5621(II)_Past Pupils and Salesians Together Give Relief to People Affected by Covid-19 Pandemic

5621(II)_Past Pupils and Salesians Together Give Relief to People Affected by Covid-19 Pandemic


Hatyai, Thailand, 31 May 2021 -- On 30 May 2021, the Salesian confreres, members of the Parents - Teachers Association, and the Past Pupils Association of Saeng Thong Vitthaya School, Hatyai, Songkhla Province - pooled resources together to give relief to those affected by Covid - 19 around the peripheries of Hatyai City in South Thailand. They distributed about a thousand food bags and other basic daily necessities at the school area where the people were invited to gather.

The Association of the Past Pupils of the school was the main protagonist in initiating this latest project. They surveyed the people who were most in need, gathered resources, distributed the coupons to the recipients who were badly affected by this pandemic.

Hatyai City is one area in the south of Thailand that has a high incidence of affections and has the most number of victims of the virus in Songkhla Province, especially in this third wave of the pandemic. Songkhla Province stands number 8 among the provinces with the most number of sufferers [accumulated number of sick people: 1,552]. Metropolitan Bangkok is the number 1 [accumulated number of sick people: 40,217; statistics as of 30 May 2021]

As of the overall view, the area affected by the Covid-19 virus is still widespread, and everyday there are about 4,000 people newly affected by this, mostly among the labor force, doing construction work.