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N. 122 - February 2019
Newsletter for Salesian Missionary Animation
Publication of the Missions Sector for the Salesian Communities and Friends of the Salesian Mission
Dear confreres, dear friends
T his year 2019, rooted as we are in the Strenna - "Holiness for you,
too" - I invite you to rediscover the Beatitudes as presented by
Pope Francis in Gaudete et Exsultate. We could make a Salesian
missionary interpretation or application for each of them. And
here's the first:
"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
"Be poor in heart; this is holiness." [GE 70]
Here is our challenge - to be Salesian missionaries who are poor in spirit.
This poverty of spirit, as in Don Bosco’s dream of the ten diamonds, has its
visible and hidden side. The visible one is, above all, "work and temper-
ance", the daily caetera tolle, a real love of a poor personal life: "let the
world know that you are poor in clothes, in food, in homes" (Don Bosco to
the first missionaries). However, this poverty of spirit has also its hidden
diamond, its intimate secret: "He became poor, so that we might become
rich through his poverty" (St. Paul, in Const. 72). Therefore,
Be poor in heart; this is the most precious secret of every Salesian missionary!
Fr. Guillermo Basañes, SDB
W hile “Coetera Tolle” was a part of Don Bosco’s motto, he was also absolutely practical and
down to earth. He was an exceptionally successful fundraiser in the service of his “poor and
abandoned boys”. He was an exceptionally successful fundraiser. We have imitated him in
this, too.
The values, attitudes and mentality of people are evolving rapidly. The donor of today has the
technology to ensure the best use of his hard-earned money. The Mission Office (Procura) mobilizes a
part of the resources Salesians need. It is our window to the world, creating interaction between
Salesians and the public.
The Missions Sector organized a world conference of Mission Offices at Rome from 17 to 19 January
2019. 89 Salesians and collaborators from 54 Provinces in 45 countries participated. We reflected on
resource mobilization as an apostolate, a ministry, a path to holiness. We studied the social teaching
of the Church and the Salesian characteristics of fund-
raising. We looked at our values, principles and
standards of work. We sought ways to meet the
material needs for the formation of our
confreres. We strengthened the networking
among ourselves. We shared the challenges
we face and learned from each other.
The Economer General shared information about the
financial situation of the Congregation and our strategy to
deal with it. The Councillor for the Missions highlighted our
priorities as a Missionary Congregation. The Rector Major
spent a full day with us, inspiring us with his his vision and
enthusing us through his active participation.
Fr. George Menamparampil

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I remember very well my time as a novice at Ba Thon. Fr. Francis Nhat
(missionary in Africa), was preparing for his ordination in Vietnam.
One day he shared with us about his mission in South Sudan. My heart
was touched and I said to myself, "I will be missionary ad gentes!" Even
though that desire was already aflame in my heart, I had to finish my
studies first. In the mean time I made greater efforts to come closer to
the other members of the community because I knew that, as a mission-
ary, I would need to accept very diverse people, if I were to make my
missionary life more fruitful.
If one is in a mission, it is very important to learn from the environment and from the young. Being enriched by
the needs and sensitivities of the young generates a pastoral heart in us. We cannot support each other if we do
not understand each other well.
Whether in East Asia or West Africa, I can see that people have diverse characters. People from the East are
more reflective whereas in West Africa they are more extroverted. All Africans are generally very friendly and
sociable. A good point is that in Africa we, missionaries, are always welcome.
I found it wonderful that young Africans confront their struggles of life with courage and a proactive attitude.
These struggles shape the person, help him become more active and not miss out on possible opportunities.
These young people fight for their rights; they are very energetic when they get into
sports. At meetings they talk spontaneously and express their opinions without any
fear of what their classmates think.
Some advice for future missionaries.
- When you are sent to a mission, do not be surprised that the reality you see is dif-
ferent from what you had imagined. Come to your new mission with an open mind.
- Learn to take care of yourself and others because we should not expect others to
take care of us! Try to worry about other people; you will then find it easier to melt
their hearts of "stone" and become their friend.
- Share your opinions, expressing them humbly. Make suggestions that build up the
community. See to it that all issues have been dealt with by the end of the meeting.
- I feel that I would be missing the whole point of my missionary life if I do not men-
tion prayer before I end. Certainly, when I am in trouble, God is the first one I can
talk to and God understands me best. It is equally true that when I am living happy
moments, God is the first person I share my joy with!
Fr. Thomas Hui,
Missionary from Vietnam to Nigeria
Witness of Salesian Missionary Sanctity
Fr. Pierluigi Cameroni SDB, Postulator General for the Causes of Saints
Saint Calisto Caravario (1903-1930), Protomartyr in China along with St. Louigi Versig-
lia. Writing to his mother on May 29, 1929, the day of his priestly ordination, he
expresses himself in these prophetic words: "Do not any longer think about anything
other than to pray that I may be a holy priest, a good example to those around me and
totally dedicated to the cause of the Lord. Will the time of my priesthood be long or
short? I do not know. The important thing is that I do well and that when I come into
the Lord's presence I can say that I have, with His help, made fruitful the graces He has
given me."
Human trafficking
Salesian Missionary Intention
For a warm welcome to victims of human trafficking,
forced prostitution and violence .
Salesians in different parts of the world are involved in preventing them; and
in the rehabilitation of boys and girls, young men and women, victims of
exploitation and trafficking. We pray for these presences so that they be a
balm for the wounds, a school where one learns and a family where one
experiences true love and a hope for the future.