5757(I)_Don Bosco My Thuan Community: Sports and Arts Festival

5757(I)_Don Bosco My Thuan Community: Sports and Arts Festival

By Augustine DoPhuc SDB

My Thuan, Vinh Long, Vietnam, 5 January 2022 -- On the morning of January 1, 2021, My Thuan Community (Vinh Long – Viet Nam) held a Sports and Arts Day to welcome the new year with the theme "Spring of Love" for the about 300 students in the dormitory of the Community.

Early in the morning, during Mass, Father Paul Tuan, Rector of Dong Thuan Community, shared with students through the lecture "We are lucky students, because while things are still very difficult, we still have meaningful days of activities and fun. We need to have a sense of gratitude and thanks to God for all the blessings he has bestowed on us…”. After that, the Sports and Arts Festival was opened with the sanctifying ceremony of the Rector.

Participants were divided into 15 teams by the organizers, mixed with both male and female dormitories, so the competition atmosphere between the teams was very fun but also full of competition.

The happy day of activities temporarily closed with a warm and loving family meal in the presence of Fathers, Teachers, Sisters and guests in the Community. The fun and exciting atmosphere was further enhanced by the prize drawing contest of the Retor and the cooperation of the benefactors. Although somewhat regretful because some of the less fortunate students did not receive the reward, all students had a joyful day and wished for a peaceful new year in the grace of God.