712 Salesian Saints - a resource
ROME: 30th August --  Given the emphasis on our Salesian holiness, and the fact that we have a veritable panoply of venerables, 'beati' and 'santi' in the Salesian Parthenon, Bosconet now offers two items for you - a picture of Don Bosco with all 40 'santi' arrayed in full colour, and a zipped file containing individual pics of the entire group.  Just a warning that santi.zip as it is called, is a hefty size, understandably - still and all, it is the best you will be able to get and is presently available only from this source.  The 'Don Bosco Plus' image is definitely only available here and could make an attractive display on the community noticeboard.
There's more - I'll offer a prize for the first correct answer to the following quiz:  Correctly name all 40 persons in the picture which can be accessed at http://www.bosconet.aust.com/holiness.htm   There are three prizes on offer :-)  1st prize is a week at the Pisana.  2nd prize is 2 weeks at the Pisana.  3rd prize - take my place here for several months ;o)