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Nouvelles Salésiennes
Salesian News
Octobre 2006 October No. 86
Bulletin mensuel électronique
MONTREAL St. Joseph. Bro. Robert continues
to work at McGill’s Newman Centre with the newly
appointed director Mr. Richard Bernier. This
semester he is coordinating a special event entitled
The Many Faces of Modernity: A Colloquium with
Charles Taylor” in which students from McGill and
other Canadian and American universities will
explore how the different facets of modernity
preoccupying today’s youth (e.g., identity,
authenticity, self-determination, individualism and
philanthropy) interact with and relate to
Christianity. Professor Taylor is one of the world’s
most renowned contributors to philosophy. He will
attend the colloquium as a special guest in order to
hold a conversation with the participants.
In October, Brother travels with twelve
students to New York for a “Christian Heritage
Tour” which includes activities ranging from
feeding the homeless at Dorothy Day’s Catholic
Worker Kitchen on 3rd Avenue to attending a
special choral concert performed by the boys of
Westminster Cathedral Choir, London, at St.
Thomas on Fifth Avenue.
In November, on the occasion of the
Massey Lectures to be given by Margaret
Somerville, Bro. Robert will be coordinating a
Speakers’ Forum where professors from various
faculties will listen with students to the radio
broadcasts of the lectures in order to animate a
discussion afterward. Prof. Somerville’s lectures
are entitled “The Ethical Imagination” and will
discuss how we can find a shared ethics for an
interdependent world.
Bro. Robert also continues to accompany
the youth of Paroisse St-Joseph in their activities.
On 6 October the confreres at St-Joseph will
prepare a Thanksgiving dinner for the animators of
“la pastorale de la jeunesse.” On 29 October the
youth of St.-Joseph will come together with Maria
Ausiliatrice’s JPII Group for a day of recreation and
prayer to be held at the FMA Camp Tiberiade in the
SURREY, BC. OLGC Elementary School started
with a “bang” on September 5 with plenty of
youthful energy to spare. There were some new faces
both on the teaching staff as well as among the
students. All the Salesians were on hand to welcome
the children back, as Bro. Steve Aldorasi began his
music course at BC University.
Bro. Jerry’s 46th anniversary of Vows had him
attending the school children’s Mass and speaking to
them on Sept. 8 as they honoured him with creative,
home-made cards. That evening he was present for
the Salesian Cooperators’ first meeting of the season.
Being a member of the Epiphany Sacred Arts Guild,
he attended their first meeting of the new season on
the next day at St. Jude’s Parish, where they will
have a Sacred Arts Exhibit mid-October of various
works done by their membership.
Sr. Anne Wanner--many Salesians know her
for having been at OLGC last summer--who recently
celebrated her birthday, received word that her
brother, Al Wanner, died at noon on Sept. 9 in
Chilliwack, BC. Bro. Jerry, the Principal of OLGC
School, a Salesian Cooperator and a few parishioners
represented the parish community in attending the
Mabuhay--Gawad Kalinga (GK), translated
into English means “to give care,” and it is an
alternative solution to the blatant problem of poverty,
not just in the Philippines but the world over. Its
approach is integrated, holistic and sustainable: a
concrete action plan to rebuild the nation by
harnessing the best of the Filipino, his faith and
patriotism. Recently that organization held its annual

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fundraising walk near the Vancouver P.N.E.
grounds. Bro. Steve Aldorasi along with our parish
youth participated. Many came even though the
weather was not welcoming. The money raised goes
to build houses in the Philippines.
Bro. Steve and Fr. Jan had their first youth
meeting of the new season. The group enjoyed our
SDB Vocation CD and an excellent movie on
Mother Teresa, which we watched also as a
community on our Monday evening film time. All
sharing by the young adults was under the delight of
a pizza party rendezvous.
Sept. 18 had the whole community at the
Vancouver Airport to welcome Fr. John Basso back
from his trip home in Italy. Of course he was very
tired with the nine hours time difference. Previous
to his arrival we spent our “Salesian Monday” with
a case study throughout the morning.--Recently we
received two Salesian guests: Fr. John Malloy from
San Francisco (to do a special Baptism), and Fr.
