TAVUR 2011 August

TAVUR 2011 August

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The newsletter of the Salesian delegation of Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands
15th August, 2011
Dear friends,
Peace be with you!
I thank the Lord for the great experi-
ences I had for these past weeks in
the month of July. The days, mo-
ments and encounters that we have
every year are special, holy and mo-
ments of Grace - both for the Sale-
sians and the members of the Sale-
sian Family.
I am truly amazed of the deep spiri-
tual experience I felt, first as a salesian and second as a
member of the vast movement of people, gathered under
the banner as sons and daughters of St. John Bosco.
I am grateful to God for wonderful meetings with all of you.
The Spirit lives on and the radiant light of our identity as
one family comes out very clearly. I could also feel and see
the big smile of our Blessed Mother, Help of Christians.
She is the teacher and guide of all of us, given to us by our
Father Don Bosco.
I want to remind all of us to let these experiences of grace
be our point of renewal, to recharge and rekindle our zeal,
our enthusiasm and motivation as individuals and as or-
ganizations. Our beloved Rector Major has asked us to
prepare for the celebration of the bi-centenary of the birth of
Don Bosco. And the Salesians in special way are tasked to
know Don Bosco by reading his biography, his books and
writings. This is a good activity that the members of the
Salesian Family can certainly do.
In a few days we will be focus our attention on the World
Youth Day 2011 in Madrid, Spain. The invitation for
young people is to view their experience with the Holy
Father as a Model of Hope. He himself asks everyone,
the young people and even the world to take seriously
the life of reconciliation, of forgiveness; and the responsi-
bility of the ministers to be the agents of peace and for-
giveness, and personally accompany young people. Our
Rector Major is encouraging us and asking us the same.
This is the threshold of conversion and change in the
heart - in the lives of our young people, who will partici-
pate in this historic spiritual renewal with the Shepherd of
the Church. Let us accompany them with our ardent
prayers. It is very salesian, it is for sure very dear to the
heart of Don Bosco.
Let us also ask the intercession of
Blessed Augustus Czartorisky and
Blessed Ceferino Namumcura whom
we remember in this month of August,
without of course forgetting the Birthday
of our Father and Teacher Don Bosco.
My congratulation and greeting to all
our schools, parishes and communities
who will take this occasion for their
salesian, spiritual encounter.
Happy Feast of the Assumption of Our Blessed Mother
- Fr. Raffy Galve sdb, Delegate PNG-SI
Planted and build up in Jesus Christ, firm in the faith (Saint Paul)
Madrid, 11th August 2011- Always with the youth in mind
and fully aware that they are the future of the Church and
of society, Pope Benedict XVI will be giving a special gift
for 2011 World Youth day pilgrims a book called YOU-
CAT (Youth Catechism). All pilgrims will find in their back
packs this useful tool to help them live fully the motto of
this year‘s World Youth Day: “planted and built up in
Jesus Christ, firm in the faith.” This compendium of the
faith is comprised of 280 pages and responds in a simple manner very basic
questions of the Catholic faith. It deals with the main doubts and concerns
which preoccupy today‘s youth: ―The youth of today are not as superficial
as some think. They want to know what life is really all about,‖ affirms the
Holy Father in the prologue of YOUCAT. This unusual little book is an inter
play of questions and answers written in a dynamic and light style, allowing
the young to find responses to their questions in a fun and interesting man-
ner. ―This book is exciting because it speaks of our own destiny,‖ writes the
Holy Father. ―It places before you the Gospel message as „the pearl of
great value‟ (Mt, 13:46), for which you must give everything.‖
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- Fr. Ziggy Kruczek CSMA
The Congregation of
St. Michael the Archangel
The Congregation was founded by the Blessed Father Bronislaus
Bonaventure Markiewicz. Its beginnings date back to the year 1897. From
the very start of his priestly life, he was particularly sensitive towards the
religious, moral, and material neglect of children and youth and to the mis-
ery of simple people. Following the divine voice, he went to Italy and be-
came a follower of St. John Bosco. After seven years, in 1892, he re-
turned to Poland and began work in Miejsce Piastowe (South-East Po-
land). In September, 1897, he petitioned the Church‘s authorities to allow
him to found the Congregation of St. Michael the Archangel. On 29th Sep-
Blessed Bronislaus Bonaventure Markiewicz
(1842-1912) The founder of the Michaelites
tember, 1921, Bishop of Kraków, Adam Stefan Sapiecha issued the Erect-
ing Decree of the Congregation. On 15th June, 1966, the Congregation
was affirmed under Papal Law. Today the Michaelites are working
throughout Europe, the Americas and in the Pacific Region: i.e., in Can-
ada, Germany, Italy, Austria, France, Paraguay, Argentina, Dominican Republic, Switzerland, Ukraine, Belarus, Aus-
tralia, the Nederland Antilles, Aruba, and Papua New Guinea.
Michaelites in Papua New Guinea
The first Michaelite who arrived in Papua New Guinea in 1970
was Fr. Stanislaus Śnieżek. Later on in 1977 another two priests
followed him: Zdzisław (Ziggy) Kruczek and Ludwik Wypasek.
