2007 January

2007 January

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Nouvelles Salésiennes
Salesian News
Janvier 2007 January No.89
Bulletin mensuel électronique
Those who read the last issue of Salesian
Echoes (Dec. 06) may remember having seen a
photo of Fr. Occhio with Fr. Paul Bédard who has
since returned to Marian Shrine, N.Y., after helping
us at St. Benedict’s during Fr. Occhio’s hip surgery
and recovery. Because of the 2 canes in that photo
Fr. Occhio received the name of “2 cane Fr.
Occhio.” It was Fr. Kelly who came up with that
name after lending Fr. Occhio a big cowboy hat and
asking him to pose for that photo that reminded him
of a cowboy on the alert with 2 pistols. Only God
knows why Fr. Kelly was so jolly interested in this
little project but… maybe it’s subconsciously linked
to the fact that, going back just 4 generations, the
famous cowboy Jesse James was actually a relative
of Fr. Kelly himself, on his mother’s side of the
family (Howard)! Mysteries of genes in one’s
family tree!!!
Talking of family trees, Fr. Paul Bédard’s
ancestors were among the very first French
immigrants who settled in Canada at the very
beginning of the 17th century. They soon became
prosperous farmers, the smell of whose pigs was so
strong that a civic ordinance was actually issued
against them. So, the Bédards have the unique
distinction of being the very first citizens of La
Nouvelle France (and probably of the Americas and
maybe of the whole world!) to make people aware
of the necessity of making laws to protect our
human habitat! No wonder Fr. Paul has such a soft
spot for Canada!
While Fr. Paul was with us a certain “Myriam
Bédard” made national headlines because of her
alleged criminal activities. But certainly she cannot
possibly be related to Fr. Paul!
During Advent we had numerous confessions in
our church and at our 4 schools, two exceptionally
enjoyable evenings of recitals from our Youth and
Seniors choirs, truly great parties for our Savio Club
and C.I.C. members, 160 big packages brought to
poor families… For Evening Prayer we sang parts
of the so-called “Christmas Novena.”
The week before Christmas we had the funeral of
a 6-year-old boy. About 300 of his school
companions were present. During the homily a little
detail was mentioned that impressed all. The day
before dying he had been here for Mass during which
he kept looking and looking with an exceptionally
keen interest at our statue of Mary Help of Christians
and stained-glass windows. In hindsight the mother
reflected that maybe it was all a kind of personal Au
revoir to Jesus, Mary and parish community. R.I.P.
For our Christmas dinner at Salesian Residence,
we welcomed the Salesian Sisters in Toronto as well
as Fr. Drago and Fr. Marjan Lamovšek who had just
arrived from Slovenia to help at our parish in
Hamilton for the next six months.
Right after Christmas, Bro. Bernie, P. Soscia,
Mark and Monica Sutton joined Fr. Mike Pace’s
group in Montreal on their way to the RISE UP
Conference in preparation for the upcoming
International Eucharistic Congress in Quebec City: a
most uplifting experience under every aspect.
From Dec. 27 to Jan. 1, the Salesians in Toronto
were delighted to host the confreres from Salesian
High, New Rochelle, N.Y., and Frs. Damir and Ivan
from Washington, D.C. They enjoyed their
Christmas break visiting us and Toronto, and we
were just delighted with their company. Our
parishioners will never forget their devout
participation in our liturgy including their homilies

