopérateurs le vendredi soir au Centre Laura
Vicuna. Heureusement d’ailleurs, puisqu’il
était impliqué dans l’animation de la journée,
ayant à présenter la Strenna 2008 du Recteur
Majeur – c’était le thème d’étude et de partage
de la journée- et l’introduction au DVD. En
l’absence du P. Provincial, il présida aussi
l’eucharistie à la clôture de la rencontre. Cette
rencontre fut organisée sur l’initiative de la
consulte de la FS de Montréal et Pierre
Larocque en était le coordonnateur. Pendant
que la tempête se déchaînait à l’extérieur avec
des vents de plus de 100 km/h, FMA (noblesse
oblige: il faut les placer en tête, non simple-
ment parce que c’était la Journée de la Femme,
mais surtout à cause d’une participation quasi-
entière…), SDB, Sc et VDB discutaient
pacifiquement de la beauté, importance et

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pertinence de la strenna. (Éduquons avec le
cœur de Don Bosco).
Au moyen de l’excellent réseau
d’information de ANS et la chronique de
AustraLasia (une plume alerte!), nous suivons
quotidiennement les travaux (et les promenades
et sorties…) des membres du CG. Et nous
prions chaque jour pour leur docilité à l’Esprit.
To all our readers and friends, Best Wishes
for a very Blessed Easter. Let us not forget that
we are an “Alleluia people”!
Que la Semaine Sainte et la fête de Pâques
vous apportent l’abondance des grâces et la joie
du Christ Ressuscité!
MONTREAL In mid-January some young
adults of our parish, together with some from
Toronto, took part in a leadership retreat
animated by Fr. Mike Pace, pastor of St.
Benedict. After the retreat, he remained another
day with us and expressed great satisfaction at
the maturity and seriousness with which the
young people lived the retreat.
You enjoy statistics? Here is something
from our parish for the year 2007: 5,400
registered families, 207 baptisms, 230 First
Communions, 274 Confirmations, 50
marriages, 98 funerals.
On the feast of St. Francis de Sales, the
Montreal community gathered at the youth
centre to finalise its community pastoral plan.
Fr. Provincial informed us of the composition
of the new pastoral équipe, whose mandate is to
animate the youth and vocation ministry. The
two Salesians at provincial level responsible for
that ministry are Bro. Bernie Dubé and Fr.
Mike Pace.
We celebrated the feast of Don Bosco on
February 2. A solemn bilingual Eucharist
opened the celebrations on Saturday at 5:00 to
honour the saint of youth. It was presided over
by Fr. Luc and attended by a large assembly,
especially of young people. After Mass, many
families of our parish community crossed over
to the Colosseo Buffet for dinner. The presence
of many young people and children who had
come with their parents created a festive and
joyful atmosphere.
For about 2 years now, there is in our parish
a very fine group of children & adolescents
named after Pope John Paul II, “the JP II.”
They meet occasionally for a brief formation
session. They met during the 1st week of the
month. Accompanied by their 3 excellent
animators, they spent their evening very
profitably with games, Gospel sharing, leaving
some time for the making of rosary beads,
which they then used to pray the beautiful
Marian prayer in the St. Dominic Savio Chapel
at the youth centre, finishing off the evening
with a time of Eucharistic adoration.
On February 11, this coincided with the
150th anniversary of the Lourdes apparitions,
again at the youth centre. DBYLC animators
and catechists met on the theme of the
Eucharist in view of the Eucharistic
International Congress in Quebec City this
summer. The evening was animated by Sr.
Francine, who, by means of interesting audio-
visual aids, rendered the evening enjoyable and
In mid February, the youth centre marked its
10th anniversary. Theo Vecera, program
coordinator, and Fr. Richard, its director,
together with their équipe, organised a
celebration to which were invited all the
collaborators and friends of the YLC. Over 150
young people participated in a climate of joy
and songs. (Why not go take a look at their
interesting website? dbylc.com ). During the
evening, awards were given to the most
deserving collaborators. On those occasions it
is always good not to forget the valiant persons
who are responsible for the establishment and
development of the centre, the most outstand-
ing of whom is evidently, from the moment of
its foundation, the pastor of Maria Ausiliatrice,
the indefatigable Fr. Romano.
On Feb. 19, the Sherbrooke community
joined with us for the monthly day of
recollection. Our director, Fr. Dominic
Britschu, entertained us on the theme of the
Salesian Galaxy, illustrating his exposé with
very creative posters about the Salesian Family
in the world. In spite of the fact that he was
packing up for Rome, Fr. Richard spent part of
the day with us, probably hoping that he would

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gather up some energy for the coming weeks at
the GC… Two days later, his departure was
celebrated by our community (No! don’t take it
that way…). He will be in Rome with Fr. Mike,
our elected delegate, until mid-April.
