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De Sacra 3
De Ecclesia,
De Ecclesia, chapter IV (passim). 7
De Ecclesia,

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an opportunity for the confreres of understanding the new
pastoral of working together and of entering into it.
the possibility, and in some countries it is the only possibility, of
entering into that activity, so very Salesian which is the chaplaincy to
youth movements, such as the Young Christian Workers, Catholic Action
Pastoral commitment implies active participation in the apostolic
work of the bishop, hence Salesian ministry should seek to collaborate
with all the activities in other parishes in the overall diocesan plan
of action, this it does in our spirit and in accord with our
methods and structure.
The following are the principal marks of a parish confided to the
-- particular attention to the evangelization of youth, of the
poor and those outside the Church,
- special ability and zeal to give solid catechetical instruction to the
faithful, either collectively or singly in order to reach participation in
the sacraments, especially Confession and Communion.
- a characteristic gift of kindly gentleness which tends in the
Salesian approach to the apostolate to create in parochial work a
parochial community, or the 'family of God' guided paternally by the
parish priest.
The presence of Salesians in parish life brings with it a number of
problems of religious observance, and relationship with the Salesian
community, with externs, with the bishop, with the diocesan clergy.
with other religious, with civil authorities, with organizations and
associations of lay people, which have to be studied and resolved in the
spirit of genuine discussion and the pastoral directives by which we
work together.
It is self evident that Salesian pastoral work, thus conceived, is
in harmony with our spirit, with the demands of the times, and demands an
adequate formation of those working in the parishes,
1. Clerics and coadjutors in houses of formation should be
brought to a knowledge of the apostolic possibilities and the pastoral
extension of the Salesian vocation. Let such awareness be developed in

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7. The General Chapter in addition proposes the modification of the
following articles:
a) Constitutions Art 111.
h) Regulations: 367 - 367 bis - 368 - 369 - 369 bis - 370 - 371 -
372 - 373 - 374 - 374 his - 375.
With regard to principles which should underline the educative and
pastoral activity of Salesians called to work in the oratories, the 19th
General Chapter refers back to the points elaborated in the
document on the formation of youth. Instead, this present document calls
attention of the confreres to the diagnosis given by the General Chapter of
the present condition of this Salesian work of first importance, which
should have been the foreword to a new set of regulations for the oratories.
This was a task, however, too demanding for the General Chapter to
undertake and it was therefore left to a postcapitular commission on the
The General Chapter making its inquiry and now presenting its
findings to the confreres desires to urge them to arrive at a better
understanding of the work which is fundamental for all Salesians. To
have knowledge of a determined situation is, for a young and vital body
such as our congregation, the first step to remedy it. This knowledge has
been the starting point for the deliberations taken: and it will certainly be a
stimulus for undivided and collective initiative at all levels of the
congregation for an effective renewal of effort in this field.
The General Chapter hopes that it has given by this present
document and by the animated discussion which gave it
birth, the example to follow for the various sectors called upon to effect
this renewal of the oratory as a centre of youth work well able

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work found in various places: this demands an 'aggiorncnncnto'which will
take into account the diversity of conditions in the countries where the
congregation is working.
We content
see so "

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to many of our confreres a re-birth of apostolic spirit which would
have a beneficent effect upon their own spiritual and religious life, and
the instruction given would increase their own capacity for apostolic
work in this field of education.
1. The 19th General Chapter solemnly affirms that while it
accepts changed social conditions the oratory as a centre for youth,
still has a very good reason for its existence and is needed more than ever
before, especially at the present time when youth is morally
abandoned. The pastoral renewal of Vatican Council I1 has emphasized
the need for this form of approach to young people : open. part of their
life, adapted to their psychology, responding to their vital and varied
interests, all creating an ideal setting for the meeting between the priest
and the boy.
2. The oratory should not limit itself to the crowd of boys who just
come there, but it must become a pastoral instrument of approach to all
young people opening out in this spirit of missionary dialogue, to all
the youth of the parish area, city -- to include those of no faith at
3. As a means of education the oratory must not be conceived only
in generic terms, but have a precise educative programme to match each
advancing age group and have a method which responds to the
psychology of youth today, whence it follows that it must improve its
traditional activities : catechetics, liturgy, associations, Christian
obligations of youth in the life of the Church and society.
4. The oratory should clearly define and establish its cultural
recreational activity, conceiving them not only as concrete expression of
the interests of those who partake, full of human value and apt to
become vehicles of Christian values and the means of exchange and
witness between young people today.
5. To reach the greatest possible number of boys and young men,
the activities of the oratory ought to add new
5youth centres
for the older boy, social centres, centres for cultural,

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1. The term given by pedagogists to spontaneous groupings of boys and girls
outside all formal organization, to satisfy the various interests of youth, music,
travel, recreation, etc.

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fessional training, and priests during the year of pastoral theology; to see
to it that there is a continued "aggiornamento", and to see also that theory
goes side by side with practical experience.
10. Given that the oratory is well organized, it is an ideal field
for the apostolate to which the Church today calls laymen' and that in face
of so many new duties to be undertaken, priests, clerics and coadjutors
will become increasingly too few; let lay helpers be found and trained for
the multifarious activity of the oratory. To form good co-workers is the
first preoccupation of Salesians in oratory work. To qualify and prepare
them must be the business of timely initiative at provincial and
interprovincial level.
11. So that the oratory is in fact the foremost work of the
congregation, the General Chapter determined that it reach
concrete planning at every level:
a) At headquarters: let there be set up near the Consultor in
charge of this sector of Salesian activity an efficient oratory centre, with a
central office of consultation comprising confreres who are competent and
who are representative of the national and provincial commissions.
Such bodies will make an accurate study of the real condition of our
oratories, the possibility of their development, the demands of the Church
and of the state, the insertion of the oratory in the pastoral life of the
parish. They will also have the duty to set out general regulations
of the oratory, the care of printed matter, organization, the exchange of
studies and experience in the field of youth work and life in the oratory.
h) At provincial level. Let the Provincial choose a delegate and
set up a commission for the oratory with analogous terms of reference to
those at headquarters. Let provincials undertake a re-examination of the
condition of the oratories in their respective provinces, and the possibility
of their development. The distribution and preparation of personnel
according to different demands, and study besides the means of
financing them which the province and each house should accept as
a duty to bring buildings up-to-date and provide financial assistance.
I. Constitution
chaoter IV.

