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. 343-345
1. Lines of verification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.l Main undisputed facts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2 Positive aspects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.3 Problematic aspects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Practical directives... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.1 Ecclesial and salesian clarity of goals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2 Special attention to the world of youth and the working classes. . .
2.3 Suitable programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.4 Beneficiaries designated in the objectives and programs
of the UPS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.5 Particular responsibility of the salesians ........................
2.6 Objectives and programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.7 Restructuring in the field of didactic organization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.8 Non-academic courses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.9 Exchanges..................................................
2.10 Teaching staff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.11 Financial aspect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.12 Salesian and formation communities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.13 Modifications to the Statutes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .

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1. In accordance with the mandate of the SGC (ASGC, 705, i) the 343
Superior Council presented the GC21 members with a summary of
the evaluation of the performance of the PAS-UPS for the years
1972-1977, and stressed the feasibility for the Chapter to "propose
practical guidelines for the attainment of the specific goal of this
University, in view of which the Congregation supports and develops
it." The GC21 has taken up this task in a responsible manner, within
the framework of the verification of the life of the Congregation and
its plans of action for the forthcoming years. Its intervention was
also an expression of fraternal solidarity with the confreres at that
highest salesian academic center who have been called to carry out
the mission of the Society in a particularly meaningful manner.!
Keeping in mind that at the SGC the term PAS comprised both the
present Opera PAS and the UPS, the GC21 turned its attention to the
entire religious and academic organization taken together. It con-
sidered it its duty however to show a preferential concern for the
UPS in view of "an overall positive appraisal of the restructuring of
the Opera PAS and of the progress made in the implementation of
the AGC guidelines," such as were reported in the Superior Council
Report (concl. b), while "it remains to carry out the delicate task of a
unified restructuring in the academic field." 2
1 Const 2.
2 For an exact understanding of this document it should be kept in mind that what
was once called PAS today comprises:
a. The Salesian Pontifical University (UPS), i.e. the academic center of studies
made up of 5 Faculties (Theology, Canon Law, Philosophy, Educational Science,
Classical and Christian Literature).
b. The Delegation of the Opera PAS, or more simply Opera PAS, i.e. a selected
group of confreres organized in communities in the Roman section of the Piazza
dell'Ateneo Salesiano I, for the specific purpose of carrying on the mission of our

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344 2. In fulfilling its task of evaluation and orientation, the GC21
members had an ample documentation at their disposal. In partic-
ular they had available:
2.1 the practical directives of the SGC referTing to the PAS (702-5);
2.2 the letter of the Rector Major, Grand Chancellor, to the Rector of
the UPS, dated Jan. 10, 1977;
2.3 the Report of the Superior Council on restructuring the PAS,
1972-77 (GC21 1/6.7 Rome, Dec. 1, 1977); in particular:
a. the conclusions of the postcapitular commission,
b. the subsequent deliJ:;>erations of the Superior Council and some
changes already made,
c. the data relative to the canonical visitation of Fr. Egidio Vigano
and to the first capitular assembly of the Gesu Maestro Community,
d. the information on the setting up of the special Delegation of the
Opera PAS and its present structure,
e. the results and deliberations of the 1976-77 Chapter of the Dele-
f. all the studies (still incomplete) on the academic restructuring of
the UPS;
2.4 the precapitular schemes, nn 466-467;
2.5 a summary made by a study group consisting of capitulars (GC21
UPS group).
Congregation through the Pontifical Salesian University. It is governed by a Supe-
rior, delegated by the Rector Major, with specific powers, analogous to those of a
provincial. A special "Delegation Statute" regulates the details of community life
and work so that there is a harmonious relationship with the academic statutes.
c. Within the Delegation are found:
- The communities of the personnel permanently attached to the UPS: two in
number,...i.e. the "Gesu Maestro" Community and the "St. Dominic Savio" Com-
- Residential communities for salesian students at the UPS: today two in number,
i.e. the "S1. John Bosco" Community, and the "Blessed Michael Rua" Community.
These two are communities for confreres not in the period of initial formation.
d. The young confreres who are students of the first cycle of philosophy and
theology come to the University from formation communities which are indf pen-
dent of the Opera PAS Delegation.

