Studi salesiani

Studi salesiani


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The General Councillor for Formation


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Methodology and distribution

of study courses

during the various phases of formation

Rome, 24 July 2005


Article 85 of our General Regulations states that “the assimilation of the Salesian spirit is fundamentally a fact of living communication. But for this vital experience to be really efficacious it should be accompanied throughout the whole process of the initial formation by a gradual and systematic study of  Salesian spirituality and the history of the Society.”

In this article of our Regulations, “Salesianity” is not identified with “Salesian studies”. “Salesianity”, or the Salesian spirit, our original style of life and action, is a lived experience that is assimilated by osmosis from the very life of the community, the Province and the Congregation, that is: from the existing atmosphere, the witness given by the confreres, and the life of educative and pastoral communities. Lived experience is certainly a fundamental reality but to be well-grounded it needs proper reflection and enlightenment, and this comes through Salesian studies.

Obviously the best time for Salesian studies concerning our history, pedagogy, pastoral approach and spirituality is the period of initial formation. Unfortunately we find that these studies are still quite weak during the various phases of formation.

To achieve a more effective application of what the Ratio says on this point, the Formation Department, in consultation with the regional formation commissions and some experts, has prepared the following “Guidelines concerning Salesian studies during initial formation.”

We would suggest that, in applying the Guidelines, the following methodological indications be observed.

* Salesian studies should be inserted as formal courses in the regular programme of the phase of formation or of the study centre; in other words, they should have their own class-times, qualified teachers, evaluations and exams like all the other subjects. They are serious studies indeed; the place allotted them within the framework of intellectual formation will show the importance that is being given them; Salesian studies therefore ought not to be reduced to conferences.

* Though they are formal courses, these studies are to be conducted not only by way of class lectures but also by means of personal and group work, practical exercises, etc. It is important for the courses to be done a way that involves and enthuses young Salesians. That is why it is necessary for the Salesian studies to go hand in hand with some Salesian experiences which can mould basic attitudes and appropriate behaviour.

* Practical training and ongoing formation do not have a specific programme of Salesian studies. We would suggest that the Province organize meetings or seminars for deeper study and reflection on themes regarding the concrete life of the confreres who are in these periods in their lives. Personal reading is also recommended. Salesian studies are to be given a proper place in continuing formation as well, and in the formation of the laity.

In these Guidelines you will find the programme of Salesian studies arranged for each phase of formation. Each time there will be a brief introduction giving the scope of the particular phase of formation, and often also highlighting the values to be assimilated. Then will follow some suggestions about the significant experiences that could go hand in hand with these studies. Finally, in keeping with the purpose of the formation phase, the programme of the course will be presented, beginning with the title of the course, and followed by a brief description of its contents, some sources, the texts, and some useful materials.

These Guidelines are valid for the whole Congregation; every Province can add those aspects that it considers important for knowing the Province itself or the Region.


The prenovitiate is the period of formation during which the prenovice deepens his vocational choice. He concentrates on his growth as a man and as a Christian, advances in his knowledge of Don Bosco and enters into a more immediate contact with the Salesian Congregation – all with a view to his becoming prepared to begin the novitiate at the end of the phase (cf. FSDB 328).

Against this background his Salesian studies aim at bringing him to admire Don Bosco and his mission and to find in him a model of human and Christian values. Since Don Bosco continues his presence and action in the Salesian Congregation, the prenovice is offered a glimpse of the Salesian mission today and of Salesian works worldwide; he is invited to draw inspiration from some of the great Salesian figures of yesterday and today - priests, brothers and missionaries.

Finally, to enable him to carry out a solid vocational discernment, he is helped in the course of the year to confront the progress he makes in his vocation with the story of Don Bosco’s vocation, with the actual life of the Congregation and the examples of some significant Salesians.

