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2 Chapter Documents

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6 The theme: “Da mihi animas, cetera tolle”

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7 Method of discernment

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8 The people involved

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9 The Spirit of the GC26

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10 Deliberations regarding the Constitutions and Regulations

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11 23 February - 12 April 2008

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12 Main priority: poor young people

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13 My dear Confreres,

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14 Today we bring to an end this Salesian Pentecost. Yes indeed ! This is what the 26th General Chapter was meant to be: a Pentecost, a moment of particular openness to the Spirit of the Lord. The words which Pope Benedict XVI sent us in his message for the opening of our assembly still resonate in our hearts: « The charism of Don Bosco is a gift of the Spirit for all the People of God, but only by docile listening and openness to the action of God is it possible to interpret it and in these times of ours, to make it relevant and fruitful. … Pouring out on the Chapter Members the abundance of his gifts he will enter the hearts of the Confreres. He will make them burn with his love, He will inflame them with the desire for holiness, urge them to open themselves to conversion and strengthen them in their apostolic daring»42 .

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15 1. The Chapter event: a short chronicle

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16 In fact, this was exactly how we wanted to live the Chapter: under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, so that it would be Him to help us to understand better, to bring up-to-date, and to make fruitful the charism of our Founder and Father. During these days we have experienced the action of the Spirit, who inflamed our hearts to make us eloquent and courageous witnesses of the Lord Jesus, to bring to the young the good news of His resurrection and to propose to them the joyful experience of meeting Him.

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18 Charism

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19 – Identity (charismatic) of the Salesian, cf. Address of the Rector Major for the opening of the GC26, page 105 (“our DNA”), pages 114-115 (inseparable connection between “charismatic identity” and “apostolic passion”)

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20 Church

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21 Constitutions

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22 Da mihi animas cetera tolle

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23 Deliberations of the GC26

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24 Don Bosco

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25 Education

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26 – Evangelisation and education: God’s call (“evangelising by educating and educating by evangelising”), 25; situation, 29; see to a more effective integration of evangelisation and education following the logic of the Preventive System (guideline for action n. 6), 41. 44. 45– Without education there is no long-lasting and profound evangelisation, cf. Letter of the Holy Father for the beginning of the GC26, page 91

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27 – We carry out the mission of evangelisation according to the pedagogical charism that is our own (“at one and the same time educators and evangelisers”), cf. Address of the Rector Major at the conclusion of the GC26, pages 139-141

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28 Educative Pastoral Community

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29 Educative Pastoral Project/Plan

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30 Eucharist

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31 Europe

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32 Evangelical Poverty –

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33 Evangelical Poverty, 79-97

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34 Evangelisation

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35 – We carry out the mission of evangelisation according to the pedagogical charism that is our own (“at one and the same time educators and evangelisers”), cf. Address of the Rector Major at the conclusion of the GC26, pages 139-141

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36 Family

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37 Formation

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38 Inculturation

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39 Jesus Christ

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40 Laity

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41 Management of the works

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42 New Frontiers

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43 – The “new frontiers”, one of the “keys to interpreting” the GC26, cf. Address of the Rector Major at the conclusion of the GC26, page 141

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44 Rector

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45 – Respecting the constitutional distinction between the role of the Rector and that of the Economer, 121

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46 Salesian Brother and Salesian Cleric

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47 Salesian Presences and works

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48 Salesian Spirituality

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49 Social Communication

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50 Solidarity

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51 Structures of animation and government of the Congregation

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52 Vocational and spiritual accompaniment

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53 Witness

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54 Word of God

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55 Youth

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