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For Salesian and lay staff it is absolutely indispensable that initiatives
be set on foot for their formation and "aggiornarnento". c) At provincial
conference level: Let commissions be set up to
determine the common attitude towards the civil authorities, and to the
bishops' conference to act in accord with them for the linking up of our
pastoral activity for youth with their own pastoral efforts to work together
to establish the necessary links with the ordinaries. with movements,
with apostolic organizations both lay and civil which interest youth.
d) At house level: Let every house not possessing an oratory
study means of opening one as soon as it becomes possible; those houses
which have an oratory should develop it as though it were the work of the
whole house and parish. This implies that the oratory be considered as an
integral part of the house, and that it be provided with personnel both
qualified and sufficient; that an understanding with the school be achieved
with the parish and the oratory to form an effective insertion of the oratory
in the life of the area; that the formation and "aggiornamento" of Salesian
and lay personnel be cared for, finding them wherever possible from
amongst the boys of our school, our co-operators and old boys; that a
welcome collaboration he achieved between the non-Salesian parish upon
which the oratory may depend, also with the diocesan and with the local
youth organizations, religious, apostolic and social: and finally, an effort
should be made to make the oratory the centre of the youth of the area in
which we work and for whom we should consider ourselves responsible.

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For these reasons, the 19th General Chapter, among the numerous
forms of adult apostolate, underlines certain ones for their more evident
adaptability to the integration and development of the youth and popular
apostolate in the parishes, oratories, colleges, etc. These are: the care of the
co-operators and past pupils, catechising every class of persons, pastoral
work at every level (young boys and girls, engaged couples, the parents); the
apostolate among teachers and educators whether they be our own
helpers or not; the pastoral care of the workers; assistance given to the
Daughters of Mary Help of Christians and to other female religious
institutes and schools.
In view of the particular efficacy of the means of mass
communication (press, cinema, radio, television, etc.)' The General Chapter
proposes their use and development, confident that some confreres will be
formed to this kind of apostolate in the spirit of the Decree
"Inter Mirifico" of Vatican Council H.
The exercise of these forms of the apostolate must not be left to the
free initiative of each confrere but only to that of the congregation. It must
he carried out in the ambience of obedience and the religious community
life, based on our ordinary work and be but its rounding off and
The General Chapter requires that it be confided to confreres
chosen for their good sense and unquestionable Salesian spirit, well
prepared for this kind of specialization in its technical, pastoral and
religious requirements,
This kind of apostolate is however very rich in supernatural leaven
and motivation, because it puts the apostle in the presence of the living
activity of the Church in the vital areas where the Gospel has to be
1. For the formation of the confreres to these forms of Salesian
apostolate, the General Chapter recommends that in the aspirantates our
clerical and coadjutor aspirants be encouraged to realize this further
element in their future apostolate and to prepare themselves

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making use of the pedagogical, psychological, catechetical and
sociological help of our Athenaeum.
6.One of the prime objects of the technical and consultative organs
referred to in the previous article should be:
a) The study of the regulations referring to the ordinary development
of the different forms of Salesian popular apostolate.
h) The compilation of studies and experiments with a view to
the drawing up of a manual, keeping also in mind the decisions of Vatican
Council II and the enactments of the new Code of Canon Law.
Until the Regulations and manual have been compiled the rules to be
followed will be the present resolutions of the General Chapter and the
dispositions of the superiors.
7. Our editing houses and technical offices, with that timeliness that
characterized Don Bosco, and which is an indespensable condition of
efficiency, must see to the production of the necessary aids for serious
work in the field of the apostolate to the people, (the press, means of
social communication, reviews, experiments in overall pastoral activity,
Among the forms of adult apostolate the first place of necessity and
for fecundity is taken by the catechizing of adults. The history of the
Church proves it first cf all, for she was born of catechizing. Many recent
Church documents show this.
Adult catechizing forms part of the mission confided by God to the
congregation through its founder and the Church, and by it
readily accepted and put in practice.
A swift examination of the situation today shows several elements that
indicate a grave crisis in the field of catechism for adults. The elements
are: the progressive lessening of religious instruction among the mass of
the people and their consequent dechristianization

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the complex of difficulties encountered by the traditional forms of
catechizing, the Sunday school, the Lenten sermons, sacramental
catechism and the missions to the people, always less and less well
attended and rendered progressively less fruitful by the fact that within a
parish boundaries there are so many different classes of people, and also
by the fact of the growing mobility of the population: the progressive
incomprehensibility of the traditional catechism due to its contents
(excessively abstract) and method ("scholastic" language no longer in tune
with the forms of modern life) over and above the passivity of the subject
to be catechized.
At the present time, experiments already confirmed, suggest more
efficient and modern methods of catechizing. These are for example: the
homily at the Sunday and Feastday Mass, inserted into the liturgy as the
proclaiming of the Word of God in which faith finds echo; the liturgical
catechizing or "Liturgy of the Word of God" on feastdays, in tridua,
novenas, the Marian month, etc., the catecumenate of adults; catechizing
at particular seasons (holidays, free time); of particular groups, on chosen
themes, at assemblies (families, groups or single persons), on special
occasions (weddings, baptisms, funerals, visits, confirmations, first
communions, which bring together entire families and groups of relatives,
godfathers, godmothers, etc.); family catechizing which consists in getting
parents interested and instructing them so that they may value the
magisterial quality of the Priesthood of Christ in which the sacrament of
matrimony makes them participants, and the calling together and forming
of groups of leader families; using the means of social communication, of
radio and television in the service of catechizing.'
1. Superiors at various levels shall see that the Salesians keep
themselves up-to-date in the forms and methods of catechizing adults,
which is certainly the most important part of the adult apostolate,
whether as an integral part of catechizing the young, or as an
apostolate of the people.
1. Decree Inter Mitifica