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and their singing of hymns in Vietnamese, Spanish
and Croatian!
On Dec. 29 we had the funeral of a Hungarian
woman. When the relatives heard that Fr. Occhio
had served at St. Emeric’s in Edmonton, they asked
him to say a few words in Hungarian during the
homily. He was very happy to oblige. And so, to
them and to you Isten Aldjon meg! (God bless
Au début de décembre, le conseil provincial
s’est réuni au Centre des Jeunes à Montréal avec un
ordre du jour plutôt chargé. Le jour précédent, la
commission du Chapitre Provincial s’y était réunie
pour définir le processus et l’organisation du
Chapitre en avril; il se tiendra à Pierrefonds durant
toute la semaine de Pâques. Cette commission
présidée par le modérateur du CP, le P. Mike Pace,
est composée du P. Trottier et du Fr. Dubé; le
Provincial y participe aussi. Le P. Trottier avait pris
occasion de ce séjour à Montréal pour célébrer le
baptême du petit Noah à Charlemagne, enfant d’un
ancien servant de messe de Ste-Claire, Michel
Melo (Amis de Dominique).
La fête de l’Immaculée Conception a été
soulignée comme dans toute maison salésienne, car
cette date marque un événement-fondateur de
l’œuvre salésienne : la rencontre de Don Bosco avec
le jeune Barthélemy Garelli en 1841. Lors de sa
récollection mensuelle, la communauté a repris et
complété la 1ère des 5 fiches proposées en vue des
Chapitres provincial et général : Retour à Don
Bosco. Pour retourner à Don Bosco et s’inspirer de
lui, il faut d’abord le connaître. Adapter le
charisme à notre temps sans le connaître dans son
origine risquerait certaines déviations et pourrait
être cause d’infidélité et d’improvisation gratuite.
Un religieux d’une autre Congrégation me faisait
remarquer un jour qu’il lui semblait que les
salésiens donnaient trop de place dans leur
spiritualité à leur fondateur. Cet accent n’est pas un
caprice ni une hantise historique. Il en va de la
fidélité et de l’authenticité du charisme. Il est vrai
aussi qu’il faut faire la part des choses et respecter
les priorités: c’est Jésus Christ qui est au centre de
notre foi et de notre passion apostolique. Mais quelle
étrangeté y aurait-il à s’efforcer de vivre Son
évangile à la façon de Don Bosco, au service des
jeunes? À notre rencontre des salésiens coopérateurs
ce mois-ci, nous avons visionné, puis échangé sur le
film de Don Bosco, celui de 1988 avec Ben Gazzara.
Nous avons célébré notre Noël communautaire le
21 décembre, puisque à Noël quelques-uns seraient
ailleurs, dans leur famille ou faisant du ministère.
Pendant le congé, nous avons accueilli les PP. Luc,
de Montréal, et George, de Toronto, venus visiter
famille et amis. La veille du Jour de l’An, nous avons
aussi accueilli la famille du P. Alain à la Résidence
DB. Ainsi la transition à l’An 2007 s’est faite dans
un grand mouvement de joie et de chants.
À chacun de nos lecteurs- confrères d’ici et
d’ailleurs, membres de la Famille salésienne et amis-
nos Meilleurs Vœux de Nouvel An; santé,
paix et joie du Seigneur Jésus.
To our Anglophone confreres - y a los hermanos
salesianos de la Region Interamerica:
Best Wishes for a Year 2007 filled with health, joy
and the peace of the God Child of Bethlehem.
Vuestros hermanos salesianos canadienses les
desean un Año 2007 muy feliz y santo y muy
prospero en todo sentido: salud, paz y la alegría
del Niño Jesús, Salvador del mundo.
The Advent Season began with an Open House
Sunday, organized by the Welcoming Committee on
Dec. 3. It was held at the youth center in conjunction
with the Knights of Columbus pancake breakfast.
Various booths of all the parish organizations, plus
Advent fun activities for the children were held. The
recent snow storm dampened some of the attendance,
but considering everything, the event was a real
learning treat for new parishioners and families.
That day had Fr. Jan and Bro. Steve fly to
Winnipeg, Man., to attend Bro. Jerry’s sister’s (Mrs.
Rosemary Harper) wake that evening, and her funeral
Mass the following morning at St. Alphonsus
Church, where she and brother grew up, received
their sacraments and schooling. Bro. Bernie flew in

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from Toronto, as did Fr. Luc from Montreal that
same evening. Fr. Luc was the presiding celebrant
at the concelebrated memorial Mass. Since Fr.
Richard was flying to Rome for the new provincials
workshop, he sent condolences on the part of the
Dec. 5 had the monthly deanery meeting being
held at our Mary Help of Christians Hall with about
twenty-five clergy in attendance, and our parish
playing the host for this month. Some of the CWL
ladies helped prepare the luncheon enjoyed by all.
Meanwhile, the nightly novena in honour of the
Immaculate Conception was conducted with an
added 7 p.m. Mass. The week concluded with the
concelebrated Mass on the feast of the Immaculate
Conception, followed by a pot luck supper held at
the youth center in honour of Fr. Mario’s 25th
anniversary of priesthood. On our Community Day
we studied the proposed questions for our upcoming
Provincial Chapter. Fr. Mike Pace graciously sent a
personal copy to each confrere.
Our staff Christmas dinner and party was held at
the Old Olive Greek Garden Restaurant. Bro. Steve
graciously provided the evening entertainment with
another violinist as they serenaded us with familiar
Christmas carols. Bonuses and gifts were
distributed as joyful laughter filled the air. On the
following day the altar servers enjoyed their
Christmas party held at the Don Bosco Youth
Center. A good number of parents helped out with
the food department, as St. Nicholas, dressed in
bishop style, was played by our Salesian Cooperator
and coordinator, Mr. Herb Fleming, and helper,
Cooperator Mr. Neville Buckle, took care of
distributing the gifts.
Throughout this busy month the priests were
kept busy hearing confessions of our CCD students,
OLGC grammar school students, Holy Cross High
School., and for one week of evenings at the various
local parishes. The well prepared Christmas
concert/play, The Case of Simon Shepherd, was
presented by the school children on Dec. 21 to an
over packed Don Bosco Gym. The Polish
community, under the direction of Fr. Jan, worked
on this year’s crib, plus the church decorations,
poinsettia arrangements and wreaths. The new rock
hewed cave and star studded blue sky backdrop
added to the mystery, beauty and simplicity of this
year’s manger.
During the 7 p.m. Mass on the 24th Bro. Jerry
surprised and confronted two thieves who broke into
the rectory through the basement library and stole
items and money from three of the confreres’ rooms.
He actually chased one outside our side entrance,
security coded door on the bottom floor. The outside
area is enclosed by a metal fence, which has a locked
gate. He confronted both there and invited them to
come with him as he was going to call the police.
They literally climbed the wall and took off. He got a
good look at their faces, recovered the small tool
used in the break in and gave the necessary
information to the officer.
Between Sunday, Christmas Eve, and Christmas
Day, we had 16 Masses in a packed church. That is
not counting the 5:30 a.m. Filipino Novena of
“Simbang Gabi” Masses said all nine mornings prior
to Christmas. It was amazing to attend a full choir
sung Mass so early with Fr. Mario preaching in
English and Filipino. Fr. John Basso was available
for the sacrament of reconciliation all that time. The
7 p.m. Christmas Eve was the Children’s Mass.
Under the direction of God’s Little People the
children performed a Christmas Pageant to the
enjoyment of all in attendance. On Dec. 26 Fr. John
Basso had “Happy Birthday” sung to him at the 9
a.m. Mass, and for supper we had the usual
community birthday cake and dinner in his honour.
He was presented with an 8” x 10” photo of himself
slumbering, with the caption, “Silent Night! Rest in
Heavenly Peace!”
That afternoon Bro. Steve left for a 4½-day mini-
retreat at the Westminster Benedictine Abbey in
Mission. On Dec. 28 we honoured Fr. Mario on his
birthday with wine, song and the customary cake and
festivities. All those birthdays, doesn’t that tell us
that we are all getting older and…wiser? We’ll be
ushering in 2007 with a 10 p.m. New Year’s Eve
Mass. So ends our calendar of events and happenings
at Our Lady of Good Counsel. ENJOY and HAPPY