In the year 2000 our community was officially installed in Austra-
lia, Archdiocese of Sydney. Today, we Michaelite members from
PNG and Australia make one delegation under the leadership of
Fr. Janusz Bieniek residing in Sydney. There is one canonical
community in Australia and one in PNG. In Australia the pastoral
work in three parishes, Catholic University chaplaincy and hospital
chaplaincy is done by seven priests (five from Poland and two
recently ordained Australians). In Papua New Guinea four priests
are missionaries from Poland, one from Simbu Province and one
finally professed religious brother from Enga Province.
In PNG we are working in two provinces: Western Highlands and
Enga. In Enga we take care of two parishes: Wanepap and Ka-
sap. Wanepap has 15 outstations and Kasap 10. In many cases
the priests must travel to these outstations by foot for it is impossi-
ble to go there by car. At times it can take more than six
hours to walk there. In Western Highlands Fr Bogdan
Świerczewski (the community superior) looks after Kuli
parish where currently at the outstation of Kartanim his
parishioners are constructing a Shrine to the Divine Mercy.
Since 1995 we have published annually the periodic ―Mi-
cha-el CSMA‖ and have produced some articles and books
on mission, social and pastoral matters.
Apart from our pastoral activity we Michaelites are working
very hard on the field of vocations. Right now in Australia
we have one novice and in PNG two temporally professed
seminarians doing their studies in Vanimo Diocesan Semi-
nary and one postulant in Kap near Madang. We also
stress more and more on the importance of spreading the
devotion to St. Michael the Archangel as PNG country is
devoted to this Archangel. In some parishes the faithful are
familiar with the Leo XIII prayer to St. Michael and recite
the chaplet to his honour as well. There is an urgent need
to invent some songs in honour of this Archangel.
In 1999 two Michaelites, victims of the Second World
War were beatified and recognised by the Church as
martyrs. These are Fr. Ladislaus Błądziński and Fr.
Adalbert Nierychlewski. Right now the co-founder of
Michaelite Sisters, the Servant of God, Mother Anna
Kaworek‘s case is in Rome. There is a hope that within a
few years she will be beatified. The Michaelite Sisters
work in France, Cameroon, Germany, Ukraine, Belarus
and Italy. Many years ago they got invitation from Papua
New Guinea to work in this country as missionaries, but
they could not make it so far.
Michaelites at their annual retreat in 2011 at Rebiamul (Mount
Standing l-r: Fr. Z. Kruczek, Fr. Gregory Jasłowski, sem. Paul
Porali (he had already left the community), Bro. Lambert Büter
SVD (retreat master), Fr. Bogdan Świerczewski, sem Kenneth
Kamalan, Fr. Joseph Pękala; kneeling l-r: sem Bernard Saka, Bro.
Thomas Lasen and Fr. Peter Kaupa
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- Fr. Roger Miranda sdb
as I have loved YOU
TO ROT, the First Martyr of PNG
The theme of the whole celebration which is slated for 18
months (07 July 2011-30 Dec 2012) is ―LOVE ONE AN-
OTHER AS I HAVE LOVED YOU!‖, dwelling strongly on
the family and the importance of the Sacrament of Matri-
Fr. Roger Miranda, the Rector of Vunabosco, represented
the school and community at the Launching of the Centen-
ary of the Birth of Peter To Rot which was held at Rakunai,
in the Basilica of Pita To Rot. His Excellency, Coad. Arch.
Francesco Panfilo, SDB was the main celebrant. Aux.
Bishop John Doainnoel, SM together with several priests
from the archdiocese and other dioceses of PNG concele-
brated. Several pilgrims from the different dioceses of PNG
came over; the highest delegation was the one of Madang
Archdiocese and they were about 500.
Coad. Arch. Francesco Panfilo, SDB, presiding at the Launching of the 100
year birthday anniversary of Bl. Peter To Rot
FMA Sisters in PNG: - Fr. John Cabrido sdb
Come and See
Port Moresby: 7 August 2011 -- Seven enthusiastic
young ladies, all students of Don Bosco Technical Institute
(DBTI) and boarders of the Sisters, attended the ―Come
and See‖ weekend organised by the FMA. This is the first
of several scheduled until the end of the academic year.
The ―Come and See‖ is in response to the Rector‘s Major
Strenna of creating a vocation culture in each Salesian
Since the overnight started on the evening of August 5, the
FMA Institute Day, the timetable included a Eucharistic
celebration followed by a simple agape and program and
capped with viewing the film on Mother Mazzarello.
The following day, the sessions were facilitated by Sr. Al-
ice Fulgencio who spoke on life as gift and the universal
call to holiness. The young ladies shared their understand-
ing of how young people succumb to the constant bom-
bardment of noise leaving them neither time nor space to
be still and to listen to God‘s call. They realised the impor-
tance of setting aside a regular time for personal prayer
no matter how busy they are since prayer helps them to
know and love God better. They also realised how fortu-
nate they are that in DBTI they have the possibility of par-
ticipating at the Eucharist daily, of regular confession and
even of regular spiritual direction, all means of helping
them grow in their spiritual life and in their vocation dis-
The encounter ended with the participants‘ resolve to take
better care of their prayer life and they look forward to the
next ―Come and See‖ overnight!