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2,The General Chapter proposes to extend to the catechizing of adults
the ruling of articles 165 and 166 of the Constitutions on the formation of
clerics; in the same way the coadjutors should be prepared according to the
spirit of article 333 of the Regulations enabling them to co-operate in
catechizing adults; and their preparation should include what is said
concerning the use to he made of the means of social communication.
3. As regards priests, the General Chapter thus modifies
article 48 of the Regulations: "The priests must prepare by study for the
ministry of hearing confessions and of preaching, and for the various
forms of catechizing the young and adults; they should be present
regularly every month etc."
4. In the spirit of the decree "Inter
and the deliberations
of the 18th General Chapter' our publishing houses should be empowered
in every way to produce aids adapted to the catechizing of adults,
extending even to international co-operation in this sector.
5. The offices responsible must study the production and utilization of
the means of social communication (documentaries, films, records, radio
and television programmes) and see that in the future manual the
catechizing of adults is given priority over all other forms of apostolate to
the people, and the rules for it are laid down.
1, To produce aids more efficiently and for a more correct
preparation of the personnel for catechizing, it is recommended that there
be close co-operation between all centres of study and action within the
congregation, and between it and other Church centres.
2. To qualify and bring up to date the Salesians (priests, clerics and
coadjutors) as also the laity (co-operators, past and present pupils,
catechists) courses and days of study will be of great help and Rectors and
parish priests must make it their duty to promote participation in them.
1. "Acts of Superior Chapter," 1958, number 203, page 64 and if.

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Bulletins and reviews already in existence and still to be founded will
help in keeping the participants in touch.
3. Since holy scripture has such great importance in the living
catechism, due place must he given it in the formation and preparation of
future catechists, and they should be trained to know, interpret and use
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Reason, revelation and the studies and documents of the Church,
even the most recent, show clearly that the family occupies the first place
in life and Christian witness, and that all pastoral effort is practically
useless if it is not based on it and does not in some way reach it.
Recent studies, experience and research show that the perseverance
of youth in religious practice, the developing and maturing of religious and
priestly vocations, the moral tenor and fervour of the Christian life depend
on the moral well-being of families and their educational and ecclesial
Analysis of the present situation indicates that there is in progress a
profound crisis in the structure of family life, which calls for new
methods and new modes of pastoral activity, as is indicated by recent
successful experiments.
It is an undeniable fact that the Salesian congregation has in concrete,
today, vast possibilities and urgent responsibilities for the family
apostolate. These stem from our parishes, from our oratories situated in
populous and industrial zones of recent creation, where rootless and
immigrant elements undergo the strongest crises of family life: from
the apostolate among our co-operators and past pupils: from our youth
work where the urgency is felt of family formation: from the associations
ever in growing numbers of the families of our pupils, which stand in need
of immediate help.

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The preoccupying crisis of vocations, in great part due to the social,
moral, educational and religious needs of the family, is also a matter
that concerns us closely.
1. The General Chapter invites the Salesians to ascertain how
they can gear their youth and popular apostolate to the family apostolate,
and take it up generously in the spirit of Don Bosco and within the bounds
of obedience.
2.The General Chapter issues three directives for the family apostolate
of the Salesians: formation of future priests - - especially in the pastoral
course -- to the apostolate of the family, that is the formation of the
young, the care of the families in the parish, the oratories, past pupils,
co-operators, co-workers, using all the aids offered by theology,
sociology, pedagogy, psychology; formation of the young in boarding
schools, colleges, oratories, youth centres, for family responsibilities, and
with the initiatives that time and place suggest: the exercise of a true
pastoral activity wherever there are families for whom we are responsible
and which we must invite to co-operate with us in the education and
formation of the young.
1. The objectives proposed will be reached more easily if we
keep in mind that, in the formation of boys and girls, engaged couples, the
recently married and parents, great help is given by discussion courses,
retreats, lectures, etc.
2. Parish priests, rectors of oratories, educators and teachers
can be brought up to date by inserting into the pre-arranged meeting for
general pastoral study and catechism, an adequate treatise on family
problems: at these meetings as well as by writing, the human and
religious aspects of marriage can be clarified: not to mention the ascetical
and ecclesial values. The educational message of Don Bosco contains a
leavening of great value for the pastoral care of the family and for the
educative mission to be based on "reason, religion and kindness".

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2. Memorie 8iografiche XVI, page 451 if.

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Indeed an examination of the present situation in the teaching sector
underlines dramatically the need for pastoral care for an ever more
numerous laity dedicating itself to teaching; and this especially because
most unfortunate situations have been verified, as for example,
the overwhelming and carefully planned invasion of the school by Iaicists
and marxists; the presence of millions of youths whom Catholics can never
reach if they do not mobilize the laity and breathe a Christian fervour into
their undertakings.
The fact that we already have the services of lay co-workers in the field
of teaching and that this experiment gives positive results, opens the way
to a specialized pastoral activity on their behalf and on behalf of all teachers
whom we can in any way reach, to make their presence felt intelligently in
the world of teaching according to traditions still alive.
1. The General Chapter invites the Salesians to establish on the level
of confidence and responsibility, suggested by the Constitution De Ecc!esia
and facilitated by a common educative vocation, firm contacts with the
lay professors and teachers in our schools, choosing them preferably
from among our co-operators and past pupils offering them
wholehearted co-operation, work, adequate recompense and the
possibility of religious and professional qualification, so as to encourage
them to carry out their mission in the Salesian educative spirit.
2. The vocation to teaching must be encouraged among our boys,
pupils, co-operators and teachers in general, by helping them to find it and
assisting them in its exercise. To this end it will be a help to support the
Catholic Associations of teachers to which our teaching co-workers
should be directed.
3. Since the P.A.S., especially the Superior Institute of
Pedagogy, brings a positive contribution into the field of school work, this
establishment must be supported and developed, and Salesians should be
sent to it to prepare themselves to work among teachers of every grade; lay
teachers also should be sent for professional and religious qualifications.

