CG27|en|Project of Animation and Government 2014-2020







Dear Confreres,

In the summer session of the Council we drew up the “project of animation and government of the Rector Major and the General Council for the six-year period 2014-2020”. I now offer you some points to help you understand and interpret the project when you read it.


The project originated from our listening to a number of people. First of all, it took into account the Report of the Rector Major Fr. Pascual Chavez to the GC27, in which he presented an assessment of the Congregation, the sectors of the General Council and the regions. Only by starting out from the evaluation of the progress made were we able to develop a well-focused project.

For the six-year project we also listened to the General Chapter, the most authoritative expression of the life and guidelines of the Congregation. It conveyed, particularly through the Acts of the GC27, how the Congregation perceives itself at the present time, together with its expectations, challenges and problems, and its prospects for the way ahead.

Finally, the project was the result of careful listening to the different positions and perspectives shared within the General Council. Indeed, the first task of coordinating the General Council, asked by the GC27, took place in our listening to each other. This enabled us to arrive at a shared and convergent view of the choices we had to make. It could be said that in the Council we achieved a good and solid convergence, even if in this area there still remains some room for improvement.

Subject of the project

This is the fourth time in the history of the Congregation that the Rector Major and the General Council have drawn up a project for the six-year period. In this project for 2014-2020 one can see more clearly that the subject of the project is the Rector Major and his Council. The project describes the contribution that the Rector Major and the Councillors intend to make, as individuals and as a team, to the onward journey of the Congregation, the growth of the sectors and the development of the regions.

The regions therefore are not the subject, nor even the provinces; they will have their own project for the six-year period, which will have as reference points the GC27 and the conclusions of their respective team visits and extraordinary visitations. The regions and provinces may draw inspiration from the project of the Rector Major and the General Council by considering how they reflected and operated; but they will have to find their most appropriate courses of action in the light of their own situations and contexts.

The six-year project has brought the Rector Major and his Council to function more and more as a subject acting in synodal and collegial fashion. In harmony with the life of the Congregation, the Rector Major and the General Council offer their specific contribution to the path to be pursued by all the confreres, provinces and regions; at the same time, by reflecting together, they learn to share responsibility and make agreed convergent choices. And so, the way ahead together with the Congregation and the convergence within the General Council become expressions of its collegiality and resemblance to a synod.

Structure of the project

The priorities of the project are the same as those of the GC27, from which we have taken the single goal subdivided in the three parts about our being mystics in the Spirit, prophets of fraternity, and servants of the young. The four processes too which the project has chosen were drawn from the twelve processes pointed out by the 27th General Chapter (GC27, 64, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74). Finally, we identified the steps to be taken from among those indicated by the GC27 which we saw as a "map" from which to select the most appropriate and fundamental ones for the work of animation and government of the Rector Major and the General Council; these priorities pertain to the entire Council, the Rector Major and the Councillors.

The General Council indicated to the Vicar and the Councillors for the sectors the priority areas for their intervention. These priorities took into account the path followed by the Congregation till now, the requirements of the GC27 itself, my closing speech at the Chapter, and the new interventions called for in the report of the Rector Major to the GC27 when he spoke of the objectives that had not been fulfilled and the challenges that needed to be met. What refers to the Central Delegate for the Secretariat of the Salesian Family was taken into consideration not only by the General Council but also by the Advisory Body of the Salesian Family itself. Likewise, the General Council identified the priorities for the work of the General Councillors in their animation of the regions and provinces.

Focus on essentials in the project

I think I can say that the project for this six-year period has a peculiarity: it chose to concentrate on what is essential. In fact, not everything that the Rector Major and the Council will carry out over the six-year period needed to be spelt out. What is normal practice was not written down; in point of fact, attention was paid only to the priorities.

From this focus on essentials, there followed also a simplification of the project in its formulation; in this way it is easier to understand what is important in respect of what is secondary, and at the same time it is possible to concentrate on what is strategic and not get lost. Lack of focus, in fact, is a risk that derives also from the complexity of situations and is overcome precisely through convergence on a few key aspects that are priorities and generally accepted.

Finally, it should also be noted that at the beginning of a six-year period it is not possible to foresee the needs that might arise in the life of the Congregation, the Church and society; a project therefore has to leave space for the unpredictable, and especially for what the Spirit and the situations will suggest to us. For this reason too the project for the six-year period chose to concentrate on essentials.

On reading the project you will notice that what pertains to youth ministry is longer than the other parts; in particular, the third area concerning "settings and sectors" is the most extensive. We considered the possibility of reducing this part; but the Councillor for youth ministry thought it was important to keep it in its enlarged form, in spite of its being clearly different from the rest of the project; it would help, he suggested, in making known and rendering more explicit the "Frame of reference for youth ministry," particularly with regard to settings and sectors. With this in mind, we chose to accept his proposal in the hope that the various regions and provinces too will benefit from what they find useful.

Novelty of the process

In our view, the process of drawing up the project for the six-year period which, as I said, is now being repeated for the fourth time, is not a repetitive experience; it is always new: new are the Rector Major and the Councillors, new are the context and the challenges, new must also be the answers. Agreement on intentions and choices is never achieved once and for all; convergence is always something to be attained. The work of drawing up the project helped us to know and understand each other better, to express our feelings, carry out a discernment process and grow in fraternity, understanding and communion.

The wish I extend to all of you is that you may grow in sharing, convergence and communion in your planning endeavours, accompanied by the animating presence of the Holy Spirit and the support of Mary Help of Christians. In this way we shall "walk together" in this bicentenary of the birth of Don Bosco.

With affection,

Fr. Angel Fernandez Artime

Rector Major

First Part




1. Mystics in the Spirit

2. Prophets of fraternity

3. Servants of the young





1.1. To bear witness to “the radical message of the Gospel” through a continual spiritual conversion: living the primacy of God by contemplating him in everyday life and by following Christ (GC27, 63.1).

1.1.1. Moving from a weak testimony of the evangelical counsels to a life filled with passion for following Jesus which is able to wake up the world, calling it back to life’s basic values (GC27, 66.1).

1.1.2. Moving from a pessimistic outlook on the world to a vision of faith which discovers the God of joy in the events of life and in the history of the human race (GC27, 66.2). Fulfil God’s design for our life by reflecting more deeply on the person of Jesus and the radical choices he made and by practising Don Bosco’s motto "Work and Temperance" in our personal and community life. Have in ourselves and impart to our confreres a realistic and optimistic view of the youth situation so that we open our eyes to the situation of our locality, especially to families and the defence of young people’s rights.





2.1. To bear witness to “the radical message of the Gospel” through a continual fraternal conversion: building up authentic communities through relationships and work in a spirit of family (GC27, 63.2).

2.1.1. Moving from functional and formal relationships to warm and supportive ones, relationships of profound communion (GC27, 68.1). Set in motion the positive dynamics of interpersonal communication among the confreres, a sincere listening to each other accompanied by fraternal correction so as to create a true family atmosphere that helps in overcoming individualism. Create opportunities in the community for spiritual faith-sharing among the confreres and praying with youth and lay people.





3.1. To bear witness to “the radical message of the Gospel” through a continual pastoral conversion: putting ourselves more decisively and significantly at the service of the poorest of the young (GC27, 63.3).

3.1.1. Moving from a ministry of preservation to an outgoing ministry that starts with the deepest needs of the poorest young people from their family and social perspective (GC27, 72.2). Develop a culture of vocation and care for vocations to Salesian consecrated life by cultivating the art of accompaniment and preparing Salesians and lay people to become spiritual guides of the young (GC27, 75.1). Promote in the Provinces a profound assessment of our significance for and presence among poor youth in all our works (GC27, 73.1).

Second Part





  1. Formation

  2. Youth Ministry

  3. Social Communication

  4. Salesian Missions

  5. General Administration







1.1. To take care of the personal and community witness of a radical way of living consecrated life according to the Constitutions.

1.1.1. Helping to acquire a deeper understanding of the vocation to Salesian consecrated life and apply it in personal and community living. Offer some guidance in the Acts of the General Council (AGC) on personal prayer and meditation (cf. GC27, 65.2). Support initiatives and interventions that make for transparency and sharing in poverty, emotional maturity in chastity, and availability in obedience. Present to the Provinces in the AGC the criteria concerning the consistency of communities in number and quality, and accompany the Provincials in applying them (cf. GC27, 69.6). Accompany the Provinces as they redesign their works to strengthen their witness of consecrated life. Help Provincials, especially at regional meetings, to change their outlook on the exercise of authority and responsibility, and assist them in selecting and forming good Rectors / Directors for their communities.





2.1. To make Provincials and Provinces responsible for the care of religious discipline.

2.1.1. By fostering a culture of vocational fidelity and of prevention of lapses in religious discipline; dealing with various situations of difficulty of individual persons and communities. Examine, at regional meetings, together with the Provincials, ways of preventing situations involving a breach of religious discipline in the different aspects of our vocation. Accompany Provincials who are dealing with confreres in difficult and irregular situations, and ask the extraordinary visitor for a report on such situations in the Provinces. Help the Provinces to formulate guidelines to safeguard and protect children, and to prevent cases of abuse (cf. GC27, 73.4). Make sure that the Provinces follow the protocol laid down by the Rector Major and his Council for dealing with cases of abuse and that they have a Commission to examine the allegations. Enable the Provinces to prepare in a proper and thorough manner the documents connected with dispensations, indults, dismissals, secularizations and exclaustrations.





3.1. To see to identifying common objectives and joint endeavours among the Councillors in charge of Sectors and coordinating their interventions with the Regional Councillors (GC27, 86).

