GC29|en|Reflection on the Governance of the Congregation, Point 2, C,D,E,F


Point 2 letters C\\D\\E\\F

Contribution 1

It would be good for the current Africa and Madagascar Region to be divided into 2 Regions. also in view of the future increase of Salesians in the region

In the future, the Regions of India and Africa will make up more than 50% of the confreres of the Congregation and that is why it is necessary to invest more energy in them.

There are also economic imbalances between the various Regions: the Regions of Europe and America are certainly richer than Africa and India; therefore, these Regions must also be accompanied from this (economic) point of view. Even though some Provinces are going well financially.

Regions that are not currently growing from the point of view of vocations must also be accompanied with particular attention.

The Extraordinary Visitation must have concrete implications in the life of the Province otherwise it remains useless; it must be carried out at least once in the six-year period and if possible repeated.

The Rector’s term of office should have a duration of 4 years, but I do not know if the Provincial can survive for 8 years; it is clear, however, that the term of office of a provincial for 8 years could be too much.

The term of office of the Rector Major for 8 years could be valid, but not for 16 (n case of re-election): today that is too long.

Contribution 2

c. Regions, the possibility of new configurations.

There is a broad consensus in thinking of dividing the African continent into two Regions. I believe the point is clear. But not quite as clear is the solution, that is, how to organise this proposal.

I believe that the place to prepare and share this is the next Team Visit; in fact, we cannot think of delivering a proposal to the CG29 without dialogue and institutional listening to the situation in Africa-Madagascar.

I also believe that it is a decision of government one that will certainly have huge consequences, even if we decide to do nothing. There is no doubt that such a choice, with a corresponding decision, must be made by us. It cannot be left to the universal suffrage of the provinces.

I believe, from the experience over these years, that there are other Regions of the Congregation that should be reviewed, because they are at the limit either in number of confreres or in complexity of membership (the two Regions of Asia), yet I do not think it is possible to think of new Regions but of internal structuring to organise and coordinate better, if it is possible.

d. The form and times of the Extraordinary Visitations

With regard to the extraordinary visitations, obviously we all agree that it is a very important occasions for accompanying the provinces. Regarding non-Council visitors, we know about the various reflections. Good! The important thing is to bring the extraordinary visitation back to unity with the ordinary life of the province. That is, the accompaniment of the province with verification that the RM’s letter and the other processes that are set in motion have been carried out.

I believe that - and this is fully within our power in the directory - we must extend the idea of the extraordinary visitation not only to the time of the visit, but to later times for the verification of processes.

This is clearly the service of the Regional, hence “making official” times for verification over the following years must be done by the Regional Councillor, as well as the visitor. Or, another solution, every time there is a non-Councillor visitor (a constitutional possibility that has always been available) one part of the visit, however, should always be done by the regional Councillor. This helps with continuity and the verification of processes and procedures.

e. Team Visits

Surely the team visit is an important and useful occasion. The purpose of the team visit is verification of how the six-year period is progressing, the planning of the RM and Council for the whole Congregation. Because of the great investment that is made with the convening of team visits, perhaps more specific points could be included for each visit, a path we have already begun, but focusing it in a better way.

f. Structures of animation within individual provinces

I believe that the idea of Conferences is to be followed up more intensely; Conferences allow the Regional Councillor to improve involvement and participation. This is the competence of the Rector Major.

One thing that needs to be better evaluated, as already mentioned, is the coordination of the Regional commissions of various kinds between the Regional Councillor and the Sector Councillors who have competence “in that area”.

Contribution 3

c. Regions, the possibility of new configurations.

- Better connection between Regions and Sectors.

- Planning the involvement of Sector Councillors in Regional meetings of provincials.

- Better defining the role of the Sectors in the Regions.

d. The form and times of the Extraordinary Visitations

I have no suggestions.

e. Team Visits

I have no suggestions.

f. Structures of animation within individual provinces

Change of term of office of rectors and provincials?– perhaps. I do not see the need yet at world level But I have heard that some Congregations have a non-renewable mandate of 8 years; so a General Chapter every 8 years.

Contribution 4

c. Regions, the possibility of new configurations.

I believe that we need to take into consideration the appointment of two Regionals for the Africa-Madagascar Region.