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Developing in its social doctrine the data of revelation, of
theology and philosophy, the Church has laid down the principles of the
nobility of work, elevating it to a fulfilment of creation, a
perfecting of the human person and a contributary factor in the
redemption; and has vindicated the rights of the workers to advancement,
not only economic, but cultural, social and political as well, employing all
Catholic forces to achieve this goal.'
The example of the founder, the popular character proper to the
Salesian apostolate, the presence of Salesians in eminently working class
areas, the natural development of the educative work of the professional
schools and their vocation towards poor and abandoned youth, are so
many reasons why they should occupy themselves in the apostolate of the
Paceni in Terris says that the economic-social progress of the
world of the workers is one of the signs of the times, but that on the other
hand, that same world is very far from having reached such advancement
and therefore it is wide open to subversive suggestions and revolutionary
solutions, The overcrowding of workers without religious assistance, on
the outskirts of the cities where our work is done puts us in contact with
many of them in danger of losing their faith and of giving up all practice
of their religion, transforming them into potential enemies of Christ and
his Gospel. For this reason the Church is pledged to salvage and defend
the workers' world; and it must guard itself against the tendency that is in
evidence nearly everywhere to prefer the apostolate among the upper
classes which tendency is the consequence of a civilization of comfort and
of the undeniable difficulties that the pastoral care of the workers presents.
This apostolate is particularly urgent in view of the difficulties
encountered, due to the mobility and migration of the masses, the

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narrow boundaries of their activity, industrialization, the threatening
materialist propaganda and progressive de-Christianization which
makes the working classes a ready prey to subversive and activist elements,
who promise cultural, social, economic and political i mprovements.
Naturally all this presupposes a deep formation in the social doctrine
of the Church, which must be propagated and defended, directing the
workers to those organizations (syndicates, trade unions, parties) formed
for that purpose. The whole scheme, however, must be based on our
organized activities; that is, it must not represent initiatives of
individuals, but of the congregation - parishes and oratories especially
- to ensure its effectiveness and durability.
I. The General Chapter invites all the congregation to maintain and
invigorate the apostolate to the workers according to what can and need be
done, by means of the press, preaching, missions, the ordinary and
specialized care of souls, classes of religion, the opening of night schools
where diplomas are awarded, to aid the newly arrived to fit themselves into
the new communities, and to meet the need for specialists in the world of
the worker.
2. A start must be made with all possible forms of assistance,
especially to those who come in from the country or other regions;
parishes and oratories should, in timely co-operation with the
diocesan, national, religious and syndical organizations develop that
exercise of assistance in which we have very often been forestalled, even
to the extent of bringing in from the place of origin of the immigrants a
confrere or co-worker specially adapted and prepared.
1. It is clear that for this work also, specialists are needed who can be
obtained through the pastoral organizations and initiatives of which we
have spoken above, advancing in good time clerics, coadjutors, co-
operators and past pupils for this kind of apostolate.

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This document was approved by acclamation and without discussion
as a gesture of respect to the new Rector Major, formerly Consultor-
General for the co-operators.
The Second Council of the Vatican in its constitution De Ecclesia has
clearly proclaimed the rights and duties of the laity in the apostolate: The
laity is gathered together in the People of God, and established under one
head in the single Body of Christ, They have the vocation, whoever they
are, to contribute, as living members, to the growth of the Church and its
continual sanctification with all the strength they have received from the
goodness of the Creator and from the grace of the Redeemer..."
The apostolate of the laity is a share in the Church's mission of
salvation. By baptism and confirmation all are assigned to this apostolate
by the Lord himself... The specific vocation of the laity is to make the
Church actively present in those places and situations where she cannot
become salt of the earth except by their efforts...
Wherefore let every path be open so that according to their strength
and the need of the times, they also may share in the soul saving work of
the Church...
This declaration finds an ideal response from the Salesian
congregation which sees in the words of the Fathers of the Council a
special invitation to give serious consideration to the organization of the
apostolic work of the Salesian co-operators and to make them a force for
good in the world.
1. Constitution De Ecclesia, number 33.

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The Salesian co-operators, the first organization that right from the
first days of the oratories was conceived by Don Bosco with aims
eminently apostolic, correspond in full to the letter and spirit of the
Constitution cited. "A born apostle and inspirer of apostles, Don
Bosco foresaw, a century ago, with the intuition of genius and holiness,
that mobilization of the laity against the activity of the world, the
enemy of the Church, which would eventually have to come about in the
Catholic world...
Zeal, admirable in its vision, brought into being, under the auspices of
the Salesian family, a new and providential movement of Catholic laity
which, goaded to action by the forces of evil and guided by the light of the
spirit, made ready to enter the field of combat. Trained to action, prayer
and sacrifice, it has placed itself among those forces of the front line to
whom, by divine mandate, is entrusted the leadership and the foremost
part in this holy warfare." (PIus xii)
The Pious Union of Salesian Co-operators, "an association of the
utmost importance for us, the soul of our congregation, the link ensuring
us the co-operation and help of the faithful living in the world"'
constitutes, together with the Salesian congregation and the Daughters of
Mary Help of Christians, an irreplaceable force integraing the missionary
apostolate entrusted by the Church to the Salesians.
The Pious Union of Salesian Co-operators is a field of work to which
the Salesians are committed by duty and devotion.
The care of the Third Salesian Family, besides being a Salesian
interest, is a duty to the Church, in so far as the Pious Union of Co-
operators augments the potentiality of the congregation's apostolic activity
in the service of the Church.
The service rendered by the Third Salesian Family is a response to
the following ecclesiastical and Salesian demands:
- It has been formally desired by our holy founder. "I have given
much thought to the founding of the Salesian co-operators. Their
real and immediate aim is not that of helping the Salesians. but
1. Discourse to International Gather,ng of Co-operators, CastelgandoIfo,
12thSept.1952;ciulnoFAVisi, II camnunodiuna grandeidea,pages203-204.
2. Archives of Superior Chapter, Original documents 1382, 91; II, 2;
I! Cammino..., page 90.