Mario Baclig from the Philippines (to conduct our
two day Salesian Educative Pastoral Plan) for the
Parish Council and youth representatives to
formulate the objectives for OLGC. Some 40
members attended, coming up with a workable
Vision-Mission Statement.
Last week Fr. Mario was in Calgary for a
little rest and to visit his brother. Bro. Jerry attended
the Parish Liturgy: Celebration of Our Faith
workshop with some of our choir members. The
presenter was Fr. Richard Fragomeni from the
diocese of Albany, NY. Before pursuing his
doctorate he served as Director of the Office of
Liturgy and Music. Father’s current work is in the
field of word and sacrament. The theme for the
workshop: The Ministry of Hospitality.-- Bro.
Steve’s talents are put to use in the parish, meeting
with youth groups and playing the guitar for the
Youth Group Choir.
So ends another month in the vineyard of the
Lord, as we prepare and look forward to the up-and-
coming holiday feast of Thanksgiving.
SHERBROOKE. Un mois déjà passé depuis le
début de l’année scolaire. Tout semble bien en ordre
et organisé pour que l’année soit une réussite et pour
nos jeunes et pour le personnel. La communauté
aussi, en plus de partager diverses activités de la
communauté éducative, a son rythme et ses propres
activités. À la mi-septembre, nous avons participé à
la journée des religieux du diocèse au Sanctuaire de
Beauvoir. Le Fr. Cadrin, O.P., de l’Institut de
Pastorale de Montréal, était le conférencier
invité :L’Avenir de la Vie Religieuse (espoirs et
Plus d’une centaine de paroissiens/nes de
Marie-Auxiliatrice à Montréal, sont venus pique-
niquer au Camp Savio le jour de la Fête du Travail.
Entre la musique, les « bocce » et le BBQ (saucisses
italiennes, bien sûr!), tout s’est bien passé, même si
le soleil n’était pas de la partie.
La journée officielle de l’accueil pour les
étudiants avait lieu le 12 septembre. Cette année,
contrairement au passé où les groupes allaient au
Camp Savio à tour de rôle, tout s’est déroulé sur
place. Et la température a contribué au succès, avec
un soleil resplendissant. Notre champ sportif
semblait devenu un cirque : des jeux, de la musique,
de la bouffe en quantité! De la joie salésienne! Et
miracle! Avant que les élèves quittent à la fin de
l’après-midi, le champ était propre et bien nettoyé…
Le weekend du 23, nous avons reçu la 1ère
visite du Père Provincial depuis sa nomination en
août. Au cours d’une assemblée des confrères, il a
partagé avec nous des nouvelles concernant la
province, ainsi que certains défis auxquels nous
devons faire face. Une invitation à souper- à ses
frais- Au Vieux Duluth lui a valu ce compliment de
la part d’une confrère : « Richard commence très
bien son mandat! » Une semaine plus tard, il tenait
son 1er conseil provincial au Centre des Jeunes à
Montréal. À la mi-octobre, il se trouvera à une
rencontre des provinciaux de la Région
Interamérique à Porto Rico. La « vie bohémienne »
Encore cette année s’est tenu le Salon du
Bénévolat. Quatorze organismes de la région étaient
représentés. Le tout était organisé et coordonné par le

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P. Alain. Cet événement fournit aux jeunes
l’occasion de s’ouvrir à l’engagement social et de
s’impliquer dans leur milieu. C’est une part
importante de l’éducation intégrale dont il est
question dans la vision éducative salésienne.
community recently welcomed a young adult,
David McConkey, from Ottawa as a boarder for the
school year 2006-2007. David has undertaken his
first year of teaching at Mary, Mother of God
School here in Toronto.--At the recent St.
Bernedict Parish retreat as well as at the Salesian
Cooperators’ first meeting, Fr. George gave a
formation session on Don Bosco’s Preventive
System of Education.
On Sunday September 17, St. Gregory the
Great Slovenian Parish in Hamilton held its annual
banquet in honour of its saintly patron. They also
celebrated Fr. Ivan Dobersek’s 95th birthday (Sept.