3.1.1. Encouraging the flow of information, joint reflection, planning, evaluation, and the willingness to change established practices. Coordinate the combined efforts of drafting the "Vademecum," the Project of the Rector Major and the General Council for the coming six years, the regional calendars, and the guidelines for the extraordinary visitations. Ask the Councillors in charge of Sectors to present to the General Council every six months a report on the work carried out by their respective Sectors. Hold a meeting of the Councillors for the Sectors and the Regional Councillors every six months, and recommend that the reflections, proposals and situations that emerge be shared in the General Council. Ensure coordination in the General Council of the accompaniment of Provinces and Vice-provinces in difficulty. Start a reflection with the Councillors for the Sectors on the formation of laypeople, identify ways in which the task can be coordinated among the Sectors, and study the conclusions with the entire Council. Coordinate the revision of the handbook for Provincials (GC27, 69.11). In the Council promote spiritual experiences, fraternal life, dedication to one’s service, and opportunities for formation.







1.1. To promote in the Congregation a better understanding of the Salesian consecrated vocation in its two forms.

1.1.1. Examining more deeply topics such as: the consecrated life, the Salesian priest, and the Salesian Brother. Organize a course in English and Italian/Spanish for the directors of novices from the different Regions. Study with the Regions the new guidelines for the formation of the Salesian Brother and consider how to put them into practice (cf. “Revision of the ‘Ratio’ on the initial formation of the Salesian Brother”, dated 18 January 2012). Pay special attention to interprovincial communities and centres of specific formation for Salesian Brothers.





2.1. To help communities and confreres grow in a mentality of ongoing formation.

2.2. To devise and coordinate initiatives for ongoing formation.

2.1.1. Fostering an understanding of ongoing formation and an acceptance of responsibility for it on the personal, community and provincial level.

2.2.1. Promoting the ongoing formation of confreres, particularly Rectors / Directors. Offer in the Acts of the General Council some considerations on ongoing formation, and also on how to integrate work and prayer, i.e., how to be “mystics in the Spirit” (GC27) or how to live a "unifying spirituality", "contemplation in action" (C 12). Make sure that there is a good ongoing formation centre, preferably Salesian, at the regional or interprovincial level to serve Salesians, lay people and members of the Salesian Family (GC27, 67.8). Make courses available at regional or interprovincial level for the preparation of first-time Rectors / Directors, and exhort the Provincials to ensure that their new Rectors / Directors are suitably prepared (GC27, 69.10). See to the updating of the handbook for Rectors / Directors (GC27, 69.11). With the help of the Provincial Formation Delegates, develop in confreres the mentality that "the shared mission between SDBs and lay people is no longer optional" (GC27, RM Closing Remarks 3.7). Ask each Province to conduct initiatives for the joint formation of Salesians and lay people, and to draw up its “Lay Project” within three years. Provide for an update of the book, "In Dialogue with the Lord" (GC27, 67.7).





3.1. To form Salesians capable of meeting present-day challenges.

3.1.1. Ensuring that formation programmes match actual needs.

3.1.2. Involving formation communities, study centres, Provinces and Regions in harmonizing our formation with recent guidelines and new realities. Complete the programme of formation to affective and sexual maturity and to chastity for all the stages of formation. In collaboration with the Youth Ministry Sector, create in the Provinces a sensitivity to Salesian spiritual accompaniment with a view to arriving at a new policy in this matter. Insist with Provincials that before formation personnel are sent to a formation community they are formed for a year or two in counselling and spiritual accompaniment as well as in the theory and practice of the Preventive System. Study with the Regional Formation Commissions how to strengthen formation to the service of authority. See to it that during the various stages of initial formation Salesians are formed to: a) an appreciation of lay people in the Church, and their vocation and role, b) a mentality of service to and collaboration with them, and c) an openness to learn also from them. Invite the Provinces of each Region to prepare a programme of pastoral activities for all the stages of initial formation, and to pay attention to the young who are poor and at risk; the activities are to be well prepared, guided and evaluated to serve the purpose of giving those in formation an understanding of the social reality and to imbue them with a love for poor youth. Ask the Provinces to take the necessary steps to ensure that their centres of philosophical studies meet the requirements of the Decree on the Reform of Ecclesiastical Studies of Philosophy (of the Congregation for Catholic Education, 28th January 2011] Insist in particular on implementing the curriculum of Salesian studies in all the stages of formation, and see to it that each Region takes the necessary measures to qualify some confreres in Salesian studies.





4.1. To put into practice the guidelines of the GC27 concerning formation.

4.2. To promote in the Provinces greater coordination and collaboration in formation.

4.3. To foster the coordination of formation to Salesian pastoral ministry: Youth Ministry, Social Communication, Missions.

4.1.1. Involving the regional and provincial structures.

4.2.1. Creating an awareness in Provincials about the role of the Provincial Formation Delegate and Commission.

4.3.1. Ensuring interaction between the various Sectors.

4.1.1. Ask the Regional and Provincial Formation Commissions to integrate the guidelines of the GC27 in their planning for the next six years. Provide Provincials with criteria for the selection of the Provincial Delegate and the animation of the Province, and also criteria for the work of the Provincial Formation Commission, viz. reflection on the formation situation in the Province, collaboration with the Delegate, and the organization of annual meetings of formation personnel, particularly those of contiguous stages. Create opportunities in the various stages of formation for Delegates and formation personnel themselves to know and put into practice the guidelines of the various Sectors (Youth Ministry, Social Communication, Missions and General Administration).






1.1. To reinforce the Department team so that it can respond better to the animation needs of all the Regions.

1.2. To intensify the animation and formation of Provincial Youth Ministry Delegates and teams because of the effects of these processes on the Youth Ministry of the Provinces.

1.3. To strive for a more regular coordination with the Regional Councillors and the Departments operating in areas related to Salesian Youth Ministry.

1.4. To encourage communication and collaboration with other organizations and entities.

1.1.1. Clarifying the functions of the Department as a whole and of each of its members, while paying particular attention to specific areas of competence.

1.1.2. Bringing up-to-date the documentation of the Department.

1.2.1. Enhancing communication with, and accompaniment of, the Youth Ministry Delegates.

1.2.2. Promoting the qualification, retraining and updating of Youth Ministry Delegates.

1.3.1. Fostering collaboration and coordination in some common areas of work.

1.4.1. Making contact with formation centres, and also with publishing centres, in order to contribute to their work of formation and reflection.

1.4.2. Strengthening contacts with the Salesian Pontifical University and other broad-based study centres as well as teachers and students.

1.4.3. Offering opportunities for meeting, discussion and planning with national centres for Youth Ministry, and identifying areas for joint action.

1.4.4. Continuing the communication and collaboration with the Youth Ministry Sector of the FMA with the aim of increasing cooperation in some areas.

1.4.5. Encouraging networking and coordination with the agencies of development and cooperation promoted by the Congregation and with other ecclesial and civil entities. Updating the document “Identity and Mission” which presents the figure and tasks of the Councillor for Youth Ministry and the Department team. Sharing the six-year Project with the Youth Ministry Delegates so that the animation choices of the Department team become known and accepted. Organizing the archives of the Department digitally and on paper. Updating the mailing list and other digital means that serve to maintain contact and liaison with the Provinces and Regions. Retrieval and processing of statistical data that are of interest to the Department as a whole, for the sake of a proper animation and coordination. Continuity of the annual meetings with: a methodology of listening; concrete proposals in response to the needs and requests of the Regions and Provinces; spaces for reflection / formation; sharing and assessment of the work of pastoral animation. Communicating and meeting with Youth Ministry Delegates and teams during visits to the Provinces. Dissemination of information with the help of electronic means, the Department newsletter, and the ANS Agency. Consolidation of the existing practice of communicating in different national languages. An annual course or some “formation days” for the new “Youth Ministry Delegates of all the Provinces. An offer of computer resources to complete or initiate the acquisition of instruments and skills for animation and coordination. In collaboration with the Formation Department, assisting the Provinces in drawing up a programme of pastoral formation for Salesians in initial formation. Collaboration with the Secretariat for the Salesian Family in initiatives of pastoral training for groups of the Salesian Family at regional (or world) level. Scheduled meetings between the three Departments of the Mission for a sharing on processes and for some interventions in common. Participation in the consultations and meetings organized by the other Departments. Sharing the calendars and addresses of the Department with the Regional Councillors. Meetings organized with a view to cooperating in the formation of confreres and lay people in the areas of the educative and pastoral mission. Communicating and exchanging information with Salesian publishers about new publications; paying attention to publications that are concerned with the new demands of evangelization and culture. Continuity of collaboration with the teachers of the UPS and mutual involvement in initiatives of reflection and formation taking place in various Sectors of pastoral animation. Collaboration with the Department of Youth Ministry of the UPS so as to have some opportunities for sharing and study with the students of the UPS who frequent courses in Youth Ministry. Offering practical involvement for SDBs and lay people in the work of the Department for a mutually agreed length of time, with a view to promoting a better understanding of the choices and reflections made by the different Sectors of the Department and also of the direct pastoral animation carried out in the Provinces and Regions. Meetings arranged for working together and sharing reflections, experiences and useful materials. Support for the efforts of national centres in the coordination and animation of a complex national reality. Meetings for dialogue and coordination with the team for the FMA Youth Ministry Sector. Coordination and planning for joint action together with the FMA Youth Ministry Sector in some areas of Youth Ministry. Communication with the Salesian structures and agencies for cooperation and development: International Volunteering for Development (VIS), DBYN, "Don Bosco Network". Joining in the work of Salesian organizations for the promotion of education and the defence of the rights of young people: DBI and the representation at the UN. Participation in and contribution to ecclesial bodies: the Education Commission of the UISG / USG, OIEC, the Pontifical Council for the Laity.





2.1. To foster a better understanding and application of the model of Salesian pastoral work in all the Regions of the Congregation.

2.2. To encourage listening to young people and accompanying them in their personal situation and vocational growth by becoming capable of accompaniment and spiritual direction.