SURREY, B.C. Feb. 3 still saw Fr. Richard
with us, and at one of the main Sunday Masses
the Knights of Columbus presented a check of
$9,000 to the church. This sum was raised
through their dinner dance fund event, where a
live band and the 9:30 a.m. choir were the
entertainers. The following morning he
concelebrated Mass. Fr. Jan prepared his
special breakfast before the provincial headed
to the airport.
On the evening of the 8th, Bro. Jerry gave a
witness talk to about fifteen couples and the
godparents of their babies to be baptized,
Group discussion followed and a video on this
sacrament was shown.
The 6th annual 3-on-3 Basketball Event
in honour of St. John Bosco got underway on
February 9. It was sponsored by the Salesian
Cooperators with the help of all the various
parish organizations. The young adults going to
the World Youth Day events in Australia
manned the kitchen, helped with the score-
board, refereeing, and the younger children’s
games, face painting and balloon sculpture in
OLGC School Auditorium. More than 400 boys
and girls from the community participated in
these fun-filled events. After lunch a parade of
clowns and young people presented a rally
where everyone calmed down to listen to Fr.
Dave’s short talk and to participate in the
“cheer” that he taught them. Hourly door
prizes and a raffle added to the excitement, as
did the medals presented to the winners for 1st-,
2nd- and 3rd-place showing in this basketball
tournament. Certainly, a heartfelt and deserving
Thank You” was in order to all the
wonderful planners and volunteers who helped
make this family event so successful.
Fr. John’s ordination anniversary fell on the
11th and was preceded with an announcement at
all the weekend Masses. Wouldn’t you know it,
the parishioners surprised him after the 7:00
p.m. Perpetual Help Devotions and Mass on the
13th with a party in the Mary Help of Christians
Hall. Smiles lit the air and enjoyment was held
by all with the serenading of a blessing to Fr.
On the 15th Fr. Mario flew to Indianapolis
for his cousin’s funeral. A few days later, the
Catholic Educators’ Conference was held. The
keynote speaker was Monsignor Jim Lisante,
from West Hempstead, N.Y., a noted speaker
and TV-radio guest. Our teachers were
impressed and inspired by Msgr. Lisante’s
address, as well as by the other “breakout
sessions.” Fr. Dave Sajdak joined over 600
educators at the conference dinner. A very
good spirit of fellowship was felt.
On Feb. 22-23, Fr. Mario Baclig, a Salesian
from the Philippines, conducted a parish youth
ministry workshop entitled “Vision-Led
Salesian Youth Ministry Management.”
Gathered for the event were our youth ministry
coordinators and young people from the
various youth activities of O.L.G.C. The
workshop was packed with information,
discussion, and spirit-filled sharing of dreams
and hopes for our youth ministry. A vision
statement was produced that will serve as a
benchmark and goal for our youth ministry
program for the next few years.
O.L.G.C. recently hosted the annual Youth
for Christ Leaders’ Assembly. Over 100 youth
people, ages 16-25, gathered in our D.B. Youth
Center from 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. for prayer
and worship, instruction and teaching,
nourishment and fellowship. We continued to
be amazed at the quality of these Youth for
Christ gatherings.
Monday is always our community day, and on
the 25th the Salesians went to St. Andrew Kim
Parish for prayer, conference and video given
by Fr. Mario Baclig; the sacrament of
Reconciliation was available. We enjoyed
lunch out and later had our concelebrated Mass
together back at the parish. It was a reflective
and qualitative day.
Fr. Baclig did a challenging workshop with
our catechists. There was brainstorming, group
sessions and discussion, broadening the scopes
of their perspective and understanding. Father
returned to the Philippines a few days later.

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Throughout the month there was the regular
deanery meeting; helping with confessions
here, in other parishes and Holy Cross High
School, and all the usual concerns that make
O.L.G.C. so active in this Whaley Community
of Surrey.
INTERVIEW: Don Enrico Dal Covolo
Interview de Giovanni Peduto avec Don
Covolo, professeur à l’Université Pontificale
Salésienne à Rome. Il est aussi chargé des
causes de sainteté de la Famille salésienne
(publié par l’Agence Fides, le 23 fév ‘08).
Trad. R.T.
Qu’est-ce que les salésiens apportent à
l’Église aujourd’hui?
Les salésiens s’engagent à donner à l’Église ce
que le Cardinal Ratzinger recommandait en
décembre 2004 aux provinciaux de l’Europe
réunis à la Maison généralice. En cette
occasion, le cardinal (il deviendra Benoît XVI
quelques mois plus tard) recommandait la
«prophétie de l’éducation». Qu’est-ce que cela
signifie? Il s’agit tout d’abord d’évangéliser
dans tous les milieux de l’éducation et ensuite,
d’apporter à l’évangélisation la contribution
spécifique de l’éducation qui garantit une
réception plus intime, personnelle et profonde
de l’Évangile. Cela est une prophétie parce que
ça nous engage à cheminer vers les frontières
plus avancées de l’éducation, où les défis sont
plus grands…
Quelles sont aujourd’hui les difficultés les
plus graves dans la Famille salésienne?