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rather.,, of helping the Church, the bishops and the parish priests, under
the direction of the Salesians_ they are instruments in the hands of the
- This was what the Pious Union was understood to be right from its
very commencement, We have a statement to this effect handed down
by Don Lemoyne. On the evening of 16th February 1884 after having
heard the re port of the conference given by Don Pozzan at Padova, the
same bishop, Mgr, Callegari, explained to his clergy that the Pious Union
was intended not only for the service of the Salesian congregation, but
for the good of the whole Church and he defined the Salesian co-operators
as "so many arms assisting the bishops and parish priests",' thus
paraphrasing aptly the definition given by our Father, himself, who called
them his Iongu rnanus.
This too was how it was proclaimed by the late Supreme Pontiff Pope
Pius XTT, who in his discourse to the Salesian co-operators already
referred to, said "Your Pious Union has not for its immediate aim
assistance to the congregation from which it takes its name, but rather
support for the Church, the bishops and the parish priests under the
direction of the Salesians.'
When Pope John XXIII received the Salesian co-operators in Rome,
he expressed himself in these words: ' ... the word cooperator is a
lofty term._. it is a holy word rich in meaning... it implies a total pledge
one's life... a generous and persevering service."
This has always been recalled in all the General Chapters.
From the preceding declarations arises the duty of all superiors to
provide practically and efficaciously whatever may be n e c e s s a r y
according to the demands of the age, for the life and development of our
Third Salesian Family, To this end the following orientation is indicated:
1. Memorie Bwgraficiie XVII 25.
2 . Memoric Biografrhe XVII 25,
3, Discourse to International Gathering of Co-operators, Castelgandolfo, 12th
Sept, 1952; FAVINI, II carnmino.., page 203.
4. Discourse of His Holiness, Pope John XXIII, Italian National Pilgrim
age of Co-operators, list May 1962; noioo FAV1H1, Ji Cammino..., page 2I2.

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It is the duty of superiors (Provincials and Rectors) to acquire, by
means of systematic study, a right understanding of the Pious Union of
Salesian co-operators, of its essentially ecclesiastical and apostolic aims
and of the conditions requisite for becoming a cooperator.
They ought then by appropriate conferences to pass on this
knowledge to all the confreres.
A study of the origins, development and ultimate aim of the Pious
Union should he included in the programme in all the houses of formation
(aspirantates, novitiates, studentatcs of philosophy and
theology and houses of 1&
Ignorance or an erroneous understanding of the nature and aims of
the Pious Union explain the lack of enthusiasm for it and the faulty
direction often given to the co-operators. All this has, in the past. been
reflected in the Constitutions and Regulations. To clear up and adjust
certain misunderstandings we have now to hand not only the authentic
texts compiled by our founder (as much for the Constitutions as for the
Regulations), but also complete documentation of Don Bosco's thought.
It is the duty of superiors (Provincials and Rectors) to provide
personnel with the gifts , time and means for the accomplishment of
their mission.
Personnel of the Province should not be considered idle or
insufficiently occupied merely because they are not engaged in scholastic
or other similar activities. Our apostolate is not essentially or exclusively
scholastic. Today especially, the mission of our congregation as
achieved through the co-operators is not something superfluous: that
mission may be extended, with considerable advantage, even outside
the house which thus becomes a centre from which apostolic and
Salesian activity radiates. Moreover the sphere of action of the co-
operators and of the delegate assigned to them comprises so many
activities which contribute to the education of youth (courses of
instruction for parents, contact with the families, recruiting of
catechists for the oratories, libraries, publication of good literature,
scholarships etc.)

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In every house
13irigenti A "
The goal
our educative work
The people test qualified to become co-operators

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Family, membership of which will transform them from a son into co-
workers with their educators (the Sale.siani esterni of the first
Constitutions from 1864 to 1874).
dI The parents of Salesians. as also those of the pupils who may have
the requisite qualities.
e) The faithful of the parishes and of the churches entrusted to
f) Our various helpers and the lay-masters in our schools. They
should he accepted with the necessary prudence and given the due
preparation so that they may be aware of our apostolic and educative
mission. Thus we may number then as `external confr&res'.
g) Members of religious orders, including those belonging to
contemplative orders.
h) Our benefactors, the Lady Patronesses, and the Clients of
Our Lady Help of Christians.
i) Aspirants to the priesthood and priests; indeed some of these could
undertake the duty of leader or of diocesan director.
It would not be out of place to recall how bishops, cardinals and even
supreme pontiffs have honoured the Salesians by requesting and accepting
the diploma conferring membership of the Pious Union.
To facilitate the enrolment of the young people considered in
categories a), b}, and e) it is proposed to establish in the central office of
the co-operators a youth section which can offer them forms and types of
apostolate more appropriate to their mentality.
the Union
Following the usage now obtaining for our congregation itself, the
Third Salesian Family may be designated, in all languages, by the term
"Salesian Co-operators", without the further qualification "Pious Union"
which is found in the official acts.