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Le P. Desramaut est bien connu dans les cercles
salésiens et en dehors. Salésien, il est écrivain
spécialiste de Don Bosco et de son époque. Don
Bosco en son Temps est une œuvre magistrale à
laquelle les historiens se référeront longtemps avec
Père Francis, vous avez donné plusieurs années
de votre vie à l’étude de Don Bosco. Quel
jugement portez-vous sur cette œuvre?
Je ne prétends pas avoir épuisé l’étude de la
personnalité de Don Bosco. Elle est trop complexe.
Toutefois je peux dire que son charisme et sa force
d’attraction sont à la mesure de sa bonté, de son
amour pour les jeunes, un amour si grand qu’il lui a
fait s’oublier lui-même. C’est surprenant aussi qu’il
ait accompli tout cela avec un très grand naturel.
Dites-nous : qu’est-ce qui vous a le plus
impressionné et émerveillé de la figure de Don
Sa grande flexibilité. Il pouvait s’adapter à
toutes les situations avec une facilité déconcertante.
D’avoir « inventé » une Congrégation différente des
autres de son temps et de l’avoir fait approuver par
Rome tient du miracle. Ne m’émerveillent pas
moins sa capacité de résistance et sa ténacité ; il
suffit de penser à la querelle avec l’archevêque
Gastaldi. Et remarquez bien qu’il n’avait pas
toujours raison! Aussi sa façon de former ses
prêtres n’a pas toujours été une grande réussite : les
générations de salésiens des années 1870-90 avaient
une formation théologique plutôt déficiente. C’est à
Don Rua que nous devons attribuer une réforme qui
corrigeait cette situation.
Selon vous, Don Bosco aurait-il quelque chose à
dire aux jeunes d’aujourd’hui?
Ce que je sais, c’est qu’il continue à les attirer
toutes les fois qu’ils viennent à le connaître. Le côté
sportif, un peu aventureux et visionnaire du
personnage continue à plaire aux jeunes générati-
ons. Certainement qu’il s’adapterait aux conditions
nouvelles du temps. Ce serait beau de découvrir
comment il agirait aujourd’hui et ce qu’il ferait.
Selon vous, quelle est essentiellement la différence
la plus marquée entre le temps de Don Bosco et le
Don Bosco serait certainement frappé par la
dissolution des cellules sociales qui caractérisent
d’une façon négative notre époque; il ne reconnaîtrait
plus la famille, mais non plus la paroisse, le village et
peut-être même l’État. Pensez aussi aux grands
mouvements migratoires, aux divorces, aux unions
gays, à la cohabitation, aux paroisses sans curé…
Nous vivons dans un monde qui semble évoluer de
manière incontrôlée. Les temps de Don Bosco étaient
sûrement durs, mais moins complexes.
Permettez-moi une question indiscrète… En
France, les salésiens sont encore « signifiants »
comme autrefois?
Les salésiens de France vieillissent et les
vocations se font de plus en plus rares. Aujourd’hui
ils ne sont plus que la moitié de ce qu’ils étaient
dans les années ’60. Mais il y a encore des salésiens
de valeur dans le domaine de la théologie morale, de
la pastorale-jeunesse, de l’histoire salésienne… Les
salésiens et les Filles de Marie Auxiliatrice
s’efforcent de maintenir vivant l’esprit de Don
Bosco, en attente de jours meilleurs qui viendront
(Traduit du Bollettino Salesiano, juil-août 2006)
Richard Authier : le 21 janvier
Gérard Richard : le 30 janvier
Mike Pace : January 5
Ivan Dorbsek : January 13 (68th)

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