It is a good thing to have the Salesian studies in the prenovitiate go hand in hand with experiences such as: understanding Oratory life, writing one’s autobiography and personal plan of life, engaging in educative activities like assistance, catechesis and missionary work, and collaborating in animating youth groups (cf. FSDSB 343).

The programme of Salesian studies during the prenovitiate comprises the following courses.

1. Don Bosco – Biography and spiritual portrait

The prenovices must be given a chronology and a good knowledge of the salient facts of Don Bosco’s life, especially his first years which saw the blossoming of his vocation; at the same time they must be encouraged to engage in a first spiritual reading of the story of his life.


  • T. BOSCO, Don Bosco. Una biografia nuova, LDC, Turin 1978.

  • P. BROCARDO, Don Bosco profondamente uomo, profondamente santo, LAS, Rome 2001.


  • F. PERAZA, Conociendo a Don Bosco, Centro Salesiano Regional di Formacion, Quito 1999.

2. The Salesian Congregation today

With the help of material drawn from various sources, the prenovices are to be given a description of the actual presence of the Congregation in the world and an overall idea of its mission. The website of the Direzione Generale offers information on the life and mission of the Congregation; the prenovices should be taught to make use of this service, and especially to consult the Agenzia Notizie Salesiane. It is also important to include a presentation of the Salesian works of the Province, perhaps by visiting some communities, and to offer some information about the Salesian Family of which the Congregation is a part.


  • We do not propose any text, but we suggest some materials that could help the professor in presenting the Congregation today. It is likely that from actual practice there will eventually arise the need for a reference text.


  • P. CHAVEZ, Circular letters on the Regions of the Congregation, in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society” nn. 385, 387, 389 & ff., Editrice S.D.B., Rome 2004, 2004, 2005.

  • M. BONGIOVANNI, Don Bosco nel mondo, Roma, 1987.

  • Website of the Direzione Generale

3. Significant examples of the Salesian religious vocation

We suggest presenting some historical figures and some present-day examples of Salesian life, making use of the popular editions disseminated by Salesian publishers in different countries and bringing the prenovices into direct contact with some particularly significant Salesians.

When making these choices, one ought to take into account the relevance and influence of the important Salesians of one’s own context, and pay attention to the vocations of Salesian priests and Salesian brothers, without overlooking some interesting figures of Salesian missionaries.

Here are some examples: Fr. Vincent Cimatti, Fr. Joseph Quadrio, Fr. Augustus Czartoryski, Fr. Braga, Fr. Charles Mary Baratta, Card. John Cagliero, Bro. Artemides Zatti, Bro. Simon Srugi, Fr. Francis Convertini, Mons. Mathias, and other contemporary figures.


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Since “the novitiate is the beginning of the Salesian religious experience in following Christ” (FSDB 357), formation in this phase aims at the assimilation and convinced practice of the values of Salesian apostolic consecrated life as the way that leads to holiness.

For this reason the Salesian studies in this phase are concentrated above all on a solid knowledge of Don Bosco against the civil and spiritual background of his time and at the beginnings of the Oratory of Valdocco. The concern is to bring the novices close to Don Bosco in their affections and therefore also in assimilating his apostolic interior life.

Another objective is to make the novices acquainted with the elements of the Salesian apostolic project as presented in the Constitutions and General Regulations, so as to enable them to strengthen their motivations and assume the commitments of Salesian consecrated life in their first profession.

Yet another aspect of Salesian studies is a presentation of some Salesian hagiographical figures and the peculiar traits of Salesian holiness. The novices ought to be encouraged to read some books on the subject; it is important that right from the beginning of the formation process they see clearly that Salesian life is entirely directed towards holiness. Hagiography is the best way today to discover the spiritual life, its fundamental characteristics and its methodology.

Finally we have to give the novices an understanding and experience of the different groups that make up the Salesian Family and prepare them to interact with these groups and with lay collaborators.