1. First of all, to be able to accompany a reality that is rich in opportunities but so complex: the Region is currently made up of 6 Provinces, 9 Vice-Provinces, 4 Delegations in 41 countries with numerous educational and pastoral activities, beyond the great geographical distances and linguistic and cultural differences. In these conditions it is very difficult for a single Salesian to adequately accompany the provinces. We say “Africa” but there are many “Africas” and they are not all alike.

2. On the other hand, I believe it is necessary to closely accompany the enormous growth of this Region, to be “by the side” of the provincials in facing the great evolving challenges: the challenge of formation (how to invest forces in formation in the Continent: today’s sacrifice is tomorrow’s wealth); the challenge of religious life (the Confreres of Africa are not immune from the processes of globalisation); the challenge of economic sustainability or the challenge of leadership in the future governance of the provinces (e.g., provincials) beyond the presence of foreign confreres.

3. In addition to this, I think two Regionals could be an effective tool to strengthen the sense of belonging and communion within the Regions and the Congregation. An assistant to the Regional would not fully guarantee this communion. Many of the challenges and opportunities in the coming decades on this Continent will be determined by how it is accompanied now!

d. The form and times of the Extraordinary Visitations

It seems to me that more precise criteria and a methodology should be given to those confreres who are not members of the Council and who make extraordinary visitations. The visitation carries out a widespread and dynamic activity in order to learn about the reality and animate the Salesian life of the province. It is an important activity in the life of a Congregation. It should address the current state of the province (the opportunities, critical issues), discern and identify new challenges, encourage a renewal of our life and our mission, etc. (the purpose of the visitation is not to reproach confreres).

I believe that some Visitors found themselves a little confused in the Final Report to the Council: at times, it was a chronicle of the visits with some details, without any substantive vision; at other times, they offered us a masterclass on how things should be; finally, many pages but little summary.

The Visitor’s ability to summarise I think is a valuable aid to get “straight to the point” of the situation. The summary shows the Visitor’s knowledge of the life of the province because it immediately puts the most important issues on the plate. Summary, then, is not about brevity!

f. Structures of animation within individual provinces

It would be very important to incorporate the GC28 proposal on amending Article 164 of the Constitutions to provide for the Provincial Delegates for Formation and for Youth Ministry being ex officio members of the Provincial Council.

As for the Delegate for Youth Ministry, it is already established practice for him to be present in the Council. But it is true that we have to understand why. We find confreres, even provincials, who do not know the educative and pastoral model we have been given in the Congregation, and who “break up pastoral activity” into little pieces. In this manoeuvre, the pastoral delegate is in charge of youth activities-events, “the youth delegate” and the rest of the Sectors are distributed without any structure.

As we have seen, the Congregation, from General Chapter 19 until the drafting of the Constitutions has insisted on the organic unity of Salesian pastoral work, which requires that there be a single point of reference for all pastoral work in its various manifestations and Sectors, which are the Councillor for Youth Ministry at world level (art. 136, in coherence with C. 42 and R. 11-17; 25-30) and the Delegate for Youth Ministry at provincial level (GC23, 244 and YM VIII 1.1.A.); they are responsible for animating and guiding the different Sectors and areas of pastoral work in unity and operational coordination.

In this sense, the benefits of its presence in the Council are evident for an organic structuring of the expressions of the mission with regard to the animation of the province as such and of the individual houses.

Contribution 5

c. Regions, the possibility of new configurations.

- Regarding the creation of two regions in Africa, I think a joint study, discernment and decision with the provincials and their councils in the Region is needed. However, this process requires time for deep and participatory discernment. To this end, I suggest starting this process with the possibility of creating two Regions after GC29.

d. The form and times of the Extraordinary Visitations

- The extraordinary visitation is possibly carried out only by the Regional to facilitate the continuity of the accompaniment process and the verification of the path travelled by the Province.

- In the ordinary meetings of the Regional with the Provincials, the involvement of Sector Councillors can foster more synergy, cross-working and shared responsibility in the realisation of the overall vision of the Project for the Region.