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Cl. Moise Paluku sdb
Bamboo Park in Tetere, SI
TETERE (SI): 5 July 2011 -
- The Don Bosco Rural
Training Centre (DBRTC)
used the occasion of its
monthly collective celebra-
tion of students' birthdays to
use a newly inaugurated
section of the expanding DBRTC enterprise - the Don Bosco Bamboo Park.
Situated just near the Don Bosco Haus (Salesian residence), where our corre-
spondent Br. Moise Palaku, lives, the celebrations took place on Saturday 2 July.
It was a moment which brought together a series of events. The DBRTC involves
young men and women in a variety of skill training especially connected with agri-
culture and associated trades. The birthday celebrations covered the months of
June and July, but the event also offered a chance for a blessing on the rice har-
vest. So what better place to do all this than in the newly developed Bamboo
Although it was an evening event, the day was not considered complete with-
out the morning Mass, but from 6 pm onwards, the festivities swung into action,
beginning with the Rosary then leading to a special open air meal, garlanding
of those celebrating birthdays, and of course, a showcase presentation of Solo-
mon Islands culture with cultural dances from Guadalcanal, the islands on which
DBRTC is situated, Makira-Ulawa (formerly San Cristobal) to the south east and
nearby Malaita, the largest and most populous island in the group to the north
east. All three provinces are present at DBRTC. Fr. Michael Lap, the Rector,
concluded the event with thanks and encouragement by way of a Good Night.
Highlights at Tetere
5-11 July, - Youth rally for the young
boys and girls of the Christ the King
parish. Theme: Christ’s loyal Sol-
25 July, Harvesting of Papayas. The
Taiwan Technical Mission‘s staff was
thanked for providing seeds and
Mission group - DBRTC students
volunteered to serve the others in
action and word. Led by Mr. Joseph
Aaron, the school deputy, they pray
and work together.
Araimiri Truly Blest
- Fr. Edwin Genovia, Rector
ARAIMIRI: Don Bosco Araimiri is truly blest with good
land… When it rains heavily, most of the ground is flooded
and yet the seemingly useless land, where only tall grass
grew, can provide food for the students of the school. With
hard work and perseverance in cleaning and cultivating the
land, students were able to grow rice. Proof that growing
rice in the Gulf, is possible. It has saved the school some
money as well as from the possibility of sending students
home for lack of food. For this, we can say that we are truly
This year, Don Bosco Araimiri is celebrating its 31st year not
only in the Gulf Province but the whole of Papua New
and pro-
pered by so
many difficul-
ties… and yet in
spite of it all, it
continues to be
The rice field ready for harvest.
a sign of hope
for the many young people who wanted to continue in
their education. To reach this far is truly a blessing…
The isolated location of the school and the lack of luxury
have not prevented our teachers and volunteers to
come not only to share their knowledge and skills but to
share their very life with our students is truly God‘s
grace. Getting teachers to come and teach has been a
perennial problem of the school. But a teacher who
comes and stays is truly a blessing…
We may easily see the difficulties and dangers living in
the Gulf Province like the dinghy capsizing putting the
life of those who were in it at risk… and failed to notice
the invisible hand that guided those who were in it to
safety. Surely, this is a blessing….
Yes, in spite of it all, we are living in the land God truly
These female students are not practicing a new dance step with a different beat
but separating the grain of rice from their stalks.
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Fr. Albert Lenon sdb
KUMGI: 24th June, 2011 - a cold chilly day in the highlands marked a special
day for our Bosconians in Don Bosco Tech Kumgi - as they celebrated had
their Sports festoon. The Savio Friends Club, under the leadership of Mr. John
Puk, organizing and prepared the event. The Bosconians were divided into 13
classes to present their Trade Banner, their War Cry and their Creative Dance.
The whole celebration was a spectacular scene displaying the
creative and colourful body decorations of the Bosconians -
their shrill seeking war cry that re-echoes across the moun-
The opening of the Sport Fest was held in the gymnasium. The
community around delighted themselves and cheered for the
Bosconians. The theme chosen for the event were the words
that Don Bosco would always say to his boys.
The climax of the day was the sports enjoyed by everyone
Basketball, Volleyball, Football and Touch Rugby. To top up
the day, all the Bosconians enjoyed a very delicious meal.
The Sport fest was truly indeed an explosion and expression of
how dynamic, creative and energetic our Bosconians are.
Savio Friends Club, you made this day SPECIAL…. More
power to you!!!
“Where you go, I will go, Fr. Albert Lenon sdb
where you live, I will live. Your people will be my people.
Your God will be my God.” (Ruth 1: 16- 17)
KUMGI: The 18th of June, 2011 marked a very special
day for two teachers of Don Bosco Tech Kumgi
Danny Onge and Roselyn Kerenge made their promise
to each other - for better or for worse, in sickness and in
health… till death do us part.
Both Danny and Roselyn were Bosconians of our Terti-
ary School, Don Bosco Technological Institute, Boroko.
According to their personal sharing they met each other
7 years ago while at school. Danny was a 4th year
graduating student and Roselyn was a 2nd year student.