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3. The process of study and evaluation and tlfe related proposals 345
helped to achieve the following objectives:
3.1 to make an overall check of the PAS-UPS activity during the last
5-year period (1972-1977);
3.2 to focus, to improve and to bring up to date the practical dir-
ectives of the SGC in view of future tasks.
The GC21 points out that the SGC struck a responsive chord also in
the PAS-UPS, with the realization of good results in many areas,
despite the fact that a number of problems still remain open; the
latter seem capable of solution in the near future.
Before pointing out some positive or problematic aspects, the GC21,
taking into account the history of the PAS-UPS and its institutional
goals as a whole, takes certain fundamental data for granted:
1.1 Main undisputed facts
1.1.1 The legitimate function of the UPS within the framework of the 346
salesian reality, at the service of the Congregation and as a qualified
expression of its mission in the Church, with its specific cultural and
formational potential.
1.1.2 The existence of communities of confreres, who are expressly
charged with the realization of the salesian mission within the UPS.
1.1.3 The structure of the UPS with its 5 Faculties and respective
activities within the Church, which are basic to its title of Salesian
Pontifical University, in harmony with the meaning given to it in the
Motu Proprio Magisterium Vitae of Pope Paul VI (May 24, 1973) and
with the declaration of the SGC.3
1.1.4 The immediate consequences flowing from these facts, as al- 347
ready stated in several documents, and fundamentally in the ASGC,
a. commitment to service to the Church and in the Church, in fidel-
ity to tradition and the Magisterium,4
3 ASGC 702.
4 ASGC 702 B.

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b. specific high-priority institutional service to the Salesian Congre-
gation and to its mission,s
c. openness also to external students, ecclesiastical and lav,6
d. serious didactic and scientific university level, with relative aca-
demic autonomy, and the special traits of a scientific institution of
the highest level, as set down in the Statutes,7
e. a role of particular significance and responsibilitv, as regards
salesian characteristics, of the Faculty of Educational Science, both
with respect to its eminently pedagogical and catechetical contents
and its methodology (didactic and formational aspects). The latter
appear also from the letter of the Rector Major of Jan. 10, 1977 n. 21,
and from the Motu Proprio which conferred the title of University on
tht; Athenaeum and determined its special insertion in the life of the
Church: "The Pontifical Salesian Athenaeum exists and works ef-
fectively throughout the world to promote at university level the
formation of those who in turn must form others, according to the
spirit of the Founder, which is expressed in the so-called 'preventive
system' and which with divine inspiration draws its genuine nature
and strength from the gospel."
1.2 Positive aspects
348 1.2.1 The setting up of the Opera PAS as a Delegation (June, 1975)
after a laborious and lengthy process which began at the time of the
suppression of the Province (October 1972), with communities of
salesians working in a stable manner, directly or indirectly, for the
1.2.2 Insertion in the 'Delegation and reorganization of appropriate
residential communities for salesian students who have completed
the period of initial formation.
349 1.2.3 A deeper consciousness of the ecclesial and salesian universitv
character of the UPS and recognition of its activities in accordance
with the guidelines of the SGC and the new Statutes. In particular:
a. reviSion and 'ad experimentum' approval of the new Statutes
(Sept. 4, 1973) drawn up in harmony with the 'Normae Quaedam'
and the new status of the PAS as a university;
.0 ASGC 702 C.
ASGC 702 A.
7 ASUPS 1-3 & 6; ASGC 702 A.

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b. elaboration by the Faculties of their objectives and programs in
accordance with the new curriculum division into cycles; and acti-
vation of the various collegial assemblies decreed by the Statutes;
c. 'special salesian vitality and effectiveness of the sectors of spiri-
tualitv and catechetics, as stated in the Rector Major's report; 8
d. a perceptible increase in the student enrollmenit, espedaIly sale-
sians, in the second cycle of the Faculty of Theology, while the
attendance of both ecclesiastical and lay students in the Faculty of
Educational Sciences and of salesians in the catechetics sector re-
mains satisfactory (though it is somewhat less satisfactory in. the
area of pedagogical methodology and school pedagogy);
e. a first restructuring of the various Institutes and Centers, reorga-
nization of the Don Bosco Study Center and setting up of the Sale-
sian Missions History Center (Centro Studi di Storia Missioni Sale-
siane) (both centers have special regulations to guarantee their spe-
cial relationship with tire Superior Council);
f improvement of economic and financial administration with reg-
ular yearly budgets and reports, rigorously checked by the Admin-
istrative Council, the UPS Academic Council and the General
Administration Council of the 'Opera PAS';
g. consolidation and growth of the salesian centers of theological
studies (Messina, Verona, Cremisan-Bethlehem, Benediktbeuern,
Barcelona, Salamanca, San Paolo-Brazil, Guatemala) affiliated to
the Faculty of Theology (to which is annexed as one of its sections
the theological study-center of Crocetta-Turin), and consequent
upon directives from the Sacred Congregation for Catholic Educa-
tion of centers affiliated to the Faculty of Philosophy (Benedikt-
beyern, Guatemala, Los Teques - Venezuela);
h. increased publishing activity (first through. the PAS-Verlag in
Zurich and now through the PAS-Editrice in Rbme), with marked
emphasis on theological, philosophical, religious, pedagogical and
salesian matters;
i. direct involvement or participation of the Faculties and professo-
rial staff in meetings, study days and weeks and courses in on-going
1.2.4 Discussion and in-depth study of problems related to a better 350
functioning of the academic structures set up in the wake of the new
8 RRM 168.