2.3. To give priority to the educative and pastoral formation of the Salesians and lay people who share in the spirit and responsibility for the pastoral animation of our works.

2.4. To give priority attention to the young who are poor, at risk (GC27, 22) and in situations of exclusion (RM 1, 3.5), and strengthen the accompaniment of the marginalized sector at the level of the Province and the Region.

2.5. To promote reflection on the processes of evangelization in different cultural contexts and to commend the path of guiding and educating young people to the faith.

2.6. To integrate family ministry within the Salesian educative and pastoral model and in the planning at provincial and local levels.

2.1.1. Taking steps to make the "Frame of Reference" for Salesian Youth Ministry widely known.

2.1.2. Prompting its application by accompanying the Provinces and developing operational tools.

2.1.3. Motivating towards a more effective organization at provincial level in line with the "Frame of Reference".

2.2.1. Developing the accompaniment skills of Salesians and lay people in Salesian Youth Ministry.

2.2.2. Giving continuity to the processes of Salesian accompaniment in the various aspects of Christian life: prayer, vocation discernment and growth in affective maturity.

2.3.1. Ensuring the development of appropriate educative and pastoral skills in the initial formation of Salesians, in line with the "Frame of Reference."

2.3.2. Promoting the educative and pastoral formation of Salesians and lay people working in different fields of Youth Ministry, and ensuring an integral communication of the Preventive System as a requirement of the Salesian identity of the members of the EPC and of our works.

2.3.3. Accompanying and qualifying the Youth Ministry Delegates to enable them to respond to the pastoral challenges and needs of present day through: a deeper understanding of their identity and role, their concern for careful planning, and teamwork.

2.4.1. Promote in the Congregation a reflection and an awareness of the new forms of poverty and the situations of risk and marginalization in which many young people find themselves.

2.4.2. Accompanying and fostering a synergy among the various experiences existing in the Regions, so as to strengthen the reflection and the sharing of “good practices” in the area of marginalization.

2.4.3. Offering encouragement to embark on pastoral interventions to meet their needs, and a thorough assessment of our significance for and presence among poorer youth in our works (GC27, 73.1).

2.5.1. Support the development of itineraries of education to the faith as a means for mediating with culture.

2.6.1. Encouraging reflection on the situation of the family and on its pastoral accompaniment.

2.6.2. Promoting a way of enhancing its role as a subject of the EPC and involving it in developing the SEPP (cf. GC27, 71.5,7). A first regional meeting in the six-year period to be devoted to a presentation and in-depth study of the "Frame of Reference." During regional meetings and the team visits to the Regions, an assessment of how far the "Frame of Reference" has been assimilated. Formation meetings with some teams or particular sectors and members of the Salesian Family. Collaboration with the Formation Department through the presence of the Youth Ministry Department in national/regional meetings of formation personnel, and eventually in the houses of initial formation. Seeing to the different translations of the text, while the processes are planned and prepared. Development of formation or animation aids for the "Frame of Reference", giving particular attention to the operational models of the various plans and projects of Salesian Youth Ministry. Accompaniment of particular geographical areas, which require some thinking about the precise methods of dissemination and the practical impact on the locality. Animation and action to consolidate and create (where necessary​​) structures of participation and shared responsibility at various levels - from the local to the provincial (the pastoral team, the Council of the EPC, etc.). Support for the Regions to organize meetings or initiatives of formation to accompaniment and spiritual direction to enable vocation animators to know, evaluate and improve their current experiences in the pastoral care of vocations within the provincial SEPP, and also to identify the directions and new 'good practices' in the vocation animation of the Province. Collaboration between Provinces / Regions in initiatives of formation to spiritual direction and accompaniment. Identifying the Salesians and lay people in the Provinces who are qualified in personal accompaniment and vocation discernment. Formation initiatives in the form of study seminars open to all Regions of the Congregation. Publication of these international meetings on various themes, and profiting from the contributions of the participants who are engaged in the formation to, and the ministry of, spiritual direction. Develop, in conjunction with the Formation Department, a proposal for pastoral formation in the stages of initial formation; the proposal should comprise an involvement in Youth Ministry, an ability to read the social problems of the area, significant pastoral experiences, and educative and pastoral planning. Participation, in agreement with the Formation Sector, in the regional meetings of Formation Delegates. Visits by members of the Youth Ministry Department to formation communities on the occasion of their visits to the Provinces. Drawing up a formation plan that can be proposed for use by the Provinces in their own formation structures or initiatives or in collaboration with other Provinces of the Region. Participation of the Department in provincial / regional meetings that reflect on the Preventive System. Accompanying the investment policies of Provinces in formation so that they qualify persons for the animation of the Youth Ministry of the Province. Organizing a "School for Delegates." A Consultative Body of the Youth Ministry Department to reflect on marginalized youth. Involvement of DBI in spreading in the Regions a culture of human rights, particularly those of minors, through a dissemination of information and initiatives drawn from international organisms. Accompanying what is already being done in the marginalized Sector at regional level. Accompanying the Provinces, through the POI and the Provincial SEPP, in coordinating various initiatives for young people in difficulty. A research on the Salesian presence (works and initiatives) among young people at risk and in situations of exclusion. A world meeting on these experiences and regional measures with a view to achieving a clearer Salesian identity in this area. During the consultation on marginalized youth, defining the criteria, guidelines and tools for assessing our presence and pastoral activity at provincial and local levels among poorer youth. A meeting of Delegates at regional level to study and reflect on the processes of accompaniment and to work out itineraries of education to the faith. A sharing among the Youth Ministry Delegates on the itineraries of education to the faith that have already been developed and carried out in the Provinces. A meeting of the Provincial Youth Ministry Delegates to reflect on the pastoral care of families within the Salesian educative and pastoral model (experiences of accompaniment and pastoral care of families) and to define criteria and guidelines for the development of a family ministry within the provincial and local SEPP. Collaboration in the courses of formation and updating for animators of family ministry, study days, and meetings on issues related to the welfare of the family and its members. Accompaniment and support for initiatives that involve Christian families in vocation ministry.


  1. Oratory – Youth Centre




3A.1. To promote the Oratory-Youth Centre as a value-laden place which welcomes young people and aims at their human and Christian formation. It has a preference for youth from poor areas, those at risk, and those who live on the periphery of a city.

3A.2. To develop educative and pastoral work in such a way that it becomes a pathway to growth in shared responsibility for all the educative figures operating in the EPC of the Oratory-Youth Centre.

3A.1.1. Relaunching the Oratory-Youth Centre through decisions that become translated into tangible ways of involvement in the new frontiers /peripheries of the lives of the young.

3A.1.2. Offering a more solid formation to the young people of our Oratories-Youth Centres to produce a better quality of Salesian education and evangelization.

3A.2.1. Reflecting on the identity of the animator, and on the places and times in which his formation takes place.

3A.2.2. Giving the young a leading

role in the life of the Oratory-Youth Centre.

3A.2.3. Involving families in the SEPP of the Oratory-Youth Centre.

3A.1.1.1. A study and assessment to be made in regional meetings of how the reality of the Oratory is inserted in urban society and in working-class areas populated by the young, how far there is cooperation and solidarity among the Oratories, and to what extent the Oratories are involved in the life of the local Church.

3A.1.1.2. An assessment to be carried out in Provincial Youth Ministry teams of the strengths, weaknesses and the development of the relationship between the Oratory-Youth Centre and other settings for Salesian work, taking into consideration: the occasions for coming together, formation, shared planning.

3A.1.2.1. An evaluation by the Department of the formation modules already tried out extensively in the Regions or in the stage of being drafted.

3A.1.2.2. Promote oratorian pastoral work, particularly in national pastoral centres, by studying its contents more deeply and updating its methodology, in line with the "Frame of Reference."

3A.2.1.1. An invitation to the Provincial Commissions / teams to reflect on the identity of the animators, and on the new requirements of the life of an association, according to the "Frame of Reference."

3A.2.1.2. A presentation and sharing among Youth Ministry Delegates for the purpose of providing appropriate aids and animation tools for animators, viz. proposals, activities and experiences.

3A.2.1.3. Compilation by the Department of the skills required for the educative role of animators in difficult situations, taking into account the resources and instruments available in the Provinces.

3A.2.2.1. On the occasion of regional and world meetings, an evaluation to be made by the Department team of the degree of involvement assumed by the young in Provincial Oratories-Youth Centres and in their service to, or animation of, other young people.

3A.2.3.1. An urgent request to the Provinces to collaborate with the parish in the formation and accompaniment of the young couples and young families who frequent the Oratory-Youth Centre.

B. Schools and Centres of Professional Training (CPFs)




3B.1. To promote the educative and pastoral quality of the Salesian presence in the school / CPF through a constant reflection that is in continuous dialogue with the various contexts.

3B.2. To assist Provincials and those responsible for the schools of the Provinces in their work of animating the scholastic and professional formation Sector, while respecting their organizational autonomy.

3B.3. To provide strategies and tools to apply the Salesian Educative-Pastoral Project in schools / CPFs.

3B.4. To strengthen the Department team for schools / centres of professional formation in order to provide a proper animation of the Sector and create a link with the educational structures of the Provinces.

3B.5. To ensure the representation of Salesian schools / CPFs in the Church and in society.

3B.1.1. Looking at the possibilities, and accompanying the sharing of experiences and reflections on schools / CPFs within the socio-cultural context of the Regions.

3B.1.2. Producing documents and publications to show how to develop a Salesian school that is evangelically significant today.

3B.2.1. Accompanying national / regional / continental meetings of schools and centres of professional formation to ensure that the conclusions of these meetings have the desired impact on local realities.

3B.2.2. Assisting the Provinces in spreading and organizing educative and pastoral animation.

3B.2.3. Promoting and encouraging pedagogical innovation and new technologies in the Salesian school / CPF in consonance with the educational contexts of each situation.

