
(55)Texts by Don Bosco
Advice to young people
Ai soci salesiani - to Salesian confreres
The Arithmetic and Metric Decimal Sytem (7th Ed)
The Arithmetic and Metric Decimal Sytem (7th Ed)
Brief biographies of deceased Salesians
Brief biographies of deceased Salesians
Cenni storici or Historical Outlines (1862)
Cenno Storico or Historical Outline
Church History (Sacra Ecclesiastica) Preface
Circular regarding the Lottery
Circulars on religious perfection
The Companion of Youth - Introduction
Concerning the punishments to be inflicted in Salesian Houses
Conferences to Salesians
Confidential Memo to Salesian Rectors
Confidential reminders to Rectors
Confidential reminders to Rectors
Don Bosco for poor and abandoned young people, Historical Outline on the Oratory of St Francis de Sales, Outline of Regulations for the Boys Oratory of St Francis of Sales in Turin...
Draft Regulations of the Oratory
Draft Regulations of the Oratory
Dream: Faith, temperance, idleness
Dream: humility, work and temperance (Lanzo)
Dream: Lambs, storm, healing ointment
Dream: Lanzo or the Salesian Garden
Dream: Roses and thorns Pergola of Roses
Dream: Snake and Hail Mary
Dream: Ten Diamonds
Dream: the future of the Society, vocations
From the Companion of Youth - introduction: to the young
From The Companion of Youth: spiritual advice
From the Exercise of devotion to God's mercy
From the first Rule of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians
From the first Rule of the Society of St Francis de Sales
The General Articles of the Regulations for the Houses
History of Italy (Storia d'Italia) Preface
Introduction to the Sacra Storia (Bible History)
Letters to adults
Letter to King Victor Emmanuel
Letter to Marquis Cavour
Lives of Young People - Preface by A. Giraudo
Maria Auxilium Christianorum, Mary Help of Christains.... pray for us
Memoirs of the Oratory
Memoirs of the Oratory
Personal correspondence with SDBs and FMAs
Regulations of the Congregation of St Francis de Sales
Regulations of the Congregation of St Francis de Sales (1858-9)
Saint John Bosco: Spiritual Teachings - An Anthology
Salesian Cooperators
Seen in Action - anthology of Don Bosco's lives of boys
Selected Short Stories and Anecdotes...
Selected Short Stories and Anecdotes... (html version)
Spiritual resources for Christians
Spiritual Testament
Spiritual Testament (extract from in SDB Constitutions), Don Bosco's spiritual testament (extract from Constitutions and Regulations)
(don bosco-spiritual testament-1.doc)
Three Letters to the Salesians in America