


1 by Father JOHN BOSCO

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2 1864

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3 Chapter 1. Home - Parents - Young Besucco’s early upbringing

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4 Chapter 2. Death of his godmother - His delight in things to do with the church - His love for prayer

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5 Chapter 3. His obedience - Good advice - Work in the fields

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6 Chapter 4. Conduct and events at school

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7 Chapter 5. Life at home in the family - An evening reflection

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8 Chapter 6. Besucco and his parish priest - Sayings - Going to confession

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9 Chapter 7. Holy Mass - His fervour - Looking after the sheep on the mountainside

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10 Chapter 8. Conversations - Behaviour in church - Visits to the Blessed Sacrament

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11 Chapter 9. The holy Crucifix - The Rosary - God’s presence

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12 Chapter 10. He teaches catechism - Young Valorso

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13 Chapter 11. The Holy Childhood - The Way of the Cross - Fleeing from bad companions

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14 Chapter 12. First Communion - Frequent communion

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15 Chapter 13. Mortifications - Penances - Custody of the senses - Benefits from schooling

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16 Chapter 14. His wish and decision to go to the Oratory of St Francis de Sales

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17 Chapter 15. Events and the trip to Turin

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18 Chapter 16. Lifestyle at the Oratory - First meeting

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19 Chapter 17. Happiness

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20 Chapter 18. Study and diligence

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21 Chapter 19. Confession

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22 Chapter 20. Holy Communion

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23 Chapter 21. Reverence for the Blessed Sacrament

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24 Chapter 22. Spirit of prayer

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25 Chapter 23. His penances

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26 Chapter 24. Particular deeds and sayings

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27 Chapter 25. His letters

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28 Chapter 26. Last letter - Thoughts written to his mother

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29 Chapter 27. A badly chosen penance and the beginning of his illness

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30 Chapter 28. He is resigned to his illness - Edifying words

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31 Chapter 29. He receives Viaticum - Other edifying words - Something he regrets

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32 Chapter 30. He receives the Holy Oils - His spontaneous prayers during this

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33 Chapter 31. A marvellous fact - Two visits - His precious death

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34 Chapter 32. Suffrages and upset

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35 Chapter 33. Commotion in Argentera and veneration of young Besucco

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36 Chapter 34. Conclusion

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