3B.3.1. Offering practical formation initiatives for the normal accomplishment of the Salesian educative and pastoral mission in the Provinces and Regions.

3B.3.2. Fostering the vocation of a Salesian educator and encouraging a study in common of the pastoral problems in the field of education.

3B.4.1. Aiming at a better accompaniment of the education sector in the Congregation so that it responds to the needs of the Salesian mission.

3B.5.1. Requiring projects of mobility and interconnection to be created and strengthened between teachers and students.

3B.5.2. Welcoming the institutional presence of the Department in educational organizations.

3B.1.1.1. In regional / continental meetings, opportunities to be given for reflection as a Region / continent on actualizing the identity of our educational institutions as Catholic and Salesian in inspiration.

3B.1.1.2. Participation in the national / regional days of formation for heads of schools, and eventually also in meetings of teachers, to help assimilate the guidelines of the "Frame of Reference."

3B.1.2.1. Written contributions in magazines and at conferences / seminars in response to requests for collaboration made to the Department for educative and pastoral reflections concerning the school and professional training.

3B.1.2.2. Preparation of an official video on the professional formation activities of the Salesian Congregation in the world.

3B.1.2.3. The collection and classification of existing documents in Salesian schools / CPFs on the selection and formation of teachers in the various Regions.

3B.2.1.1. Convoking and accompanying the Central Commission (those responsible in the Regions of ESA - Escuela Salesiana América) to ensure the continuity and implementation of educational policies on the continent.

3B.2.1.2. The presence of the Department at meetings of the Regions that constitute the ESA in order to stimulate an exchange of views and assess what is being done in the Regions.

3B.2.1.3. The creation of a working group on professional formation in America by drawing on the contribution of experts among confreres and lay people.

3B.2.1.4. Continuing the consolidation of the “Gruppo Formazione Professionale Europa SDB” whose geographical representation facilitates an exchange of knowledge and experience among Salesians involved in technical or professional schools and strengthens the relationship between Salesians and business firms.

3B.2.1.5. Strengthening the CSSE (Commissione Scuola Salesiana Europa) and the methodology of work that involves all the members as much as possible so that everyone can participate in and identify with the project.

3B.2.1.6. Accompanying the various processes under way for the coordination, development and spread of Salesian professional formation in South Asia (DBTech) and Africa (Bosco Tech Africa).

3B.2.2.1. Presentation of the "Frame of Reference" for Salesian Youth Ministry (with particular reference to the School / CPF) to the National Executive Boards or assemblies of Principals / Directors.

3B.2.2.2. Publication of the document, "Animation of the educative and pastoral ministry in Salesian centres. Guidelines, " according to the different contexts of the Congregation.

3B.2.3.1 Holding meetings with the business firms that collaborate with our Salesian CPFs in order to build and strengthen partnerships in the Province.

3B.2.3.2. A request to the Provinces for the list of business firms with which we work in the field of professional formation.

3B.3.1.1. A continuation of the ESA course "Formación inicial para directivos" and other courses that make for collaboration, formation and sharing of knowledge connected with virtual environments and the Internet (new technologies and tools to modernize not only teaching but the entire organization of education).

3B.3.1.2. A search for "good practices" involving families in Salesian schools / CPFs and suited to the multi-cultural and multi-religious situations in the Regions.

3B.3.2.1. An offer of guidance to the Provinces of eventual formation programmes for their teachers and the school board for the purpose of improving their professionalim and increasing their knowledge of the Salesian charism.

3B.4.1.1. Establishing a permanent group within the Department for reflection and animation on the topic of the Salesian school / CPF.

3B.4.1.2. Mapping the statistical data of our schools / CPFs, and giving particular attention to the trends perceived across the wide range of educative presences in the Regions.

3B.4.1.3. Creating a web page for Salesian schools / CPFs in the world to give them visibility and promote sharing among Salesian centres, and to be open to civil and ecclesial institutions.

3B.5.1.1. Continuation of the “Rete Progettazione europea”, European Planning Network, for teaching and professional formation (SDB).

3B.5.2.1. Commitment to collaboration and coordination with other organizations of the Catholic school in the field of evangelization and education: OIEC (Catholic International Education Office), Education Commission of the Union of Superiors General, and others.

C. Institutes of higher education




3C.1. To promote the implementation of the Congregation’s policies for Salesian Institutes of Higher Education (IUS).

3C.2. To promote synergy among the IUS and communication inside and outside the network.

3C.3. To ensure reflection on, and the spread of, the Salesian charism in the sphere of higher education.

3C.4. To promote better formation and competencies to operate in the sphere of higher education.

3C.1.1. Ensuring that the coordination structures and the development of networking programmes of the IUS function at world and continental levels.

3C.1.2. Assisting institutes in their processes of growth in Salesian identity and in their institutional consolidation.

3C.1.3. Renewing the frame of reference of the IUS: Documents concerning Identity and Policies.

3C.2.1. Facilitating mutual knowledge and communication among the institutions of the network.

3C.2.2. Providing a greater dissemination of information on the IUS within the Congregation and outside the network.

3C.2.3. Encouraging cooperation and networking among the institutions.

3C.3.1. Promoting reflection on the Salesian presence in the sphere of higher education.

3C.3.2. Defining a shared model of Salesian campus ministry among the IUS.

3C.3.3. Encouraging the development of the identity of the different types of presence in the sphere of higher education.

3C.4.1. Providing for the formation of directors and other persons who share responsibility for developing the institutional project of the IUS.

3C.1.1.1. The Annual Meeting and work agenda of the IUS Board of Directors.

3C.1.1.2. The IUS Continental Conferences (America, Europe, Asia and Africa)

3C.1.1.3. The IUS General Assemblies.

3C.1.2.1. Annual programme of visits and animation initiatives to individual IUS to promote their specific identity and implement the Congregation’s policies.

3C.1.3.1. Revision or renewal of the document, "Policies for the Salesian presence in higher education: 2012 - 2016."

3C.1.3.2. Revision of the reference documents of the IUS (Identity and Policies) and their approval during the 2021 General Assembly.

3C.2.1.1. Development of the website of the IUS.

3C.2.1.2. Organization of the database of the IUS.

3C.2.1.3. Dissemination of information among the IUS about the best management practices and experiences.

3C.2.2.1. Annual programme of communication / information on the IUS.

3C.2.3.1. Promotion of IUS networking groups according to areas of specific interest (IUS Education group, other groups).

3C.2.3.2. Promotion of visits and collaboration initiatives among the directors and the staff or faculty of the IUS.

3C.3.1.1. Organization of the digital archives of the IUS.

3C.3.1.2. Republishing the material prepared on the Salesian presence in higher education and its dissemination on the website.

3C.3.2.1. Continental meetings on campus ministry.

3C.3.2.2. A Commission for drafting a document on a model for campus ministry.

3C.3.2.3. A sharing of the model of Salesian campus ministry at the provincial and regional level.

3C.3.3.1. Gathering worldwide statistics on university residences and hostels and on the Salesians working in non-Salesian institutes of higher education (ecclesial or civil).

3C.3.3.2. Accompaniment at provincial or national level of meetings of those responsible for university residences and hostels.

3C.3.3.3. Visits to existing university residences and hostels.

3C.3.3.4. Meetings of chaplains and those responsible for campus ministry in non-Salesian works or structures.

3C.4.1.1. A IUS virtual course for Africa.

3C.4.1.2. Seminars for campus ministry animators.

3C.4.1.3. A course of formation for IUS directors.

D. Parishes and Shrines entrusted to the Salesians




3D.1. To appreciate and make the parish pastoral structures function: meetings, groups, pastoral Commissions (liturgy, charity, family, etc.).

3D.2. To foster a sharing of the pastoral guidelines set out in the “Frame of Reference”.

3D.3. To pay greater attention to the locality and the issues concerning the social dimension of charity.

3D.1.1. Giving all the members of the EPC a real possibility of taking part, discussing and assuming responsibility within the ordinary dynamics of the parish community.

3D.2.1. Focusing on the crucial issues of pastoral life, and in particular, on the challenges of evangelizing young people.

3D.2.2. Making the parish community alert to the family’s active role in the educative and pastoral mission by supporting it in its educational role as the first educative community and paying special attention to its weaknesses.

3D.3.1. Getting the parish pastoral workers to tackle on a priority basis the real problems of people living in the locality and give witness to a vibrant charity.

3D.1.1.1. Assessment of the role assigned by the Provincial SEPP to the Parish Pastoral Council, the normal instrument of communion, planning and coordination of the entire pastoral activity of the parish.

3D.1.1.2. Scheduling a meeting of parish-priests in the various Regions to form and update the group of Salesian priests with regard to the 'Frame of Reference. "

3D.2.1.1. An invitation to Provincial Councils to review the options made in Salesian parishes and redirect them towards a clear option for the young and the working-classes.

3D.2.1.2. An examination together with the Youth Ministry Delegates of the commitment of parish communities to the primacy of the Word, the quality of celebrations and the programme of Christian initiation of children.

3D.2.2.1. Inviting provincial / national Commissions to study the reciprocity between the family and the Salesian parish, and create a convergence of resources, energies and shared responsibilities.

3D.2.2.2. A study by the Department of existing “good practices” that aim at establishing parish “support groups” - priests, religious and specifically trained pastoral workers - to face difficult and irregular situations.

3D.3.1.1. Initiating, in meetings of parish priests, a sharing on the various forms of poverty in the locality, in order to consider the socio-economic reality from the Church’s point of view, take stock of the hardships, and forge new ways of relating with the locality.

3D.3.1.2. A careful assessment to find out if, in the Provincial SEPPs, the different forms of the social dimension of charity in the parishes respond to the real needs of the locality in which they exist and operate.

E. Social works and services for young people at risk




3E.1. To direct renewed attention to new situations of youth hardship in the locality.

