2007 July

2007 July

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Nouvelles Salésiennes
Salesian News
Juillet 2007 July No.95
Bulletin mensuel électronique
TORONTO-HAMILTON. On June 2 the Toronto-
Hamilton Community participated in a charismatic
gathering in the Don Bosco High School
Auditorium. Fr. Frank Kelly was one of the invited
speakers. We celebrated our Salesian Community
Day in grand style this year. After Morning Prayer
and Mass we drove to Stratford, Ont., where we
assisted at the musical Oklahoma, followed by a
community supper at Fellini’s. Fr. Occhio was his
jovial self. --Our young boarder David McConkey
has moved out of our residence to the Oratorians in
downtown Toronto so as to be closer to Mary,
Mother of God School, where he will once again
teach next year.
Bro. Charles Mayer SDB from Elizabeth, N.J.,
spent a week of R&R with us here in June. Bro.
Steve spent the Canada Day weekend with us and
his family before flying to Montreal for summer
St. Benedict’s Parish has just obtained its
certification as the St. John Bosco Council for the
Knights of Columbus. This fall Fr. George will be
inducted. Bro. Bernie will create a Squires group
(10- to 18-year-olds) as well. On June 28 and 29 the
staff and councilors for Summerdaze camp, 55 in
all, held their formation sessions in Clairmont once
again. We closed with a Eucharistic celebration
presided over by Fr. George
On June 23 the social committee of the parish,
headed by Tammie Cancelli, held a multicultural
meal evening with over 200 guests participating.
There were also presentations of diverse cultural
dances. The last week of June saw many end-of-the-
school-year celebrations of Masses for our three
elementary schools and two high school students
and staffs. The Salesian Cooperators of Toronto
have planned a supper and talent show to take place
on September 15 in order to raise funds for their
project “Education in Haiti.”
The announcement of a new pastor for St.
Benedict’s Parish beginning this fall was greeted
with mixed emotions: sadness that Fr. Kelly was
stepping down as pastor and joy at having Fr. Mike
Pace, a son of the parish, as the new pastor. In
addition, Bro. Bernie’s withdrawal from Bosco
Secondary after 10 years of faithful ministry was
underlined at various end-of-the-school-year
functions. He will be missed.
The preparatory committee for the visit of Fr.
Pascual Chavez to Toronto is on track for this
important event. A song has been written for the
occasion by Vince Sgambelluri.
SHERBROOKE. « Vivent les vacances! Au diable
les pénitences! Mettons l’école en feu et les livres
au milieu!» (Quelques récalcitrants chanteront « les
profs au milieu… »). C’est la vieille chanson de
notre jeunesse, mais ce n’était pas l’esprit de fin
d’année au Salésien. L’année s’est terminée en
douceur et en beauté, la grande majorité des jeunes
(et du personnel évidemment) décidés à donner le
meilleur d’eux-mêmes pour s’assurer d’agréables
vacances. Le grand ménage est maintenant en
marche afin d’accueillir full house la « cuvée »
2007-2008 fin août.
Pour diminuer un peu la pression des jours
d’examens, le mercredi 6 juin avait lieu la grande
excursion de fin d’année. Je crois que c’est une
tradition salésienne ça aussi. Lorsque j’enseignais à
Jacquet River, au nord du N.B., on faisait à ce
moment de l’année une promenade d’une journée
au Québec, l’autre côté de la Baie des Chaleurs, ou
encore vers l’Atlantique, direction Bathurst-
Tracadie. Une bonne partie des jeunes ont opté pour
La Ronde à Montréal. Le P. Alain, notre directeur

