Cimatti|Circolare Cooperatori / 1936-8-15

1717 / Circolare ai Cooperatori / 1936-8-15 /

ai Cooperatori dell’Opera salesiana in Giappone1

Miyazaki, 15 agosto 1936

Few years ago, a junior seminary was established in the city of Miyazaki for the benefit of Japanese candidates to the priesthood.

The beginnings met with many difficulties, but I am happy to tell you that sixty young men are studying to get prepared for the theological studies, and they all hope to give their whole life for the Redemption of the souls, in their beloved country.

The Prefect Apostolic conscious as he is of the great task he deliberatly undertook, can only look to find friends to help him in this important matter. I wish to share with you, all the merits related to this great work.

Our seminary has been supported by the constant sacrifices of our helpers, but, more than ever, to go on succesfully, I need your support, otherwise our numbers are to be limited, and many excellent candidates will be lost. I do not ask you to give and help with the missionary of Miyazaki for Christ, for holy Church. You have heard the Holy Father saying to all the faithfull: “Nothing is more pleasing to God, more honorable to the Church, more profitable to the souls, than the gift of a Saintly Priest”. The great of Catholic Action is the saving of a vocation. With all our failings, at last, we can do something that will bring a blessing on our life. I ask you to help me in any way, your zeal for the missions will advise you to do. May be, you could adopt a seminarian – dollar 12 a year, of[r] dollar 60 for the five years course. I ordinarily send a photo of the adopted seminarian to his helper. Our benefactors share all our merits, and especially, all the seminarians offer their daily prayers for the spiritual benefit of all their benefactors.

Also, twelve masse said every year for your intentions, and you are not forgotten in the Memento of the Masses celebrated daily by our missionaries.

You appreciate surely the great reward you should deserve in helping me, and contributing to so great a Cause.

Above all, pray for mission, my missionaries, especially for the future priests of my Prefecture, not forgetting one who has Responsability of the Mission.

Sincerely your

Don V. Cimatti, Pref. Ap.

Address to

Catholic Mission

Miyazaki (Japan)

1 Questa circolare stampata, probabilmete fu spedita in America dove Don Margiaria era stato per cercare aiuti.