3E.2. To urge the Provinces to coordinate, through their POI and the provincial SEPP, their various works and services for youth in difficulty.

3E.3. To arrange formation programmes and / or provide for their continuity at provincial level by drawing on the guidelines in the “Frame of Reference”.

3E.1.1. Ensuring an educative and pastoral quality and continuity in every initiative.

3E.1.2. Taking special care of initiatives in favour of immigrants, refugees, ethnic minorities and other new forms of poverty.

3E.2.1. Ensuring support for the offices / teams that take care of the social works / services at provincial level.

3E.3.1. Launching a specific and pastoral formation that helps to discover the educative and pastoral value of this Salesian setting.

3E.1.1.1. A coordination, at regional and continental levels, of the structures concerned with works and social services for youth at risk.

3E.1.1.2. Accompanying those responsible at provincial level in fostering as far as possible a common and homogeneous modus operandi among the various social works / services, viz. a concern not only with educative and pastoral, but also administrative and economic, aspects.

3E.1.2.1. The promotion of coordination and liaison with civil organizations, including international ones, working in the field of marginalization and youth hardship.

3E.1.2.2. Support for study and research conducted at national level on needs in order to discover their causes, draw up action plans and give a boost to the social works / services in the Provinces.

3E.2.1.1. Accompanying the stable operating group for coordination in the Province (e g., the “'Projects Office”) and examining particularly the planning stage and the project assessment.

3E.2.1.2 Collecting, arranging and reading the data regarding our social works / services across the world in order to promote an overall reflection that can help individual Provinces, and to sensitize public opinion by producing, for example, an up-to-date website that can make our works /services widely known.

3E.2.1.3. A concern, on the part of the Provincial Council, for the continuity of individual projects within the POI and the Provincial SEPP.

3E.2.1.4. At national / regional meetings, organizing a sharing and assessment of experiences in order to set up structures, services and / or emergency responses; coordinating with the services rendered by the Church; devising projects for protecting rights; encouraging the volunteer movement.

3E.3.1.1. An encouragement given, in collaboration with the Formation Department, to the houses of initial formation to become aware of the new forms of poverty and marginalization, present especially in urban areas, and therefore to prepare the SDBs properly for work in these contexts.

3E.3.1.2. Promoting the formation of pastoral workers and professional and volunteer personnel engaged in social services in our Salesian works.

F. Missionary volunteering




3F.1. To encourage the development of a volunteer movement with a clear identity within the provincial and the local SEPP.

3F.2. To accompany the already existing experiences of volunteering.

3F.3. To ensure that the Provinces pay special attention to the formation of volunteers during the whole arc of this experience.

3F.4. To study the possible convergences between missionary volunteering and vocation animation.

3F.1.1. Closely following up those Provinces that seek to organize the volunteering experience in a systematic manner.

3F.2.1. Giving encouragement to the existing practices in the world of volunteering, and encouraging interprovincial and interregional collaboration.

3F.3.1. Seeing to it that the volunteer experience does not limit itself to doing a job, but becomes an experience inspired by the Gospel and the Salesian charism.

3F.4.1. Examining the difficulties and the opportunities that exist between volunteering and vocation animation in the various provincial programmes.

3F.1.1.1. A review, in cooperation with the Missions Department, of the document, "Voluntary Service in the Salesian Mission", in the light of the “Frame of Reference”.

3F.2.1.1. Sharing of “best practices” and contacts among the Provincial Delegates for Youth Ministry and for the Missions.

3F.3.1.1. A careful review at regional level of the existing processes for forming volunteers in the various Provinces.

3F.4.1.1. In the annual meetings of Delegates, a discussion to be held on the convergence between volunteering and vocation animation.

G. Salesian Youth Movement




3G.1. To promote and accompany the presence of the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM) in each Province as also to strengthen the networking of the processes of organization and animation at all levels.

3G.2. Improve formation so that it meets the objectives of the SYM by strengthening the identity of young people in an integral manner.

3G.1.1. Following up the consolidation of the SYM in those Provinces in which it is still in its infancy or yet to be fully established.

3G.1.2. Fostering the habit of networking between Provinces and between countries.

3G.1.3. Accompanying the coordination of the SYM at regional and national levels.

3G.1.4. Giving greater visibility.

3G.1.5. Documenting the history and development of the SYM.

3G.2.1. Fostering a formation process capable of bringing the Salesian charism into dialogue with different geographical and cultural realities.

3G.2.2. Offering formation experiences to Delegates, animators, youth leaders and young people capable of providing guidance.

3G.1.1.1. Participation in the proposals and processes of the SYM in the Regions or Provinces.

3G.1.1.2. Promoting reflection on the SYM in line with the "Frame of Reference" so as to arrive at a clearer understanding of its identity and function.

3G.1.2.1. A sharing and dissemination among various SYM experiences of materials and resources concerning programmes, processes and Salesian Youth Spirituality.

3G.1.2.2. Facilitating exchange programmes between Provinces and neighbouring countries.

3G.1.2.3. Participation in international events that reinforce the identity and experience of the SYM.

3G.1.2.4. Sharing between Delegates and animators to achieve a greater contact and interaction through web portals.

3G.1.3.1. Coordination of the Annual General Meeting of the European SYM.

3G.1.3.2. Accompaniment of the various national or continental meetings.

3G.1.4.1. Promoting the logo, systems of communication and organization, websites and other platforms.

3G.1.4.2. Participation with other groups or movements of the Salesian Family or of Salesian inspiration, and with other platforms aimed at young people, like the Pontifical Council for the Laity.

3G.1.5.1. Documentation of the origin, history, and development of the SYM.

3G.1.5.2. Publication of a directory and collection of data on the SYM at world level.

3G.1.5.3. A creative presentation of the SYM, its identity and its presence: through documentaries, films and other means.

3G.2.1.1. Reflection in regional meetings and in meetings of Provincial Youth Ministry teams on the formation processes within the SYM.

3G.2.2.1. Formation programmes for youth, animators and leaders at provincial, interprovincial or international level, in collaboration with animation centres.



1.1. To accompany and support Provincials in the tasks concerning Social Communication (SC) entrusted to them by the General Regulations (R 31) and according to the Salesian Social Communication System (SSCS).

1.2. To increase in Salesians an awareness of the importance of being good communicators to be good educators and evangelizers (GC 27, 62).

1.1.1. Improving the quality of meetings with Provincials and their SC Delegates so as to achieve greater effectiveness.

1.2.1. Going beyond an individualistic outlook centred on the use of instruments to arrive at an outlook centred on persons who communicate as authentic members of a community and witnesses to young people of the radical approach to the Gospel (GC27). the help of the World Consultative Body and the Provincial SC Delegates, see to the updating the SSCS in the areas deemed necessary in the light of the GC27, the “Vademecum” of the General Council and the evaluation of the last six years.

In coordination with the Councillors for the Sectors and the Regional Councillors: with the Provincials of each Region together with the Councillors for the Sectors of Youth Ministry and Missions and the respective Regional Councillor. Meet with the Provincial SC Delegates at continental, regional or Conference level, as needed, following the criteria of the SSCS and providing opportunities for sharing with the Delegates of other Sectors, when possible.

As an important help to the Formation Sector (GC27, 25): Work towards the insertion and updating of formation to SC in the different stages of initial and ongoing formation. Promote Annual Social Communication Days for those in formation, formation personnel, collaborators in the field of SC, and other members of the Salesian Family (GC27, 19). Encourage the creation or compilation of suitable materials for forming to SC. Insist that every Province have confreres specialized in SC (GC27, 75.4). Promote the participation of the SDBs as witnesses of the Gospel, and educators and communicators in the various media: TV, radio, print, web, magazines, blogs, social networks.





2.1. To guarantee an accurate, complete and up-to-date information that clearly communicates the Salesian mission, its relevance and importance in the Church and society.

2.1.1. Accompanying the Rector Major in his communications inside and outside the Congregation and the Salesian Family.

2.1.2. Ensuring identity, openness and professionalism of information, in accordance with the criteria for Salesian communication set out in the SSCS.

2.1.3. Accompanying and giving a priority to information about the Congregation’s commitment to the poorest of young people, "Project Europe", the Bicentenary and the "missio ad gentes" (GC27, p. 128, 130). Coordinate the visibility of the figure and the messages of the Rector Major in the media according to the content to be offered and the objective to be achieved. Ensure synergy between the spokesperson, the field of SC and the Press Office. Coordinate the updating and implementation of the manuals of procedure for the personnel in each area of the Sector. Coordinate the renewal and implementation of the manuals for drafting news according to the criteria of journalism and information, both in digital form and on paper. Coordinate the updating and the technical, graphic and aesthetic reconfiguration of the websites pertaining to, ANS and the SB, taking account of multiculturality and the various languages in the Congregation. Encourage and accompany the gradual and necessary transition from a mindset and communication made on paper to one in the digital mode. Promote the management and use of social media and video for a timely and updated information to be disseminated on the network. Ensure, in coordination with the Vicar of the Rector Major, an adequate team of qualified personnel, both Salesian and lay, to carry out the ordinary and extraordinary work of the Sector. Strengthen the editorial team, participation and distribution of the annual magazine, "Salesians". Encourage and promote the translation of information in various languages so that the Provinces can look forward to receiving the news about the charism, the teaching and the daily life of the Congregation with joy and interest. Continue the close collaboration between the Sectors for SC and the Missions. Ensure a complete coverage with the involvement of the ANS - Press Office, the SB and so that the information reaches the Congregation and the Salesian Family, the Church and society, through our media or the media of other parties. Involve the Provincial Delegates and the Directors of the various editions of the SB, of magazines and other Salesian media to ensure that coverage is given to these priorities. Seize the occasion of the Bicentenary to encourage Provinces to make themselves visible in the Church and society, using the institutional image of the emblem and the logo of the Congregation. Together with the Councillor for the Missions, strengthen the relationship and collaboration between the two Sectors and between their Provincial Delegates.