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Statutes. Such work was carri.ed out by the UPS in constant dialog
with the members of the Superior Council and has already produced
feasible solutions (which are waiting for the directives that will be
contained in the forthcoming Constitution of the Church on eccle-
siastical studies, for their implementation).
Among the positive results of such collaboration may be noted:
a. a declared readiness for inter-faculty collaboration;
b. the commonly acknowledged usefulness of a departmental di-
dactic organization aiming at making effective the collegial forma-
tive-responsibility of the Faculties and the elimination of needless
duplication in teaching and of courses of lesser importance as re-
gards their contents;
c. the advanced state of elaboration of several problems, already
nearing the stage of actual solution as indicated in the practical
1.3 Problematic aspects
351 There remain still some knotty issues which need practical consid-
eration not only by the GC21 but bv all who are responsible for the
specific formational effectiveness of the UPS.
1.3.1 Activation of objectives and areas of specialization without
adequate mutual coordination and with insufficiently motivated di-
visions (e.g. the two specializations in catechetics; the different
options on youth pastoral work, catechetics, pedagogical method-
1.3.2 A not entirely satisfactory pedagogical characterization of the
program of the psychology of education (courses, practical work,
dissertations for the licentiate and doctorate); and an uncertain
educational and pastoral goal in the teaching and research in the
field of human sciences (biology, psychology, sociology).
1.3.3 Proliferation of Institutes and Centers, and inadequate inser-
tion of some of them in the academic structure (UPS and its Facul-
1.3.4 Lack of unity of formation, caused by insufficient correlation
between material, courses and final objectives; the rigid concept of
Faculty autonomy, not yet overcome by a growing exchange of
courses and professors; this inevitably causes noticeable differences
in mental attitudes among the respective students.

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1.3.5 Difficulties in finding, preparing and qualifying salesian 352
teaching and technical personnel, with negative consequences as
regards reasonable mobility and the feasibility of collaboration and
exchanges with other salesian study centers.
1.3.6 Scarce enrollment of salesian students in some Faculties and
non-utilization of ~ome typical pedagogical courses, such as peda-
gogical methodology and school pedagogy.
1.3.7 Serious economic difficulties, resolved in the past only by sac-
rifices borne bv all those connected with the PAS-UPS and by the
Economer General's Department.
The GC21 considers it opportune to make its contribution to 353
overcoming difficulties and enhancing present efforts to increase
the vitality of the UPS and its- effective credibility by formulating
some practical directives.
In this collaboration with the UPS, the GC21 agrees with the objec-
tives laid down at the inception of the highest center of' studies of the
Congregation, and understands its history. These objectives and
history were already authoritatively setout by the Rector Major and
Grand Chancellor, Fr. Aloysius Ricceri in his letter to the Rector of
the UPS of Jan. 10, 1977.
The followIng precise practical guidelines are designed to enable the
rich potential of the UPS toreach still higher levels for the benefit of
the Sales~an Congregation and for the spreading of its specific mis-
sion in the Church.
2.1 Ecclesial and salesian clarity of goals
For a better practical understanding of the place held by the UPS in 354
the Congregation and the Church, and keeping in mind that some
perplexities and uncertainties have arisen even in recent years within
and without the UPS, the GC21 intends to reaffirm the clearly eccle-
sial and salesian character which it must constantly exhibit.
On this vital point the GC21 calls for a constant and coherent imple-
mentation of the General Statutes (in particular art. 2) and those of
each Faculty.
This implies among other things:

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2.1.1 working constantly and faithfully in the light of the Church's
Magisterium and in harmony with the salesian Constitutions, with
due respect to the differences demanded by the methodological
autonomy of the various sciences;
2.1.2 fostering a particular sensitivity for christian and salesian
community life, in which and for which the UPS exists and func-
tions, and which ought to guide its choice of areas of work;
2.1.3 promoting an open-ended dialog between human and reli-
gious-theological sciences, already commonly found in all Catholic
universities, and particularly necessary in ecclesiastical universities.
This dialog will be strengthened by the specially deep salesian
understanding of faith lived in the world of youth and the working
classes, as Pope Pius XI remarked: "Spread abroad the gospel mes-
sage by means of a living and real contribution through the channels
of catechesis, pedagogy, psychology, and sociology" integrated with
"the direct and personal apostolate in the world of the young, with
particular attention and dedication to the poor, the needy, and the
socially deprived."9
Such salesian and ecclesial clarity, which is demanded of every
Faculty, is even more necessary for that of Educational Science, for
it marks out our University in ~ special manner in the Church; 10 and
it was set up, in accordance with the express wish of Fr. Peter
Ricaldone, "for the purpose of preparing... salesian confreres in an
ever better way for their high mission of educators according to the
'preventive system' bequeathed to us by our holy Founder as a
"precious heritage" and "for the purpose of enhancing and spread-
ing Catholic pedagogical principles." "It is superfluous to add," said
Fr. Ricaldone, indicating the extent of our commitment, "that cate-
chetics will always have absolute pride of place both in the Institute
of Pedagogy and in the houses of formation." II
355 2.2 Special attention to the world of youth and the
working classes
The salesian service rendered by our University to the Church will
therefore fully reflect the content and the style of the mission of the
9 Paul VI to members of GC21, Jan. 26,1978; n. 475.
10 RCS conclusion.
11 ACS 106, Aug. 25, 1941.

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Congregation itself according to our Constitutions and what is con-
cisely stated in art. 2 of the General Statutes:
"To the effort of promoting scientific progress the UPS will add
pastoral solicitude in dealing with the problems of youth and their
education, having in mind the spirit and teaching of Don Bosco." 12
In effect, "the pivotal point of the entire work is the organic setting
up of a University aimed at a specialized service of our mission to
vouth and to the working classes throughout the world." 13
2.3 Suitable programs
It follows that the UPS must program its courses with these goals in 356
view; in other words, it must keep in mind the ~pecific type of service
which the Congregation wants to render.
This clear and determining criterion should be a constant guide in
the choice of activities, in the setting up of courses, in the scientific
and personal formation offered. Moreover, to further stress this
ideal clarity of programs and services, the GC21 hopes that the UPS
Faculties will see to it that courses on significant aspects of sale-
sianity be included among those offered to salesian students.
2.4 The beneficiaries designated in the objectives and
programs of the UPS
Those for whom the courses are intended, be they clergy or religious 357
or lay people and whether they are members of the salesian family or
not, are all those who accept the specific characteristics of the Uni-
versity i.e. that it is Pontifical and Salesian. But chief among them
are salesians in preparation for special services which they will have
to render in their own provinces.
2.5 Particular responsibility of the salesians
All this naturally puts a special obligation on the UPS, but it involves 358
the entire Congregation as well.
2.5.1 On the one hand, the existence of the UPS is justified by its
capacity to render an effective service in the first place in and to the
12 To be integrated with art 1.2 of Statutes of Faculty of Theology; art 1 of Statutes of
Faculty of Canon Law; art 1,2 of Statutes of Faculty of Educational Science.
13 LGC conclusion; ASGC 703; Sch Precap 198.