For what concerns the experiences that should go hand in hand with these studies, we would recommend the personal reading of some volumes of the Biographical Memoirs, especially volume III. A great help in stimulating one’s vocation and nourishing one’s prayer also comes from a direct knowledge of and reflection on the condition of poor youth, as also from information about the pastoral work of the Province, the experience of the Congregation, the frontiers of our mission and our missions. The novices need some guided educative and pastoral activities to experience the joy of giving themselves freely to the young after the example of Christ the Good Shepherd and Don Bosco (cf. FSDB 366-367).

The programme of Salesian studies during the novitiate comprises the following courses.

1. Don Bosco – History and background

For an in-depth understanding of Don Bosco, it is necessary to situate him against the background of eighteenth century Turin and study the first part of his life until the year 1862. To come in direct contact with Don Bosco in his writings, it is important to engage in a serious pedagogical and spiritual reading of the Memoirs of the Oratory with the help of a guide. And attention must also be paid to the style of the Biographical Memoirs by studying some of its themes and reading at least one of its volumes in its entirety.


  • G. BOSCO, Memoirs of the Oratory of St. Francis de Sales from 1815 to 1855. Introduction and notes by A. DA SILVA FERREIRA, LAS, Rome 1992.

  • G.B. LEMOYNE - A. AMADEI - E. CERIA, The Biographical Memoirs of St. John Bosco, 19 volumes, Salesiana Publishers, New Jersey.


  • P. STELLA, Don Bosco: Life and Work, New Rochelle, Don Bosco Publ., 1985. The chapters to be studied are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7.

  • P. BRAIDO, Don Bosco prete dei giovani nel secolo delle libertà, LAS, Rome 2003, vol I pp.10 - 359. In particolar, the chapters to be studied are: 1, 2, 7, 8 and 9.

2. The Project of Life of the Salesians of Don Bosco

Without dwelling at length on the history of the Constitutions, we ought to engage the novices in a detailed study of the Constitutions and General Regulations with the help of the official commentary, The Project of Life of the Salesians of Don Bosco. It is also an important aspect of the methodology of studying the Constitutions that the novices learn by heart some articles or parts of articles so as to be able to quote them later or pray over them.


  • Constitutions of the Society of St. Francis de Sales and General Regulations.

  • The Project of Life of the Salesians of Don Bosco, Editrice S.D.B., Rome 1986.

  • E. VIGANO’, The Renewed Text of our Rule of Life, in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society” n. 312, Editrice S.D.B., Rome 1984.

3. Salesian Hagiography

A useful element in the dynamics of this phase of formation is contact with holiness as lived by some significant figures of the Salesian Family. Important too is a reflection on the characteristics of Salesian holiness.


  • A. CAVIGLIA, Conferences on the Salesian Spirit. [Australia], n.d. Mimeographed. 73 pp.

This historical text on the Salesian spirit serves as an excellent presentation of the characteristics of Salesian holiness.

  • One or two biographies of Salesians who have been beatified or canonized, like, for example, Fr. Rua, Fr. Rinaldi, Mother Mazzarello.


  • P. CHAVEZ, “My dear Salesians, be saints!”, in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society” n. 379, Editrice S.D.B., Rome 2002.

  • L. CASTANO, Santità salesiana. Profili dei Santi e Servi di Dio della triplice Famiglia di San Giovanni Bosco, SEI, Turin 1966.

  • A. CUVA, Sulla via della santità. Linee di spiritualità nel Proprio liturgico per la famiglia salesiana, SEI, Turin 1996.

4. Salesian Family

A first requirement here is to look at the Salesian Family as a whole. Next, it is important to present the characteristics of the groups founded by Don Bosco: SDB, FMA, CCSS and ADMA. Finally, it is seems a good thing to cast a general glance at the other groups, highlighting in particular the characteristics of those groups that are present in one’s Province or Region.


  • DEPARTMENT FOR THE SALESIAN FAMILY, Don Bosco Fondatore della Famiglia salesiana, ed. Midali, Editrice S.D.B., Rome 1989.