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The General Chapter heard the statement on the past pupils
presented by the commission and made it the subject of a
comprehensive discussion.
It became evident, however, in the course of the discussion that
for a fuller understanding of the theme it would have been useful to
hear the views of the past pupils themselves who, indeed, are directly
involved in the life of their confederation.
There appeared also a rightful concern to secure a lively
participation of the past pupils in their own movement, and an
awareness of the understanding which ought to he fostered in dealings with
the past pupils.
Wherefore the General Chapter referred back to the Rector
Major trod the major superiors the task of studying with the confederal
president of the past pupils the principles and directives of their
organisation and of preparing thus the basis for a more complete and
precise delineation of the statutes.
It was with satisfaction and through the good offices of the Rector
Major that the General Chapter saw, while its own work was still in progress,
a meeting take place between the members of the Commission and the
president of the past pupils and it has taken account of the topic of
discussion which took place on that occasion.
As is evident from the preceding statements, the document here
presented dealing with the past pupils was not a matter for deliberations
after the discussions which took place in the conference hall, and therefore
does not contain any binding directives; it is offered, however, to the
confreres to serve as a general guide and as a basis for discussion in
the meetings which the Salesian superiors and the officials of the
pa st pupi ls wi ll ho ld to consider t he ai ms b ri efly mentioned

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The "past pupils of Don Bosco" are all those who have been educated
in any one of the works of the Salesian congregation, (oratories, colleges,
boarding schools, day schools.)
The members of the Federation of Past Pupils are those who have
spontaneously accepted membership of one of the branches of past pupils.
The past pupil movement has as its aim that the members should
preserve and practise in their lives the religious and moral principles of
Salesian education, and that they should present to the world the spirit of
St. John Bosco.
In particular, federations in Catholic countries should, in deference to
the teachings of the Church and of the Council, consider themselves a
Catholic force and ought therefore to he directed towards a Christian
renewal of society,
The special activities of the Past Pupil Unions are the following:
I. To give help to the young past pupils when they are leaving their
Salesian surroundings and throughout the period when they are settling
down in a new social life.
2.By appropriate activities to preserve and bring to perfection in the
older past pupils the teachings they have received for their personal,
family and social life.
3.To encourage mutual assistance, both material and moral.
4.To foster all those personal and collective forms of spiritual renewal
of society which :agree with the characteristics and ultimate aims of the
Past Pupil movement.
5. To urge the principles of Salesian education in the families of the
members, especially in the moral and religious education of their
6.To seek out the lapsed, that is those who have drifted away from the
life of the organization and from the practice of the teachings inculcated
in the school of Don Bosco.
Let the branches catering for youth be followed up with particular
solicitude so that the past pupils may find in them all that they require to
satisfy their cultural and recreative needs, and in Catholic countries the
atmosphere and source for their formation and Christian life.

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Let the best method be studied for extending to the families of the
past pupils the spiritual and social action of the individual
branches promoting also those activities which may be of value in the
context of family life.
Let every branch be a "seed bed of good works': there should he
encouraged in particular the participation of those past pupils who have
the aptitude and the desire, in the apostolate of the laity, and especially in
the Union of Salesian co-operators. Being a past pupil does not
necessarily mean that one is a Salesian-co-operator.
In dealing with the past pupils the young people who have been
educated in our aspirantates must not be overlooked, and neither indeed,
where prudence permits, those who have been professed in our
>! 0"J ">0 >? " % =>&%=%0
The Word Conference of Past Pupils recognizes the Rector Major of
the Salesian congregation as its superior. He exercises his paternal
spiritual assistance through the Consultor entrusted with the care of the
past pupils.
The Salesian Provincial represents the Rector Major for the past
pupil movement of his own province. He is assisted in turn by the
provincial delegate of the past pupils.
Every Union of Past Pupils ought to have its own delegate who
represents the superior of the house and is the prime and
indispensable mover of all its activity, the true guide of the
moral and spiritual life of the association, responsible for its fidelity to
the spirit of Don Bosco and to the directives of the superiors.
He should be a capable person, having at his disposal the necessary
time and means. He should feel the responsibility of being engaged
in a Salesian activit, in union with, and in the name of. the whole
community, and conduct his work in a spirit of obedience to the Rector of
the house.
It is recommended that the delegate of the past pupils be also the
delegate of the co-operators so that these two external activities of the
Salesian work be the better co-ordinated.
The confederal president shall be chosen by the Rector Major.
1. XVIIIth General Chapter, 1958, Acts of Superior Chapter number 203, page

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their respective national rules.
Let those
< 9! <
true life,
- study to make
prepare the
its organization

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##"# 0 % > $% 9 I $ %!#
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The 19th General Chapter, having heard the statement of the present
delegate of the Rector Major for the Daughters of Mary Help of
Christians, and keeping in mind the directives of the Church. the
relevant prescriptions of Canon Law and the present relations
between the Salesian congregation and the Institute of the Daughters of
Mary Help of Christians makes the following declarations and
I.The present link, in the person of the Rector Major, is
As a homage to the wishes of our holy founder, the congregation will
give every paternal assistance to the Institute of the Daughters of Mary
Help of Christians, within the limits and in ways consonant with the
Sacred Canons and the special concessions of the Holy See.
The Provincial, if he is nominated by the Rector Major as his delegate
for the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in their communities within
the confines of his province, shall take a paternal interest in them in
conformity with the privileges and according to the instructions of the
Rector Major, whose ordinary representative he is for the Salesian
Sisters in the territories of his province.
2. The delegate of the Rector Major is officially recognized.
Should the Rector Major appoint a representative or a spiritual
director for the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, he shall hold office
cud ntt'unr Superioris and he shall he the faithful interpreter of the Superior
General for the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians
The delegate may he summoned by the Rector Major to
participate with consultative vote in those meetings of the superior
council in which topics are discussed which bear upon the Rector Major's
responsibility towards the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians.

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The delegate shall supervise with particular care the resident chaplains
in the fulfilment of their ministry and shall be in general responsible for
the spiritual assistance given to the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians.
3. The office of residential chaplain to the Daughters of Mary l-Ielp of
Christians is officially recognized and for those appointed to this office the
following directives are laid down
- The residential chaplains of the Daughters of Mary Help of
Christians shall be appointed by the Provincial, in agreement with the
Rector Major and his delegate for the Daughters of Mary Help of
Christians, having consulted the Provincial of the sisters.
- The residential chaplains to whom, as ordinary confessors is
entrusted the spiritual care of souls, will feel, especially in the houses of
formation, the responsibility of instilling, preserving and fostering the
spirit of St. John Bosco in the Institute.
- Where circumstances do not permit or require a residential
chaplain, the ordinary confessor appointed by the Provincial shall be
considered as spiritual director with the same responsibilities as the
- Let the chaplains and confessors speak well of the Sisters. Let them
faithfully observe the norms of Canon Law; they should not involve
themselves in the affairs of the community; if their advice is sought, let
them give it with simplicity leaving to the sisters the liberty of using it in
the manner they deem best.
- The chaplains shall faithfully abide by whatever is arranged
between the Provincial of the Salesians and the Provincial of the sisters.
The teaching of religion, where it is entrusted to them, shall be
according to programmes and texts prescribed by the superiors and the
local ordinary.
- They shall allow the sisters to follow their practices of piety as
prescribed in their manual and by their superiors. For the exact application
of the liturgical norms they will naturally he responsible to the authority of
the Church in general and in particular to that of the local ordinary.