3.1. To forge among Directors and those responsible for the media, media centres and production structures a greater unity in promoting a culture that is Christian and Salesian.

3.1.1. Promoting and increasing the visibility of unity, synergy and collaboration among our business enterprises and production centres.

In coordination with the Economer General and the Regional Councillors: Through meetings and other means, help those responsible for our enterprises in communication in the different Regions or continents to find opportunities and spaces for unity and collaboration: publishing, radio, print shops, the Salesian Bulletin, magazines, websites, multimedia, video production, music, theatre, etc. Make sure that the criteria of quality and upgrading of processes and products are followed by our business enterprises. Bring about collaboration and a process of unity of some enterprises and products around a common and visible brand and logo: Salesians of Don Bosco. Stir up reflection in the World Consultative Body on the new evangelization, the new education, new technologies and new cultures, from the perspective of SC.





4.1. Initiate in a coordinated manner the care and promotion of Salesian artistic and cultural goods as the wealth and heritage of the Congregation for the purpose of the mission.

4.1.1. Switch from a purely material idea of artistic and cultural goods as a right reserved, to the practice of conservation, sharing, dissemination and even digital education for the benefit of youth and the working-classes.

In coordination with the Economer General and the General Secretariat: See to the preparation of a catalogue of the artistic and cultural heritage of the Congregation in every Province: paintings, sculptures, architecture, mosaics, music, documents, historical photos and videos, literary, theatrical and cinematographic works in material and digital form... Provide for the conversion, conservation and cataloguing of old documents and pictures in digital form. Make sure that documents and pictures already rendered in digital form are taken care of, preserved and catalogued. Encourage confreres who are very gifted to develop their artistic qualities as a proper and contemporary way of educating and evangelizing the young and the working-classes.






1.1. To promote Salesian missionary vocations ad gentes, ad exteros, ad vitam.

1.2. In synergy with the Formation Sector, to provide a Salesian missionary formation in its various forms and at different levels.

1.1.1. Moving from an inward-looking approach seeking to keep “the best” for oneself to a missionary generosity open to the mission ad gentes of the Congregation.

1.2.1. Moving from a consideration of missionary formation as something exclusive to an elite to conceiving and organizing it as a key element of the formation of every Salesian. Take care to see that in the Provinces the accompaniment and the discernment of Salesian missionary candidates ad gentes, ad exteros, ad vitam are conducted ​​according to the guidelines of the Congregation. Closely follow up those who place themselves at the disposal of the Rector Major for the missions ad gentes by providing them with a suitable preparation before they receive the missionary cross. Collaborate with the Rector Major and in dialogue with the Council and the respective Provincials in choosing the destinations for the new missionaries. Promote the implementation of the document, "Missionary formation of the Salesians of Don Bosco", in every stage of formation. Organize, in synergy with other Sectors, particularly with that of Youth Ministry, meetings on a continental and world level that aim at a deeper understanding and application of a reflection on the first proclamation of Jesus Christ. Promote, in collaboration with the Councillor for formation, the qualification of confreres in missiology, anthropology or inter-religious dialogue, and coordinate a greater synergy and reflection between them and other experts in the mission field. Coordinate, accompany and promote the various courses of missionary formation at Congregational, regional and interprovincial level to help every Salesian to be a missionary disciple.





2.1. To help improve missionary animation in every Province.

2.2. Create and develop a missionary culture in the whole Congregation, in synergy with the Sectors of Youth Ministry and Social Communication.

2.1.1. Moving from a formal appointment as Provincial Delegate for Missionary Animation (PDMA) to an effective exercise of his ministry according to the guidelines of the Congregation.

2.2.1. Moving from a life marked by a quest for the easy life and a lack of courage, to a missionary and prophetic community (GC27, 2, 74.1) in a permanent state of mission. Establish or relaunch, encourage and accompany through personal contact the Provincial Delegate for missionary animation. Animate the Congregation to pray for the Missions and for missionary vocations, making use of the monthly missionary intentions for prayer prepared by the Sector, and in this involve especially our sick and elderly confreres. Visit the Provinces, giving priority to those that most need missionary animation, those with a greater wealth of missionary candidates ad gentes and new frontiers, always making sure in each of them to meet and interact with their respective PDMAs. Closely accompany the Apostolic Vicariates, Prefectures, Prelatures, Provincial Missionary Delegations and other mission territories entrusted to the Congregation, involving the confreres of their respective Provinces through the ministry of the PDMA. Organize and launch each year the Salesian Missions Day from the perspective of the first proclamation of the Gospel. Contribute to promoting a greater circulation of missionary information of good quality at all levels. Each month publish and see to the dissemination of the bulletin for missionary animation, "Cagliero 11". Work with the Youth Ministry Sector to promote and accompany missionary groups and young Salesian volunteers. Take care to work in synergy with the Salesian Family, and in particular with the FMA Missions Sector (ambito), especially in connection with the study days. Help, with the collaboration of the Postulator, to make known the major missionary figures of Salesian sanctity. Contribute to the dissemination of research on the Salesian Missions undertaken by ​​the Salesian Historical Institute (ISS), the Association of Salesian Historians (ACSSA), and the UPS. Animate the care, development and joint endeavours of the Salesian missionary museums.





3.1. To promote an ecclesial and Salesian mentality of solidarity and synergy that is always open to new frontiers.

3.2. To contribute, together with the Sector for economic administration, to waking up and coordinating solidarity with the most needy areas.

3.1.1. Moving from a ministry of preservation to an outgoing ministry towards new frontiers and the peripheries.

3.2.1. Moving from a concentration on one’s own projects and structures to a Salesian globalization of solidarity. Contribute, in collaboration with the General Council, to the choice, on the part of the Rector Major, of new missionary frontiers - be they frontiers of a first proclamation of Jesus Christ, or of a new “areopagus”, or of a new evangelization. Promote the missionary projects of the Congregation, especially "Project Europe". Work together with the Commission appointed by the Rector Major to formulate a proposal for distributing funds to the Missions. Together with the Economer General, accompany the establishment and growth of Planning and Development Offices (PDOs), and organize a specific formation for the Salesians and lay people directly involved in them. Coordinate the functioning of the Mission Offices at the level of the Congregation (cf. R 24.1) by calling their Directors together once a year. Animate and guide the establishment and functioning of Provincial Mission Offices. Represent the General Council in the Don Bosco Network (DBN).






1.1. Continue forming an outlook on economics and resource management that serves the mission and shows concern for transparency as a witness of poverty and legality.

1.2. Bring provincial administrations up-to-date so that they correspond to the requirements of religious poverty and service to the Salesian mission.

1.1.1. Fostering a change of mentality through an ongoing formation of Provincial Economers.

1.2.1. Preparing an updated version of Chapter 11 of the "Juridical Elements and Administrative Practice" regarding administration in the Congregation. Help the Provinces and Vice-provinces to establish a clear and transparent administration. Draw up a plan with the Financial Commission for obtaining greater transparency in the administration, coordination and mutual control between the General Administration (Direzione Generale) and the Provinces. Make a deeper study of the documents of the Congregation on evangelical poverty; study the documents of the Church’s magisterium, especially the IOR documents and those of the Pontifical Council "Justice and Peace". Publish the rules and regulations of the Church and the Congregation on administration. Ensure that our administrative practices are in compliance with the CIC and the Salesian Constitutions and Regulations. See to the specific formation of economers / lay administrators at all levels. Ensure the coordination and control of provincial administrations.





2.1. To form to work and temperance and a commitment that recognizes the importance of working with shared responsibility (GC27, 13).

2.2. To assess the institutional instruments that promote solidarity with the poor.

2.3. To promote solidarity with the needs of the entire Congregation (C 76).

2.4. To foster a sustainable development of the Provinces and the practice of a real solidarity with Salesian communities that are in need (GC27, 75.2).

2.1.1. Promoting a shared reflection on the objectives, priorities and processes of Salesian works in view of preparing budgets and accounts at local and provincial level.

2.2.1. Supporting coordination among Mission Offices in fundraising, project support,...

2.3.1. Making known the situation of the Generalate together with the needs in the area of the initial and ongoing formation of confreres (R 197), in cooperation with the Formation Sector.

2.4.1 Examining the situation of Provinces and Vice-provinces in financial difficulties and suggesting the necessary remedial measures (CG 27 90g). Bring up-to-date the "data collection" of the Economer General and form his personnel to analyze and monitor the data according to the criteria of the 26th and 27th General Chapters. Share information about the possibilities of each Mission Office and, together with the Missions Sector, assure greater transparency regarding the projects to be supported. Establish a more effective cooperation among the various entities that serve in developing projects. In the name of world solidarity, propose an annual contribution from each Province according to its possibilities (GC27, 90f). Organize a professional accompaniment from outside for a limited period of time. Together with the Missions Sector, set up PDOs and put them on a sound footing.





3.1. To put procedures in place that guarantee transparency and professionalism in the management of goods and works (GC27, 75.6).

3.2. To review the financial situation of the Generalate (CG27. 90de).

3.3. To study the forms of sustainability of the Salesian Pontifical University and the Vice-province of the UPS.

3.4. To support the development of the project for the "Salesian places" beyond the Bicentenary.

3.1.1. Assessing every year the budgets and accounts of the Provinces and accompanying those that are weak.

3.2.1. Reviewing the annual budget and accounts of the Generalate, and paying attention to the needs and costs of ordinary and extraordinary maintenance.

3.3.1. Examining the economic performance, improving the coordination between sectors and fostering cooperation between the Vice-province and the UPS.