Both felt that they were specially meant for each other.
But as good students and Bosconians, they encouraged
each other to finish first their tertiary studies and find a
job for themselves.
istrator concelebrated.
It was indeed an occa-
sion of joy and gratitude.
Both parents expressed
their best wishes to the
two and thanked the
Danny Onge and Roselyn Kerenge
teachers and Bosconians for their generous service in pre-
paring the day.
After the wedding mass, a sumptuous meal awaited all. Eve-
ryone enjoyed the tasty food prepared by their family mem-
bers and friends. The theme of the wedding was written ar-
tistically on the wedding cake. Mr. Danny thanked the Sale-
sians, the Sisters of Charity of St. Anne, the Teachers and
Bosconians for their cooperation and hard work.
This important day marked a special preparation and
blessing to our school. Our Teachers and Bosconians
(boys and girls) busied themselves in the mass prepa-
rations, choir practice and the cleaning of the Savina
Hall for the mass. Fr.
Albert Lenon, sdb,
Rector, presided at
the Eucharist while
Fr. Robinson Parap-
pilly, sdb, the Admin-
As a token of appreciation to the new couple,
Teachers, Bosconians, Relatives and friends
gave their gifts and well wishes to the two.
The Sacrament of Matrimony was indeed a
blessing to Danny and Roselyn,
their families, to the Teachers and
Bosconians of the school and to
the community as well.
Parents of the couple
The Wedding cake, the feast has begun
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Salesian Family Day Fr. John Cabrido sdb, Rector, DBTI, Boroko, Port Moresby
PORT MOREBSY: 17 July 2011 -- The country‘s tourism
advertisement for Papua New Guinea calls it the ―land of the
unexpected‖. On the 17th July 2011, Sunday, the Salesian
Family of Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands had a
full dose of that!
The annual gathering of the Salesian Family is one that
everyone eagerly longs for since for most, especially those
living in far flung islands or deep in the ―bush‖, this is the only
time the members meet. And this year was no different.
Fr. Dominic Kachira and the community of Don Bosco
Technical School in Port Moresby warmly welcomed the vari-
ous groups of the Salesian Family. At the very first event, the
unexpected happened! Fr. Rafael Galve, the delegation su-
perior, who was to be feted that day and was scheduled to
preside at the opening Eucharist, was suddenly struck down
by malaria! Luckily, he was able to persuade Fr. Martin Ma-
casaet SDB, who had come from
Manila to preach the confrere‘s re-
treats, to stand in his stead. The
Mass was festive with the music
and choir provided by the Salesian
Cooperators and punctuated with
three colorful traditional dances by
the aspirants of the Savio Haus, the
Cooperators and the Salesianity
Group from Don Bosco Technologi-
cal Institute (DBTI). Vocational can-
didates to the various members of
the Salesian Family were involved
in keeping with the strenna ―Come
and See‖.
After the liturgical service, every-
one trooped across to the school‘s
gymnasium for fun and games.
Mixed in four color camps, the par-
ticipants competed in staple group
games like tug-of-war, musical
A time to pray and a time to play, a time to sing and a time to dance.
Moments of joy and happiness as we celebrated the Salesian Family Day.
chairs, ―the boat is sinking‖,
―dressing for market‖ and the like.
Led by the young people from the
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Salesianity Group, the games had everyone in stitches. It was a
wonderful way of bonding and exuding Salesian joy.
The traditional kaikai or common meal was held underneath the
mango trees. The potluck lunch was abundant with all the groups
pitching in their generous share. There was even a roasted pig
(from the Cooperators) and the much desired ice cream (from the
Gabutu community) which helped to cool one off in the extraordi-
nary heat.
The highlight of the day was the afternoon presentation which
was a surprise tribute to the Salesian pioneer to Papua New
Guinea, Fr. Valeriano Barbero, SDB, also lovingly called ―Fr. Val‖.
Fr. Val was the rector of the pioneering group of Salesians who
arrived in Araimiri on 14 June 1980. Through the decades he had
helped to establish other presences and had twice served as the
delegation leader. The Salesian Family took pains to keep the
tribute secret and was delighted in successfully pulling off the un-
expected for such a worthy Salesian. Fr. Edwin Genovia, SDB,
who had been with Fr. Val, as a young practical trainee in 1986,
recalled the early days as ―the best of times, the worst of times‖.
Sr. Alice Fulgencio, FMA, led Sr. Pam Vecina and Sr. Trinh
Nguyen, together with the youth of the Salesianity Group in an
original song and dance presentation with a PowerPoint presenta-
tion of Fr. Val‘s early mission apostolate. Sr. Florentina Cho, CSJ
gave a heartfelt speech recalling the early days of the Caritas Sisters
when they arrived in Araimiri in 1986. Sr. Florentina, who had been
a young sister at that time, narrated numerous stories of Fr. Val‘s
concern for them and capped this with stirring, operatic performance
of ―O Sole Mio‖.
A high point of the program was a medley of songs belted out
by Fr. Zdzislaw Kruczek, CSMA who included the traditional Pol-
ish song ―Sto lat‖ (One hundred years!) in his repertoire!
