CG26|en|GC26 Second module: "Let each community...."


Guideline 4:An evangelized and evangelizing community.

Let each community:

  • Make community plan of life which provides opportune initiatives to encourage the centrality of the Word of God and the Eucharist.

  • Involve elderly confreres in the work of evangelization where they can, so as to contribute through their experience and wisdom, also as spiritual directors and confessors.

Guideline 5: Centrality of the proposal of Jesus Christ.

Let each community:

  • Pour into its pastoral and educative plan programmes for proclamation, catechesis and education to the faith which are appropriate for those to whom they are addressed and their contexts.

  • Offer lay people in the pastoral and educative community, who have made an option for Christ, a formation which helps them to be educators of the faith.

  • Educate the young to personal prayer and encourage a style of celebration which communicates an authentic experience of joyful and lively encounter with the Lord.

  • Frequently offer the Sacrament of Reconciliation as an essential step along the road to conversion,a nd the Eucharist as the source and summit of Christian life.

  • Foster youth groups as a place where the young can fell that they are active agents in their own journey of faith and service to the brothers and sisters.

Guideline 6: Evangelization and community.

Let each community:

  • Examine its pastoral activity in order to check that it is safeguarding both the proclamation in its entirety and the gradual way in which it is offered, following the logic of its contents and processes.

  • See to the renewal of catechesis and be open to new forms of accompaniment of children, older youth and adults in the process of Christian Initiation.

  • See to the formation of a moral conscience and educate young people to social and political involvement following the inspiration of the social teaching of the Church.

  • Encourage opportune reflection on the relationship between culture, faith and religions so that the Gospel may resonate as part of the great questions which impinge all areas of human awareness today.

Guideline 7: Evangelization in various contexts.

Let each community:

  • Study and plan interventions, methods and strategies for the evangelization of the young in their own context, in relationship to culture and the choices made by the local Church.

  • Form Christian young people and adults in a multi-religious context to be disciple missionaries while respecting other religious traditions.