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sisters see
! =8

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courses, conferences and meetings which may be designed to keep them
duly informed, and for the same reason let them endeavour to acquire the
necessary up-to-date knowledge of psychology, sociology, ascetics and
3. Priests appointed to institutes engaged in work for the education of
young girls should keep in view the modern social advance of women, so
that as far as they can, they may contribute to the preparation of the
pupils for their new duties and new responsibilities in the life of the
Church and of the civil society.
4. As far as the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians and their work is
concerned, they ought also to strive for a happy collaboration, especially in
the field of pedagogy and catechetics, with the Salesian Pontifical
Athenaeum, the institute of methodology and cataechetics, the
catechetical centre and the Higher Institute of Pedagogy of the Daughters
of Mary Help of Christians.

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In the history of our Congregation we read that in his efforts to form
his first collaborators into a religious family Don Bosco also made use
of retreats, which were made in special houses, like those of St. Ignatius,
above Lanzo and of Trofarello, near Turin.
Later on, the custom arose of holding the retreats at Lanzo and
Valsalice. During the boys' holidays these houses offered a certain
ease and the peace essential to this basic practice.
For some time now in our Congregation the need has been felt more
and more for suitable places equipped for this purpose. This is
confirmed by the prescription contained in the Rules for the
retreats : "Every Province should have at least one house suitable for the
gathering of confreres and novices in one or more retreats, according to
the need."'
This rule became the express recommendation of the 18th General
Chapter, In this the Provincials are asked to do all in their power to
provide a retreat house in their province destined to become a centre
radiating Salesian spirituality!
The advantages of houses suitably fitted out for retreats are obvious
for many reasons.
In the first place they a re opportune for the confreres, who can find
there peace and freedom to attend to their spiritual needs in

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an environment suited to meditation and recollection, far from the
distractions of ordinary life. They are also most useful for the
associations, guilds, those in hostes, boys, co-operators and past pupils
who will go there "moved by the desire for a more virtuous life." Our
confreres must encourage these initiatives "with zeal", in
accordance with Art. 8 of our Constitutions.
In consequence of the above, the 19th General Chapter lays
I. Every Province should have, where possible, a retreat house for the
confreres, for all groups of people under our care (co-operators, past
pupils, boys) and for youth in general.
2.Suitable personnel must be chosen for the direction of the house
and for preaching.
3. The houses should be furnished with care and propriety, and
should be in situations favourab.e to meditation and recollection.

5 Pages 41-50

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The means of social communication have an enormous importance for
the formation of public opinion and the Christian conscience, and also for
catechetics, pastoral work and for human and religious life itself.'
The Church has given precise directives in this matter, especially in
the decree Inter Miriflt-a, of Dec. 4th 1963!
The Salesian Congregation is directed to this apostolate by the example
and ideas of Don Bosco,' by the Constitutions,' by its whole tradition and
by the popular character of its mission.
I.A central office for means of social communication is to he set up at
Headquarters and in dependence on a Consultor General. It will promote,
co-ordinate and support initiatives in this field,
1.Inter Mirifica, number 1 and 2.
2. Inter
chapter 1, number 3; chapter II, number 13. 3.
Circular of Don Bosco, 19th March, 1885. 4. Constitutions,
article 8.

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divided into its various sections : the press, theatre and (especially)
cinema, radio, tele+ision and other forms of social communication.
2. This office will aim at promoting in its respective sections:
The formation of personnel (Salesians and laymen) specialized in
both the moral and technical aspects of theatricals to train producers
and actors and to promote all appropriate initiatives.`
The selection of whatever in this field is produced and can be utilized
for pastoral work for the young and for the people, and for Salesian
propaganda, rejecting, on the other hand, all that is decadent and morally
Collaboration with institutions, associations and bodies which
work in the field of social communication, according to the directives of
the decree In ter Mirifica. Special care must be taken to have an
understanding with the organs and offices set up by the Holy See and by
the bishops,
The production of means of social communication particularly suited
to our own work, and in general for popular pastoral work especially for
3, Similar offices with similar responsibilities are to be set up at
national or provincial conference level.
4.To assist these offices, consultant hoards should he set up consisting
of experts and technicians, both laymen and priests, and those engaged in
pastoral work. These will study effective measures and serve as a bridge
between the periphery and centre of the Congregation.`
5. Effective work in such an important sector is inconceivable
without specialists in the sense of the decree Inter Mirifica, and without
real schools for the training of producers, authors and directors. Hence
courses, seminars, and meetings must be promoted not only for youth but
also for adults. The best-qualified lay people should be encouraged to
become collaborators in the apostolate of social communications.'
1. Inter Mirifica. chapter II, number 35 if.
2 - Inter Mirifica, chapter I. number 9.
3. Inter Mirifica, chapter II, numbers 13-14; Constitutions, article 8. 4. Inter
Mirifica. chapter It.
5. Inter Mirifica, chapter II, numbers 16 and 17.

