5207_We need the link between Salesian Family and Youth Ministry

5207_We need the link between Salesian Family and Youth Ministry

The Successor of Don Bosco talks to the SF Delegates

September 23, 2019

By Fr. Savio Angel Sanchez, SDB
Photo by Bro. Benedict Baek (KOR)

Rome, Italy, 21 September 2019 -- On the 3rd day (Saturday 21 September) of the Salesian Family Delegates meeting in Rome, Fr Albert Johnson, the SF Coordinator for the South Asia Region was main celebrant at the Mass and also preached the homily, highlighting the role of the laity in the Church and in the Salesian Family and the need for us to recognise that.

Today’s sessions were about Youth Ministry and Formation in relation to the Salesian Family. Since Fr Fabio Attard, the General Councilor for Youth Ministry could not be present in person, a video message was presented. Among other things, Fr Fabio invited the Provincial Delegates for the Salesian Family to reflect on their experience of being accompanied themselves, and the challenges of accompanying young people to discover their vocation. Fr Raphael Jayapalan and Fr Giuseppe Casti took turns in explaining a paper entitled “Youth Ministry and Salesian Family, Challenges and Prospectives” prepared by Fr Patrick Anthonyraj Alexander of the Youth Ministry Department. There was group work in which proposals were discussed as regards working together with Youth Ministry Delegates. Among the proposals that were drawn from the groups were the following: “Let the YM Delegate be a member of the SF Consulta; Let the The SF Delegate be a member of the Provincial Council; The Salesian Family can provide on-going adult formation to the recipients of Youth Ministry and invite them to be members of the Salesian Family groups.”

In the 2nd Session, Fr Silvio Roggia of the Formation Department gave a presentation on “Formation in the Congregation and the Salesian Family.” One of the points explained was the fact that “the formation of the Salesians of Don Bosco and in particular initial formation, is still in ‘exodus mode’ as regards joint formation of SDB and lay people or Salesian Family groups.” Fr Silvio challenged the Provincial Delegates for the Salesian Family that they “have the empowerment to be ‘game changer’ agents, making a new wind to blow in.”

The rest of the afternoon and the evening were moments for the participants to visit some meaningful places in Rome: Basilica of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme where relics of the Cross and the passion of Christ can be found, Basilica of Santa Prassede, and the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore.

The final destination was the Sacro Cuore (Sacred Heart, new General House) where the English Group of Provincial Delegates for the Salesian Family had the souvenir photo with the Rector Major, Fr Angel Fernandez. In a very lively manner, Br Cosimo Cossu guided and animated the participants. Everyone gathered at Don Bosco’s rooms where he stayed during his last visit in Rome and in the chapel, where he wrote the famous “Letter from Rome” in 1884. The lively stories of Don Bosco continued for almost one hour.

Then everyone proceeded to the hall to listen to the Fr. Angel, who spoke from his heart about his impressions and convictions regarding the Salesian Family in the world. The Rector Major emphasised that “ours is a beautiful Congregation… and that the Salesian Family is vibrant and has grown these past years.”

The 10th successor of Don Bosco continued: "We are therefore challenged to work together for unity because we only have one father, Don Bosco. We are committing a ‘charismatic sin’, if we are not united and do not take care of the rich patrimony we have received from Don Bosco." After his passionate talk continued a lively Question & Answer session with Fr. Angel, which was beautifully concluded with a “Hail Mary” and a blessing from the Rector Major himself.