  • DEPARTMENT FOR THE SALESIAN FAMILY, Carta della Comunione della Famiglia salesiana di Don Bosco, Edizioni S.D.B., Rome 1995.

  • DEPARTMENT FOR THE SALESIAN FAMILY, The Common Mission Statement of the Salesian Family, Edizioni S.D.B., Rome 2000.

  • DEPARTMENT FOR THE SALESIAN FAMILY, La Famiglia salesiana di Don Bosco, Edizioni S.D.B., Rome 2000.


  • E. VIGANO’, The Salesian Family, in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society” n. 304, Editrice S.D.B., Rome 1982.

  • J. VECCHI, The Salesian Family is Twenty-five Years Old, in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society” n. 358, Editrice S.D.B., Rome 1997.

  • P. CHAVEZ, La Famiglia salesiana oggi, pro manuscripto, Lyons 2004.


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The postnovitiate is the period in which the newly-professed Salesian interiorizes and deepens the process of maturing in his Salesian religious life and prepares himself for practical training. He learns to integrate faith, culture and life progressively; he discovers the world of culture in which he lives and confronts it with his faith and with his vocational choice of being a Salesian consecrated person.

The study of the sciences of education, which properly belongs to this period, requires a reflection on Don Bosco the educator, a deep knowledge of his preventive system and an analysis of some of his pedagogical texts.

Since this phase lays an emphasis on intellectual formation with a view to developing an ability to reflect, an objectivity in judgement, and a discerning mind (cf. FSDB 401), it is the most appropriate time for entering upon a study of Salesian sources.

And also for presenting the primary elements of present-day Salesian educational and pastoral practice. It is a question of training the postnovices in Salesian educational and pastoral work, and inculcating in them the values and skills needed for such work: a love for young people, an apostolic interior life, dialogue, an open-ended outlook, a sense of responsibility, self-discipline and organization.

Finally, it is necessary to imbue the postnovices with a strong sensitivity to the Salesian mission and a lively sense of belonging to the Salesian Congregation by considering its historical development from Fr. Rua right up to our times.

There are different educative and pastoral experiences that can be offered in the postnovitiate, but they must be suitably planned and evaluated. For example: experiences of educative and pastoral service within the context of an educative and pastoral plan and participation in an educative community; exercises in assistance and animation of young people, especially in youth movements; experiences of team-work; and tasks of planning and assessment (cf. FSDB 411).

The programme of Salesian studies during the postnovitiate comprises the following courses.

1. Don Bosco the Educator – The Preventive System

The postnovices are given a presentation of the figure of Don Bosco the educator and his educative work within the cultural context of the 1800s. The Preventive System of Don Bosco is explained to them, and some reference is made to the educational practice of the first Salesians. Included in the programme is also a study of some pedagogical writings of Don Bosco with the help of an introduction and a commentary. Among the writings studied are: The Preventive System in the education of the young, the “General Articles” of the “Regulations for the Houses”, the Preventive System applied to youth at risk, On punishments to be inflicted in Salesian houses, Letters from Rome.


  • P. BRAIDO (ed.), Don Bosco educatore. Scritti e testimonianze, LAS, Rome 1992.


  • P. BRAIDO, Prevenire e non reprimere. Il sistema preventivo di don Bosco, LAS, Rome 1999.


  • J. M. PRELLEZO, Valdocco fra reale e ideale. LAS, Rome 1992.

2. Introduction to Salesian sources

This course takes the form of a general presentation of and information about Salesian sources and their classification with a view to imparting knowledge and a methodology of approach, without however going into details. Don Bosco is presented as a writer and publisher. The characteristics of his Epistolario are studied and the postnovices are brought to a direct acquaintance with some of his letters. They are also taught the literary style and content of some of Don Bosco’s dreams.