7). The pastor Fr. Drago Gacnik had celebrated
early the Holy Eucharist in a filled church. He
likewise presented a Power Point collection of
digital photos of the numerous parish activities. All
were entertained also by lively musical
compositions during a good part of the afternoon.
Fr. Occhio will undergo his second hip
operation on October 11. This past month
he has been undergoing various preparatory
sessions. We want to assure him of our
prayer for a successful operation and a rapid
A small group of parishioners from St.
Benedict’s along with Fr. George participated
in a liturgical session on Sept. 23 at St.
Bonaventure’s Church. The session was animated
by Fr. J. Glenn Murray S.J., from Cleveland, Ohio.
All 350 participants left the session refreshed,
reenergized and reinvigorated after Fr. Murray’s
dynamic and original presentation on the Ordinary
Time of the liturgical calendar.
Nominations chez les salésiens de Don Bosco
Le supérieur général des salésiens, Don Pascual
Chavez, vient de nommer le nouveau supérieur
provincial pour le Canada. Il s’agit du Père Richard
Authier, âgé de 58 ans; il succède au Père Luc
Lantagne qui vient de terminer un mandat de 6 ans.
Il a aussi approuvé les membres de son conseil : les
Pères Roméo Trottier, vicaire provincial, Joseph
Costamagna, économe et le frère Bernard Dubé,
conseiller chargé de la pastorale jeunesse. Le
charisme des salésiens s’exerce principalement
auprès des jeunes, même lorsqu’ils ont la charge
pastorale d’une paroisse. Les œuvres, francophones
et anglophones, de la Province St-Joseph se situent à
Montréal, Sherbrooke, Toronto, Hamilton, Edmonton
et Vancouver. Ils tiendront un Chapitre provincial au
printemps 2007, en préparation au Chapitre général
qui se déroulera à Rome en 2008. Le thème de ce
Chapitre--Da mihi animas, caetera tolle--(Donne-
moi des âmes, ôte-moi le reste) se veut un
approfondissement de la passion apostolique du
fondateur. « Ce sera une invitation aux membres de
la famille salésienne à retourner auprès des jeunes
par une nouvelle évangélisation et sur de nouvelles
frontières.» précise la communauté dans un
(Bulletin de nouvelles du site web de Radio Ville-
Marie, Montréal, 15/09/2006)
The World Congress for Salesian Cooperators is to
be held in Rome at the Salesianum, November 9-12.
The goal is to share and approve “ad
experimentum” the Project of Apostolic Life (PAL),
as the Salesians did for their own Rule of Life in
1984. That congress is the equivalent of a General
Chapter. Three delegates from Canada will be
attending: Pierre Larocque, national coordinator,
Sr. Micheline Bertrand, FMA delegate and Carla
Comin, from Surrey, BC, chosen as delegate-at-large
to represent the English-speaking Region.
The Salesian communities are invited to pray this
special prayer for the success of the congress at least
once a week in community. And why not more often,
in community or individually, in communion with our
brothers and sisters Cooperators?

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Don Bosco,
Our hearts are filled with gratitude to the Lord
In contemplating the great gift given to the Church
Through you, the founder of the Salesian Family.
You have been given us by the Lord
as Father and Teacher
And you built up a vast movement of people
Who, in different ways, are working for the
salvation of the young.
In this your family, you have desired
That along with consecrated Salesians, the
Cooperators be at work;
committed laity and secular clergy,
Who, living out the same Salesian vocation in the
world, are the expression of your fatherly love
In all of life’s settings: the family, school, work,
society and Church.
Help us, through witness and apostolic activity,
To be new evangelizers
Offering the world and especially the young
The experience of a life that is fulfilled and happy,
rich in authentic values, inspired by the message of
the Gospel.
May we know how to accept with joy and energy
The renewed project of apostolic Salesian life
For the glory of God and the salvation of souls.
