Novena to Don Bosco


(22nd - 30th January)

We should say little about Don Bosco but a great deal like Don Bosco”

(Servant of God, Fr. Joseph Quadrio SDB)

The order followed could be the following

Oh Lord come to our aid.. O Lord make haste to help us, Glory be….


Introducing the theme of the day (if needed)

Opening prayer

Recitation of the psalms and canticle of the day

Talk / reading from the Scripture/ Don Bosco’s life example



Novena prayer

Concluding prayer

Hymn to Don Bosco


Opening prayer: Let us pray: God our Father it was your will that through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary St. John Bosco should raise up new families in the Church who would work for the salvation of young people: grant we pray you that we too burning with the same fire of love may seek souls and serve you alone. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen

Novena prayer: (All) In need of special help, I appeal with confidence to you O St. John Bosco, for I require not only spiritual graces but also temporal ones (Pause for personal intentions). May you who on earth had such devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and to Mary Help of Christians, and who always had compassion for those who were suffering, obtain from Jesus and his heavenly Mother the grace I now request, and also the sincere heart to follow the will of God. Amen.

Psalms and canticle of the day, reading/talk

Reading: (BM XIV 263-264 despite the entire setback ….in their afflictions, BM XII 17-18, Fr. Cagliero… Eternal Salvation)

Intercessions: Lord Jesus you taught your disciples to pray. Help us to prolong our prayer into the whole of our life so that we may cooperate with your designs of grace for young people and in union with you contribute to their salvation. Let us pray.

We pray that we may be docile in listening to your Word like Mary our Mother. May it be for us the source of food of life strength in fidelity and light for our path. Let us pray.

Lord in the Eucharist you enable us to relive the paschal mystery of your Son. Grant that we may celebrate the Eucharist as a daily feast, and that from frequent meetings with the Lord Jesus we may derive energy for our mission among the youth and constancy to bring it to fulfillment. Let us pray.

Lord Jesus we carry the inestimable treasure of your life in earthen vessels. Help us to hear your voice calling us to conversion and grant that we may respond to it with vigilance, sincere repentance and generous brotherly forgiveness. Let us pray.

Lord Jesus you have given us Mary as our Mother. Grant that we contemplate with joy and want to imitate her faith and docility to your word, her gratitude for the wonders wrought by the Father, her pastoral charity and her fidelity at the hour of the cross. Let us pray.

Lord the personal prayer incites in us a deep desire to speak personally with you, grant that we may find in meeting with you, support for our apostolic life so as to keep always alive our love for you and our brothers. Let us pray.

Prayer to St. John Bosco to obtain favours

St. John Bosco full of confidence I turn to you asking you to intercede for me. Help me to lead a good and happy life. May I always be a help to others, avoid sin and die a happy death. Bring down the blessing of God on those who are in my thoughts and prayers now, and obtain for me the special graces which I now ask….. I trust in His love and mercy to grant what He knows is best for me. St. John Bosco send us good and holy priests and religious and grant perseverance to those who are preparing to offer their lives to God..

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be, Hail Holy Queen, Mary Help of Christians…


Opening prayer: Opening prayer: St. John Bosco who had so enduring a love for Our Lady Help of Christians, ever your Mother and your Guide, the Lord gave you His most holy Mother to be your mother, Teacher and Helper. And through her the Lord showed you the field of work and inspired you to found our society. Help us to share this deep and lasting love for Mary. Continue to look kindly on this your family and grant that we may always be aware amongst us of the living and active presence of Mary “Mother of the Church and Help of Christians.” Entrusted as we are to her and under her guidance may we always be for young people witnesses of your unbounded love. May we experience her powerful help and protection throughout our life and have her at our side at the hour of our death. Amen.