Beaucoup de jeunes aujourd’hui sont fascinés-
dans chaque partie du monde- par Don Bosco
et son charisme. Mais, quand ils se mettent à le
suivre de plus près, ils manifestent souvent des
motivations fragiles et une faible capacité de
persévérance. Cette «fragilité vocationnelle»
dans la formation initiale se trouve aussi au
niveau de la formation permanente, où le
problème demeure toujours celui de la
persévérance. Il faut ajouter aussi, surtout dans
le contexte européen, que nos œuvres
demandent de plus en plus de ressources; elles
se développent et se multiplient, alors que les
vocations se font de plus en plus rares. On ne
réussit pas toujours à assurer une présence
salésienne suffisante, afin d’assurer
l’authenticité du charisme.
Le pape a souligné aussi qu’il y a une
certaine démission dans le domaine de
l’éducation. Aujourd’hui les adultes souvent
renoncent à l’éducation. Que proposent les
salésiens pour les jeunes?
Les salésiens proposent surtout la passion
éducative. Proposer des contenus valables et
conserver une conduite exemplaire de vie, ce
n’est plus suffisant. On doit avoir cette passion
éducative, c’est-à-dire, la capacité de
communiquer intensément avec les jeunes et
affronter «jusqu’à la témérité» les réponses aux
défis du moment présent. Don Bosco disait,
s’appuyant sur son expérience personnelle,
qu’il ne suffisait pas d’aimer les jeunes, Il faut
qu’ils se rendent compte qu’on les aime.
Comment? En partageant et en s’intéressant à
ce qu’il vivent, toutefois sans les abandonner là
où ils sont, mais en les accompagnant dans la
recherche des réponses à leur questionnements
fondamentaux existentiels. Pour nous, cela
signifie aussi les accompagner dans leur
rencontre de Jésus Christ, l’unique sauveur des
hommes, hier, aujourd’hui et toujours.
Aujourd’hui le monde a besoin d’une
nouvelle annonce de l’Évangile. Peut-on
parler d’un style salésien?
Encore une fois, c’est celui que nous montre
Don Bosco, le système préventif qui s’appuie
sur la bonté affectueuse (amorevolezza). C’est
la marque salésienne, faite de familiarité, de
confiance. L’approche personnelle est capitale;
c’est sur elle que s’appuient l’ascèse éducative
et la charité pastorale. Je dirais que pour nous
salésiens, ce concept fécond de charité
pastorale, que le Concile a reproposé, se
concrétise comme en une médaille à deux
faces. D’un côté il y a le fameux «rien, ne mets
rien au-dessus de l’amour du Christ», précepte
fondamental et irrévocable de la vie consacrée
depuis ses origines et particulièrement dans la
Règle de saint Benoît, c.-à-d. le choix radical
du Christ. Sur l’autre face de la médaille, le Da

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mihi animas de Don Bosco, c.-à-d. le don total
de soi aux destinataires, et en particulier aux
jeunes les plus pauvres. Les deux faces de la
médaille se complètent réciproquement. On
peut dire qu’un côté est la motivation de
l’autre. Ainsi serait peu salésien celui qui aime
le Christ sans aimer les jeunes, et non plus, un
salésien qui aime les jeunes sans aimer le
Christ et son Église.
Et qu’attendez-vous du chapitre général?
Tout d’abord que ce que nous venons de dire
trouve dans les délibérations du chapitre une
authentique mise en application: un vrai retour
à Don Bosco, une passion éducative
renouvelée, une redécouverte de la charité
pastorale, précisément dans le sens que nous
venons d’expliquer… Et aussi que croissent la
connaissance, l’amour, l’imitation de Don
Bosco, et aussi- je le dis en tant que postulateur
de la Famille salésienne- celle de nos saints et
bienheureux. J’espère et je prie enfin pour que
nous salésiens et tous ceux qui participent à la
mission de Don Bosco, puissent savoir
maintenir intact le charisme des origines. Dit
autrement, que tous les membres de la Famille
salésienne soient signes et porteurs efficaces de
l’amour de Dieu pour les jeunes, surtout les
plus démunis.
Romano Venturelli: 7/03
Bernard Dubé: 19/03
profession religieuse
Mario Villaraza: 1/04
Ordination Sacerdotale
Roméo Trottier: 5/03
Ivan Dobrsek: 16/03
Georges Parent: 21/03
Joseph Costamagna: 26/03
Frank Kelly: 3/04
Joseph Ho: 3/04
Fêtes de la Famille Salésienne
12 mars: saint Louis Orione
15 mars: Bx Artémide Zatti