  • G. BOSCO, Epistolario, ed. F. MOTTO, 4 volumes, LAS, Rome 1991, 1996, 1999, 2003.

It would be a useful thing to have a collection of the more significant letters of Don Bosco, drawn from the Epistolario. Such a selection of letters, however, has yet to be made; for the time being, some letters may be chosen for study as one thinks fit.

  • C. ROMERO, I sogni di Don Bosco, LDC, Turin 1978.


  • We do not propose any text, but we only offer some materials from which the professor can draw what he needs to present the Salesian sources. It is quite likely that eventually experience will show up the need for a reference text.


  • DEPARTMENT FOR FORMATION, Sussidi 3. Per una lettura di don Bosco, Pro manuscripto, Editrice S.D.B., Rome 1989.

  • R. FARINA, Leggere don Bosco oggi, in P. BROCARDO (a cura), La formazione permanente interpella gli istituti religiosi, LDC, Turin 1976, pp. 349-405.

  • P. STELLA, Le ricerche su DB nel venticinquennio 1960-1985, in Don Bosco nella Chiesa a servizio dell’umanità. Studi e testimonianze, a cura di P. Braido, LAS, Rome 1987, pp. 373-396.

  • P. STELLA, Bilancio delle forme di conoscenza e degli Studi su don Bosco, in Don Bosco nella storia, a cura di M. Midali, LAS, Rome 1990, pp. 23-36.

  • Introduzione alle Memorie dell’Oratorio: P. BRAIDO, Scrivere memorie del futuro, in RSS 20 (pp. 97 - 127); A. GIRAUDO, Introduzione, in “Memorias del Oratorio”, Editorial CCS, Madrid 2003.

  • Introduzione alle Memorie Biografiche: F. DESRAMAUT, Come hanno lavorato gli autori delle MB, in Don Bosco’s Place in History, ed. Egan & Midali, LAS, Rome 1990, pp. 37-65. P. STELLA, Piccola guida critica alle "Memorie Biografiche" di don Bosco, Edizione extracommerciale, Rome 1989-1990.

  • Introduzione a don Bosco scrittore ed editore: P. STELLA, Don Bosco nella storia della religiosità cattolica, I: Vita e opere, LAS, Rome 1979, pp. 229-248; ID., Don Bosco nella storia economica e sociale, LAS, Rome 1980, pp. 327-368.

- F. MOTTO, Studio critico delle fonti per la “storia salesiana”, pro manuscripto, Rome 1989.

3. Salesian Youth Ministry I

This first reflection on Salesian youth ministry is a presentation of certain elements, works and concerns. The fundamental elements of Salesian youth pastoral work are: the educative and pastoral community, the educative and pastoral plan, and learning to draw up the SEPP. The youth pastoral works considered here are: the oratory – youth centre, the school, and the centre for professional training. And some particular concerns are: the care of vocations; the Salesian animation of groups and the Salesian Youth Movement; the missions “ad gentes”; and the Salesian presences in one’s own context.


  • DEPARTMENT FOR YOUTH MINISTRY, La pastorale giovanile salesiana, Editrice S.D.B., Rome 2000, pp. 11-84, 101-104, 135-139.

  • DICASTERO PER LA PASTORALE GIOVANILE E CENTRO INTERNAZIONALE DI PG FMA, L’animatore salesiano nel gruppo giovanile. Una proposta salesiana, Documento PG 12, LDC, Turin 1988.

4. History of the Congregation and Salesian works

The concern here is to make known, in a systematic way, the key points of the history of the Congregation: its origins, its missionary expansion in the world, the Rectors Major and the General Chapters right up till the 22nd. Particular attention is to be paid to the missionary spirit and commitment which has led the Congregation to become present in every part of the world: the history of the Congregation and our Salesian works is indeed the fruit of the missionary drive.


  • Some Circular Letters of the Rectors Major.

  • Some texts from the Acts of the General Chapters.