Novena prayer: (All) In need of special help, I appeal with confidence to you O St. John Bosco, for I require not only spiritual graces but also temporal ones (Pause for personal intentions). May you who on earth had such devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and to Mary Help of Christians, and who always had compassion for those who were suffering, obtain from Jesus and his heavenly Mother the grace I now request, and also the sincere heart to follow the will of God. Amen

Psalms and canticle, Talk/ reading

Reading: (BM XVII: 523-524 “on another occasion…. Will help me, XII, 423-424, We all…. They represent)


Mary Mother of God.. Pray for us

Mary model of prayer and pastoral love, pray for us

Mary the teacher of wisdom and guide of our family, pray for us

Mary the woman of faith, pray for us

Mary who had concern for the needy, pray for us

Mary who lived your fidelity even to the hour of the cross, pray for us

Mary Immaculate help of Christians, pray for us.

Mary Patroness of our Congregation, Pray for us

Mary spotless flower and path way for priests, pray for us

Mary Mother and guide of our mission, pray for us

Mary faithful servant of the Father, pray for us

Mary our Model, Teacher and Guide, Pray for us

Mary the wealth of the oppressed and the healer of the wounded, pray for us.

Mary model of gentleness and kindness, pray for us

Mary shelter of the abandoned, Pray for us

Prayer to St. John Bosco to obtain favours

St. John Bosco full of confidence I turn to you asking you to intercede for me. Help me to lead a good and happy life. May I always be a help to others, avoid sin and die a happy death. Bring down the blessing of God on those who are in my thoughts and prayers now, and obtain for me the special graces which I now ask….. I trust in His love and mercy to grant what He knows is best for me. St. John Bosco send us good and holy priests and religious and grant perseverance to those who are preparing to offer their lives to God.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be, Hail Holy Queen, Mary Help of Christians…


Opening Prayer: St. John Bosco, you had a deep love for the Church and an unswerving loyalty to the pope. Help us to be faithful members of the Catholic Church, proud of our faith and ever loyal and obedient to the Holy Father, the Vicar of Christ, and to the Bishops and priests who share his authority. Help us to understand that our Salesian vocation places us at the heart of the Church for the service of her divine mission. Grant us complete generousity in making the contribution of our charisma, in accordance with the plan with which you were inspired so that we may be true missionaries of the young and efficacious bearers of the Gospel of Jesus. Intercede for us that in every circumstance we may use all the means Providence provides to collaborate in the building of the Church itself, the Mystical Body of Christ and the universal Sacrament of salvation.

Novena prayer: In need of special help, I appeal with confidence to you O St. John Bosco, for I require not only spiritual graces but also temporal ones (Pause for personal intentions). May you who on earth had such devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and to Mary Help of Christians, and who always had compassion for those who were suffering, obtain from Jesus and his heavenly Mother the grace I now request, and also the sincere heart to follow the will of God. Amen

Psalms and Canticles, talk/reading

Reading: BM XIV 22 “that same October…. great rejoicing”, From a letter of Don Bosco to the Holy Father BM XIV 205, The enemies…. at any time)

Intercessions: God our Father you willed to make your Church the people of the new covenant, the centre of unity and communion of all the forces working for the salvation in Christ. In imitation of your Son who became man, loved the Church and sacrificed himself for her may we too live a life worthy of our calling , let us pray

That we too as living members in loyal unity with the pope and the Bishops and fully docile to their teaching and directives may express our fidelity to their magisterium, let us pray

Teach us how to educate our young people to an authentic sense of the Church and how to lead towards her those who are still in search of the truth, let us pray

That the whole Salesian congregation may be able to communicate the message of salvation by expressing it in every language and insetting it in every culture, let us pray

For all those who with us and like us are called to spread the faith in the world that they may be able to find in their environment apt instruments for the efficacious transmission of your Gospel through a harmonious unity of faith and cultures, let us pray

Prayer to St. John Bosco to obtain favours

St. John Bosco full of confidence I turn to you asking you to intercede for me. Help me to lead a good and happy life. May I always be a help to others, avoid sin and die a happy death. Bring down the blessing of God on those who are in my thoughts and prayers now, and obtain for me the special graces which I now ask….. I trust in His love and mercy to grant what He knows is best for me. St. John Bosco send us good and holy priests and religious and grant perseverance to those who are preparing to offer their lives to God.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be, Hail Holy Queen, Mary Help of Christians…