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Congregation. Hence the need that salesian students be not absent
from it, especially in those philosophical, pedagogical, theological
and pastoral disciplines which pertain more closely to the salesian
vocation and mission. Even though the UPS does not exhaust its
purpose merely through its,teaching activity, this is nevertheless its
most visible raison-d' etre, capable of directing and stimulating all its
other forms of cultural apostolate.
2.5.2 On the other hand, its university structure is not independent;
it exists and.functions, in the final analysis, bv the will of the Con-
gregation which is responsible for running it. It is therefore the
concern of the Congregation through its deliberative organs (Gene-
ral Chapter, Rector Major, Superior Council) to exercise an influence
on the nature of its programs and services according to the needs of
the provinces and also according to the desire to develop through the
UPS this or that aspect of the salesian mission in the Church and in
the world in harmony with its institutional and constitutional tasks.
359 2.6 Objectives and programs
With regard to the UPS teaching organization, the GC21, while it
acknowledges the good results achieved thus far, wishes that:
2.6.1 the type and the number of licentiates, doctorates, and diplo-
mas to be conferred by the Faculties in the immediate future be
jointly decided by the University and the Superior Council as soon as
possible. On this matter the opinion of provincials would be ap-
2.6.2 the internal structural organization be similarly decided, so as
to clearly define the duties of professorial staff and others and so
make effective planning possible, as regards the qualification of
personnel, the economic sector, etc.;
2.6.3 the complete ordinances of each Faculty and of the University
as a whole be drawn up and approved according to the norms of the
360 2.7 Restructuring in the field of didactic organization
It is likewise the conviction of the GC21 that the UPS will achieve still
better results and a better unification of course-content and scientif"
ic, ecclesial and salesian inspiration, if it can achieve as soon as
possible a more rational organization of programming and teaching.
The following are high-priority requirements:

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2.7.1 The principle of interdisciplinary and inter-departmental or-
ganization should be made effective also on the structural and stat-
utory level. While the Faculties will remain the academic organ-
isms for programming and administration, a more comprehensive
control will guarantee the unity of formation.
2.7.2 The matter to be taught should be accurately selected, so as to
be truly suited to the goals to be achieved by each group of students
according to their own legitimate requirements. It will thus also be
possible to maintain a relative distinction between a professor's field
of scientific research whi~h may not completely coincide with his
teaching activity, and the matters actually taught, which are
addressed to specific students of different cultural and formation
levels, who are at varying points in academic cycles and have
well-defined objectives.
2.7.3 The various teaching cycles, all equally necessary for the life of
the University, should be preserved with their specific character,
objectives and formative aspects. In fact the first cycle too has its
precise overall function, essential not only for the students' organic
cultural development, but also for the unity of the intellectual for-
mation itself.
2.7.4 The enrollment in the first cycle of confreres who on account of
their religious and intellectual qualities seem to be particularly suit-
ed for specific tasks in the Congregation should be encouraged. To
them the UPS will be able to offer a solid foundation in their forma-
tion and education in view of their eventual specialization, while at
the same time suitable formative communities will contribute to
their overall maturation.14
2.8 Non-academic courses
As provided in the Statutes and the Ordinances of the University, 361
alongside the academic curricula, the UPS will offer shorter courses
aimed at the qualification or requalification of salesians, particularly
those involved in the active life.
Courses of special interest for the Congregation would be:
- Annual or biennial courses in spirituality and pedagogy.
- Annual updating courses in ecclesiastical, pastoral and educa-
tional sciences.
14 RCS 12 d.

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- Concentrated courses for special groups: Rectors, Masters of
Novices, confreres directly in charge of salesian formation,par-
ish priests, provincial secretaries, animators, catechists, teach-
ers, etc...
- Annual or summer courses on salesianity, possibly linked with
language courses in Italian.
- Correspondence courses (also with academic credit) either at the
UPS or in various regions of the Congregation could be offered in
the future.
2.9 Exchanges
362 Moreover, in accordance with the decisions of the SGC nn 703-704,
the UPS with its qualified personnel, recently improved quantitati-
vely and qualitativelv, 'will intensifv its collaboration with the prov-
inces and study ccnters in the areas of research and formation,
affiliations, exchange of professors, animation work, assessment of
books and scientific institutions, liaison'with past pupils and friends.
The "Opera PAS" and the UPS will be actively available for periodic
meetings with the regional superiors and provincials for the ex-
change of information and the evaluation of issues of common
2.10 Teaching staff
363 Aware of their special responsibility in the field of formation and this
not only on cultural and scientific levels, the teachers will pay great
attention to the university dimension of their salesian vocation and
to their solidarity with the life of th~Congregation and of the Church.
In view of this they will be able to increase their scientific compe-
tence and their respective specialization, in a spirit of initiative and
sincere faithfulness to their tasks in the University.
364 The GC2! emphasizes some aspects of this issue which seem more
a. For the nomination of an associate professor the following con-
ditions specifying the dispositions of art. 22,2 of the Statutes should
be included in the Ordinances:
- a period of experience in some specifically salesian activity,
- the publication of some scientific work, carried out under the
guidance of a professor.