3.4.1. Developing the Salesian places in a sustainable way that makes them friendly and welcoming to the whole Salesian Family. Arrange for the supervision of the financial statements of the Provinces by the Financial Commission. Make suggestions for improvement to the Provinces according to the criteria of poverty, functionality and transparency. Submit an annual report to the General Council on the economic and financial situation of the Provinces and Vice-provinces. Together with the Financial Commission, spell out the criteria for improving the transparency of the resources and the use of the assets of the Generalate. Inform the Provinces and Vice-provinces about the need of resources for the Generalate. Suggest steps to improve the financial administration of the Generalate according to the criteria of poverty, functionality and transparency. Carry out an assessment of the building structures of the Generalate so that they are a clear and credible sign of our radical Gospel approach (GC27, 74.7). Act in cooperation with the Vicar of the Rector Major and the Councillor for Formation. Encourage meetings to reflect on the financial situation with an external supervision across the sectors of the UPS. Review each year the agreements in place with the ICP for the major “Salesian places”: Valdocco – Mother House and Colle Don Bosco.





4.1. To help the Provinces to manage their funds according to the indications of the GC26 and the GC27.

4.2. To update the documentation of the assets of the Congregation.

4.3. To enhance the convergence between Salesians and laypeople in realizing the one Salesian project (GC27, 15).

4.1.1. Developing guidelines on how to deal with debt and investments.

4.2.1. Offering information and formation at provincial level on the value of documenting our assets.

4.3.1. Helping the realization of the project and the programme for sharing the mission between SDBs and laypeople (RM: final speech at the GC27). With the help of a group of economers and outside experts, prepare a document for the ongoing formation of Provincial Economers. Collect the documents of the immovable assets, both of the Provinces and of the Centres linked to the Generalate and the Rector Major – such as the Salesian places. During visits to the Provinces, check the situation of the archives of the financial administration of the Province. Develop formation programmes for Provincial economers and help them to form, monitor and guide those responsible at local level. Bring about a synergy between Salesians and laypeople through a respect for each one’s role in a climate of trust and a spirit of family. Assess the current situation of the involvement of laypeople with Provincial Economers. Identify some projects / situations as "good practices" of the relationship with laypeople and evaluate them at regional meetings.






1.1. To make a deeper study of the spiritual and pastoral experience of Don Bosco, his life, teachings and mission.

1.1.1. Presenting and studying the materials produced on the occasion of the bicentenary of the birth of Don Bosco.

1.1.2. Making use of the opportunities for a deeper study of “Salesianity” available at the various formation centres.

1.1.3. Taking up the pastoral challenges of the Exhortation “Evangelii Gaudium”. Make known the various publications. Take part in the joint initiatives that are organized. Make the most of the formation programmes connected with the Salesian places. Make known and encourage participation in the formation programmes offered by the various centres of spirituality. Encourage shared experiences or pastoral projects in the Salesian Family in favor of the poorest among the young.





2.1. To promote in all Groups a sense of belonging to the Salesian Family as a "vast movement of persons who in different ways work for the salvation of the young."

2.1.1. Accepting the “Charter of the Charismatic Identity” as a foundational document.

2.1.2. Sharing common aspects of the spirituality and specificity of individual Groups.

2.1.3. Learning to think together, plan together and work together in response to the challenges of the locality, and drawing on the resources of the Salesian Family. Explore the “Charter of the Charismatic Identity” together with the various Groups of the Salesian Family. Encourage the many lay collaborators and friends of Don Bosco to come to know and belong to the Salesian Family. Forge relationships and synergies with the Salesian Youth Movement, and present the Salesian Family as a vocational opportunity for those who have grown up in Salesian Youth Spirituality. Provide for a new edition of the book containing the history, identity, mission and experience of the different Groups of the Salesian Family. Hold every year the meeting of the World Consultative Body and the Spirituality Days for the Salesian Family. Make use of the Strenna of the Rector Major as a means for forging charismatic communion, reinforcing identity, drawing inspiration and sharing a common vision. Make known the positive experiences of the Groups of the Salesian Family working together. Identify areas and joint initiatives for an educative and apostolic intervention of some significance. Share experiences of family ministry. Carry out the recommendations already made about animating the SYM, promoting civil and missionary volunteering, and fostering priestly, religious and lay vocations. Reflect on the vast movement, raised up by Don Bosco, which is the Salesian Movement.





3.1. To appreciate in the Salesian Family the heritage of holiness arising from the charism of Don Bosco.

3.1.1. Spreading knowledge and imitation of, and devotion to, the members of the Salesian Family who are saints and candidates for canonization. Present examples of holiness in the World Consultative Body during the Spirituality Days, and in individual Groups of the Salesian Family. Know and spread the biographies of saints, Blesseds, Venerables and Servants of God, and make known, in particular, the figures of youthful holiness. Present at various meetings the specificity and significance of the various forms of holiness lived out in the Salesian Family.





4.1. To form and animate the confreres to a sense of belonging to the Salesian Family.


4.2. To improve the quality of animation of the Salesian Family at provincial and local level and the accompaniment of the Groups more directly entrusted to the Salesians.

4.1.1. Fostering in initial and ongoing formation a good understanding of the charismatic importance of the Salesian Family.

4.2.1. Ensuring the quality and continuity of the persons responsible for the various Groups. Present the Charter of the Charismatic Identity of the Salesian Family. Share experiences of spirituality and formation with the Groups of the Salesian Family in the locality. Present the reality of the Salesian Family in formation houses and encourage joint pastoral experiences. Organize formation programmes for Provincial Delegates, Assistants and Animators of the Salesian Family. Offer useful aids on the identity, role and mission of Delegates, Assistants and Spiritual Animators of the Salesian Family. Establish on a firm foundation and consolidate the national, provincial and local Consultative bodies of the Salesian Family. Help to rejuvenate the members of the Association of Salesian Cooperators and the Past Pupils of Don Bosco.

Third Part




  1. Africa and Madagascar

  2. America South Cone

  3. East Asia and Oceania

  4. South Asia

  5. Central and North Europe

  6. Interamerica

  7. Mediterranean Region





1. To animate the consolidation and revitalization of formation in the Region.

2. To accompany the Provincial and his Council, the Rectors / Directors and the various Commissions in missionary and vocation animation, and in the coordination of the Conference and the Region.

1.1. Reinforcing the efforts of the Provinces, the Provincial Conference, and interprovincial provincial communities, through interventions coordinated with the General Council.

2.1. Developing a missionary outlook in the Region.

2.2. Promoting an effective vocation animation.

1.1.1. Identify Salesians who are suitable and available for ongoing formation in the Region in view of setting up a Regional Centre for ongoing formation.

1.1.2. See that provincial qualification plans are drawn up, keeping in mind also the needs of the Region.

1.1.3. Give priority to supporting and accompanying the formation of Rectors / Directors.

1.1.4. Encourage the Provincials to specialize confreres in professional formation and in assisting the development of "Bosco Tech Africa" (BTA).

1.1.5. Help to implement the programme of “Salesian studies” laid down by the Formation Department and take part in three meetings of the Formation Commission of the Region.

1.1.6. Take part in the 'Curatorium' of the three theology studentates of Lubumbashi, Nairobi and Yaoundé and of the two communities of specific formation for Salesian Brothers in Yaoundé and Sunyani.

1.1.7. Foster in the Region the typical image of the Salesian Brother and reinforce his specific formation.

1.1.8. Encourage a knowledge and accompaniment of the families of candidates and of those of the young confreres in particular.

2.1.1 Study, apply and examine the Exhortation “Africae Munus” in the various contexts.

2.1.2. Encourage the Provinces to be generous in putting Salesians from the Region at the disposal of the Rector Major for the "missio ad gentes".

2.2.1. Accompany a special effort for Salesian consecrated vocations.

2.2.2. Work towards strengthening family and marriage by consolidating programmes that prepare young people for the sacrament of marriage.





1. To support the processes under way to meet the challenges that the Region has identified, in line with the GC27, in this six-year period.

2. To accompany the Provincial and his Council, the Rectors / Directors, and the various coordinating bodies at the level of the Conferences, the Region and the two Regions of America.

1.1. Making known in the Provinces the common directions in which the Region is moving and encouraging the involvement of confreres and lay people in the processes dealing with the challenges.

2.1. Reinforcing the strategies assumed by the Provinces, Provincial Conferences, and interprovincial and interregional formation communities, in line with the interventions laid down in the General Council.

1.1.1. Together with the Councillor for Formation, invite the Provinces to draft a provincial formation plan for ongoing formation, with the participation of our communities and laypeople.

1.1.2. Help the Provinces to start or to consolidate the process of redesigning our Salesian communities, our works and our presences among the young.

1.1.3. Support the development of a culture of vocation and the care of vocations, by helping the Provinces to cultivate the art of accompaniment and enable Salesians and lay people to become spiritual guides of the young.

2.1.1. Each year evaluate with the Provincial and his Council the progress made towards the goals set by the GC27 and the implementation of the letter of the Rector Major after the extraordinary visitation.

2.1.2. Each year take part in the 'Curatorium' of the formation communities of Lapa, Lorena, Curitiba, Alta Gracia, Córdoba, San Justo and Montevideo, and also of CRESCO and the expanded team of the centre at Quito.

2.1.3. Together with the Councillor for Formation, assess and strengthen the efforts made by the interprovincial formation communities.

2.1.4. Present every year to the General Council the most challenging situations in each Province.





1. To help the growth of communion and cooperation in accordance with the 'Vision and Mission' of the Region.

2. To accompany the Provincial and his Council, the Rectors / Directors, the various cases calling for coordination in the Region, and the situations that are in need.

1.1. Ensuring the way forward in a participatory and systematic manner according to the objectives of the 'Vision and Mission' of the Region: the commitment to the inculturation of the Preventive System; collaboration in joint projects, starting with formation; regional solidarity in formation and in cases of natural disaster; the willingness to use English as the common language of the Region.