Opening Prayer: St. John Bosco you had a generous and practical love for the young for so many of whom you were father and guide, working for them with heroic sacrifice. Young people are especially dear to our Saviour. Help us too to work for them with a holy and generous love and to see in each one of them the person of the young Christ growing up in Nazareth. We thank the Father for having filled your heart with predilection for the young: :”that you are young”, he said to them “is enough to make me love you very much”. Enrich the heart of every Salesian with the same gift of loving kindness and help us to discover in all young people the presence of Jesus so that we may be ready to offer for them our time talents and health, and even the total donation of our whole life in imitation of you who said “for you I am ready even to give my life”. Amen

Novena prayer: In need of special help, I appeal with confidence to you O St. John Bosco, for I require not only spiritual graces but also temporal ones (Pause for personal intentions). May you who on earth had such devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and to Mary Help of Christians, and who always had compassion for those who were suffering, obtain from Jesus and his heavenly Mother the grace I now request, and also the sincere heart to follow the will of God. Amen

Psalms and Canticles, Talk/reading

Reading: (BM XVII 586 “Don Bosco had urged…. deplorable consequences”, BM XIV 454-455 Several town institutions …when beatified Don Bosco as the father and teacher of youth).

Intercessions: Lord our God you showed our Father by unmistakable signs that our mission is first and foremost to the young. Grant that we who are called to the same work of salvation may reaffirm the same predilection by heart and by deed in favour of the young, let us pray

Help the whole Salesian family to become ready and attentive educators of youth helping them to discover in their own existence your saving presence, let us pray

May young people who are poor abandoned and in danger hear in our voices your own proclamation of salvation , let us pray

Help and teach each Salesian to understand and to love young people of the world of work so as to guide them in their preparation for life that they may become among their companions faithful witnesses of your Gospel, let us pray

Lord you have sown in the heart of many young people the germ of vocation to an apostolic life. We pray that we may be delicate but efficacious instruments for the discovery and development of these gifts of the Spirit, let us pray

That by fostering the family atmosphere of welcome in faith and love we may help young people to discover in themselves the divine call and that they may be drawn to follow it with generousity, let us pray

That we may be able to detect in your poor ones the Gospel values of which you make them bearers, let us pray

That we may sustain the poor and the disadvantaged in their attempts at human advancement and in their efforts to grow in the faith, let us pray

That we may give special attention to the family and to the different generations who meet and grow in it, let us pray

Prayer to St. John Bosco to obtain favours

St. John Bosco full of confidence I turn to you asking you to intercede for me. Help me to lead a good and happy life. May I always be a help to others, avoid sin and die a happy death. Bring down the blessing of God on those who are in my thoughts and prayers now, and obtain for me the special graces which I now ask….. I trust in His love and mercy to grant what He knows is best for me. St. John Bosco send us good and holy priests and religious and grant perseverance to those who are preparing to offer their lives to God.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be, Hail Holy Queen, Mary Help of Christians…


Opening Prayer: : St. John Bosco you founded the Salesian society and the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians to continue your work for youth. We pray that all these priests, brothers and sisters may be filled your spirit, your zeal, your love and joy and so inspire other young people to follow them. God our Father has willed to entrust the Salesian mission to different groups in a single great family. Intercede for us that the Lord may pour out upon us His Spirit so that in our brotherly union and in the sincere sharing of our gifts of nature and grace we may be able to collaborate with true efficacy in the evangelization of the young and the poor. Amen.

Novena prayer: In need of special help, I appeal with confidence to you O St. John Bosco, for I require not only spiritual graces but also temporal ones (Pause for personal intentions). May you who on earth had such devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and to Mary Help of Christians, and who always had compassion for those who were suffering, obtain from Jesus and his heavenly Mother the grace I now request, and also the sincere heart to follow the will of God. Amen

Psalms, reading/ talk

Reading:, BM XII: 59-60, If you seek… glory be to God)

Intercessions: Lord you have given us the Salesian family as a movement that lives in favour of the poor and the abandoned youth. May your Spirit help us to know understand and love each other in mutual collaboration, let us pray

Lord grant that in our communities the common riches and diverse gifts with which you endow lay and priestly members may be received by each one with gratitude and be used to good effect for the harmonious building of your kingdom, let us pray