  • M. WIRTH, Da don Bosco ai nostri giorni, LAS, Rome 2002.


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Specific formation is the period which completes the basic formation of the Salesian educator and pastor along the lines of his specific vocation as priest or brother.

To live his vocational identity, the Salesian in specific formation applies himself to a deep study of Don Bosco during his mature years as founder. He ponders the spiritual experience of Don Bosco which has earned him a place in the Church as the originator of a school of apostolic spirituality. He trains himself in the youth field, learning how to face new pastoral challenges as an animator of numerous apostolic forces. And lastly, he acknowledges and develops his vocational identity, embracing the profile of the two figures as presented by the Salesian Congregation.

In this phase the Salesian studies aim at fostering growth in some fundamental values and attitudes, such as: bearing witness to one’s own consecration, pastoral charity, generous self-donation, openness to sharing with the laity. They seek to help in acquiring an ability to work as part of a team, to animate educative and pastoral settings, to guide individuals, to discern the signs of the times, and to live one’s spiritual fatherhood.

The studies must be accompanied by educative and pastoral experiences, such as: group reflection, personal guidance, animation of the educative and pastoral project of an educative community, sharing Salesian spirituality with young people, the laity and members of the Salesian family, and participating in provincial committees where pastoral strategies are devised.

The programme of Salesian studies in this phase of formation comprises the following courses.

1. Don Bosco the Founder

This course presents Don Bosco as a founder within the context of the Church and society of his time: he founded the Salesians of Don Bosco, the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, and the Salesian Cooperators. His pastoral strategies were: preaching, catechesis, devotion to Mary Help of Christians, social communication, and the formation of pastors and saints. And his missionary commitment merits particular attention: Don Bosco founded a Congregation and a “Family” for young people of the entire world.


  • G. BOSCO, Ai Soci Salesiani 1875 - 1885, in P. BRAIDO, Don Bosco Fondatore, LAS, Roma 1995.

  • G. BOSCO, Ricordi confidenziali ai Direttori, Testamento spirituale, Ricordi ai Missionari, [tutti in edizione critica a cura dell’ISS, apparsi su RSS].

  • Lettere circolari di Don Bosco e di Don Rua ai Salesiani, Torino, Tipografia Salesiana 1896.


  • P. STELLA, Don Bosco: Life and Work, New Rochelle, Don Bosco Publ., 1985. The chapters to be studied are 6, 8 and 9.

  • P. BRAIDO, Don Bosco prete dei giovani nel secolo delle libertà, LAS, Roma 2003, vol. I pp. 360-581 e vol II. In particolare si studino nel Vol. I: capitoli 12, 14, 15; nel Vol. II: capitoli 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26.

2. Salesian spirituality

The students are to be presented here with the sources and reference-points of Don Bosco’s spirituality: the models of holiness that had an impact on him and the main themes of his spirituality. They are to be given an understanding of the spirituality of St. Francis de Sales as it appears in his writings, and an experience and systematic exposé of Salesian spirituality. We would also suggest that they revisit some sources from a theological and spiritual standpoint: The Memoirs of the Oratory, the Lives of Savio, Besucco and Magone, and the Companion of Youth.


  • J.AUBRY, The Spiritual Writings of Saint John Bosco, Don Bosco Publ., New Rochelle 1984.

Per le traduzioni degli scritti spirituali di Don Bosco, presenti in questi due volumi di don J. Aubry, bisogna far riferimento alle edizioni dei testi critici già prodotti.


  • P. STELLA, Don Bosco: Religious Outlook and Spirituality, New Rochelle, Don Bosco Publ., 1996.

  • F. DESRAMAUT, Don Bosco and the Spiritual Life, New Rochelle, Don Bosco Publ., 1979.


  • E. VIGANO’, Salesian Spirituality for the New Evangelization, in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society” n 334, Editrice S.D.B., Rome 1990.