The Cooperators both the Port Moresby and Kokopo Chap-
ters, the Association of Mary Help of Christians and the Aspirants
also presented their songs and gifts, while the Past Pupils do-
nated the prizes for the games. Fittingly, the final group were the
Salesians (SDBs) themselves who made the audience wild with
their rendition of ―Eres Tu‖ (with a Spanish solo by Fr. Heraldo
Bosquez, SDB) and the 70‘s Carpenters‘ hit ―Top of the World‖.
Finally, they brought the house down with an animated per-
formance of the Los del Rio dance classic, ―Macarena‖ — com-
plete with all the gyrations. Tears welled in Fr. Val‘s eyes as the
afternoon ended with a second (and more comprehensive) ten
minute PowerPoint presentation of his mission life through the
decades. Fr. Val thanked everyone for this truly unexpected tribute
remarking that the afternoon would be a ―picture which would remain
in his heart‖.
The day concluded with a grand group picture taking. Kudos to Sr.
Alice Fulgencio, FMA and the other members of the organizing com-
mittee for pulling off the unexpected and making it truly memorable!
Registration of the Participants, Lively games, the
feast, in song and dance, together as one, in smiles,
Salesians in thanks.
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Media Forum
brings Digital Age Awareness
- Remegio Harold A. Argante
PORT MORESBY: Digital natives… digital immigrants …
digital tourists these terms categorize the state each par-
ticipant of the Media Forum currently belongs to. Dwelling
on the theme for World Communications Day, ―Truth, Proc-
lamation and Authenticity of Life in our Digital Age‖, the
Media Forum for the Salesian Family got off to a lively start
on 16th July, 2011, at the Emmaus Retreat Centre, spear-
headed by Fr. Ambrose Pereira sdb, President of SIGNIS
Pacific and Delegate for Social Communications for the
PNG-SI Delegation.
the opportunity to share their experiences of the social
networks. Some of them aired out the need to be positive
in sharing their views and comments on the net rather
than being willing victims. The afternoon session was all
about ‗Newspaper Analysis‘ and the ‗Necessities of a
Newspaper Article‘ conducted by Fr. Edwin Genovia sdb.
Once again the participants worked in groups and they
had the opportunity to analyse a newspaper article. Rep-
resentatives shared opinions on what led to the writing of
the news, its accuracy and the writers ‗point of view‘.
The nearly 50 participants Salesians, Aspirants and Sale-
sian Family members - were led into an interesting and
lively exchange of ideas on topic related to the implications
of our digital world. The sharing of the participants
weighed the positive and negative impacts of the so-called
‗Digital Age‘. Various video clippings made the participants
think critically so as to avoid being ‗Media Gluttons‘ re-
flected in the immense popularity of the social networks.
Highlighting the Salesian Social Communications System,
he divided the participants into groups, which gave them
The showcase of the Salesian Identity Card followed the
session by Dr. John Cabrido sdb. The various Salesian
Family Groups presented highlights of their presence in
Papua New Guinea.
The Media Forum has awakened in the participants a de-
sire to understand more about the implications the Digital
Age has on our lives.
Fun and Fraternity- Fr Ambrose Pereira sdb
PNG-SI confreres on Delegation Day
Delegation Day com-
menced at 8.30am
as 22 confreres
headed off just 17
miles out and hence
the name: ‗17 mile‘ to
the Franciscian Fathers formation house a picture perfect spot with
the beauty of nature all around. It was a day of fun, relaxation and
entertainment as all partook in every activity in true Salesian
Spirit. The testimonies below say it all….
I am happy and delighted cause we can feel the
simplicity of Salesian Life. It is great that we can be
faithful to our Salesian tradition.
- Fr. Raffy Galve sdb, Delegate, PNG-SI Delegation
It is nice that at least once a year we
can gather to relax and enjoy ourselves. Everyone
participated in the activities. It gives us a chance to
know ourselves better and at the same time to share
ideas and experiences and more important that we
realize that we are together.
- Fr. Eduardo Revillia sdb, Rector, Savio Haus, Port Moresby.
Today has been a great day. We have come from
different places of Papua New Guinea and Solomon
Islands and we are a big family. I am happy that we
have been able to come together like this. It is a
pity that all the Rectors are not here. It is a big sac-
rifice, but it would make a big difference.
- Fr. Dominic Kachira sdb, Rector, Don Bosco Technical Institute, PNG.
Its good to have so many young people enjoying
themselves, and we hope that the delegation will be a
union of people who are able to be together not only
for prayer and work, but also to show happiness to
ourselves and to the others.
- Fr. Valeriano Barbero sdb, Pioneer PNG-SI Delegation
The obvious fact is that I am in a new country, so everything is so
new to me. I have just finished the first retreat of the confreres.
And it is something so very wonderful to join in the joy, friendship
and the brotherhood of the confreres. I realize that
being assigned in very remote places, this is the only
opportunity for them to be together like this and it is
so nice to be with them. There is so much of fun and
fraternity, and for that I am very, very grateful.
Fr. Martin Macasaet sdb, Retreat preacher, Rector, Don
Bosco Technical College, Mundaluyong city, Philippines.
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Guess who’s coming to
Dinner ?