- The big challenge for the Regional is how to accompany and verify the progress of the Province after the sending of the Rector Major’s letter. I believe it is necessary to make a brief visit to the Province to verify the progress three years after sending the Letter.

e. Team Visits

- The team visits are special occasions of communion and unity in the animation and governance of the Congregation The challenge is how to accompany the process and the verification of the guidelines after the visit. I think that the meeting of the Regional with the Provincial Conference could be an opportunity for verification.

f. Structures of animation within individual provinces

One way of accompanying the process and planning of the Province is to participate in the Ordinary Provincial Conferences, because on these occasions processes, projects and decisions are made taking into account the guidelines of the Extraordinary Visitation, the Chapters and letters of the Rector Major and the life of the Province and the Region. Therefore, in my view it is important for Regionals to regularly take part in the Conferences.

- In regard to the duration of the Provincial’s term of office, I think it is important to maintain the mandate of 6 years only.

Contribution 6

Over the past few days I have been reflecting on our discussions and I have come to these 2 premises:

1. It is good to know the historical development of the pastoral guidelines and choices from the Special GC until GC28 that explain the structure we now have in the Congregation. If we want to continue these pastoral choices, then there is no need for what we are doing now.

But in the letter of convocation the RM calls for a courageous review of the structures of the government of the Congregation. For me, this invitation implies a courageous search for a new paradigm. I think we should focus mostly on the paradigm shift. A change of structures without a paradigm shift in our Salesian pastoral ministry will not work!

2. It has been said a few times by the RM, but my reflections over the past few days have made me more convinced that in order for these discussions to be beneficial, our realisation that we should not be attached to the service we provide now should be transformed into a conviction that we need to leave the task to new people (i.e., put simply, “I will no longer be there to do this service in the next six-year term”) who will have to find new ways to function with a new pastoral paradigm.

I think these 2 premises can make us truly free to think and make decisions.

Having said that, here are my proposals:

c. Regions, the possibility of new configurations.

I am convinced that Africa needs another Region, but I also agree that we must above all listen to the provinces during the next Team Visit.

To strengthen the Region, I believe that it should have a Regional headquarters, where it will have a Regional office, Regional services offices; Regional formation centre, some collaborators.

But I would also ask that we think about Europe: we need to decide before GC29:

- AUSTRIA to be a Delegation of GER;

- IRELAND as a Delegation of either GBR or BEN;

- UPS Vice-Province

My Proposal: Malta and France should be in the Mediterranean Region.

Just as a reminder.

The 2 Delegations of Albania and Romania should be established.

d. The form and times of the Extraordinary Visitations

The extraordinary visitation is a very important tool to get to know a province well.

For me the greatest challenge is what follows the Extraordinary Visitation

To make it really useful for the Province, the extraordinary visitation must not be made for at least one year after the GC and no later than 2 years before the GC.

e. Team Visits

For me it is very positive that in the Team Visit there not only be Sector Councillors but also the Regionals, especially the Regional for the nearby Region.

f. Structures of animation within individual provinces

Provincial term of office of 4 years, renewable for a second term; hence a GC every 8 years.

I propose that the Provincial Chapter be held only after the GC; that there be an assembly of the confreres to prepare the GC and when the Provincial with his Council considers it appropriate to convene one.

The practice now is that when the Provincial begins his mandate he also makes an OPP.

If there is a PC after the GC, then this Chapter would be the opportunity to make/revise the OPP.

Contribution 7


My experience of the 6 year term of office is a fairly good one. It takes some time to get to know your contacts in the provinces. But the first two years serve almost exclusively as a time of familiarisation. I was quite mistaken regarding the second term. I thought it would be easier because I already knew many provinces and also the Economers. But, firstly, the Economers change and, secondly, you can never say that one year is the same as the other and therefore no two mandates are the same. It is therefore very conceivable to me that a Councillor be responsible only for a total term of office of 8 years (therefore not a maximum of 12 years), which is probably better for their own health and also for innovation in the Congregation.


As many have already emphasised, Africa needs a different kind of accompaniment, one that is more intense from the point of view of the personnel. Whether this be done by two General Councillors or by assistants working alongside a single Councillor is an open question..

In general, I believe that more intensive support for the regions is the right approach. It is not always necessary to go in person to the individual provinces, because much can also be done digitally. But above all in the Regions where there are weak provinces, where crises are emerging and where many new situations are developing, an on-site visit is always better, because you learn and understand much more.