Lord bless our young confreres guide them in their choices and sustain them in their difficulties so that in generous self donation and in more direct contact with the rising generation they may be efficacious mediators of the Gospel and give to the communities new enthusiasm, let us pray

Lord may your Spirit inspire and guide all those who collaborate with us in our mission with and for the young. Help parents to be aware of their responsibility as the first educators of their children. May faith and charity inspire our relationships so that we may be able to realize with them a true church experience, let us pray

Prayer to St. John Bosco to obtain favours

St. John Bosco full of confidence I turn to you asking you to intercede for me. Help me to lead a good and happy life. May I always be a help to others, avoid sin and die a happy death. Bring down the blessing of God on those who are in my thoughts and prayers now, and obtain for me the special graces which I now ask….. I trust in His love and mercy to grant what He knows is best for me. St. John Bosco send us good and holy priests and religious and grant perseverance to those who are preparing to offer their lives to God.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be, Hail Holy Queen, Mary Help of Christians…


Opening prayer: : St. John Bosco, in order to deepen faith and charity in the world and spread your work for youth you started a third family, the Salesian cooperators. May they be strong, fervent apostolic Christians supporting your work and spreading the love of Christ in their homes and among young people wherever they live. Amen

Novena prayer: In need of special help, I appeal with confidence to you O St. John Bosco, for I require not only spiritual graces but also temporal ones (Pause for personal intentions). May you who on earth had such devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and to Mary Help of Christians, and who always had compassion for those who were suffering, obtain from Jesus and his heavenly Mother the grace I now request, and also the sincere heart to follow the will of God. Amen

Psalms, reading/ talk

Reading: (XIV 416, He said…. To the collection ; XIV 457, We have noticed.. for him)

Intercessions: God we thank you for the gift of able and generous Salesian cooperators whom you have raised up in our communities. May your Spirit inspire and guide them in sharing with us the education of young people, let us pray

Lord our God grant that we may share with sincerity the hopes and anxieties of men of our time and accept with an open heart the values of the cultures in which you insert us, let us pray

May we willingly share the needs of poor youth so that being in this world without being not of the world we may be instrumental in bringing to it a new experience of your justice and your love, let us pray.

Lord our God may we respond to your call by living united with one another as your family, so that in and through our brotherhood we may be able to make our charisma bear fruit for the service of your holy Church, let us pray

Lord we pray that the whole Salesian family will bear abundant witness to you by the zeal and kindness of St. Francis of Sales so that the programme given to us by the founder may be efficaciously spread throughout the world: Da mihi animas cetera tolle, let us pray

Lord you have brought us all into one family. Pour out your Spirit upon us so that in our brotherly union and in the sincere sharing of our gifts of nature and of grace, we may all be able to collaborate with true efficacy in the evangelization of the young and the poor, let us pray

Prayer to St. John Bosco to obtain favours

St. John Bosco full of confidence I turn to you asking you to intercede for me. Help me to lead a good and happy life. May I always be a help to others, avoid sin and die a happy death. Bring down the blessing of God on those who are in my thoughts and prayers now, and obtain for me the special graces which I now ask….. I trust in His love and mercy to grant what He knows is best for me. St. John Bosco send us good and holy priests and religious and grant perseverance to those who are preparing to offer their lives to God.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be, Hail Holy Queen, Mary Help of Christians…


Opening Prayer: : St. John Bosco, whose zeal for the salvation of people could not be kept within narrow frontiers, you sent your Salesian sons and daughters to the ends of the earth. From heaven intercede for all the missionaries that their work may be blessed, obtain for us a zeal like yours that in working with generousity and enthusiasm for the salvation of others we may save our souls. Amen

Novena prayer: In need of special help, I appeal with confidence to you O St. John Bosco, for I require not only spiritual graces but also temporal ones (Pause for personal intentions). May you who on earth had such devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and to Mary Help of Christians, and who always had compassion for those who were suffering, obtain from Jesus and his heavenly Mother the grace I now request, and also the sincere heart to follow the will of God. Amen

Psalms, reading/talk

Reading: (MB XI: 364-365, In his sermon…… for us in heaven; BM XI, 362, Wherever you will be…….. and labours)

