Cagliero 11 Sett 2011 ing

Cagliero 11 Sett 2011 ing

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Newsletter for Salesian Missionary Animation
Dear Salesian mis-
sionaries and
friends of the Sa-
lesian missions!
It seems incredi-
ble! Each year
hundreds of
young people from 40 Salesian provinces invol-
ved in the Salesian missionary volunteer service
return, after 12 months, to their ordinary life.
Thousands of children or young people return af-
ter a few weeks of experience in the missions.
After arriving home many of them are exposed to
a huge culture shock. Because they can not fit in
the same parish or youth centre of origin. The
volunteer experience has transformed their
outlook on life, their way of living their personal
Christian' life. They feel disoriented in a medio-
cre environment or in a context where there is
little dynamism.The same is true for the 400
youth of the 6 Italian Provinces that gather every
year for two days to share their brief experience
in the missions. Listening to young people gathe-
red for the Harambée at Colle Don Bosco - each
September before the annual missionary expedi-
tion - is very enriching. But it is clear: after the
summer experience in mission countries the com-
mon point in all groups is: How
hard it is to go back to Italy!
Yes, the challenge of voluntary
missionary is precisely how to
involve volunteers after their
return to the Salesian mission in
their homeland. Missionary volun-
teers especially those returning to
Europe or America after a year of
living generously in Asia, America
or Africa can make a great contri-
bution to their Province of origin.
Some former volunteers become
ardent animators, collaborators
or Salesian Cooperators! In fact there are already
two Province Delegates for Missionary Animation
(SUE, SUO) who began their involvement in the
Salesian mission years ago as volunteers!
Greeting and an assurance of my prayers for all
young people who have returned this year after a
missionary experience! You are welcome, there is
room for you in the great Salesian mission near
your home!
Fr. Václav Klement, SDB
Councilor for the Missions
The universal mission involves
everyone, everything and always!
T he ceaseless proclamation of the Gospel also revitalises
the Church, her fervour, her apostolic spirit; it renews
her pastoral methods so that they may be ever more sui-
ted to new situations – also those that require a new evangeliza-
tion – and animated by missionary thrust: «Missionary activity
renews the Church, revitalizes faith and Christian identity, and
offers fresh enthusiasm and new incentive. Faith is strengthened
when it is given to others! It is in commitment to the Church's
universal mission that the new evangelization of Christian peo-
ples will find inspiration and support» (Redemptoris missio, 2).
… All those who have met the risen Lord have felt the need to
proclaim him to others, as did the two disciples on the road to
Emmaus. After recognising the Lord in the breaking of bread,
they “set out that instant and returned to Jerusalem. There
they found the Eleven assembled” and told them what had hap-
pened to them on the road (Lk 24:33-34).
The beneficiaries of the Gospel proclamation are all peoples.
The Church “is missionary by her very nature, since it is from
the mission of the Son and the mission of the Holy Spirit that she
draws her origin, in accordance with the decree of God the Fa-
ther” (ECUM. COUNCIL VATICAN II, Decr. Ad Gentes, 2). This is
“the grace and vocation proper to the Church, her deepest iden-
tity. She exists in order to evange-
lize” (PAUL VI, Ap. Ex. Evangelii
Nuntiandi, 14). Consequently, she
can never withdraw into herself.
She is rooted in particular places in
order to go beyond them. Her
action, in obedience to Christ’s
command and under the influence
of his grace and his love, becomes
fully and truly present to all men
and women and to all peoples in
order to lead them to faith in
Christ (Ad gentes, 5).
This task has not lost any of its
urgency. Indeed, «the mission of
Christ the Redeemer, which is entrusted to the Church, is still
very far from completion…. An overall view of the human race
shows that this mission is still only beginning and that we must
commit ourselves wholeheartedly to its service» (Redemptoris
missio, 1) ….
The universal mission involves everyone, everything and always.
The Gospel is not an exclusive possession of those who have re-
ceived it, but it is a gift to be shared, good news to be passed
on to others … May World Mission Day reawaken in each person
the joy and desire to “go” out to meet humanity taking Christ to
Message of Pope Benedict XVI for World Mission Sunday 2011
(full text:

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The 142nd
Salesian Missionary Expedition
Members of the 142nd Salesian Missionary Expedition
participating in the Orientation Course
for New Missionaries (Rome-Turin)
which began on September 1 and will end
with the giving of the missionary cross
by the Rector Major
in the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians
on September 25, 2011.
Fr. AYALA CEJA, Pedro Mario
Cl. BEREK, Antonio
Fr. BOIX PUIG, Santiago
Fr. DE NARDI, Giampiero
Cl. DANG, Cosma Joseph The Lam
Fr. DIAS, Jacinto
Fr. IVANČIČ, Peter
Fr. JURAO, Joel
Cl. GIA, Joseph Luu Vu Quoc
Fr. KELELA, Isidore Mbokolo
Cl. LEO, Arockiam Thomas John
L. LIONELLI, Roberto
Cl. LUU, Joseph Vu Quoc Gia
Cl. MANINGA, Lucas
Prov destination
INM Ireland
URU Angola
SLK Siberia
ICC Guatemala
VIE Bangladesh
INP South Africa
SLO Cuba
FIS Pakistan
VIE Paraguay
AFC Morocco
ICC Tunisia
VIE Argentina
AFC Venezuela
Prov destination
Fr. MARIASUSAI, Raj Arockia
Cl. NGUYEN, Dominic Viet Binh
VIE Ireland
Cl. NGUYEN, Peter Anh Duy
Cl. NGUYEN, Joseph Vu Thanh Phuong VIE
Cl. NONGRUM, Simon
Cl. PHAN, Joseph Anh Tuan
VIE Venezuela
INT Austria
Cl. SWAMY, John Paul
EST Nigeria
INT Francia
Fr. SZCZYPA, Roman
Cl. TRAN, Paul Xuan Binh
Great Britain
Cl. TRAN, Joseph Hoang Phuc
VIE Great Britain
Fr. YANG, Jeon Shik Mark
KOR Great Britain
Salesian Missionary Intention
That the confreres involved in our educational and social
works in India offer a credible witness to Jesus Christ and
his Gospel, by sharing with them a deep rooted personal ex-
perience of God
"Tell the story of Jesus or share the experience of faith," according
to the First Missionary Congress of India, Mumbai, November 2009
(Prabhu Yesu Mahotsav,,
is the best way to proclaim the Gospel in multi-religious and multi-
cultural contexts (John Paul II, Ecclesia in Asia, n. 20). The call to
spread the faith in Jesus Christ among non-Christians through one’s
own life is common to all, which requires a deepening in one’s own
experience of God and sharing it throughout one’s own life.
Send your suggestions and contributions to