2.1. Supporting the circumscriptions and sectors of the Region that are in need by offering targeted and coordinated interventions on the part of the General Council to ensure their continuity.

1.1.1. Keep an up-to-date "list of needs and offerings" in the Region and facilitate a proper exchange of personnel, resources, experiences and funds between the Provinces.

1.1.2. Promote the study of the English language, the qualification of young confreres in Social Communication and the preparation of Salesians who can translate texts into local languages​​.

1.1.3. Ensure the updating of plans for the qualification of Salesians and of the "list of resources" in the Region, to ensure that in each country the charism takes root and there are typically Valdocco-style Salesian works.

1.1.4. Ensure a regular monitoring of common projects at regional level: SC, the coordination of Sectors and interprovincial collaboration.

1.1.5. Continue to offer generously to the Rector Major missionaries ad gentes.

2.1.1. Take part in the following regional meetings: Provincials, the Regional Commissions for Formation and Youth Ministry, and the 'Curatorium' of Parañaque - Manila.

2.1.2. Ensure continuity of the regional processes with the help of an appropriate regional Secretariat and a solid work of preparation for all regional events.

2.1.3. During the annual visits of animation to the Provinces, follow up with the Provincials and Provincial Councils the recommendations of the extraordinary visitation.

2.1.4. Prepare and keep up-to-date the information file for each Province, Delegation or sector in need.





1. To increase the impact and visibility of the charism and Salesian works in South Asia.

2. To be dynamic presences of the Gospel by going out continuously to the peripheries where there are youth and different kinds of poverty.

3. To offer new and alternative models of ministry that are relevant to contexts in constant change.

1.1. Moving from individual interconnections and institutions to the power of synergy by concentrating on causes, shared goals and effective animation.

2.1. Moving from being institutions that provide services, to creating spaces that appeal to young people and are open to the real situations of poor youth.

3.1. Moving from maintaining traditional services to creating new and alternative strategies and ministries through a constant process of action and reflection.

1.1.1. Strengthen the networks and Regional Commissions with personnel, facilities and proper tools for work, and form them to animate effectively; promote collaboration with the Church, society and other religions on matters concerning the young.

1.1.2. Start the Salesian Social Forum to give support to and work for the cause of the rights of young people and the poor and the integrity of creation.

1.1.3. Begin a reflection group and an Association of Salesian writers to encourage continuous reflection and regular publications on Salesian, religious and social topics.

1.1.4. Build a more effective collaboration within the Salesian Family, particularly with the Salesian Cooperators and Past-pupils.

1.1.5. Promote a more transparent and participatory administration in the educative and pastoral community.

1.1.6. Build and establish the regional Secretariat in Delhi as a centre of resources, research and animation.

2.1.1. Promote Youth Ministry in the neighbourhood of all our houses; to this end, strengthen youth centres or start them where they do not exist.

2.1.2. Introduce the family apostolate, directed especially towards poor families around all our presences; collaborate with this ministry if it already exists in the local church.

2.1.3. Encourage confreres to form part of the youth and community movements in the locality that are in line with our charism and spirituality; launch and build up the Salesian Youth Movement in the Region.

2.1.4. Encourage the confreres to be "missionaries who go forth” both inside and outside the Region; motivate the Provinces also to receive confreres from other parts of the world and so create more meaningful international communities.

2.1.5. Promote interreligious friendship and help the Provinces to set up centres of spirituality open also to young people of other religions.

3.1.1. Begin processes of internal and external assessment at the regional level, and encourage the same at provincial and local level in the areas of religious life, mission and administration.

3.1.2. Relaunch and develop Provincial Commissions and networks through animation and a more effective support on the part of regional structures.

3.1.3. Challenge the regional and provincial networks to develop methods, strategies and new, innovative models of education and action in the fields of ecology, human rights and participation in public life.

3.1.4. Raise awareness and encourage the Provinces to make a preferential option for the oppressed and disadvantaged populations in their territory, such as the tribals, adivasis and dalits, and in particular, the female population in these communities.

3.1.5. Encourage the Provinces to embark on works for young people who are displaced and uprooted and who migrate in search of work and education, juvenile workers, victims of human trafficking, etc. and to go in search of such groups.





1. To support the processes proposed by the GC27 in favour of a proper formative accompaniment and to reinforce the new identity of the Region.

2. To give encouragement to the Provinces of the Region in their daily endeavours, while respecting their characteristics, contexts and challenges.

3. To support "Project Europe" as a valid and providential strategy of the Congregation.

1.1. Encouraging confreres and laypeople to carry on Don Bosco’s mission, and adapting it to contemporary challenges.

2.1. Building interconnections and relationships in various meetings, accompanying planning endeavours, and strengthening collaboration at different levels in the Region.

3.1. Inculcating in the Provinces and in individuals the main thrusts of "Project Europe" and helping their assimilation and implementation.

1.1.1. Foster initial and ongoing formation to prepare Salesians of good quality and support the ongoing formation of confreres so as to be able to meet the challenges of the new evangelization.

1.1.2. Help to reinforce signs of joy and hope by sharing a positive and realistic outlook on the situation.

1.1.3. Promote the care of vocations through a strengthening of the spiritual dimension, a closeness to immigrants and their families, and a reinforcement of the role of Salesians as spiritual leaders of the young.

2.1.1. Follow up the process of redesigning the Salesian presences and internationalizing the communities.

2.1.2. Increase alternative forms of presence among the young: presences managed only by laypeople, preparation of laypeople to share the mission with Salesians, new forms of community living, the presence of immigrants, and so on.

2.1.3. Accompany the Conference of Poland and take part in the significant moments in the life of the Provinces in order to create new spaces for regional and interregional collaboration.

2.1.4. Study with the Provincials the situations of their Provinces, pastoral and educative strategies, and ways of working towards the goals of the GC27.

3.1.1. Support the updating and formation of a positive mindset, adapted realistically to the present situations.

3.1.2. Develop the new European opportunities existing in the growing presence of young immigrants, in the new forms of communities and in the preferences given to the poorest young people.

3.1.3. Support and expand the synergies, the dialogue and the different forms of cooperation between the two Regions of Europe.





1. To assure a better consistency in the perseverance of the members in consecrated life.

2. To create a project of ongoing formation for the Region.

3. To realize the "Migrants Project” by having it put into action and endorsed by the entire Region.

1.1. Ensuring a deeper and more adequate formation of those responsible for formation.

2.1. Developing in the Provinces of the Region a better understanding of the richness it already possesses in the two formation centres of Berkeley and Quito.

3.1. Encouraging a reshaping of the Provinces in terms of the "Migrants Project” and the "Preferential Option".

1.1.1. Insist that those responsible for formation take part in the school of spiritual accompaniment at the formation centre of Quito.

1.1.2. Ask the Regional Formation Commission to organize a meeting of all the formation personnel at regional or zonal level to address the problem of vocational fragility, and to assimilate the processes of accompaniment that make for vocation maturity and perseverance.

1.1.3. In planning for the future, raise awareness of a more global co-responsibility for forming and / or strengthening interprovincial formation communities.

1.1.4. Prepare strategies to reinforce the missionary vocation ad gentes among those in formation.

2.1.1. Encourage the participation of SDBs in the programmes of ongoing formation offered by the two centres.

2.1.2. Keep personally in close contact with each of the two centres of ongoing formation.

2.1.3. Carefully study the strengths and challenges of the two centres in the annual provincial meetings.

3.1.1. Accompany each Province in its process of giving new significance and relevance to its presences.

3.1.2. Suggest to the Regional Commission for the "Preferential Option" that it take up the responsibility of drawing up the "Migrants Project".

3.1.3. Raise awareness, from the early stages of initial formation, about the mobility problem of those to whom our mission is directed in the Region.

3.1.4. Organize and put in place a regional strategy for annually interchanging the SDB confreres in the places where the phenomenon of migration is more demanding.





1. Accompany the shaping of identity of the new Region through listening, mutual knowledge of its wealth and diversity, and the establishment of interconnections.

2. To build an animating presence to accompany the two Provincial Conferences, the Provinces and communities, with a respect for their riches, an attitude of listening, and a dialogue with European culture and the context of the Church.

1.1. Fostering mutual understanding in the Region, a feeling of respect and a listening ear through meetings, joint efforts and useful aids.

1.2 Reflecting on and allowing ourselves to be confronted by the forms of poverty inside and outside the Region and by the challenges of our mission.

2.1. Participating in various meetings, supporting and developing the two national Centres, establishing a linkage among the pastoral presences, encouraging occasions for reflection, sharing and formation.

1.1.1. Build interconnections, work with national centres, and increase knowledge and joint endeavours.

1.1.2. Accompany the courageous processes of redesigning presences and redimensioning as the way forward in the future.

1.1.3. Continue the process of reflection on creating a culture of vocation by making use of the Salesian and Marian holy places in the Region as vocational opportunities.

1.1.4. Consolidate the ongoing formation of the confreres and their formation with laypeople in the communities.

1.2.1. Increase our reflection on immigration, works for the poor, and the acceptance of immigrants. Develop a dialogue with cultures, with Islam, and a concern for the protection and development of the Christian presence in the Middle East.

1.2.2. Take care of the presence of international communities, and the missionary dimension ad gentes in the Region.

2.1.1. Carry on the animation of the Provinces to help assimilate the GC27 together with the conversions that it proposes.

2.1.2. Arrange occasions for reflection and sharing on Youth Ministry, on vocation animation and on the animation of our works and communities.

2.1.3. Shape a regional identity in houses of formation, and in meetings of young confreres, Rectors / Directors and Provincial Councils.

2.1.4. Support "Project Europe" as an effective instrument for the revitalization, the reconfiguration and the future of all the communities and Provinces, and develop a dialogue and joint endeavours with the other region of Europe.