Extraordinary Visitations

If each province submits a short annual report, similar to a social balance sheet, to the regional councillor, the situation is more up-to-date and the councillor can discuss developments with the provincial on the basis of the report. However, nothing can replace a visit by a direct representative of the RM and we should continue with visits by the RM every six to eight years, especially to take the responsibilities of the General Council seriously and out of respect for the individual confrere.

Animation structures

In some provinces the Provincial Council has morphed into a management organisation. This is understandable, since the works, often large in size, have been transformed into companies and are managed by highly professional personnel. If the provincial is very attentive, he can maintain the balance in the Council between internal issues related to religious life and economically sensitive matters. The rectors’ meetings must be as well prepared as those of the confreres. In my opinion, only one Provincial Chapter is needed in preparation for the General Chapter; in the other years, confreres’ meetings (e.g. biennial) would be a good platform for reflection on religious life and review of the mission.

What we must improve in the future are spiritual offerings for the confreres and for collaborators. The quality of retreats (annual) and reflection days (monthly recollections) has an impact on the quality of work and of community life.

Contribution 8

c. Regions, the possibility of new configurations.

I. - Given the difficulty of circulating among the 41 nations that now comprise the Africa Region, it is not possible to ensure what we are describing as the presence and accompaniment of provinces in a smooth manner.

So with respect to structure, I really hope that the Africa Madagascar Region will be restructured into two Regions: one could cover the whole of the western part up to Central Africa (AON, AOS, ANN, ATE, ACC and AFC) as was trialled at the end of October during the CIVAM assembly in South Africa, and the other would cover the eastern and southern part, including Madagascar and Mauritius (AGL, AFE, TZA, AET, ANG, ZMB, MOZ, AFM and MDG).

II. - To be better assessed:

1. The synergy between the plans and the interventions of the Sectors in the Regions.

2. Coordination NOT centralised on Provincials/Councillors and therefore a more agile, interactive Regional Secretariat with a full-time committee or technical team.

3. Keep an eye on the continuity of each province, each Sector’s direction.

III. - Much is at stake in the communication between the provinces of the Region, the exchange of best practices, the exchange of confreres, a simple Regional Roadmap, the Regional Web Page, Regional events, either in person or online that connect the Region.

d. The form and times of the Extraordinary Visitations

In my experience, the extraordinary visitations take place alternately with the two plenary sessions, therefore September - November, and February - May. They are interrupted by the intermediate session, Regional Assemblies and by the various curatoria. They are a valuable opportunity to discover/know/accompany the confreres, the Salesian Family and the EPC, the mission sectors and those to whom we are sent.

Unfortunately, I experience the Extraordinary Visitation as a race behind the clock (an average of 60 actual days), between travel arrangements (visas and border issues), talks with the confreres, visiting the work, studying the local material and writing a report to leave to the community.

- What continuity is there with previous Visitations?

- How do they take up previous action guidelines (canonical visits, letter from the RM), etc.?

- The systemic view: what is the link of each Sector to the work, and of each work with the Province?

- What bridge with the other provinces (especially for works on the borders, or with a mission in the peripheries)?

e. Team Visits

- Nice “preparation” through the retreat with the Rector Major.

- How do we ensure that the Team Visit is not a simple series of Conferences, but a meaningful Salesian synodal experience?

- There is the usual problem of scarcity of feedback, information and trustworthy data for putting together the instrumentum laboris.

f. Structures of animation within individual provinces

- Sectors in the provinces:

I perceived a certain redundancy between the Commissions and the teams. Would it be a simple need to define tasks?

- There is good growth in the understanding of the role/figures of Council members who should be full time and without too many other commitments.

- PDO: work under YM, the economer’s office (or under the DIAM)?

- The Congregation accompanies the provincials, economers and PDOs in a systematic and organised manner: the project pèlanned for vice-provincials has not been completed. Can the same be done for the provincial secretaries, given how important their service is for paperwork and assisting provincials?

Contribution 9

c. Regions, the possibility of new configurations.

I think there are indeed many provinces in Africa and they need to be closely accompanied in this growing reality. However, some have speculated that this division should not necessarily be proposed unanimously by the Region itself. In my opinion, after listening during the next Team Visit, it is necessary to reflect and present this division to GC29.

d. The form and times of the Extraordinary Visitations

The duration always depends on the size of the provinces and the number of confreres (some need four months, others two or three).