Intercessions: God the Father sent His Son to evangelize the poor. Let us ask him to keep us faithful in continuing Christ’s work. That we may always consider evangelization and catechesis as the central aspect of our mission., let us pray

That our members always and in every circumstance may be able to open the minds of young people to the faith and lead them to the person of the Risen Lord, let us pray

That our highest knowledge may be to know Jesus Christ and our deepest joy to communicate to all the unsearchable riches of his mystery, let us pray

That we may be able to help the young to discover in Christ and in the Gospel the true sense of their existence and to grow as new people, let us pray

That we may point out to our young people the Mother of God as the first believer and support of the Church the model of all faith and service and that we may be able to lead them to know and love her, let us pray

It is God’s will that all men should be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. Let us pray that as individuals and communities we may bear constant witness to the divine will of salvation, let us pray

That we may never become closed in our own particular interests but keep open our minds and hearts to the good of the Church and the world, let us pray

That we may be able to combine in harmonious unity fidelity to our charism with fidelity to the Church, in which we are inserted, let us pray

That our minds may be always ready to accept the good qualities of the world that surrounds us and develop them for the coming of God’s Kingdom, , let us pray

That we may generously set aside our own tastes, interests and inclinations and make ourselves all things to all men after the example of Christ and Don Bosco, let us pray

Prayer to St. John Bosco to obtain favours

St. John Bosco full of confidence I turn to you asking you to intercede for me. Help me to lead a good and happy life. May I always be a help to others, avoid sin and die a happy death. Bring down the blessing of God on those who are in my thoughts and prayers now, and obtain for me the special graces which I now ask….. I trust in His love and mercy to grant what He knows is best for me. St. John Bosco send us good and holy priests and religious and grant perseverance to those who are preparing to offer their lives to God.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be, Hail Holy Queen, Mary Help of Christians…


Opening Prayer: : St. John Bosco, by God’s grace you preserved within you, an overwhelming love for purity and preached it by word and example. You led St. Dominic Savio to holiness while he was still a school boy. Obtain for us the grace to be pure of heart and so through our own ways of love to let others see the joy of life in friendship with Christ. You know of what we are made. Kindle in us that fire and strength of the Spirit of the Lord so that with the love that binds us to the Lord as our one secure foundation we may make our life a pure and total donation for the good of the young the Lord has entrusted to us. Amen.

Novena prayer: In need of special help, I appeal with confidence to you O St. John Bosco, for I require not only spiritual graces but also temporal ones (Pause for personal intentions). May you who on earth had such devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and to Mary Help of Christians, and who always had compassion for those who were suffering, obtain from Jesus and his heavenly Mother the grace I now request, and also the sincere heart to follow the will of God. Amen

Psalms and canticle, Reading/ talk

Reading BM XVII: 401 –Don Bosco had a dream….covered with stumps, BM XI, 235, While visiting-serve our Lord)

Intercessions: Lord you have called us to follow more closely your Son in the way of celibacy for the Kingdom. Through the choice of this deeply evangelical way may we love you and our neighbour with an undivided heart, let us pray

Lord grant to us as you did to our founder Don Bosco an enthusiastic and resplendent chastity sustained by your grace and our efforts at perseverance. Unite us closely to yourself so that we may be bearers of your love, let us pray

As we work with and for the young people make us able to guide them in the difficulty way of purity. Allow us to love them with a true and sincere affection which will open their eyes to their vocation as children in you of the Father, let us pray

The Lord has called us to live in strength and fidelity and with joyful trust, the complete donation of ourselves in the bond of perfect chastity. Let us ask him for the gift of perseverance and to defend us against every danger, let us pray

That the awareness of our fragility may not cause us fear and discouragement but lead us to secure trust in the assistance of the Holy Spirit, let us pray

That day by day we may renew our commitment to fidelity in prayer for ourselves and our brothers and in our dedication to our mission of education, let us pray

That we may be faithful and diligent in using the means suggested to us by Don Bosco for the preservation and growth of chastity: prayer and mortification, work and temperance, let us pray

That our love for God and our neighbour may be constantly nourished at the table of the ‘Word of God and of the Body and Blood of Christ and be constantly purified in the sacrament of reconciliation, let us pray

