5730(II)_Don Bosco Tam Hai Parish: Bottles Of Love

5730(II)_Don Bosco Tam Hai Parish: Bottles Of Love

By Augustine DoPhuc, SDB

Tam Hai Parish, Thu Duc, HCM City, Vietnam, 19 November 2021 -- On 14 November 2021, the Feast of Vietnamese Martyrs, patron saints of Don Bosco Tam Hai parish (Thu Duc, HCM city), the parish priest, together with the Pastoral Council, the Teachers, the Don Bosco Association of Cooperators, the parish youths, the workers’ group and the Caritas Association have begun to collect bottles to serve for charitable work and support the parish’s Primary School. At the same time, the parish also cooperates with the society to protect the green environment in the spirit of Pope Francis' Laudato Si'.

This is an initiative to benefit local poor children. Everyone in the parish and young people actively participated in this initiative.

May God always bless the small activities of the parish, so that all young people, especially poor children here, always feel the providential love of God.