It is good that another Extraordinary Visitor visits some provinces in the Region, especially considering the larger Regions. This gives the Regional more time to attend other meetings or significant moments in the Region (RM visits, curatorium of formation houses, province anniversaries, etc.).

It is a good idea for the Regional to be present, fraternally in the province not visited by him, to meet the confreres and visit some specific places. Another good time to be present in these provinces is the consultation for the new provincial.

For me too, visiting a province in another Region was an interesting move and opened my mind to another reality and another way of living the Salesian charism.

e. Team Visits

In this six-year term we also had the Week of Retreat with the Rector Major. I think this week of fraternity and reflection has been very much appreciated.

Of course, the team visit has a different objective, but bringing everyone together twice in a six-year period can be a lot.

Personally, I would be more inclined to give priority to the theme of the retreat, i.e. the content of the “visit” should rather be spiritual or a reflection on one’s consecrated life or experience in the animation and governance of the provinces, and to limit the Region’s focus to only one or two specific issues.

The letter concluding the visit to the Region is a good tool, but it is combined with so many other things (roadmap, letter after the extraordinary visitation, chapter themes, OPP, SEPP, etc.) that it sometimes falls by the wayside. Although the things that are said are important, they are general and it would be preferable to prioritise the specific challenges of the provinces.

f. Structures of animation within individual provinces

I think it is worthwhile continuing to insist that the Formation and Youth Ministry Delegates be part of the Provincial Council, i.e., that at least the provincial and two others can dedicate themselves exclusively to animation (if there are three, better).

There is a need for face-to-face meetings of the Provincial Council, with adequate time to deal with emerging issues, which there always are; and time also for the study and in-depth examination of the topics of Provincial Animation, evaluations, projects, etc.

Contribution 10

c. Consolidation of the Regional Sector Commissions that work closely with the Sector at the Generalate. The Sector at the Generalate is the one that guides, animates (sometimes, moves things ahead), as it works on behalf of the Rector Major and his Council.

d. The Regional works closely with the Sector Councillors on all issues, challenges and difficulties that need to be animated in the Region and the Provinces.

Extraordinary Visitations (spread across the Region over five years) will be very efficient if time is devoted to the needs of the confreres (listening, summarising and working on issues with the Provincial Council).

e. Team Visit

The goal that I received from the recent preparation briefing (on the next Team Visit) is quite clear: how to strengthen the Region with mutual collaboration and solidarity between the individual Provinces in many aspects, as much as possible (formation-curatoriums; Youth Ministry with different areas; Missions; Salesian Family; Social Communication and also financial solidarity).

f. Structures in the Province

Full-time Delegates for Formation and Youth Ministry for a province and vice-province. Other Sectors in the Province can be combined under one or two delegates.

For a large province (or vice-province) it is necessary that they be full-time and, preferably, that they reside in the same provincial community.

Contribution 11

c. Regions, the possibility of new configurations.

The creation of an additional Region within the current Africa-Madagascar Region seems important both because of the territorial and multinational and linguistic context, and because of the growth in the number of confreres and provinces.

The South Asian Region is large, with over 3000 confreres and more than 400 religious communities, but it has the advantage of having only one language franca (English) among the confreres, due to the hundreds of language groups in the Region. Most of the provinces have multi-ethnic and multi-lingual groups (population and confreres). The fact that 11 of the 12 provinces are located in a single country (India) contributes to the uniformity of the Region. With the help of extraordinary special visitors and better planning of the animation of the entire Region, things can be improved (for example, by having dedicated secretarial help to check all requests coming from the Region and to follow the implementation reports of the various letters of the Rector Major to the provinces etc.).

d. The form and times of the Extraordinary Visitations

The form and timing as now, rightly varies according to the size and needs of the provinces. The need for additional extraordinary visitors has been felt for many years and recently implemented on a broader scale. It has its own practical need. The Regionals will have to find a way to be more available and to study and follow the provinces where someone else is in charge of the extraordinary visitation. It is important to find a way to follow up on the recommendations of the visit before six years have passed. In fact, increased follow-up may be necessary and more effective in the first year after the Visit.

e. Team Visit

The Team Visit is a very important process. It brings all Provincial Councils (not only the Provincials) closer to the heart of the Congregation’s processes. It also brings together the leadership at the provincial level of an entire region and fosters greater knowledge and collaboration between all. The follow-up for the implementation of the recommendations requires more attention.

f. Structures of animation within the individual Provinces

While the structures are generally solid, the follow-up of most of the documents created seems to be left to the goodwill of each confrere or animator. The SEPP at the provincial level, the OPP, the Rectors, the decisions of the Provincial Chapters, etc. do not seem to be the guidelines for animation on a regular basis. Emergencies and “topical issues” seem to take over. This is to be avoided by planning targeted and evaluated interventions in step with the times. Ongoing formation must be strong in province animation and not only be seen as courses taken outside or qualification in terms of certificates.