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The Press.
I. The present Press Office of the Congregation is to be changed into
the Press Section of the Central Office for the means of Social
Communication. It should have collaborators and correspondents with a
provincial office of social communication in all countries or groups of
provinces. It should see to the work of linking up, invigorating and
supplying information for the Salesian Press in the world, not only for
propaganda, but also for Catholic literature in general.
2.Similar offices are to be set up in each country or group of provinces.
3. Special care must be taken of periodicals, since these have such a
wide popular following. International collaboration should be sought
especially with the reviews and periodicals of sound outlook.
4. A link-up should be studied between all the Salesian publishers at
work in the various countries, so as to raise the technical and cultural
standard of production, improve the range and reliability of information,
and increase Salesian influence in the Catholic press.
5. Besides the production of scholastic and catechetical books
for the young, reviews should be founded and book-series begun for the
various classes of people who form the object of our popular apostolate -
the family, teachers, workers etc. These should deal with present-day
pastoral, social and religious questions.
6. Every confrere and every Salesian house must be committed to the
work of spreading good literature. Co-operators, past-pupils, teachers, the
Auxiliaries of Don Bosco, the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians must
be called upon to collaborate in this immensely good work, acting as
propagandists, organizers, writers etc., thus bringing into play all the
forces that can possibly be gathered and directed towards the apostolate
of the press.

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0#B 0
9/ ,
! =8
Inter Mirifv'o,
1. Memorie Biografrhe XVII 669.
2. Inter Mirifica, chapter II, numbers 14. 19-22.
3. "Acts of the Superior Chapter," 1958, number 203. page 65.

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series of readings suited in style and content to popular and juvenile
taste, the founding of reading circles, lending libraries and book clubs.
It should be remembered, in this connection, that worthiness of
presentation must be balanced against moderation in price.
13. Text-books and books of literature, science, history and
general culture, which are nowadays so widespread among ordinary
people sometimes show little regard for religious truth and moral law.
They thus play a part in insinuating doubts, errors and false views
of life. Watch must therefore be kept over all that is published, and
suitable series should be produced, bearing in mind, in this regard, the
series edited by Don Bosco.'
Theatre and Cinema.
1. The present "Centre for the Theatre in Education" is to be
changed into the "Theatre Section of the Central Office for the means of
Social Communication " with the same tasks of invigorating and co-
ordinating Salesian initiatives and of linking up the national and inter-
provincial offices.
Its activity will preferably consist in the study and preparation of
practical aids for an effective apostolate in the theatre. In its more
strictly pastoral activities it will associate itself with the organizations
dependent on the hierarchy of each country, so as to bring about a
greater union among Catholics and a greater effectiveness for the
Church's work In this sector.'
2. In compliance with the conciliar decree, the "ancient and noble
art of the theatre"' should be kept up. It should be used and developed
wherever it is possible, with a firm trust in its high educative and
pastoral value. Aids must likewise be provided for musical education
and singing, in its various traditional and modern forms.

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3. Salesian priests working in parishes and oratories should strive to
exercise an effective apostolate of the cinema, in the following ways
(i) by finding programmes suitable for family audiences and for
the various classes of people, in the first place for the young.'
(ii) by informing and forming-` the people's minds by means of
discussions on mora l ly and culturally good films, by days of study on the
cinema, and by presenting and commenting on the programmes given in
our halls.
(iii) by pointing out the defective values of films shown
(iv) by promoting initiatives calculated to emphasize the
pastoral character of our halls.
(v) by maintaining a high artistic standard in the programmes'
(vi) by seeking the co-operation of laymen in this sector,
especially of past-pupils and co-operators.'
4.The students of philosophy and theology should be introduced to an
understanding of the technical, cultural, moral and religious values of the
cinema, and of the theatre generally, by means of theoretical teaching and
practical exercise. ''
5. Colleges, hostels, youth centres and oratories should promote all the
activities necessary to make the youth of today our collaborators of
tomorrow in this important sector of modern life,
6. The practical possibilities shoulid be studied of producing not only
catechetical, cultural and propaganda documentaries, but also true and
proper films, worthy in form and content, so as to oppose the trend
towards worsening productions.' The resources of benefactors and of
producers, directors, actors and technicians who share our moral
standpoint should be directed towards this very Christian work.
7. There should be full collaboratism with Catholic initiative in the
sector of the theatre. Support should be given to all attempts
1. Inter Mirifica, chapter I, number 9 if.
2. Inter Mirifica, chapter I, number 9 if.
3. Inter Mirifica, chapter I, number 1 if.
4. Inter Mirifica, chapter II, numbers 13, 15, 17, 18.
5. Inter Mirifica, chapter II, number 16.
6. Inter Mirifica, chapter II, numbers 14, 17.

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at improving morality, and others should he originated, Where possihle,
also, a distribution circuit should he organized, providing films for our
halls and for Catholic halls in generaI.]
Radio and Television.
I. It is of pressing importance to realize the value of radio and
television broadcasts, not only those of a religious character but also
cultural and artistic productions which are in accord with
Christian .and human values. The faithful should accordingly be
helped towards a sound discernment and mature judgement.'
2. These means of communication also have a great pastoral
importance. Hence, in the houses of formation our young confreres
should be given the theoretical teaching and practical aids necessary for a
moral and technical training in this sector.'
3. Care should be taken to get the greatest possible number
of people to join in the associations and initiatives which aim at
safeguarding the morality of radio and television broadcasts.'
4. The means should be sought of bringing current Salesian topics into
broadcasting and so, through these instruments of public opinion, make
known our work, achievements and missions to edify all and stimulate
similar initiatives. They must however be well prepared, worthy and
5. In this activity it will be well to enlist the services of pastpupils and
co-operators, helping them to acquire the technical competence and moral
judgement necessary for this work in the service of the Church.`
6. The radio and television section of the Central Salesian Office for
the means of Social Communication should study a practical programme
of production in this sector which has incalculable
1. Inter Mirifica, chapter II, number 17.
2. Inter Mirifica, chapter I, numbers 9 and 10.
3. Inter Mirifica, chapter II, number 16.
4. Inter Mirifica, chapter II, number 17.
5. Inter Mirifica, chapter II, number 13.

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prospects of development, and in which hitherto only timid steps have
been taken.
7. The practical possibilities should be studied of setting up radio
and television stations, where circumstances permit, as has already been
done in certain places, to broadcast programmes of healthy
entertainment and of Christian information and formation.'
1. Inter Mirifica, chapter II, number 17.