5215(II)_Australia's Dominic College Cuts Trash for a Week

5215(II)_Australia's Dominic College Cuts Trash for a Week

October 1, 2019

By Priyannika
College Captain for K-6St Dominic College

    Note: The UN Climate Crisis summit in New York concluded a few days ago, supported by 'Global strikes' by some millions of school students all around the world and a passionate address by 16 year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg. We might read this simple news below in the context of youth involvement and the small steps needed to face this truly global issue.

Dominic College, Glenorchy, Tas., Australia, 30 September 2019 -- This week was a rubbish free week where students tried their best to not bring any rubbish to school in their lunch boxes. The aim of this week was to try to encourage students to eat healthier foods which don’t have wrappers and also to encourage students to be environmentally friendly by not bringing any rubbish to school. Most students were really excited about this event and here are some of the things they chanted: Save the turtles! - ‘Save animals dying! ‘Help make the world a better place!

Other ways we can reduce the amount of rubbish in our environment are making sure our rubbish goes straight into the bins instead of on the floor, putting our rubbish into the correct bins and not just dumping it in any random bin, trying to recycle things that can be recycled, and also by buying products without wrappers.

We hope that from now on we can all follow these simple rules and help make our environment a safer, happier, cleaner, healthier and brighter place!

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