The idea of having a Youth Ministry delegate in each province who is a Provincial Councillor and who devotes himself full-time to the animation of Youth Ministry, could be useful to unify efforts across the various Sectors such as schools, parishes, etc.

Formation for provincial secretaries is crucial (and they must be empowered) to have paperwork in the province done and followed up properly.

Contribution 12

c. Regions, the possibility of new configurations.

I do not know the situation in other Regions well, so I will confine myself to Europe.

No fundamental changes should be made to the division that currently exists in Europe. Two Regions.

Only a few geographical and administrative adjustments should be made. Especially with regard to the Balkans and Lithuania, Siberia?

Another issue is the need to make a slow effort to unify some provinces in order to fully respect their characteristics. For example Germany, Austria and perhaps Belgium. Ireland UK etc. In addition, work should be done in consultation with the Provinces to mentally prepare them for future unification in Europe. (common formation, retreats, projects, common integration meetings).

d. The form and times of the Extraordinary Visitations

.Extraordinary visitations are appropriate once during the term of office of the GC (General Council)

In addition, participation in person or online in at least two provincial councils should be mandatory.

Personally, I would introduce a single template for documents developed by the Regions.

e. Team Visits

I have no suggestions.

f. Structures of animation within individual provinces

The basic working time (=terms of office) of the Council and the Congregation as a whole should increase from a 6-year to an 8-year format. This applies not only to the General Council, but also to the mandates of individual provincials. After 4 years, an evaluation of each provincial by the General Council and confirmation of the continuation of the mandate should be carried out.

Contribution 13

a. Regions, the possibility of new configurations.

I appreciate the regional organisational structure, which allows the Congregation to focus on similar but different contexts. It is obvious due to gradual growth to think of two Regions for Africa, I also consider that because of the number of confreres and communities, the South Asia Region is in difficulty, but I do not think it is good to have two Regions. But we could consider an auxiliary Regional, precisely to accompany and animate the Region as a team.

b. The form and times of the Extraordinary Visitations

The extraordinary visitation is one of the richest experiences that this service has offered me as a Regional. It is true that they are very tiring and sometimes quite fleeting, but it is knowing the heart of the provinces and their confreres, the experience that has allowed me to get to know, value and compare similarities and particularities.

I think that, given the size and number of the provinces in my Region, I would review the distribution of visitatons to make the best use of them. That is, in one year two provinces could be visited and in another year three.

The study and the dossier presented seem valid to me. I suggest a more agile and objectively more concrete presentation. The format of the current dossier seems to me that it can be improved in its agility and efficiency. I believe or hope that the first beneficiary of the visit is the provincial himself. Then the study and reflection shared in the General Council seems very valuable to me.

The system of follow-up to the visitation and its conclusion is perhaps the one we share least in terms of method and strategies. There is no shared system or at least no criteria or indicators or moments of reflection, feedback to evaluate the visitation. I think this can be improved.

c. Team Visits

It is a good experience, is a good meeting for animation, for taking the pulse and for communion in orientations. It could be better exploited for particular issues, for common reflection areas or even organisational ones if necessary.

It seems to me that we do not have a system of evaluation (or if we have one it is weak) and follow-up of the conclusions of the visit, I think that not all interventions or conclusions have the same weight. So, what do we want to do after the visit? What is the orientation that the Region or the Council receives from the meeting with the Region?

d. The animation structures within the individual provinces

It seems to me that a clearer definition of the Vice-Provincial was left open when the meetings on the subject were suspended. I think it would be useful to define it and provide guidelines. I also think that the provincial structure and the function of the Provincial Council should be better defined: there is an objective overload of functions in the councillors and what the priorities are in the functions they perform.