  • J. VECCHI, Spiritualità salesiana. Temi fondamentali, LDC, Torino 2001.

  • A. GIRAUDO, Linee portanti dell’animazione spirituale della Congregazione salesiana da parte della Direzione generale tra 1880 e 1921 in RSS 44, pp. 99-162.

  • AA.VV., Domenico Savio raccontato da don Bosco. Riflessioni sulla “Vita”. Atti del Simposio. Università Pontificia Salesiana Roma, 8 maggio 2004, a cura di A. GIRAUDO, Roma, LAS 2005.

  • DESRAMAUT, Spiritualità salesiana. Cento parole chiave, LAS, Roma 2001.

  • J. PICCA - J. STRUS (a cura), San Francesco di Sales e i Salesiani di Don Bosco, LAS, Roma 1986.

  • J. BOENZI, St. Francis de Sales. His Spirit and Influence, Pro manuscripto, Institute of Salesian Spirituality, Berkeley 2003.

3. Salesian Youth Ministry II

The themes to be dealt with in this course include the following: The Salesian mission in the world: pastoral challenges arising in different contexts, priorities, and the need to find effective ways of communicating the message; the response to these challenges in the last General Chapters: GC 23, GC 24 and GC 25. The youth pastoral works to be presented are: the parish entrusted to a Salesian community, works and services for youth at risk, and new forms of Salesian presence among the young. The methods of animation revolve around the operative model of Salesian pastoral work, the Salesian community inserted in its neighbourhood, personal guidance and spiritual direction. And attention is paid to the provincial animation of youth pastoral work with the help of the Provincial Organic Plan and the Provincial Educative and Pastoral Plan.


  • CG 23, CG 24, CG 25.

  • DEPARTMENT FOR YOUTH MINISTRY, La pastorale giovanile salesiana, Editrice S.D.B., Rome 2000, pp. 85-100, 105-134.

  • DEPARTMENT FOR YOUTH MINISTRY, Comunità salesiana nel territorio. Presenza e missione, Documento PG 10, Editrice S.D.B., Rome 1986.

4. The two forms of the Salesian vocation in the Congregation

The two forms of the Salesian religious vocation in their specificity, reciprocity and complementarity - the Salesian priest and the Salesian brother - are presented to both the Salesian candidate to the priesthood and to the Salesian brother. For the Salesian brother, the spotlight is on his commitment to the world of work and involvement in the social field.


  • We do not suggest any texts, but we only offer some materials from which the professor could draw what he needs to present the two forms of the SDB vocation. It is likely that from actual practice there will eventually arise the need for a reference text.


  • DEPARTMENT FOR FORMATION, The Salesian Brother: History, Identity, Vocational Apostolate and Formation, Editrice S.D.B., Rome 1989.

  • E. VIGANO’, The Lay Element in the Salesian Community, in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society” n. 298, Editrice S.D.B., Rome 1980.

  • E. VIGANO’, The Priest of the Year 2000. A Theme We Have Very Much at Heart, in “Acts of the General Council of the Salesian Society” n. 335, Editrice S.D.B., Rome 1991.

  • P. BRAIDO, Un “nuovo prete” e la sua formazione culturale secondo don Bosco. Intuizioni, aporie, virtualità, in RSS 14 (1989), pp. 7-56.

  • P. BRAIDO, Religiosi nuovi per il mondo del lavoro. Documentazione per un profilo del Coadiutore salesiano, Roma, PAS 1961.

  • J. AUBRY - P. SCHOENEBERGER Don Bosco li volle così. I Coadiutori salesiani. Conferenze tenute durante la prima riunione dei Coadiutori francesi a Ressins nel settembre 1952, Torino, LDC 1961.

  • M. VERHULST, Il Salesiano Prete, pro manuscripto in francese, Lubumbashi 1991.

  • M. VERHULST, Il Salesiano Coadiutore, pro manuscripto in francese, Lubumbashi 1991.