Fr. John Cabrido sdb
PORT MORESBY: 12 August 2011 -- Newly elected PNG
Prime Minister Hon. Peter O‘Neill graciously accepted the
invitation of Fr. Valeriano Barbero and dined with the Sale-
sians of the Delegation House Community on 11 August
2011. Fr. Val, had met the prime minister earlier in the week
at a farewell party hosted by a mutual friend, Mr. Theo
George Constantinou of the Hebou Group of Companies.
Mr. Constantinou, together with Mr. Mitch Lutchini (Hebou
Construction Ltd) and his wife, Imana, joined the Salesian
community celebration which was also participated in by Fr.
Eduardo Revilla and Fr. Dominic Kachira, rectors of the Savio
Haus and Don Bosco Gabutu, respectively. It was a homely
affair where everyone pitched in and the atmosphere was
relaxed and easy. Bro. Jess Garcia, the economer, served the
appetizers which included Cacciatori salami and imported
Italian Gnocchi. The prime minister was entertained by the
stories of Fr. Eduardo Revilla, who regaled him with anec-
dotes from his early days as a mis-
sionary in the Philippines (almost 50
years ago!) to his idyllic years in
Vunabosco in the ‗90s prior to the
volcanic eruption up to the present.
Fr. Val oversaw the cooking of the main course - pizza,
with the help of M. Constantinou who sweated it out over the
firewood fueled oven. The guests thanked the prime minister
for his initial actions of his administration and assured him
that the people were filled with new hope. The meal was deli-
cious and spiced up with much hearty laughter among friends.
Twice Fr. Val counselled the prime minister: ―those who help
Don Bosco always become successful!‖ to which his good
friend Mr. Constantinou teased ―in that case, I guess I will
become a billionaire!‖ The prime minister was amused that
the desert wine was a bottle of Marsala, a fine Sicilian altar
wine. After some souvenir photo shots, the Mr. O‘Neill as-
sured the Salesians of his full support.
Fr. John Cabrido, the community rector, then requested the
prime minister if he could spare some minutes to greet DBTI‘s
130 male and 50 female boarders to which he unhesitatingly
He was greeted by the young people as they would a rock-
star. They jostled for front places to listen to his brief, fatherly
―good night talk‖ as he outlined his vision for the country and
encouraged them in their responsibility of studies. The Sale-
sians, FMA Sisters and students saw him off with three thun-
derous ―Yes claps‖, cheers and promises of prayers.
The evening brought to mind Don Bosco‘s example of
reaching out to government leaders and prominent benefac-
tors in order to benefit the young. Mr. Constantinou expressed
the sentiments of all to ―do
this more often‖ — a sim-
ple, hearty dinner among
Above: Prime Minister Giving the community the „Good Night‟
Left: Together at the Dinner table
Right: A photograph with newly elected Prime Minister Peter O‟Neill
- Fr. John Cabrido sdb
DBTI Marian Group visits POMGEN Children’s Ward
- Mr. Peter Ali, 1st Yr. MVT Student
On the 24th June,
the members of the
Marian Club went to
the Pediatric Ward
of the Port Moresby
General Hospital for
a charity visit. To
prepare for this
group activity, they
solicited donations
of food items, toys and clothes. They carefully sorted out
these items and packed them in small boxes to be distrib-
uted on that day.
Upon entry into the ward, the group was warmly welcomed
by the nurses and by the patients and their families who
were all smiling widely. The Marian group opened their
visit with a heartfelt word of prayer and a song. Afterwards,
each member went over to a patient, engaged in friendly
conversation, prayed with them and shared a gift. The pa-
tients and their guardians were overwhelmed by the
group‘s kindness and consoling presence in their time of
suffering and pain. One of the young patients, Sarah, was
so overcome with tears of joy when she received her gift
that she remarked, ―This is the first time anyone has ever
prayed with me and given a gift since I was admitted over
a month ago.‖
With this hospital visit, the group members came to realize
that the love of Christ can also be expressed through sim-
ple action of almsgiving stemming from generous hearts.
Vincent Gimbat expressed the common sentiment of the
group when he said, ―I am now empowered to do more for
the needy for I have
found total peace
and joy within my-
Students on their way
In the children‟s ward
TAVUR The newsletter of the Salesian delegation of Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands

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- Fr. Ambrose Pereira sdb
Media and the Message
HENDERSON: ―I have learnt things I had never thought of
before. I do hope Don Bosco will have a school of Media
Education to help us young people understand the media
and its message‖, said Joseph Hora participant at the Me-
dia Short Course as it came to an end.
The 2 weeks Media Short Course was attended by 15 par-
ticipants, from different walks, ages and backgrounds in
Life. It commenced on the 27th June and concluded on 8th
July, 2011 at Don Bosco Technical Institute, Henderson.