Review some strange structures in their configuration. Perhaps they have their explanation in some historical situation, but I think it is appropriate to review and redefine the simple organisation, not as some provincial superstructure. From what I know, it seems to me that it would be useful to have clarity in the organisation of UPS, CSFPA and CRESCO.

Contribution 14

c. Regions, the possibility of new configurations.

- It seems clear to me that some intervention must occur for some Regions. I see this very clearly in the Africa-Madagascar Region. But surely in the two Regions in Asia and Oceania.

- There is a need for greater and better accompaniment of the processes that provinces carry out. At least the provincials in my Region are asking for this.

- It is true that in this six-year period with the appointment of visitors who are not Councillors for the Extraordinary Visitation, the Regional Councillors would theoretically have had more time to make the Extraordinary Visits in a more serene way and to be able to somehow make other visits to the provinces that did not have Extraordinary Visitations. But we cannot accurately assess this in a six-year period that was initially marked by the pandemic and eventually became a five-year period due to the appointment of our dear Rector Major as Cardinal.

- At this time, the Regional Councillor has the task of accompanying the curatorium of the formation houses. These houses are becoming overwhelmingly inter-provincial (not to say regional). There are also other regional or inter-provincial structures such as the National YM or Formation Centres... This accompaniment is not always easy for two reasons: one, for lack of time; another, for lack of governance structures at this level to facilitate decision-making and accompaniment in making them operational in each of the provinces.

- A clarification of the Regional Commissions for the various Sectors and the relationship with the provincials and the Regional Councillor would be desirable.

d. The form and times of the Extraordinary Visitations

I think the decisions taken in this six-year period are appropriate, although in the end they will have to be made more quickly. The initial idea made it possible to carry them out with more serenity and depth. There remains the circumstance of the Regional’s lesser knowledge of the provinces not visited by way of an Extraordinary Visitation.

e. Team Visits

These are fine. In my opinion, they have to continue.

It seems very important to me to identify issues specific to the Region, as has been done.

f. Structures of animation within individual provinces

- Change the Constitutions to be able to consider the Formation and YM Delegates as members of the Council by right.

- Promote provincial assemblies more.

- Ensure that the guidelines arrive, are studied and explored with specially prepared materials.

- Continue with the discernment-reflection process in view of establishing some territorial delegations such as the Moldova-Romania one and the Montenegro-Kosovo-Albania one.

- Accompany the process started in the CISI to arrive at a new model of animation and governance.

- Study the possibility of 4+4 for both rectors and provincials, instead of 3+3 (rectors) or 6 (provincials).

Contribution 15

c. Regions, the possibility of new configurations.

The creation of two regions in Africa seems expedient to me.

It confuses me that African provincials don’t see it that way.

In the possible new configuration, respect, if possible, the configurations of other SF groups, particularly the ASCs, so that one of their regions is not spread across two of our regions.

d. The form and times of the Extraordinary Visitations

I imagine it would be very difficult to reconcile carefully managed visits to the various provinces in the region with the desirable moments of animation followed by those of the organisations that require the visitor's presence.

Just as in an province covering a large territory the provincial and the vice-provincial make the visits, so it seems to me that the service of (Extraordinary nary) Visitors should be envisaged, albeit in limited form.

f. Structures of animation within individual provinces

I start from my overall animation composition:

- The reflection at a GC reaches the provinces through Chapter members and the PCs, an “assembly” of the confreres + lay people with particular responsibilities (I opt for “assembly” for agility and because it reaches everyone and everything... among other things, the OPP for the six-year period).

- Regional meetings of provincials (Conferences, curatorium…)

- The meetings of the provincial delegates for Sectors

- The course for new provincials and the RM’s meetings with the provincials in the third year of their mandate.

- Regional retreats by the RM with members of Provincial Councils

- Some possible special events

- In addition, the extraordinary visitations, the visits of Sector Councillors and some members of their teams.

- The PC in preparation for the GC

- … and the team visits

How do we fix everything?

- Provincial blocks (PCs, Assemblies, Extraordinary Visitations...) have their own dynamics. Nothing to be said.

- RM block: Initial course, meeting after 3 years, Retreat for members of the Provincial Council, visits to individual Provinces. Nothing to be said.

. Regional meetings block (Provincials, Sectors). Rationalise: combine.