Prière à Don Bosco
pour le Congrès Mondial des Coopérateurs
Notre coeur est plein de gratitude envers le Seigneur
dans la contemplation d’un si grand don
qui est fait à l’Église à travers toi,
fondateur de la Famille Salésienne.
Tu nous as été donné par le Seigneur
comme Père et Maître,
et tu as créé un vaste mouvement de personnes
qui, de façons diverses, oeuvrent
au salut de la jeunesse.
Dans cette famille qui est tienne,
tu as voulu qu’à côté des Salésiens consacrés,
oeuvrent les Coopérateurs, laïcs engagés et prêtres
qui, vivant dans le monde la même vocation
salésienne, soient l’expression de ton amour de Père
dans tous les milieux de vie : la famille, l’école, le
travail, la société et l’Église.
Fais que, à travers le témoignage
et l’action apostolique, nous puissions être
de nouveaux évangélisateurs
qui offrent au monde et par-dessus tout à la jeunesse
l’expérience d’une vie pleine et heureuse,
riche des valeurs authentiques
inspirées du message évangélique.
Fais que nous puissions accepter avec élan et joie
le projet salésien renouvelé de vie apostolique
pour la gloire de Dieu et le salut des âmes. Amen
INTERVIEW: with Bro. Bernie Dubé.
Brother Bernie Dubé has been in the Salesian
community of Toronto for the past 17 years.
He has been recently named on the Provincial
Council of the Salesians of Canada, in charge
of vocational and youth ministry.
Can you tell us something about your family and
I was born on March 19, 1949, in Lewiston, Maine,
USA, of Emile J. Dubé and Pauline Baillargeon
Dubé. I have three older brothers and a younger
brother who is also a Salesian brother in the New
Rochelle, NY Province.
I was educated by the St Joseph Sisters of Lyon,
France at Holy Family Catholic School, Grades 1-4.
We then moved and I attended St. Peter’s School
from Grades 5-7. Then I attended a private Catholic
boarding school, Denis Hall, in Alfred, ME,
conducted by the Christian Instruction Brothers for
Grades 7-8. I graduated from St. Dominic Regional
Catholic High School taught by the Brothers of
Sacred Heart, in Lewiston. I entered the Salesians in
1969. made my first vows in 1971 and final vows in
You come from the State of Maine. How did you
learn about the Salesians and what attracted you to
join them?

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I belonged to the St Dominic Savio Club at St.
Peter’s School & Denis Hall. I was an officer once.
The club was founded in 1954 by the Salesian
brother, Michael Frazette in Paterson, NJ. The club
grew in leaps and bounds all over USA, Canada,
the Philippines and elsewhere. In mid 1960’s, it had
reached 90,000 members.
You are a coadjutor brother. How do you see your
vocation as different from that of the Salesian
As brother I’m free to be more available to the
young people I work with, and not being tied down
to the Sacramental life that a priest has to offer.
The brother vocation and spiritual life is different
from that of a priest: Mass, hearing confessions,
administering the Sacrament of the sick, etc.
What can you tell us about your Salesian itinerary
and what kind of work do you cherish most?
I’m beginning my tenth year as chaplain at Don
Bosco Catholic Secondary School. The most
cherished work was at St. Benedict Parish, where I
was Youth Minister for eight years.
How do you see your task as provincial councillor,
with a special attention to youth ministry and
vocational animation?
I hope to bring my varied experience: retreat work,
parish youth ministry, chaplaincy, day camps,
Salesian Leadership Retreat, Youth Rally, WYD,
etc. I hope to animate youth ministers, and help
young people to discern their vocation.
If you had a couple of things to tell young people,
what would you say?
Take courage, persevere in your prayer life, and be
of service. And get involved in your school,
community and in your parish.
In October we remember…
Liturgical feasts:
5: Blessed Albert Marvelli
7: Our Lady of the Rosary
11: Blessed John XXIII
13: Blessed Alexandrina da Costa, SC
24: Blessed Louis Guanella
Happy Birthday!
9: G. Costamagna (70th)
10: Jan Staszel
24 Drago Gacnik (50th)
Religious Profession
21: G. Costamagna
9: Mike Pace