Prayer to St. John Bosco to obtain favours

St. John Bosco full of confidence I turn to you asking you to intercede for me. Help me to lead a good and happy life. May I always be a help to others, avoid sin and die a happy death. Bring down the blessing of God on those who are in my thoughts and prayers now, and obtain for me the special graces which I now ask….. I trust in His love and mercy to grant what He knows is best for me. St. John Bosco send us good and holy priests and religious and grant perseverance to those who are preparing to offer their lives to God.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be, Hail Holy Queen, Mary Help of Christians…


Opening prayer: : St. John Bosco you had a heart full of compassion when you saw people suffering or in need. Obtain for us for our families and loved ones, the blessings of Our Lady Help of Christians and all the graces we need. With the call to the Salesian way of life the Lord has made us depositories of a specific mission which in communion of spirit and action with His people reaches and gives life to the very roots of people and cultures, makes us docile to the indications of time and place and demands from ourselves a total adherence to the Gospel. Make us able to cooperate with you through our work of education and evangelization in the human advancement according to God’s plan. Through your example you have taught us to seek the overall good of the young entrusted to our care. Keep us faithful to your teachings in forming them as good Christians and upright citizens. Pray especially that our families may be united in peace and harmony in this life and be gathered together with you in the joy of praising God forever in heaven. Amen

Novena prayer: In need of special help, I appeal with confidence to you O St. John Bosco, for I require not only spiritual graces but also temporal ones (Pause for personal intentions). May you who on earth had such devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and to Mary Help of Christians, and who always had compassion for those who were suffering, obtain from Jesus and his heavenly Mother the grace I now request, and also the sincere heart to follow the will of God. Amen

Psalms and canticle day, Reading/ talk)

Reading: Certain maxims of Don Bosco

“Wine and chastity do not go together. Whenever you throw an obstacle in our path I respond by opening a new house. Don Bosco defends himself but does not offend. Providence will desert us only if we waste money on needless things. Let us always so live as to be ready to die at whatever moment death may come. If you want to be obeyed and respected, make yourself loved. If one is to do good, he must have a little courage, be ready for sacrifice, deal affably with all and never slight anybody. Gentleness in speaking, acting and counseling will win everything and everyone. Act today in such a way that you need not blush tomorrow. Let’s learn from everything that happens to us. Be prudent, but do not forget that our prudence must consisting always safeguarding our faith, our conscience and our soul. Let nothing upset you. God is with us. The main thing is not to get upset and to preserve charity. Let us overcome evil with good. Be convinced that fits of anger and hasty outbursts will get you nowhere. Endless patience is needed, marked by constancy, steady effort and toil.”

Intercessions: Lord we thank you for the community of persons you have given us. Grant that we may love each other in a family spirit in the total sharing of every good so that we nay build a true communion of persons to manifest to the eyes of world the presence and power of your eternal love and direct them to you the one true good, let us pray

Lord make efficacious among us the sacred bonds which bind us together and to you so that we may grow every day in our commitment to live in communion and so form one heart and one soul to love and serve you to help and sustain each other and to bring your Gospel to our fellowmen, let us pray

Father pour into our hearts the same spirit of welcome which would make us able to accept and open ourselves in trust to our confreres so that in sincere and mutual love we may form a true family, let us pray

Grant us the strength to act in our communities with a constructive spirit and so help to build your Church in charity, let us pray

God our Father grant that our community may be able to welcome and understand our sick and aging brothers and sustain them in the spirit of the family, let us pray

Prayer to St. John Bosco to obtain favours

St. John Bosco full of confidence I turn to you asking you to intercede for me. Help me to lead a good and happy life. May I always be a help to others, avoid sin and die a happy death. Bring down the blessing of God on those who are in my thoughts and prayers now, and obtain for me the special graces which I now ask….. I trust in His love and mercy to grant what He knows is best for me. St. John Bosco send us good and holy priests and religious and grant perseverance to those who are preparing to offer their lives to God.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be, Hail Holy Queen, Mary Help of Christians…

SOURCES: Novena from Don Bosco’s Madonna

Project of Life