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de communauté, a accompagné des élèves à
Bromont pour l’activité vélo de montagne. C’est un
adepte de sport extrême; il est revenu avec une
clavicule fracturée! C’est ainsi qu’il apparaîtra sur
l’une des photos de Échos Salésiens. Il aurait peut-
être dû comme entraînement s’inscrire à la
compétition quelques jours auparavant organisée
par le Salésien, laquelle rassemblait plus d’une
centaine de cyclistes aventureux…
La communauté eut droit, elle aussi, comme
chaque année, à sa sortie communautaire au début
de juin. Elle consista en une visite au sanctuaire
national marial de ND du Cap où nous avons
concélébré l’eucharistie avec quelques O.M.I.,
gardiens du sanctuaire. Ayant pris le repas sur place
-- le salésien coopérateur Jean-Yves Rivard
demeurant tout près nous avait rejoints -- nous
avons poursuivi notre route vers Shawinigan où
nous avons fait l’intéressant tour de La Cité de
l’Énergie. Un excellent souper au Bar des Pâtes de
la Casa du Spaghetti à Drummondville clôtura une
journée bien remplie, laquelle avait débuté par la
prière de l’Office du Matin, comme des moines, en
roulant sur la 55. Sauf qu notre église abbatiale,
c’était la nature.
Ce n’est pas que du sport au Salésien! Les
événements sont variés. Le vernissage pour les
élèves de la 4ème sec. au Parc Blanchard remporta un
immense succès. L’un des juges était M. Claude
Métras, bien connu des milieux salésiens. Il n’eut
que de bons mots pour l’événement. À la mi-juin
Marie-Paule Aylwin, professeur à la retraite
d’enseignement religieux au Salésien, faisait le
lancement de son livre, Quand les Portes
s’Ouvrent… Ce roman contient plusieurs éléments
autobiographiques et la grande partie de l’action se
passe à St-Tite, la ville du Festival Western, et les
environs. Il nous renseigne grandement sur la façon
dont les gens vivaient autrefois dans cette région du
Québec : les familles, les paroisses, les chantiers,
l’éducation, etc.
L’année scolaire est finie, mais le Salésien est
« envahi » de jeunes tout l’été. Pendant le jour- et
cela jusqu’au 9 août- il y a un camp de l’OTJ du
secteur Jacques-Cartier; on fait usage des salles de
cours du Pavillon DB et des facilités sportives,
gymnase, palestre et espaces extérieurs de l’école.
Ils sont environ 250, chacune des 7 équipes de 34
jeunes avec ses moniteurs (dont 3 de nos anciens du
SS). Le 3 juillet, c’était la foire rassemblant quelque
700 enfants sur le champ sportif avec tout genre
d’équipement d’amusement : mur d’escalade,
grande piscine gonflable, gros ballons, dressage de
chiens, etc. Dans la soirée, les familles étaient
invitées; peu de parking disponible et TVA était là.
Dans la soirée sur semaine, le terrain sert à
l’entraînement des équipes de soccer de la Ville.
Le Camp Savio, sous l’habile gérance de Marc-
André Vallée, un ancien du Salésien, est en pleine
activité. Le Fr. Gérard Richard y passe une partie de
son temps à faire toutes sortes de travaux; il y a
installé une belle fontaine récemment. Le camp sert
aussi à l’école. Le C.A. y a tenu sa dernière réunion
de l’année scolaire au chalet des confrères, comme
aussi les salésiens coopérateurs avec leur délégué, le
P. Trottier.
Le Bosco-Bicycle, à sa 22ème saison, a entrepris
son parcours le 1er juillet, celui des montagnes cette
année, chacune des 3 semaines avec une nouvelle
équipe de 30 jeunes du SS, surtout du 1er cycle. Ce
camp de cyclotourisme qui se veut aussi une
expérience de croissance humaine et spirituelle, est
sous la direction du P. Alain Léonard, assisté de 6
jeunes éducateurs. C’est Sébastien Martel, un
ancien du SS, qui conduit le camion qui ferme la
marche. Leur parcours est d’environ 250 km en 5
jours. Ce n’est pas tout à fait le Tour de France,
mais c’est quand même un exploit dont les
participants se souviendront longtemps. « On the
road again… »
À tous nos lecteurs, souhaits d’un été reposant
et agréable!
EDMONTON, Alta. On June 2, a 75th birthday
celebration was held for our pastor, Fr. Bernie
Gilliece, at a local facility. The hall was full of
parishioners, friends and fellow priests/confreres.
We were very pleased to have Brother Bernie Dubé
and Brother Jerry Harasym in attendance. Two of
Fr. Bernie’s former Toronto colleagues, Catherine
Casey and Olga Rubino, were also able to be with
us. A great roast beef and turkey meal was enjoyed,
followed by speeches/presentations, a PowerPoint