Parents, friends and invited guests were part of the final
Presentations included the different activities of the three
groups. Despite little experience, there was variety and
style in the different tracks. Social Nets dwelt on Environ-
ment and the need to keep our town clean. The Media
Tech group discussed community issues in an interview
format while the CAPS group shared what they were learn-
ing at the Media course. Julian Treadaway, school board
member and curriculum developer said, ―Audio production
is possible with little equipment. It has the greatest reach
and it will be wonderful to have audio and media training
for community media groups across the country‖.
were unique, humorous and conveyed a positive mes-
sage. The CAPS group entitled their film, ‗In the Name‘
highlighting Faith as an essential element in LIFE. ‗Work
Ethics‘ stressed much needed attitudes needed for work
in companies. ‗One Life‖ as obvious from the title dwelt
on the need to care for the precious life we have.
Ms. Camari Bainivalu, principal congratulated the partici-
pants on the successful completion of their course and
the high standard of productions. Praising and encourag-
ing the participants she said: ―It is important that you now
share this with new knowledge with others in your com-
Principal Ms. Camari then handed the 14 participants
their certificates while School Board member Julian
Treadaway, gave them a t-shirt with the Digital Age,
World Communications Day logo.
In thanking the participants, Fr. Ambrose Pereira sdb,
made special mention of the animators Ronualdo Mon-
dex, Mana Utsunomiya and Paulus Buna for their com-
mitment and dedication and the long hours of hard work
required right throughout the course.
―Aperture opening, shutter speed and film sensitivity are
crucial to get the best image‖, emphasized Fr. Ambrose
Pereira sdb, Course Coordinator. The concepts and the
work of the different participants showed a high level of
understanding of these. Mana Utsunomiya, JICA Volun-
teer and Media Tech animator explained and demonstrated
the effect of light on an image. ―Understanding shutter
speed will bring in a lot of creativity and variety to our im-
ages‖, she said.
Video shooting was exciting for both the animators and the
participants. With imitated cameras and editing equipment
the groups set about their digital stories. Scripting a story-
line, acting, shooting and then editing the tracks involved
long hours of hard
work and full concen-
tration. The enthusi-
asm and determination
displayed was seen in
their films. The films
Thanks also to the following who dwelt on certain aspects
of the Media Joe Vidiki and Theresa Dola, Audio pro-
duction; Tony Wale, Communications for Life; David Bar-
row and Nina Tuhiaka, SOLMAS who together with Adele
Broadbent and Ann Howarth, NZ journalists dealt with the
Print media and newspaper analysis. Solomon star and
SIBC personnel who welcomed the group as they came
on their field visit.
The Media Course has been inspired by SIGNIS, the
World Catholic Association for Communications. It has
been Organized by: Salesians of Don Bosco, Don
Bosco Technical Institue, Henderson and Supported by:
SOLMAS, MASI, Solomom Star, SIBC, FMW, CCS and
all those who are
interested in spreading
positive messages
through the the Media.
Left: Ronualdo Mondez demonstrating computer tricks.
Right: David Barrow sharing insights on Print Media
TAVUR - The newsletter of the Salesian delegation of Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands

2 Pages 11-20

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Change starts with
- Fr. Ambrose Pereira sdb
HENDERSON: ―We are the product of a system created by
our forefathers, but the ‗human‘ quality can bring change to
the system‖, said Ms. Mele O‘Brien, from the Chamber of
Commerce at her presentation at Don Bosco Technical
Institute, Henderson.
Over 300 parents, students and teachers attended the Par-
ent-Teacher-Student Interaction, entitled ‗Ethics and Atti-
tudes in Industry‘. The Extracurricular activity organized for
the benefit of the students was held on 30th July, at 9am at
the Don Bosco school hall, Henderson.
Presenter Ms. O‘Brien, emphasized the need for people to
develop correct values, ethics and principles in their lives,
as she dwelt on ‗Identifying the real needs of society‘.
―More important than skill and qualification, is character
and conscience, discernment and discipline‖, she stated.
She thanked the parents who put in a lot of effort and en-
ergy to educate their children. She challenged the stu-
dents to be
determined to
take up the
ownership of
Ms. Mele O‟Brien addressing the gathering
the country
through the many personal choices that affect their fu-
ture. She concluded her very clear presentation with the
statement, ―Change starts with you!‖.
Mr. William Barile, General Manager, Solomon Islands
Ports Authority and School Board member challenged
parents to bring up their children by their example. While
praising the competency of a person, he stressed the
need to be creative in each ones profession.
Mr. Bernard Rapasia, TVET coordinator and Sr. Sialei
Puapuaga fma, were appreciative of the presentation and
encouraged the students to put them into practice. ―It
was nice to have a young person, passionate about na-
tion building, speak to young people‖ said
Fr. Ambrose Pereira.
Ms. Camari Bainivalu, principal then ad-
dressed the parents on the achievements
of the past semester and the programmes
ahead. The parents then had the opportu-
nity to meet the class advisors to discuss
the progress of their children and get tips
on the best approach to bring up their son
or daughter.
Parent-Teacher-Student Interaction at Don Bosco
Hall, Henderson
Be STRONG today!
Never let a weak moment take away from you all the strong ones you had.
Rather than being annoyed, be
Instead of getting angry, become curi-
In place of envy, feel admiration.
In place of worry, take action.
In place of doubt, have faith.
Negative energy is just positive energy
that's flowing in the opposite direction.