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b. The direct responsibility of the Congregation for the entire life of
the UPS requires that it be established in the Statutes (or in the
Ordinances) that the College of Professors be made up of salesians
only. Others may collaborate as visiting professors. IS
c. The religious character of the salesian professor should be made
more explicit in the Statutes (or in the Ordinances) so as to make it
clear that he is still at the disposal of his Superiors for other tasks in
the Congregation.
d. The salesian professors at the UPS will not take up assignments of 365
a prolonged and- permanent character in other civil or ecclesiastical
universities, or in other non-salesian organizations, without the pre-
vious and explicit consent of the Grand Chancellor. The same au-
thorization is required before a UPS professor enters his name in a
competition for a university chair or the like. This rule will be
inserted in the Statutes (or in the Ordinances).
e. The competent authorities will take prompt action towards a
progressive and thorough internationalization of the teaching staff
and other personnel assigned to the UPS - Opera PAS.
2.11 Financial aspect
While expressing sincere appreciation for the joint efforts of the 366
Economer General's Department and the confreres working in the
Opera PAS, the GC2! hopes that new ways and means of financing
will be studied to help meet recurring difficulties with relative se-
curity, and to involve more deeply the Delegation of the Opera PAS
and the Congregation in generaL In particular, the GC2! recom-
mends that in cooperation with the entire salesian family and other
benefactors, scholarship funds be set up for students, especially
salesians, who come from provinces in economic difficulties.
2.12 Salesian communities and formation communities
Due to their different composition and location the UPS staff and 367
students communities cannot all be organized in the same manner.
The GC2! wishes however to make the following suggestions:
a. The Staff communities should be so organized as not only to
15 SGUPS 20, 4.

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provide the essentials of the salesian community for all, as required
by the Constitutions and the Regulations, but also to promote effec-
tively that "clearly salesian and ecclesial character" and that syn-
thesis of life and learning, which make it possible for all who work at
the PAS-UPS to live their specific scientific and formative mission to
the full.
368 b. Particularly important for the preparation of well-trained salesian
personnel are the communities for salesian students, both those
inserted in the Delegation and those separate from it.16
Organized as true formation comlpunities, they will promote, with
safe and modern criteria, the education, i.e., the total growth of the
person in all directions. Study, aided by. the teaching at the
UPS-well qualified as it is from a scientific, ecclesiastical and sale-
sian standpoint-and by other integrative activities, is an element of
decisive importance.
The religious superiors of these communities are responsible, to-
gether with the UPS teaching staff, for the complete formation of
the students with regard not only to their academic progress but
also to the maturation of their whole human, ecclesial, and salesian
personality, and for their ecclesiastical formation in the case of
candidates for sacred orders.
These superiors moreover can and must send to the competent
authorities and through the proper channels, their observations,
positive or negative, on the influence that the teaching at the UPS as
a whole or in ~ome particular respect exercises on the formation of
the students; and th~ authorities at the UPS can express similar
judgements on the maturity, adequacy and diligence of the subjects
sent there for study and formation.
369 c. In the next few years the Superior Council, through the competent
provincials, will see to it that the formation communities of salesian
students existing outside the Opera PAS be well organized, and will
promote their internationalization both with regard to students and
those in charge of formation.
2.13 Modifications of the Statutes
370 Let the Superior Council study, in collaboration with the competent
organs of the Opera PAS and the UPS, those modifications of the
16 RCS,le, lle, 12d.

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Statutes which in harmony with the guidelines of the Church con-
cerning ecclesiastical Universities, may be deemed opportune and
necessary to increase the scientific, ecclesial and salesian effective-
ness of the work of the UPS.
a. Of particular urgency seem to be those modifications which con-
cern some of the issues indicated in this document, and precisely the
practical directives nn. 6a,b,c; 7a; lOb,c,d.
b. Moreover, in order to promote a more efficacious operational
communication between the UPS and the Opera PAS, the ways in
which the Delegate of the Rector Major could be meaningfully
inserted into the structures of the UPS should be studied.
c. Lastly, for a more harmonious functioning of the UPS, an atten-
tive revision and definition of the different areas of responsibility
and competence, and of the forms of participation by the students in
the collegial organs of government and management should be