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program and entertainment. After Fr. Bernie shared
his thoughts with us, birthday cake was served to
end the evening. On June 5 we held a birthday
brunch for Fr. Bernie. Later in the day and the next
day, three of our local schools also had wonderful
birthday celebrations for him. The children wrote
their own songs and prayers, entertained with hand
bell choirs, instrumental and choral performances.
Fr. Bernie was presented with several beautiful
memory books created by all the children in the
schools (about 500 children per school).
The weekend after, our parish hall was packed
with items for a garage sale as a fundraiser for our
World Youth Day 2008 in Sydney, Australia. The
church was full for our junior high JJ Bowlen’s
year-end celebration on June 19. Exams started the
next day. Three classes of grade 2 students came to
the church on June 25 to have Fr. Bernie explain to
them the furnishings, vestments and other objects
used at Mass. St. Dominic and St. John Bosco
elementary schools had their year end Mass
celebration on June 28 with summer holidays
starting on June 29.
Fr. Bernie will be away for 2 weeks in July
(7-21) for a well deserved holiday to Greece. Parish
staff takes their holidays as well during July and
August when parish life slows down a little.
SURREY, B.C. June has been a much slower
month here in Surrey compared to the hustle and
bustle of First Communions and the other
wonderful events of May. Early in June we had the
production of the Praise Team (school for the
performing arts based here in the Youth Center).
Bro. Steve Aldorasi was blessed to play the part of
Moses in a futuristic take on the Ten
Commandments. He was the janitor of a museum
that was going to unveil the tablets, which had just
recently been discovered.
Confirmation on June 2 had 119 confirmandi
receive the sacrament from Most Rev. Mark
Hagemoen, who was the presiding celebrant at
Mass. Meanwhile, Bro. Jerry was in Edmonton
representing Western Canada at Fr. Bernie’s 75th
birthday celebrations.
In spite of the drizzle, the Corpus Christi
afternoon procession on June 10 went ahead as
planned with four different altars neatly placed
around the property and it concluded with
Benediction in our church. A good number of
parishioners participated in this event, while various
ethnic groups prepared and decorated the altars.
In preparation for the 2008 International
Eucharistic Congress in Quebec City in June 2008,
we’ve started – for every Thursday throughout the
year --a 30-minute adoration and Benediction of the
Blessed Sacrament as a parish preparation for this
event. So far the attendance has been very good.
There was a gathering of close to 200 young
people on June 16 here at the Don Bosco Youth
Center. These youth are part of the Youth For
Christ (YFC) of the greater Vancouver area,
gathered for a “Pep Rally.” They listened to talks
and praised the Lord with song and dance. Bro.
Steve was also very fortunate to have a few
gatherings to thank and wish him many blessings on
his future Salesian endeavours. The various youth
groups, money counters and other invited guests
attended a farewell dinner in his honour in the
school auditorium. Fr. Mario thanked Bro. Steve for
sharing his talents with all of us this year.
The Catholic Christian Outreach Impact Team
in their light blue T-shirts have been a weekly scene
at our parish. They give witness by conducting
Faith and Bible study groups on Tuesday nights and
Sunday afternoons in our parish. This team’s
members hail from Nova Scotia, Ontario and
Saskatchewan, living on campus at Simon Fraser
University. They also reach out to universities and
college students, and have helped out with our
Children’s liturgy.
Recently Bro. Jerry with the parents of two
Knights of the Altar, Randy Sprott and Paolo
Dantes, attended the Serra Club of Vancouver’s
Archbishop’s Altar Servers’ Award Mass and
Ceremony at Holy Rosary Cathedral. These servers
along with representatives from all the parishes
were recognized and presented with medallions for
their leadership abilities and dedicated service.
Most Rev. Raymond Roussin, S.M., did the honours

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and attended the reception held in the Cathedral
Hall. Certainly congratulations were in order for
this important event.
Most things have wound down and while the
high school students have all finished their exams
by now, the OLGC School just concluded on June
27 with a spirited celebration of the Eucharist and a
gathering for the staff that followed dismissal of the
children. Their grade seven farewell Mass and
awards supper was held on June 25.
Fr. Jan left for three weeks to visit his family in
Poland. He joined his sister in Calgary and they
flew from there to Warsaw. Fr. Luc flew in to
officiate at our Salesian Cooperators, Mr. and Mrs.
Herb Fleming’s daughter’s wedding. Bro. Jerry
assisted. The evening before, we surprised Bro.
Steve with an anticipated birthday gift, card and
cake. We wished him well and also Bon voyage as
he flew east for his summer assignment, and
eventually to continue his priestly studies in Rome.
In concluding these few random happenings, I’d
like to share these farewell words of Bro. Steve:
“I have spent a wonderful year here in ‘sunny’
Surrey and am very grateful to Fr. Mario, Bro.
Jerry, Fr. Giovanni, and Fr. Jan for their
welcoming and their exemplary modeling of the
consecrated life and of a community that very
worthily carries their ‘yellow umbrella.’ May God
continue to bless you and the wonderful family of
Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish. AMEN!”
The month of June concludes with OLGC’s
Laotian Community holding their North American
Convention at our venue from June 29 thru July 1.
MELBOURNE. An Australian Salesian, Timothy
Costelloe, has been appointed auxiliary bishop of
MONTREAL. The Salesian Sisters of Our Lady of
the Cape Province will celebrate their provincial
chapter next August 13-16. We accompany them
with our prayer.
TORONTO. Cardinal Joseph Zen, SDB, bishop of
Hong Kong, visited the Chinese communities of
Toronto and a few other cities in Canada in May
and June.
ROME. The Rector Major has published (cf. Atti
no. 398, also on www.SDB.org) his most recent
letter on the Eucharist: Making the Eucharist in
order to make oneself Eucharist.…. It will be a
precious document to prepare the Salesian Family
for the International Eucharistic Congress to be held
in Quebec City in June 2008.
VATICAN CITY. On 25 June, the Holy Father
Benedict XVI paid a visit to the Apostolic Vatican
Library and the Vatican Secret Archives. In the
course of the visit, His Holiness announced the
appointment of Bishop Raffaele Farina SDB, until
now the prefect of the Apostolic Vatican Library, as
the new archivist and librarian of the Holy Roman
Church, at the same time promoting him to the
dignity of archbishop. He succeeds Cardinal Jean-
Louis Tauran.
Laurent Pillet: July 25 (87th )
Kennedy Saldanha: July 31
Enzo Trigatti: July 1
Joseph Occhio: July 2
(as well as to his classmates,
esp. Frs. Avallone,Cappelletti, Malloy)