There's no need to fight or run away
from that negative energy. All you
need to do is change its direction. The
more negative you are, the more posi-
tive you can be. An automobile that
can travel 70 miles per hour to the
east... can also travel just as fast when
going west. But first, someone must
turn it around.
When you sense yourself becoming
negative, stop and consider what it
mean to apply that negative energy in
the opposite direction. Turn your sad-
ness into caring. Transform your com-
plaints into useful suggestions. Change
your bitterness into determination. The
energy is already there, All you need to
do is change its direction.
TAVUR The newsletter of the Salesian delegation of Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands
Bp. Francesco Panfilo sdb
15th August, 2011
EAO Mission Seminar
21 - 25 August, 2011
26 - 29 September, 2011
30th September, 2011

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Fr. John Cabrido sdb
Alive @ 11
PORT MORESBY: Twenty Seven Past
Pupils male and female of the
Don Bosco Technological Institute
(DBTI) gathered on 7th August 2011 at
the school premises for the first ever
past pupils‘ homecoming. Mr. Ken-
nedy Tekepa, an organizer of the
event, expressed delight in the theme
chosen — ―Luksave and Alive @ 11‖. He
encouraged the participants to get in-
volved and be recognized (luksave), and
further Don Bosco‘s view of the past pupil
as a promoter of the Salesian mission.
The day began with participation at the
regular 9:00 am Sunday Eucharist at the
Mary, Help of Christians Shrine. The Past Pupils then gathered at the
multi-purpose hall for a brief talk by Fr. John Cabrido, SDB (rector)
who reminded them of Don Bosco‘s advice to Carlo Gastini and 11
artisans who had returned to celebrate our Founder‘s patronal day
on 24 June 1870 — ―Remain united and help one another‖. Fr. John
thanked them for deciding to become more committed and gave a
quick update on recent events in DBTI as well as projections for the
future. Since the participants belonged to various graduation
batches, Mr. Tekepa invited them to introduce themselves to each
other and to update the group regarding their current endeavors.
This simple assembly was followed by the preparation of food.
By now, two FMA sisters (Sr. Alice Fulgencio and Sr. Pamela
Vecina) and several staff members led by the principal, Mr. Em-
manuel Guillermo had joined the celebrations. A volleyball match
pitching a select group of Past Pupils against the staff was set
into play. Though the final score was a lopsided victory in favor of
the younger Bosconians, it was a matched enjoyed by players and
spectators as it brought back fond memories of joyful school days.
The lunch was simple but plentiful PNG style. The spouses and
children of the participants joined in and the kaikai (common
meal) was a happy event.
Once the dishes had been fixed, Fr. John called everyone for a
picture taking. This was done at two settings, both as an entire
assembly and also by annual batches. The day ended with brief
messages by Fr. John and Mr. Tekepa who reminded them of the
monthly 24th devotion to Mary Help of Christians as the regular
monthly gathering as well as the Christmas Party 2011 as the
next activity to be prepared for. Ms. Dianne Lavi, another organ-
izer, shared what struck her most during the entire event,
―Throughout the day, our former and current educators were with
us. We appreciated Fr. John‘s talk on the past pupils association
and its mission. We enjoyed immensely the fact that through the
games and meals our educators came to be with us and as
always — were concerned about our welfare‖. In his final mes-
sage, Fr. John joked the past pupils that DBTI should have special
significance for them. Not only did DBTI give them an education…
it also gave them their spouse!
Past pupils pose as a group, Enjoying the day, a game of volleyball.
10. Dn. VERGOUW Peter
17. Fr. MIRANDA Roger
18. Fr. XALXO Pankaj
26. Cl. PANO Gilbert
10. Cl. NGUYEN DUC, Tien
John (1978)
15. Fr. BAQUERO, Peter
The Lord will give grace and glory,
no good thing will he withhold
from those who walk uprightly.
(Psalm 84:11)
for Salesians, youth animators and teachers
26th to 29th September, 2011
Emmaus Retreat Centre, Port Moresby, PNG
You can send articles and photos to:
Fr Ambrose Pereira, sdb -
Mayette Carvajal -
Fr Edwin Genovia
Last day for submissions: 1st October, 2011
TAVUR Edition August, 2011
Contributing authors:
Fr. Raffy Galve, Br. Moise Paluku sdb, Mr. Harold Argante, Fr.
Julian Fox, Fr. John Cabrido, Fr. Roger Miranda, Fr. Albert Len-
non, Fr. Edwin Genovia sdb, Fr. Albert Lenon sdb, Fr. Ziggy Kruc-
zek CSMA, Peter Ali, Fr. Ambrose Pereira.
Layout, proofreading and editing:
Fr. Ambrose Pereira sdb, Fr. Srimal Priyanga sdb,
DB Communications
Fr. Rafael Galve: delpng_si@datec.net.pg / galve@dbti.ac.pg
Fr. Edwin Genovia:
Fr. Valeriano Barbero:
Fr. Dominic Kachira:
Fr. Edward Revilla:
Fr. John Cabrido:
Fr. Albert Lenon:
Fr. Ambrose Pereira:
Br. Moise Palaku:
Br. Jess Gracia:
TAVUR - The newsletter of the Salesian delegation of Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands